#rory brosca
vigilskeep · 4 months
[rhori brosca voice] so basically i’m pretty cool with who i am and what my life is. you can waste your life despairing about it, like my mam, or dream your way out of it best you can, like rica. me, i’m just fine with—[insert shot of rhori, at the proving, near screaming, close to tears even: i am of no caste or clan, but i have defeated you all!]—okay maybe there’s one or two things i haven’t totally resolved
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spaceself · 1 year
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The dwarven Grey Warden
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elle-enasalin · 4 years
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My OC poster in anticipation of DA4~
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spratwurst · 7 years
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Life update: too many Wardens
(template by @lavellanpls from here!) 
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creamecream · 7 years
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Whelp, no one stopped me, so I made 'em, I even designed them in-game.
Roxanna (Rory) Cousland, Paisley Brosca.
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sapphim · 2 years
Origins playable characters I think a lot about, I'd like to pick characters from the actual origins like a. Obviously of course shianni with possibly soris or nelaros as male options, and then for circle mages it'd be jowan/lilly and for dalish elf I'd pick tamlen first of all of but possibly Merrill as another one, although that doesn't feel as right. I don't really have opinions on the human/dwarf ones though I don't play them enough :(
oh that's fun! rica or leske would be options from the brosca origin and then for aeducan idk who else other than gorim. tho if bhelen's bullshit managed to get himself exiled somehow he'd be a riot. I've seen someone else say fergus from the cousland origin, and obv there's that one mod that made rory gilmore an whole companion.
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morganlefaye79 · 3 years
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Day 27 | Hope/ Survival
CW Angst, blood (mentioned) and broken bones (implied)
“Why did you leave Alistair at the gates, sister?” Aedan asked, worried while observing her facial expression closely.
“He is safer at the gates, and if we all get smashed by the Archdemon, we have still backup! As you may have noticed, I left Nava and Dante at the gates too!” Morgan answered, slightly angered. He knew exactly why she had left Alistair at the gates. She and her brother had made him King. They both knew the nobles, and they knew politics. Most wouldn’t have forgiven them if they had allowed Anora to take the throne as long as one Theirin was still alive. Loghain had acknowledged Alistair as Marics son at the Landsmeet; he only doubted Alistair’s capability to rule. But wasn’t that the same for Maric himself? Morgan knew he could grow into his role as King as she would grow into hers as Queen. 
They were all exhausted when they reached the top of Fort Drakon. Riordan had wounded the Archdemon badly before he died. The Archdemon had nowhere to go, and it would die now.
While she ran towards the Archdemon with her glaive, she could see that Arl Eamon and his men were already there, as were the mages from the circle and the Legion. They tried to hold the beast in check until the Grey Wardens arrived.
Urthemiel was squirming as much as possible, but he was cornered now. Aedan and Wynne stayed in the background. Aedan would have fought at the frontlines with his sister, but he was a far better archer. Morgan was afraid he might get himself killed when he fought with his daggers. Zevran had trained him, but it was still safer for him to use his bow.
A few steps behind her was Ser Gilmore on her right side and Natia Brosca on her left. Only a few steps more, and she would reach the Archdemon…
One of the Arls’ soldiers got a good hit with his pike on the Archdemon; the pike went deep into his flesh. The screech that followed was ear-shattering. Out of pain, Urthemiel turned around and swept his tail around; His tail didn’t hit Natia because she was short, but Morgan got the full force of his tail. When the tail had hit her, it made an upwards move; this saved Ser Gilmore’s life because he wasn’t hit either.
Morgan flew a few meters through the air, and her glaive clanked on the ground; Morgan landed with her back against the edge of a crossing pillar and slumped down to the ground. She opened her eyes and watched the scene. Morgan saw Natia and Rory charge at Urthemiel. She saw her brother that had tossed his bow aside and was running towards her. She smiled; she hadn’t hurt herself, Morgan didn’t feel any pain, she was fine. She was just a bit exhausted; she just needed to close her eyes and take a short nap, nothing more.
The fight against the Archdemon lasted for many hours after this. In the end, the Archdemon was slain by Natia Brosca, who made the death blow.
Only minutes had passed since the Archdemon was slain as Alistair arrived on the roof. He couldn’t wait any longer and had made his way with the other Grey Wardens towards Fort Drakon to assist them in their efforts. At first, Alistair saw Natia, wholly covered in Archdemon blood, not far away was Ser Gilmore, helping some wounded soldier. A bit farther away, he spotted Aedan, but he couldn’t see Morgan anywhere…
As he watched more closely, the realisation struck him like a lightning bolt. He saw her glaive lying on the ground; she would never part with it, not as long as she could hold it. He started running towards Aedan and saw that he was bent over a body, her body.
