#rose tico imagine
welldonebeca · 1 year
The Duchess and the Bastard (XI) - The Ball
WC: 1.5k words Warnings: Fluff. Victorian AU. Dirty talk. Victorian AU. Notes: It was only since 1926 that the marriage of a couple legitimised their previously born children. As this story happens in the 1800s, Ben is still considered illegitimate and a bastard.
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A week later, Rey was standing in her new dress in the ballroom in The Blue Palace, home to Ben and the Royal family.
Generally, it was customary that the father of the Bride threw the engagement dinner, but Princess Leia had insisted they be the one host the party where their engagement would be announced, to make it as big as ‘Rey and Ben deserved’, and Grandfather obliged. Rey imagined he would want to make this as public as possible, too, considering their social standing, and how the roles she shared with Ben were a little switched.
Ben could be the King’s nephew, but was still a royal bastard and would be the one benefitting the most from this marriage, in the eyes of society. His family wanted to be strongly present in it, considering everything.
So now they were there in their ballroom, welcoming their friends and family, and while she hadn’t been able to wear her ring to this party - it would be presented at the end of their dinner, and then she would be able to wear it freely - she used all the possible time to be near Ben.
She only even looked away from him when the arrival of the Ticos was announced.
Rose was all giddy when she set her eyes on her, walked into the ballroom in quick steps with her sister and her husband, and hugged her tightly when they were near enough.
“I knew it!” her friend squealed, squeezing her hands when they stepped apart. “Finally! I was waiting for this since the birthday party!”
Rey giggled. Oh, if only Rose knew how much they had gone through before getting here.
“I’m so happy,” she confessed. “Rose, you have no idea.”
Her friend just smiled more.
“I can see that,” she squeezed her hand again. “And I’m so happy, too. You deserve this, Rey.”
Rey kissed her hand, simply happy.
They sat down a few minutes after, with Rey across Ben, seated between her grandfather and Rose through dinner, exchanging looks with her fiancé the whole time.
When the meal was over, grandfather stood up, and took a look at her before raising his glass.
“It is my pleasure to announce to you, friends and family,” he spoke, voice big and posture strong as he looked at the people in the room. “The engagement of my granddaughter, Rebecca, to Lord Benjamin Solo, the son of Mister Han Solo and her royal highness, Princess Leia.”
The room clapped respectfully, and Rey couldn’t help the smile on her face.
“Benjamin is a very fine young man, who adores my dear Rebecca, and it makes me the happiest man to know that I’m not losing my girl, but adopting a grandson of my own, who loves my girl just as much as I do,” he looked at Ben, and then at her. “And will spend his life showing her how amazing she is, and knows how he is as lucky to have her as a wife as I am to have her as my granddaughter.”
The room cheered again, and he finally raised his glass.
“I toast to them,” he affirmed. “To Rebecca and Benjamin.”
“To Rebecca and Benjamin,” the room echoed.
Rey clapped along with them, barely containing herself, and stood as Ben did the same, walking to them with the box with the ring in his hands, and she offered him her hand, smiling right at him as Ben slid the ring around her finger.
They danced the whole night after this. Spinning around the ballroom together for hours and hours, until her feet were sore, and she was sweating in her pretty dress and breathless from all the steps she was taking.
She couldn’t stop smiling, and Ben seemed like he couldn’t do it either, eagerly guiding her through the floor, making her float.
All Rey could think about, though, was kissing him. They hadn’t kissed since the garden, over a week ago. And now people were watching, and she knew it wouldn’t be proper for them to kiss, no.
But where would they? Grandfather was always hounding her, afraid she would sneak out again, like before.
“Are you tired?” he asked softly when she squeezed his hand as they stopped, leaning on him.
“A little,” Rey confessed though still happy. “Can we stop? My feet hurt.”
“Of course,” he answered quickly. “Come. Let sit by the balcony.”
She looked at where he was pointing her, where a long sitting couch was set.
“Don’t worry,” he whispered, looking at the people around them. “It’s at a respectable distance.”
Rey giggled, blushing a little, and they walked hand in hand to the open balcony, so open anyone would be able to see their back and where they were seated. With how low the back of the sofa was, they would be even about to see their hands.
Still, they sat, side by side at a respectable distance, and Ben smiled at her, a little shy.
“They are all watching us,” he whispered to her, sounding amused, looking over to the ballroom. “Don’t look now, but your grandfather moved to sit in a position where he can see us better.”
She giggled. There was no need to look, she knew her grandfather would do that.
