#rootftopcrew mha
higheverweave · 3 years
Chapter 11
The rest of their time at UA went by quicker than expected. Shouta never really recovered just stayed more serious than he ever was... withdrawing into himself.
They graduated leaving an empty seat with some white and blue cotton balls.
If you were to ask Aizawa .... He'd tell you he wants to make sure what happened to Oboro Shirikamo of class 2A never happens to anybody else especially not young kids...Aizawa drifted out of touch after that Mic still had his phone number but not much more than the occasional heads up or basic check in.... Although Aizawa did like to pretend he didn't care now.... Even though he does deeper than ever. Aizawa honored a Oboro by Fulfilling Oboros dream of having an agency.
As for What Aisuru and Hizashi did they moved in together in a loft just the right size for the essentials. Hizashi had ended up going deaf. Which isn't a big deal both him and Aisuru knew how to sign. Plus Hizashi was skilled enough at lip reading to skill make a good estimate. Hizashi has also been incredibly talented at figuring out what something was supposed to sound like via vibrations as well.
Hizashi also liked to listen to music by playing it louder than average. Aisuru kind of likes it as well when the music is loud ,because if a person puts their hand close to the speaker or on the floor they can feel the beat.
The loft Hizashi and Aisuru lived in was exactly the stereotypical artist housing. With red bricks worn with white spots in the front of the building and in the kitchen. They have one room they are trying to save up money to sound proof and make into a recording space.
Hizashi looked tense .... Aisuru put her hands on his shoulders to gently message them.
Before tapping him on the shoulder gently. To respectfully get his attention without startling him.
"Aizawa still not answering?"  She signed with a questioning  facial expression.
"It's like he dropped off the face of the Earth. No word since graduation..." Hizashi frowned signing back with dejected posture.
"I'm sorry Zashi... I worry about him too.... It's like loosing a friend all over again." Aisuru noted tensing  her eyebrows so her facial expression matched the sign.
"It sucks Yo..." Hizashi ... had a pouty face on...
In all honesty y if you knew Hizashi behind closed doors you would know he wasn't doing alright. Frequent Nightmares about why's happened to Oboro nightly. Waking up using his quirk or just panicked in general.
"I know. You'll get through.Your stronger than you ever give yourself credit for and if you  need me I'll support you. I'm here for you." Aisuru reassured him
Signing softer and slower now.
Truth is Hizashi would throw himself into work and volunteer as well sometimes working until 3am to 4 am to avoid another nightmare. Aisuru just stared at him sometimes to make sure he was ok. As when it came to the nightmares she couldn't blame him for having them.
The thing that was hardest for Hizashi's was the years after Oboro without Shouta. Hizashi started to drink to unwind not enough to get drunk. Hizashi sometimes bad days where he had to be tricked into waking up..... Tne worst of the days were when Hizashi almost didn't wake up after a hero job or hurt himself .
Aisuru patching it up with stitches if they were required. Cleaned,d it dressed it bandaged it.
She knew what she got into when she started
Dating him she knew he was goofy and impulsive and reckless and self sacrificing. So she just stitched him up and hoped telling him how much he scared her with this would get him to stop
"Oh! Susu!!! I got a job offer!" Hizashi signed excitedly and quickly.
"Slow down." Aisuru chucked.
"I got a job offer , in addition to the hero work." He resigned
"Zashi that's amazing. I'm so proud of you! That won't be too much will it?" Aisuru questioned with the same quizzical face to match her hand movements.
"You always managed. I'm sure I'll be able too to!" Hizashi explained.
"Wait... you didn't say what the job offer is..." Aisuru backtracked.
"Oh it's hosting a radio show!"  Hizashi answered
"That's awesome! You can use the soundproof  studio room for that  too when you need."  Aisuru smiled finishing her hand movements by bringing him into a hug.
"Honestly, that's perfect for you! You're going to do brilliant...." She added
"Helps my incredible Girlfriend is a modern chart topper." Hizashi raised his eyebrow playfully accompanying the signs.
"Do you have a name for it yet?" Aisuru wondered.
"My current ideas are
It's a Friday night show soo...
Raise the roof radio
put your hands up radio...
Footloose Friday nights."
Hizashi listed the names signing them back to her one by one.
"Put your hands up is like the woot woot raise the roof hand motion of Raising the roof  it combines both. Plus it sounds nice with you're name." Aisuru commented.
"I was leaning towards that as well... but it's nice to get affirmation." Hizashi smiled...
"Hey Susu? Should I grow my hair out?" Hizashi questioned signing
"To match the Stache? You look good no matter what you do ... not that people should be judging by looks anyway... but point is do what feels right to you." Aisuru explained.
"Thanks Susu."
Hero work for The Kayó-Yamada household was sometimes joint patrol with Siren and Present Mic but Midnight would sometimes go with Present Mic so then Siren Would do information gathering at Limewire.
"Hey so you said you got you're hands on some intel?" Midnight questioned.
(Aisuru Hero name Siren is both signing and talking for this part.)
"There have been concerning whispers...especially with the intel the bartenders have picked up from low level villains who have had just a sip too much.
Umm... Mic? Do you remember my Parents funeral? How I had mentioned there being something when I said I thought something mysterious was going on that something was off... and I know this was years ago but... just bare with me ok?