Now he saw Wynne, who was healing Morgan; he shouted at Dante to come and help while he got down on his knees beside Aedan. When he looked up, and Wynne’s eyes met with his, they looked worried, the shake of Wynne’s head answered his question, and he started crying.
Two weeks had passed, all of Ferelden cheered and rejoiced at the end of the blight, but Alistair didn’t feel happy, but he tried to put up a brave front. That’s what is expected of him as soon to be King.
Today he would honour all people that were on top of Fort Drakon and actively fought the Archdemon. He wanted to wait until he was King, but Arl Eamon insisted on doing it as soon as possible as long as the cheerful mood in Ferelden was still ongoing. 
He felt utterly wrong to honour all those people when she wasn’t there; she lived but hadn’t woken up yet. The healers told him that as long as she won’t wake up, she could still die.
The ceremony would start shortly, but he would wait until the servant was back to ask for news about Morgan’s wellbeing. When the servant entered the hall, he shook his head to signify that she hadn’t woken up.
He wanted to start the ceremony as it occurred to him that Sten was missing. He had seen him not ten minutes ago. So he would wait for another few minutes, but Sten didn’t come back.
He signalled a servant and asked him to search for Sten; maybe he was just lost. The servant just wanted to do as he was told when the side wing doors opened, and Sten walked through the door with Morgan, who he carried in his arms.
As it seems Morgan already had the palace under her thumb, she woke up shortly after Alistair had looked for her in the morning, and as she heard what day it was, she ordered them to keep quiet as a surprise. The healers were displeased by her enthusiasm, but there was not much they could do. So compromises were made, and she could attend the festivities. Sten placed her on a seat carried in by servants next to Alistair, who could now genuinely smile and start the ceremony.
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urdnotcadash · 7 years
bare with me i’m editing my oc page and figuring shit out. basically using this post for the tags... so ignore?
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greyvvardenfell · 7 years
A huge, massive, mega thank you to @barbex​ for hosting Fictober! It was so fun to write every day, which is not something I thought I could do, but I did! And I ended up with 31 fics that I’m actually proud of, which is another thing I was surprised by. I can only hope that I made daily writing a habit that’ll carry on into November (and beyond?) for NaNoWriMo (aka work on my longfic again). So here’s to another productive writing month, with at least another 23,335 words!
Anyway, links to all of the fics I wrote are below the cut, for anyone who’s interested, categorized by fandom and pairing and now with final word counts! Some of them I went back and edited again after I posted them originally because perfectionism but none of them changed drastically (I don’t think...). Enjoy!
Fictober Roundup
DRAGON AGE Reyja Brosca/Zevran — OTP: The Gold to My Silver Day 2 // Under the sun and the moon. (474 words) Day 5 // Once, only once. (380 words) Day 7 // In the distance. (1160 words) Day 12 // Smut in hidden places. (NSFW) (1271 words) Day 17 // “You shouldn’t have heard that.” (1277 words) Day 25 // On the balcony. (684 words) Day 28 // “Do you know the problem with these?” (1964 words)
Adam Hawke/Fenris — OTP: What You Can and Can’t Do Day 1 // “There they were, pursuing wisdom.” (556 words) Day 6 // They had made a poor job of hiding the damage. (485 words) Day 13 // A person is speaking but nobody listens. (361 words) Day 18 // Trading places. (189 words) Day 23 // It was just for one night. (651 words) Day 29 // Alone in a cave. (780 words)
Jakariel Lavellan/Dorian — OTP: Playing with Fire Day 3 // “Now, behave,” they murmured. (737 words) Day 15 // Their voice had never sounded so cold. (492 words) Day 24 // “I knew you wouldn’t be able to see it through.” (395 words) Day 30 // “It’s done.” (1176 words)
Jakariel Lavellan/Dorian/The Iron Bull — OT3: Playing with Dragonfire Day 4 // The hall was a place of wisdom and authority, or so they said. (921 words)
Rori Trevelyan/Cullen — OTP: You Have So Many Heroes Day 11 // There was a legend about the well in the garden. (1008 words)
Modern!AU — All pairings (except Rori/Cullen) Day 31 // “Pumpkins are supposed to be orange!” (2077 words)
THE ARCANA North/Asra — OTP: Only Honest When It Rains Day 8 // “What are your thoughts on cooking?” (502 words) Day 10 // You will love them in the end, like they said. (317 words) Day 16 // Domestic bliss. (326 words) Day 20 // The Mysterious Holiday. (735 words) Day 21 // “What are you afraid of?” (344 words) Day 26 // “I’ll deal with you later.” (419 words)
Otheron Indero/Julian — OTP: Making Time for Something Real Day 9 // In a new light. (663 words) Day 14 // “You know even less about this than me?” (976 words) Day 19 // “For some reason, I’m attracted to you.” (486 words) Day 22 // They knew that hope requires disbelief. (868 words) Day 27 // Not enough. (661 words)
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jedimasteramell · 7 years
Alternate Endings
By game canon, all thr origins happen, just the one you pick is the one where Duncan steps in to save you, otherwise the rest die.
