#roh jisun x reader
kkulgings · 2 years
❈° ≫ fromis_9 masterlist
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❀ fluff | ✿ angst | ❁ suggestive | ❃ crack
─▸ ❝ ot9
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee saerom 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ song hayoung 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ jang gyuri 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ park jiwon
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ roh jisun
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee seoyeon
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee chaeyoung 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee nagyung 
11:59 p.m. ❀
─▸ ❝ baek jiheon 
‎‏‏sweet ❀
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vex91 · 3 months
Fromis_9 Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Lee Saerom:
Nothing yet...
Song Hayoung:
Nothing yet...
Jang Gyuri:
Nothing yet...
Park Jiwon:
Nothing yet...
Roh Jisun:
Nothing yet...
Lee Seoyeon:
Nothing yet...
Lee Chaeyoung:
Nothing yet...
Lee Nagyung:
Nothing yet...
Baek Jiheon:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
0 notes
808airsoftbros · 11 months
Who's the Bustiest? (Female Idols) (BXG) (S)
Author: This is an idea that I got from Discord and came up with this. Hope you enjoy it and if you want to check out my Masterlist for more fics :)
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It was my first day of college, I was quite excited as I'd get the opportunity to learn new things, make new friends, and perhaps find love.
But I knew that was all delusional love stories that you see in web dramas although they are entertaining to watch after school.
Anyway, I was on my way to my first class, that was until I heard the loud sounds of footsteps approaching me and I turned around and saw a woman running towards me.
"What the-" I was about to say but it was too late as the girl ran into me.
What was worse was that she was holding a cup of cappuccino and it spilled all over my new Addidas jacket which isn't cheap.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The girl apologized and rushed to get some tissues from her bag.
"Aish... It's okay... Are you hurt?" I checked and she shook her head.
"N-No, but thank you for asking," She answered.
"Oh my Lord, Unnie are you okay?!" Another girl approached and she nodded.
"I-I'm fine, it's my fault! I wasn't looking!" She said and she sighed.
Though my jacket was soaked and stained with coffee, my shirt escaped without a drip of coffee so at least I didn't need to change clothes right now.
"We're so sorry about this, Jisun-Unnie here can be a bit clumsy sometimes, I am Natty, second-year," She introduced herself.
"Oh, I'm Y/N, first year," I replied and she nodded.
"Ah, so you're a freshman, well in that case, welcome to our school," She said and I thanked her.
Taking off my jacket soaked, I tried to squeeze as much coffee out as possible. I was planning to quickly make a run to the dry cleaners on campus but Jisun-Noona and Natty-Noona insisted on cleaning it themselves seeing it was Jisun-Nonna's fault.
At first, I was reluctant to do so as I didn't fully trust them despite them being my sunbaenims but you cannot be too safe.
"It's okay, Y/N, your jacket will be safe with us. Here, I'll give you our numbers as insurance, and I'll text you when it's ready," She suggested and I nodded.
"Sounds fair," I agreed and opened my phone app.
Adding them to my contacts, I thanked them as I handed over my jacket to them, and we went seperate ways to go to our classes.
Heading to my first subject, math, I was greeted by the professor and I greeted her back before taking my seat.
After about ten minutes, the lecture started, and the professor wasted no time getting into the intro to Calculus. Being a math nerd, the lesson wasn't hard and I was able to easily figure it out.
Working on a problem, I felt someone poking my shoulder and I looked to see a beautiful and busty girl poking me to get my attention.
"H-Hey, do you mind helping me with this?" She shyly asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, no prob," I answered and she smiled.
"Thank you! I'm Lee Saerom, second-year, and what about you?" She kindly asked and I introduced myself.
Helping her with the problem, she was amazed at how easily I was able to solve it and I showed her step-by-step on how to solve the formula and find the proper solution.
Most of it was basic Algebra which she wasn't too half bad on but still could use more work if she wants to succeed in the class.
"T-Thank you but I could use your help in the future. Do you mind if we exchange numbers?" She asked and I agreed.
"Sure, why not?" I answered and I input my number.
Adding her to my contacts, I felt lucky at how I managed to get three girl's number... Even though I'm not going out with either of them. Hehe.
After class, was over, the rest of my three classes were uneventful as the professors were introducing their first lessons and shit.
With my day of college over for today, I got a text from Natty saying that my jacket is now ready for pick up and uploaded a photo.
I was shocked at how cleaned it looked as if it just came out of the production line.
I texted Natty that I'd meet her at whatever nearby location, and she texted suggesting to meet her at her dormitory.
"Okay, come to Dorm 321,"
Giving her a thumbs up emoji, I put my phone away in my pocket, and I looked to see three other hot woman coming my way and they do not look happy.
"You! Punk!" One of them pointed at me.
"Me?" I asked and she marched toward me before harshly grabbing my collar.
"Did you hit our friend?!" She angrily asked and I was fucking confused.
"W-What are you talking about?!" I nervously asked as I have no idea what they're accusing me of.
"Liar!" The other woman who also have huge boobs said and I gulped.
It didn't take long for them to beat the shit out of me and I was totally helpless. My arms and legs were sore, and I was left with a black eye.
Fucking hell, what is their damn problem?! I should report them to the police for assault!
Whatever, the police wouldn't believe that a man was beaten up by three busty women so I took a deep breath and decided to let the whole transgression slide.
Despite being injured a bit, I make my way to my Noona's dorm as instructed. Each step I took stung the living shit out of me but I kept going.
"Jeez, this is not how I imagined my first day of college..." I muttered as I painfully make my way into the elevator.
Once the elevator reached the third floor, I got some stares from other students but I ignored them.
Finally arriving at Dorm 312, I didn't see any doorbell so I texted Natty that I'd arrived and she said she'd be there in a few minutes.
Thankfully, I didn't have to wait too long as Natty opened the door with my freshly cleaned jacket in hand and she was horrified to see bruises and scars all over my body and uniform.
"My God! What the hell happened to you?! Did you get into a fight?!" She frantically asked and I shook my head.
"I fell," I lied and she sighed.
"Come on, I'll treat your wounds," She said before stepping aside.
"No! No! It's fine, I'll just go to the nurse's office," I declined but she didn't take "No" as an answer.
Dragging me inside of her dorm making me hiss in pain and she apologized. She helps me take off my shoes and bag before guiding me to the couch to lay down.
"Wait here! I'll get some medicine!" She instructed and I nodded.
Going up the stairs, I take out my phone go through Instagram and watched a few Youtube reels to pass the time.
"The fuck?! Why are you in our dorm?!" I heard a dreaded familiar voice and I looked to see the same girl that jumped me.
"N-Natty dragged me in here!" I pleaded and she scoffed.
"Unlikely story, I guess I need to teach you another lesson!" She said before cracking her knuckles.
Right when she was about to punch me in the gut, she was held back by Jisun and she gave her a confused look.
"J-Jisun, what are you doing?! This psycho is in our house!" She said but she shook her head.
"No, Unnie! He is our friend! He's the one I spilled coffee on!" Jisun explained and her eyes widened in horror.
"O-Oh my... I-I am so so sorry! We completely misunderstood! We thought you tried to kidnap her!" She frantically apologized and I chuckled.
"I-It's okay, Noona, I understand you wanted to protect your friend," I forgave her and she sighed in relief.
"Okay, now that's settled, I am Kim Sejeong and I guess you've already met Jisun. The two others are Kwun Eunbi and Park Jihyo, we are third-year students," She introduced herself.
Coming down the stairs, Natty comes to treat my wounds but we keep our conversation secret so as to not start any conflicts.
"Sorry, Y/N but this might sting a little," She warned before applying the alcohol wipes and I hissed.
"Damn, that's strong..." I muttered.
Finishing up bandaging my arm, it was clear she was a nursing student as she did it professionally and I kinda blushed as her boobs were pressing against my shoulder.
"Alright your right arm should be good, now can you please remove your shirt?" She asked and I blushed.
"U-Uhm, what?" I stuttered and she giggled.
"It's okay, I'm not going to make fun of you," She assured.
"Yeah, it's not like anything we haven't seen before," Eunbi said before sipping a cup of tea.
Reluctantly taking off shirt, Natty goes on to treat the bruises on my chest and stomach.
"Damn, you really did a number on yourself, huh?" She asked and I slowly nodded.
"Haha, yeah..." I replied.
Bandaging and applying cream on my bruises and injuries, I had to remain shirtless for the rest of the day.