“I can’t wait until we have a moment of our own,” he chuckled, looking away and then at her. “I want to marry you tomorrow. I don’t want to wait.”
She giggled, flushing a little, and Ben reached for her hand, kissing her knuckles.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, eyes soft. “I don’t think I’ve told you that today.”
Rey smiled.
“Thank you,” she squeezed his fingers. “I’m sorry we don’t get to spend time together anymore.”
Ben shot her a confused and surprised look.
“Are you kidding me?” he asked. “This is amazing. It’s all I wanted.”
She felt herself softening, and he chuckled.
“All I want since we exchanged those words was to know for sure I was going to marry you,” he affirmed, emphatic. “I fell in love with you right there and then.”
Her eyes welled up, and Rey blinked away her tears.
“You are going to be my wife,” he beamed. “I’m counting the days.”
She giggled.
“Ben, we don’t know the day yet,” she reminded him.
He looked at her face, raising an eyebrow.
“Can’t we marry as soon as they finish your dress?” he asked.
She giggled. Oh, yes, please.
That was exactly what she wanted.
“We’ll see,” she answered, instead. “Your mother needs time to set up the church things.”
He scoffed.
“Like my mother has any authority to talk about church things,” he snorted. “She literally just got married.”
Rey giggled a little more, and Ben touched her hand, kissing her knuckles again, making her frown.
“It’s a replacement for your lips,” he whispered, dark eyes looking at her. “Both of them.”
Her face burned.
Oh, Rey still remembered how he had kissed her silly between her legs and made her peak with his lips.
His scoundrel’s kiss.
“Will you do it again?” she asked, softly. “Give me…”
“The lover’s kiss?” he asked softly.
Rey nodded, feeling her mouth dry for a moment.
“Every night,” he promised, fixing his gaze on hers. “Every morning, I’ll wake you up with my kisses. I’ll give you pleasure every day, with my lips, my fingers…”
Rey swallowed down, and he licked his lips.
“Especially with my cock,” he promised, even quieter.
She whined, squeezing her legs together, and Ben’s eyes darkened.
“Do you want it, my love?” he kissed her knuckles again, long, using them to hide his lips as he talked. “Do you want to know what I want to do with you?”
Rey swallowed down and nodded briefly, feeling warm and already needy.
“I’ll make you bounce on my cock,” he whispered. “You don’t know how much I need to see your tits, Rey. I touch myself thinking about them, did you know that?”
She licked her lips.
“Really?” she asked, surprised.
Rey had tried touching herself the night after they were found, but didn’t know how to do it right.
“I want to see them bouncing as I fuck you,” he caressed her fingers. “Right on my face as I make you cum and cum again for me, like in that garden. And when you are blissed out, I’ll fill you up.”
He moved away, releasing her hand, but she kept her eyes on his, completely focused on Ben as he continued to watch her just as well, smiling.
She always screeched when she heard a voice behind them and was all but dragged out of her thoughts, gasping so loud she felt like everyone in the room had heard her.
“Lady Rebecca, Lord Solo,” Mitaka spoke, and Ben turned to him a lot calmer than Rey herself. “Mister Solo wants to toast.”
She swallowed down quickly, and Ben offered her a hand.
“Come,” he called her. “We’ll have time to talk more during wedding planning.”
She took in a deep breath and nodded, taking his hand and standing up.
They would have all the time in the world in the future.
. . .
"The Duchess and the Bastard" was posted on my Patreon back in April! To read the full story before anyone else and have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month!
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Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhuntersseries​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
Star Wars Tags: Open
Reylo Tags: Open
Duchess&Bastard: @salt-n-burn-em-all
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
My complete rewrite of Episode IX
Things I would've done differently in a different Episode IX if it were directed by Rian most likely. I would title it The Spark Of Hope.
Instead of the Rey attempting to kill Ben on sight every time she sees him, imagine there was a timeskip instead and they are in a secret relationship via forcebond
Rey and Ben are tired of fighting, both in war and their conflict and realize the closest they were ever happy was when they were working with each other. They want to end the war and if they can't, run away together.
Leia is on her death bed due to her encounter in space and her one last wish would be to see her son
Something else I would've done differently, Poe becomes more like a Cassian who never met Jyn who becomes desperate to destroy The First Order no matter what the cost.
Hux reveals Ben's murder of Snoke and turns the entire First Order against him. Hux plans on a complete extinction of Force Sensitives and the death of the force.
Finn and Rose go on a crusade to free children who are abducted by The First Order
Poe and The Resistance turns on Rey after she tells everyone about her bond and relationship with Ben.
