#rory silva x mc
Hi y'all,
I have been waiting to create an MC profile for my HSS:CA MC, and finally I got the time to do it today. Hope you like it!
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Birthday: 15th April, 2002
Meaning of name: In Spanish, it means the miracle, or in Russian it means gracious and dear one.
Pronouns: She/Her (cis-woman)
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
Dorky, clumsy, funny, and emotional. She is quick to anger and easy to please.
Has a very strong sense of justice, and can snap when the injustice is happening in front of her.
Does not hesitate to get into conflicts when the person being disturbed is a person she loves.
Biological Family: Alan Park (Father), Faith Park (Mother), Carlos (Twin Brother), Wendy Park (Paternal Aunt)
Adopted Family: Greg Delgado (Adopted Father), Rita Delgado (Adopted Mother).
Backstory (TW: mentions of Death) :
Mila was born in London, 3 1/2 minutes before her twin, Carlos. When she was 1, Faith and Alan meet with an accident where a drunk truck driver crashes into their car, leading to their death on-spot. She and Carlos were put in foster care system after nobody in their family was able to take them in, and they were adopted 2 years later by Greg and Rita Delgado in Cedar Cove.
Ethnicity: She is half-Asian and half-white from her biological family, and her adoptive family are Spanish.
Other than play acting, improv and method acting, she is a really good singer and can pick up any kind of tune.
Baking is her comfort activity and additionally she loves to help out at the Golden Griddle.
She has a favorite activity with each person she hangs out with: With Carlos its basketball, Skye its drawing, Rory its video games and with Ajay its watching movies.
Love life:
As a kid, she hung out with Rory a lot since he was the only other kid in the neighborhood who was her age. For a while, she crushed on him till 5th grade, but grew out of the crush after middle school and admired him more as a good friend.
Her feelings for Skye grew, and they become official after the winter term of their freshman year. They end up going to different colleges in New York, with Mila majoring in Acting and Skye in Tech.
As per my HC, Mila proposes marriage to Skye at the end of their senior year of college, but they don't get married until two years later.
Other Facts:
Mila starts exploring Gothic fashion and music after she starts hanging out with Skye.
She has a deathly fear of rodents and rodent-like creatures, that sometimes Carlos takes advantage of.
The first play she acted in was 'The Hare and the Tortoise' in kindergarten.
She had a space obsession as a kid, and insisted her parents that her room walls be painted black. Eventually she had to settle with glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling.
Tagging: @cadybear420 @choicesficwriterscreations @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor for this MC profile.
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koko-heads · 2 months
the hssca gang as incorrect quotes: 43/∞
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god-save-the-keen · 5 years
Coffee and Music
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Book: HSS / HSS CA
Pairing: Aiden Zhou x MC (Jordan)
Words: 1.468
Warning: None, pure fluff
Prompets: @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl send me #15 #18 #26 #49 #50 #69 #76 from this list! It's my first time writing Aiden (and he is not my li) so I hope this turn out okay!
Permanent tag list: @gardeningourmet @client-327 @desiree---1986 @dawn-1994 @violinet @darley1101 @blackcatkita @flyawayboo @drakewalker04
Note: My fucking computer died, so be patient with me and the long post's for a while. As always, don't doubt to make your request!
'It's impossible for to get any worse' Aiden thought as he furrowed his brows, staring as Bailey and Ajay talk with Mr. and Mrs. Crandall. They had worked so hard in the play, he wrote the music for it, and now they were just taking it out. Skye had told them about this indignant change a few days ago but to hear her parents compare one of Shakespeare's masterpieces with American Most Eligible, a basic reality show, was not only outrageous but also more than he could handle. However they needed the Crandalls to go to London, even when they were killing the play with their nonsense changes.
"Remember the musical number that was here was cut. So just… speak your lines over the song." He said, trying to sound normal and help Rory and Bailey in their next reading. The music, beautifully soft, started to play in the background as Aiden watched the young couple's performance, his face hardened, anger inside him. A smaller hand took his as Jordan rested her head on his shoulder, watching by the stage.
"What you wrote is amazing, you know that right?" She whispered near to his ear. "It's beautiful, Aiden."
"Thanks Jordan." He squeezed her hand. "Apparently the Crandall's don't agree with us." He remarked low, softly leaning his head on top of hers, his voice full of disappointment.
