#ron livingston gif
sluttyhenley · 6 months
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There's a company in Nixon, New Jersey. It's called Nixon Nitration Works. Sounds picturesque. Yeah, well, oddly enough, I know the owners. Probably gonna expect me to make something of myself. I thought maybe I'd drag you with me.
BAND OF BROTHERS (2001) Part 10
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stopstopstopit · 2 months
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easycompanys · 7 months
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yourspeirs · 5 months
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Why does he always look like he's lovestruck? T_T
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swiftzeldas · 1 year
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Band of Brothers (2001)
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shelyue99 · 3 months
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Ron Livingston talking to real Dick Winters, from the video diary.
In Ron's own words Winters basically told him not to fuck this up. I wish HBO can give him a higher quality camera though.
The sweater ⬇️
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rcbertleckie · 6 months
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It's a great relationship. There isn't a lot of romance in Band of Brothers, we don't see a lot of ladies, but that is a romance of sort. That's a real friendship that flourished in war, extraordinarily.
~ Damian Lewis on Dick's and Nix relationship
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bennydemarco · 9 months
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That look™ - The Last Patrol
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ronsenthal · 9 months
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Harry, do you really think Kitty hasn't run off with some 4-F by now?
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astralbondpro · 10 months
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Office Space (1999) // Dir. Mike Judge
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stopstopstopit · 6 months
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tomcriuse · 2 years
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RON LIVINGSTON as LEWIS NIXON in Band of Brothers 2001 | created by Steven Spielberg & Tom Hanks
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yourspeirs · 4 months
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Quoting Ambrose, "Nixon was a genius in addition to being a brave, common-sense soldier."
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 months
All The Things I Did (Interlude): Wave Goodbye to the End of the Beginning
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a/n: ahhhh it is here! i am so freaking excited to do this little band of brothers crossover with cass. we have all been dreaming of what her friendship with nix would look like and i am happy to report that it is phenomenal. this is most certainly not the last we will see of him because i know for a fact that a night of him and john drinking together can only end in debauchery and we should all be able to experience that for ourselves. side note...what other characters should we explore? part of me wants to write a full cass x ron speirs BoB au? not sure. let me know and i love youuuuuuu
The room was more full of soldiers than she had been used to recently. Thorpe Abotts had been shrinking, slowly but surely, with each and every mission. The hole in her heart growing and growing before it tore to shreds with the loss of her husband. All her days were spent working on ways to get him back. To leverage her capability to get to the camp as a way to get him out of the camp. A man like John was not built to be caged and she would be damned if she let it go on any longer than it already had. 
“Jesus Christ, it had to be you?” Cass smiled as she turned away from the pot of burnt coffee and took in the sight of the one and only Lewis Nixon. 
“I’m just getting a cup of coffee, Nix. Not sure what Jesus has to do with it.” She put the cup down just in time for his hug, the smell of an old friend comforting her in a way she hadn’t known since London.
“Of all the intelligence officers in the entire Army Air Force…it’s good to see you, Coop.” Her smile didn’t reach her eyes, he noticed, and she pulled him back in for another hug. This one tighter and almost sadder. Like she was asking him to confirm she was here and she was okay. “We got a lot to catch up on?” Lew could almost tell by the way she was carrying herself that she had experienced the gamut of war over in England. Had already learned what it was like on the frontlines before he had even suited up to jump and join in. 
“More than a lot.” She looked over to the maps that were covered in canvas until the briefing was set to begin. “But I think we’ve got an invasion of the European mainland to learn about first,” she muttered.
“Didn’t ever think we’d see the day.” Nixon drank from a flask and Cass smirked.
“The boys need this. Hope that it will end soon.” Lew noticed the way she was playing with her necklace, it looked like a ring, and had a hauntingly far away look in her eyes with her words. 
“You got someone to bunk with?” He led her towards two empty chairs in the back of the room and sat next to her, arm slung casually over the back of her chair. 
“If I say no, does that mean you are going to offer your company?” Having already known how this was going to go, Cass had a few bottles of Vat 69 in her suitcase. Nix may have been surprised to see her but she had done her research.
“Because we didn’t have a blast in DC a few summers ago? Don’t you remember how hard you laughed while swimming in the reflecting pool? You even let me hold you while we watched the sunrise.” Lewis Nixon had first met Cassandra Cooper at a seminar in Washington, DC for all recent intelligence course graduates. It had served the purpose to prepare them for their transition to the life of espionage before they shipped out. One last weekend of an air of normalcy before everything changed forever. 
“That is the perfect reason as to why I would be apprehensive about sharing a hotel suite with you this weekend, Nix! I can’t afford to get into any more trouble than I’m already in.” The lights dimmed and he had to swallow his question. 
“What kind of trouble?” he whispered. “Can’t be that bad if you’re a Captain now.” Cass looked at him out of the corner of her eye. 
“I’ll tell you when you buy me a nice dinner tonight.” 
“Now we’re making bargains?” Someone coughed a few rows behind them. 