Basically the war is causing a wound in the force and Rey must save Ben and prevent Poe from worsening the wound and Ben must put an end to Hux once and for all while Finn and Rose work together to free the Stormtroopers
Ideally it would end with peace. Finn and Rose talks Poe down from killing Ben and Ben would then be put in a Anakin/Dooku situation from ROTS, he would then do what his grandfather could not do. Show mercy to his enemy. And declare. “I am a Jedi, like my mother and grandfather before me.” Hux is then taken to be tried and imprisoned for war crimes against the Galaxy. Poe and Ben signs a treaty to end the war. 
Finn and Rose got married and Rose leads a sanctuary for all the children and animals who have lost their families due to the war and helps take care of them, but also Rose would lead an attack on arms dealers and war profiteers who have profited off the war and suffering of the galaxy. In time, Finn and Rose would bring relief and restoration to Hays Minor and together Finn and Rose Tico would return home and have a family.
Ben makes peace with Leia before her passing, and Rey and Ben leave everything behind while they begin their New Order and it ends with a kiss in the Falcon
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girl-among-mts · 1 year
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Part Eight
Eventually they did venture back inside to where Senator Solo was waiting for them.
To ensure his own immunity, Hux offered a few high-ranking officials to the Senate’s criminal court as bargaining chips. His enemies and rivals, most likely, Rose thought, miffed she wouldn’t be seeing Hux himself arrested and brought before the tribunal. If it meant securing peace, she supposed she’d have to live with the disappointment of Hux remaining a free man.
“The final article involves ongoing relations,” Solo said. “Both parties shall work in peaceful cooperation to prevent future conflicts and to promote stability and security in the Outer Rim.”
Rose nodded. “If the First Order adheres to their concessions, we will honor our own.”
Hux threaded his fingers together upon the table, wearing a serious expression. “It won’t be the Order who first breaks this covenant. If your Princess approves, then we are in agreement.”
Rose glanced towards Solo “General Organa has given me full signatory authority on her behalf.”
The Senator nodded slowly, gaze inscrutable as he slid the datapad toward her. All they had discussed, bargained over, written out in basic, line for line. Rose felt a lump rise in her throat.
Signing her name and rank, her fingers felt oddly heavy. All those who had given their lives were finally being put to rest; finally honored with an official end to the conflict.
When it was Hux’s turn, he paused, just for a moment, stylus hovering over the pad’s illuminated surface.
Rose tried to imagine what he might be thinking. A sense of defeat? Of finality? Or maybe relief; that this fight, this chapter, was finally over.
Rose leaned slightly forward. “General?”
Her voice stirred Hux out of his musings as he penned his own signature, quickly setting the stylus aside. He looked up at her with grim determination.
Was that really it? Rose wondered as she held his gaze. Had they done it?
Senator Solo gathered up the datapad. “I will be submitting this to the Senate in the morning,” he said to the table. “With any luck, it will be ratified before lunch. You’ll both stay, of course, and be on your way tomorrow.Congratulations."
Rose eyed Hux as he stood from his chair.
“Excuse me,” he said curtly, bowing shortly before taking his leave, melting into the dark shadows of the apartment as he withdrew to lick his proverbial wounds.
Rose understood. It was a lot to take in, what just happened. With her own heavy thoughts, she bid goodnight to the Senator, retreating to her room. Rose sent a quick message to Leia and the others, sleep eluding her.
Lying atop the bed, her blaster resting within arm’s reach on the bedside table, she took to staring at the ceiling and thinking of Paige: how much she missed her, and how proud she’d be of her little sister.
Unlike the evening storm that had heralded Rose’s arrival, the morning in Coruscant was bright and glittering.
The Senator and his Jedi bodyguard escorted them to the spaceport, where they lingered waiting for their perspective transports to arrive.
Hux looked even paler in the daytime. Rose had a difficult time refraining from ogling that striking hair of his all the way from the Senator’s apartment.
“I thought it’d feel different,” she admitted, looking skyward. “I thought I’d feel everything… shift somehow.”
“Everything /is/ different,” Hux said, checking his chronometer. “The entire galaxy will feel the repercussions soon enough.”
Now *that* was a sobering thought, Rose mused as her ship dipped down out of the cloud line.
“Well, then I guess this is goodbye, General. Can’t say it’s been fun.”
One ginger brow twitched up. “So sure our paths won’t cross again, Tico?”
“Stars, I hope so,” she said with a laugh, unsure even then if that were true. *Someone* would have to keep tabs on him, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't morbidly fascinated to see his next move.
