#roguefort cookie x detective reader
hunterwritesstuff · 2 months
Could I request Roguefort x reader who's the son of Almond Cookie? Like, Roguefort keeps going to places the reader is stationed to commit thefts so that they get to see him?
Of course!
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It was yet another late night of work. You were tired and just barely staying awake thanks to the coffee you picked up. You got stationed at a museum somewhere because of the new gem section.
It had Roguefort's name written all over it. Gems, jewels, it was all they loved and more. Little did you know, you were the 'more' part of that list.
They laid on their stomach on a rooftop nearby, kicking their feet, their cat on their shoulder. "What do you think, Lord Crumbles III? Isn't he gorgeous?" "Mow." "Oh, hush, you. You can't tell me YOU haven't found a queen or molly you like." "..." "That's what I thought.
Roguefort kept staring at you, enamored by your appearance. Your suit, your eyes, your...everything...it was far more valuable than any jewel or diamond they could ever find.
You were just...stunning to them. "ahhh....if anyone were to put me in handcuffs, I'd want it to be him...~" Roguefort yelped as Lord Crumbles III smacked the back of their head. "I was kidding!!...mostly."
Finally, Roguefort put on a disguise and headed down. They walked past you, struggling to hold back the urge to hold your hand as they passed. YOU WERE RIGHT THERE. HOW COULD THEY NOT-"Wait a second, sir?"
They froze. Shit. Was their disguise not convincing enough?
"Is that a cat? I'm afraid only service animals are allowed in." You apologized.
"Ah! Of course! Sincerely sorry! I forgot his, uhm...vest!" Roguefort said, snapping a finger and putting a vest on Lord Crumbles.
"Ah, understood." You nodded.
"Have a good night!" Roguefort smiled. You smiled back. "You too. Enjoy the new exhibit!"
They nodded, going inside and immediately hiding in the bathroom. "He smiled at me, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, he...HE SMILED AT ME!!" Roguefort's face was a bright red. "I'M the one who's supposed to steal hearts! Not HIM!"
Crumbles 'mrrp'd at Roguefort's seeming jealousy. "Oh, hush, you! He's never smiled at me before! This is AMAZING!!" They giggled.
After a while, they cooled off, heading back out. Making their way through the museum, they went to go do what they were known for.
Everything was a blur for them, they never paid attention to what happened on their heists typically. This time was different. Typically, the police stopped following them as soon as they got up to the roof.
Y/N Cookie, though...they followed Roguefort up. This got their face to heat up even more. They were already out of their disguise, so they didn't have to worry about this being a case of mistaken identity.
You saw them for who they were. Or...Who they appeared to be. That was one of the most romantic things Roguefort could possibly think of. They flinched a moment as you pulled out a spare pair of Almond Cookie's cuffs from behind your back. "Oh, come now...not even going to ask me out to dinner first, beautiful~?" They teased.
You flushed bright red. This, in, turn, caused Roguefort to go even brighter red, as it put unwanted images in their head. Not because they didn't want to have them, but rather now was an inopportune time for them to come up.
"While I would l-love to stay and chat~" They walked up to you, tilting your chin up with their cane, giving you a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I must now bid you Au revoir~!" They laughed, jumping off the side of the building, drifting off into the night.
You groaned, reporting that, yes, you lost them. Again. "Don't sweat it, son. They're slippery. You can just come on home." Almond sighed over the radio. "I'm proud of you for trying." You smiled at that, finally shutting it off and starting the walk home.
You trudged back to your apartment, feeling nothing but disappointment that you couldn't catch them AGAIN. You didn't understand why they kept coming specifically to YOU either.
You swore you felt something when they kissed your cheek, YOU SWEAR YOU DID, but you shook your head. You couldn't have. You couldn't have made it work.
Then you noticed something. They left you something in your pocket. A letter. "Dearest Y/N Cookie, if you're reading this, chances are that I've taken an interest in you. What kind, you can probably figure out on your own. Next time you see me, don't be afraid to say hello~ Dangerously yours, Roguefort 'Phantom Bleu' Cookie. ~♡"
As Roguefort landed in a dark alleyway somewhere, you remained in their thoughts. They touched you. They...they KISSED YOU. It caused their brain to go wild.
They rolled into their apartment through a window, depositing the night's spoils in their typical spot. Walking past walls with photos upon photos of you, Roguefort finally laid down on their bed with one thought in their mind.
"Y/N Cookie...I will find some way to make you mine."
Hope ya enjoy! This was a lot of fun! :D
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Hello can I request a platonic Almond Cookie + ex friend detective reader Headcannon?