Umm... There is this report?? If you can call it that. Intel from a lower level folks down on their luck the big Villains like to take advantage of and manipulate
The kid that was being talked too... He let some information slip... Talked about a kidnapped kid with a powerful quirk. Which ok that is standard for villains but he mentioned something else.... You know how the person who killed my Parents had two quirks one being unregistered... according to this kid. It wasn't unregistered.... There is somebody out there doing  science or medical ...experiments  or something along those lines manipulating peoples quirks... combining them making them stronger more... dangerous.  Bartender pressed with some questions ... the informant
Said  it took them ten years to get as far as they did early attempts blowing/burning up instantly. They were too much for a singular body  but the "big boss." wanted these alterations to last longer to function properly so one villain could use multiple of their own quirks...
Mentioned something about one villain whose experiment was half a success about two years ago said they only used two but managed to take out two big league hero's before ... the quirks overwhelmed them . My theory is that those were my parents.
So then the bartender was smart asked if This big boss had ever succeed.
The informant started laughing and laughing and laughing. Saying something about how this society will have no idea what hit them. Told the bartender he was gonna tell a secret... he said they finally got a villain with enough quirks to work about a year ago...Said something about wasting it as a babysitter but I think that last bit was just the alcohol talking.
Of course I took the rest of it with a grain of salt too at first but .... When the bartender who talked to him went to come to work the next day... there were whispers of a brutal murder a few blocks over victim fitting the informants description. The really disturbing part... The bartender had pictures of the informants corpse left on the bar for him.... With a note written in handwriting that was way too fancy...
Snitch and your next..."
Siren explained.
"Do you have the photos and the note?"
Midnight questioned.
"Yeah Manila folder is photos and the note is the paper on top."Siren handed them to her.
"Oh my God? Whoever did this didn't hold back did they?" Midnight noted eying the evidence.
"I wouldn't expect them too... whoever is behind this sure as hell didn't take it easy on my folks either let's just say there was a reason it was a closed casket...."
Siren frowned.
"What did they do?" Present Mic jumped in
"See for yourself." Midnight hand them to him.
"Jeez." Was all he said as an initial reaction.
"Do they have an M.O or something like that putting. A literal hole in a person like that?"
Midnight questioned.
"With my folks it was different they went with some sort of sick Irony for how they killed my parents....
My Dad was murdered in a way that made fun of his hero name .... Shred. They uh... made it so he was slashed through so many times he was almost unidentifiable.... But Boombox or Otonami my brother could tell it was him by the now shredded tattoos on his arm. Our Dad had a sleeve with a tattoo for each of the quirks in our family... something Otonami ... has started to do to Honor Shusei our little sister and her quirk ,our parents, me and his fiancée. All of their quirks are there to pay homage. Point is ...
When I say they made fun of him to kill him.
I got a glimpse of his body by accident before the funeral closed casket. I got sick as soon as I saw him like that....He looked like a piñata strips of skin hanging off... the mortician tried to fix it of course but... there's only so much that can be done....
My Mom they did similar to her. Her hero name was muse so they stabbed her drew her in her own blood and used the same knife to restab her with the art attached... she survived Thay but not really... she lost a lot of blood enough it resulted in a coma she never came out of ... point is whoever these people are they're ruthless and there isn't anytime to underestimate them."  Siren frowned looking out the window of her shared loft not making eye contacts or looking just counting cars so she didn't have to think about how painful things were or how ugly they ere about to get.
She was drawn out of her trance by a tap on the shoulder which caused Siren to jump.
"Sorry,,, me and Midnight were trying to call you are you ok?" Hizashi questioned.
"Yeah.... I -I-I'm ok... thanks for checking. I just am concerned this is only the beginning." Siren explained.
"Of what?" Midnight wondered.
"More Chaos for the world and more hero work for us.." Siren answered.
"You mentioned them combining: giving villains multiple quirks and they succeeded in that do you think they succeeded in ... making quirks stronger?" Hizashi wondered.
"I don't know ... unfortunately..."  Siren explained.
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higheverweave · 3 years
Rooftop Crew PT2
Chapter 1 .5
Aisuru started helping Hizashi with sign during free period. Writing the word and showing him the sign with her hands.... Every once and awhile adjusting the position on his. Once a week they'd have a conversation in all sign (Not that Hizashi didn't sometimes try to sign to her in class mostly side comments about the lesson or teachers.)
It was quiet but peaceful and any who knew Hizashi Yamada knew he wasn't quiet or peaceful ... usually. However when Aisuru would teach him the teachers swore it was the quietest he had ever been.
The teachers weren't the only ones who noticed Hizashi's attention to Aisuru's lessons.... Sometimes His friends would say something to him  while looking in her direction.
Oboro Especially ,but Oboro was observant and kind so he always would think of ways to fix problems or to make the world around him better.
Which is why he had come up with a plan that would make it easier for Aisuru to hang out with them if
She wanted....
So he pitched it to her...
Oboro said his plan was simple...
Aisurus fear was using her quirk on people by accident and not knowing if they actually like her as a person or she had accidentally used her quirk...
So Oboro figured ... Aizawa hangs out with him and Hizashi on the roof anyway he could erase her quirk while she was with them so she didn't have to be afraid of brainwashing them.
"Do you want to meet us on the roof? We tend to just goof off but Hizashi brings a big stereo and some cds sometimes... and I asked Aizawa..."
