#Hizashi x oc
gaecactae · 10 days
A Cozy Cloud
09. Holidays!🏝️
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Hello peeps!!
I have a few words to say about this specific comic, so if you read them along, it will just. Make my day.
So this comic is just. Very very important to me, since it sparked the idea of the whole au. A little over a year ago I had this idea of little Tenko going on holidays. And well, to make this come true, I knew I need to actually create specific grounds, so we’re all on the same page there, as to. Why everyone is okay in this au 😅
So yeah!! I’ll also post a music that I highly recommend listening to while reading it; it’s the music I imagined it to happen to and it’s whimsical, it will give you the idea overall.
And well, since holidays are just around the corner, our beloved heroes and their babies will be staying in the lake house a little while longer! 🏝️ yay!
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redd-byrd · 5 months
Little project I’ve been working on for the past week or so of my BNHA OC!!!!! Technically she doesn’t have an actual name, but I call her Luna bc I’m unoriginal /hj
Shes a 29yo underground hero and her quirk is called The Thing because she’s a horror nerd
I really love how it turned out, this is one of my first times with fully rendering a piece and I think I did really well :D
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Also I did an OC x Canon with Erasermic bc fuck you that’s why
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Unblurred + sketch below VVV
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byjovewhataspend · 5 months
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Part 2 of the Flu Quirk comic (link ) Present Mics long suffering sidekick-slash-assistant finally gets their boss into bed-- and are a little bit horrified bu their own reaction. To be fair, i think present mic spends 20% of every work day bullying his sidekick
(inspo also below)
his layout/idea is from the doujin Ability by Hokousha-you shinguo (its a very cute doujin, but ive just wanted to do a 'horny-HORNY??' things forever, that stuck with me XD)
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chrimsonfoxdon · 3 days
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"Father... I often wonder what you would have thought of them... I wish they were given the chance to meet you."
Happy Father’s Day and happy Neji Hyuga Sunday!
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mckayla-reina · 2 months
Oc x cc art because uhsjdsRUFUFHDND
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I'm so cringe please laugh at this
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zashiyamadaaaaa · 1 year
I love to draw the elf Zashi and the witcher Aizawa! This is my second comic I'm drawing, so I don't know for sure if I'm doing it right / Я люблю рисовать эльфа Заши и ведьмака Айзаву! Это мой второй комикс, который я рисую, поэтому я не уверен, правильно ли я это делаю... А ещё я в последнем кадре забыл два меча
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aheckinmess · 4 months
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(One-shot series 1/3 chapters posted - posts regularly on Saturdays. If anyone knows who to credit for the Hizashi fanart, please let me know!) Read on AO3.
Tags: Graphic violence, Hizashi Yamada x OC, Present Mic, Present Mic saves the day, Hizashi Yamada is a ray of sunshine, angst, hurt/comfort, scared reader, pro hero rescue
Word Count: 4,364 words
Summary: Ichijiku Aoki has lived in hell with Kigai as her captor for three years. During a chance encounter at a dance club, she runs into her first breath of fresh air in years: Hizashi Yamada. Kigai makes it clear that Ichi belongs to him, so dare she hope for a better life and an escape from her prison?
Author's Note: I haven't posted fanfiction in years, but after a two-year obsession with My Hero Academia, I have more than enough content to share. This first series is pretty dark, but there's some comfort and sweetness along the way. Enjoy.
TW: Implied/Referenced Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Abuse
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Chapter 1: Time Signatures
Ichijiku (Tigress)
In another life, listening to the pulsating beat of the music in the club might be fun. I might feed off of the voices singing at the top of their lungs, or delight in the changing colors flashing all around the dance floor. 
But I’m not living in another life. I’m living in hell.
“Give her another shot.” Kigai’s voice rises over the crowd as he gives me a look. Don’t you tell a goddamn soul what I’m doing or you won’t live to see the sunrise. His quirk stretches into my mind and reminds me just who I belong to. Of course, the bruises littering my thighs are testament to that too. Kigai would never let me go out in anything other than skinny jeans, so it’s not like anyone can see, though.
No one ever sees.
The bartender gives me a smile and I play the perfect part of being his playful partner, leaning over to give Kigai a kiss on his cheek, a loving gaze, and a swat at his butt while bile turns over in my stomach. I throw back the shot of tequila before Kigai puts his hands at my hips and looks directly at me. You’d better get out on that dance floor and pretend you’re having a good time. People have started looking at you.  “Why don’t you go have some fun, sugar? I know you don’t feel good, but the dance floor has always helped you clear your mind.”
He plants a slow and tender kiss on my lips, but all I feel is dread. I want to feel happy. I want to feel a flutter in my chest. I want to feel anything. Anything but Kigai.
You’re mine, Ichi. And don’t you forget that. His eyes bore into mine and then he turns away, laughing at a joke Shihito tells him. I can feel his gaze follow me as I put on my brave face and walk through the dance floor.
In some ways, I’m grateful for the tequila. Otherwise I’d never be able to play like everything’s fine. Winding my way through the undulating bodies feels easier to bear than seeing that look on Kigai’s face. The threat that always lingers there. In this mingling of bodies I can close my eyes and lose myself to the music, feel the beat move in conjunction with me instead of forcing me to move with it. 
The only time I’m conscious of is the time signature in the music. Minutes could pass, or it could be hours. What’s important is that Kigai doesn’t cut in and I can’t see those eyes trapping me in their domineering gaze. 
For the first time in three years, I’m reminded of the better parts of life.
And then the better part of life bumps into me.
“Whoops! Hey there, little lady. Sorry for the intrusion.” A blonde man with a broad smile and glasses apologizes to me. “Did I hurt you?”
For a moment my breath is taken away and my façade cracks. The best way I can describe him is pure sunshine. He only looks at me for a moment with that grin but the warmth seeps into my skin and makes me yearn for a normal life. My throat gets tight. Help me. I want to say. Please make him leave me alone. 
“Woah, hey, is everything okay? Did I really hurt you?” His puts a soothing arm on my shoulder as he makes himself heard over the crowd. “Why don’t you come sit down?”
“No!” I panic, forcing a grin on my face and hoping that he’ll shake it off as me being drunk. That’s what everyone else has done. “Really, it’s okay. I just get emotional when I’m drunk. I’m sorry. You just took me by surprise.” I shake my head as if trying to clear my mind and turn away from him. You’re too pure for someone like me, too beautiful for this world. If Kigai knew I slipped up…I can’t drag you down into this. You could get hurt.
“Hey, wait!” I hear him call behind me, but I ignore it and keep moving.
My feet rush towards the bathroom. I head inside and slam the first stall door I see before heaving into the porcelain bowl. Get it together, Ichijiku. I’ll kill Kigai. We can’t. I sob in the stall. We can’t do anything. Kigai has my family on his radar. We’re stuck! What a foul sack of shit. He’s not worth the stripes on my skin. I want to die. I know, Little Cub, and I’d surely embrace death knowing that you didn’t have to suffer this any longer. But we have to hold on. Change is coming. I can feel it in my bristling fur.
There’s a banging at the door that I know means I’m in trouble. I quickly wipe the tears from my cheeks frantically and flush the toilet before wetting a paper towel and dabbing under my eyes. Breathe. Get it together. We’ll survive. I’m right here with you.
I step out of the bathroom and Kigai’s hand wraps around my arm as he pulls me aside.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He puts on a concerned simper, feeling my forehead with his free hand. You’re supposed to tell me where you’re going and why. You were trying to run away, weren’t you, bitch?  “I thought you were hurt. Did you get sick?”