Hux stuck out his gloved hand.
She returned the handshake, his grip firm and sure in a way that shivered down her spine. The corner of his mouth lifted.
“Well done, Commander.”
“We’ll see, won’t we?”
That smirk of his grew.
“Yes. We certainly will.”
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
The Monster Mash
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/G6rCPNg
by Dr_Roslin
In the in-between, where reality and imagination blur, that’s where monsters live - and, sometimes, dance.
At the social event of the season, two lonely vampires meet again.
Words: 2257, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rose Tico, Poe Dameron
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Monsters, Monster's Ball, No Pregnancy, Reylo HEA, Strangers to Lovers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/G6rCPNg
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ao3--gingerrose · 11 months
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savesgalaxy · 1 year
HELLO AND WELCOME to savesgalaxy, a st.ar w.ars multimuse written by en! they/he, 26, gmt+8. rebooted may 2023. blog is currently a wip. private & selective. 21+ only rules and muse info | memes | other blogs: @hopegained, @hopebore, @pastkilld
mobile friendly rules & muses under the cut
First and foremost, hi! I’m En, 26 years old, Southeast Asian (GMT+8), and a full-time student with ADHD. I won’t always be available to write and am very slow to get to it, but you can always chat or plot with me on Discord or through IMs. Dark topics including, but not limited to, violence, trauma, depression, and war (obviously) are gonna be ever-present. As for spicy/smutty things, they’ll be tagged as ‘nsft.’ and I will ONLY write them with muns I’m already familiar with and put under read more or on discord. I tag triggers using 'trigger tw’ and ‘trigger cw’. I won’t hesitate to block you if you're homophobic/transphobic/islamophobic/racist. This is non-negotiable and frankly, you can leave if you don’t agree.  If your posts are untagged and uncut, there’s a high chance I won’t follow back. It’s nothing personal, I just don’t like a clogged dash.  Basic rules on godmodding apply. I will ask for your permission regarding any decision that may involve manipulating, killing, or maiming your muse(s), so I expect the same courtesy from you. This blog is iconless for the most part; it's too much effort to make icons for every single muse. My formatting is just single small text, with bold and italics sometimes. If you find it hard to read, please let me know! I’ll adjust accordingly. While we’re still on that subject, I find posts that are (typed)  like  this  (with double spacing, too) distracting and straining on my eyes. I may remove that type of aesthetic on my end when necessary. Plotting and memes are the best ways to interact with me. They don’t have an expiry date, so send them in whenever! I have my favorite ships for my canon characters as do most people I’d imagine (and I will default to established/heavily implied ships in most cases!), but that isn’t to say I’m not open to ship with other muses. I’m always here for more interesting dynamics! There must be chemistry of course, so if you’ve got an idea of a potential ship, just let me know.
bold = primary/current main muses rey (canon-divergent) rose tico (canon-divergent) amilyn holdo (canon-compliant with divergent verses) cyrille virtus (oc, originals, elite tie fighter pilot) indra bakti (oc, sequels, spy-in-training) zilaref olgad (oc, sequels, mirialan, comms specialist) maz kanata (canon-compliant) zay versio (canon-compliant) paige tico (canon-compliant with divergent verses) alexsandr kallus (canon-compliant) bode akuna (canon-compliant with divergent verses) kazuda "kaz" xiono (canon-compliant) enfys nest (canon-compliant) zorii bliss (canon-divergent) vel sartha (canon-compliant) voe (canon-compliant) lah kara (visions, canon-compliant)
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oh-great-authoress · 1 year
🌹🌹🌹tell me of your wips dear
Ohhhh, Elli, you do not know what you have asked for.
I now unleash Silmarillion-esque deep dives upon you!!!!
Three Roses, three WIPs…
So you will get information about three of my WIPs, and here we go!
I’m so happy to talk about these.
Benjamin Solo and the Shadow of Death
This is a Reylo and Gingerrose (Armitage Hux/Rose Tico) Grantchester/1950s AU where Ben and Armitage, formerly Kylo Ren and The General, the most feared enforcers of the Knights of Ren, are now Church of England priests after a St. Paul-esque come-to-Jesus moment.
However, their past is coming back to bite them in the ass, throwing a wrench, or rather, a spanner, into every aspect of their lives.
In this story, Rey is the vicarage’s industrious housekeeper, and Rose is the town mechanic’s daughter, a mechanic herself, while Ben is the Vicar and Armitage the Curate.
