avoyagetoarcturus · 4 months
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SheiKra for CoasterMAYnia 2024 🙌💦
Like this post if you want a funnel cake, are worth $13.5 million dollars, sais parler français, or want to get yeeted down Boyoma Falls 🇨🇩
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retrowave-racer · 5 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 1 - TOP THRILL 2
“One of the most common after effects of the anomalies, was many seemingly ordinary humans acquiring inhuman amounts of speed. Rita Ferraro was one of them of course, but found her new ability a mix of a blessing and a curse, thus deciding to join a support group for people like her. It was in this group, she met people like Enzo, a full of himself speedster who she briefly was in a relationship with, only for that to end very soured. Rita however met many others with her ability who were kind and supportive. Topher Thomson was one of them, in the support group since 2003. They were friendly, upbeat and positive, and always trying to uplift and support others who were struggling. Topher themselves was a bit clumsy much like Rita, tending to fall backwards during high speed runs and stumbling. But they never gave up, and Rita admired that. For many years Topher was a visible figure in the support group, helping others come to terms with their new abilities, making sure people were taking care of themselves and drinking and eating enough, tending to injuries of those still clumsy and running into things, and much more. But recently, they vanished for a period of time, worrying a lot in the community. Rita got word something had happened to her friend, and was desperate to run off as fast as she could to find them. But not long later, Topher returned, seeming brighter than ever, with a new sense of style and more control over their powers than before…”
Happy Coaster Maynia Season! Im so so so excited this year, I’ve gotten so much prep done ahead of time, as I want to get the lists done in time! I have a lot coming up at the end of the month anyways so I needed to be ready for it all! But yes, it’s been so fun working on the prompts this year, I’ve been doing these template backgrounds for each day, and plan to write up little blurbs to further develop each character! Also in terms of the best of list, Im prioritizing the main, but do plan to go back to the second one once the first list is done! As I plan to make the art for the best of list a bit more detailed and with backgrounds! Stay tuned for those pieces…..
But yes! Good luck and have fun to everyone else participating, and if you are, share your art with me! I want to share as many other coaster maynia entries to my socials this year!
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coastermaynia · 5 months
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2024’s list is ready to go! See slide 2 for the year 5 “Best Of” list, slide 3 for guidelines, and slide 4 for info on RCDB day on May 30th. There were a couple tweaks to the guidelines, so please be sure to take a look.
Everything starts on May 1st. Be sure to use the tag #coastermaynia and #coastermaynia2024 so others can find your work and tag @coastermaynia to be shared! Feel free to work ahead, but posts will not be featured until each coaster's day.
Thank you again for all of your suggestions! The use of the form made putting the list together much quicker and easier! Looks like this year’s unintentional theme is “space”. 😄
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techycatartist · 4 months
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Coastermaynia 2024 Day 25- Skull Mountain
It’s Coastermaynia time! This is the first of three submissions I have for this year. Today’s prompt is Skull Mountain, an Intamin Family Coaster located at Six Flags Great Adventure. I’ll admit that it’s been a while since I’ve drawn this guy, so I opted to depict him in his usual outfit. But as a nod to his coaster’s enclosed nature, I gave him something to do— exploring a dark cave.
Skull Mountain is Great Adventure’s resident psychologist, specializing in grief counseling. Though there’s one thing that sets his services apart from everyone else— Skull Mountain works exclusively with the departed! Thanks to a book he happened go stumble upon one day, SM can communicate with the souls of those who still roam the earth after pasing. Through several sessions, SM helps these souls let go of their “unfinished buisness” and ascend to the afterlife. Outside of his job, SM is an avid listener of heavy metal and is the first person to bring out the Halloween decorations. Skull Mountain is friendly and empathetic, though he has no issue voicing his concerns/opinions (which is especially helpful when Joker decides to go all-in on that week’s trending meme).
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 22 - Oblivion the Black Hole
“Odin, don’t. It’s not worth it. She’s one of the worst cases of someone affected by the anomalies that I’ve ever seen.” Eve hissed through her teeth, her hand gripping firmly around Odin’s arm.