Aisuru gave him a raised eyebrow.
"Okay.Fine ... I talked Aizawa into erasing your quirk while we are on the roof." Oboro smiled proud of himself."
"Ok cool so ill see you later!" Oboro clapped
"Oboro ...wait.... If this works I'm super indebted to you. Thank you for coming up with this ... and putting all that effort into including me. It means a lot." Aisuru wrote with a smiley at the end giving him a big hug.
Neither one of them knowing the quiet and painful jealousy of the blonde boy.
Hizashi was Jealous until Oboro explained his plan to him...
"Wait so we are going to get to hear Aisuru talk!! That's so Rad!" Hizashi exclaimed...
"Yeah it's going to be soo cool Especially considering Im Going to have to use my quirk on her the whole time." Aizawa sighed,
"Let's see if you still feel like it sucks to hold up your quirk when you meet her especially since she is a new friend!"Oboro smiled.
"That somehow makes it worse..."
Aizawa sighed.. rolling his eyes.
"Yeah but you're the only one who has that has  met her so you will probably like her once you get to know her...." Hizashi countered.
"I have met her I see her in class everyday.. sometimes she writes answers on The board."
Aizawa deadpanned.
"I meant like meet her meet her.... Like in person and actually talking to her." Hizashi corrected.
"Says the person who can't stop talking about her..." Aizawa sighed.
Dispute watching Hizashi go Beat red flailing his arms trying to explain how Aizawa must've had the wrong idea.
The look of which made Oboro fall off is cloud from laughing so hard.
Aisurus anxiety could almost be felt through the UA roof door as she prepared herself to knock on the door.
Aisuru chuckled to herself grabbed hand and knocked three times.
"Oh hey!!! Welcome to the Rooftop crew? Rooftop three ... Rooftop in out of ideas I gotta workshop that... maybe I'll ask Yamada later..." Oboro opened the door letting Aisuru on the roof of UA.
"Go ahead try to say something," Oboro suggested.
" Umm okay..." Aisuru spoke softly barely above a whisper.
"Well I'm still in control of my mind and body ... how about you Hizashi?" Oboro asked.
"Well other than being possessed by these sick beats ...Nope I'm still in control too...." Hizashi added
This made Aisuru do a full 180% and laugh/shout.
"Holy SHIT! It Worked!"
"Aizawa right?" Aisuru wondered.
Aisuru gave him a huge hug
"thank you so much!"
"If you really want to thank me you could try not hugging me ever again thanks."
Aizawa responded...
"Oh right sorry. Um.. this is going to sound weird... but I noticed you nap in class sometimes .... So as a thank you for this I could take notes for you."
Aisuru suggested.
"If you insist..." Aizawa shrugged.
"Oro.... I'll owe you and IOU ... let me know what you need or would want in return later... I mean I owe you big for this thank you!"
Aisuru turned to Oboro.
"So now that awe can actually talk to each-other.... You know I gotta ask.... What is it like to have pro-hero music legends as family?"
"If you want to meet them one day you can.... They like the fact is making friends Well enough....." Aisuru offered.
"Wait is that a serious offer??" Hizashi wondered In A louder voice then he probably meant too.
"Yeah. My family are usually all home at the same time on Thursday afternoons if you'd want to meet them." Aisuru explained.
"Uh why is her family such a big deal? I remember hearing something about it from a teacher in passing but can you all explain?" Aizawa knotted his already broody face In Confusion.
"SERIOUSLY YOU DONT KNOW?" Hisashi's Jaw dropped.
"Nope." Aizawa popped the P.
"Basically her parents are pro-heros which alone is pretty standard for UA.... But her  Father is The Guitar Hero Shred who revolutionized the modern rock industry.... Especially as he was the first pro hero to do concerts and fight villains at the same time.... As well as the first ProHero to think to use an instrument as a support item in battles.
Her Mom Muse is more famous in the Pop music scene... Her quirk can heal folks but most people see her Mom as more of a trend setter. Her Mom is responsible for a lot of costume and fashion trends....as well as really brining super hero branding into the modern age... sometimes the marketing classes fangirl about it and you can over hear them."
Oboro explained.
"As for BoomBox." Hizashi cut in.
"Boombox is her brother. HE IS THE ONE I WANT TO BE LIKE!! His Quirk is called parrot which is admittedly way less cool. But be can do pitch replication. He is able to perfectly copy sounds pitches and frequency's to provide a distraction or to break something using resonant frequency
He's copied villains voices to get them to turn on each-other and onetime he went up against a villain with a barrier quirk that allowed him to make cages and was able to match frequency with each cage and make the materials explode just with sound....
HE IS THE SICKEST!!" Hizashi explained....
"Uh ok... So mainly they are just influential?"
Aizawa squinted
"Basically ."Oboro affirmed.
"If you guys go I'll go I guess..." Aizawa shrugged.
"How about after the sports festival? Since that will be taking up most of our time soon anyway."
Aisuru suggested.
"Sounds good to me!" Oboro gave a thumbs up
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higheverweave · 3 years
Chapter 10 those who remain part 2
School was starting back up Again...
But it wasn't the same after what happened to Shirikamo...
Mic had been .... Off
Texting the occasional one word answers but not much else and no calls otherwise.