After more than an hour, Natty finishes up treating my wounds and I thanked her for her help.
"Don't mention it. You mind as well stay here for the night, besides you can't really move around too much. If you need to use the bathroom or shower, just let me know," She instructed and sighed imagining Natty holding my cock while taking a piss.
"Oh, and don't worry, I had to handle plenty of old man dicks in my nursing school," She assured before winking and I gulped.
"Or maybe I can help you~!" Jihyo flirted and I blushed like a tomato making Natty playfully roll her eyes.
"Oh, Jihyo-Unnie, can you please not? You're going to make the poor kid pass out!" She jokingly said and she laughed her ass off.
Opening the door, I was surprised to see Saerom coming inside and she was just as surprised to see me in the dorm.
"Y/N, what are you doing here? And why are you shirtless....?" She asked and Natty rose an eyebrow.
"You two know each other?" She curiously asked and I shyly nodded.
"We have the same calculus class," I answered and she nodded.
"I see, well, no need for introductions then," She mentioned until we heard someone clearing their throat and we turned to see a big curvy ass woman coming down the stairs and staring down at me.
"Now. Now. What do we have here? Natty what have you brought here?" The woman asked.
"Oh, Unnie, this is Y/N, freshmen, I treated his wounds so he needs to stay in our dorm for the night," She explained.
"Well, Y/N, I am Lee Chaerin the eldest of the group but you may call me CL-Noona if that's easier for you. I'll tolerate your presence here for now but by morning you must leave. Understood?" She asked and I frantically nodded.
"Awww~. Unnie, but I want to play with him~!" Sejeong complained and she rolled her eyes.
"Like how you do with every guy you meet?" CL-Noona rebutted and she pouted.
"B-But this one here is cute!" She replied and she sighed before shaking her head.
She signals everyone to gather around to the kitchen, they talk softly so I couldn't hear their conversation. After about a few more mintues of talking they come to me.
"Okay, Y/N, after much discussion, I've come to an compromise here, I'll allow you to move here to our dormitory," She explained and my eyes widened.
"W-What?!" I exclaimed.
"But under one condition..." She paused and I rose an eyebrow.
"What is that?" I asked.
"You must be our pet, our lover, and do everything we tell you to do. Now, you don't have to accept our terms and leave right now but imagine having seven sexy women taking care of you," She explained and I gulped.
Damn, well she isn't wrong, I've always dreamt of having a harem, and having all these busty woman to myself is something I never thought would happen.
After taking some time to contemplate my decision, I agreed with CL-Noona's term and she smiled along with the girls.
"Yay~! Now I can fu- I mean play with him!" Sejeong cheered.
"W-What was that?" I nervously asked.
"Oh, uhm, nothing, puppy~," She assured before pecking my cheek.
Right afterward, my life took a 360 turn, the girls went to my dorm took all my stuff, and moved them here. I noticed that they've been quite comfortable giving me tight hugs and wearing revealing clothing.
Thankfully, I was able to control myself before CL-Noona beats my ass for being a pervert but I have a feeling they want me to get hard.
"Hey puppy~," Saerom whispered and I turned to look at her.
"Hey, Noona," I replied and she pecked my lips.
"Mind answering a question?" She asked and I nodded.
"Which one of us do you like most?" She straightforwardly asked and I gulped as I didn't know how to answer her question.
"I-I don't know, Noona, I like all of you," I nervously answered and she frowned showing her dissatisfaction.
"Aww~. Come on, baby, I know you must like one of us more... Maybe my boobs might change your mind~," She suggested before taking off her shirt revealing her black-laced bra and I blushed at the sight of her mounds.
Suddenly, the door opened and Jisun gasped at the sight of Searom's half-naked self and she immediately pulled her out.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" Jisun asked and she giggled.
"I just wanted to know if I'm Y/N's favorite~," She answered and she huffed.
"Oh, really~? Then Y/N, what do you think of these babies~?" She teasingly asked as she takes off her tank top and I saw she wasn't wearing a bra.
"H-Hey~! No fair~!" Saerom whined and takes off her bra leaving them half-naked and my dick started get hard.
Seductively approaching me, they each grabbed my arm and threw me onto the bed and they smothered my face with their massive tits and they giggled.
"He's so cute when flustered~," Saerom complimented before pressing my face into her tits.
"Yeah, but mines are bigger so I can make him more flustered, watch," She proved and smashed her mounds onto my face and I blushed harder making Saerom-Noona scoff.
"What is going on here?" Natty asked as she walked inside with Sejeong and was shocked.
"Ah, you horny girls, why didn't you invite me?" Sejeong complained.
"Well, you can always join us, let's see which one of us has the bigger boobs," Saerom proposed.
"Oh, you're on!" Natty and Sejeong accepted and joined us on the bed.
Sejeong takes off her shirt showing no bra while Natty takes off her hoodie and she wasn't wearing a bra either. Guess girls don't wear bras at home.
Of course, it didn't take long for Jihyo and Eunbi-Noona to join us as well and my God they have some of the biggest boobs I've ever seen in my life.
"Okay, now that we're here... Baby, which pair of boobs do you like best~?" Jihyo-Noona asked before licking her lips.
"U-Uhhhh..." I muttered.
"Come on baby, which one of us?" Jisun whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.
"I-I cannot choose!" I answered and they sighed.
Suddenly, the door busts open revealing CL and the girls gasped as the eldest walked inside only wearing a white bathrobe. She looks down at each and one of us.
"Girls~. Girls~. Let us remember that each and one of us has a special place in our puppy's heart so it doesn't matter how big our boobs and asses may be. Our puppy will still be loyal to us, isn't that right~?" She asked and I frantically nodded.
"Y-Yes, mummy," I answered and she giggled.
"Good, now let us all enjoy him, tonight~," She said before sexily smirking and the girls agreed.
Saerom goes to take off shirt while Jihyo takes off my pants and underwear revealing my monster 9-inch cock and they licked their lips like a predator eyeing their prey.
"What a big-sized cock you have, puppy, and it's all for us," CL-Noona complimented and began jerking it off making me moan.
"T-Thank you, mummy," I muttered and she giggled.
Starting with Jihyo, she presses her mounds between my cock and bounces up and down making me moan. Her titties felt soft and smooth adding to the pleasure.
"I-It feels so good, Noona~!" I moaned and she hummed.
Each girl had a turn for about ten minutes until they switched out and I had to hand it over to CL-Noona giving me the best boob job and she wasn't too subtle about not being a virgin.
"All of the men, crave for our bodies baby~. You are really lucky to fuck all of us~," CL-Noona said and I nodded.
"Y-Yes, Mommy ~," I moaned out and she smiled.
After they were finished giving me boob jobs they each gave me a sloppy blow job, the feeling of their warm mouths on my cock and balls felt amazing and I could barely hold myself from cumming but I did my best to please my mummies.
"Such a tasty cock, better than my ex," Jisun complimented.
"I know, right?" Natty replied.
"N-Noonas! I-I'm going to cum!" I warned as I couldn't hold it anymore.
Gathering around my cock, I let out my massive load onto their faces letting out satisfying hums as they taste my cum.
"Cum also tastes amazing, we should do this everynight~," Eunbi suggested and they agreed.
"Now, let's get onto the main event, remember, will all get one round of his cum," CL-Noona instructed.
Going first was Natty and she didn't waste any time slamming her pussy onto my cock letting out a loud moan.
"Aww~. Is our baby a virgin~?" She asked and I slowly nodded.
"Y-Yes..." I shyly answered and she smiled.
"Even better," She replied.
"Good, because from now on, our pussies are the only pussy you're ever going to get~," CL-Noona said.
With Natty riding for me the next half hour, we came together and I filled her womb with my cum.
Next up was Jisun, she inserts my dick into her womanhood as Saerom sat on my face forcing me to lick her pussy.
"Oh fuck~! Good boy~!" Saerom yelped as I insert my tongue inside.
"So big~!" Jisun moaned in ecstasy as she slowly began riding me.
Despite not being experienced, I did my absolute best to please them and so far I'm doing good based on how loudly their moaning.
As soon as I let out my load inside Jisun, Saerom takes her position as Jihyo got on my face with her soaking wet pussy and it tasted like watermelon and I'm a huge fan of fruits.
"Ohhhh~! Puppy, I could ride this dick all day if I wanted to~," She screamed as she inserted my cock inside her womanhood.
"Mmm~. Your tongue feels so good puppy~," Jihyo moaned as I insert my tongue.