Odin effortlessly shook her away. “She’s family. I need to speak with her. You said yourself. Everyone affected by the anomalies needs to be handled with care, patience, and kindness. They are adjusting to abilities and powers and changes to their bodies they didn’t have before. So many people under your training have been able to use their powers to help not just themselves but others too!”
Eve winced. “I know. I know. It’s just. I never seen a case this bad. Her powers are aren’t stable, she is not stable, physically. The world warps around her and she cannot control it. She sees everything and everyone as a threat to what she is. It’s best to just let her be, if she feels antagonized or threatened I don’t know…”
“Eve I cannot abandon family.”
“And I cannot stop you. Just don’t let anyone else know what you are planning, they will follow. I will not forgive you if anyone else gets hurt because of your reckless actions.”
“Reckless, I was reckless, at one point. I know you’re anxious Eve. But you need not to worry about me. I know what I’m doing.”
“I know you do. I just wish you’d think about this before rushing in.”
“I have thought about it.”
Eve fell silent.
“Right. I should go find her now. She can’t be far.”
“If you must do this, take this, its tech Erica has been developing to stabilize one’s body in a warp dimension, it may help you stay stabilized yourself when in her power’s radius. It’s in early stages but it’s something.”
Odin nodded, taking the device as he opened a portal beneath his feet and dove in….
It wasn’t long until he found his cousin stood before him, or should it be said she was floating, her body twisting and glitching, the world around her seeming to be pulled right into her. He knew this would difficult, already he struggled to stand and even breathe. He could feel the very world around him distort and stretch. He couldn’t do this alone.
Been so excited to share this one! Always like to develop characters I’ve previously designed, I’m sure some of you remember my oblivion the black hole design from a few years back! She was always meant to be a character sort of trapped between worlds and was meant to constantly be battling staying in one but that causes everything around her to warp. Wanted to show that in this illustration. And her dynamic with Odin as well!
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 29 - SheiKra
“Divelves are an earth born humanoid species with long pointed/angular ears and features, and tend to be incredibly tall. Their hair grows fast and long, twisting around their bodies and seeming to stay in place, almost by magic. They are an uncommon people to find, but easy to identify with their stark features.
Shivika was a confident and brave Divelf that found herself affected by the anomalies, giving her the power of flight and to create whirlwinds as she twisted through the air. She took advantage of these powers and used them to not only fight those that threatened her people, but also create energy to power various devices with wind power. She knows Odin Yin, a fellow Divelf who is a bit shorter than the average male of his kind, and tends to tease him a bit about this fact, but it’s all in good fun.”
Was drawing her design from scratch initially when i got the strangest de ja vu and then I remembered…I have always had a design for her! Tried to pretty much keep her as she originally was, with the change of making her hair follow the direction of the track a bit more and adding some neck feather decoration. Had to redraw an old illustration as well that I did when I first ever drew her, which involved her being taller than Odin! I have finally decided that Odin and her are a specific species, not sure on the name but I cant think of anything else at the moment. Just know they are a humanoid race, but not humans! They aren’t aliens though, as they are an earth born species!
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retrowave-racer · 5 months
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Coaster Maynia Day 3 2024 - TALON, THE GRIP OF FEAR
“The universe is filled with many different species, one of which are known by many as simply Talons. A humanoid shaped race on appearance, many will soon notice their barb covered bodies and armor. This armor in fact is all part of their body, growing tougher as they age. Males tend to have flashier colours in said armor, whereas females are much duller, blending into the planets landscape. They are a species of warriors, fighting not just amongst themselves but others too, psychically engaging in combat even over minor and petty squabbles. They mostly fight with their clawed hands, their finishing move being with the talon at the end of their “hair”, gripping tightly at their foes. It is more than often recommended to avoid conflict with a Talon, even if surrendering is met with ridicule and insults about cowardice. Many Talons are known to even pick fights with the massive Nemesi, despite being at a disadvantage. Many Nemesi humoring Talons and going easy on them. They do however, leave the pacifist race of Galazonia alone, not even daring cross that line.”