Radio Silent
(And for him that's saying something.)
Aizawa had also been off...
Almost like he was trying to ... pick up the slack. To be like Oboro almost but introverted and ... Aizawa became strict withdrawn.... More serious than he had ever been and he was serious to begin with. He didn't talk much anymore. On the rare occasion Aizawa did talk it was about ... Memory's with Shirikamo, or school related work or projects.
The first day back to UA after was the worst.... Not all the kids in class knew what happened so it.... Was tense and uncomfortable. Full of sobs and forced out memorial stories..... (oddly the people who talked about what good friends they were with him barely had talked to him at all....).
Those he did talk to ..... didn't really have the words anymore. No description. No answers. Just
Pictures of him and sticky notes taped on his locker. With notes for a dead classmate.
His dorm door didn't look much different sticky notes pictures.... Candles on the floor in front.
The worst part of it all was Shirikamos parents.... Trying to collect his things.... Sorting a few out for Hizashi and Shouta and others he considered himself especially close too...
Aisuru had a dorm directly above Shirikamo's....
So she had been surprised when she went to get food from the common room to see Oboros folks with cardboard boxes... his Mom inconsolable.... His Dad empty...
Aisuru didn't think Oboro ,Hizashi or Aizawa or Nemuri considered her apart of the rooftop crew.
( especially since to most of the class the rooftop crew was those who went everyday. As most of 1A tried to join the mischief when they had time. So Aisuru going sometimes and being friends with the three didn't immediately make them best friends...)
So it caught her off guard when Shirikamos mother caught her gaze with broken eyes and Gave a barely audible. "Aisuru? I know you."
"You knew our boy?" His father stated with work and heavy eyes.
"Yeah, and Umm.... I owe .... Owed him... a lot. Most of 2 A and B owes him. He was just like that looking out for everyone else." Aisuru responded.
"He told us about you umm... he'd give us little updates about things ...his friends mainly... um.. He told us what happened to your parents.... That to some degree he looked up to you... of course he looked up to Hizashi and Shouta too. However he was impressed by how you dealt with loosing your family how you could be resilient ,funny ,and cheerful during such dark times in you're life.. he tried to emulate that spirit when his regular positive disposition faltered..."
Mrs.Shirikamo's explained
It was at this point Aisuru started crying......
It was all a-lot all too fast loss.
"No don't cry he wouldn't have wanted y0u to cry over him. I Know I'm not one to talk crying myself.... I just know. He'd make some joke about how it was a waste of tears.... May I offer you a hug." Mrs. Shirikamo suggested
Her arms were warm. no matter how broken or cold her heart, was... her arms were always warm.
"I um ... I have this most of our friend group had them but I think maybe you might need them more than I do right now..." Aisuru took out the concert ticket that she had for the band Oboro liked.
"He had one somewhere too. It's yours if you want it listening to music he liked might help heal. I don't know ... I just feel like you need this more than I do."
Aisuru continued...
"Thank you... that's sweet. Are your other friends around? Aizawa ,Nemuri,or Hizashi I'd love to meet more of the people he was friends with.... At least that way I can keep him close somehow?" Mrs. Shirikamo questioned.
"They are grieving in thier own way." Nezu chime in who Aisuru hadn't noticed was there causing her to jump.
"My apologies if I startled you Ms.Kayó."
Nezu stated.
"Not at all I just didn't see you there sir." Aisuru responded.
"Ah standard protocol for a staff member to attend these sorts of ... things." Nezu explained.
"As for you're Question Mrs.Shirikamo. umm... They haven't really been ... themselves since... Aizawa uh ... he sometimes will call to talk about how he misses Oboro. Aizawa been more serious then usual somehow... both Hizashi and Aizawa have strong personalities.... Polar opposite actually... umm... Oboro had a way of bringing people together who ... usually wouldn't end up friends." Aisuru explained.
"Oboro would tell us the same thing about them when he'd come home ... I think we only saw Aizawa and Yamada in passing once. Not long enough to really meet them." Mrs.Shirikamo have a sad smile her husband simply agreeing.
"I -I haven't really heard from Hizashi..."
Aisuru explained.
"That's very out of character for him considering he's known for being loud and energetic." Nezu added.
"Yeah.... It ..uh worries me too... They are taking it hard." Aisuru frowned.
"What about Nemuri? He discussed her sometimes."
Mrs.Shirikamo explained.
"Oh Nemuri.... Yeah Nemuri is tricky ,because she's a 3rd year. She's super nice and all but we don't have the same classes so usually we'd hang out after school. She's coping somehow better than... the rest of us but it bothers her too.... I think Everyone really looked up to Oboro honestly... he had a bright personality he made ... our class happier. I know it's the first few days back but already There's a hole... It isn't the same. Anyway I'm really sorry for your loss of there's anything I can do... darn it I don't have paper." Aisuru noted
"I happen to keep sticky notes and a pen on my person at all times. As it is better to be prepared."
Nezu offered up to Aisuru a pen and a sticky note which she scribbled her name and number on and gave to Mrs.Shirikamo.
"Thank you Sweetie... It's good to know he had good friends in the end." Mrs.Shirikamo stated giving Aisuru one last hug and a paper with her phone number.
"Don't be a stranger... Aisuru please if I don't see The others pass that message along too..." Mrs. Shirikamo noted.