"You're doing such a good job so far, puppy~," CL-Noona complimented before giggling.
"Puppy, I'm going cum~! You better drink all of it!" Jihyo warned before squirting in my mouth and I drank all of it.
"I'm going to cum too, baby, I want your sticky cum inside my womb~," Saerom pleaded and we came at the same time.
Jihyo took Saerom's place as soon as she made my dick hard again and I was starting to feel sore and tired as I've came several times.
"Tired already baby~? We haven't gotten to the best part yet~," Jihyo said as she jerked my dick back to life and I gulped.
To my surprise, she gets on all fours shaking her ass signalling me to pound her as hard as I could and I got on my knees before shoving my cock inside her pussy making her loudly moan.
"Oh, you naughty boy, you want me that much~?" She teasingly asked.
"Y-Yes, mummy~!" I answered as I began fucking her.
Going in and out, pounding her as fast and hard as I possibly could, Jihyo could loudly moan as her mind was consumed by pleasure. CL-Noona hugs me from behind pressing her boobs on my back along with Eunbi and Jisun.
"Are you close baby~?" Eunbi asked.
"N-Not yet mommy~!" I replied as I kept fucking Jihyo and she smirked.
"Well, do you want to pound my pussy~? I'm just soaking wet from watching and I want your long and thick cock inside of me~," She whispered in my ear.
Picking up the pace, Jihyo began screaming and came a few times before I painted her womb with my cum and she collapsed on the bed all exhausted and I was panting.
"Good boy~. Now it's my turn now and you better fuck just as well as you fucked Jihyo," Eunbi said and I nodded.
"Hey what about me~?" Sejeong whined and she playfully rolled my eyes.
"Think you can take us both~?" Eunbi asked.
"Anything for you," I replied and she smiled.
With both getting on their knees and elbows, I insert my dick into Eunbi's pussy and insert my finger in Sejeong and switched places, fucking them both at the same time.
"Oh God baby~! So Good~!" Sejeong moaned.
"Mmm~. Keep it up and we may cum soon~!" Eunbi said as I pounded her.
Finishing off into Eunbi's pussy, I put my full attention to Sejeong, I places my hands on her tits and play with them while I pounded her.
"Yes baby, our tits are yours only~," Sejeong moaned.
"Why have any man when you have this obedient puppy's dick?" Jisun mentioned.
About ten minutes later, I unloaded my cum inside of her as she squirted all over my dick and CL-Noona pulls my head forcing me to kiss her.
With her having more experience, she easily dominated me and sucked my tongue and we let go when we ran out of breath.
"Now time to see if you can make me cum~," She said and pushed me onto the bed.
Inserting my dick into her pussy, I was astounded at how fucking tight she was compared to the rest. It felt Godly and I can see why so many guys competed for her but all of them never succeeded in getting close to her.
"Oh my fucking God, puppy, your dick is so good~!" She moaned as she roughly rides me and I moaned.
"Your pussy is so heavenly, mummy~," I replied and she smirked.
Speeding up, she began riding me like an angry bull and I held back all temptations to cum letting her enjoy herself.
"I'm so close to cumming baby~! Let's cum together~!" She screamed and I nodded.
At the same time, we came simultaneously and she collapsed onto my chest before pecking my cheek.
"You did amazing, baby~. I never expected you to be able to handle all of us," She complimented.
"Yeah, you did us so well~," Jihyo said before giving me a long smooch.
"You may consider us your actual girlfriends, baby, but at home, we are your mummies~," Eunbi whispered and I gulped.
The rest of the girls hurdled together and I was smothered in an ocean full of titties and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
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miorrtae · 3 months
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NF 02
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taaglist + @gtfoiydlyj @sewiouslyz @xen248 @mineige @yjiminswallet @saysirhc @pandafuriosa60 @yeri-luvr
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1luvkarina · 13 days
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fics 🝮 italicized | smaus 🝮 bolded | smut 🝮 bold & italicized
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ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
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haologram · 3 days
araneae 🕸️ k.sy (teaser)
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🕸️ synopsis: when you realize your friend (with benefits) actually has feelings for you, a tangled web of lies and avoidance ensues. 🕸️ genre: friends with benefits au ; big dummy dumb idiots to lovers because it's the only trope ever ; ta x student dynamics ; fluff, angst & eventual smut (surprise?) 🕸️ pairing: zoology ta!kwon soonyoung x marine biology major!reader | side pairings: joshua hong x sana minatozaki ; vernon chwe x roh jisun (fromis_9) ; mentions of reader x yuta nakamoto (nct) 🕸️ word count: 2.8k | full fic: i don't fuckin' know but hopefully under 20k. 🕸️ rating: 18+. minors do not interact i beg. 🕸️ warnings: mentions of knife play (none involved), alcohol, mentions of protected sex (dw it'll get freaky later), mentions of cum, loss of virginity talk, mentions of marijuana (stoner!hoshi be off the honeypacks!!), they're naked for most of this snippet. a lot of parties later in the fic, just wait LOL. 🕸️ what to listen to: good kisser - usher ; magic stick - lil' kim ; more to come.
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LAST YEAR – Sunday, October 23.
You were never opposed to a nice Halloween party. Lots of thematic drinks, stupid boys dressed as Ghostface trying to explore knife kinks, and girls going all out with their glitter make-up and tinsel in their hair for the optimal fairy costume. 
You loved a good Halloween party, music blasting out of the speakers that were stolen from the AV Club by the softer version of the Beta Tau Omega brothers. Dancing with strangers in sweat-soaked facades, and waking up with smeared face paint all over your neck and shoulders from whatever disguised hook-up you'd taken home that night.
Last night's rager had to have been one for the books, because you have no idea how you ended up in this absolute mess of a bedroom – owned by none other than your close friend, Kwon Soonyoung. The same Kwon Soonyoung who also happens to TA the class you've put off taking for the last two years, and are set to start taking the upcoming spring semester.
The same Kwon Soonyoung that was related to the wife of the Dean, and the same Kwon Soonyoung that showed up everywhere stoned or ready to get stoned. The very same Kwon Soonyoung that made infused pre-rolls and edibles for nearly the entire campus…for free. Even you could see that was a horrible business call, and you were a Science major.
Soonyoung who helped people sneak kittens into their dorm rooms and make homes for them under lofted beds. Soonyoung, who taught a dance class and self-defense class back to back, so he was never free until after nine at night. Soonyoung who made hanging out seem like he was trying to get into your pants because he was just naturally flirtatious (and somehow, still absolutely bitchless.)
Soonyoung who you've kissed twice since meeting him two years ago, both times at Halloween parties hosted by his stupid fraternity. Soonyoung, who has had his hand up your skirt twice before someone interrupts you by asking if he has any weed at hand. He always does, and it's always in his car or his bedroom. He always goes, and a part of you, no matter how into it you may be, knows it's for the best. He keeps his circle small, of friends that is. You were added to the mix sometime after your first Halloween party (and first kiss together) your  freshman year, when he slammed into you in the middle of the economics hallway, breaking your laptop in the process. He'd felt so bad he took you to Best Buy that same night and shelled out two grand for a new one and even invited you out to lunch the next day.
He did not remember making out at all. To be fair, neither did you until the digital photos came back and he texted you a picture of the two of you kissing against the Beta Tau insignia on the wall. You were so embarrassed you avoided him for a week after, but he quickly forced you out of your dorm for a movie night. The two of you became fast friends, bonding over silly little things and enjoying each other's company – but it didn't stop the rumors from flying that you were a freshman stealing a guy from the sophomores. 
You remember that he adamantly denied any and every dating rumor flung your way, and even went as far as distancing himself from you for a bit – but when you tried to pull the same move he had earlier that year, he said maybe it was best for the two of you to remain friends from a distance. You didn't speak to him for the rest of the year, choosing to spend your time with friends your age and even dating a transfer student named Yuta Nakamoto, who was also in Soonyoung's year.
When word got around, Soonyoung was pissed – but didn't attempt to rekindle your friendship. He still followed you on Instagram, and still felt a bit of anger puddle in his stomach as he liked photo after photo of the two of you together, biting his tongue at the empty smile you held by his side.
This continued well into summer, and he saw the two of you take a trip to Jeju Island together, before breaking up the following week. Soonyoung heard from your friend, Nagyung, that he was transferring back and neither of you wanted to try long-distance. 