“I’m getting soup and salad and dessert.” Partially, they had bonded over the family legacies that they had run from but knew were still waiting for them at home. For that reason they both knew they could afford whatever kind of luxurious night on the town that they could find.
“You’ll tell me everything that has happened since we last spoke? Not a single detail spared?”
“Just ask if I got laid in England, Nix, it’d be easier.” He laughed out loud and the entire room shushed them. Cass snuggled deeper into her seat with a smirk as the canvas in front of them was finally illuminated and an officer stepped out to brief them. 
“Ladies and gentleman, the ground invasion of Europe is here.” Everyone cheered but Cass wanted to cry. Why couldn’t it have come sooner? Why couldn’t it have come sooner to prevent the need for John to go on that last mission? The map revealed landing points along the coast of Normandy, France. She was already calculating how long it might take them to reach Germany. How long it might take them to reach the POW camps. Every calculation came back that it wasn’t soon enough. That she would have to do this herself if there was any hope of saving John. And she would need to move quickly. The minute American soldiers landed on the shores of Normandy, the SS would take control of the camps.
“Well? You impressed?” Nix asked as he held the door open for her, leading her out onto the streets of the English countryside. 
“Sure. Quite the orchestral undertaking.”
“Dinner?” he asked as he offered her his arm.
“Yes. Dinner.”
True to their bargain, Cass spared no expense when ordering. In turn she had answered all of his questions as best he could. What had happened to that fiance that she ran from? Had she gotten to fly in a B-17? Was she really the girl on that mission to Berlin? He stayed away from the ring on her neck. From the circumstances of her promotion and relocation. The last name on the registration paper that wasn't Cooper. 
“Tell me, Coop. What’s it like being in Moscow? Soviets planning to take us out with the Krauts?” She dabbed at her mouth politely as she chewed her bite of steak. 
“It’s busy. They have me doing a lot of internal things. Not a lot of mainland travel but I’m trying to get back there.” Soon.
“You really are fascinating, Coop. Southern belle from so much money it could make the angels weep. Gives it all up to become a spook. Lands in Berlin before the paratroopers and gets a cushy yet high profile gig in Moscow and wants to scoff at it because she prefers the mud.” He made her sound better than she deserved. Her family money wouldn’t get John back. She had to fall back on her intangibles. The skills that she had always had, before OSS school, and that they had just taught her to weaponize. Once this conference was all over she would have the time to practice with them and sharpen them and get ready to wield them at the gates of the Stalag. 
“You want to ask about the ring,” she remarked as her eyes stayed glued to her mashed potatoes. 
“I’m curious. But it’s not on your finger, leads me to believe the man on the other side of it isn’t with you anymore. Yet you have it on a chain around your neck which means you parted amicably, still in love even. There are only two ways that happens. And neither of them are good dinner table conversation.” Cass had to admit she was impressed. His logic and skills of deduction were impressive especially when you considered the sheer amount of whiskey he had consumed since she bumped into him at the coffee table alone. 
“And you told me you learned nothing while you were in Maryland,” she teased as she stabbed a green bean with her fork and pointed it in his direction. “He’s not dead. I’ll take that thought right of your head.” If anyone thought about it then that would give it life. Allow it to fester like an unattended wound. Cass would allow no such thing to happen.
“So the worse option then. Captured.” It was oddly comforting for him to acknowledge that it was the worse option. An odd sense of validation from an old friend blooming in her chest. 
“Yeah. But like you said. Not dinner table talk.” He nodded in agreement and was back to tucking into his dinner. “I don’t have a roommate. But I do have a few bottles of Vat 69.” Life was breathed back into Lewis Nixon in an instant. 
“God, I fucking love you.” They continued to laugh around dinner and she forced her stomach to compensate for the chocolate cake but then guilt started creeping in. Guilt that she was enjoying this time and living this life and it wasn’t with John. They should have been able to live these joyous moments together. “Ready?” Nix was standing and grabbing her blazer from the coat hook.
“Lew, if the tab is too much, just say so. No need for us to dine and dash.” 
“Handed them cash on the way in. It’s taken care of, Coop.” Her cheeks heated as he helped her arms into the jacket. “Someone’s gotta take care of you while the other half of that ring is out of commission.” His arm was around her shoulder and he pulled her in close. 
“He is very protective and very jealous. I’d be careful if I were you,” she cautioned as they walked towards the hotel in sync. 
“Tell me about Mr. Cassandra Cooper.” Cass tugged the hand that was resting on her shoulder tighter around her.
“He’s a pilot from Wisconsin. Joined before Pearl.” Lew hummed in acknowledgement. “Has a mustache,” she added with a smile. 
“Always saw you ending up with a mustached man.” She laughed, working her way through the hotel lobby and towards the elevator. “Sit tight. My bags are with the desk.” While waiting, her hand unconsciously drifted to grab the ring around her neck. If she focused long enough, she would almost feel it burning her palm. On particularly lonely nights she would run it down her cheeks and feel wisps of his fingers. Press it to her lips and feel the way he would whisper how much he loved her. It was exhausting to be without her other half. The piece of him that resided inside of her trying to reach him. Stretching herself thin and wearing down to the bone with the effort it took. 
