creat0rstudi0 · 7 months
ehehehehehe 😏😏😏
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this is the best moment)))
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kaechan · 5 years
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;-; <--- This girl wishing it was Feb. 14th so my handsome husband Jimbotnik can grace the screen....
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cipherhunter · 5 years
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sonic the hedgehog was good!!! it wasn’t a disaster!!! it was perfectly watchable and enjoyable!! here are some of my rough and jumbled up thoughts (spoilers ahead): - sonic’s characterisation in the movie was probably the most three-dimensional we’ve seen him in the entire franchise. he’s adorable, endearingly kooky, free-spirited, courageous, but also lonely and vulnerable as he tries to find his place in a world where he struggles to adapt. i thought ben schwartz was well cast as sonic’s VA. he did a great job in capturing sonic’s spectrum of emotions and overall personality, which i think was further aided by his genuine passion for the character and the games. - it was fun seeing tom wachowski’s relationship with sonic unfold - basically from reluctant babysitter to proud father - throughout the film. he definitely shined the most in his interactions with sonic, as well as the few stand-offs he had with robotnik.  - which ofc brings me to my personal highlight: the 300 IQ twirly-tached black-clad mad man that is dr. robotnik. jim carrey’s portrayal of robotnik was delightfully unhinged and self-centered. he commanded every scene he was in, reflecting robotnik’s inflated pride and need to be in control of any given situation (until he comes to the uneasy realisation that for the first time ever, he’s not, thanks to that dastardly hedgehog!). his sprightly villain dance number to the song ‘where evil grows’ (selected from his ‘tunes of anarchy’ song library no less) was a joy to see on the big screen! his physicality was on par with some of his performances from the 90s. you can tell that carrey had the time of his life embracing a role perfectly tailored to his brand of chaos and eccentricity. he’s still got it!!  - nothing much to say about the story, really. it was serviceable and simple to follow, as one would expect from what is essentially a family friendly popcorn flick. the film’s main focus was in fleshing out sonic’s character.  - lots of references to satisfy the more die-hard sonic fans out there. - obviously not a perfect film by any means. there were some plot holes and inconsistencies and worn out cliches and cheesy, dated humour and product placement (albeit used sparingly), but honestly?? it didn’t really bother me. sure no one really does the floss anymore, but it was perfectly in line with sonic’s character. sure, tom wachowksi was a wanted terrorist for two thirds of the movie and hardly anyone batted an eye despite his face being all over the news, but it did add a layer of hilarity to his predicament. at the end of the day it succeeded in what it set out to do: it kept me entertained and engaged, it gave sonic’s character a newfound depth, and it made me curious to see where movie!sonic’s journey will take us going forward! i can breathe out a sigh of relief in saying that this was the sonic blockbuster movie adaptation we needed and deserved!  - THAT POST-MID CREDITS SCEEEENNNE!!!! like many of you i already knew what the scene would uhh... entail... no thanks to youtube, but it didn’t make me any less excited to see it!!  ok now give us a director’s cut using the original sonic design when it comes out on dvd/blu-ray
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weaver-z · 5 years
Oh my god, you're fake dating stobotnik fic is uh-maaazing 😩🙌😭 I can't wait to read more 😁🥰
Aaaah thank you! I’m so happy people like it!!
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sirlsplayland · 4 years
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An illustration of Jimbotnik and Agent Stone in a leyendecker style, and my gawd did this turn out amazing.
@rohotnik-thirst @deadlightcircus
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kiimmyko · 5 years
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theworldtree01 · 5 years
Doctor Robotnik? More like doctor rohotnik
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robotnikfucker · 4 years
10 Questions Tag Game
I’ve been tagged by @jimbotniks​
Rules: Answer the 10 questions, ask a different 10 questions, and tag 10 people
(Small warning, I have ADHD and just took my meds so this is a little ramble-y and disjointed. I apologize, there is no way to fix this, my brain is just like that oops. For courtesy, I’ve put all the long stuff under the cut so you only have to read my monologue if you want to.)