The following school year, he watched as you got recruited by sorority after sorority – eventually joining his frat's sister sorority, Alpha Sigma Delta. You hardly had to rush, the girls actively pushing you to pledge and you were far too nice to say no. 
You saw him again for the first time at the Halloween party planning, when you and your fellow pledges were tasked with helping the frat pledges in hauling in liquor. You weren't very happy about it, but Soonyoung whisked you away without a word from you, telling everyone that he needed your help with a certain task.
That task? "Can we talk?"
And you did. You talked, and talked, and talked. He even left at one point to get drinks for the two of you, returning to you fishing through his bag of pre-rolls for the ones infused with lemon balm. He smiled, telling you they were in his car, and you rolled your eyes at it.
You kissed at that party, too. It went further this time – the two of you on Seungcheol's balcony. The idea had been to go up to the roof and get crossed, but it seems a rather tipsy Soonyoung had other ideas. You didn't mind it, in fact you encouraged it – you slipped his hand up your latex dress, you let him slip your panties down your legs. "Hey, Hoshi! Do you have any pre-rolls?!" 
Just as he'd started undoing his pants.
"Fuck, I'm sorry baby."
"It's fine."
You passed out in his bedroom that time, too tired to go back to the sorority house with your sisters. You got out of clean-up, and Soonyoung left you a kimbap roll and an electrolyte drink on his nightstand, with a note asking how you got there 'haha.' 
It hadn't been fine. Again, neither of you remembered this happening until digitals were printed. And it was freshman year all over again – except this time, Soonyoung stuck around. Soonyoung defended you tooth and nail, and even dropped a few of his friends that bad-mouthed you. When you asked him about it, he shrugged, "Nothing wrong with kissing your friends every once in a while." So, here you are. Again.
The third year in a row you and your stupid friend have made out, and somehow, you're in his bed. There's no other explanation as for why your underwear is across the room, hanging off his lamp and why his head is gently laying on your chest. There's literally no other explanation.
"Soonyoung." You rasp, patting his cheek. He doesn't stir, but pouts into your bare breast. "Soonyoung." You speak louder, shaking him slightly as he peels open one of his eyes. 
"Yeah?" It takes him a moment to realize that it's you, sprinkled with glitter from his eye look last night and practically doused in his saliva.
"Oh, fuck." He just furrows his brows, rolling off your chest with a groan. He sits up at the edge of the bed, surveying the room before realizing he's got no pants on. "Son of a bitch. Did we…Yup. Yup, it's right there." His painted fingernails point at the discarded condom atop his dresser, flung hastily in a half-asleep attempt, most likely. You sigh, letting your head fall back on your pillow with a hmph. He does the same, his fingers only reaching up slightly to close the blinds with a jerk of the liftcord.
"You think it was good?" You ask with a small smile, and he snorts. "It was with you, I doubt it would've been bad."
Silence permeates the air again, before he sees your bare bottom half also covered in glitter. You have a tattoo on your hip that you didn't have when you first met. It's a stick-and-poke kitten. "Nice tattoo." "Thanks, I got it on Jeju Island." "When you and Yuta went?" "Yup." "Cool." He sits up, peering down at you with tired eyes. "What'd you see in that guy, anyway?"
"Hm?" "Yuta." "Oh. You want the truth?" It's like being nude in front of each other isn't a big deal. It's like having slept together after years of being in limbo means nothing. It's all so normal, the way you allow him to practically eye fuck you.
"I was sad you stopped being my friend." He blinks at you, watching the way you carefully pick at a thread loose in his comforter. You pull it out, discarding it behind you with a soft smile. "Does that answer your question?" "You fucked another guy because I stopped being your friend?" He asks incredulously, and you shrug. "Not just, but it was a large reason."
"You lost your virginity to him." His eyes are wide, and you shrug once more, nodding your head. "Yup." "Did he make you cum?" "Soonyoung-" "Did he?"
You sigh, patting his comforter. "Not the first couple of times, no. He got better at it, though. It was decent." 
Nodding, he clears his throat.
"Do you think I-" "Maybe. I don't know. I don't remember much, just the Pink Whitney Mingyu gave me." "Mingyu does love his Pink Whitney." You flip onto your back again, staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling. Tucking your hands behind your head, you speak again. "Do you think I went down on you?" "There's lipstick on my tip." "What color?" "Uhh…wine red." You wipe a finger across your bottom lip, the small amount of residue a bloody, Cabernet red. "Hm. Checks out."
The air feels…comfortable.
"Wanna shower?" "Yeah." "Can I shower with you?" "Yeah, Soonie."
The two of you stretch simultaneously, before rolling to the side of the bed and standing up. He grabs the discarded condom off the dresser, holding it like a used tissue and taking it to the bin. You dig through his dresser for a towel, and he fishes out something for you to wear.
"Boxers okay?" "Hm, I prefer briefs." "On me or on you?" "Your underwear choices are your business." He holds up a pair of Spiderman briefs. You bite back your laugh and nod silently, extending your hand for them.
He disappears into his bathroom, flickering lights on and turning the shower head on. "Hot?" "Boiling." "Got it."
The both of you get in, and you close your eyes as the water pelts your back. Soonyoung says nothing as he moves your hair off your shoulders and away from your face, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "You should've asked me." He mumbles, reaching for the shampoo in the caddy behind you. Peeling your eyes open, you look up at him with a confused stare. "Asked you for what?" He shrugs, holding the shampoo bottle upside down over his hand and squirting some out. "I would've made you cum the first time." You snort, shoving his chest lightly. "Yeah, well…you didn't. It's fine." "This isn't weird to you?" "What? Showering together?" "After fucking, yeah." "Could be worse." "How?" "I could be that girl you've been flirting with since last year, wondering when you're going to text her back." "Who? Yujin?" "Yeah." "I'm not flirting with her, what made you think that?" "Stolen glances, flirty touches, you give her pre-rolls all the time." He rolls his eyes as he cards his fingers through your hair, his dull nails scrubbing your scalp gently. Your eyes flutter shut, and he huffs. "I give everyone pre-rolls." "Because you're a horrible business magnate." 
"No, because I'm nice." You smile without opening your eyes, your hands reaching out to touch his chest. His body feels good under your fingertips, you realize. "Are you mad you don't remember any of it?" "Furious." He mutters, gently tilting your head back to wash the soap out. You can't see the way he's looking at the sweet slope of your neck, just barely making out small nips of his teeth across your throat. Your necklace hangs nicely. The rest of the shower remains silent, as he carefully washes you before himself. His attention to detail is insane, the way his fingers hold the washcloth taut so he can feel every inch of you. He has to commit this to memory.
After, you're drying your hair with a random t-shirt he gave you. He remembers you told him that towels can be too rough for your hair texture sometimes. It's only when you're brushing your teeth with a brand new toothbrush he pulled from his cabinets that he speaks. "Let me change my bedsheets." "Don't wanna lay in the sin of fucking your friend, do ya?" The navy blue sheets are quickly replaced by ones with light grey ditsy floral print, and his comforter is shoved off and replaced by a few throw blankets. He watches as you change his pillowcases, only looking away when he hears his phone ping.
Msg From: Cheol [9:32am] hosh [9:32am] who is the girl in ur room and is she missing a pair of cat ears
"What was your costume last night?" He asks, and you snort. "I was a sexy witch." He smiles to himself as he picks up his phone.
Msg To: Cheol [9:33am] not missing a pair of cat ears [9:34am] and it's y/n
Your head snaps up when you hear a pair of feet thundering up the stairs, followed by silence. You give him an odd look, only to hear excited giggles down the hall and the pitter-patter of two adult men coming towards Soonyoung's room. You cross your arms as you hear the door creak open, an expectant look on your face as Jeonghan and Seungcheol's noses appear through the crack. "Hey, Y/N. Fancy seeing you here." Jeonghan remarks sweetly, and you just roll your eyes.
"He wasn't bluffing." He whispers to Seungcheol, receiving an annoyed huff from Soonyoung. "If you're done intruding on my personal business, I'd appreciate it if you left. The pledges still need to clean up last night's mess." Jeonghan gives you a wry look. "Can I say something and you don't get upset?" "If it's about sex, I will punch you in that pretty face of yours." You say pointedly, fluffing the pillow in your hand before throwing it onto his bed. Jeonghan purses his lips, nodding before sliding out from under Seungcheol. He nods his head, a satisfied look on his face. "Have a good…don't fuck too loud, okay?" Soonyoung barely misses Seungcheol's face with the charger he throws across the room, his giggle being heard in the hallway as he barrels down the stairs.
