txt-bts · 7 years
i! want! to! see! the! rest! of! bts! interacting! with! taehyungs! tiny! baby! yeontan!
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txt-bts · 7 years
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txt-bts · 7 years
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groupchat (jimin, really) tries to set you and yoongi up and... doesn’t quite get there✨
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txt-bts · 7 years
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you realize you’re friends with a bunch of horndogs when you accidentally send a nude into the groupchat✨
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txt-bts · 7 years
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you want a massage and you’re kind of oblivious about the implications (namjoon) 
hoseok | jungkook
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txt-bts · 7 years
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you want a massage and you’re kind of oblivious about the implications (hoseok)
  namjoon | jungkook
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txt-bts · 7 years
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you want a back massage but you’re kind of oblivious to the implications (jungkook) namjoon | hoseok
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txt-bts · 7 years
i felt this in my mf chest
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txt-bts · 7 years
he sneezes like someones father
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txt-bts · 7 years
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daily texts with bf yoongi✨
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txt-bts · 7 years
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the boys tease hoseok after your dance competition ✨ MINI FIC BELOW
You tossed your phone behind you on the bed, before swallowing a sqeal and tossing yourself on top of it. You could barely contain yourself. The balcony. Alone. With Hoseok. Your best friend- Jimin, had introduced you to all of his other friends a couple months ago and you’d fallen pretty hard for the black haired, smiley one who never stopped talking. Despite the short amount of time you knew the other six  (it had been barely four months) you’d gotten along famously. But being around seven guys (with one of them being your crush) had it’s obvious drawbacks, one of them being that you hadn’t been alone with Hoseok in what seemed like a hundred fucking years because of your equally loved but more annoying best friends- either Taehyung would sneak between you two to ask about a group trip down to 7-11, or Namjoon would call you into his room for your thoughts on a track or something even more distracting like Yoongi demanding a soft lap to lay on. You always just barely missed the look of annoyance that would flash across Hoseok’s face aswell, before you were whisked away to the needs of six other boys. 
Reeling yourself back to the present, reality set in a little bit. Nothing… nothing was gonna happen, probably. This was just a group celebration for your first placing in the showcase, right? Why were you so giddy, then? You watched your ceiling fan spin above you, squeaking happily, completely oblivious to the turmoil you were suffering though and you wanted to launch something at it. Another beep of your phone had you rolling over, nearly falling off your bed, to come to a pouty standstill in front of your closet. Your phone screen glared at you.
Jim: Wear something nice btw, i’m testing something. Don’t ask questions.
Your eyebrows crossed. Wear something nice? Was that a dig at your usual baseball tee and shorts? What the hell did he mean by nice; That could mean anything. Nice like dinner nice? Or lunch nice? Breakfast nice? Brunch nice? As your brain ran away from you, you caught the time on your lockscreen.
Damn it. You’d gotten a little distracted. No worry! You probably still had enough time to make yourself look like you hadn’t just come from a sweaty, high strung dance performance. What you had on before you took a shower obviously wouldn’t do- sweaty clothes on an enclosed space around Hoseok? No thanks. Hoseok had seen you gross enough when Jimin and the boys suprised you at your contemporary practice early on in your friendship- you’ll never forget how goddamn mortified you were when they’d all seen you walk out of practice in leggings, some random old too-big tee shirt and a huge pom beanie (Wait. Was Taehyung right? Did you only own too-big clothes? You shuddered at the thought of Taehyung being right about something fashion-wise. Maybe you needed to go shopping). 
Sifting though your closet you felt around blindly until your fingers landed on something soft and familiar- Aha!
You wrestled it out from under a mountain of other clothes, before flinging it behind you on the bed where everything else went to die. Shoving around some more, you snatched a black denim skirt out from behind a winter coat and flung that behind you too, before ducking down and placing a pair of plain black thigh high boots at the foot of your bed. That should do, right? A cropped turtleneck sweater was warm enough for the walk from your car to their building, but still light enough that you didn’t have to carry a jacket. Good. You hated carrying jackets- you’d rather be cold than carry that stupid heavy thing around with you. The last time you’d done that was when you and the boys went to see some Avengers movie Jungkook was pressed about and Hoseok had been quick to chastize you- before shrugging off his green bomber and zipping it up around your shoulders. The thought made your heart skip a beat, and you cursed yourself for it. Your face had definitely warmed up then, but it wasn’t because of the jacket.