1. What is your favorite genre of music? Why?
Probably indie-rock and indie punk. I like indie-rock largely because my favorite shows in my formative years were Chuck, Bones and a couple other “golden era” crime dramas that all featured a lot of indie-rock music in the background. Indie punk appeals to me because it’s just a good catharsis while also being pretty damn dance-able. Kiwi Jr and AJJ are both really good bands if you need to just let it all out while jamming to some bops.
2. What’s an art project you’ve made that you’re proud of?
I draw angels frequently, often depicting them as humanoid but still terrifying. This was an art theme that I’ve had going since before I was religious and I find that “angelic” imagery can sometimes leak into my other art so a lot of my favorite art is drawings of wings, gore, monsters and all kinds of Gothic themes. Right now, I have a watercolor of Virginia Madsen that I’m just in love with. I was always enchanted by her hypnotized stare in Candyman and I did my best to capture that. I even went out with my girlfriend to buy a gold gel pen so her tears would glitter. From theme to technical prowess, it’s my favorite painting right now and possibly my magnum opus. My previous best was a gore heavy, similarly angel themed, digital painting of Roger Wilco from the Space Quest games (weird special interests, I know.) I could go on about drawings I love for hours, so I’ll cut myself off here with the small post script that this is just my visual art and I also have poetry and prose that I feel similarly about.
3. Do you have a favorite album/podcast to put on in the background while you work or study?
It all really depends on my mood. My girlfriend shared a really relaxing Sovietwave playlist with me recently that I’ve been enjoying. I also listen to a lot of AJJ and Saint Motel, I don’t really think I could really pin down a specific album for either of them. The Candyman soundtrack works really well for study especially for my Gothic and Mystery class. I have a playlist titled Fuck Funk that’s specifically for writing fanfiction since I could never find a good playlist for writing smut when I needed it but I also use that playlist to work out since it’s mostly just a healthy mix of songs that I can jam to. I’ve never liked podcasts for study/work since I can’t really write and listen at the same time but I did make a podcast once for a professor that was a radio-play style parody of Scooby-Doo. I did all of the editing and I still listen back over it and pat myself on the back for turning 2 hours of raw improv into something that got us like a 98. A lot of my own music taste peaks through.
4. If you could become the protagonist/antagonist of any media franchise, which one would you pick and why?
Realistically, Animal Crossing because that’s the safest bet least likely to lead to my death. If we’re gonna get wild... probably BJ Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein so I could kick some N*zi ass or Conan Edogawa/Jimmy Kudo from Case Closed/Detective Conan so I could enjoy that sweet mid 90′s aesthetic.
5. Can you play any instruments? which ones?
I can, actually, I’ve played cello since I was 8 (I’m 18 now) although I’m a little rusty. I played piano and drums for a while and while I’m pretty useless when it comes to piano these days, I still maintain a pretty firm grip on my sense of time and rhythm thanks to the years I spent playing percussion. I played bari sax in middle and high school. I marched it for 3 years until I had a back injury but I was in jazz band all 4 years of high school so I was still playing. I was also in choir for a very long time and even spent my junior and senior years in an acapella Madrigal choir (I still have my costumes from both years) and even though it hasn’t been a whole year since I graduated, I still miss singing. I certainly don’t miss high school but I do miss that choir.
6. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Not sure if this counts but I’ve been an achievement hunter/completionist since I played Ocarina of Time so I guess I “collect” video game achievements. I also collect lost things when I find them. I have an abandoned library card, two different gym membership cards, and a whole bunch of business cards. I have a small collection of lighters but that’s less about the joy of collecting and more about how often I burn incense. Aside from the usual stuffed animal collection that most people have from childhood, I don’t collect anything else.
7. How many songs are there in your music library?
This is kinda difficult for me to answer. I use Spotify and I don’t always download my music since I have unlimited data, but it currently says that I have 1070 “liked” songs which is likely a little conservative since I had to switch accounts last year and lost some of my music in the process. (This just got me thinkin, back in the iTunes era when songs were 99cents a pop I would have had to pay more than a thousand dollars for that kind of collection.)
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, and at any time in history, where and when would you choose?
