#roller coaster gijinka
12-oz-joy · 5 months
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Don't ask why it's been beheaded I don't know myself my, brain wouldn't let me draw them normally
I yern for fanart of this FUCK
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coastermaynia · 5 months
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2024’s list is ready to go! See slide 2 for the year 5 “Best Of” list, slide 3 for guidelines, and slide 4 for info on RCDB day on May 30th. There were a couple tweaks to the guidelines, so please be sure to take a look.
Everything starts on May 1st. Be sure to use the tag #coastermaynia and #coastermaynia2024 so others can find your work and tag @coastermaynia to be shared! Feel free to work ahead, but posts will not be featured until each coaster's day.
Thank you again for all of your suggestions! The use of the form made putting the list together much quicker and easier! Looks like this year’s unintentional theme is “space”. 😄
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secretweaponsanctuary · 8 months
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~ A L T O N T O W E R S ~
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avoyagetoarcturus · 1 year
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Nitro for @coastermaynia 🧪💥🧨💛
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deeply entertained by the enduring reach chubby electra has
fortunately I HAVE made a spinoff OC to sorta satisfy that niche
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3y3-jesters · 11 months
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Who's up shipping they Vekoma MK-1200 butterfly loops?
Note: My gijinka for the Goudurix Butterfly Loop is different from the Asterix character Goudurix / Justforkix (i'm pretty sure he's a whole child)
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atomicc · 1 year
alton towers so cool i need to get into it so bad. also i have drawn roller coaster gijinkas/humanizations before and people who like alton towers seem to loooove doing that which makes me feel so valid
No hard agree I love it too I mean. *points at my name* but I don't think Tumblr as a Whole would be very good about it. Because pretty much any time a character is a site wide meme or blorbo or whatever they are stripped down to nothing. Do you understand me. Also I have more personal reasons (the Disorder)
Imo absolutely get into Alton Towers it's crazy and fun especially if you live in the area I'm sure. I'm not saying you shouldn't I'm saying that tumblr as a whole would not know how to behave
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asavt · 2 years
🗣️♣️(any hollowhead) 👀
*giggles* so fast hehe~
🗣Whats a thing you can talk for hours without interruption?
The like, closeness of (what they call) the color gang is like, adorable??? And so nice to see??? The little details about each one of them and the way they act through the episodes??? The tiny things. First one that comes to mind like, during episode 14 Cave Spider Roller Coaster, when they are all first running off from the spiders and Yellow notices the minecart (that now that I think about it it could be taken as a call bakc to episode 3, it probably is) and then you see Green just zooming past them... the way he runs and the fact that he was the one distracting the spiders so Blue could take care of the others makes me think that he might have gained a new fear oh no LDJWKWJJQ I want to do a redraw of some scenes of that episode with my gijinkas hehehe~. Blue and Green being like, in sync in many episodes, also I'm noticing like, the way they do things like running and stuff is similar, has struck in me the thought "twins?????" it wont go away (I do not get angry at the shippers tho). Red fainting like three times during the fight against the King and still standing up (I hope he got a good rest after episode 30), and him being the one to always (or almost always) step forward first into stuff (oh boy). Him and Yellow being something of a chaos duo. Yellow's way of acting makes me think of like... Tsukishima from Haikyuu? Its funny I cannot let the image go lol. Orange's little thing with Crafting and that being linked to his creations skills in a way. RYGB not letting poor Orange sleep oh god please let the poor guy take a nap. The HUGS the GROUP HUGS TH-
♣️Angst Headcanons?