Plot:Almond and the reader used to be best friends during detective Academy but they had a falling out because of what crimes were more important magical ones or non magical ones so they went their separate ways and never seen each other in many years but one day they cross paths to take down a common enemy but of course they butt heads with each othert hroughout the thing but after a incident it caused them to fixed their relationship a little.
(You got it! :D)
Almond Cookie x Ex friend!Reader !!headcanons!!
Almond Cookie: He/Him (Almond I love you but you are a dumbass- detective magic dude)
Y/N: Gn, so any pronouns (also a detective but not for magic crimes-)
Roguefort Cookie: He/Him (oh this sly motherfucker is wanted by the both of you bc of his sly ass crimes-)
Okay so first, You don't know how you two meet each other again even after all that time but let's just say plot magic- (nah you were both chasing Roguefort Cookie-)
You both started bickering, while getting back on the chase, he was there because he used magic improperly to infiltrate highly contained facilities
You were there because he was breaking a entertaining and STEALING shit that didn't belong to him (he would've stolen your heart but you would kick him in the balls- </3)
But since RogueFort Cookie heard all your arguing behind him and since he's a sly, and sadistic motherfucker, he set a trap for you both to get stuck in! Like bugs in a spiders web
And it worked! Through both of your dumb bickering you two were non the wiser! You got to see yourself tied to Almond as Roguefort laughed and got away, let's just say you had a even bigger argument-
But during that you started reminiscing about the all times when you two were at the magic academy, you were two peas in a pod before going separate ways due to your different views, asked him why you two had to break of the friendship you both held dear to
He didn't have a answer, he was sad just as much as you.
So you apologized, as well as he and you started the chase again!
Roguefort didn't expect you two get out so quickly but he liked a good Chase! But not where he lost the thing he was STEALING-
Because you shot it out of his hand and Almond caught it, You both knew you could catch him alone with just you two but you both got what you needed!
You and almond still had different views and God knows you argued about it but this healed your relationship a bit more
Almond decided to take you and him to a pub, as a small reward that you two needed.
Another one done! Loves this idea!
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@RuinedVillage Mind doing a yandere roguefort X detective!reader? Y- Me: * slams hands on table* SAY NO MORE YA BEAUTIFUL BEING! I SHALL DO IT, NO QUESTIONS ASKED! HEADCANNONS, warning, mentions of kidnapping, obsessive behaviour and other typical ynafer stuff. - when roguefort first meet you, it would've been during your rookie stage of being a detective, it was love at first sight for him. - Boi he almost tripped and got caught due to the Addictive feeling of his heart skipping a beat. - key word, *almost* - now he enjoys every moment your searching for him, having gone through the ranking rookie to a higher rank, your constantly on his tail trying to get him arrested and he loved every moment of it. - of course, he would get extremely jealous of your colleagues being around you alot, what if they harmed you? Took your trust and reduced it to ashes? Which is why he made the perfect plan to get you to himself. - ooohh, all those nights of having you chase him, solve his clues and chase him some more, the site was a spectacle he could be apart of for hours, because HE was what you were chasing. - finally, all those nights of heists and being chased by you, all those nights of dreaming of having you in his arms and to cherish you with more affection then you or he could dream of would become a reality, he had the perfect plan. - wearing his phantom bleu outfit, he had gathered from his time of stalking- I umm I mean observing, you and your eavesdropping, he had figured you would be at one of the grand houses in the city, to try and keep him away from taking some family jewel. It would do perfectly. - he could care less about that jewel, your what he's stealing Tonight. - hiding within the crowd of nobleman and women, he had found you within the crowd, wearing your usual wear even tho this place was all fancy Dancy and you got weird looks, he loved it, how you didn't care what others thought and just did what you wanted within the law. Approaching you, he asked you to a dance, this could go either way: - you ain't oblivious to his disguise and just straight up say " naw, I ain't a dancer, but I will be taking ya to the Celler" while taking out handcuffs to try and cuff him. - or - your an oblivious wreck to his disguise and tell him you want dance, gently declining the offer, this will get him to just chat with you, after a while you two decide to dance with you being more comfortable around the man. Leading to the kidnap happening in the centre of the room. - no matter which way ya go, he is fast and swift to drop a smoke bomb, covering the whole place in smoke while using the cloth method to gentle knock you out, sweeping you up in his arms in a way that makes the fabric of feather shape swish and hold you, like an actual wing (oh god visualising it just makes him seem- MMMMMMMMMMM-). - before you lost all sense of consciousness, you heard his voice and felt his touch. - " I'll see you in the morning, darling". ///////////////////)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Oh Boi, this was fun to write, thx for the request RuinedVillage and sorry if I made a mistake in roguefort's personality, I haven't played ovenbreak and I focus more on cookie run kingdom. Have a nice time ya beautiful beings 🤞 -from my Wattpad account, abysslynxplayer 905
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bunie-grrss · 3 years
Yan! Roguefort cookie x Detective! Reader
Requested by a person that doesn't want to be mentioned!
