brother-emperors · 5 months
@garland-on-thy-brow #get romancedramad romeboys.
(metal gear solid voice) on it boss 🫡
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the first and last ones are scene re draws, in order: the live action adaption of sci mystery, the heirs lmao
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lesvegas · 1 year
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starrysence · 6 years
Tommy Boy/Romeo? they need more content-spottie ❤️
they definitely need more content!! i will lead a tOMMY BOY/ROMEO REVOLUTION IF I MUST
warnings: talks about depression, also tommy has shitty parents
●aight yall. theyre both pan.
▪romeo makes constant pan puns and tommy is So Done▪"guess you could say we’re…. PANicking about that test in calculus today"▪"youve been spending too much time with race"▪"youre just jealous because i couldve been spending that time with you"▪"you motherfucker,,,,“●romeo wants to cuddle w/ tommy basically any chance he gets because tommy spends a good chunk of every day busy with either school work, his job, or dance▪literally always down for cuddles????▪sometimes tommy is just like "hey wanna watch a movie”▪and ro will LEAP onto the couch so fast it scares tommy and he’ll bury himself in tommy’s arms▪"HELL yes"▪tommy’s highly amused▪through laughter: “ok cool”●tommy does NOT get nearly enough sleep every night and it rlly worries romeo▪they have some ap classes together bc romeo isnt in all ap classes like tommy is▪the latest he’ll have to stay up w/ tommy on a weekend is like?? 1am maybe▪but he gets up like 3 hours later for a drink of water and tommy STILL isnt in bed and he is Worried ▪he’ll find tommy passed out at the table they were working and just sighs▪as much as he’d like to get tommy into bed he tried dragging the boy into the room but he was absolutely exhausted by the time he did▪so he just grabs a blanket and drapes it around tommy and prepares for neck cramp complaints in the morning●tommy gets SUPER dramatic abt his soreness after extended dance classes or rehearsals for shows▪he will absolutely just collapse on the couch the moment he gets to it and start moaning▪"romeoooo im in paaaaaaain"▪after the first couple times romeo just kinda gets used to it and laughs at his drama queen of a bf but helps him ease the soreness●romeo really takes care of tommy the days his depression acts up▪literally cancels everything and stays w/ tommy the whole day▪he doesnt want to nag at tommy too much bc he understands that that can get annoying/overwhelming/etc
▪but time to time he’ll ask tommy if he needs anything or if theres anything he can do to help▪kind of different but ro always always reminds tommy to take his antidepressants ▪tommy will sometimes just spill to romeo about how much it means to him that he’s doing that▪sometimes he starts rambling which leads to apologising which leads to more rambling so romeo will place his hands on tommy’s arms and kiss him rlly soft and quick ▪"its okay, i love you"●tommy’s parents never really supported his love for dance???? at all?▪they wanted him to do something ‘more practical’▪like. he couldnt take dance classes outside of school at all unless he paid for it▪so he kinda just like took up jobs and worked them to pay for lessons and until he saved enough money on the side for a plane ticket and arranged to live w/ an aunt in nyc▪when hes starting to build up a career and a name for himself he gets a call from his parents congratulatjng him on his success▪gets so bitter????? literally tells them off abt the whole thing and then doesnt even wait for a response before he hangs up▪romeo is helping him calm down afterwards and assuring him that he did the right thing●romeo is amazing at photography ▪also at maintaining aesthetics????▪his isntagram account always has such a nice theme tommy loves it▪theres this whole month where ro literally just posts pictures of him and tommy▪mainly to annoy his friends who told him “honestly can you two get any more gross”▪[he took it as a challenge]●so these two dont get a lot of free days to just spend time together, which they absolutely hate▪thank god for ny winters▪sometimes its too snowy so neither of them have to go to class or to work▪they spend the entire day just lounging around with each other ▪so many cuddles. so many kisses. so. many. ●yall know romeo’s thing is more playful flirting so sometimes tommy will crack a dirty joke and this boy’s face will go RED
▪tommy thinks its hilarious and the cutest thing hes ever seen▪"ro,, baby are you ok"▪"n O"▪he cant stop laughing. and romeo only smiles bc he loves hearing tommy’s laugh so much●gotta end this on a soft note cuz yall know how it be;;;;; they 10000% send each other wholesome memes and/or super long and sappy lovey dovey texts▪tommy is Bad With Words so usually he’ll send ro the memes▪sometimes romeo will send tommy 4am texts abt how lucky and in love he is and tommy will see them either a.) as soon as theyre sent bc hes working on stuff or b.) first thing in the morning bc he always checks for texts from romeo after waking up▪they always make him smile! so much!!▪side note ro loves tommy’s smile▪he thinks its the cutest thing ever▪every time tommy smiles ro says “the sun is quaking” and tommy snorts w/ laughter. every time. ▪theyre Soft as Heck yall
aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA i love them. so much. sndjldvfs i hope u liked these hcs. i would Die for these boys (tbh i’d die for all the newsies what else is new)
-sanj 💕
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[if you want to be added to my tag list, please shoot me an ask or a message letting me know! i’d be happy to add you.]
