deimon-draws · 5 years
That autistic / ADHD feel when you want to do… something.
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deimon-draws · 5 years
The time experiment (Part 1)
Sooo I may have written this accidentally late at night- Sooo enjoy
Though just a warning- some things may be triggering to some readers- sorry
Its been hours since they came back to Hermitcraft after having been in Alpha.
Grian, who was sitting over the now Crater, False had build.
Looking down on it, memories flowing back into his head from Evo.
Trying to hold in his tears and sobbing.
As one landed nearby, Grian looked up into the eyes of Scar as he got him up from the sitting, not saying a word as they got to the infinity portal.
Scar was about to gesture for Grian to go in and get to his dream, but Doc pulled him away and got them both down on the ground.
Putting his foot on Grians chest and his trident at his face, before looking at Scar.
"Wtf Scar?! You cant just take one of the hippies in here! what if they go and steal something more from us!?" Doc growled out holding the trident closer to Grians face, lightning was forming around it as the skies got dark with clouds. Rain falling down fast, making the grass all wet.
"Doc, listen I know what you mean. But he was being all sad and I thought maybe getting to his dream would make him happy again!" Scar got muttered out as he stood up and started taking leaves off his jacket.
Grian was just laying there, trying to get away, but as soon as he did that, Doc pushed his foot harder down on his chest, making him lose all his air. Now hitching for air, he looked up at Doc, the glowing red eye was looking more creepy with the bad weather and the lightning from the trident.
Doc lifting the trident up and pointed it at Scar, making a lightning strike him, sending him down on his knees.
Turning the trident back to at Grian as he smirked.
"Any last words Hippie?" Doc laughed getting the lightning on the trident ready.
Grian tried to give a laugh back.
"Without me.. u wont be able to make the time machine again.. and only one of us have traveled through time if u remember correct and havent erased that from ur memory" Grian gave a sly smirk before the lightning coursed through him, just not killing him, but making him close to it as his whole body got paralyzed.
Doc looking over at Scar with a serious face "Get the other hippies- Ren and Impulse. We got some experiments and such coming up with them" He laughed mad and got Grian down to S4 where the time machine had been.
Taking the smaller cables down and putting them one by one into or well onto some pads on Grian. Having him tied to the platform too as his head was still hanging down and still paralyzed.
Grian couldnt get away anytime soon or get out of there. Even if the other hippies came for him, the platform would go into defence mode, getting metal plates up and around it, closing whatever is inside it in there locked away until Scar or Doc comes and says the code to open it again.
Scar came back after a search for the two others, none of them anywhere to be seen.
Landing close to the hangar he made his way down to S4 and scratched his head as he looked at Doc.
"Impulse and Ren are nowhere to be seen, asked around and no one has seen them since the announcement here" Scar sighed and looked defeated at Doc.
"Whatever man, we got the main subject here. He has done it 2 times and havent had anything happen to him!" Doc gestured to him and jumped down from the platform to the control panel.
Writing something in and pulling the stats up for Grian, where u could see the heartbeats, pulse and his own modified one, time magic or whatever it is inside of Grian.
The beats was around the normal and abit higher sometimes, his pulse was doing okay abit low right now but then again Doc had just hit him with the trident and lightning.
But then the time magic... It was spiking through the roof, all up where u couldnt see the line on the monitor.
Unbeknownst to them, what they were seeing is a mix of the time travel and the watcher magic inside of Grian..
Waking slowly up he looked around before beginning to freak out, knowing well where he was, trying to move his hands but to no avail, feeling the cables next after and tries biting into one and tried to pull it out with his teeth, though it just hit him with some electricity instead, making him drop it. All before trying out the magic but getting more electricity and the chains that was tied to his legs got pulled more to the floor, making it hurt badly.
Painful screams coming from Grian, they were loud and full off hurt. It could be heard clearly over all of Area 77 and the surrounding things.
He looked over at where Doc was, tears in his eyes.
"So you woke fully up, good. What is the last thing u remember?" Doc gave a smile to him, pushing buttons and writing down notes at the same time.
"You do have alot of the time magic thing inside of u, so we have chained u abit and done so if the machine or platform detects ur trying to use it, it will either taze u, knock u out or make it hurt real bad like before"
"I cant remember anything other than being at the crater and Scar dragging me to somewhere.. the rest is all blurry" Grian looked at him, not giving one single comment on the magic part he said.