"Idiots." He huffs, running a hand through his damp hair as you flop onto the bed. "You don't mind if I stay here a bit? My head's killing me."
He lays down next to you, a sigh escaping his lips.
"You okay, Soonie?" Turning only his head, he scans your face. Tired eyes lined with thick lashes, plump lips covered by the Aquaphor in his bathroom. Slightly unkempt brows and your shoulder tattoo peeking out from the collar of his shirt on your frame.
"Kitty?" You grimace at the pet name, one he christened you with when the two of you met. He'd been dressed up as a cowboy, and dancing with a skeleton that was stolen from the comparative anatomy students (with the help of Junhui, of course.) He also had a lit joint between his fingers, one that sprinkled ash over your newly healed shoulder tattoo and made you yelp in pain.
"Shit, I'm sorry, kitty." He quickly put it out in a nearby ashtray, dusting your shoulder of any ash residue. "It's fine, it's fine. Just…can I get a hit?"
"Yeah?" He sits up, leaning against his bed frame before looking down at you.  "Would it be weird if I asked to try again?"
You glance up at him, an amused smile playing on your lips. "Try what again, exactly?"
He clears his throat, a beet red blush coating his cheeks. "You said Yuta didn't make you cum. And we don't know if I made you cum. So…can I have a redemption round?"
You've sat up at this point, a small laugh falling from your lips as you push your hair back, "You want to fuck me?"
"I can just go down on you, if, uh…if that's what you'd prefer." He stutters, mentally cursing himself. You glance at him, eyes scanning his face. "And we're still friends after this? You won't dump me?"
"I won't. I promise. Cross my heart, kitty." He holds his pinky finger out, insinuating you link yours. Sighing, you do just that. "Fine. Hop to, I want breakfast."
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haologram © 2024 || no translations, reposting or modifications are allowed. do not claim as your own. viewer discretion is advised. your media consumption is your responsibility.
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astrophile-imagines · 5 years
It’s always been you, hasn’t it?
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She couldn’t believe she was doing this. Wouldn’t you find her creepy or weird? What if you thought she was a stalker? What was she thinking when she came up with this idea? She would die if you found out about this. Okay, enough panicking, she really did not have time for it, you would be leaving class in three minutes. It wasn’t such a big thing, she was just overthinking everything, like always. Making sure no one would see her she crossed the hallway as fast as she could till she was face to face with your locker. Her small hands were holding a small pastel note, with beautiful handwriting in it:
“I feel like a tiny moth everytime you appear, 
I can not resist the need to feel closer to your light, 
but I have to as my feelings are forbidden. 
I don’t ask for you to love me, 
just to have me by your side forevermore.
- Sunset”
She was trembling as she slipped the little note through the locker’s slits. She had spent hours last night thinking on what to write on that piece of paper. She knew it wasn’t the best poem in the world, but she wasn’t the best at expressing her feelings either. Lost in her thoughts she barely had time to run away from there after the bell rang. With her heart jumping in her chest she hid behind a cornner in hopes of seeing your reaction, crossing her fingers, she dreamed for a little smile to appear on your face.
Finally your class was over, no more talking about vectors and other useless things Mrs. Kim seemed to love. “I can’t believe she wants us to do all that homework! Doesn’t she know some of us have a life?” Chaeyoung, as usual, was whining about all the work she didn’t intend to do. “It’s not that much, you are just a sloth.” You laughed while running to open your locker. Chaeyoung was going to quip back at you when a small piece of paper flew from your locker to the floor. You both stood there looking at it without moving. “What’s that (y/n)?” “I have no idea.” “Are you going to pick it up or...” both of you reached for it and luckily for you, you were faster. “Come onnn! Tell me what it is. Is it a love note? Do you have a secret admirer? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me, me! Your own best friend! My heart is broken...” While she continued on with her drama, you turned around and read the note. Was it for real? Did someone really feel like this about you? Before you realised you started blushing. “Omg, you are so red!!! Does it say who it is?” “It is signed as Sunset,” you pouted ”no clue who it can be.” “Don’t worry we’ll find out who it is!” “No need to bother, it probably is a prank.” Chaeyoung rapidly took you by the shoulders, “are you stupid? Like, it may be a horrible poem, but come on! It is clear someone has feelings for you!” She kept on shaking you till you laughed. “Okay, okay, we’ll investigate but first you need to go to history class.” “Ugh! You are the worst, I want to help you find your soulmate and you push me away.” Laughing at her dramas you bid her goodbye and turned to close your locker. She was right, the poem may have been really cheesy, but just thinking about someone using their time to make you smile made you feel warmer inside. You just hoped she was the one who wrote it.
Without you realising it, that special someone you were dreaming of was just arouns the corner, smiling softly while seeing you walk away.
A few weeks had passed, and with them more notes kept appearing in your locker. “You have to do something back, how about you leave a note too?” “Oh yeah, leave a note in my locker that has a password that only I know. Genius move Chae!” Along this weeks you and your best friend had been thinking of ways to communicate with Sunset but you couldn’t come up with something. Caught up in your thoughts you didn’t realise where you were going to and collided into a smaller frame, sending her flying to the ground. “Oh my god! I am so sorry, I wasn’t paying att-” “Don’t worry, I know it wasn’t on purpose.” A soft voice replied. Oh no, you had practically knocked down your crush, could you be anymore stupid? Blushing you knelt down besides her and helped her stand up. “Still, if I hadn’t been such an airhead you wouldn’t have fallen.” Jisun smiled at you and grabbed your hand, that was still holding her “really its okay, stop apologizing.” She squeezed your hand and walked away. You felt sparks going up and down your arm, not being able to hold your smile you squeeled while giving small jumps. “Are you done fangirling, or can I show you a little something that will change your life?” Looking at Chae you realised she was holding something “so while you were having your little k-drama moment with fairy princess over there I, being the best friend that I am, noticed a thing had fallen off Jisun’s backpack.” Smirking she opened her gigantic hand showing you the small object. “A notepad?” “Are you that hard headed?” She pushed the item in your face, “don’t you recognize the paper?” No, there is no way. “It cant be, no, I don’t believe you, it-its impossible!” “Nope, it seems your lovelife is finally going to exist.” You took the notepad, caressing the paper. “What do I do?” “What do you think? You confess your unconditional love to the queen of hearts over there.” “Can you stop the with the stupid nicknames?” She laughed while walking away, leaving you alone with your thoughts. “Jisun is Sunset?” You craddled the notepad close to your heart, blushing and smiling, you knew what to do.
Time had never passed slower for you. Your leg was bouncing while you scribbled on a piece of paper. Finally the bell rang, giving you your queu to sprint out of the classroom and find Jisun. You decided the easiest way to catch her was to wait by the school entrance. Waiting under the gates, you couldn’t stop biting your nails, what if Chaeyoung had pranked you? Or worse... What if Jisun had pranked you? You didn’t have time to ponder on that thought when you caught Jisun walking out. “Hey!” She turned around with her brows furrowed, but that scowl disappeared when she saw you waving your hands in her direction. “(Y/n)! What’s the matter?” Oh god, you didn’t plan this far, what do you tell her? “Hey I’ve been in love with you since you shared your crayons with me in kindergarten, wanna hold hands and ride off into the sunset?” “I-I just, what a nice day we have today h-huh?” She smiled at you, but clearly she didn’t know what the hech you were talking about. “Do you wanna take a walk with me by the beach?” You pointed in that direction with a littel smile, oh how you hoped she didn’t think you were weird. “O-oh! Yeah! Sure, lead the way.” You both started walking together, till you reached the beach, talking about anything and everything. Once you stepped on the sand you both took off your shoes and ran to the water. “Aah! Its so cold, I can’t.” Jisun jumped back while you just laughed knee-deep in water. “Its not that bad you chicken.” “How dare you, I’ll show you who’s the chicken here.” Before you realised was she was planning, she kicked the water, making you gasp and run away. “I didn’t take you for a cheater, but I see how it is now”. You threw your backpack near hers and full sprinted in her direction. She gasped but couldn’t escape. You hugged her waist and pulled her towards the sea. “(Y/n)! Stop! Don’t you dare, you are gonna soak us both.” She wriggled around while laughing, for a second time stopped, she was glowing, drops of water floated around her, making Jisun look like a mermaid, she really had you under a spell. While you both were distracted a wave crashed into you, pulling both of you under water. You looked at each other while gasping for air, your uniforms were soaked but you didn’t care, you both started laughing simultaneously. She grabbed your arm while wheezing like an old man, how could she still be so lovely? You were brought out of your daydream by a sudden splash of water on your face, dumbfounded you looked at a smirking Jisun. “Never let your guard down, love.” In any other moment you would have had a heart attack, but now was no time. You started fighting, running around and giggling when the other lost her balance. All was laughs and games till she tripped and fell on top of you, making you both fall down. You opened your eyes to see a blushing Jisun holding your shoulders, she looked other-worldly. “I know you are Sunset.” You both gasped at your revelation. “You do?” She was looking everywhere trying to avoid your eyes. “I’m so sorry if I creeped you out, I just have the biggest crush on you and I was too afraid to talk to you and I-” You caressed her chin, making her look at you with wide eyes. “I like you too.” “Really?” “How could I not? You are perfect.” Giggling she embraced your neck, looking at your lips with shaking eyes. “Can I?” Instead of answering you closed the almost inexistent space between your lips and kissed her softly. You hugged her closer to yourself, trying to pour all of your feelings in this first kiss. She pulled away with a dreamy sigh leaving her lips. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this.” “I literally have been into you since you lent me your crayons, I think I win.” “Why do you think you were the only one who could do that?” You both laughed, shaking all of your nerves off, feeling like you had everything you wanted you kissed her cheek. “We should leave, its going to get dark soon.” “Or...” “Hm?” She quirked her eyebrow at you. “We could wait and watch the sunset together.” She threw her head back while laughing. “And I thought I’d be the cheesy one in the relationship.” Holding hands you cuddled by the shore, not knowing that would be one of the may sunsets you’d watch together.