Day 3 for Coaster Maynia! I actually suggested Talon hehe, I love the colours of this ride! I don’t know if in the end I’m as pleased with this design, maybe I’ll revisit this guy a bit later!
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retrowave-racer · 5 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 2 - HYPERION
“Despite Galazonians becoming a pacifist race by choice, there always needed to be a back up defense plan. Their planet being a peaceful hub for the universe could only last so long with sinister villains a foot. An elite force of soldiers that had been training up; learning to mask their emotions and fight through the physical pain of their hyper empathy; eventually needed to be deployed to protect the royal family and the people of Galazona. Their leader, General Hyperion Starson, and his Galabot Helios, trained tirelessly to protect the planet and its people. General Starson had grown from being a soft and gentle soul to a stern and ruthless drill sergeant, driven by the pain brought on by his negative emotions. His Galabot Helios acted not only as a aid in battle, but as emotional support as well. Many believed his mental state was not only driven by the attack on his planet, but a personal loss caused by the attack. But he still has not confirmed this. His current duties appear to consist of searching for the kingdoms lost princess, alongside continuing to protect Galazona and other planets from evil.”
Day 2 of @coastermaynia ! I love the design I came up with for these guys, I’m making it tradition now to draw more characters from Erica’s race to flesh them out a bit more! Galabots have become one of my favorite characters to design, absolutely none of them beat Gale though! XD
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 May 13 - FIREHAWK
“Finn Hawk came from the same alien species of winged people that Vanya and Erica’s father came from. Finn was a huge daredevil, and loved to show off death-defying feats and tricks in flight. Above all though, he was devoted to helping people and was very popular for that. Many said that Finn feared nothing, and would fly through raging flames to save people, giving him the title of “ The fearless Firehawk” he inspired many young ones, even when he retired, was still looked up to as an inspiration for others.”
Sorry for the late post today! This art has of course been done for awhile, but I was at a themepark all day and only go to posting now! Also yeah I don’t really have a name for these winged aliens…I have my other race of little bird people too that I need to draw more of again that still needs a name as well! Why are alien species names so hard to come up with, does anyone else have any ideas?
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia Best of List, Fury 325
When I first designed my Fury, they were meant to be a fashionista of sorts! So I wanted to showcase some of the different types of outfits they may design/wear! I had so much fun with this entry, still working on the best of list but so far I have this to share from it! Hope you enjoy the illustration!
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 28 - Starry Sky Ripper
“The Kingdom of Granadia, home to the Gods, exists in a realm beyond our own. The Great Goddess Skye ruled the various floating islands for generations before conferring her powers to the High Council of Elders, who have remained in charge of the realm ever since. The Gods are all able to harness the elements of the Earth, while the Council commands the elements themselves. For millions of years the Gods have watched over the planet and observed humanity, never interfering with the course of nature and not allowing humans to know of their existence.
Come the early 2000s, their rule was put to the test as an interdimensional threat to humanity continued to rise in power. The Gods had no choice but to break their rule and send one of their own down to Earth to protect civilisation. A young Goddess of Wind volunteered for this task, watching over the island that this creature was demonising and battling against her new nemesis.
This turned out to just be the beginning, as more and more Gods began to make their way to Earth to protect the people from various threats, natural or otherwise. A Fire God made his way to Earth to protect humans from the devastation of an active volcano. A Water God secretly began taming monsters from the deep to prevent attacks on fishing boats. While the Wind Goddess was the only one officially sanctioned, it seemed numerous Gods found further purpose in life directly helping those they watched over.
One such example was Alhena Terran, a young Earth Goddess who was inspired by the Wind Goddess that came before her and secretly made the journey to Earth, taking up residence in a distant valley. While none of the humans in the valley are aware of her existence they can feel her presence, as if they had a guardian angel…”
Today’s character I designed for my husband @turbojuk ! Since he has always had it that B and M flying coasters were gods/goddesses of the elements in his world, I wanted to design a character for that! He wrote up the lore, and she is his oc now :3
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 27 - Colossus the Fire Dragon
“Stories tell of dragons that disguised themselves as ordinary people to fit in to society. One of these dragons was a performer who used his fire breathing skills as a magic act, to avoid suspicion. He was known as The Fire Dragon, very few people knowing the truth, that he was a real genuine dragon!”