“I think I drank too much.” I sniffle, looking down so he can’t use his quirk and I don’t have to listen to his haunting voice in my thoughts. It’s a mistake.
His hand comes under my chin. To an outside party it might look like he’s being a tender lover, but there’s bite in the way his fingers dig into my skin. You know I hate when you look away from me, whore.
“Honey, you only had one shot. When did you become such a lightweight?” He laughs. I’m sick of your damn excuses. He runs his fingers through my hair and his hands cup my cheeks as he kisses my forehead. “But if you need to take a seat, go ahead.” Stay where I can see you.
“Thanks, love.” I return his gesture of affection with a hug and a peck on his cheek.
For a while, I sit at the bar again, scrolling through my phone to look busy. I can’t see Kigai, but I don’t need to. His gaze always follows me, even when he’s not in the room.
“It looks like you needed a break, huh?” The blonde from earlier takes residence in the seat next to me.
I turn to look at him as I nurse a lemonade. He’s like a breath of fresh air.
“Yeah.” I look down at the table again and trace around the rim of my glass. “Sorry about earlier. I think I’d been dancing too long and was getting overheated.”
“Yeah, the dance floor can get overwhelming if you’re not used to it.” He laughs. The sound sings through my bones. 
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“Yamada Hizashi. But you can call me Hizashi.” He tilts his head like a puppy and the lights around him make him appear almost angelic. “What’s yours?”
“Nice to formally meet you, Ichijiku.” He answers. “Was that your boyfriend I saw earlier?” 
“Yes.” I smile into my cup to hide the disgust in my eyes. God, I wish he wasn’t. “He was making sure I was okay.”
“Ah, good to know. From back there it looked like he was going to hurt you, but I was obviously mistaken. I’m glad you’re safe, you know?” 
Something about the way he says it makes me look up at him and feel more hope than I have in a long time. I feel seen and heard. After a cursory glance around the club without seeing Kigai, I feel safe enough to answer.
“Kigai’s not a dangerous man. He doesn’t hit me and he likes to make sure I’m taken care of.” My eyes scream the opposite. I hope he catches it. I hope he doesn’t. “He knows my favorite colors and we watch my favorite movies all the time and he loves me. He never calls me names and he always asks before he touches me; Kigai doesn’t want to hurt me.”
Hizashi’s hand moves closer to mine and when I look at him I don’t feel sick.
“So you don’t need my help at all, do you?” He asks. He doesn’t break my gaze. 
My lips part in a relieved gasp;  I’m ready to tell him everything, but my eyes hold terror as Kigai catches my gaze from across the room. What the hell are you telling him? His smile follows me even though he’s standing beside the DJ. Abruptly, I stand and move away from Hizashi.
“It would be better if you stayed away from me.” I hiss under my breath, cursing myself for wishing for a normal life. Cursing myself for dreaming that I’d ever be able to get away from Kigai. What was I thinking? If Kigai finds out, it’ll be my head. But at least Hizashi knows. Maybe he can get help! Why would he help me? He probably has no idea I need help. I was reading too much into it. No one ever notices the bruises. Or they make excuses if they do.  That’s right. No one cares about you. Who cares about a stupid whore? She’s not a whore. Kigai’s a manipulator and a rapist, and that’s all there is to it, fiend.
“Are you looking at my girl?” I’m suddenly face to chest with Kigai. Shit. He was closer than I realized. Fuck!
“Kigai, honey, it’s okay. I was just coming to find you. It’s fine.” I place my hand on his arm and squeeze, trying to redirect him. 
“No, it’s not fucking okay.” Kigai growls, glaring bullets into Hizashi’s eyes. 
“Hey, man. You have the wrong idea.” Hizashi puts his hands up, looking composed and calm. See? He knows nothing. Everything you told him went straight over his head. “She bumped into me earlier and I was just making sure she’d gotten back to the bar safely.”
“She bumped into you? Or were you trying to cop a feel?” Kigai snarls, dangerously tense.
“Kigai, please.” I beg, pulling at the front of his shirt to make him look at me. Why the hell did you let him get close to you, huh? You know you belong to me. Not some sleaze who’s just going to fuck you and leave you out to dry. After everything I’ve done for you. His words reach into my mind and I do the only thing I can to get out of the situation. I reach up around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. 
Thankfully, Kigai seems to take the bait. He becomes more possessive, gripping my hips so hard I know there’ll be bruises there in the morning. His tongue invades my mouth and he tugs fiercely at my lip. When he pulls back, he still turns a fiery glare onto Hizashi.
“Don’t you get near my girl again, got it?” Kigai wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him. My eyes lose their shine. I guess that’s it. We’re stuck again. All in good time, Little Cub. All in good time.
He pulls me away and I risk one last glance back at Hizashi. One last hopeful plea begging him to help, but he’s not looking back at me. 
. . . . .
Six months go by that Kigai refuses to take me out again. For six months he beats the lesson into me.
“You were trying to be a clever little whore, weren’t you?” His foot connects with my jaw, but I don’t make a sound. I take it. “Thought you had a savior. Someone to take you away from me, right? But you’re mine! If you left me do you know what that would mean for your family? For you?” He yanks me up by my hair. “They’d be up shit creek without a paddle and it’d be all your fault!” 
“I’m sorry, love.” I whimper out, hating the taste of the words on my tongue. “It won’t happen again.”
“Damn right it won’t.” He lets go of me and I catch the brunt of my weight on my arms. Tears trickle down my cheeks and then suddenly he pulls me into his arms and then onto his lap on the bed.
“You know I love you, right?” He coos in my ear, saying the words that my heart wants to hear in the most twisted tones. “It’s just…seeing you with that other man…mmm…I hated seeing that. You know he was just trying to manipulate you, right? Use you when you were vulnerable?”
You’d know all about that wouldn’t you? I wish I could have been more specific…told him something more concrete. Then maybe I wouldn’t be stuck here. It’s not your fault, Dear One. “I know, Kigai. I’m sorry. I wasn’t feeling good and I just wanted someone to talk to.”
His grip tightens on me. “You could have found me.”
“You were busy, Kigai, I didn’t want to ruin your time.” I turn and kiss his cheek to make the comment more believable. “I love you.”
“Mmm, that’s what I like to hear.” He kisses under my ear and it burns. Nauseous flames swim along my body until he leaves me broken under the covers. I curl up into a ball as he gets up from the covers and starts grabbing his clothes. “C’mon, baby, get your clothes on. I think you’ve learned your lesson. I’ve got a surprise for you.”
I don’t question it. I’m silent as I pull on my clothes and fix my hair. When I’m ready, I take the arm he offers me. 
“You’re gonna like this, baby.” He rubs a small bruise he made at my neck, smiling as we head out into the street and he looks at me. You’d better not tell anyone it’s anything other than a love bite, got it? Or I’ll have your family hunted down with a snap of my fingers.  “Look at how beautiful you look with my marks on you. Everyone will know who you belong to, yeah?” 
“Of course. Only yours.” I nod, swallowing past the lump in my throat.
Before long he leads me to a karaoke bar. The sight of it puts a pep in my step; even though I’d rather be here with anyone else except Kigai, this is the most I’ve gotten out in months. I’ll take what I can get.
“A karaoke bar? How did you know?” I giggle, kissing his cheek as I slip into the assumed role.
“I know my babygirl.” He pauses to kiss me roughly outside the door before pulling me inside. He pays for the two of us before we’re taken to a private room where a few of his friends are waiting. “I hope you don’t mind, some of my buddies came to join us.”