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808airsoftbros · 6 months
Fromis_9 As Your Vampire Mothers
Lee Saerom (Alpha Vampire)
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Ah, Saerom the Alpha of the clan and known to be one of the most ruthless in the sister clan
You'd think being the husband under her wing would be rather unpleasant but it's the exact opposite under her care
Saerom is literally amazing as she can juggle her responsibilities of being your wife, mother, and the Alpha of the clan
Literal softie for children such as yourself but when someone dares challenge her demeanor changes 360 degrees
Very... Very... Very... Patient, you could break a vase but if she sees it's nothing but an accident she'll forgive you
But don't let her soft and caring side fool you... If you dare misbehave she will not hesitate to correct that
Besides who are you to complain? You are married to one of the strongest and most powerful Vampire in the clan and she chose you
Privileges: She'd let you lay on her chest and lap, play with her hair, hug her almost whenever (If she's not too busy), give you all the breast milk you want, and most importantly, be under her adoration
Song Hayoung (1st Enforcer)
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Being the number one enforcer besides Jiwon can be quite challenging but not to her
She'd go through the entire world just for you and that's how much you mean to her
At the beginning, you were neglected, abused, starved, shivered, you name it
When she came into your life and took you under her care, that all changed instantly
Hayoung would swear to herself that she'll protect you no matter what happens and obligated to care and nurture you for life
She'd be the wife and mother you'd never had growing up and she fits perfectly in the role
But at the same time just like Saerom, she won't hesitate to discipline you if you act up and establish rules to keep you safe and in order
Privileges: Lots of cuddles, play with her hair, sings you soft lullabies, having warm cooked meals from her, and lay on her lap
Park Jiwon (2nd Enforcer)
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Although she is the second Enforcer, she is a video game addict but cannot play as much but it's a perfect excuse to spend more time with you
Loves to go out on shopping sprees with you and spoils the daylights out of you
But do not fear, her bank account is quite big and none of the bills hardly put a dent in it
Would take out to ice skate rings, she would always be attentive and hold your hand while teaching you how to skate on the ice to ensure you won't trip and injure yourself
Despite being a horror film addict throughout her entire life, she'd sadly could not watch as much as you were too young to watch such movies
That was until you were in your teenage years and that's when she began regularly watching horror movies with you and it's another excuse for her to cuddle you
Most importantly, she be a strong figure for you to look up to when growing up and would always teach you to be respectful and kind torwards others
Except that would be easier said than done as Jiwon is afraid of pigeons and despite being over 100s of years old she never got over that fear but you'd find it funny which is a win for her
Privliges: Lots and lots of cuddles, spoils you with gifts, being able to laugh at her when she gets frightened from pigeons, and always making free time just for you even if she's busy
Roh Jisun (Blood Sister)
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Jisun would lowkey be the chillest and laid back mother and wife you'd come across in the Vampire Sisterhood
But she's hard working and would often be the one leading the kitchen, she plans on the menus and what the kids will be eating on certain days and ensure it's all balanced and nutritious
Growing up under her care, you'd find her quite strange at how "indefinite" she can be at times
One time, you'd accidentally dropped a plate because it slipped out of your hands and Jisun would calmly told you to sweep it up
Jisun never once yelled at you nor has she lashed out her anger once from what you can tell
Regardless, Jisun knows she has a duty to tend to and that includes taking care of you, she changed your diaper, gave you baths, feed you, and breastfeed you
But she prefers for you to start learning how to solve problems on your own with little or no help from her unlike her sisters and it's her way of indirectly teaching you problem solving skills but if it's a major issue then that's when she steps in
"M-mommy, I-uhm... Broke a vase... I'm sorry..." You confessed and she intently stared at you... "Well, what are you suppoesd to do?" She asked you. "Uhm, sweep it?" You guessed and she chuckled. "Then why are you telling me this? You know what to do!" She pointed out.
Privileges: Despite her hard demeanor she'd always be there to give you all the hugs and kisses you need, she'd read bedtime stories, let's you watch cartoons, and go outside playing
Lee Seoyeon (Blood Sister)
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Seoyeon would be quite blunt and straightforward with no time to be wasted and she is a proud mother and wife
Because of this, Seoyeon would always be the mother and wife to support you on your goals and dreams and will provide you anything that you need
Seoyeon would often be given the task of babysitting whenever her sisters are away from home but boy she can manage her clan's children including her own
You'd see her left and right cleaning the house and always tending to her husband to make sure he's happy and healthy
But at times when she is relaxing, she is having a movie marathon with you in her room, and takes naps with you
Beware though she is possessive and strict with you... She'd always be holding hands and walking with you wherever you may go ensuring nobody takes her baby away from her
Sometimes be overprotective but that's because you are her world and life. She sworn to protect you no matter the cost
Has a strong and sensible taste in fashion that you would pick up after her, you two would often go clothes shopping picking out outfits when she was free
Privileges: Gifts you plushies, having a mentor in fashion, sneaks you gummy bears and milk tea, and maybe lets you oversleep if she is staying in bed with you
Lee Chaeyoung (Blood Sister)
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Chaeyoung just like Seoyeon can be quite blunt but is more teasing and loves to have power over you
Your relationship dynamic between you and her is unique, Chaeyoung would be happy to teach you how to be a gentlemen and how you should properly treat a lady
As your mother and wife, it's also her duty to make sure that all adult topics are held off until you are of age so she has to be becareful on what she says and do though she likes to throw some hints there and then
Regardless, she absolutely adores you, she hardly ever leaves your side and always there to comfort and nurse you whenever you cry for her attention
But she also shares the duty of babysitting with Seoyeon and would switch shifts. But Chaeyoung can handle all of her sister's and her own children all on her own
She is not afraid to show any or shower you with her motherly affection towards you in public or in private as she is one poud momma
Loves to have your head on her chest and lap giving her the oppurtunity to stroke your hair and take sleepy pictures of you
But as you grow older, Chaeyoung's expectations get higher and would expect you to cater to her sexual desires and not be afraid to speak of your needs to her
Privliges: Being able to speak freely, would feed you delicious homemade food and snacks, give backhugs, lay on her nude chest, and would give you photos to keep on you so you can think about her when she's not around you
Lee Nagyung (Scout Vampire)
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Nagyung can be seriously chaotic due to her hyper energy and even at times acts like a kid herself despite her old age
But Nagyung knows how to control that energy and is very aware how much damage she can do to you as you are a human and can easily be broken with a Vampire's brute super strength
You would often find yourself playing with Nagyung either in the park or in the playroom
Sometimes she may or may not forget to follow the naptime scheldules and would be scolded many times from Hayoung and Jiwon
Nagyung would love to cuddle and snuggle you and prefers you to be on top of her so she can hug you tightly
When you are at a legal age, Nagyung would barely wear any pants or shorts and would only wear her panties at home which you didn't mind
Not only it's more comfortable for Nagyung but it's a way for her to get your attention and she'd giggle and tease you whenever she catches you staring
Nagyung doesn't mind showing off a bit to you or her sisters but she had to be mindful that she cannot show in front of their husbands
Privileges: Again lots of cuddles, lots of playtime inside and outside, seeing her cute and energetic side, will do aegyo for you, and lets you watch her change
Baek Jiheon (Youngest Blood)
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Although this sunshine Vampire is the youngest of her sisters, that doesn't make her any less mature and knows what's best for her husband
Absolutely smart, she graduated the top of her class in the academy and will help you any way if you get stuck on a question
It warms her sister's hearts seeing how well you two bond despite Jiheon adopting you at an early age as Vampires her age don't adopt their husband until they are around 250 years old and Jiheon is only 75 years old
Jiheon will be willing to do anything to help contribute to the clan along with her sisters and will often times juggle her responsibilities between being your wife/mother and her duties in the clan
At nights, Jiheon would be reading you bedtime stories and singing lullabies until you fall asleep in her arms
Movie nights are a must for her because that's a special tradition in your guy's relationship even if you are fully grown adult you've never grown tired of it and that makes Jiheon happy
But there are times when you may act up and boy, she would not tolerate bad behavior and I gurantee she will deliver a reasonable punishment
Jiheon would often be the one running her sister's errands being the youngest so she brings you along as an excuse to spend more time with you
Privileges: Seeing her adorable smile, lots of cuddles and snuggles, lets you choose the movies, let's you play outside, and having a tutor
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miorrtae · 2 months
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NF 07
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taglist + @gtfoiydlyj @sewiouslyz @xen248 @mineige @yjiminswallet @saysirhc @pandafuriosa60 @yeri-luvr
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miorrtae · 29 days
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NF 08
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YN sat at the café table, her fingers tapping a restless rhythm against the cold glass of her iced coffee. She had arrived twenty minutes early—typical of her, always fearing that being on time wasn’t enough. The clock seemed to tick louder with every passing second, each minute stretching into an eternity as she waited for Taeyeon to arrive.