"Promise." Aisuru stated.
The third day back to classes when things started to return to normal were the toughest....
Everyone ignored the gap and the space. The concert they were supposed to have gone to with Oboro had been the night before .... Not that anyone ended up being ok enough to go.
Aisuru didn't go to class...
Said something about feeling off.
Probably because seeing Oboros parents made it more horribly real.
Also because she hadn't heard form Hizashi and barely from Aizawa.
Aisuru had her dorm door locked..... She just hid under the large purple comforter she owned.
Nobody ever expects for things to go so wrong so fast.
Death it seemed favored , Aisuru in the most unwanted way. Her Parents ,now Oboro? How many more? Why did they die and not some major villains.
Incoming Text Mic
U ok?
Outgoing text  Midnight...
Did you end up meeting them....
Incoming text Midnight
Meeting who?
11:23 am
Outgoing Text Midnight
Oboro's parents...
12:19 am
Incoming text Midnight
Just heard you weren't in class.... Then saw you're last text. That must've been a lot.
Incoming Text Mic
I heard you met Shirikamo's Folks
R U Ok?  Seriously??
Incoming Text Mic
I'm sorry I've been quiet ... I'm worried about you know though so I'm comming to check on you.
12:30 pm
Incoming  text Mic...
Im outside your dorm I brought you lunch....
Please unlock.
There's a pounding at the dorm door
"Aisuru? It's me ... I brought you a lunch I have one too I figured we ... could eat together."
Hizashi offered.
Aisuru got up to open the door but with none of the energy she usually possessed.
"Aisu?" Just put the trays on the floor so they could eat after.
"I don't know wether to be pissed at you or hug you.... I'm worried about you.... I feel like I haven't just lost one friend... but I've lost you too...." Aisuru turned away from him because if she looked at him. She would be crying more.
"Suru Im sorry.... I'm so unbelievably sorry...  you should be mad at me ...All of it is my fault... I know that... how can I face you after that? I killed one of you're best friends when I promised you. I promised you when we snuck out of your parents funeral for a hot minute..... I promised I PROMISED we'd all look after EACHOTHER.
I failed you Aisuru now he's dead.... One of our best friends is dead and you literally already lost your parents around this time last year... I can't ... I can't even look at you without feeling Ashamed and like like ...I'm the reason he's dead... I didn't take training seriously enough I didn't treat my quirk seriously enough." Hizashi explained.
"I'm not ashamed of you or if I'm being honest I'm not even really mad at you .... How could I be you didn't kill him there was nothing you could have done.... The building collapsed on him right...? I'm just worried about you... I mean you saw him... like that... lifeless... that isn't nothing."
"Aisuru ,no! You don't understand! The Villain we were against Garvey ,could absorb quirks it came into contact with and emit them later.... I had used my quirk on Him ... I .... It was my Quirk that killed him! I killed him! I murdered you and Shouta's best friend with my irresponsibility so how can I look either of you in the eye?? How can I really and pretend I'm not the reason OBORO IS DEAD!"
Hizashi Sobbed......
At this point Aisuru hugs him as tightly as she can....
"Hizashi Present Mic Yamada Look at me....." she lifted his chin so his eyes met hers.
Put her hands on both sides of his face.
"IT WASNT YOUR FAULT. You're quirk is Voice not Clairvoyance or prophecy.... You used your quirk on a villain as in tried to fight a Villain as in what hero's do.... You were doing your job. How the hell could you have predicted that he would steal your quirk and use it like that?! YOU COULDN'T HAVE KNOWN. You didn't kill him... if he were here he'd HATE you blaming yourself like that and you Damn well know it. Even if it was your quirk ... You weren't the one that used it on him you didn't make that choice....
I mean if all people with the same quirks blamed each-other for when that quirk was used for awful reasons ... Who knows how people would even function? Point is Zashi... It isn't your fault not at all not even close and it's silly to blame yourself..... So please, please don't.... Not talking to you not seeing you not knowing if you were ok .... Or suffering alone ... The uncertainty destroyed me.
So Hizashi please please don't blame yourself.... Seeing you hurt like this ... for something you didn't even do ...it hurts." Aisuru was fully sobbing at this point.
Hizashi just kissed her .... Both of them puffy eyed, mourning , with too many thoughts for their own good..
When they pulled apart
There was only a small breathy
"Suru your right Oboro wouldn't want me crying. I'm sorry I put you through that.... I just ... I feel guilty Ya know?"
Hizashi questioned.
"Of course you do your human and he was our friend and ... you saw him like that ... It's enough to mess you up... The more you care about people the easier it is to blame ourselves for their pain." Aisuru held His hand. Gently stroking the back of it with her thumb.
"Hey Susu? I don't think I want to be a battle hero anymore after everything."
Hizashi stated.
"Then you don't have to make battle hero training be your future. Your path is in You're hands only and I'll support you no matter what path you choose. I love you Hizashi Yamada..." Aisuru smiled
"I love you too Aisuru and right about know I don't know off the charts lucky I had to be too have you as my girl ." Hizashi replied
Catching up and eventually eating lunch..