Another ding pulled you from your thoughts, and you nearly cursed again.
Jim: And when you get here the door’s already open.
Shedding your towel you got dressed faster than you think you’ve ever done anything, ignoring the ache in your thighs from your performance. On a regular night you probably would have been three episodes into a drama and four bowls deep in popcorn (really, you were a bit of a fiend. The rest of the boys already knew to get you a large popcorn at any movie unless they wanted your tiny hand sneaking into their buckets before the trailers even ended), but you were not about to pass up this opportunity to be alone with Hoseok. Nope. You didn’t know the next time you’d even get to hang out for more than an hour or two- so you were gonna live through this night like a champ. You stood up in the boots, smoothing your skirt down- and nearly doing a double take when you saw yourself. Holy shit. You actually looked kind of- kind of good. Who was that looking back at you? The skirt felt like it had been bought back when you were in highschool, when you had the metabolism of a race horse and didn’t shift size no matter what you ate. It hugged you tightly, more than you would probably be comfortable with on a regular day but Jimin’s words flashed through your head and you rolled your eyes. The shirt accentuated everything you wanted it to, and the boots gave you three inches you definitely didn’t have before- this was close enough to count as nice and if it wasn’t Jimin would just have to suck it up. Your hair thankfully was already styled from the performance, delicate curls pinned back by two strands of hair with a little black bow, so you just popped on a bit of gloss- a bit of mascara that made you look like you didn’t just wake up, and you were set.
This- hopefully this would spark a little bit of a reaction from the only person you were actively dressing for right now. After a final once over, you tugged you skirt down a little (to no avail, it would inch up to mid thigh no matter what you did), snatched your keys and your phone, and nearly skipped out of your house to the place your car resided. -
You’d nearly gone to knock on the door before you remembered Jimin’s text. It was now 9:19, the night had barely started, and you could hear faint music coming from the house in front of you. A little nidge of nervousness set in, despite it having no substance. It wasn’t like you’d never hung out here before- sometimes even spending the night in Jimin’s bed when you were too tired to drive home- but something hopeful bloomed in your chest when you heard Jin’s loud laugh echo from inside. Hyping yourself up you pushed the door open with a small smile- before bursting into wide grin when you hear Jimin and Taehyung scream your name.
“My favorite is here!” You heard next- Jin probably, hidden in the kitchen. A strong smell hit you, and you had to resist the urge to fling yourself to wherever it was coming from. 
“What is that I hear? Is that an old woman? A grandmother? Halmeoni?” You call, holding a hand to your ear as you kick the door shut behind you. You felt at home already.
“Nevermind. Get out.” Is the next thing you hear, and you supress a snicker knowing full well that even if this night is about you he’ll feed you last if you tease him too much. Jimin is the first to swarm you, still dressed in his black button up and skinny jeans from your performance- and peeking behind him as he swings you around in a hug you notice that everyone else is still looks the same too. When he puts you down he’s grinning wildly, and you just smile back before his hand shoots out to do what he’s been doing since you met- but you’re too quick for him this time.
“Not the hair, Jimbo! Not today!” You swat his hands away, smile faltering in suspicion when he just wiggles his eyebrows.
“Why? Keeping it pristine for your lover?" 
His sly eyes meet your wide ones and you nearly let out an awful sound before Namjoon, Jin, and the babies come to greet you at the door. Through all the faces you miss one in particular, and after a quick glance- your realize with a start that Hoseok isn’t in the line-up.
"What’s up dancer?” Jungkook says with a nod, before whispering something to Taehyung that makes him glance at you and raise an eyebrow. It’s quite suspicious, but you ignore it and raise one back at him. There are other things on your mind, but you try not to let it show.