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jazhand · 2 years
i have a few issues with HBO Rome but the casting is not one of them
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keichanz · 4 years
No no no, it's not Kei hug time, it's Romeo scratches time. I demand a picture so we can all pretend to pet him!
i am ALWAYS happy to share pictures of my floofy pain in the ass four legged child :D :D here he is being a possessive little shit for his new toy
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sunny1ace · 5 years
Roman: What did the gangster say to Julius Ceaser?
Logan: .. What?
Roman: You’re my Romeboy
Logan: What? Why was Julius Ceaser with a gangster? Why would a gangster want to be friends with a monarch? Did gangsters even exist in Julius Ceasers time?
Remus: Maybe they met in hell! The gangster rolled up on Ceaser while he’s getting his feet boiled like “yo Jule, you know what you are?”
Roman: “My Romeboy”!!
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garland-on-thy-brow · 6 years
Homeboys, romeboys, country boys, listen the fuck up
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mntlyet-blog · 7 years
hexagonass heeft gereageerd op je bericht: ��
[ eye zooms…. can i be gay with a patrician matriarch tho thats my question ]
its gonna feature our #1 romeboy julius caesar as protagonist b u  t  i am also gay for the patrician ladies so ...
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starrysence · 6 years
yo,,,, can i get some romeo/tommy boy hcs
……can u tell i’d die for them
•everyone is kinda confused about how they got together
▪mainly bc tommy is an idiot and didn’t realise romeo was seriously flirting with him for like 5 months
▪like anyone (who isnt tommy, apparently) could see the clear difference between his typical flirting w/ people to sell papes, playful flirting with friends, and then flirting-flirting with tommy
▪in short: come the fuck on, thomas
•romeo loves tommy’s accent
▪its a little bit different from the other boys’ ny accents bc he’s from australia
▪so its kind of a mix of both accents??
▪ro thinks its Hot™
•tommy’s fav thing to do is just wrap his arms around romeo when he doesnt expect it
▪romeo’s face always gets really red and tommy thinks its fucking adorable
•tommy is an (almost) all ap student
▪he chose not to take ap physics bc the teacher is racist and homophobic and he has a tendency to GO OFF at people like that so its for the best
▪still makes some snarky comments in his classes (theyre never directed at the teachers, usually about the lesson being taught or in response to something a student said)
▪all his teachers are actually really chill???? they even laugh at some of the remarks he makes
▪sometimes he ends up staying in his room for a really long time bc of all the work he has and it worries romeo
▪there have been several times where romeo has seen tommy on the verge of a breakdown so he had to drag tommy away from his work and force him to take a break
•romeo 100% plans the first date because he’s just That Romantic
▪they go to a drive-in theater to watch GREASE (sorry im garbage for that musical so now romeo is too)
▪its such a good time???
▪basically everyone knows the words to the songs so theyre all singing along
▪romeo is bursting with energy the whole time and tommy thinks its the cutest thing
▪this, however, means romeo is exhausted after the movie and tommy has to carry him to the car, drive him home, and then carry him to bed
▪"we’re s'posed to have dinner though…“
▪"we can eat something after you get some rest, darlin’. youre exhausted”
▪and romeo sits up suddenly
▪he GONE
▪he shook
▪he redder than albert dasilva’s hair
▪tommy just blushes and apologises
▪"sorry, i won’–”
▪"are you actually apologising for making my heart burst into flames you absolute idiot“
▪"y- yes????”
▪sometimes romeo just doesnt understand him
sksnsmnfs thank u for requesting luna i hope this content of Our Boys is good
-sanj 💕
[if yall want to request any hcs for any ships, feel free to do so! just a heads up - i dont do nsfw stuff.]
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jazhand · 6 years
When I say “my last two brain cells” I’m picturing Brutus and Cassius
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jazhand · 2 years
cassius and later strato both asking for brutus' hand. give me a minute i'm
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jazhand · 6 years
Ah yes I completely understand *reads smudged writing on hand* Romans
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lesvegas · 3 years
caesar forces the romeboys to live off a keto diet
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keichanz · 4 years
I love you. I adore you. I treasure you. Sending you and kitty the happiest vibes. You deserve it, love.
witchy my love my dear my precious precious friend thank you so much 😭😭 ❤️❤️ the romeboy is sleeps right now and he’s doing that adorable twitching thing that i absolutely love. seriously though thank you for the happy lovely vibes ❤️❤️ so freaking blessed to have so many amazing friends in my life!!
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jazhand · 6 years
Also that moment in Philippi when Cassius is injured and then Brutus looks away and he looks back and Cassius is dead,,,,,,that shit hurting
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