“It’s okay.” I promise, even though seeing all of them makes my heart sink. “As long as they don’t bother me.”
“They’ve already been warned, babe, they’ve already been warned.” Kigai winks at me. Don’t test those waters after I’ve let you out. “Would you like to go first?”
“Yes, please.” 
Once again, the music distracts me from my own crumbling little world. Life seems full of more promise as the notes spill from my lips. 
“Hey, Takamaru! I’ve gotta take a piss. Keep an eye on my girl, okay? Make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble.” Kigai chuckles and glances at me before he leaves. Don’t do anything stupid.
“Sure, man.” Takamaru doesn’t even look in Kigai’s direction. He’s too busy focusing on Shihito’s selection. “What the fuck, man?! You’ve sung homura three times already! Pick something new.”
“Shut up, Taka, it’s the only song I know.” Shihito huffs, pulling up the microphone again.
“Hey, do you guys mind if I go grab a snack?” I ask, wanting to get some fresh air without Kigai hovering over me. If he gets back before I do, I can always blame Takamaru. He never goes too hard on his buddies. 
“Sure, Ichi. Can you grab me a granola bar while you’re at it?” Takamaru tosses me a couple yen. 
“Sure thing.” I nod and head towards the vending machine on the balcony. 
I walk by a room where I hear such sweet sonorous notes I can’t help but glance into the window. Hizashi?! My feet stutter and I nearly trip. I have to keep walking. Kigai is liable to beat him up if he even sees he’s in the same building. If I were to stop and wave? Impossible. I force myself to keep walking until I make it to the machine. 
Once I’ve got a pack of crackers and Taka’s granola bar, I hang over the railing and take a deep breath. When did this all start? Why did I let myself get roped into this? I hate this… None of this is your fault, Little One. Kigai is a manipulator and a fiend. And his quirk makes it inanely difficult to give any sort of proof to the authorities of your predicament. 
“Fancy seeing you here.” Hizashi’s voice joins me on the balcony. I jump back as if stung and start backing away from him. His moves his hands from his pockets and holds them up in surrender. “Woah, hey, I’m not going to hurt you.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about.” I turn to look and make sure Kigai isn’t headed back to our karaoke room and then back to Hizashi. “You can’t be here.”
“Is he hurting you?” He asks me bluntly, eyes somehow fierce and kind all at once.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I choke out, starting to speed walk back into the building. This can’t be happening. Kigai’s going to kill him if he sees him anywhere near me! 
His hand grabs my wrist and I’m forced to pause and turn back to him.
“Is he hurting you, Ichijiku?” 
The first time I saw his gaze in the club, I nearly lost myself. Seeing it now, so intentional and worried…I feel I have no choice.
“Yes.” I hiss, eyes watering. “Yes, he hurts me. All the time. For big things, for little things. But I take it, okay?” Part of me is angry. Not even at Hizashi, just everything in general. Why the hell am I in this predicament? What did I do except love people and want them to love me back? It’s okay. You’re allowed to be angry. Especially at this situation. “I take it because Kigai says he’ll hurt my family if I don’t. Because they’ll die if I don’t suck it up like a good girl, alright? And he’s going to hurt you too, Hizashi. He’ll hurt you really bad if you so much as look at me. If you’re so much as seen with me.” I keep glancing back, waiting at any moment for Kigai to round the corner and exact his punishment. “So go! Leave me alone. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt for my sake…please.” I beg, finally yanking my hand free of his hold.
When I hear Kigai’s voice down the hall, I don’t look back. I rush back into the room just in time and hand Taka his granola bar. I start nibbling on my crackers so I can compose my face before he walks in. I smile at him and offer him a cracker.
“Oo, got me a snack, baby?” He takes the whole pack and leaves me the one. “Thanks.”
The rest of the evening, I’m too nervous to sing like I want to. I pick one or two songs to make sure Kigai’s off my scent, but mostly I watch him and his friends sing. In reality, I keep watching the door to make sure Hizashi doesn’t walk by.
By the time we get ready to leave, it’s dark. I assume that Hizsahi is long gone, because as we walk by his room on our way out, it’s empty and quiet. Thank you, Lord. He deserves a better lot in life than this. 
“Damn, Kigai, every time we go out for karaoke I forget just how shitty of a singer you are.” Taka teases as we give the desk lady her key back. 
“Hey, man! I’m not that bad. At least I can carry a tune.”
“Barely.” He snorts, before nudging Shihito. “And this fucker only has one song he can sing!” 
The ribbing continues as we walk out the door. I keep my eyes down and my arm wrapped around Kigai’s until a group of voices convene on us and someone suddenly pulls me out of Kigai’s grasp.
“Police! Get on the ground, now!” Someone barks out, and my brain struggles to keep up.
Kigai and his pals look shocked to say the least. Kigai is the only one who tries to struggle, of course. “Get the fuck off me! Let my girl go! Babygirl, tell these fuckers to get off me!” 
“Don’t hurt him!” I call out, aching heart bleeding for him even in spite of all the bruises he’s left on my heart and my body.
“Get on the ground.” The cop repeats, needing two more officers to help bring Kigai down to the ground. “Sir, you’re under arrest.”
The world around me sways. My breath gets shaky and I start crying as I beg them to leave him alone. What am I doing?! I want them to take him but… He’s a manipulator. He’s made you afraid and obligated to him. I want him out of my life. I don’t ever want to see him again. My pleas ultimately die down as my sobs get louder. 
The weather is colder in the darkness. My body starts shaking and I start swaying.
“It’s okay, ma’am. We’ll get it taken care of. You’re safe now.” The woman holding me rubs my shoulders and starts looking around. “Can one of you grab a jacket for–”
“I’ve got it taken care of.” Hizashi’s voice melts into my eardrums as the police get Kigai into the back of their cruiser. I wrap my arms around myself and then he’s got something warm and soft wrapped around my shoulders. “Here. Take my jacket.”
I turn to Hizashi and then back to the police cruiser. I look at the woman.
“Excuse me, Officer?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Th��That man…Kigai…he…he said he’d hurt my family if I ever turned him in. Are they–”
“This young man here told us the story. We’ve got a unit at their house.” She assures me, rubbing my shoulder. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore, honey. We’ve got it all covered. We’ve been trying to find definitive evidence to put this guy away for years.”
I look at her, disbelieving. “H=How did you find any evidence?”
The officer looks at the cruiser as Kigai is hauled off, before she looks at Hizashi with a smile and then back to me. “Your friend here said that he recorded your conversation in the karaoke place. He said he’d previously met you and was suspicious of the situation.”
“I hadn’t seen you in months. I was scared I was too late to do anything, so when I saw you…” He pauses. “I started recording on my phone before I walked over to talk to you. I was hoping that maybe if I was blunt enough…you might tell me what was going on.” Hizashi admits sheepishly. “So we left as soon as I got the evidence just in case your group was planning on leaving soon.”
For a long time, I just stare at him. I memorize everything I can about him. The way his hair frames his face and the small, pampered mustache making his smile pop out on his face. Then there’s his eyes.
One look and my body works without my permission. I wrap my arms around him, tackling him into a hug and feeling three years of pain and grief claw out of my chest and manifest as sobs.
“Thank you, Hizashi.” I hold his back in a death grip, and I feel him pat my back delicately. 
“I couldn’t sit by and watch you get hurt without doing anything.”
“Ma’am, would you like me to walk you to your home?” The officer asks me, also reaching over to rub my shoulder.