This story started as an imagine I sent to @galacticidiots, but then I couldn’t shake the idea, and it percolated for nearly two years, until I decided that, like Gandhi said, I had to “Be the change [I] wish to see in the world”, and write the darn thing.
This was/is a passion project for me, and there were moments that I was so worried I’d end up abandoning this story, but luckily, I’m stubborn as all heck, so I plowed on through months of writer’s block.
But despite all the frustration this story gave and still gives me, this story has also given me so much joy, especially when the scene bits (both for Armitage, actually) which I was so proud of and came up with in the two years where the idea lay percolating, made it in the story, which literally made me do a little happy dance in my chair.
Those bits would be the scene where Armitage gets engine oil on his shirt, and Rose tells him to take it off so that she can soak it in her family’s secret formula of stain remover (*snort* yeah, I went here), in this chapter, and the scene where Armitage kicks the town drunk’s ass after he shoves Rose to the ground, in this chapter.
And while this story is still very PG-13, at the end, this is going to be the steamiest thing I have ever written, with use of very, very tasteful fade-to-blacks.
I actually have one of the two fade-to-blacks written (it’s so romantic), with the other one a problem-for-future-Nadia, though the idea is nebulously present in the electric meat.
I am personally so proud of my characterization in this story, and I think that this story was key to my growth as a writer.
It forced me to stretch both my research skills, with the 1950s setting, and my writing skills, as it made me write scenes which I never thought I would ever be able to pull off.
And it still is stretching my writing skills, because I have some very tricky scenes to work through in the upcoming chapters, which will have elements that I do not think are my specialty.
But when this is over, this will be, I think, one of my most favorite stories I’ve written.
I’d like to think that this story has everything, with romance, action, snappy dialogue (I think this story has some of the best dialogue I’ve ever written), comedy, and drama.
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(Divider via @delishlydelightfuldividers)
Okay, let me preface the next two WIPs with saying that I never thought I’d end up writing them.
But honestly?
I probably should have seen it coming.
Almost two months ago, I watched “Top Gun: Maverick”, and I absolutely loved it.
And I tried not to devolve into a hyperfixation, but… I just couldn’t.
I mean, for me, the movie had everything; found family feels, dysfunctional father-son road trip vibes, Pathetic™ men ready to be Blorbo-fied, action, comedy, and impressive visuals.
(Am I counting the shirtless beach dogfight football scene as part of the impressive visuals?
I’ll leave that up to you.)
And with me already being an aviation enthusiast, or avgeek, this was bound to happen.
Anyway, this stupid plane movie (affectionate) has had a chokehold on me for the last nearly two months, and I managed to keep it mostly tamped down here on the hellsite, because I was a little ashamed of how easily my brain plunged into a hyperfixation—hypocritical, I know, on the hyperfixation site—but now, the dam has burst, and I’m just going to own it from here on out.
These stories will not make sense at all if you haven’t seen the movie, so here’s the link to the Wikipedia page, so you can get an idea of what I’m talking about.
I also highly recommend looking on YouTube for clips of the movie, because… okay, yeah, I’m trying to drag you down with me, I’ll be honest.
(Sharing is caring?)
So here we have two of my Top Gun: Maverick WIPs…
Prank War
This is the tentative synopsis: “It was getting a little bit chummy here at NAS North Island, so Jake had a genius idea.”
Basically, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, reformed jerk extraordinaire, has the genius idea to start a prank war between him and Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, which does not go well at all.
One thing leads to another, and someone ends up strung up by the Naval Air Station’s flagpole, in a coup de grace.
This is pure crack, and even I burst into laughter when I read my own opening scene, because it’s just so hilarious, and, in my opinion, perfectly in character.
Here’s the opening scene:
(Warning: a little cursey)
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“Fuck my life.
Fuck my fucking life,” Vice Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson muttered to himself, as he stared at the report before him in despair.
“Become an Admiral, they said—it’ll be fun, they said,” he continued, aware he was sounding like he was a few screws short of an F-18.
But in his opinion, it was completely acceptable—he had to get it out somehow.
“You’ll just have to sign a few things here and there, but you’ll be able to have more time to yourself.
Meanwhile, I’m here, dealing with fucking infants when I could’ve been flying still, exactly like Maverick.
Well—maybe not exactly like Maverick, I have some sense of self-preservation—but anyway.
‘Best aviators the US Navy has to offer’, my ass—more like two-year-olds, all of them.”
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From there, we flashback to all the pranks, until we end up back with Admiral Simpson.
