blackpinkreign · 6 years
Drunken Bliss 🍾
Rosé x Female Reader
Prompt: You both got drunk at dinner and this is the aftermath.
TW: Alcohol and Drinking
Unedited & a little over 950 words
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One drink had turned into two which eventually led to an empty bottle and two drunk girls dancing around the living room. You and Chae stayed home and had a date night tonight. You had made dinner together which was almost burned due to Chaeyoung’s need for your attention. Throughout the process of cooking and eating you have been drinking, opening up a bottle of some fancy liquor wanting to let loose and live a little. This led to the scene that’s unfolding in the living room.
It didn’t matter what song was playing right now you both were both much too lost in your own world together. You were currently slow dancing her arms wrapped around your neck with her head on your chest while yours are placed around her waist. Chae wasn’t even listening to the music anymore her focus was on the sound of your heart beating rapidly. She wondered if it was the effect of the alcohol in your system or the fact she was there so close to you.
Anytime you guys would cuddle or hug Chae could hear your heart beating fast she never knew if she was the cause or not though she’d hope she was. The liquid courage gave her the push to finally ask you.
“Y/N do I make you nervous?” Chae asks as her one of her hands slide down until it’s resting on top of your chest where your heart is. Your eyes meet but when you go to speak it’s as if a cat got your toungue. Of course she makes you nervous you’ve only been together 6 months and a lot of that’s been filled by her Blackpink duties so time spent together is limited. The lack of words coming out of your mouth cause you to simply nod your head yes shyly looking anywhere but her face, because of this you miss the smile growing on her face. “Good because you make me nervous too.” She replies leaning close placing a quick peck on your lips before walking away leaving you confused.
You stand there alone unsure of what is going on right now. Processing the conversation you just had you feel relief that she too feels nervous still but what were you supposed to do with that information? The sound of glasses clinking pull you from your daze back to reality. Your legs move without a thought bringing you to your girlfriend in the kitchen. Her back is facing you as she makes you both a mixed drink of some sort in the cocktail shaker.
Without really thinking it 100% through you quietly walk up to her and wrap your arms around her waist about to rest your head on her shoulder which typically was fine but she was a little too buzzed for that tonight. Instead of the usual result of her kissing your cheek you were met with the cocktail shaker to the face. Take note drunk Chae gets scared easily and you had scared the holy hell out of your girlfriend just now. You immediately let go holding your face in pain as Chae spins around ready to attack before realizing it was you not some monster.
“Oh my gosh! Baby! I’m so sorry I didn’t see it was you.” She blurts out quickly getting to your level reaching her hand out to your face inspecting you for any damage. The entire time she’s checking she has a slight pout out of worry. “Follow me” she orders you pulling you by the hand to the couch before pointing for you to sit. You do as she says sitting down while she rushes to the kitchen and back.
In her hand she has an ice pack “Here lay back and put this on your face it should help with the swelling.” She tells you as see takes a seat next to you. Maybe it’s the alcohol or how she’s over here being your nurse for a small injury but you can’t help but feel adoration towards her.
You must have been staring for a minute before you could now hear Chae speaking. “Y/n are you even listening?” You nod your head no being honest and in return you’re met with a stern look. “I said that I’m sorry about hitting you in the face. I was so focused on the drinks I didn’t even hear you.” She studies your face as she waits for your response to her apology.
“Honestly babe it doesn’t even hurt that bad.” you say shrugging your shoulders. “So what ever happened to those drinks?”
“In the shaker still you dork I was more worried about you than some drink but I can get them now.” She says as she gets up walking to the kitchen. You lean your head back closing your eyes as you wait for her to come back.
The sound of her shuffling across the floor gets your attention, raising your head up you’re immediately greeted by a drink. You grab it before pulling her onto your lap and she instantly leaning into you getting comfortable. “Let stay like this for a little bit” you say getting a mhmm from Chae as she sips her cocktail.
The music is still playing as you both get lost in a conversation of movies, music, places to visit. You’re filled with bliss rather than the nervous feeling you had earlier. While you knew that the liquor helped with calming your nerves about being so close you knew for a fact that Chae was the real reason you’re growing more comfortable. Because of her the moment feels serene and you can’t help but think to yourself how you never want to stop having moments like this with her for as long as she’ll have you.
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scarletblink · 3 years
Hellp, gorls. I'm planning on writing a multi-chapter fic on wattpad about roséxreader. Fem!reader.
I need some help.
Should I make it normal or omegaverse? In any genre topsé WILL be the revolution.
How should I write the reader that'll be with rosie?
A dedicated fan? Someone who impresses rosé with her skils like a chef, a painter? A professional gamer since those are really popular in korea? An athlete? A youtuber?
Help me build this OC for my new rosé fic
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writeofmind · 3 years
for your favorite regular (roséxreader) - is that just the end?
no, it won’t be! im just struggling with it because i think i’m bad with fluff, LOL.
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blackpinkreign · 6 years
Rainy Sunday 🌧
Rosé x Reader
Fluff? Very short like less than 400 words.
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The sound of rain tapping against the window was enough to wake you up. Eyes still feeling heavy you sluggishly reach for the phone tucked underneath your pillow to check the time, 11:25 am flashes brightly across the screen causing you to drop the phone directly onto your face. Immediately freezing worried you’ve woken the girl beside you up but filled with relief to see her still asleep. Normally she’s the one awake before you so you’ve never really had the chance to see what she looks like while asleep. Intrigued by Rosé sleeping face you move the strands of hair out of her faces to get a better look. Your eyes start scanning down her face before stopping at her lips, from the moment you saw her you’ve always thought she had really nice lips.
Debating on whether or not to try and wake your girlfriend up with kisses your thoughts are interrupted by a voice. “Are you gonna keep staring at my lips or you gonna kiss me?” Rosé asks teasingly causing you to pull back, feeling the heat rising to your face you want to hide in your pillow but before you got the chance a soft pair of lips crash against yours. Surprised by her it takes you a moment before your lips start moving with hers. After pulling away she lets out a giggle ready to tease you for watching her sleeping but her train of thought is halted by your arms snaking around her waist pulling her closer to your body.
Peppering her face with kisses you stop after leaving one on her lips your eyes meet. “Movie day?” Rosé said sweetly while doing puppy dog eyes. “Hmmm...” you say pretending like you need to even think about it “of course! You pick the movie I’ll order the food”. Happy that you agreed she kisses your cheek before hopping out of bed running to the living room to look for movies. After finding for the perfect movie and waiting for the pizza, you both settled on the couch in your hoodies. Finished with the pizza she holds onto your arm resting her head on your shoulder content with spending every rainy day with you if they’re anywhere as good as today.
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scarletblink · 3 years
Vote here for my new story:
The story will be roséxreader, or roséxfem!oc if I can get all you guys to build an OC with me.
This is the link to a poll. This poll is about the future book being omegaverse or not:
Please vote, no virus. Just click the link and choose of the options!
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