“No old T shirt? Glasses? Messy hair?” Taehyung asks casually, insinuating something you feel heating up your face, and you glare at him before he winks at you.
“Not today little one, maybe we can match another time.” You say, tongue sticking out when his eyes widen. 
“This is a Gucci button up-” Taehyung splutters before you laugh and cut him off. “I know I know, you never shut up about it. Trust me. I know.” And you hold your arms out and brace yourself for the four bodies that tackle you (Namjoon just reaches over all the commotion and pats your head. What a gentleman.). Soon enough the teasing has died down to simple small talk about your performance and how hyped they got, how Yoongi had screamed himself tired and was now taking a power nap in his room, but it seems obvious what question of yours has been unanswered.
“Oh! About Hoseok, because I just know you’re wondering,” You shoot Jimin a hard look, but he doesn’t even flinch, “He ran down to the 7-11 to get us some ice cream. He should actually be coming back right about-”
“Very funny Jimin! Open the door before I go back down there and key your car!” You hear Hoseok shout from behind the door, two hard knocks on the metal making you jump.
Jimin’s grin just gets wider. Then he turns to you, and nods towards the door. The rest of the guys have gone weirdly silent, either smiling or trying to look like they were doing literally anything else. Were they not gonna let Hoseok in? His knocks were only getting louder. This was all probably some weird ploy to embarrass you in some way- but how, you didn’t know.
“Open the goddamn-”
You scowl at them distrustingly and then move to open the door but as soon as you open it enough to look through, a small hand- fucking Jimin- shoves you out into the hallway, and effectively, into Hoseok’s chest. You dont even have time to yelp, because alot of things happen very quickly. The first thing you notice through your horrified eyes is the ice cream dropping sadly and forgotten to the floor. The second thing is Hoseok stumbling back with a sharp “oh”, basically into the top of your head because he’s so close to you, the third thing is how cold his fingers are as they press against your skin to keep you from falling, and fourth and most damning: the door closing and locking behind you both. You’re so mortified you literally freeze- still pressed firmly against a boy who’s gone still as well. You hear Jimin’s evil squeak softly though the walls. You want to strangle him.  "Make sure you tell her, Hoseok! Cause’ once she gets back in here she’s gonna kick our collective asses!“ Jimin calls out, probably pressed against the door to evesdrop. You bite back a curse, teeth grinding in annoyance, but then it hits you.  To evesdrop on you… and Hoseok. For the first time that night you actually get to see the boy you’ve had a crush on for the past, what seems like forever, as close as you are now. To your surprise he’s already staring back, eyes apologetic as he shuffles backwards and groans like this happens to him often. For his sake you hope it doesn’t.
"I"m so sorry,” He begins, embarrassment and something else under his words, but you just squint at him. You’re not too worried about the fact that you were basically just pressed against the guy you’d liked for however long. Whatever. It’s not like you hadn’t daydreamed about it. But after that little comment Jimin made, you kind of had other questions.
“What is Jimin talking about? What do you want to tell me?” You ask, hope kicking things around in your stomach and boxing with your heart. Calm yourself. You’re trying to convince yourself that this probably wasn’t anything too important, just a joke, maybe, but Hoseok won’t meet your eyes. He just swallows hard, looking up at you, before shaking his head. You can tell when he’s lying from a mile away, and he knows this, but he tries anyway. His hands start to fidget, his eyes get wide and his lips squinch up like he’s preparing to kiss something. It would’ve been funny if you weren’t preparing for the worst.
“I dont- I’m not-”
“Hoseok?” You say, raising an eyebrow. He screws his eyes shut and groans so loud that for a second you worry about their neighbors thinking something not… PG was happening out here.
“I didn’t want to tell you like this, but I guess if I wasn’t forced to I probably never would have.” He laughs nervously, backing up until he thumps into the wall opposite the apartment. He looks- well, he looks embarrased, really, but underneath all that you can see something else there. Something that looked alot like… determination? Seriousness? 