“How’s Kathy?” she asked when Lew got back. 
“Fine,” he shrugged, “we fight over the dog a lot.” 
“The dog?”
“Why? You and Mr. Mustache a picture of peace and tranquility?” His arm held the elevator doors open as she stepped inside and pressed the button that said eight. 
“Major Mustache to you, Lieutenant.” Pulling her own rank on him would feel ridiculous. “And our play fighting and bantering is what gets me out of bed in the morning. Or…got me out of bed in the morning.” Now the only thing that fueled her was her plot for revenge. She was half tempted to throw a lit match into the camp and see how far that got her. 
“Major. Your mother won’t be upset he isn’t a Colonel? General, even.” Harding flashed across her eyes quickly. 
“She’ll be upset he isn’t a politician or a banker or a lawyer or some other traditionally pleasant profession. And she’ll be even further incensed when she learns I got married in London without her permission.” Just past the open doors, her shoes were kicked off angrily as she stalked towards the crate in the corner. “Bottle or glass?” Nix weighed his options.
“Bottle.” The one in her left hand went to him and the other went to her mouth. “It’s that kind of night?” 
“That kind of year.”
They lost track of time as they finished their bottles and decided to share another one. They were on the floor, pillows under their heads as they looked up at the peeling paint of the ceiling. 
“When this is all over, I need to meet this Major of yours. We can meet in Chicago or New York or bumfuck middle of nowhere. We can get drunk just like this and be fucking happy.” Cass smiled and laughed as he fumbled to try and light his cigarette.
“John will love that. We’ll still be married but you and Kathy…” Nix groaned.
“Kathy.” He handed it to her once he finally managed to capture it in the flame. “Absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder, Coop.” 
“I don’t like being away from him. I don’t feel like myself when he isn’t with me.” She absent-mindedly played with the ring that was resting against her chest. “I was so close to getting him out of there. He was in my arms…I just couldn’t get him on the damn horse. I wasn’t strong enough to get him out and now they have him caged.” A tear snuck out of the corner of her eye and she wiped it away harshly. 
“Cass,” Nix set the bottle to the side and opened his arms up to her, “your love is going to survive this. Whatever version of you makes it out of here and whatever version of him makes it out of there are going to be so fucking in love I am going to be sick.” She snuggled deeper into his chest. 
“Do you think they’ll fire me if I get myself thrown in a POW camp on purpose?” He’d warn her against it if he thought it would make a difference. 
“Well, walk me through the tradecraft. Do it right, they’ll never know.” When she sat up, she looked more alive than she had in awhile. 
“One of the guards has a very sick mother…”
The rest of the night was spent with her walking him through her plan. The network she had built to get her to the edge of the camp in the first place, the vulnerabilities she had found within the ranks of the guards to get her husband brought to her when required and the web she was weaving to get past the fence and into the barracks. He challenged the motivations of the guards. Challenged the security of her assets along the path. Offered her perspectives on a cover story and made sure she was emphatically aware of the danger she was taking on by enacting this plan. 
“I can’t think of anyone more qualified in recklessness to take this on, Captain,” he said as the sun was beginning to peek over the horizon. “He’s one lucky fucking bastard to have a girl willing to do this for him.”
“I’m the lucky one. He’s given me a home. Something to look forward to and a place to feel safe while doing it.” She laughed with no humor behind it. “That future…he’s the only one I want it with. Any other version and it isn’t worth it.” He heard the meaning behind her words. If this was her last mission, she would be going out exactly the way she wanted to. Cass was not meant to live without John. And she didn’t plan on doing so either. 
“As if I needed another reason to want Hitler dead. Now I have to add your love story to the list.” Nix rolled his eyes but there was nothing but love in them. 
“Oh, have you heard the tale of Princess Spook?” 
“Does she have a dashing advisor named Sir Nix?” 
“Not yet but she can.” 
Saying goodbye to him hurt in a way she couldn’t describe. The time spent with him shielding her from the pain and suffering that her reality had to offer her. It had felt good to talk to someone about John and not have to comfort them. Not have to recognize their pain in losing him as well. To share her thoughts and have him listen and provide solutions and not try to dissuade her from the path she was on. It was the first time she had been able to let her guard down in a long while. It would be her last chance to do so for many months.
Cass waved goodbye from the door of her train until it pulled away and Nixon was a speck on the horizon. She stayed there and looked in the same direction until the wind whipped too cold. And as she did everytime the breeze kissed her cheeks, she imagined it was John. And she kissed her fingertips and held them to the wind with a message in the hopes it would return her sentiments in kind.
I love you, John.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
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shelyue99 · 2 months
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Yale boy
Remember Ron Livingston said in BoB podcast something like he got cast as Nixon might have something to do with he went to Yale too, he is not from that background but he knows what is like (paraphrasing)
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