Doc nodded over to Scar, walking up to Grian and sat down on one knee infront of him.
"While u are here we have rules for u. we know u will break them but we can atleast try.
Rule one, U can not leave this platform or yank in the things connected to u.
Rule two, U shall not call on the others to come get u, the platform is programmed to keep u in and only let me and Doc get in without trickering the defense.
Rule three, play nice and we may let u wander around S4 with some devices attached to u to keep us updated on the magic and other stats from u.
With yelling for either me or Doc, the ai in here will alert us that we should come down here, it will do the same if u break a rule.
Rule four, We are allowed to hurt u in anyway if we feel like it will help with the inspection or we feel threaten and need u to calm down.
Rule five, U will experience some interviews kinda with me or doc or us both and some experiments, you can not do them and need to comply.
And at last, when Doc finds it time, you may meet the aliens" Scar clapped his hands and stood up and smiled before going to Doc and whispering something before going out and down the hall to work on a new room for the experiments and such to Grian.
Grian was just there, silent as can be, trying to think up a way how to get out of here the easiest and fastest. Do he wait until they let him walk freely, but then again at that point they may begin to use his magic to power another time machine they make him build-
While he was caught up in thinking, Doc had looked up at him. Thinking about if they could tap the magic out of him, if it could help with any of the alien stuff. As he thinks that, he gets transmitted to come to his dear alien overlords. Walking out as if in a trance, not saying anything.
It was first when the tnt in the elevator blew up that Scar realised he was gone.
Grian was too obsessed with trying to think of ways to get out. Before a surge of a the time magic was trying to get out of him, yelling out in pain as it was looking like his body was wanting to warp him away to another place and another time.
Scar, letting go of the blocks in his arms, ran down and into where Grian was. The magic lines on the monitor was going wild, the machine was trying to get him to calm down as the thing was trying to taze him. At last it went into defense mode and build the walls around Grian.
Scar who was still trying to figure out what to do, hearing Grians painful screams from inside the once platform now box.
Trying to contact Doc, who while this was going on, was staring into the aliens eyes and getting new information from them into his brain.
Though they had caught onto the sudden magic that they could feel.
Making Doc get back there fast as he pushed Scar out the way and began tapping away on different things before Grian stopped screaming and the defense walls went down.
Grian was sitting there unconscious, sparks coming off him from everything.
What was more concerning was this sudden symbol on a jewel in Grians necklace.
Though they didnt know what it was, they just had to wait and see.
Time went by, Doc and Scar having fallen asleep in there on the floor.
Grian was coming to himself and blinked. "what was that..." He said out though what came out was his raspy and harsh voice.
He looked down to see the new jewel with the symbol, freaking out as his pulse and heartbeats got faster and higher, even too high for a normal hermit. The lights began flashing red, waking up Doc, but not Scar.
Doc checked the monitor to see the stats before getting up on the platform and putted hands on Grians shoulders.
"Hey hey hey! Calm down there, what happend to make u freak out like this?" Doc followed the kinda analysed line from Grians glance to the Jewel with the symbol.
"So this jewel is making u freak out?" Doc grabbed around it and yanked it out before throwing it to the other side of the room "There. It cant do u anything now, just go to bed and sleep. U got a loooong day tomorrow Hippie" Doc for a second gave a genuine and caring smile.
Before standing up and walked over and lifted Scar up. Knowing villager Grian had a big bed he didnt use.
He laid Scar in it and he took the couch up there so Scar have the whole bed for himself or had the whole bed. Jellie had followed them and was now snuggling with Scar.
Smiling once again before Doc turned around to lay better and fell asleep.
Grian was closing his eyes slowly, feeling tired somehow. As he closed them a whisper could be heard in his own mind "U cant give him the knowledge of the time-"
Ignoring it he started to drift off-
though this dreamland he had come to werent the best...
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deimon-draws · 5 years
As a genderfluid person who is never a girl, stop assuming all genderfluid people move between being men and women. A lot of us do but also a lot of us don’t. We don’t all dramatically switch between sundresses and cargo shorts every day. There are more than two genders and some of us aren’t connected to the most popular ones at all.
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deimon-draws · 5 years
Chapter 1 And then comes the Rabbit
A/N: I just really wanna thank @coffeeandminecraft​ and @drabonsdumpster​ for helping me with this chapter, writing it and all- ———————————————————————————————————–It was the morning of the war.