As I am a huge fan of that not happening and love building extended worlds for my canon, Ive been thinking about what happens with the other potentials when Sheridan is the Warden.
Ellana Cousland is with her parents when the gates fall, the horrible wrenching sound that signals the end to everything she’s ever known. She can hear screaming, from whom she doesn’t know and the sounds of clashing swords and angry barks. The nearby battle stills and she draws the family sword, ready to run through any who enter the pantry. Instead of Howe’s soldiers, it is her Mabari, half leading, half dragging, a pale and bloodied Ser Gilmore. It takes all of Bryce and Eleanor’s pleas to convince the knight to help their daughter to safety, to find Fergus, and inform the King. Ellana has to be pried away from her parents to escape out the secret exit, and out into the shadows of Highever Castle burning. Together she and Rory are on the run for weeks, tracked relentlessly by Howe’s soldiers as they travel deeper and deeper into the Bannorn. It is by a chance encounter that while battling off darkspawn, that Sheridan and company found them and welcomed the two warriors and their pup into her party.
Chanda Aeducan takes a long hard look at the endless abyss of the Deep Roads and decides to survive. She well remembers the maps of the Deep Roads she’d poured over again and again, if she could trust the Stone she knows she can find an outpost of the Legion of the Dead. She wasn’t made Commander for nothing. Old axe in hand, and desperately wishing for her old armor and Gorim at her side, Chanda sets off through the dark caverns, letting the comforting hum of the Stone guide her feet. It’s surreal being alone in the grand darkness, nothing but the vaguely lit pockets of lava and indecipherable sounds of the earth for company. She’s passing through a centuries-lost outpost when she spots…
Lyrie Brosca had been in the Deep Roads exactly never. And why should she? Casteless arent even good enough to wander the ancient abandoned darkspawn-blighted halls of their forefathers, let alone leave Dust Town. But she’d opened her big stupid mouth again and instead of just accepting what would have been a quick death to satisfy Jarvia and the stone-sodding Deshyr’s, she’d proclaimed joining the Legion of the Dead. If Leske hadn’t slipped away before she’d been spotted he’d half laughed himself stupid. This is what you get when Casteless read. So there she was, in the pitch black with a dagger and a handful of dried deep mushroom, not sure how long it’d been down here, and hoping whatever came along would at least kill her before eating her. But instead of being a genlock, she came face to face with another dwarf who looked strangely like… Ancestors! What was Princess Aeducan doing down here?!? Together the pair opted to team up and they both eventually made it to the Legion and a propper meal. Both survived long enough to march with Kardol on the surface against the 5th Blight.
Kellas Mahariel is not from Clan Sabrae in this canon, at least not initially. Born of the clan, but traded during the last Arlathvhen to Zathrian’s Clan. There he’s a determined hunter and one of the first to discover the werewolves. It is during that period when he meets the Warden and her entourage, a cluster of humans he bares little trust for. He is, however, curious of the blond, accented elf that journeys with them. Intrigued by meeting one of his own people so wildly different than all those he knew. With Lanaya’s permission, he joins the Warden’s group with the intent to learn and observe, but rather finds himself falling for Zevran’s wily charms. He becomes more of an envoy to the Dalish clans after the Battle of Denerim, content to explore and to spend time with his new partner on the run from the Crows.
Nadia Tabris had long been a thief and a killer before she cut the heart out of Vaughn Kendall in retribution. For years she’d been sneaking out of the Alienage, terrorizing and wreaking havoc on the humans that hurt her people. She was an assassin, a mercenary, a vandal, or a theif as she pleased. Escaping from the Denerim prison after faking her own death, Nadia returned to the Alienage ready to destroy anyone who dared try anything against the elves of Denerim. It was during Loghain and Howe’s upheval that she was brought to the attention of both the Friends of Red Jenny and Master Ignacio and his Ferelden-based Crows. Taking jobs from both, but joining neither, Nadia was working outside the city whrn she got wind of the events at the Alienage. Though she hardly trusted the Warden, being a human as she was, Nadia approved of the harsh way she handled the Tevinter slavers, as well as the kindness by which Sheridan helped the other elves. Eventually, Nadia signed on properly with the Friends of Red Jenny, and though incorrectly, many believe her to have been the Dark Wolf.
