malbecmusings · 9 months
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Lady First 3, the Mylius 60, skippered by Chris Pratt
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sail-southern · 6 months
RORC Nelson’s Cup Series || Live Sail Die
The second edition of the RORC Nelson’s Cup Series kicks off with racing from Tuesday 13th February. An international fleet of boats from 13 countries will be racing: Antigua; Australia; Canada; Cayman Islands; France; Germany; Great Britain; Monaco; Netherlands; South Africa; Sweden; Switzerland and the United States of America.
Full Story Here…
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403tarot · 1 year
Do you know if Starship rorced wonyoung for blonde hair in teaser comeback"either way "or this is her?
as i don't like to assume things i just asked tarot. apparently, the idea of dyeing her hair blonde wasn't from wonyoung, and at first, she didn't feel very happy about leaving her brown hair behind. i asked how she's feeling with blonde hair, and it's definitely not something she wanted.
she feels awkward and it will take some time for her to get used to it. she didn't hate the new hair color, but she's not sure if she really likes it yet. it's a significant change in her appearance, and since it wasn't her decision, it will take some time for wonyoung to adapt.
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2squeakyshoes · 7 months
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Leopard 3 takes monohull honours. RORC Caribbean 600.
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illusion-of-death · 7 months
(Live commenting on SotM)
I love how he’s just like “we aren’t fighters but I’d rather be the one instead of someone else”
“He’s gonna have to show those little guys just how cool their parental figure is.”
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Daruks thoughts on everyone is great as well!!! They was he actually does acknowledge the youngers skills while also being extremely concerned that this is their best hope is !!!
He’s no warrior but he will try for them!!! <3
Fuck- the moment with urbosa had me so emotional 🥲 they’re talking about their kids!!! They care so much for their own children and the ones the picked up on the side of the road
The second he will try feels a bit more melancholy than the first,,, I know what’s going to happen but let me hold on to this
I’m probably going to make myself sadder but how did daruks and urbosas children grow up afterwards?
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! Daruk and Urbosa are everything to me and I have very fond memories of writing SotM in particular :)
You get to decide whether this makes you sadder or not, but: Saphi did not take the Gerudo throne until she properly came of age. Urbosa did in fact account for the likelihood of her death, and named one of her advisors as a temporary successor to take charge of ruling until Saphi was old enough, so that she could have as normal of a childhood as possible. She was raised fairly communally by everyone Urbosa had been close to before the Calamity started. And while Saphi did mostly hear countless stories of how good and just a ruler Urbosa was, she did get a few from people who truly had known her mother as a friend. While her life was difficult, it was overall good, and she lived into old age, just long enough to get to know Riju (her great-granddaughter) for almost five years.
Rorc and Konvoh had a pretty similar experience as far as being raised communally goes, but they also had each other to lean on and did not have to grow up under the expectation of one day taking leadership. So they're generally pretty happy! And still around, because Gorons live for a very long time. They're actually named after the two old guys in TotK who give you that sidequest to help them remember which cave they were born in (I think their English names are Troy and Volcan?) so if you want to go check out just how happily vibing they are for yourself, you can do that!
The three of them never did get to meet each other, though. We can't have everything :(
Thanks for asking, and for sharing all your fun comments!