The leader of the G-Team hadn’t slept. Something felt off about the world, but he couldn’t put a finger on what it was. Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t hear two of his teammates walking up to him. He had completely forgotten that he told them to meet up as soon as they woke up. 
A hand on his shoulder turned him around and broke his train of thought, his eyes landing on the two cheerful members of the team; Cleo and Joe, both having woken up as the sun shone through the window.
“Howdy Grian” Joe gave him a happy smile, yet his eyes were full of concern for his friend. He was standing with a sweater on as it was a bit cold outside. 
Cleo still wore her ripped up pirate clothes despite the weather. She looked at him, hand still on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay. Don’t worry, we got this.” He gave them a smile and gazed over at the bubble column, hearing someone come up as Iskall and Stress emerged from the water and into the meeting room with Mumbo close behind. He wore a mask they have given him, so they didn’t have to look at his face without the mustache. At last Jevin came up the bubble column in the base and took his seat at the meeting table. Tango was the only member missing as they started the meeting.
On the other side of no man’s land, Team S.T.A.R. –consisting of Doc, Xisuma, Ren, Wels, False, and Impulse– was also getting ready.
False was already prepared to fight. She looked at the others. 
X was fiddling with whatever was nearby, occasionally looking up as Doc moved past him. Doc was pacing back and forth, grumbling to himself. He had to fight his so called friend, his own ex teammate who had betrayed him for Grian. How could Mumbo betray him like this? How dare he! Without thinking too much, he turned and punched the wall, leaving a sizable hole behind.
“Doc?” Ren cautiously walked up behind him. His ears were pushed low to his head. He may have been worried about his friend, but when Doc was this angry, he was terrifying.
“What?” Doc snapped back, glaring daggers at Ren. If a stare could kill, he would be dead where he stood. Doc’s hand was still in a fist, as if he was ready to hit anyone who came too close. This didn’t go unnoticed by Ren. 
“Hey calm down, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” “Im fine,” Doc grumbled, turning away from Ren and resuming his pacing.
They couldn’t understand how it felt to be betrayed - or so he thought.
Impulse and Wels were sitting down at the table discussing tactics for the war. False listened in to bits of the conversation, not really too interested in the ghast cannons the two were going on about. Her attention moved to Doc as he got ready to punch another one of the base walls.
“Doc, can you sit down and tell us your attack plan?” she looked over at him, eyebrow raised. He didn’t want to argue with her, as she had him at sword point before. 
“Fine.” He begrudgingly took his seat. The ones who weren’t already sitting, followed him and joined the others until the whole team was gathered, ready to listen to the attack plan.
“So here’s the plan….”
Grian was sitting with his team, anxiously awaiting the signal from Concorp that the other team was ready.
He was half hoping the signal never came.
And then it did.
“Well then.. Good luck everyone” Grian gave a smile, not wanting to make everyone feel worse than he did at that moment. They needed to fight their friends. It wasn’t like everyone wanted to fight each other but they needed to. They had no choice anymore.
Jevin was paired with Grian in the battle. His partner seemed much more confident in his actions than he did, moving quicker than him across the battlefield and managing to shoot arrows at the oncoming ghast balls while keeping an eye on Grian too. 
He had put TNT on the wall of team S.T.A.R.’s base, blowing a hole into the giant tower.
He signaled to Jevin that he was okay, just as a trident landed in front of him.
Scared, he looked back to Jevin fighting close with Wels, his other teammates around him engaged in close combat with the opposing team. His eyes followed the enchanted trident as it moved back to the hand of its wielder, Doc. He took a deep breath. Looks like he’d have to take care of this himself. Taking his iron sword in hand, Grian readied himself and charged at the Team S.T.A.R. leader. The two clashed weapons, knocking each other back. However, Doc was quicker to recover than Grian, launching his trident as Grian was still steadying himself. The weapon hit its target, stabbing him in the abdomen. The enchantment on the trident took effect almost immediately, calling forth lightning from the sky and striking an already wounded Grian. He screamed out in pain as the trident tore itself from his body and returned to Doc’s hand. Tears fell from his eyes and blood trickled down from his mouth. The dark red liquid quickly seeped and spread from the holes in his chest. He lost grip of the sword and fell down on his knees, looking up as Doc approached him, a malicious grin forming on his lips. Coughing, Grian tried to stand up and flee, only to fall back down, holding to his wounds as he tried to make them stop bleeding. 