CHR; Almond Cookie, Walnut cookie, 'and Roguefort cookie Prompt; the reader is a detective that was investigating Roquefort cookie various crimes, as more and more crimes about him been popping up more, the reader started to get overwhelmed and took a rest, little that they know... it will sink Roquefort's mind in a deep abyss. ------------------------------------------------- Sitting at a chair near the window at the nearby cafe, you sighed, as you tapped your pencil at the notebook you've been using as your diary. looking back at the empty notebook, only a few words have been written in there 'i wondered' was the only thing you can think of, there's been a suspiciously huge crime rate of Phantom Bleu.you sighed as you take a sip of the coffee while looking back at almond cookie, an infamous detective who is your friend, well maybe partners in the detective agency, also a young little lady with curly hair, with a side ponytail, walnut cookie, almonds child, you patted her, as she looked at your notebook "what were you writing y/n?" you stay silent as you try to find a response to the comment "I.. don't know yet.." she would looked confused at you, before bringing your mind to reality "is it the phantom bleu continuous crimes?"you would look at her with a surprised expression before switching to neutral "well... yes, you could say that it's very...complicated, considering he the infamous jewel thief leaving almost no trace behind in every crime"you would huffed in frustration as your break was gonna be over in a few days, meaning you have to solve their crimes again. "well, we have to leave now goodbye y/n" almond would stand up, walnut following her father behind before leaving you alone in your seated site, leaving you alone with 4 other customers. that's including Roquefort himself, reading a piece of newspapers quietly sipping his cup of tea, staring at you, of course, you couldn't know, his a 'citizen' for now until night has struck. -------------------------------------------------------- he would be wondering what he had gone wrong, he wanted to see them, he wanted to hold them forever, he wanted them to keep chasing after him, he loved them, he wanted them, he wanted to..see what their doing, closing his notebook filled to the brim with photos of you. he loves it all, but he never will feel their presence when their away. it started to get morning fast than he thought, looking through the window through his office. changing back to his normal clothes instead of the blue vest cheese hat thief he always be, his mind been flooded with the image of them being happy together, he didn't think he would lose his mind over a simple detective. "heh... I wish I could see you now.." seeing how he polish his glasses and looking out at the right cafe window his in now, sipping his tea before abruptly being distracted by a warm presence he had always known for some time. he looking over he saw you, almond cookie, his heart boiled in acid, making his stomach churn in disgust, he wanted to be near you but can't, he sighed, calming down his nerves, deciding to watch over you, as he red his newspapers. he'll always be watching you for now. ----------------------------------_______________ Jesus I finish it very fast- but here's Roquefort x reader -
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bunie-grrss · 2 years
[this is a list of requests and some of the finish requests I've done.] [Bonus editors Section]
Clockwatcher aware AU[CAA]
Finish requests or Asks [master list]
Yandere!almond X magic user! Reader
Yan roguefort X detective reader
Roguefort; when the reader escapes
Yan espresso X fashionista! Reader
The once faithful baker
Married wind archer
Yan!Millennial tree X villain reader
Twizzly gummy X reader
Lilac X reader
Dark choco X reader
Forbidden love[red velvet X reader]
Groovy[DJ X reader]
Whipped Tea[Poly X Reader]
Parfait X transmacs! Reader
Shenanigans with dark cookies
Dating choco headcanons
Obsessed pure vanilla X reader
Twizzly X Hispanic! Reader
Milk cookie X reader
Yandere dark choco X aromantic! Reader
{To be Added}
Gacha cut out [for edits] ;
Roguefort; Pursuit of lost time
Truffle; Rumorous collector
Almond; Commissioner of parfaedia
Timekeeper; Ruler of the Ephemeral flow
Licorice; Abbarant Conjurer
Writing Event[ENDED];
Midsummer Yogurt
Yan!roguefort [Bleu]
Sparkling Party
Yan!roguefort [Pursuit]
Earl Grey[ST]
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/these are my scheduled or in progress things. Most of them may or may not be fully finished, or be listed here/
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