“I don’t have anywhere to go right now.” I admit with a sniffle. “But if you can go with me to grab my stuff from Kigai’s, that would be great.” I turn to Hizashi. “Will you come with us? Please?”
“Of course. I won’t leave you alone right now. That a problem with you, Officer?” 
“Not at all.” She assures.
When we make it to Kigai’s house, there’s blue and red lights flashing there too. Hizashi steps with me inside as the officer gets debriefed on other things found out about Kigai’s dastardly affairs. “It’s just down this hall.” I assure him.
Going back into Kigai’s room sends a cold chill down my spine. You’re mine, whore. You belong to me, understand? I pull Hizashi’s jacket tighter around me, before steeling my nerves and grabbing my bag and stuffing it.
“Anything you need me to grab?” Hizashi asks as he looks around.
“No. I don’t have much.” I toss in my phone and charger, a few changes of clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, and a few other necessities. “I think that’s all.” I say once I’ve got everything together. When at last I turn to him and meet his gaze, I’m expecting to hear foul words stabbing into my brain.
He is not Kigai, Little One. It’s going to be okay. 
My nose quivers as I look at him. “He’s really gone.”
“He won’t hurt you anymore, Ichijiku.” Hizashi nods. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
I don’t have to be afraid.
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Continue Reading -> Ch. 2
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rin--yoshida · 10 months
Aizawa: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything? Rin: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital. Aizawa: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you. Rin: But I heard a siren. Aizawa: That was Mic. Present Mic: I'm sorry, I got nervous!
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hollimagica · 2 days
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Daisy Picrew by wizard99
basic Info about Daisy ~
She’s originally from England.
she met Yamada (when she was younger) in England, he was learning English & he told her about his life in Japan (& her friend Luci), he tried to teach them some Japanese as they expressed interest in visiting ,but they both began learning anyways.
She visited him in Japan & met Aizawa. (She had seen photos online as well & what yamada told him).
Daisy & Luci frequently visited until they eventually moved to there.
It’s a Telekinesis based quirk, she is able to manipulate everything, so, objects, people (including effecting the organs & bones) & environment with her mind. She can control things, stop moving things, & is able to destroy things apart. If her emotions are stronger then it becomes stronger (like most power abilities). The range is quite far & it effects some technology / electronics & electricity.
She uses it for self defence mainly as she is not a hero.
Aizawa’s ability helps her control it & sometimes has to stop it.
More to come & feel free or ask anything:)
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witch-oftheflowers · 5 months
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💕🌟Welcome to my lovely space!🌟💕
I'm an artist and writer. I do write fanfic and draw my OCS a lot. Welcome relax and scroll through.
You're more than welcome to ask me questions. Just be nice and kind to me and others you interact with.
Thanks for coming and love to have ya here~
I do enjoy these fandoms and topics:
Moon Knight
Dark Topics
Star Wars
Sleep Token
My Hero Academia
Characters I write For:
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
John Price
John 'Soap' Mactavish
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
Loki Laufeyson
Moon Knight System!
Marc Specter
Steven Grant
Jake Lockley
Miguel O'Hara
Shota Aizawa
Hizashi Yamada
Hawks! Aka Takami Keigo
I do have Ask Rules:
Don't come in asking for donations! I will block!
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With that I'm not picky or mean about topics usually. Don't be a troll though I will block you. I think we all know what I'm talking about about lately for us COD writers.
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Master List Writing
Master List Art
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adminbryantsaki · 1 month
Chapter One: Introductions pt.1
(This Au will follow the main events of the canon. In this AU, the tropes of fantasy and Omegaverse apply. The dynamics that can apply to people are Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Omega. The main ship is Erasermic x oc. I do not own the characters of My Hero Academia. Horikoshi Kōhei does. I also don’t own any of the fast-food franchises or any of the other references to other super hero movies or groups.  I own Bryant Saki. Here is her info Please do not steal.)
(These are the Headcanons. Please read these before the fic.)
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Wc: 1,950 Tw: Omegaverse Shenanigans, polygamy, PTSD, Breeding kink, Breeding, trauma, fear, ED (eating disorder).
Ch. 1 Introductions.
He led me to his apartment where he showed me the room where I would stay with him. The room was decently sized to fit a full-sized bed, a dresser, a desk, and a closet. I looked around the room and laid on the bed, giving the hero a smile of approval. “I’m glad you like it. We can go shopping for some clothes later, if you’d like.” He suggested. I nodded and sat up on the bed.
I turned my back to him to look out the window that was by the foot of the bed. I heard Fatgum audibly gasp. “What happened to your back? It looks like it was torn up by something.” He asked. I could hear his footsteps enter and walk across the room and I could almost feel his hand hover over my back but I pulled away and turned to face him. “Someone tore up my back. The wounds are from me successfully escaping a toxic Alpha. There was a Beta as well but the mark faded. The Alpha tore the marks out of my back before I ran and opened a portal to this universe.” I explained as I stared out the window looking down at the lively city below.
“I’m sorry that happened. Can I at least bandage you up? Or take you into the hospital and have one of the nurses wrap you up there?” He asked. “No hospitals. I already am foreign to this world. I don’t need the cops at your door because of me. As much as I appreciate your offer to bandage me up, I just need to soak in a bath for a while and I’ll be good.” I told him and looked up at him. “Alright. I’ll have one of my friends come over and drop off some clothes for you. I don’t think I have anything in your size. You just wait here and I’ll draw up a bath for you, okay?” He offered. “That sounds good. Also, some food might be good too if you don’t mind.” I asked. “I can do that. Anything sound good to you?” He asked. “May I have macaroni and cheese with chicken tenders? I haven’t had a good meal in a while.” I told him as my stomach growled. “Sure. You can make yourself at home. I’ll call my friend and get that bath running for you.” He spoke and left the room. I took a couple minutes to let out some emotions, knowing that I was now in a safe place, where no one could hurt me. I left the bedroom to go check out the rest of the house. There was a main room was built like an A-frame that connected the bedrooms and bathroom to the living area, kitchen, and office area all together. The area seemed to be bright, warm and inviting to the eye. Out in the middle of the main room was a sunken seating area where the entertainment system was, and where Fatgum was sitting, waiting for me to come out and he was on the phone with someone. “Alright, thank you. See you in a bit, Midnight.” He spoke and hung up. He looked over at me and stood up. “I’ll show you to the bathroom so you can clean up and get some fresh clothes on.” He told me and led me to the bathroom and showed me how to use the faucet and where the towels were and that a friend of his would be by in a bit to help me with some clothes and to dress my wounds as he thought I wouldn’t be comfortable with him seeing me without clothes on. I thanked him and waited until he was out of the bathroom before I locked the door and stripped down, hissing as the fabric brushed over the open wounds on my back and setting the scrapped clothes to the side before, I eased my wounded body into the tub, slowly sinking down until my body was covered with the warm water all the way up to my neck, so my head was above the water. The bathtub was quite large, i guessed it was specially made to accommodate for Fatgum’s size. But I pushed that thought to the side and let my mind clear of any thoughts or worries as I focused on my injuries, focusing the water to the injuries and letting them heal the wounds over so they wouldn’t be so sensitive when something would brush against them or air would flow over them. I held back my screams of pain as the flesh regrew itself over my shoulders until the pain was too much and I passed out. I only woke up when someone was knocking on the door and a woman’s voice sounded from the other side. “Bryant? Are you okay in there? I’ve come with some fresh clothes and bandages.” She spoke. I panicked and got out of the bath quickly, catching myself before I slipped and fell to the ground. “Sorry! I fell asleep in the bath. Before I let you in, I’d like to know your name.” I spoke. “Oh, my name is Nemuri Kayama. But you can call me Midnight or Nemuri, whichever you wish. Taishiro called me to come over and help you out, Sweetie.” She spoke. I guessed Taishiro was Fatgum’s real name but I let myself relax a little and I wrapped a towel around myself before I unlocked the door and let her in.