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unroxyfication · 8 months
There are billions of roxys, if you don't become loxy there will be a disturbance in the rorce (roxy force) and roxys will start getting force masc'd, I don't make the rules it's science
hi theres just me. wveryone else is just being me
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speed-seo · 4 days
R&D ROI Metrics: Evaluating Research Impact
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At M&G Speed Marketing LTD., we get it—measuring the impact of R&D is a big deal for business success. R&D ROI metrics? They spill the beans on how effective your innovation game really is. But here's the kicker—evaluating research impact? It's like trying to catch smoke. Long-term nature, intangible benefits (all that jazz). In this post, we'll dive into key R&D ROI metrics, tackle common measurement headaches, and dish out best practices for nailing down research impact. Get comfy, it’s gonna be a ride. How to Measure R&D Impact At Speed Marketing Ltd., we've identified key metrics that truly matter when evaluating R&D impact… So, let's break them down. Return on Research Capital (RORC) RORC is a powerhouse metric. It measures the financial return generated from R&D investments. Here's the math: Divide the gross profit from new products by the R&D expenses over a specific period. A study found that for some companies, R&D spending can make up roughly 51% of their annual revenue. Yes - 51%. That's not small potatoes. Patent Power Patent counts and citation rates pack a punch. They indicate the quality and influence of your R&D efforts. Think about IBM (a patent powerhouse) – they generated over $1 billion in licensing revenue in 2019 alone. But remember, it's not just about the numbers. Focus on high-quality patents that drive real business value. New Product Revenue This metric is a game-changer. It shows how well your R&D translates into market success. According to McKinsey, companies are investing about 5% of their revenues in building new businesses. Are you tracking this? Better be... because this tells you if your R&D is hitting the mark or just burning cash. Time to Market Speed matters. Measure how quickly you turn ideas into marketable products. Here's the takeaway from the Product Development and Management Association: Companies with faster time-to-market can increase their profitability by up to 40%. Shave off days or weeks, and watch your competitive edge sharpen – like a knife. Cost Savings from Process Improvements Don't overlook this goldmine. R&D often leads to more efficient processes. GE's FastWorks program (inspired by lean startup principles) led to $150 million in savings across the company. Track these savings meticulously... they're a testament to R&D's bottom-line impact. Implementing these metrics isn't easy – requires commitment, clear goals, and cross-functional collaboration. But the payoff? Unparalleled insights into your R&D performance and a roadmap for continuous improvement. Now, let's explore the challenges you might face when measuring R&D ROI. Measuring R&D ROI: The Hidden Hurdles Alright, let's talk about measuring R&D ROI-it's a mess, basically. Even the pros have a tough time with it. We're diving into the big headaches and how to deal with them. The Long Game of Research R&D's a marathon, not a sprint. We're talking years, maybe decades, to see the payoff. Look at pharma-developing a new drug takes, what, 10-15 years? It's nuts. Figuring out how today's R&D spend affects future returns? Basically, good luck. The trick? Milestone-based metrics. Break those projects into bite-sized chunks with clear goals. You can track progress better and tweak things before you hit the finish line. Quantifying the Unquantifiable Not everything in R&D comes with a neat price tag. Brand reputation, employee know-how, future innovation-real stuff, hard to slap a number on. Enter the balanced scorecard. Mix financial metrics with non-financial ones (patents, employee retention, customer satisfaction for new products). You get a fuller picture of R&D's mojo. The Attribution Puzzle Here's a fun one. Trying to figure out which R&D effort led to what result? It's like untangling holiday lights. Sales bump-was it the new feature, the killer marketing, or both? You need solid tracking systems. Unique IDs for each project and trace their impact across teams. Team up with sales and marketing; get everyone on the same page about how R&D's moving the needle. Risk and Uncertainty R&D's a gamble. Not every project's a winner. Some will crash and burn-that's the game. Makes investors nervous. Solution? Think like a stock trader: diversify. Spread R&D bets across multiple projects. Stage-gate processes let you regularly check in and kill the duds early. Keeps resources flowing to the winners. Data Quality and Availability Measuring ROI's only as good as your data. Bad data? Bad ROI. Simple. Yet, companies are drowning in data silos, inconsistent