I still, sadly, have to figure out how to properly end it, but I’m still waiting to finish my Grantchester/1950s AU to really work on this and the next story anyway, so I’m not rushing myself…
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Finally, the piece I am most excited and embarrassed to talk about:
What Am I Doing
That’s literally the working title, because I was working on Benjamin Solo and the Shadow of Death, when this idea barged in like this:
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So thusly the name.
I am actually actively trying to come up with an actual title for this that is not borne out of my frustration at myself for acquiring another WIP.
However, the subtitle, which is actually going to be put on the fic title or the synopsis, is: “It’s the Great Karmic Bitchslap, Jake Seresin!”
Which is a play on “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”.
I honestly have no idea how I ended up with this, but I think, to my knowledge, it was born out of a desire (as these things often are) to torture and torment Jake Seresin.
Because, other than Bradley, and Maverick, to some extent, we don’t know anything about the families of the other pilots of Dagger Squadron.
So I thought, what if Jake had a twin sister?
And what if she ends up falling in love with Bradley Bradshaw?
“Jake would absolutely hate that,” I thought. “I love it.”
But since I’m not entirely heartless, I give Jake his very own romance plot, with Natasha “Phoenix” Trace.
(Hannix shippers, this one’s for you)
So, here’s the plot.
In the middle of the night, Jake wakes up to a call from base gate security: it’s his older twin sister, Anastasia, and his nephew, Lucas.
They’re on the run from Anastasia’s ex-husband, whom she divorced and had her marriage annulled a year ago.
However, her ex is an A-grade crazy psycho, who stalks and follows her and her son no matter where they go.
So she goes to her brother, figuring that since he lives on base, she and her son would be safe.
Here, she meets Maverick and the rest of Dagger Squadron (now a permanent squadron based out of North Island, thanks to the success of the uranium mission), including one Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw.
Circumstance then throws the two even further together when a regulation indicates that she and Lucas cannot stay with Jake.
(Hand wavey contrivance, I know)
So out of the goodness of his heart, Maverick offers to put up the mother and son at his large house behind his hangar (which is widely accepted fanon, since we did not see anything of the sort in the movie), which is sort of off the grid, where—wouldn’t you know it—Bradley is also living, so he and Mav can spend more time together; after all, they have fifteen years to make up for.
Bradley and Anastasia soon grow close, much to her brother’s chagrin, all while Natasha is laughing her head off, as she fills in as said brother’s voice of reason, because this is karmic justice for all the women Jake’s picked up in bars.
There’s a scene I wrote last week which I am already in LOVE with, and I—it’s just so sweet and romantic—it’s EVERYTHING.
I couldn’t even believe my luck when I remembered the PERFECT song for said scene—I mean, the lyrics are just EXACTLY what the scene needed, and the lyrics are just SPOT-ON.
I tell you, it felt/feels inspired.
And I am so grateful that I know/grew up listening to old songs, because this song would never have occurred to me otherwise.
Some background on this scene: it’s the day of the Navy Gala, and Anastasia is supposed to go as her brother’s plus one, she even bought a dress and everything.
But then, just before she was going to get ready, her son had an accident and broke his arm, which meant that she had to take him to the hospital, and she was unable to go.
(Which will end up being good for Jake and Natasha)
This scene takes place at the end of the night, after Bradley returns home.
(I have yet to decide if Mav and Bradley will go home at the same time.)
As a side note, Bradley will be wearing dress whites, not blues, because… well, just because, “cover” is the fancy military term for the uniform cap, and I see Anastasia, or, as Bradley calls her, Ana, as Leelee Sobieski in my head.
Here’s the scene:
(Warning: 100% fluff)
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“How’s Lucas?” Bradley asked, setting his cover onto the kitchen island.
“He’s sleeping—they gave him the good stuff at the hospital.
Thanks for asking.”
He nodded. “That’s good.”
“How was the gala?”
He cringed slightly. “Ehh—the usual—lots of boring self-congratulatory speeches before we get to what people actually came for; the open bar and the free food.”
“Was it any good?”
“Yeah, it always is, though I think it’s pretty hard to screw up pasta.”
“You’d be surprised,” Ana smiled.
“Me, actually, the first time I tried to cook spaghetti and meatballs.”
He frowned, “I don’t believe that, you’ve been spoiling Mav and me the whole time you’ve been here.”
“Believe it, Lieutenant.”
Something almost vaguely familiar briefly clouded his expression, before it cleared, and he continued, “Yeah, anyway, the food was good, though it wasn’t a patch on what you dish out, and… Jake missed you, said he was hoping the two of you could’ve had a night out.”
“Jake, huh?”
Bradley rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, he pissed Nat off enough to make her drag him to the dance floor herself.”