"It bothers me .....They we're nice ... his parents... his Mom... you can see where he got it from the kindness. She gave me her number. She uh.... Wants to see you and Aizawa just to be close to those who were close to her son. We should probably keep in touch with them .... Just check in every once and awhile. I can't imagine how hard it's gotta be for them if it's this hard on us. I want to make cookies for them just drop them off... so maybe they won't feel entirely disconnected from their sons life... you know. He'd probably want that people to look out for them now that he can't... I don't know I just.
This whole situation is wrong... there isn't good answers for it." Aisuru leaned her head one his shoulders.
"The one thing I know for certain. Is that what happened wasn't the fault of you and Shouta. Oboro was ... just the best of us? Too damn good a hero for his own good. Selfless to the end. Yet it was not you're fault or Shotas or anyone's ok? "
Aisuru hugged him.
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higheverweave · 3 years
Chapter 8
e second year went about as you would expect to start. A lecture from the homeroom teacher about more seriously activities this year and taking them seriously. There wasn't anyway we could have known how wrong things would go by the end.....
It started out pleasant the beginning of 2A.
Aisuru had her album drop early in the year so she didn't have time to make it to rooftop crew year 2.
However ended up being pleasantly surprised when she learned of her now class 3A friend and mentor Nemuri Kayama going to the rooftop..... and apparently adopting a kitten named Sushi Aizawa found earlier in the year.
The first major event Or class event was the provisional Licensing exams. At least it was for Aisuru who worked out a deal with Nezu and the class A teacher to take the exam early due to her need to support her Little sister Seusei and the fact her internship would be with her brother learning to manage Limewire and it's affairs as a full hero.
It was odd because Aisuru still went to regular class at UA that day.
"Hey pssstt Aisuru!!!!" Oboro threw a cloud to get her attention.
"Is it true you have the provisional license exam today?" He questioned.
"Yeah uhh... I have to take it now just too get all of the things I need for the summer work study settled. My Brother Boombox is going to be teaching me how to fill in our Parents shoes at Their wait no ....our ....agency now I guess?" Aisuru sighed.
"That's really cool your doing like Actual Hero Work on your own terms.I can't wait do that like you and Hizashi." Oboro smirked
"Zashi you already have an Workstudy plan?" Aisuru wondered.
"You bet!" Hizashi smiled.
"Cool. I'm surprised you got that scheduled that fast. Most Agency's are hesitant. I only have mine scheduled because it was my parents. Limewire Agency doesn't really take work studies. My folks worried about all of that so does BoomBox he thinks they can be "Risky." For students if they are exposed to too much to fast.... As usually we deal in intelligence and undercover conversations with villains in a covert capacity there's a lot that can go really really wrong. In terms of a sidekick or student hero were to slip up on the facade and be recognized as a hero.... Well you can guess where that would go." Aisuru explained.
"Hey Suru? Can I steal you quick before you have to leave for exams." Hizashi invited.
"Sure." Aisuru tucked her hair behind her ear.
Hizashi placing his hand in front of her in a request for her to grab it.
Aisuru takes Hizashi's hand.... And follows him to the Hallway.
"I just ... I wanted to wish you good luck.... Not that I think you'll need luck ...you're you! But they make us use our hero names more once we get licensed.
So I guess I wanted to .... Say this before I have to start calling you Siren officially.
I...I love you Aisuru..... Like have fallen harder than I ever expected too love you. So I just wanted to remind you of all the reasons I do and the reasons you're going to kill this exam before you go.....
Aisuru you are going to be an amazing hero... your nice..... sometimes so empathetic you get overly nervous. I know the last years been hard for you but you've done unbelievable things despite everything. You look after you're little sister. You've always been a good friend to ,
Shouta, Oboro ,and I and honestly our whole class.... Even some of the harder people to get along with. Point is I told you how your Family had been my Role-models in terms of what it takes to be a hero..... I never expected you to be the one who inspired me most and who makes me want to be the hero I want to be. Point is I know you are going to pass the exam because you already are a hero to me." Hizashi explained....
Only to have her lips crash into his.....
In what both of them thought was a private moment until Oboro and Shouta peaked into the hallway from the classroom. Oboro making woot woot noise so loud it could rival Hizashi Yamada...
Causing Aisuru and Hizashi to pull away from the kiss.
Only to have Aisuru put her hands on both sides of Hizashi's face look him in the eyes and say
"I love you too Hizashi Yamada."
Which somehow got Oboro to be louder and Aizawa to actually clap?
Until it was all interrupted by the class bell signaling it was time for Aisurus exam.
Considering the disadvantage from the sports festival Aisuru was able to use one factor to her advantage the fact she was singing at the music festival. Which made people think she had to sing commands to get people to do them when her quirk Allure only required her to speak an order to someone who then fell in love with her and completed the order.
Her main tactic to get points was to lie low then strike fast. Which ended up getting her past the first part of the provisional exams for that year.
The second part was the two part protect and rescue.
This part of the exam Aisuru worried less about her quirk and more about strategy deciding the most efficient way to save the most people in an emergency situation was open communication and collaboration with others taking the test and comforting even the fake "victims."
It wasn't too hard for her to pass.
Spring studies for 2A were basic. Most of spring with Class 1A was going to Hizashi and Shoutas favorite bands concert together and (Ending up getting tickets for Nemuri for all of them too so they could all go.)
Shoutas favorite band concert was the most social Oboro, Hizashi,Nemuri or Aisuru had ever seen him be....