I had a lot of fun with this design! Wanted to do a design that incorporated the flashy retro lights, so made a really sparkly magician!
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 26 - VOLTRON NEVERA
“Stories tell of a pair of twin sibling inventors from the Victorian Era that invented a machine with the electricity to not only power their whole city, but the weapons to protect it. This contraption was able to supply its people with tech that could turn ordinary people into electricity wielding heroes. The truth is, both the duo themselves had the natural ability to create an incredibly powerful electricity, and the machines part of the job was simply to redirect it to the people of there city.
“This true story Tia?” Sven asked.
Tia smiled at her partner as a spark jumped from her palm. “It may have been. Many assume those with electric powers have been affected by the anomalies, but the truth is I’ve been able to do this since I was small! It’s not magic either since it’s the only element I can control…I like to think a distant relative of mine may have had this power too.”
Sorry this is a day late! Ended up too low spoons to post on the day despite it being completed. Will try and post today’s entry but if I don’t I’ll get caught up at some point this week! Really had fun with this pair, I love a duo of Steampunk twins! Maybe I should relate these two to my Twisted Colossus characters too? A thought!
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 23 - Darkoaster
“Deep in the woods, in a mansion, abandoned by its owners, sat an abandoned snow mobile. It was believed the owners ran from their home as it was haunted. They may have been truth to their beliefs, as slowly over time, the snowmobile was possessed, building a body with the snowmobile sat as its head. He seemed large and intimidating, but was actually quite whimsical, mostly enjoying a good race over a good chase.”
Had so much fun designing a more object head character for today! I actually did this guy last on the main list, since I initially was struggling with a design, but I ended up being so proud of what I came up with! :D
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 21 - FLIGHT OF FEAR
The secret agent tore down the corridor, sirens blaring and lights flashing. The sounds of panic screams echoed through the halls, coupled with snarls and low growls. The agent wasn’t running from it all, in fact he trying to make a sense of where it had been coming from. He only had one shot at subduing this rampaging alien. Fortunately and perhaps unfortunately, it showed up right behind him, its fanged grin wide. The creature stretched out its wings and leapt at the agent with clawed hands. With gritted teeth, the agent readied his weapon. This was his chance…now or never…
Erica huffed as she slammed the book she was reading shut. “Ugh. I’m so tired of these books about aliens being the bad guys!! I should get to writing something about an alien adventurer who rescues people across the galaxy, now that would be something I’d want to read!”
Had fun with the twist of today’s story hehe. Really wanted a more Men in Black/Area 51 vibe here, Erica prefers more stories that tell of alien heroes though! CX
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 18 - STAMPIDA
“The flora fauna as a species is actually much broader than just deer people adorned with flowers that grow from their own bodies, and covers a wide range of animal species and thousands of different plants. Horse like Flora Fauna exist out west, and tend to grow cacti on their bodies. This sub species of Flora Fauna tend to be a lot more territorial, not so much aggressive, but definitely competitive and untrusting of new people. Even within their own families, Equine Flora Fauna can have tension. This was very much on display with a pair of twin brothers Stanford and Peter, that were constantly bickering over land that had been given to them by their ancestors. Many others of their kind often looked at them as even being a bit much, most smart ones avoiding their conflict, while others threw themselves at it, hoping to get their own chunk of land. The pair is still at odds today, even in their older age for their species.”
So fun fact, I had these two designed as just standard horse anthros for a while, wasn’t really feeling them for the longest time!…Then I the idea just a few days ago to approach them as a subspecies of Flora Fauna and…It clicked! I def want to do more flora fauna of different species, with different types of flowers and plants!! Maybe some carnivorous animals with carnivorous plants…that may have to be my next design
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