“STOP!!” Mumbo rushed over to them, standing between Doc and Grian, looking sharply at the former.
“One more step Doc and I won’t hesitate to stop you with force!” Tears fell from his eyes as he stood there. Why did it have to be him that had to do this.
Doc stopped before looking at Mumbo, his expression slowly changing from anger to hurt. 
“I gave you a chance to be something great, and you.. you betrayed me!” Doc growled pointing at Grian with his trident, his hands shaking with emotion. 
Grian looked up at Mumbo, opening his mouth to say something, only to cough up more blood. He felt weaker and weaker, his eyes growing dull and his skin turning pale. Mumbo turned around fast and dropped down next to his friend, laying his sword in the grass as he put one of his hands on Grian’s shoulder.
“Hang in there buddy, we will get you fixed up” Mumbo said, panic apparent in his voice. He moved to lift the injured man, but stopped as Grian grimaced in pain when he was moved. Mumbo looked back at Doc who was standing and watching them. 
“Help him dammit!!!!” He yelled out, stomach twisting in disgust as Doc simply shook his head.
“M-Mumbo..?” Grian tried to lift his head to look at him, his eyes slowly closing. His hand fell to the ground and his head dropped back as his body went still.
The last thing he saw was Mumbo trying to keep him awake.
It didn’t work. They had failed each other, the builder’s body disappearing from the ground. Mumbo cried out in grief. Doc, as if seeing the body vanish made him realise what he did, fell to his knees.
Grian’s things laid there on the ground, surrounded in his blood.
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deimon-draws · 5 years
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Soo Tfc huh? The scars on his arms are my headcanons to him! he got them from working underground by the rocks and other mobs Else the cape hc is from @genderfluid-enderdragon  So first art here on this account haha!
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deimon-draws · 5 years
Bedrock controls the magic
It was a quiet afternoon, Grian had been mining away and ended down at bedrock, sighing he began mining abit up until something familiar filled the room. The magic he had was flying all around him, breathing fast, he mined more out around him though without realizing it, the bedrock he had been hitting had been mined out. He took a big inhale and closed his eyes, sitting in the corner and took out his communicator, looking at the messages, one of them stood out to him.
<TinFoilChef> Do anyone know why Bedrock drops is spawning in my bunker?
Grian with tears down his face, having breathed out, responded scared. <Grian> Its me. <Xisuma> the watcher magic? <Grian> Yes <TinFoilChef> Grian where are you? <Grian> I’ll send you the coordinates Messaging the coordinates, he laid the communicator down and held to his head. As if he was trying to block out some noise or voices. He looked around, seeing someone walk closer to him, his eyes went big, hearing his name being called. “Grian-“ Tfc had walked through the magic in the air, unfazed of it and had putted a hand on Grians shoulder, snapping him out of the noises “look at me” Grian looked up at him, taking his hands from his ears, confused on how he had walked to him. “H-how did u-“ before he could say anymore, Tfc had sat down infront of him, his cape kinda flowing in the magic. “U gotta control the magic, like Tango, Jevin and me controlling our different things” He said, taking some of the bedrock close by and showing how he controls it to make different forms of things in it. They sat like that for some time, Tfc teaching him how to not lose the control of the magic that much They did this once a week, having a lesson how to control it. Grian being thankful gave him more concrete to use in his bunker. Smiling Grian waved back to him as he walked home. ---------------------- @genderfluid-enderdragon here u go dude XD u ask and u get!
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deimon-draws · 5 years
Dechto - Pronounced Dek-to
1st Letter Of My Name : 2nd Letter Of My Name : 1st Letter Of My Moms Name : 2nd Letter Of My Moms Name : 1st Letter Of My Dads Name : 2nd Letter Of My Dads Name : My Child’s Name Would Be ?
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deimon-draws · 5 years
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deimon-draws · 5 years
Wow it’s almost like the oversexualisation of queerness is one of the reasons why asexuals, non-binary folks and aromantics are not seen as queer enough to be part of the community
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deimon-draws · 5 years
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Once upon a time a genderfluid named Deimon found themself wondering around the land trying to find a place to fit in. They were casted out, banned from their village. They said they were cursed, cursed to never belong.