Especially because of you leave him alone with music he likes .... He has the perfect hair for head banging.
Obviously you know this is some sort of metal concert. Which made a funny picture to have on a phone for later especially when Oboro could do similar things his cloud hair so the wide array of blurry black and light blue hair everywhere is ..... something to see.
The concert ended fairly late a lot like the concert Hizashi picked but unlike that.... Hizashi only noticed the weight on his shoulder when the music stopped.
"We have school tomorrow....." Aizawa almost basically reverted to his usual self.
"Shhhh I think Aisuru fell asleep....." Hizashi attempted to whisper.
"How do you fall asleep during a metal concert?" Oboro wondered
"She must really relax around you. Haha!" Nemuri teased
"Or did you all forget her Father is Shred one of the most hardcore rockstars of alltime." Aizawa rolled his eyes.
"It has nothing to do with any fluffy BS." He added.
"I doubt that." Hizashi responded trying to gently lift Aisuru up without waking her.
"This is wild but now I know how to get you to be quiet!!!" Oboro whispered to Hizashi
Whose glare was hidden behind his trademark orange sunglasses.
Hizashi was still gonna have to carry her when they got out of the car to the dorms.
Again scooping her up into his arms as quietly (as he possibly could which isn't super quiet but he is making an intense effort.)
"I could use a cloud to bring her to her dorm...." Oboro offered.
"Nah Man she's My girl so I gotta make absolutely sure she gets there safe." Hizashi explained.
"Ok makes sense." Oboro winked at him before he turned to go to his dorm.
"Goodnight lover boy." Nemuri chuckled..
"Seriously though all jokes aside she really does care about you.... She brags about her "Zashi."or her "Mic." So take care of her..."
Nemuri added.
"Wait midnight what does she say about me?" Hizashi questioned
"Her most recent Zashi brag was her "Mic" was asked by Nezu to MC. He's doing so good so she's super proud of him. The kind of dorky sweet stuff that'll give you a cavity. Anyway Goodnight Zashi. And don't tell her I told you.... You know how pink she would turn. " Nemuri waved the back of her hand in a goodbye.
Neither of them Noticing Shouta already basically being to his dorm room.
When Hizashi got to the main 1A dorm doors he had to use his back to open them gently as to not drop or wake Aisuru. A similar challenge presented itself when he found himself at her dorm room door but he just gently pushed it open. Put her gently on the bed and whispered goodnight. Electing not to fight with blankets to tuck her in as it would probably wake her up. Before making his way to his dorm room.
Hizashi had woke up the next day to a knock on his door.....
"Ugggghhhh." He rolled out of his bed and crawled to the door expecting it to be Aizawa with some kind of dorky lecture.
However he opened it to find Aisuru with a plate of toast ...
Causing him to readjust his posture and hair at an inhuman speed. Which caused her to giggle.
"I wanted to say thank you. I know it was you who put me in my dorm last night and not everyone would do that and be as respectful of me or my space. So have some thank you toast." Aisuru smiled
"Do you have breakfast? did you eat?" Hizashi questioned
"I wanted to bring this first. As a thank you." Aisuru failed to make eye contact embarrassed.
"If you really want to thank me take care of yourself as well. Come on let's get you something to eat and we can not eat together." Hizashi smiled....
Oboro cloud floated by and and teased Hizashi and Aisuru.
"Get a room already." He joked
Before joining them in the common room with his breakfast.
"Seriously though... As much as I joke .... You both bring out the best in each other.... Like you are literally eating breakfast together to make sure you both eat... Having people to look out for you and take care of you. I'm glad You and Aisuru have that in each other and I'm glad I have that in you and Shouta as well. Im really glad i was lucky enough to make friends with you all." Oboro smiled.
"I can't believe it's almost summer." Shouta mentioned joining the table half asleep.
0 notes
higheverweave · 3 years
Rooftop Crew PT1
Chapter 1
Aisuru Kayó was a recommendation to the hero course at UA. Her family having a legacy of some of the most Recognizable musical hero's of all time...
Her Mother
Hero Name Muse
Her Quirk is called Orpheus she heals injured people when she sings and she records albums as an iconic pop music artist.
Her father
Hero name Shred
Known as The Guitar Hero Shred
His Quirk is called Amp he can emit power from his guitars (they are support items.) but he can play the guitar so well it can emit powerful sound waves anyway...,
Shred is a double threat as both an icon in the hero world and an Icon in the musical industry especially in rock.
Both her parents Are iconic pro heros.
Her older brother graduated UA a few years before she started her freshman year.
Her Brother Otonami Kayó has the hero name Boombox.
His quirk is called parrot he can do pitch replication. He is able to perfectly copy sounds pitches and frequency's to provide a distraction or to break something using resonant frequency.
As for Aisuru
Aisuru had a quirk as unique as she was...
Aisuru's Quirk is called Allure... when she speaks she makes people fall in love with her and obey her every spoken command.
(The spoken part is how allure differs from brainwashing..... also brainwashing means a person has no choice but to obey Allure makes whoever Aisuru talks to want to serve and protect her.)
Aisuru wasn't like the other First years at UA .... Because of her quirk she was terrified of actually speaking. As she would accidentally use it on people before and she wants to have Genuine friends if she makes any at all....
So she used Sign language and a notepad until she could make sure there wouldn't be any side effects to using her quirk.....
