oreganosbaby · 1 year
12, 16, 21, 22
12. unpopular? i can't gauge the popularity of characters well for succession and the one's hated are comfrey (for her actress lol) and nate (or maybe not anymore?????) so, nate. people should like him because he's a smarmy lanyard lib who like, wants to be shiv's dog but also he has more dignity than kendall or tom somehow. fuck, she knows how to pick the most pathetic men.
16. ....there are so many things i could say and we all know that but, i'll try to keep it down to one and one that i haven't complained about before or at least, enough. i've seen the headcanon about shiv "slumming it" in universitiy but idk her purel-loving ass might be too finnicky, even with the shit she ingests. like fuck, what if they wanted to go to taco bell?
21. ok cards on the table, the opening sequence.
22. i think that the show does genuinely have interesting commentary about empire and more specifically, about empire in the anglosphere. like, they use the locations and backgrounds of the characters very well and i think it's kind of overlooked. i mean, even tom being german from minnesota is quite nice since the majority of white americans claim german ancestry. or even logan obfuscating his background which frankly, as a candian, makes a lot of fucking sense because unlike murdoch who has a presence in australia, he doesn't really have a huge presence there.
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horseforeplay · 2 years
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this is romtom AND catboy roman btw
thank you i love you
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gena-rowlands · 1 year
“can we get him out?” best line of the entire show.
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royrockstone · 1 year
hiiiiiii I was wondering if u had any roman ED fic reccs that aren't like ship central, and more ED focused, I will say I haven't searched that hard for em, but I'm wondering if u have any you love <3
(this can include ur own, again I haven't fully gone thru all ur fics yet)
hiii <3
exactly the kind of question i am qualified to answer!
show you a body (by @palmviolet, the big three hanging out with a v unwell roman)
Changeling ( by @avatar-state-kate, young shiv’s perspective on romans ed)
Murder and other acts of heroism (by the brilliant @romanroydinnerparty, this is not for tears-centric feat. ken’s perspective on romans ed)
by the same: A history of eating in the age of abstention
my reflection keeps staring at me (roman teen angst with caroline and teeth motif! idk if she wants to be tagged but dee's finest imo)
feed you silence for dessert (short but brutally effective)
and finally, Gstaad (also by a-s-k, probably a diff eating disorder than youre looking for, but well done and a quick read)
maybeee too shippy but the ed is still p central:
A rock and a hard place (again by caden, romtabs and romgerri featured)
Just Take a Look at Me (argestes tooth situation, romtabs and romgerri again)
theres one where r/g run from the law together with bulimic roman ? i cant seem to find it rn but i enjoyed
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succfanart-archive · 2 years
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wound ken special gift for @romanroydinnerparty
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transmutationisms · 1 year
i'm not great at watching TV so i never knew what to expect from a new succession episode (and tbh i think most tv critics are also bad at guessing what will happen on this show) but after finding your blog it's amazing how predictable things are because you Get It. like i guess i'm not predicting per se but when ken started talking about denying the body's failure and living forever i was like "oh yeah just like tumblr user romanroydinnerparty was saying"
honestly i wish i was some kind of predictions genius lmao but yeah i thought the whole living+ thing was very well executed. i mean it's sort of the perfect look into this brand of techno-capitalist fantasy: the world is dangerous, but we'll keep you safe, healthy, and constantly stimulated. in some ways the entire show has been an exploration of how aging and dying are configured as moral weakness under capitalism, and so here's kendall's proposal for mitigating that danger: a technological deus ex machina. it's intolerable for this type of worldview to suggest that bodily weakness may be inevitable and internal; it always has to be an external danger or a moral failure that sufferers have brought upon themselves. if you can't generate value and show that with your body then you're already socially dead. like it's very deliberate and necessary, the way that living+ offers health and fitness as part of its package—essentially the proposal is to create the perfect gilded cage to preserve and produce an endless supply of labourers who will be coddled into compliance and kept healthy enough to grease the wheels of america's economic machine forever.
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eastgaysian · 1 year
what is hygiene in relation to yuri?
i collect phrases that please me like they're shiny rocks so basically any silly remark from a friend/mutual is at risk of getting incorporated into my speech patterns permanently. that one's from caden romanroydinnerparty talking about the shoes on desk scene dksbfejnf
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hygiene yuri (they are both girls) (tom is putting his shoes on her desk but he's also her sexy secretary and he's also watching his wife fuck the man trying to business-seduce her) (gay sex) (shiv is fixated on cleanliness) (hand sanitizer after gil shook hands with his supporter) (refusing to drink from the tap at the bar connor was at) (she dirtied tom's shoes in the last episode) (she lets him into her space and lets him put his shoes on her desk without comment) (both girls) (shiv occupying the position of power behind the desk/fucking matsson) (tom marking his territory but also being nothing more than a silent supportive observer/voyeur) (gay sex)
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romulussy · 1 year
i'm new to succession tumblr and i don't follow a lot of people, do you have any succession blog recommendations?
tbh i rec all my mutuals so anyone you see me reblogging from is 👍 but. here are the first people to come to mind
@culkinism @strelka @romanroydinnerparty @oddeyelesbian @dracoj @kerrycastellabate @bettercallgerri @jimsharbour @eastgaysian @femmeshiv @bunnyearspresident @loverboyromanroy @lesbiankendall @tomgregs
also @successiondaily's a basic source blog if you just want gifs etc
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cauldronofmorning · 1 year
i’m starting to think succession will end without ever addressing any of the characters’ queerness. which is fine- the coding was always more interesting than anything that could be said outright anyways and i was never expecting a big like “coming out”/reveal. but a part of me is a tiny bit surprised.