Along the way they met Eli, A trans man who too was finding his place in the world.
They then met Scoots, a questioning gal, as sweet as sugar, a heart of gold.
They went all around to find a place to be. Along the way they found capes in what looked to be flags, Deimon found a flag that was the Asexual Biromantic. Taking it on their back as they all went more into this new land.
Arriving at a town, created by all people of color, some darker than others, but all were accepted.
They all got welcomed as they were.
Deimon smiled big, tears in their eyes "I do belong"
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deimon-draws · 5 years
I need to rant.
The thing about being aromantic, asexual, or on the spectrums that a lot of people don’t seem to get is that compulsory sexuality exists.
Not just compulsory heterosexuality. Compulsory sexuality. Period. The idea that every person on the planet feels some kind of sexual and romantic attraction.
I grew up watching media, same as all of you, and how are people that are interested in purely sexual relationships depicted? As cold people. As cheaters. Usually it’s a straight man looking to use women. His character development almost always includes settling down. And people that don’t experience sexual attraction? Characters like Data from Star Trek or Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. Androids and characters coded as having a very specific type of autism. And even they have sexuality forced upon them by the writers at least once. With Data it happens in the second episode.
And then we try to explain this to people. Why we hurt ourselves and put ourselves in dangerous and uncomfortable situations trying to fix ourselves. Make ourselves feel sexual and/or romantic attraction. We bring up the bullying we endured. The things our therapists tried to fix about us. We talk about our trauma related to compulsory sexuality and you all just don’t hear us.
I’m so tired of it. I’ve been fighting the fight to be seen since I was fourteen! I’ve given talks in GSAs. I’ve written essays to educate. I’ve comforted other asexual people on the internet and irl. I’ve scraped and grabbed for community. I’ve done my very best to fight to be seen. I’ve healed from the trauma I put myself through in trying to fix myself. I’ve realized that I don’t need to be fixed. I’ve been as goddamned involved as an asexual person can be with the resources we have. I may be young but I have been fighting longer than most and I am so protective of the people just realizing that they’re aro or ace or demi or anything else. No matter how much older or younger they are than me.
And then some people on the internet decide that they get to undo everything I and so many other asexual and aromantic people have done. They get to decide that their trauma is more real than mine. They get to push me and my brothers and sisters and siblings out the door because they don’t see invisibility as oppression. They’ve held up their little sign that says “must be this oppressed to enter” and then held it up higher so that we didn’t fit.
Some of them told me “oh you can come in because you tick these boxes but that other box doesn’t count”
No. That box definitely counts. That box is just as much a part of me as any of the others and it is the one I have fought for the longest. Our community won’t be made invisible again. Invisibility is crushing. It is suffocating. Abuse and hatred of all kinds thrive in silence.
I feel alone sometimes. Like I am the only soldier holding a banner in front of a stone wall. But I am not alone, and you aren’t either. I’m tired of being casual. I’m tired of being seen as a rarity. A novelty. An android. A nuisance. I am none of these things. I, like every other arospec or aspec person, am a friend of dragons. Something that was hidden for so long, protecting itself and what it loves, but has the ability to be loud, dangerous, firey.
Asexual and aromantic people have been polite. Quiet. Because that’s what we feel we have to be. We can’t protest by kissing someone in front of a picket line. What can we do then? Talk. Write. Wear our colors. If we have to keep being polite and quiet about it, fine. That’s how we do. But let’s not be invisible. I will continue to let everyone that knows me understand under no uncertain terms that I am asexual. I will point to our aromantic siblings, sisters, brothers. I will tell you to look at them. Look at us. We exist. We are wonderful. We belong. In queer spaces, in the media, in the public eye.
If you are aro or ace people will tell you that they don’t care. They will ask why they need to know. But being yourself is a radical act. I know it is. We are often polite in this community. We don’t rally. We don’t look to change the world. We don’t depict ourselves as radical or challenging the establishment, but we are. We are. We have been from the moment we realized we exist. Our history is small. We are creating the early stages of it as we speak, but it is still rich. It is still beautiful. Even if we are spread out, I love this community so deeply. So completely. I probably won’t ever be a leader in this community or any other one. That’s not where my talents lie. But I will continue to push for us to be seen. I will write literature for us. I will talk. I will be as visible as someone like me can be. I will fight to make the words ace and aro and demi and grey just as well known as gay, ace, lesbian, bi, trans.