reports, and gaps. Fixing it? All about data management. Invest in integrated systems, standardize reporting, train your people on why accuracy matters. Regular data audits keep things clean. So, yeah, R&D ROI's a beast-requires a nuanced, multifaceted approach. Next up, we'll dig into best practices for evaluating research impact, building on these battle scars. How to Master R&D Impact Evaluation So, you're at Speed Marketing Ltd., and you're staring down the beast that is evaluating research impact. It's not just digits and spreadsheets-this is strategy, folks. Let's dive in: Set Precise Objectives First things first-clarity. Crystal-clear goals. None of that wishy-washy "boost innovation" jazz. No, we're talking concrete targets like "increase new product revenue by 15% within 18 months." Why? Because specifics give you that North Star to navigate your R&D ship. KPIs need to hang tight with these objectives. A 15% revenue bump ain't gonna track itself, so keep an eye on new product sales, market share gains, and customer adoption rates. Real-time dashboards? Your new best friend for visualizing these KPIs. Implement a Balanced Approach Single metrics are like putting all your eggs in one flimsy basket. Balance it out. Think: a balanced scorecard for a comprehensive R&D view. Mix it up with: - Financial: ROI, revenue from new products - Customer: satisfaction scores, adoption rates - Internal Processes: time-to-market, project completion rates - Learning and Growth: patents filed, employee retention in R&D Check out frameworks like this Balanced Scorecard. Combine Quantitative and Qualitative Measures Numbers tell you what's happening, but not always why. Think beyond the digits. Pair quantitative metrics (patent counts, revenue) with qualitative insights (expert peer reviews). This mix gives you a richer, fuller picture. Update Your Metrics Regularly The R&D world moves fast. Your metrics need to keep up. Set up quarterly reviews to keep things fresh. Ask yourself: Are these metrics still relevant? Do they drive the right actions? Trim the dead weight and bring in new stars. A/B test those new metrics. Roll them out to a small set of projects first, see what sticks, then scale up the winners. Foster Cross-Functional Collaboration R&D impact is an enterprise-wide gig. You gotta evaluate it holistically-pull in cross-functional teams. Finance, marketing, operations-even get some customer voices in there if you can. Dedicated communication channels for R&D convo? Essential. Recent studies have developed fresh frameworks for understanding how R&D effort, external collaboration, and business model innovation sync up. So there you have it-your blueprint for mastering R&D impact evaluation. Get to it. Final Thoughts R&D ROI metrics - the backbone of innovation-driven growth strategies. So, we at M&G Speed Marketing LTD. get it... it's a tightrope walk balancing short-term wins with long-term potential in research evaluation. Effective R&D metrics? They gotta align with overall business objectives to squeeze the most juice out of every research dollar. The R&D landscape - it's like a rollercoaster. You need regular reviews and tweaks to your evaluation methods. Why? Because if your metrics aren't measuring what truly matters in your innovation game, you're basically throwing darts in the dark. This approach helps companies stay ahead in a cutthroat market and make decisions based on actual data... not gut feelings. Implementing killer R&D ROI metrics needs commitment and smarts, but the insights? Pure gold for sustainable growth. If you're looking to amp up your digital marketing game alongside your R&D strategy, check out our services at Speed Marketing Ltd. We've got cutting-edge strategies to match your innovative vibe and boost your online presence. Read the full article
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It has taken nearly a century, but members of the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) have elected its first woman commodore.
Dr Deborah Fish will take over the role from 1 January 2024, replacing James Neville.
Dr Fish has been racing with RORC since 1999, and has finished 11 Rolex Fastnet Races.
She sails the Sun Fast 3600, Bellino, which is owned by Rob Craigie. The pair won the 2023 RORC Season’s Points Championship.
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444names · 11 months
Names generated out of the entire article on "olivine" from English Wikipedia plus American surnames and the entire article on Three Banners War from the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages
Achigs Adial Adoza Agern Aigne Alliney Anfoo Apter Arder Ariche Armendaed Arnanne Aserrint Assiment Atcht Ather Augageston Aughet Aunts Ayreal Bachaebir Bacharnes Bactenath Baight Bakinsolf Banved Barkin Barrete Bartion Baterwang Battealcon Baxis Beaces Becrice Berted Besed Betior Bicared Binson Bleadist Bledintane Bomentle Brate Bread Brept Brice Broader Brostakron Brumbent Bucks Bucter Buriteed Burnitt...