“He wanted me to tell you about how much I like you.” Hoseok blurts out all at once. For a second, you just gape at him. He seems to take this as his invitation to continue speaking.
“They’ve been teasing me about it for months now and I guess they got tired of me dancing around you because they locked us out here and oh god are you cold? It’s like fifty degrees out here I mean I guess i’m happy that I finally got it out but not if you get sick or something fuck they really should have thought this through? But honestly I didn’t expect you to like me back because why would you when you’re as cool as you are but really nothing has to change-”
Very, very quickly you get tired of his rambling, and you take two steps before you’re close enough to count his eyelashes and then you lean forward and shut him up. There’s muffled screaming coming from his apartment, and it takes a second to register with the captivating way Hoseok’s arms have slowly made a home around your waist, his hands somehow no longer cold and shoulders no longer tensed. It’s soft, sweet, and everything you could hope for when he finally catches his bearings and and curves down into you- the both of you basically molding into one with how tight his arms have wrapped around your stomach. When you finally pull away you realize your fingers are curled in his previously pristine whie button up, and then you seem to hear it again: that tiny “oh.” from the stunned dancer in front of you. A shy laugh bubbles out of him right after, and you can’t help but join him because holy shit? You just kissed the words right out of the one boy who never stops talking? That’s a feat if there ever was one: and Hoseok seems to think the same.
“That was-” His voice nearly gives out, and he coughs to cover it. “If that’s how you get me to be quiet then maybe i’ll talk more.” He mumbles, mouth quirked as he looks down at you, eyes darting around your face like he can’t believe that this is happening. 
“Fat chance.” You say back. A sudden click, and then the telltale squeak of their door opening again drags you both out of the little bubble you’d been floating away in- and then your annoyance for everyone in that household comes back tenfold. 
“Hey guys… how’d it go?” Jimin giggled nervously, trying to pre-negotiate for his well being. You swivel around on your heels, Hoseok suddenly forgotten, grinning wickedly when you hear Jimin scream and disappear somewhere into the house- you not far behind.
“Let’s see how funny you think this is when I have one foot down your throat!” You yell behind him, chasing him up the stairs to where the bedrooms are. You ignore every single plea he screeches out behind him. Yeah, a good thing may have come from this afterall, but you still had a bone to pick with your so-called best friend after the stunt he pulled. He’d be lucky if the boys got him back in with no bruises.
Downstairs, they all simply stared at the both of you, before you guys disappeared from sight and they heard a loud crash and then a thump, like someone dropping a punching bag. Not even a second later Yoongi materialized at the top of the steps, eyes half closed and hair fuzzed up like he’d fallen asleep upside down. He glanced between Hoseok and down the hallway where your best friend was no doubt getting the scolding of his life.
“Did m'plan work?” Yoongi grunted. At the same time, they all heard a shrill scream of “It wasn’t even me! I didn’t- No! Y/N please!”
“I think I’m in love.” Hoseok responded dreamily, not really answering the question and barely even registering the mayhem you and Jimin were causing upstairs, but the response sent everyone into a fit of laughter it seemed like they were holding in. Another crash eminated from upstairs. 
Yoongi simply nodded, eyes still closed, before turning and waddling back into his room.
“Another Min Genius plan goes off without a hitch. Call me when the food is ready.”
Nobody really remembers what happened after that.
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txt-bts · 7 years
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super cute jjk texts! (requested by @localjeontrash )
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txt-bts · 7 years
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blunt and straight-forward yoongi suddenly gets mushy (for my coolest bro @lciana)
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txt-bts · 7 years
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friends with fuckboy-ish jungkook (requested! for wonderful @lciana )
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txt-bts · 7 years
THIS IS STILL RELEVANT!!!! THERE ARE A THOUSAND OF YOU NOW!!!! SEND! ME! REQUESTS! PLEASE! i want 2 write cute things about cute people but i want to write what you wanna see!!!!! bombard me with requests!!!!
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txt-bts · 7 years
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namjoon sees something he shouldn’t✨ lmao
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txt-bts · 7 years
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[PT.2] yoongi, enemies to lovers! (requested!)
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