“My name is Bryant.” I spoke before taking in a good look her. The woman on the other side of the door was in her mid-thirties, wearing a purple turtleneck, dark blue jeans, and red cat-eye glasses. She held a first-aid kit and a pile of clothes in her hands. She had a comforting smile and warm feeling about her so I stepped aside and sat on the toilet after putting the lid down, facing away from her so she could tend to my back. She picked up the first aid kit and walked over to examine my injuries before gasping a little and beginning to tend my wounds. “If you don’t mind me asking, who did this to you?” Midnight asked. “Ex-Mates. I wanted to leave the world after I found out how toxic they are and what they wanted me to be. The Alpha tore out my marks and kicked me out of the house. I ran until I fell through a portal and onto a roof here in this world. Fatgum found me, took me to the police station to fill out some forms then brought me here. He called you and now you’re here tending to my wounds.” I told her and rested my arms on the back of the toilet then rested my head on top of my arms. “I’m glad you were able to get away from your ex-mates. You also said that you were from another world? How were you able to come here?” She asked as she cleaned the still sensitive skin over the divots where flesh was missing. “I don’t know. I thought of anywhere but where I was and a portal appeared, I jumped through it and never looked back.” I spoke, a little irritated. “I see. Maybe some friends of mine can help you assess what your quirk is.” She spoke and pulled away for a moment, looking at my scars again. “You must have some kind of regeneration quirk. Your wounds have healed quickly since I’ve been here.” She spoke. That’s when something clicked in my mind. “I know that I can manipulate water. I can use it to make portals or heal wounds to some extent. I only was able to regrow enough skin to cover the scars. I passed out in the bathtub because I used too much energy to heal my own body. I was embarrassed when you knocked because I was still asleep in the tub and I woke up. So, please, just wrap up my back and let me be to get changed.” I spoke, glaring at the wall.
Midnight fell silent and finished wrapping my back up before she silently left the room and closed the door behind her. I sighed and got off the toilet, knowing that I ruined any kind of friendship with her in the future. I was thankful for her help and assistance in bandaging up my wounds and providing the clothes for me as I slipped them on and left the bathroom. I was wearing a loose grey t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and some white socks. I left the bathroom and found Midnight talking with Fatgum in the living room. Fatgum looked over to me and smiled as I entered the room and sat down on the couch across from the two heroes. “I’m sorry for the way I spoke in the bathroom Nemuri, can you forgive me?” I asked. “Of course. I understand you had some nasty things happen to you and you’re still processing the events. I’m not offended at all, if that’s what you’re worried about, sweetie.” She spoke in a calm manner that seemed to ease my worries altogether. “Thank you.” I spoke and then looked back out the window to the still bustling city down below. “There’s a couple friends of mine that would also like to meet you. One of them can help with defining what your quirk is.” Midnight spoke. I frowned and looked up at her. “What’s a quirk?” I asked. “A quirk is a superpower that is unique to every individual. About 80% of this world’s population has some kind of unique quirk. There are three different categories, Emitter, Transformation, and Mutation style quirks. Since you said back in the bathroom that you could manipulate water to make a portal and use the water to partially heal the wounds on your back before I came. That would put you in either the transformation of emitter quirk category.” Midnight explained.   I nodded and went back to looking out the window. Soon I heard Midnight’s phone buzzing and she stepped out of the living room area to take the call.
“Who was that?” Fatgum asked. “That was Mic and Eraser. They want to come over and help out. They’ll be here in a little bit. They hopped on a train when you put out the call for help with Bryant.” She spoke. I looked at her when I heard my name said out loud. “Who’s Mic and Eraser?” I asked.
“They’re some friends of mine that can help you figure out your quirk. If you have a quirk, you need to register with our government as a person with a quirk.
Then if you want, you can train and get a hero license to use your quirk to help stop villains. But to do so, we need to find out what your quirk actually is.” Midnight explained. I listened and fiddled with my fingers, taking in all the information that she just told me. The idea for heroes to have a license is new to me as they didn’t need one before in the other universes that I’ve seen in all my years of hopping from one universe to the next.
“That’s new. I’ve never heard of a hero needing a license to use their power to stop criminals before. In the other worlds that I have seen, there aren’t as many people with a ‘quirk’ and they don’t need some license to save people.” I told her just as the door to Fatgum’s agency knocked, alerting us to the arrival of someone new.
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gaecactae · 2 months
A Cozy Cloud☁️
04. Home, at last🏡
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😊😊 it brings me so much joy to show you this comic, I have no idea why haven’t I done that earlier!
Well, Tenko is at his forever home from now on! Story obviously continues 🥰
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byjovewhataspend · 6 months
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I think Mic got hit with a man-flu quirk, actually... (i just wanted him big pathetic and helpless XD being a total baby about it. also i think he ended up 8 feet tall by the end of this XD)
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ive been neglecting the si blog...
i never even managed to finish my ace attorney si desgins lawl... prepare for photo dumps
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mckayla-reina · 2 months
This is kinda old and rushed and before my oc's redesign so I don't really like it 😭
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Ermm what the sigma?? 😟
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aheckinmess · 4 months
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(One-shot series 3/3 chapters posted - posted regularly on Saturdays. If anyone knows who to credit for the Hizashi fanart, please let me know!)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Graphic violence, Hizashi Yamada x OC, Present Mic, Present Mic saves the day, Hizashi Yamada is a ray of sunshine, angst, hurt/comfort, smut, fluff, pro hero to the rescue, learning how to people again, no longer a puppet, wedding time
Word Count: 5,127 words
Summary: One year after breaking free of a horrible life, Ichijiku has made great strides in her mental health and trauma, as well as her relationship with Hizashi. As their impending wedding approaches, Ichijiku starts worrying about the possible roadblocks intimacy could create. One apathetic Aizawa lends his aide and advice.
Author's Note: I haven't posted fanfiction in years, but after a two-year obsession with My Hero Academia, I have more than enough content to share. This first series is pretty dark, but there's some comfort and sweetness along the way. Enjoy.
Content Warning: Smut included in this chapter.
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Chapter 3: Harmonious Happenings
Ichijiku (Tigress)
"Are you ready to head home?"
"No. I need to walk around a little bit. I want to talk to you about something, but I'm not sure how to bring up the subject."
"Is this about physical intimacy with Hizashi?"
I look up at Shouta with shock and disbelief. I knew even before we became friends that he was good at reading Hizashi's mind, but damn! Is he sure erasure is his only quirk? Telepathy seems to come in at a close second. But I can't help it. Such a topic while walking down the street makes my cheeks turn pink. "Y-Yes. Am I that obvious?"
"That...was just a lucky guess." He admits with a drawl. "You've been acting a little off since he proposed to you. It's been, what, six months?" As if you're not keeping count, Logic Boi. He's your best friend.
"Yeah...the wedding will be coming up any day now." That's brought on a whole new wave of conflicted emotions. "I guess I'm just starting to get really anxious. I'm scared."
"About the preparations or about marrying Hizashi?"