So, by any time in history do you mean only the past or the future too? If future is an acceptable answer, I’m gonna say Star Trek. Like if Star Trek ever becomes vaguely reality, I’m going there. Even if the details are wrong, a career as a science officer on a space ship in a universe that isn’t constantly at war and is instead working towards peace and the pursuit of higher knowledge is perfect. If we’re only talking about the past, with no allowances for possible futures, then I think I’d want to live in the 80s in a metropolitan city like New York, Chicago, or Tokyo. Perhaps its misplaced nostalgia, but working as a secretary sounds nice. In the 80s you could still outright buy an apartment instead of renting it and it was actually semi-affordable (at least for the privileged) which as someone facing adulthood in the current economy, sounds like a dream come true. I guess I just want the simplicity and security of economy back then. Lookin for that yuppie life!
9. Have you ever performed live in front of an audience?
I have, several times. Although I’ve never been a headliner or anything I’ve played and sang at school concerts (even had a few solos) and my jazz band once performed for a dance hall full of people. I’ve never been paid unless you count getting a free CD but I’ve performed in front of quite a few live audiences.
Anyway, Jimbotnik didn’t write a tenth question so I guess I get an out. I’m sorry for my rambling answers, that’s just life. I’m gonna tag @jasminerobotnik @zoekrystall @rohotnik since y’all are my Sonic blog mutuals (like my header implies, I keep my main and this side blog separate for privacy’s sake) I’m also tagging @actsoflove @manicrobotnik @dusicielkusiciel @hamil-trash24 @lee-bunny @legally-immortal and @wutevrz
If you’re confused as to why I tagged you, I don’t have many mutuals so I picked followers who I’d seen some interaction from. You don’t have to play if you don’t want to and I’ll delete your tag if you’d prefer. As usual with these games, it’s also open to anyone who wants to get one of these started among their group so if you’re reading this post and wish you’d been tagged, that’s you.
My questions:
Do you wear glasses/contacts? If you wear glasses do you like how they look on you?
Do you have a playlist of music that’s just for when you’re sad? What are your favorite songs from it?
Is there a skill you consider yourself particularly good at?
If you’re the kind of person who uses a reusable water bottle, do you decorate it? If not, what is your favorite drink day to day?
Do you drink diet soda or can you not tolerate the taste?
Do you write fanfiction? What fandoms and genres? Do you share your fic with people you know in real life?
What’s your favorite scent? Do you often buy scented products like incense or candles?
Do you like scary movies? If so, what’s your favorite? If you don’t, what is your favorite genre of films?
What’s your go to movie snack when you’re watching in a theater? What about when you’re watching a movie at home?
What’s your favorite “medium” for art (sculpture, dance, music, painting, drawing, poetry etc.) and which one do you feel most adept at?
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kiki213 · 5 years
Merry Christmas 🎄 everyone !!!
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sirlsplayland · 5 years
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An illustration of Jimbotnik wearing a somewhat red suit ( this took me a week to finish and its beautiful!!)
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sirlsplayland · 4 years
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Panic at the Eggshell!
(Had some fun trying to get the suit textures just right)
@deadlightcircus @rohotnik-thirst 
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sirlsplayland · 4 years
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An illustration of Jimbotnik and Agent Stone in a leyendecker style/ Mob boss twist.  This took me two weeks to finish and I ended up spending more time just rendering everything out. I love how beautiful this turned out and how clean it looks, this level of coloring has always been my goal as an artist. I can’t even describe how happy I feel towards my art right now and this is a lot coming from me ( I have a lot of self confident problems with my art)
@rohotnik-thirst @deadlightcircus
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sirlsplayland · 4 years
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Part 2: 1920′s mafia au in a leyendecker style, and hardcore love how much of this illustration took on peaky blinders aesthetic.
Imagine this being the first time the doctor met stone in person, down at race tracks.
@rohotnik-thirst @deadlightcircus
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sirlsplayland · 4 years
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Doctor Rothotnik is in the house
@rohotnik-thirst @deadlightcircus
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sirlsplayland · 4 years
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This about gave me a stroke due to messing up the masking layers and throwing off the entire base colors every time I fecking do a color pick. 
@rohotnik-thirst @deadlightcircus
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sirlsplayland · 5 years
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A small sneak peak into my next Jimbotnik illustration and this one is less clothes / more skin shown.
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