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vigilskeep · 4 months
almost every origin being more fun and compelling to play as a woman but Morrigan only being romanceable by men is so cruel of bioware. how dare. anyway love and light to Rory, I hope he lives the dream (kissing Morrigan)
its sick and twisted fr...
i’m having fun with rory though!! f!brosca is most notable for not being anything like her sister and performing this very masculine role instead, which whether she likes it or not kind of removes her from her gender in others’ eyes and has some really fascinating moments. (brosca origin is really incredible for this. taking a man’s role as well as a warrior caste role in the proving, leske saying hail to the sodding king! regardless of brosca’s gender... crazy. love it.) m!brosca is the more obvious answer for a tough carta dwarf guy and less blatantly has Something Going On, but also on top of that he was primarily raised and educated (insofar as he is educated) by his trained courtesan sister, which has a little sprinkling of fun gender to it in itself. in that he’s like the reverse of that action woman trope whose older brothers taught them how to fight. i’m not sure yet how far i’m pushing that—he still is the rough carta guy—but i think that’s going to be really fun to play off morrigan who in some ways has quite a prescriptive idea of what men are like or at least in her experience finds threatened masculinity easy to target. i don’t think “guy who will offer to do makeup and braid hair without batting an eye at any comments over it” is really a category of guy she’s adapted to especially when it’s not really what you’d guess from looking at him
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vigilskeep · 4 months
rory voice what kind of eight-year-old has never seen a dead body
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vigilskeep · 4 months
rica, who would have done anything for her baby sibling to believe in nobodies who become heroes, telling little brosca every single smuggled scrap that anyone in orzammar ever heard about loghain mac tir
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vigilskeep · 4 months
would Rory share Tristan's hang ups about having children, considering how caste is inherited or would that not be a factor once he's on the surface (if it was one before)?
yes and no!
it’s a little different because tristan’s reasons, his fears about passing on his magic, are specific to him and his mother. if rory thought no-one should pass being casteless onto their children, he’d basically be advocating for the lot of them to die out, which is definitely not him at all. honestly i don’t think he’s thought about it, certainly not as much as tristan, who spends far too much time in his head and for whom marriage alliances and heirs and The Weight Of History are the whole world. rory is very impulsive, and scraping by day to day, moment to moment, taking what’s good when he can get it. he doesn’t think about long-term plans or consequences a lot, he’s thinking about keeping his head down and getting enough to eat and what’s in front of him that catches his eye. and in his head, nobody with his dust town life expectancy is making tristan’s resolutions never to risk having a kid at all. he’s not going to have these good looks forever, you know! life’s too short, girls are too hot. and what’s the worst that can happen, one more casteless? at least this one’s dad would stick around as long as he can, keep the little one from getting shoved around, try to treat the mother right. worse things have happened
(if he ever considers the future, he probably spends more time worrying about potentially having to raise rica’s kid, who with this family’s luck is sure to be a girl and thus casteless if they’re ever born at all.)
but all that being said, he definitely has some stuff about passing on an Inherently Cursed Bloodline and damning your kid before they ever get a chance and then abandoning them... the kind of stuff that isn’t going to help morrigan convince him to do the dark ritual at all. but we’ll see how that goes 😬
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shannaraisles · 7 years
Rory receiving a letter by a black raven, the letter blotted hastily with ink: It is best that I inform you how you have come to bewitch me in all my waking and slumbering hours. Your hair haunts my dreams, your eyes paralyze my senses. If I could feel your lips upon mine for only a moment, it is a moment that I have truly lived during. Yours In Secret but Never Far.
Rory reads the letter with ever-widening eyes. Oh, holy hell ... Okay, so the raven doesn’t mean anything, everyone uses ravens. But does it mean something this time? No. Leliana wouldn’t, she’s head over heels for Brosca. I think. Waking and slumbering hours ... She laughs out loud, and hurriedly shushes herself, covering her mouth. No way is it Solas. That’s too obvious, anyway. Still, dreams. That rules out Varric, at least. And Harding. Who spends that much time looking into my eyes? Cullen gets to nibble on my lips whenever he likes, but ... I genuinely have no idea who this is from. Does Bull write love letters? She snickers to herself, tucking it away to giggle over later. Maybe Cassandra can make a guess.
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urdnotcadash · 7 years
I wish I could draw well, I really adore my Warden Rory Brosca playthrough. She's preciousss.
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