Ana looked down, her hair falling into her face, “To be honest, I was actually hoping to go tonight.
It’s been… a while since I went to a party.”
“Gala, actually—the Navy’s quite particular about not calling it a party.
Got to be respectable and all that,” he grinned.
“Oh, sorry—gala,” she laughed. “Anyway, it would’ve been nice to dress up, and—” she sighed, “this is going to sound so stupid.”
“Tell me anyway?” he earnestly asked.
“I… I’m feeling bad that I wasted all that money on a dress I didn’t even end up wearing, and—God—I wanted to dance.”
Ana looked down embarrassedly, running a hand through her hair.
“That’s not stupid.
That’s normal.”
She looked up at him, a little startled.
Bradley worried his lower lip between his teeth before she saw an idea literally occur to him, the only thing missing, the lightbulb over his head. “It doesn’t have to be wasted.
Go put that dress on, and meet me down here.”
“What are you planning, Bradley?” Ana shook her head.
“Since you couldn’t go to the Navy Gala, the Navy Gala comes to you.”
An incredulous gasp escaped her. “You going to ask me to dance, Lieutenant Bradshaw?” she asked, a stupid smile on her lips, tears in her eyes.
“Well, I am still in uniform, and… yeah, I am.”
“Are you sure?”
“Go—I’ll be waiting,” he nodded encouragingly.
She couldn’t keep the smile from widening to a grin as she went upstairs, pulling the box from the dresser.
She quickly washed her face, before putting on mascara and lipstick, and slipping into the dress.
When she looked in the mirror, even though she wasn’t wearing anything close to the full makeup look she had planned to if she’d gotten to go to the gala, she felt beautiful in a way she hadn’t in a very long time, and tears threatened, but she ruthlessly pushed them back, as she gathered her hair into a loose bun, and stepped into her well-worn black heels.
She crept out of her room and made her way downstairs, where, true to his word, Bradley was waiting, at the foot of the stairs, cover tucked under his right arm, looking every inch the dashing naval aviator and officer he was, in his dress whites.
He looked up at the sound of her heels on the stairs, and an awed expression came over his face.
“Wow,” he breathed when she was a step away from him. “You look amazing.”
Ana sheepishly smoothed the deep green silk with her palms, as she stepped down the final step. “The makeup and hair’s not what I was planning for tonight if I got to go, but I didn’t want to keep you waiting too long.”
“I’d have waited if you wanted to do all that.”
Ana’s jaw slacked a bit, and he continued, “But you—you look stunning.”
“Thank you,” she replied.
Bradley offered his arm, with a “Shall we?”
She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm, and they moved out to the backyard, Bradley even bothering to wear his cover for the short walk to the pergola a ways from the back door.
“I’m going to be the envy of everyone at the gala,” he proudly murmured as they walked.
“It’s only the two of us,” Ana shook her head.
“Still,” he breathed, with an honesty she hadn’t heard from a man in years.
Once they were under the string lights, he stepped away from her to place his cover on the patio table which had been pushed to the side, along with the chairs, to create a makeshift dance floor.
Bradley pulled his phone out from his pocket and fiddled with it for a beat, looking for something.
Eventually, he found what he was searching for, and with a final tap, he set the device down beside his cover.
The strains of Orleans’ “Dance With Me” filled the air, and Ana smiled for what felt like the thousandth time that night.
He turned to her, hand extended. “Will you do me the honor of this dance, Miss Seresin?”
“I will, Lieutenant Bradshaw.”
She placed her hand in his, and he took her in his arms, as they began to sway slowly on the floor.
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I still have to write basically 98% of this story, but this scene, and a couple of other bits and pieces, including the opening scene, and Bradley’s first glimpse of Anastasia, are written out.
However, while I always tend to give myself room to change things, I am absolutely certain that this dance scene is going to make its way into the final product hook or by crook, darn it.
It’s just… GAH, I love this scene so much.
I was grinning like an idiot while I wrote it, and I still do, when I read it.
I’m truly sorry if that comes off as narcissistic, I just—AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the look into my WIP folder, and all the word-vomit, Elli!!!
Thank you and God bless you if you managed to read all this, truly—I know it��s a LOT!!!
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Imagine: Rey, Finn and Rose comforting you when you’re lonely. [x] [x]
Rose: Hey, hey, what’s wrong, Y/N? What’s going on? Y/N: *trying to hide tears* I- I’m fine, I promise- Finn: It’s okay not to be fine. Rey: We’re here to help, if you need us. Y/N: Are you sure?  Rose: We’re your friends, we’re always here for you! Y/N: Thank you... *pauses* I... I’ve just been feeling a bit loney at the moment, and... I guess it got too much...