Oh I’m not good at this it’s @romanroydinnerparty department. Also I think I disagree a little, it’s very insular right now and I’ll spare you the Kendall/Roman/Logan thoughts but they’re not really fully interacting with anyone else? Stewy hug aside they’re pretty closed off except other family members getting the full brunt of grief crazy. Also I don’t much care about tomgreg but they are definitely still tag teaming models.
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joeyclaire · 1 year
hi i was tagged to post 5 songs i actually listen to then tag 10 of my followers by @antifas! love you jordan
tonight i feel like kafka by jealous of the birds
disorder by joy division
bigmouth strikes again by the smiths
lift your head up high (blow your brains out) by bloodhound gang
lose kitten by metric
i tag uhhhh (checks dashboard to find the first 10 mutuals i can see) @brinelakes @folieadeuxsday @dogtheories @b1rdonawire @luxwing @broonzzz @dishesoap @lipid @topolino1996 @romanroydinnerparty
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oreganosbaby · 2 years
The question of "what's wrong w/ Roman['s sexuality]?" is so loaded because it requires us to accept a few premises:
a) That his sexuality can be separated from other parts of himself or his life. This is just... wrong because sexuality is inextricable from every single aspect of these characters. This is meant to show how they have no separation between their professional and personal lives and for the kids, that they never had one. It's about how they are engulfed by capitalism via their father.
b) That there's something "wrong" with him to begin with. Again, this premise is wrong because it takes the presentation of his sexuality at face value. It accepts everyone at their word when they call him a "pervert" but fails to consider the way "pervert" is a label imposed on him and how "perverted" exists in contrast to "normal." It decontextualises his sexuality from his present circumstances, his social context.
In both we see this need to isolate Roman's sexuality, placing it in thus category of being a unique issue. This re-affirms the idea that it's "abnormal," mystifying it through its problematisation. At the same time, it could suggest that it's something that could be solved. Of course, it's possible to say that "we don't know" which leaves it at mystification but, the idea of it being solved suggests that his sexuality itself is "wrong" or has become "wrong," and that it's possible to make him "normal." By framing Roman's sexuality this way, it basically recreates Logan's own way of understanding Roman's sexuality but perhaps, with different ideas of what constitutes as "normal," and different methods of hypothetically achieving this.
Logan's imposition of his ideology over Roman greatly restricts his ability to fulfill his desires but, it also informs the specific way his desires manifest. It is impossible for Roman to ever rid himself of this trauma because well, that's trauma. Logan's way of raising his children is itself traumatic. This could fester and reproduce itself because their world is insular which means Logan has outsized influence on them in every way. Of course, this is merely influence as he cannot actually control them and change them to be who he wants. If that were the case, this show would be extremely different.
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horseforeplay · 1 year
ok i have not seen any analyses about what it means for kendall that sophie was actually the one who pushed the guy in the racist T-shirt. the way rava tells it is deliberately, i think, written to be worded in a way which could be misconstrued. but the story she tells is about sophie being the one doing the pushing. kendall says something about her being pushed and rava corrects him (her correction is also in the recap before 4x8), but he continues to tell the story as if sophie was the one getting pushed in the street. to me this mirrors kendall “bigging himself up” with the waiter story. he committed manslaughter and got away with it but calls himself a killer, as if he did deliberate murder. his daughter encountered somebody with a racist T-shirt and pushed him, but kendall can only imagine the evil man doing the pushing because (as @romanroydinnerparty pointed out 2 me last night) kendall only has this very simplistic handful of stories about how the world works. heroes and villains. victims and monsters. this is obviously not to say that kendall getting away with manslaughter was good, or that sophie was somehow the bad guy for shoving that guy (lmao????) but in kendall’s movies-for-babies conception of the world…. yeah, that’s the only logical conclusion if you take events as they actually occurred. he has to change the story in order to have the “right” feelings about it, even though his feelings mean fucking nothing in terms of the actions he takes. to kendall, being a good person means re-writing the truth to have an emotional response to it which he can comfortably believe is warranted (unlike all those complicated feelings associated with whatever actually occurred) then continuing to mindlessly act like a selfish little prick. ultimate kendall move
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coldforestnight · 1 year
Honestly I feel like the "Roman dies" theory comes mostly from either people wanting the show to be unpredictable and have a "twist" or they just care about his character the most and crave angst fodder
Yeah, I think @romanroydinnerparty said it best in this post - Roman is neither an active participant in his life (especially now that Logan is dead and he is as well, essentially) nor does he crave suffering the way Kendall does.
Also, the thing about “shocking” twists in Succession is that they’re always preceded by a great amount of foreshadowing. We always knew Logan was going to die, for example. Shiv’s pregnancy was set up at the end of s3. That’s why I think if anyone is dying, it’s Mr. Water Motif
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Tagged by @georgeromerosanalcavity <3 to post my lockscreen, last song i listened to, and last screenshot.
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Tagging @siobhansgender @francisforevermp4 @togansweep @toganvorce @romanroydinnerparty ^_^
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Tagging: @wiiwaxia @hrmit @romanroydinnerparty @tomwambsmilk @tomcatwambsgans and whoever else would like to participate
Thank you @violentdevotion for tagging me ily
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transmutationisms · 1 year
no more romanroydinnerparty :(
thought it was time for a change :-) i have rrdp saved tho
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