Callon Caman Canknors Carkenots Carromi Casawkiley Caught Cauncid Chahounte Chick Chorevent Cidefully Clowe Cocte Coldext Combing Combird Conlovited Contivened Contraggre Coonem Corteton Cotte Coult Counlard Cource Coustacias Couted Cratensont Creaption Crectent Crought Crumming Curid Curvegion Daldis Damso Daneste Darded Delattriss Dentorce Dephed Dermosped Desit Devemson Dexpera Didester Dincencas Dined Dishrosima Dison Dissevard Dital Diterow Divernexpa Domplow Doolsewer Dored Dormul Dozziners Drine Dunch Duning Dunthic Eation Einting Elaboy Embom Emersabils Emied Enjamrily Enkson Enthrowed Equarthora Errishiped Esilmerted Estally Estowne Everted Evertsind Evivenally Ewildentes Extork Fadist Faire Fally Fands Faress Farnerged Fencis Fenton Fillized Finize Fleis Fooriven Foreposs Forton Fortuter Fransly Fraton Galos Gantus Ganum Garntack Gaters Gathoor Gicout Givolo Glent Goame Gpattly Gratemet Grattley Gravashe Grods Hafted Halbegilla Halizente Halswip Hambehen Harth Hatined Haudlyncia Havion Heasesel Hincat Hoingets Holiploge Holown Hompoins Humakhent Hutionak Idges Imacks Imiters Imperson Inclating Inethead Inguer Intrazin Irste Iscomed Ithriases Ittal Iverandoon Jampie Joided Justaltrus Keney Kiner Kiremed Kniampso Lance Lantown Lated Learls Lenhazquip Lierran Lings Linspiter Lishorall Litent Litist Livill Livity Loges Logilaries Lovik Loylowee Mackine Mafte Maggen Mainey Manchamis Mandalized Manote Markmaxwes Mccuts Mcled Membedien Meters Micunleyer Mindammove Molders Mormic Morty Mosins Moted Mouppon Muely Murews Murey Nallikers Nealt Nefauland Niedgen Norkel Norric Nozabrys Objefugle Ocafter Offed Offmager Orgess Orsols Orthron Oruis Outran Ovected Ovined Padely Pages Pagestion Painsigal Papardn Pariteng Parped Partion Patinviell Pbnmons Pecover Pently Perfully Perion Peted Pharmed Pightemed Pingtort Pionn Pirruenes Plaryst Plimpact Pliven Posighty Poted Pownste Preen Preve Prity Proation Probbardy Prond Pultong Pured Puseelgase Puthest Putposi Qualtos Rachis Ragergo Raintivint Raitery Randfad Ratal Reack Regoolsers Reited Relis Relyner Rentons Reort Resters Rests Reter Rhormued Ribon Rictunnons Rided Right Rionz Rogon Ronal Ropyitted Rorced Rostrer Rounte Royan Rucamrinve Rumenson Rumic Rummon Sammon Scarradis Schame Scoffect Seapson Secren Sedleill Sentegatch Seporminez Serson Setwer Sevables Severang Severod Sharts Sheast Shelatio Shingend Shington Shited Shriedet Single Sinlined Siotho Sistess Siston Siteangs Sitions Skite Slanex Slotelvely Snummon Sollown Sonarge Sonry Sonstray Sordistion Sparapts Sphins Spirus Spoldwat Stabon Stagon Standuck Stecter Stesects Stonforce Stord Suartuse Subduqaq Sucted Sught Suiruized Sumated Sumbeng Sunchry Susor Svaing Swareed Sweved Swikerth Swing Tally Tentic Tervolly Thereffew Thine Thoids Thoodes Thores Tions Tontedy Trancreng Tright Tring Triset Typics Uncon Unity Upage Uppossunth Ussecus Venning Vided Walewmad Wallaverry Wanded Wargual Wayer Weandfjos Welaugal Weriention Wering Wharid Whison Winvoint Witerangs Witur Woodmess Woody Woort Woutia Wremagend Wrimmed Wyerc Xecte Xentes Yoley Zince Zondoolk
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malbecmusings · 5 months
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RORC Caribbean 600 gets underway in Antigua.