"Screw them, you are amazing and the most talented person I know. They are just ruining everything, including their own daughter." He felt the sadness and concern in her voice as they observed Skye, distracted and looking depressed.
"I know what you mean….If we could only regain the control of the play. They are using us like their toys." Mrs Crandall was now criticising Bailey's performance even though she did it pretty well.
"Are you busy after this?" Jordan asked as she took her magic cane, ready to go on stage.
"Not really." He saw her smiling. "What's on you mind?"
"Well, it's been a while since our last proper date and I wanted to try a new coffee store that opened in downtown, wanna go?"
"I'd love to" She kissed his cheek and went to the stage, saying her lines flawlessly. The rest of the rehearsal was stressful and frustrating for all of them, Skye's parents complained about everything and demanded even more ridiculous modifications, destroying the heart of the play. When they finally left the building, the room stood in silence momentarily before people started to talk in a concerned tone about everything that had happened.
Aiden waited for Jordan outside of the changing room and headed together to her car, hand in hand. She drove and parked in front of a place called 'Do Re Mi Coffee'
"I know the name sounds like one of the worst joke puns from my dad but it's pretty good inside" She said smiling at him as they went to the front and he opened the door for her. The coffee shop was totally inspired by music, one of the walls was painted as music sheets with the notes of 'Love without hope' from Beethoven, a beautiful piano in one corner and different instruments and photos of singers, writers and musicians all around the place.
"This places is incredible! How did you find it?" He asked as they chose one of the tables with comfy couches and soft lighting.
"My dad showed it to me the other day, he said it was the perfect place for a date for us." She smiled with her cheeks a little pinker. "Some nights they have live music and the people can use the piano whenever they like." A waitress took their orders and they started to chat as they relaxed on the couch, Aiden took her hand, tracing soft circles on her skin.
"Hey… you look tired, are you okay?" She questioned, sightly furrowing her brows, observing his face. He smiled sweetly at her before planting a small kiss on the side of her head.
"I'm fine, it's just between the play, the Crandells and the band, we are dealing with a lot of things."
She leaned against the pillow of the couch, sighing. "Tell me about it… To be honest, you're the one thing keeping me sane right now."
"The feeling is mutual" She chuckled quietly. In that moment the waitress returned, she was just a few years older than them and smiled at the young couple.
"I'm sorry for the intrusion, but you two look adorable together, are you dating?"
"Thank you. She is my girlfriend" Aiden said with pride all over his face, even though his cheeks were a little red and Jordan smiled brightly and happy. The girl put their drinks on the table and with one last smile left them alone.
"That was kind of hot. I love when you call me your girlfriend."
"You do?" He asked shyly.
"I do" She planted a peck on his lips and took her frappuccino. He observed her for a moment, one of her hands still in his as the other held the cup, she looked tired but more relaxed than in the rehearsal. She was right, it had been a while since their last date and he had been missing these salone moments with her more than he had realized.
"This was a wonderful idea, Jordan." He gave her hand a squeeze. "I just really miss talking with you. The two of us alone."
"Me too. When I'm with you, I'm home." She rested her head on his shoulder, sighing content.
His eyes drifted to the piano once more, thoughtful, remembering the last song he had written for the play that he hadn't had the chance to show to the crew so far. He took a sip of his tea, continuing chatting with Jordan as his kept going back to the piano.
"Did I tell you that customers can use the piano whenever they want? Cause you can play something if you want to." A knowing smile on her face.
"You sure?" His attention was focused on her but now that he knew this song wouldn't be used in the play, this seems to be a good place and moment to share it. Especially with her.
She nodded before answering, a sweet smile on her face. "Of course! And also I love hearing you play. You know that."
He stood up and went to the piano as Jordan observed him from their table, his fingers touched the keys softly as he sat. He noticed a few curious looks but he didn't care, as always when he played, he blocked out everything except the instrument in front of him… And her. His fingers started to dance expertly with the keys as the music filled the coffee shop and the chatting around him decreased, in just a few seconds the place was quiet and the only sound was his melody in the air. When his eyes connected with hers for a moment in the middle of his performance, all he could see was love and pride, like he was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart himself. When he finished his song, the people started to enthusiastically clap, some of them with their phones recording him making his eyes wider and his cheeks a little darker. He did a 'thank you' gesture and returned to Jordan, she smiled big and hugged him tightly.
"That was amazing!" She exclaimed before kissing him softly.