I'm going for The Chosen One and The Dark Lord here they are the ones I put under a microscope OHOHOHOHO
I'm thinking like, Chosen being called "The Chosen One" but still failing in defeating TDL, the way TDL and TCO looked like during the Showdown, I know most peopld like, picture Dark being a bit (a lot) insane, I mean, he is, but nothing about the way the silly stick figure moved around during AvA - V told me he was acting like, for example, how he was showed during Chosen's flashbacks. It felt a lot like both of them were genuinely angry at eachother and from there my mind like, kept making stuff? Like damn Chosen had to fight his first and only friend and the way he was trying to stop Dark first from launching the Virus gave me the vibe of him not wanting to fight him at first, like, at all. And Dark's first attacks didn't feel like he wanted to fight Chosen at all either, their attacks only got really intense after Chosen fucking threw Dark into the Cliff during the first fight sequence in The Showdown . It hurts man (genderneutral). That in mind, I keep wondering what would happen if Dark was biten by one of the virabots...
Adding to the first ask... maybe the thing I could REALLY talk about for hours is how most of the character's thoughts are not told through dialogs, its all body language and actions and little details.
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ousama · 5 months
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elvenking42 · 10 months
Someone running an in-charecter Roller Coaster parody account on Twitter found my old tweets criticizing the official (defunct) coaster gijinkas at cedar point ruh roh
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Alright who was gonna tell me people think the Alton Towers Smiler is fuckable? I just looked at the tag for this thing and found like 20 gijinkas. I literally just saw a gijinka of it in a Facebook group the other day. Is this some secret humanized roller coaster fucker fandom I should know about?
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12-oz-joy · 7 months
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I love blackhole he needs a hug. FUCK MY OBLIVION BRO RAAAAHGH /if you know you know
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coastermaynia · 6 months
Help make 2024’s list! Fill out this form to leave your suggestions and vote on the “best of” list: https://forms.gle/uukTej9T4NrdUb2J7
Also, all info can now also be found at: https://coastermaynia.carrd.co/
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I’ve been slowly using tumblr more lately ngl
Designed this guy last year, this is my Son of Beast character from my vaguely Kings Island coaster/history-based story I’ve bounced around but not written since Vortex got his 4-week notice. His birth name is Eugene Fitzroy but absolutely nobody calls him that, he goes by Reefer after refrigerated trailers/traincars, not weed, because he’s really goddamn big but can keep on charging for an alarmingly long time. He’s a big boi (6’8) and skilled at sewing/tailoring because virtually nobody makes clothes for someone that big let along with his giant thunder thighs and impressive man rack. Mostly he’s an enigmatic, heavily fictionalized, probably dead independent investigator trying to take down a conspiracy that kidnapped and experimented on him as a child. He’ll readily adopt cruel personas if needed to influence people, he feels awful about it afterwards, but rationalizes it knowing its for the greater good to hurt or break the hearts of a few to save others from what he went through. Much of his life is heavily choreographed and intellectual rather than instinctive as a result of his experience as a child destroying his ability to stop himself when emotion or impulse takes over. He’s a rather tragic figure in a lot of ways really, refusing to let himself love despite wanting it because he can’t trust himself with that intimacy. Even his few friends are aware that what they know of him is largely an act.
Reefer has no clue who his father is. He was raised by his mother and unrelated Uncle Rufus (The Beast). His mom has given him various bizarre origin stories over the years, ranging from the cabbage patch tale to him being an immaculately conceived antichrist.
He does eventually learn who it is. It’s actually... someone you’d instantly recognize but never see in Reefer until after being told. In the words of one of his friends, he’s the visual equivalent of a rocket you’d assume was for space and never suspect for an icbm without the explosives, 99% similar but without that sole defining, instantly recognizable piece.
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xcelerator · 3 years
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Electra being more Michael Jackson-adjacent early on unintentionally makes for some very interesting post-canon lore for him. Gets a weird-looking rebuild and looks unrecognizable and a lot of people mock him for it but it’s secretly for very practical reasons. Becomes increasingly erratic and in clear physical decline due to the pressure of fame, dies under sketchy circumstances with a lot of rumors that the railroad wanted him dead to discredit electric traction and sell out to highways.
(on a less bummer note it’s why I like nicer/sort of childish Electra I think the disconnected celebrity angle is fascinating)
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