"Well, a little of both. But mostly the marrying Zashi part." I admit, fidgeting with the ends of my sleeves in the autumn breeze. "This time last year I almost cut him out of my life entirely for similar reasons. But it's not the same. I'm scared because if he ends up like Kigai–"
"I'll personally wring his neck for you." Shouta finishes for me. "Hizashi is one of the most easy-going people I know. He won't take advantage of you like that. You've been with him long enough to know that. There's something else you're afraid of then, right?"
Damn Logic Boi.
"Right..." I sigh, wondering if this is a conversation I should be having with him and not my therapist. Ms. Sheila said having friends and confidants to talk to are just as important. "I'm worried that...I won't be able to be that intimate with him like he wants right away."
"Okay. Why does that worry you?"
"Because I," Warmth starts creeping into my neck. "Because I've...been able to tell that he gets excited...ahem and I've been privy to that too. So I'm scared that he'll think he's obligated to it once we're married."
"When he first wanted to kiss you, did he seem to think he was obligated to it?"
I blink up at him. "You know about that?"
"Ichi, Hizashi was bouncing off the walls before he went to that hibachi place with you. I'm surprised you got through the first three minutes without him confessing his love on the spot." It sounds so amusing with his dry delivery.
"Oh." Was I really that oblivious? Wow, guess you really are more stupider than I thought. You were still hypervigilant and afraid. It's only natural you'd have missed the signs. "Well...no, he didn't seem to think he was obligated to it, I don't guess."
"Then what makes you think he'd feel obligated to sex?" His tone isn't judgmental, just curious. I'm grateful for it.
"Well, it's different than a kiss, you know? I mean people kiss each other all the time. It's a lot easier to say no...or to stop if it gets too scary." My poor sleeves go through the wringer as I start rambling. A man passing by yells so loudly that I flinch. "B-But it's much harder with sex. If I think I'm okay to start but have to stop, I can't just tell him no in the middle like when we kiss."
"Why not?"
"Because then he'll be mad." I whimper. Eucalyptus tickles my nostrils and I grip my chest and the front of my shirt. "He'll be mad and then he'll hit me and leave me alone."
"Ichi, you're gripping your shirt. Take a deep breath." Shouta instructs.
"Shit. Not now. I'm sorry." I put my face in my hands and grip my hair. "I'm so sorry."
"Take a deep breath. You're safe. He's not here now and you're walking on the sidewalk with me. There's a fire hydrant coming up and a woman rocking her baby while she waits on the bench for a bus. The streets are chatty but not bustling and the wind is cold. Someone's selling fried rice because I can smell it from here. Breathe." He says, immersing me in my present surroundings like my therapist has advised me to do.
Rough sidewalk. Red fire hydrant. Baby crying. Screeching bus tires. Cold wind. Fried rice...with shrimp and broccoli. The visual and sensual cues help me the most. It helps ground me in the present. I inhale and I exhale and the eucalyptus starts to fade. Kigai's hand ghosts my shoulder but I focus on the white lines drawn on the crosswalk and a little girl's cheerful laugh as she swings her doll around. It was the guy yelling that sent me out of it. We're still in the present. Everything is okay. That's it, Little One. Good job.
"Thank you." I take one final breath and glance at him for a moment before I regroup and go back to my original conversation. "Anyway...it's just not the same, Shouta."
"Of course it's the same. You're allowed to tell him to stop at all times. Whether that's before or during the act." Shouta reassures me.
This is new information that makes me pause. You're being a little tease, aren't you? Telling me you want it and changing your mind? Bullshit! You're mine and you'll do exactly as I tell you! I nearly halt right in the middle of the sidewalk, but I power through, needing to have this conversation. I need to talk to someone and hopefully get some coping strategies before I have to pull through this with Zashi. Shouta's probably one of the best people to do that with. He knows him so well.
"Kigai...stopped caring about what I had to say the first time I tried to resist." I admit, tapping my teeth together in my mouth as I purposefully avoid eye contact.
"That's rape." Shouta's voice changes. He still sounds apathetic, but I've learned there are certain intonations where I can tell he's upset. This is one of those times. "Only a scumbag would do that."
"So if I decide to try but...we're in the middle...erm, doing stuff and I get uncomfortable...I can tell him to stop?" I rub my arms nervously, but not because I'm flustered about the subject now. It's because ghostly memories haunt the edge of my mind. "He won't...be angry with me?"
"Let me make this abundantly clear," Shouta begins as I unlock my door to my house and he helps me bring in my wedding finds. I have him set them on the counter while I close and lock the door. "Hizashi can be balls deep inside you and you're allowed to tell him to stop. Knowing Hizashi, who knows about your situation, he'll communicate with you how he needs to stop. If he needs to pull back entirely, if he just needs to wait for you to take a breath and continue, that sort of thing. Hizashi's not going to be angry at you for needing time to work through anything. You lived through hell for three years, Ichijiku. Both he and I and our other friends know that takes time to get over."
I can't help but laugh. Not only because it feels like a weight's been lifted from my shoulders, but also because I'd never expected to hear Shouta Aizawa say the words balls deep inside you to me of all people.
"That's encouraging to know. Thanks, Shouta."
"Of course. And if he ends up whining about it, I'll threaten to cut the circulation from his testicles and he won't have to worry about it at all."
. . . . .
Time flashes by until I'm adorned in a beautiful white dress with my hair twirled and curled in intricate fashion to frame my features. Anxieties ripple through my skin until I see Hizashi standing at the end of the aisle. My heart grows and swells inside my chest until I make it to his side, glowing with joy that he looks so awed and proud as I step up beside him. I give Shouta and Oboro a wave. Nemuri winks at me when I turn back to that side.
And then everything rushes by in a blur. We repeat our vows to the ordained and God, exchange a kiss that makes me dizzy, and then suddenly my last name is Yamada. The after party flurries by because I'd asked for a smaller ceremony, to which Hizashi thankfully obliged.
It's when we start getting closer to our honeymoon destination that I start getting nervous. Just breathe, Cub, remember what Shouta said. He won't do anything you're not ready for. That's the problem. I want to be ready for that. I have a high libido. I'm more than ready physically...but...I'm not at the same time. It frustrates me. Why wouldn't it frustrate him? Everything is going to be okay. When we finally make it to the beach house, Hizashi fully picks me up bridal style to walk me through the threshold. "I heard this was a tradition, so I thought I'd treat you." He laughs, setting me down once we get inside. He looks around. "Damn. This place is nice!"
He's not wrong. I look around and instantly feel the comfort of being in a large space to call my own for the next two weeks. "Oh, look!" There's a little basket setting on the coffee table in the living space. When I pad over to look at it, I flush with a nervous chuckle. "Eeps. It's from Nemuri." I can already see the pink thong sticking out in a folded flower and quickly walk in the other direction. "Y-You can look at that. I'm going to go try and get out of this dress."
"Would you like some help? Can you reach the zipper?" He asks as he also forgoes the gift offering for now.
I swallow, take a deep breath, and nod. "Yes, please." As much as I'm scared of what might come next, I can't get my dress off alone.
We make our way to the room we'll be staying in. My anxiety heightens as I'm innately aware of how close Hizashi is. I pull him into the master bathroom so I can start working on getting all of the pins out of my hair while watching him as he works the zipper.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asks me once he's got the dress hanging open for me to step out. I notice he's looking me over from the back, but he doesn't touch me. "Your breathing is off."
"I'm a little nervous." I don't feel the need to elaborate.
I wring my fingers and twist my newly acquired ring as I look down at it. Then I step out of my dress and start looking for my overnight bag full of clothes.