"Thanks, Jo. I just…"
"When I was writing this song I was thinking about you, you inspired me." A tiny smile quirked on his face as he cheeks turned a bit red. "I just wish it was easier for me to do a grant gesture" He frowned, like he was mad at himself.
"But you did it." She pointed out, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. "And beyond that, I wouldn't change a thing about you"
He sighed happily and pressed his forehead against hers. "Really? Not even my shyness?"
"Especially your shyness" He chuckled smiling at her as her hand cupped his cheek. "Be you. No one else can."
"I love you, Jordan"
"I love you too, Aiden" They kissed slow and deep, her hand on his nape as his held her waist. "You know, I can help you to overcome your shyness."
"Take off your shirt" She said winking at him, smiling a little mischievously.
"What? Here? No!" Jordan laughed as she leaned her back on his chest, after a moment of hesitation, he rounded her waist and belly with his arm and his lips leave a sweet kiss on her temple.
"I was joking, but worth the try"
They stood like that, holding each other close, peacefully drinking their orders and chatting, enjoying their little bubble of happiness.
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I missed them so much! ❤
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Nice save
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i-choose-liam · 5 years
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Rory says things to MC that my gf would say to me and it's not fair!
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locksmen · 6 years
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These kids bring joy to my heart! 💖
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 3 years
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I almost feel kind of silly that what I wanted…who I wanted…was right in front of me this whole time.
When I say that @pilitella ALWAYS sends my heart in tizzy with her art?????
Daria I hope you know that I’m making this my new wallpaper for everything now, I can’t stop smiling at my kids UGHHHHH 🥰
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pixelberry really needs to make a book about the cast in their later years, I want to see Skye fully growing into herself and I want her to actually go through with the child emancipation. I want to see our mc catch up with Rory, Ajay and Erin. OR I want to see more detail about the abuse that Skye goes through, they can’t just put that topic out and expect us to just let it go. I want Skye to scream and yell at her parents, I want our mc to be able to push back at her parents and just tell them how shitty they are and how they don’t deserve such a generous and selfless daughter. I low key kinda want Brian to stick up for her and even though he went through hell with them, that he really does care about his sister. ugh there is so much potential for character development but no.
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patriciakirana · 4 years
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and.., ACTION!
i am currently in love with HSS:CA lmao. so, recenlty i made my MC (Sena) and his boyfriend, Ajay in Sims4 and i immediately took interest in their relationship in the book. I’ve played the books twice right now and idk, maybe restart the book again to see my babies on screen :” lol.
inspired by the art trend, the “Go for it Nakamura” cover/art.
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koko-heads · 1 year
the hssca gang as incorrect quotes: 39/∞
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god-save-the-keen · 5 years
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IT'S NICK CARTER MY MC'S DAD?! I totally want him in another book as li 👀
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Ahhh I love them together so much. They're the cutest ever. ❤
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Um, a little help, please?
Okay, to sum things up, I’m replaying HSSCA in preparation for the upcoming book.
And what I need help with is
Whose route should I play - Rory’s or Ajay’s????
Let’s see…
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(Which Rory would I even choose? They’re all so cute???)
I chose him on my other playthrough, so I know I like this route
I will always stan a best friends to lovers trope
As someone who really likes theatre, the idea of dating a costar makes my heart go 💓
As tends to be the case with customizable LIs, his story and personality are p default-y, you know what I mean?
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The initial denial of feelings? Good shit, good shit
I can get Mohit as a brother-in-law and that’s p sweet
From what I’ve seen of other people’s screenshots, this route is really cute esp that last greenhouse scene
Cons: (The BIGGEST CON ugH)
I really wanna try this route but I’m SO mad Ajay sided against MC when she was accused of BREAKING SOMEONE’S LEG, (miss me with that “neutral” bs, he even called her out saying she could’ve gotten away with it) which maybe I could live with if it weren’t for the fact that he STILL HASN’T APOLOGIZED and it shouldn’t bother me but it does
Okay that’s it, so can you guys help me choose a route? ‘Cause the one I pick will be the one I go with for book 3. Maybe tell me why you liked the one you chose?
It would really help me decide, so please and thank you :)
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abunchofbadchoices · 4 years
MC : Whoa... Skye sure is beautiful...
Rory : Aww don't be like that, MC. You're beautiful too.
MC : I'm not jealous, Rory. I'm gay.
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