Why did I agree to this? YN thought, her nerves bubbling up again. She glanced around the cozy café, noting the soft hum of conversation and the occasional clatter of cups against saucers. Everyone seemed so relaxed, but she felt anything but.
What are we even going to talk about? YN wondered for the hundredth time. She had always looked up to Taeyeon—idolized her, even. But now that they were starting to form something she guessed, YN wasn’t sure how to act. What if she said the wrong thing? What if she was too awkward? Or worse, what if Taeyeon was just being nice and didn’t really want to be here?
The door to the café jingled, and YN’s heart jumped. She looked up to see Taeyeon stepping inside, scanning the room until her eyes landed on YN. A warm smile spread across her face, and YN felt a rush of both relief and anxiety.
Okay, this is it. Don’t mess it up, YN told herself as Taeyeon approached the table.
“Hey!” Taeyeon greeted, sliding into the seat across from her. “Sorry if I’m a bit late. Traffic was a nightmare.”
YN smiled, trying to push down the nerves. “No worries! I, uh, got here a little early anyway.” She realized too late that she might have sounded too eager.
Taeyeon nodded, her smile never wavering. “I get it. I usually end up being early too. It’s kind of nice to have a moment to yourself before things start, you know?”
“Yeah, totally,” YN agreed, though in truth, the waiting had only made her more nervous. But hearing that Taeyeon sometimes felt the same was oddly comforting.
There was a brief silence, and YN scrambled for something to say. “So, uh… have you been here before?” she asked, desperate to keep the conversation going.
“A few times,” Taeyeon said, glancing around the café. “I like it here. It’s got a good vibe—kind of a hidden gem.”
YN nodded. “Yeah, it’s really cozy.” She paused, unsure how to transition into something more meaningful. Should I ask her about work? Or maybe something more personal? But what if that’s too forward?
Taeyeon seemed to pick up on her hesitation. “You seem a bit nervous,” she said gently, her eyes kind.
YN blinked, caught off guard by the directness. “Oh, um, yeah… I guess I am,” she admitted, feeling her cheeks heat up. “I just… I didn’t really know what we’d talk about. I didn’t want to say anything dumb.”
Taeyeon chuckled, but it wasn’t unkind. “Trust me, I get it. I was thinking the same thing on the way here. It’s weird, right? We didn’t get to really talk when we first met so it’s a little.. different.
“Yeah,” YN said, feeling a bit better knowing Taeyeon had been just as nervous. “I guess I didn’t expect this, you know? Us hanging out like this.”
Taeyeon leaned back in her chair, studying YN for a moment before speaking. “Honestly, I wanted to hang out because I felt like we didn’t really get to know each other properly. It’s kinda hard to get to know other people in the industry when you first start out so i want to help. And probably see if we could be… I don’t know, more like friends?”
YN’s heart skipped a beat. Taeyeon wanted to be friends? Not just mentor and mentee, not just seniors and juniors, but actual friends?
“Yeah, I’d like that,” YN said, her voice softer now. “I think I was just scared that… I don’t know, that you might not actually want to be here.”
Taeyeon’s eyes widened slightly, and she quickly shook her head. “No, no, it’s not like that at all. If anything, I was worried you might think this was weird. Like, ‘Why is Taeyeon suddenly trying to be all buddy-buddy?’” She laughed, but there was a hint of self-consciousness in it.
YN couldn’t help but smile. “No, it’s not weird. I was just overthinking, I guess. I do that a lot.”
“Me too,” Taeyeon admitted. “I think that’s why I wanted to hang out outside of the company. I wanted to just… be myself, you know? Not have to worry about saying the right thing or putting on some kind of image.
“I totally get that,” YN said, feeling a wave of understanding wash over her. It was strange, seeing this side of Taeyeon—the side that was vulnerable, just like her. It made her feel closer to her, less like she was talking to a legend and more like she was talking to a person.
“So, let’s make a deal,” Taeyeon said, leaning forward with a playful glint in her eye. “No talking about work unless it comes up naturally. We just chat about whatever, okay?”
“Deal,” YN agreed, feeling a smile tugging at her lips. For the first time since she’d arrived, she felt like she could actually relax.
As the afternoon stretched on, YN and Taeyeon found themselves slipping into an easy rhythm. They talked about everything and nothing—favorite TV shows, weird food cravings, the best places to shop in the area. It was the kind of conversation that flowed naturally, without the need to impress or overthink.
“Have you seen that new drama everyone’s talking about?” YN asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
Taeyeon rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “I tried, but I couldn’t get into it. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but the main character kind of annoyed me.”
“Same!” YN said, her eyes lighting up. “I thought I was the only one. Everyone else seems to love it, but I just couldn’t connect with it.”
“Exactly,” Taeyeon said, her expression relaxing even more. “I feel like sometimes I’m supposed to like something just because it’s popular, but if it doesn’t click, it doesn’t click, right?”
“Yeah,” YN agreed, feeling a strange sense of relief. She’d always assumed that someone like Taeyeon would be perfectly in tune with trends and what was popular, but it turned out she was just as picky as anyone else.
Taeyeon glanced out the window, watching the world go by outside the café. “You know, it’s funny. People probably think we have everything figured out just because we’re idols, but I’m still figuring things out every day. Like, I’m supposed to be this role model or whatever, but I’m just… me.”
YN nodded, understanding exactly what she meant. “It’s hard sometimes. i mean i’m just starting out and I feel like there’s all this pressure to be perfect, but no one’s perfect. It’s like… you want to be real, but there’s this fear that being real isn’t good enough.”
Taeyeon looked at YN, a thoughtful expression on her face. “I think that’s why I wanted to be here today. I’m tired of trying to be perfect all the time. I just want to be myself, even if that self isn’t always what people expect.”
YN smiled, feeling a warm connection forming between them. “I’m really glad you asked me to hang out. It’s nice to just… talk, without any expectations.”
“Me too,” Taeyeon said, her smile softening. “I think we both needed this.”
As the afternoon sunlight began to dim, casting long shadows across the café floor, Taeyeon and YN both checked their phones, realizing how much time had passed.
“I didn’t even notice how late it’s gotten,” YN said, slightly surprised. She had been so caught up in their conversation that she’d lost track of time. It had been a long time since she felt this relaxed, and the thought of leaving the comfort of the café made her feel a bit wistful.