"Nervous?" Hizashi asks before his eyes widen and he seems to understand. "Oh! Oh. Hey, you don't have to be nervous, lovebug." He crosses over to me as I rifle through my bag and kisses my cheek, but doesn't even move to hug me while I'm half naked in front of him. "I won't do anything you don't want to. You excite me, sure, but tonight doesn't have to be about anything sexual if you don't want it to be." He chuckles to lighten the atmosphere. "Just don't mind me if my body responds. I'm a big boy, I'll be able to handle it even if I can't help what my body does."
I start pulling on some lounge clothes, exhausted from the long social day. When I turn to him, I carefully plant myself against his chest.
"That's...that's the problem. I want...I want you. I'm just scared of wanting you, because I'm scared of how I'll respond. I'm scared I'll disappoint you. I'm scared you'll be mad and it'll ruin everything." I swallow thickly.
He's quiet for a moment, which means a lot coming from Hizashi because he's usually so vocal. It makes me feel good to know he's really thinking this over and choosing his words carefully for me. His hands rub my back and I feel him plant a kiss on the top of my head. Safe. He's safe.
"Well, let's talk about how you want to address it then." He holds my chin delicately to make me look up at him. "Is it something you'd like to try tonight? Or something you want to try sometime this week? Or even further down the line?" He pauses before adding. "Before you answer, know that any of your answers are acceptable, lovebug. I'm willing to work with you. I know it's hard for you."
My eyes get glassy. How is he so wonderful? I have to push forward again to hug him tight, sniffling as I'm overwhelmed with affection that over three years ago I thought didn't exist - or if it did, I thought I'd never get to have it.
"I want..." I take a deep breath and gauge the swirling emotions in my gut. "I want to try...tonight...and throughout the week?" I pause again. "I don't want...to let Kigai influence how I react to you because I know you're not him." I squeeze him in my arms and am rewarded with a squeeze back. "But I don't know...how...to try it. I don't know what I'll be comfortable with or if I'll freak out. And that scares me."
"Hmm," He hugs me for a moment as he thinks. "Why don't we start with baby steps, lovebug? Would you like to try a shower together? That way you can just get used to me in your general vicinity without making any moves on you? Or do you need a smaller step than that?"
I think it over. That should be fine to start...knowing if I can handle him naked in my proximity...that would be good to know to begin with. And if you can't, just tell him that. He'll slow down for you. He's already made that pretty clear. Right...right. "I think we can try that." I agree, before pulling back and fidgeting with my pajama sleeves.
"Alright, well...how do you want to start this, then?" He asks, before he leans over to start the shower. "I guess to start with I'll let you choose the water temperature."
"Thanks." I focus heavily on my breathing for the next few moments, reaching in and adjusting the nozzles until I'm ready to turn on the shower. When that's done, I take a deep breath. "Okay...okay." Ms. Sheila said a good tip was to relax and start with what I'm comfortable with. "Can I have a kiss?"
Hizashi finally breaks into a smile and leans down to close the distance and set his hands on my hips to pull me closer. I'm used to this by now, it feels safe and familiar. I tug at his lip and run my hands along his chest over his shirt. As I feel more comfortable, I tentatively move my fingers under his shirt to do the same thing, just against his skin.
We're okay. We've done some of this before. I'm safe. This is Zashi. I move my fingers up his chest and around his neck. helping him wiggle out of his shirt. When I pull back for air, I'm rewarded with a delectably handsome sight that fills me full of longing...and fear.
I have to remember to breathe as I drink him in. Even though it's just his top half, I can already feel my tummy flipping and warmth make my body tingle. My fingers tremble when I rub my fingers over his abs.
"Are you okay?" He asks me through heavy breaths. "Do you need a minute or can I take off the rest?"
I squeak and hide behind my hands for a moment. It's okay. He's okay. He's safe. Breathe.
"Y-Yeah. If...if I need you to stop, I'll tell you." I promise.
I'm both fully and not at all prepared for when he pulls down the rest of his clothes. My breath gets shaky, but not for reasons I thought it'd be. My body is flooded with desire and eagerness. A soft sound escapes me when his cock starts to harden. Glory, glory what a hell of a way to die, indeed. I want it. You're mine, slut. Shut your fucking mouth, fiend. I tense involuntarily for a moment.
Hizashi clears his throat and asks, "Do you want me to watch you undress too? Or would you rather I hop in the shower first and wait for you?"
"Can, um," I hold my shoulder shyly and flush darkly. "Can you hop in first?"
He kisses my cheek. "Of course." And then he takes off his glasses and disappears behind the curtain.
It takes me a few moments to re-coordinate my mind and breathe, but when I do, I feel comfortable enough to strip down and ready myself. It's going to be fine. It's going to be okay. He won't hurt you, Cub. He's safe. And then I step into the shower.
As promised, Hizashi keeps his distance. He doesn't even look at me for a while as he just lets the water run over him. When he finally does catch my eyes, I don't miss how his eyes widen. He makes a little grunt and his cock twitches again, but to his credit he restrains himself.
"Didn't know it was possible for you to look even more gorgeous without clothes, but here we are." He teases with a wink, before going back to getting cleaned off.
His comment simultaneously fuels my lust and allays my fears. He...he didn't just grab me and have his way. He's being very careful and sweet and...god, it's hot. I manage to make it through the entirety of the shower without feeling too uncomfortable or having a panic attack. The closest I get to panic is when he asks about a scar on my back where Kigai threw a book at me. Somehow, though, I manage to get through an explanation without crying.
When we hop out and dry off, my emotions begin growing more intense. There's a wet place between my legs that I simply can't dry off. We get dry and I stand up on my toes to pull him into a fiery kiss that draws a moan from deep inside. God, that feels better than I ever expected.
His response is eager but hesitant. He doesn't fully touch me until I guide his hands to my bare hips. His arousal presses against my belly in a mutual desire as I move my arms back around his neck and grip him tight. All of the hot and heavy needs rolling around my body have me seeing stars. I pull back with heavy pants and press my forehead against his to look at him hungrily.
"W-Why don't...we move this to the bed?" My neck heats up as I ask.
"Are you sure?" Worry flickers in his eyes.
"I'm sure. I'll tell you if I'm not."
"Then, may I carry you?" He asks first, hands hovering until I nod. Only then does he pick me up with a flourish and carry me over to the bed. He gently lays me across the pillows. "How do you want me?"
Not Kigai. Not Kigai. Not Kigai. I remind myself as he looks down at me so softly. I rub his arms and pull at him to urge him further down. Okay. It's fine. This feels good. He feels warm. "Kiss me more?" I request.
"Happily." He obliges, tasting like spearmint gum and wedding cake.
We make out like this for at least five minutes, though it feels like an eternity of blissful intimacy. I can feel Hizashi get harder the longer we go, and I could swear I've accumulated a little puddle between my thighs by now. So I brave the waters and skim my fingers along his sides, up his arms, and guide him to squeeze a breast.
The jolt of excitement I feel draws a moan from me. The surprise I feel is so palpable my eyes flash open and I grip his hair to pull him closer. I like that. I'm not scared of him. I want more. This is nothing like it was with Kigai. Good job, Little One. But be mindful; don't let your guard down. I heed the tiger's voice. As much as I want to go feral and pick up the pace, I want to be cautious. I've learned through therapy and non-sexual experiences that even when it starts out easy, sometimes my trauma hits me out of nowhere.
Thankfully, Hizashi's gentle hands help keep me in a right frame of mind. He squeezes my breasts again before pulling back for a moment, rubbing his thumb slowly over my nipples.
"Is this okay, lovebug?"