Needless to say Aisurus first day at UA was interesting..... she didn't know anyone .... Just sort of observed everyone... There was the kid who was assigned the seat next to her ... Cloudboy... Snake that eats itself? Shiro....
Shirikamo! Yes that was his name Shirikamo. He was nice enough though it was a bit awkward having to introduce herself via notebook writing.
Luckily once she explained being afraid of her quirk activating through talking. He was oddly super understanding. Shirikamo seemed good at getting people to feel safe... to relax.... He was going to be an incredible hero in that regard.... Aisuru could figure that out already.... Especially since he had already introduced himself to most of the class... somehow managing to get the quietest kid in the class (other than Aisuru to talk to him....)
I guess asking somebody if they have pets is a good icebreaker noted.
Aisuru watched as they did preliminary fitness tests to gauge the extent of a persons quirk.....
When it was Aisurus turn she just walked up.
Hoping nobody would ask her a question or make her speak but the home room teacher ... just looked Aisuru Kayó like the musical hero's the Kayós?"
Yes and pointed to the page that explains her quirk and why she's writing.
"Ah we'll work on that... But your family has a reputation for sound quirks so planning a way to make you feel safe shouldn't be too hard right?
Your brother wasn't The BOOMBOX until after we taught him." The teacher chuckled
" WAIT HER BROTHER IS BOOMBOX like BOOMBOX BOOMBOX??? He's the RADDEST PROHERO on the Scene right now.... Secondary to All-might of course... BOOMBOX IS MY PERSONAL HERO. Stories about him go Radioactive !!!" One kid ramble shouted....
Why did the instructor have to say anything?
Aisuru got the fitness test over with as soon as you could to avoid further ... Attention being brought to her or more accurately her ProHero bloodline.
_______. ________. ______. _____.
It then became a simple act of falling into a routine at UA...
Which went about how you would expect.
Vote for a class rep
Have the music teacher do a spit take when she realizes Aisuru is related to Shred ,Muse ,and Boombox. Asking what sort of musician Aisuru was going to be
To which Aisuru turned beet red and wrote
" I Want to be a hero not a musician."
The music teacher just kind of eyed her curiously before finishing that days lesson.
The routine they fell into was mainly basic quirk training.....
Which terrified her....
As far as Aisuru knew she only got into UA via recommendation as many of the entrance exams require physical powers....
So again as far as Aisuru knew she may have been one of the only Quirk users who could make people do things with her quirk.
Also her quirk required her to have another person to work with / use her quirk on. Which due to the nature of her quirk could be incredibly awkward.
The teachers switching her partners for the weak are how she ended meeting most of the others in Class 1A that year. 
One day in quirk training.
"You're Aisuru right?!" A voice asked....
" yeah.What's up? Aisuru wrote pointing to the explanation of why she doesn't speak.
"Oh gotcha..... I have a voice quirk too.... Its literally called voice.... Unfortunately they think it'll make me loose my hearing soon... probably before the end of my time at UA. So your nifty little notebook trick  might come in handy." The boy chuckled....
Aisuru wrote down
"I also know sign I could teach you!!! Like a secret code In classes."
"I'd like that ... I thought when the teacher let it Slip you're brother was BOOMBOX you couldn't get any cooler. He's kind of exactly the hero I want to be one with pizzazz. SHRED is cool too of course being a literal musical icon but in terms of Heroing styles I've always admired you're brothers."
The Boy rambled at times quicker and louder than Aisuru was comfortable with.... Although she found it oddly endearing as well for a person to be so excited or passionate about something they got lost in it like that. She wanted the boys approval due to his excited nature but something nagged her
"Wait so you didn't know me and only thought I was cool because of my family?...." Aisuru wrote with a frown face.
"No... No not like that... Uh ... Shirikamo told me about you after talking. Wait is talking the right word ? or writing to you sometimes in class.
Anyway he thought we'd get along.... Based on similar interests or something although I haven't really had a chance to talk to you until.... Until now."
The kid scratched the back of his neck.
"Oh ok cool! Yeah I sit next to Shirikamo on the side that isn't the other quiet kid...." Aisuru wrote again
"Other quiet kid .... You mean Shota!!" The blonde exclaimed....
"Yeah Speaking of I never got your name?"
Aisuru wrote.
"Hizashi.... Hizashi Yamada.... But we pick hero names soon so I'm working on my hero name but I'm not going to tell you what it is because I'd rather it be a surprise for the class.... Maybe I get them to drum roll." He added
"Yamada that sounds like the piano company Yamaha... that will be hard to forget. That's super cool!" Aisuru wrote matching his excitement. You could tell if she were speaking they would just be hyping each-other up at this point.
"Anyway we should practice our quirks...."
Aisuru wrote
"Wait before we do get into fighting and quirk techniques.... Have you picked a hero name?"
Hizashi Questioned.
"Can I hear it?" Hizashi added
"My Hero Name is going to be Siren.... I thought it would fit with Both my families musical background and my quirk...."
Aisuru explained....
"It does! it's awesome!
Thanks for humoring me before we practice I look forward to learning sign from/with you at some point....?" Hizashi thought aloud.
Aisuru wrote down
"I can teach you during the free period when. You don't have work to do."
"I'd like that thanks."
Hizashi responded.
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