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alphasailgroup · 1 year
The Morgan Cup 2023
The Morgan Cup 2023 DATE: Friday 16th June COURSE: Cowes – Dartmouth DISTANCE (nm): 110 – 160 Aprox This year’s Morgan Cup race will again finish in the beautiful harbour of Dartmouth, organized by the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) in the United Kingdom. The Morgan Cup was first held in 1958 and is named after Charles Edward Morgan, the founder of the Morgan Giles Yacht design company. The race…
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patern29 · 2 years
Ofcet 32 SC, de la régate à la croisière
L'Ofcet 32 SC est un voilier racé, dans la pure tradition du course croisière. Elu voilier de l'année 2018. L'Ofcet 32 SC, proposé par le chantier du même nom depuis 2017, est un voilier de croisière issu de la carène de son prédécesseur, l'Ofcet 32. Le chantier, très orienté régate et course au large, nous propose, avec ce bateau, un véritable course croisière. L'Ofcet 32 SC a été élu voilier de l'année 2018 par Voile Magazine, lors du Nautic de Paris. Une belle récompense pour un chantier qui avait commencé son histoire, dans la construction navale, avec le mini Ofcet 6.50. C'est une belle récompense pour le Chantier. Avec l'Ofcet 32 SC, le chantier Ofcet a souhaité développer une version croisière de son Ofcet 32, star de la jauge IRC. L'Ofcet 32 était, entre autre, pensé pour la Transquadra. L'Ofcet 32 SC est donc pensé pour la croisière...côtière et hauturière. Cette évolution s'est faite avec le cabinet d'architecte Marc Lombard Yacht Design Group. Cabinet qui est à l'origine de l'Ofcet 32, premier du nom.
Ofcet 32 SC comme Sport Cruiser
L'Ofcet 32 SC, "Sport Cruiser", reprend le look très moderne et agressif de l'Ofcet 32. Il en reprend aussi d'autres caractéristiques comme son étrave inversée, une carène puissante, un plan de pont optimisé ainsi que ce rouf avec une visibilité sur 360°. Si ce bateau est pensé pour la croisière, on ne se refait pas et la vitesse sera bien au programme. Sous la ligne de flottaison, on retrouve une quille à bulbe, en fonte, à fort allongement ainsi que deux safrans sous voûte. Dans le même temps, l'Ofcet est léger, 3200kg, pour un lest de 1300kg. Le bateau est donc plus léger que la version régate. Un gain de 270kg, réparti de telle sorte, que la raideur est toujours là.Touts ces éléments font de l'Ofcet 32 SC un bateau de caractère.
Un Ofcet 32 côté croisière
Contrairement à l'Ofcet 32, la version SC est réellement adaptée à la croisière. Et cela commence sur le pont. Le plan de pont de l'Ofcet 32 SC a été optimisé pour la sécurité des manoeuvres, indispensable en croisière faillilale. En effet, la circulation a été facilitée en rentrant les bas-haubans pour dégager le passe-avant. Dans le même temps, la barre d'écoute a été fixée dans le fond de cockpit, en arrière de la barre franche. Cela permet de dégager le cockpit et de le sécuriser. Sans doute au dépend d'une optimisation des réglages de grand voile. Mais à voir.   Les aménagements de l'Ofcet 32 SC diffèrent légèrement de la version régate. L'idée était de conserver les plans et d'améliorer les rangements ainsi que la confidentialité des cabines, pour la croisière. A l'intérieur, l'espace est aéré et très lumineux. Les différents hublots de roof et de coque offre lumière et, surtout, une vue sur mer incroyable. Idéal au mouillage. Tout est prévu pour faciliter la vie à bord : 2 cabines doubles séparées, carré convivial à vision panoramique, cuisine équipée, table à cartes avec fauteuil de veille, large cabinet de toilette, nombreux rangements...
L'Ofcet 32², le pure sang IRC.