“Time flies when you’re having fun i guess,” Taeyeon replied with a small grin, sliding her phone back into her bag. She stood up, stretching a little, and YN followed suit, grabbing her jacket from the back of the chair.
They made their way to the counter to settle the bill, and after a bit of playful back-and-forth, Taeyeon insisted on treating YN. “My treat,” Taeyeon said firmly, waving away YN’s protests. “Consider it a thanks for keeping me company today.”
YN blushed, feeling both grateful and a little awkward. “Thanks, Taeyeon. I really had a great time.
As they stepped out of the café, the cool evening air greeted them, bringing with it the sounds of the city coming to life as people rushed to get home. YN glanced around, expecting to see her manager’s car waiting for her nearby, but the street was unusually empty.
“Are you heading back to the dorms now?” Taeyeon asked, pulling her jacket tighter against the breeze.
“Yeah,” YN said, checking her phone again. She noticed a message from her manager and quickly opened it. Her face fell slightly as she read the text.
“Something wrong?” Taeyeon asked, noticing the change in YN’s expression.
YN hesitated for a moment before replying. “My manager said she can’t pick me up right now. One of my members has a schedule she needs to attend, and my manager had to take her there. I’ll probably have to take a taxi back.”
Taeyeon frowned thoughtfully. “That’s a bit of a hassle, especially at this time. It might take a while to get a taxi.”
YN nodded, trying to hide her disappointment. “Yeah, but it’s not a big deal. I’ll be fine.”
Taeyeon seemed to consider something for a moment before she spoke again. “You know, my car’s parked just around the corner. I could give you a ride back to the dorms if you’d like.”
YN blinked, surprised by the offer. “Oh, I wouldn’t want to trouble you. You probably have other things to do—”
“It’s no trouble at all,” Taeyeon interrupted with a warm smile. “I was just going to head home anyway, and your dorms aren’t too far from my place. Besides, I’d feel better knowing you got home safely.”
YN hesitated, torn between accepting the offer and worrying that she might be imposing. But the thought of trying to flag down a taxi in the growing evening traffic didn’t seem too appealing, and Taeyeon’s offer was hard to refuse.
“Are you sure?” YN asked, still feeling a little unsure.
“Positive,” Taeyeon said firmly, already starting to lead the way down the street. “Come on, it’ll be fun. We can continue our conversation.”
Feeling her nerves ease a bit, YN followed Taeyeon to where her car was parked. It was a sleek, modest vehicle that didn’t scream celebrity, which YN thought was very fitting for Taeyeon—elegant but unpretentious.
Once they were both inside the car, Taeyeon started the engine, and the soft hum of the vehicle filled the air. YN couldn’t help but feel a little starstruck—riding in Taeyeon’s car, having just spent the afternoon chatting with her like they were old friends.
As Taeyeon navigated through the city streets, the conversation between them continued naturally. They talked about random things—favorite spots in the city, the latest music releases, and even some silly gossip they’d heard around the company. YN found herself laughing more and more, the lingering tension from earlier completely gone.
But as they neared YN’s dorms, she felt a mix of gratitude and a bit of sadness, knowing the day was coming to an end. She hadn’t expected to connect with Taeyeon like this, and now that she had, she wasn’t sure how to express just how much it meant to her.
As Taeyeon pulled up in front of the dorm building, she put the car in park and turned to YN with a smile. “Here we are. Safe and sound.”
“Thanks, Taeyeon,” YN said sincerely, her voice soft. “For everything. I really enjoyed today.”
“Me too,” Taeyeon replied, her eyes warm. “We should do this again sometime. Maybe grab dinner or something?”
YN’s heart swelled with happiness at the thought of more hangouts like this. “I’d love that.”
Taeyeon smiled, giving YN a nod before looking out the window. “Well, I should let you go before your members start wondering where you are.”
YN nodded, unbuckling her seatbelt and gathering her things. As she reached for the door handle, she hesitated for a moment, turning back to Taeyeon. “Taeyeon… I really appreciate this. Not just the ride, but… you know, everything. It means a lot to me.”
Taeyeon’s expression softened even more, and she reached out to give YN’s arm a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad. You’re a great person, YN, and I’m really glad we’re getting to know each other better.”
YN felt a warmth spread through her at those words. “Me too.”
With one last smile, YN stepped out of the car, waving goodbye to Taeyeon as she walked towards the dorm entrance.
taglist + @gtfoiydlyj @sewiouslyz @xen248 @mineige @yjiminswallet @saysirhc @pandafuriosa60 @yeri-luvr
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miorrtae · 3 months
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NF 06
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taglist + @gtfoiydlyj @sewiouslyz @xen248 @mineige @yjiminswallet @saysirhc @pandafuriosa60 @yeri-luvr
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haologram · 3 months
beautiful monsters | y.jh & j.ww (masterlist)
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╰ ✧ to be loved is to be known, to be loved is to be changed. everyone is worthy, as they are selfish. we can fight our demons, or we can become beautiful monsters.
╰ ✧ general warning(s): MINORS DNI. incredibly slow burn. fluff, angst, possible suggestive themes/smut. darker/heavy themes. warnings for individual fics vary, please read them accordingly before proceeding. more disclaimers at the end of post.
╰ ✧ posting period: june 2024 - august 2024.
╰ ✧ join taglist: here!
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a twist in time - yoon jeonghan.
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🕰 synopsis: to be loved is to be changed. we can never go back and change our actions, just like we can never go back and see the repercussions before they happen. maybe that's all we need: a second chance to make things right.
🕰 pairing(s): human!yoon jeonghan x chronomancer!reader. || side: human!choi seungcheol x chronomancer!roh jisun. || other: ot13!svt [humans] ; ot9!fromis_9 [chronomancers] ; seo jisoo (lovelyz) [chronomancer]
🕰 genre: strangers to ??? | a second chance au | angst...
🕰 teaser! | teaser! | read here! |
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damned if you do... - jeon wonwoo.
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🕯 synopsis: to be loved is to be known. cameras flashing, eyes watching your every move - hoping for a mistake, a slip of the tongue, something to pit everyone against you. who is everyone, and what do they know?
🕯 pairing(s): oblivionist!jeon wonwoo x actress!reader || side: actor!joshua hong x actress!reader. || other: ot13!svt [actors] ; ot9!fromis_9 [actresses/oblivionists] ; lee mijoo [oblivionist]
🕯 genre: strangers to ??? | breakup au | angst...
🕯 teaser! | teaser! | read here!
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additional disclaimers: (a) side pairings are used solely for plot purposes, i do not personally ship idols. (b) these stories are not interconnected. they are set in semi-different universes, therefore each member will be present in each fic, without any interference to the plot for member x reader. (c) these are not exactly how they appeared in the mv for '어젯밤'. source: just trust me, bro. (d) a chronomancer is a wizard that deals with time. an oblivionist is a wizard that deals with the erasure or suppression of memories. (e) posting period is subject to change.
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haologram © 2024 || no translations, reposting or modifications are allowed. do not claim as your own. viewer discretion is advised. your media consumption is your responsibility.
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vex91 · 3 months
Number of requests: 19
- Jeon Soyeon x Female Reader ((G)I-DLE) (G!P Smut)
- Yu Jimin x Female Reader x Nicha Yontararak (Aespa) ((G)I-DLE) (G!P Smut)
- Yu Jimin x Female Reader (Aespa) (G!P Smut) (Superhero AU)
- Sung Suji x Female Reader (Pyramid Game) (Smut)
- Seol Yoona x Female Reader (NMIXX) (G!P Smut)
- Song Jaehyung x Female Reader (Pyramid Game)
- Han Jisung x Female Reader (Stray Kids) (Smut) (Band AU)
- Baek Harin x Female Reader (Pyramid Game) (Smut)
- Kawai Ruka x Female Reader (BABYMONSTER)
- Im Yoona x Female Reader (Girls' Generation) (G!P Smut)
- Kim Dayeon x Female Reader (Pyramid Game)
- Baek Harin x Female Reader x Myung Jaeun (Pyramid Game)
- Seo Soojin x Female Reader ((G)I-DLE) (College AU)
- Kim Minjeong x Female Reader (Aespa) (Highschool AU)
- Baek Harin x Female Reader (Pyramid Game)
- Kim Chaewon x Female Reader x Jeong Hayeon (TripleS)
- Jang Hari x Female Reader (All of Us Are Dead)
- Roh Jisun x Female Reader (Fromis_9)
- Park Sohyun x Female Reader (TripleS) (Smut)
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