And there are so many of us out there doing the same. We are not alone. We have never been alone. And these people trying to make us alone won’t succeed. I know this. I feel it in my gut.
Thanks for listening to me rant.
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deimon-draws · 5 years
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Been long since I even drew the septic egos XD  Still here, still fan! Just gone to be a quiet one ;) BUT HERES OUR DEAR JACKIEBOY MAN SAYING LGBTQ+ RIGHTS!
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deimon-draws · 5 years
One reason that I am so passionate about aromantic and asexual people being included in discussions about the queer community is because we are so few in number.
It is so gosh darn difficult to find other ace and aro people irl. We’re a small community that mostly connects through the internet because we are a small percentage of the population and not that many people know about us yet. So, most of the support we get irl is from gay, bi/pan, and trans people. Not other ace and aro people.
I have two irl asexual friends now, but for the first six years I was out as ace I had none. Maybe an online person here or there, but no physical presence. Nobody to eat lunch with or vent to or hug when things got bad. Instead, the support I got was from my gay and bi friends. They supported me, and I supported them in return. The very first person I ever came out as asexual to was a gay guy I was friends with at the time.
He was there for me and I was there for him in return. He was relieved to find out I was ace actually, because that made me another queer person he could talk to. And soon after I connected with several bi and pan people at my high school. We were able to stand up for each other, get things done, relate to each other.
Including ace and aro people in the queer community means giving ace and aro people a support system. A safe space. An opportunity to relate and be related to. To love and be loved. To protect and be protected. When you’re already included by default it’s easy to sit in your leather wing backed chair in your ivory tower and say “Well these people should just form their own community.” but in reality that just doesn’t work.
Ace and aro people will always have their own community, yes. But also lesbians will have their own community. Trans people will have their own community. Gay men will have their own community, bi people, pan people, non binary people, the list goes on. But all the people in those communities can form one super group that relates, that supports each other. That unites under the umbrella of “not totally cis and hetero at the same time”.
It’s a support system that ace and aro people desperately need. We have bad and good experiences because of our orientation, many of which other queer people can relate to. We see the rest of the community and go “Same hat!!!” and feel a little less alone. And yeah. That includes heteroromantic aces and heterosexual aros. They need that support too, because believe it or not, heteronormative society isn’t kind to them either. They understand a lot more than you think. They’re not trying to join because it’s trendy. They get that same hat feeling just like you and I.
Don’t be rude in the notes please. I won’t be debating.
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deimon-draws · 5 years
My best friend @scootalight have worked on this since April and just got done!
It would mean alot to me that ya all will check it out and give it a like <3
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deimon-draws · 5 years
Hey gonna be doing this ask meme over at @genderfluid-tnt ^^
hermitcraft ask game
1 - when and how did you get into hermitcraft?
2 - what was the first hermit you watched? was it hermitcraft or another series of theirs?
3 - watched any past seasons?
4 - favourite hermit?
5 - favourite duo, trio or group?
6 - favourite server event?
7 - favourite build?
8 - what hermit’s building style do you like most? and does it influence/resemble yours?
9 - since watching hermitcraft have you started saying things the hermits say? if so, what are they? (ex. “core concept”, “-ificate”, “- of doom”)
10 - how do you go about watching hermitcraft? (do you wait until the end of the week and binge everyone’s eps? do you use youtube’s speed settings? do you listen while doing something else? etc.)
11 - favourite hermit to listen to?
12 - favourite inactive hermit?
13 - do you watch the recap?
14 - favourite intro/outro? (whether just a spoken one or an edited one)
15 - watch any hermit streams? if so, who’s?
16 - favourite hardcore hermits season/team?
17 - have any episodes you constantly go back to? which ones?
18 - what’s your favourite thing about the fandom?
19 - favourite hermit design? (whether yours or someone else’s)
20 - favourite hermit skin?
21 - favourite hermit interaction?
22 - know any cursed things about the hermits you wish you didn’t know?
23 - what was your original opinion on hermitcraft/a hermit? did it change?
24 - favourite honorary hermit? (ex. scicraft dudes, zloy and pix, etc.)
25 - any hermit quotes that have stuck with you?
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deimon-draws · 5 years
Hey sib guess what. HAPPY BIRTHDEI
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deimon-draws · 5 years
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