#rook was so hard to analysis because we don't really know any personal details
pumpkincarriage3 · 2 years
Rook Hunt Character Analysis
Rook is an interesting character. With his french words, that I still want to know why the apparent translation spell over the school doesn't change, and his general personality, all compile into one of the most unique characters in Twisted Wonderland.
Rook is a character, that people in universe are mostly terrified of and are unable to understand. Of course, there are a few characters that get along with him, Vil and Trey in particularly, but that isn't typically the interactions we see.
Which is in part because Rook is a hunter. He sees the beauty in everything and because of that he wants to see every side of everything. In meaning, he doesn't just want to see when people are happy and their best selves, he wants to see them in difficult situations and see how they react. To Rook, watching people as a hunter would their prey, allows him to understand them more and see their true beauty.
Which is interesting when you consider the fact that Rook is one of the most private characters in the cast. He wants to see everything about a person to see their beauty, but he isn't willing to show every part of himself. Which, in a way, reminds me a lot of Cater.
Of course, even though Rook does intentionally make some people uncomfortable, he doesn't actually want people to be upset. Even though he wants to see them for them, he also wants to see them thrive in an environment that is so entirely them, because that is what is the most beautiful to Rook. Watching people and things simply exist as themselves. So, he'll take actions to help that person, or how he sees as helping them.
It's the entire reason why Rook voted for Neige's group. It's not because he likes Neige more than Vil, Rook never said that. It's just that he knew that later the NRC boys wouldn't actually feel as if they won and instead would be unsatisfied, therefore it wasn't their win and was instead RSA's.
Rook is a character that is motivated by his curiosity by the world around him. Curiosity about how the world itself interacts with things in it. How people interact with the world. How anything interacts with anything. He wants to see it all. And since he wants to see things as they are, at their best (and worst), he is more than willing to help people be their best selves.
It's why he helps and offers console to Epel but will hunt him down when Epel runs away from lessons. Rook isn't Vil's lapdog that just does whatever he says, it's his own choice to go after Epel and drag Epel back to those lessons. Cause he feels like those lessons will show Epel's true beauty and Rook wants to see it.
Rook is completely unapologetically himself. He will call people out if he sees an issue with something. If he is doing something, it's because he wants to do it, it is not from a decision he suffered over to make. He, while kind, can be just as shady as the rest of the cast. He has been multiple times and will lie shamelessly. He has pictures, of who knows what, "hidden" behind his wallpaper in his room. He is in a villain school, this isn't surprising.
The hunter from Snow White wasn't a hero and never will be. He was fully planning on cutting up Snow White until he got cold feet, that was the whole reason he lured her out into the forest. This is the same person that Rook is based off of. He's not in RSA for a reason, no matter how kind.
Rook can also be selfish for his own desires and belief, an example of this - spoilers ahead for chapter six - is when he goes to rescue Vil. He should have been watching over the dorm since Vil wasn't there to do it, it's what the rest of Vice Dorm Leaders, and Kalim, did. But he went after Vil anyway because he cares for Vil and he wasn't about to let something happen to him. Vil yelled at him for a reason. Because he failed to do his duties for his own selfish desires, no matter how noble those desires were.
Rook is a complex character and people shouldn't boil him down to the funny french man that's a weirdo. Because that's not who Rook is as a person. He's shameless, curious, persistent, and obsessed with seeing the beauty in everything, and he's even much more than that.
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