De son côté, l'Ofcet 32 est la version IRC. Ce bateau très puissant est pensé pour la navigation en équipage comme en solitaire. L'OFCET 32 est un voilier de course/croisière en jauge IRC. Le bateau a été conçu par le cabinet d'architectes Marc Lombard Yacht Design Group, qui a déjà réalisé le MC34, élu RORC Yacht of the Year avec un palmarès impressionnant. Une nouvelle version, appelée, Ofcet 32², est arrivée courant 2018. Et dés son lancement, le programme de course était déjà intense :Courses IRC double championnat de France / championnat Anglais : Duo Demi Clé ; Course des Îles ; Armen Race ; Celtikup ; Rolex Fastnet ; Pornic - Gijon ; La Barquera ; Duo Cat-Amania. Course transatlantique solo et double : Transquadra. Courses IRC équipage : Spi Ouest France ; Tour de Belle-île ; Tour du Finistère,... Les Ofcet 322 sont désormais dotés d’une nouvelle quille, plus légère. Le plan de voilure a été revu avec plus de surface pour le genois (+ 1,5 m2), la grand-voile (+ 3,5 m2) et le spi (+ 5 m2). Et pour renforcer sa raideur naturelle, le bateau a été doté de ballasts (320 litres). C’est clairement un nouveau bateau, optimisé et fiabilisé.» Plus léger, plus toilé et ballasté, l’Ofcet 322 se révèle… et gagne ! Ces évolutions ont été testées en 2018 et largement validées : l’Ofcet 322 a remporté l’ArmenRace (en réel devant des 36 pieds), la Transgascogne-45.5, le Tour de Corse et l’Atlantique Le Télégramme.
Caractéristiques Ofcet 32
- Longueur coque : 9,80 m - Longueur HT : 11,00 m - Largeur coque : 3,36 m - Tirant d'eau : 1,95 m - Poids : 3 200 kg - Lest : 1 300 kg - Couchage : 6 personnes - Hauteur sous barrot : 1,85 m - Tirant d'air : 15,40 m https://youtu.be/idFlaEf4pzw Read the full article
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2squeakyshoes · 2 years
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Swan 115 Supermaxi "Jasi", the largest boat in the RORC Transatlantic Race fleet.
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illusion-of-death · 7 months
It’s no worries!! Thank you for indulging my question anyway ^^
Since urbosa has been asked about thennnn
Daruk!!! Daruk is wonderful. (@ofstormsandfire we got another one!)
I'm going to assume that you're asking about CMFTW canon, and not my other fics involving him, so I'll just stick with that for now—the exact timeline of his wrestling career backstory is another one of those things Hope and I never officially established, but it was definitely a very significant part of a good portion of his life. One of those situations where he started so young it was the only future he could ever imagine for himself, so once his injury took that away from him he had absolutely no idea what to do or how to move on.
LoZ canon strongly implies that Gorons are straight up born out of rocks in caves with no need for parents, but then BotW somewhat contradicts that by establishing Yunobo as specifically Daruk's descendant, so our solution to that inconsistency has been to say that the rock-spawning thing does happen, but an elder Goron needs to be involved in actually helping the new little Goron actually finish hatching and get out of the cave, and then that's the parent-child relationship. So CMFTW Daruk has two kids, named Rorc and Konvoh because that's what I call them in my more canon-compliant fic, and then one of those two did the same thing for Yunobo. Daruk's wrestling career probably ended right around the time Yunobo was born, and he ended up finding his job at Akkala Elementary not too long after that, while his kids and grandkid stayed in Eldin. Daruk, much like Urbosa, is thoroughly a family guy, and much of his love for cooking stems from fond memories with his kids.
I feel like most of everything else I could say about CMFTW Daruk has already been stated in-fic, so that's where I'll end things for now, but let it be known that I absolutely love him and he's one of my favorite characters to write, AU or not.
Thanks for asking!
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eugeniogiaccone · 4 years
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sailbiz · 3 years
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