"Yes." I purr, arching up into his hands eagerly. "I like that a lot."
"Tell me if it becomes too much." He reminds me, before he kisses the little valley between both breasts. "Is that okay?"
"Mhmm..." I massage the hand massaging me. "You can use your mouth, I think. It should be okay."
Even though I assure him, he still moves slowly as he puts his tongue to work. He starts on the least sensitive spot on the soft flesh outside of my boob and slowly works back in to my nipple, asking before he moves in each time. Once he seems to think I've been properly doted upon up there, he pulls back with that familiar worried glaze in his eyes.
"You think you'll be okay if I work my way down? I don't want to rush you."
I gauge my emotions and arousal. My heart's haywire, but not from fear. I'm pretty sure I'll orgasm if he plays his cards right (something Kigai never managed despite touting his conquest of me anytime he could).
"I think it'll be okay. But can you keep moving slowly?" I plead, looking up at him with all the fondness and vulnerability I can muster.
"Of course. I never want to hurt you." He kisses me sweetly, moves up to press another kiss on my forehead, and then moves his hand to rub over my belly while he move his head down so our tongues can dance again.
Soon, his fingers find their mark.
"Fuck, you're soaked." His cock twitches against my thigh as I flush and hide my face behind my hands. His soothing voice lilts into my ear to comfort me. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm glad I make you feel so good. Can I move my fingers?"
"Mhmm..." Even though I don't really say words, my voice still quivers. Not Kigai! I take a few deep breaths to drive my orgasm away so I can talk better."Just...start with my clit a little bit. Don't go straight in yet. I-I need a little more work-up so it'll feel better."
"You got it, lovebug."
His fingers play me like an instrument. And I've learned by now just how good he is at playing any instrument he gets his hands on. He plucks and presses my buttons experimentally until I'm singing out his composition. His finger rings around my clit as he bites my neck. The flurry of pleasure rushing down between my legs surprises me. I didn't think I'd like biting, but color me hot and bothered!
"Zashi!" I yelp out as my back comes off the bed. Endorphins rush through my body as I nearly cum right then. "A-Almost. So close." I pant, trembling under his hands.
"Good, lovebug. Do you want me to rub your clit some more or cum on my fingers?"
I squeak in embarrassment and I give him a half-lidded smile. "I want to feel your fingers...to see if it's going to be okay."
"I'll go slowly. Tell me if you're uncomfortable at any point." He coos, before a finger caresses my entrance. We watch each other as my orgasm builds and he seeks to please me without hurting me.
"I'm going to two now..." He breathes, eyes dilated and hungry as he pushes in another digit and I moan.
My fingers grip his hair and the sheets. So close. Almost there. Please. He keeps the pace slow until I beg him to move a little faster, unable to wait any longer. Almost as soon as he picks up the pace, I'm driven over the edge.
Only right before I cry out his name, I stop. If Kigai knows I'm feeling this good...he'll get jealous. Instinctively, I find my head lulling back as I stare blankly at the ceiling even as sweet bliss floods my senses. You know how good I made you feel, little whore? And you're giving HIM your orgasm?! STOP! You only brought my cub sorrow, bastard. At least Hizashi knows how to please her before himself, you selfish fuckboy.
"Ichan?" Hizashi notices the change instantly and pulls back completely. He turns on his side and covers his bottom half under the covers as he looks at me. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Was that too much? I should have–" But he never finishes.
A sob bursts out of my chest. I cover my face with my hands as the aftershocks of my orgasm bleed into the discordant notes of trauma wracking my body. I want to focus on the pleasure but only pain drips down my cheeks.
"He never made me orgasm." I blubber out, whimpers trickling out of my throat. "I-It felt...like I was going to get in trouble because that was the first time...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."
"Hey, shh..." He rubs my shoulder and kisses my cheek. "I'm here. No one's going to hurt you. You're allowed to feel good, lovebug. I'm glad I could make you feel good."
I sniffle as I turn over each of his words, breathing through each of them.
"You're not upset...that you didn't orgasm first...?" I ask fearfully.
"Ichan, if I had my way, I'd make you orgasm until my name was the only thing you could say. It's my pleasure to make you feel good. If I orgasm, that's an icing on the cake, but your happiness will always come first for me." He places his hand at my cheek as he looks at me in earnest.
In a tentative attempt at shouldering past the trauma Kigai left and recapturing the mood, I wrap my arms around his neck and tug at his lip with my teeth.
"Thank you." The sentiment hangs in the air like a comforting shroud for a few moments as we just hold each other. I stare up into the tender yellow of his eyes until I think I'm ready to continue. "I'm ready to try more...if you are?"
"I'm ready only if you're sure you're okay." He kisses my forehead again and combs his fingers through my hair. "How do you want me?"
Kigai's voice still tickles my ears as I think about my next request, but I grit my teeth, take a deep breath, and surge forward. You're mine, whore. You don't get to tell me that I'm yours anymore. Because I'm not! "Can...can you kiss me a little more and then...maybe try...going inside?"
It's a big step. I know it's a big step. But my stubborn determination and Shouta's reassurance ringing in my head that Hizashi will stop anytime I ask him makes the decision. Besides, I've always been driven by my emotions. And right now I'm high on feel-good hormones.
"Are you sure, lovebug? I can move slower if you need me to." Even as he says it, I can tell from his expression that he's eager. And who could blame him? I feel the same.
"I'm sure. I'll tell you if it's too much." I promise.
He doesn't go in right away, even after I reassure him. He's good to me and smatters kisses all over every inch of skin he finds while his fingers work me up again. I close my eyes and allow myself to feel good for once. This...this is what intimacy is supposed to feel like.
"I'm going to move in, lovebug." His voice is strained and I feel his hand on my cheek.
I open my eyes and give him a flushed grin. "Okay, Zashi. I'm okay."
As he moves in, I go from okay to good to great to exquisite. It takes some time - he's still very hesitant - but by the time he's fully buried himself inside me, my thoughts are a mixture of electricity and heady clouds. I start realizing why people call it cloud nine.
"Shit..." He breathes in my ear, sending a pleasant tremor straight down my shoulders and spine. He tries to move away from me but I hold him closer. "You okay?"
"Can you...talk in my ear some more...?" I squeak out, my hips already moving to try and get some friction. We've learned auditory cues are a big trigger for me. I wonder if having some positive auditory cues will help me relax? It's worth a shot. But be on your guard.
I can hear him smirk before he chuckles and gets in close again.
"Like this?" He purrs softly, sending my eyes rolling in my head. "Do you want me to tell you how much I love you? How sweet and loveable you are? How gorgeous?" With each word, he washes away my inhibitions and I feel my muscles relaxing. "I'm going to move now, lovebug. You still okay?"
"Yes." I groan, craning my neck over to indulge in a hot kiss.
I pull back and start trailing my fingers around the shells of his ears resulting in a response that makes me feel good inside. I feel his hips spasm and the high-pitched whine he unleashes in my ear has my body shuddering against him.
"So good...touch me more." His pace grows, and so does my need. "Make me feel good with those delicate fingers. Let me make you feel good, too."
"Zashiiiii..." I whine, moving up to lick his ear to see if that makes him feel good too. I'm not disappointed with the sounds he makes. "You feel good...it doesn't hurt...I love you so much." I whimper as he moves faster and harder.
When we're both at our limit and our orgasm begins to clash together in perfect harmony, Kigai's voice tries to interrupt again. No! You're not in control of me anymore. She's not your puppet!
So when we finally break together? Hizashi's name is the only one in my mind and on my lips.
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