Want to request an imagine?
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peterpparkrr · 3 years
Star Wars Masterlist
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Poe Dameron x Reader
Drowning in the Light (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)
Babysitting (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) - on hiatus
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Finn x Reader
Cold Hands
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Rey x Reader
Dance With Me
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Rose Tico x Reader
More Than Fine
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Han Solo x Reader
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The Mandalorian
Din Djarin x Reader
Hair Washing
to see and to be seen: (part 1) (part 2)
The Darkest Hour - ongoing
Starlight - ongoing
peterpparkr’s Masterlist
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regrettablewritings · 3 years
Rose Tico x Reader Ship Meme (6, 8, 11)
We need more Rose content and there’s nothing you can do to convince me that I’m wrong.
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6. How they decorated their room:
Rose hasn’t had anything worth calling a bedroom in . . . Maker knows how long, let alone to herself. Being in the Resistance meant she learned to live a life of simplicity, keeping very few items in her possession beyond the bare necessities and her half of the pendant she and her late sister shared. It just wasn’t a life that allowed for very many keepsakes, especially since the group always had to be on the move and ready to pack up at a moment’s notice. So when the war finally began to whimper down and allow the two of you to start the next chapter of your lives together, you both entered it from square one, items-wise. Though, in the case of Rose, it was a bit tougher to come to grips with.
The home may belong to the both of you, but she still feels lost in it. She can make a mess and spread out her tools and things in the garage all she wants but in the bedroom, what little she has in the way of comfort or decor is pretty restricted to small places. Almost as if she’s afraid to plant a flag there.
That is, until one day at the market.
Really, the main goal of the day was to get some grocery-shopping done, but you didn’t see the harm in taking a stroll through the section devoted more towards home goods. You were more occupied with the rugs and vases but something entirely different caught Rose’s eye: It’s a quilt. And not just any quilt, either, judging by the look in her eyes. It takes a moment for you to piece together what the colored threats are depicting, but it does eventually click with you. You know those swirls, those circles and dots speckled throughout flecks meant to mimic stars and moons.
It’s heavily stylized, but you recognize it as an artistic depiction of the Otomek system, the very group captured in Rose and Page’s medallions.
And that settled it. You weren’t going to listen to her sheepish insisting that you didn’t “have to get it” or her questioning of “Where would we put it??” -- there was no way you were leaving that market without that quilt. In the end, it served as a more decorative piece, hanging above the bed like a starry sky watching over the both of you. You couldn’t help but notice that even though Rose began to spend the nights watching it, she still seemed to sleep somehow better than she did before its arrival.
It felt nice to have a touch of her own in the bedroom. Nice enough, in fact, that she began to feel a bit more comfortable introducing other items like old gears fashioned into small sculptures, or little paintings of flora and fauna from her home planet that she missed.
It wasn’t anything bold or dominating, of course, but it was certainly a start.
8. What they argue about:
As sweet as Rose could be, she was by far one of the most passionate people you’d ever met. If there was something Rose felt intensely about, next to nothing was likely going to rip her from that stance. It’s a very attractive trait, really . . . Until it’s not.
Because for as much as you love that intensity she brings to things, it can also sometimes come off as very childish without much consideration for consequences, others, or the big picture as a whole. So there may be times where she feels a certain way about a certain thing and expect others to be just as ardent as she is. If they aren’t up to her level, she may take it that they’re indifferent or don’t care about the subject matter as much as she does.
Obviously, this can create very frustrating circumstances where she’s upset that you don’t seem to care about something, and you’re upset because, duh, you do care about the damn thing, only you care about it in a way differently from her!
Screaming matches aren’t really a thing between the both of you, but hot-tempered words do flare up and you both might tell the other something you don’t really mean, causing you both to separate for a period just to cool down.
However, Rose isn’t one to hold grudges, especially with the ones she loves, so eventually you both reconvene and talk it out, sharing apologies.
11. What their first impression was of each other:
You two actually didn’t think much about the other. Not in a lesser way, you just . . . Well, you were essentially like work buddies. Though, she knew you had to have been brave. After all, you had joined a side that many were too afraid to support in the current political climate. Yes, it was the right side to be on in terms of morality, but that didn’t make it any less risky.
And you knew her to be friendly and approachable, what with that chipper voice and adorable, round face. Honestly, it wasn’t so much your first impressions of one another that mattered as it was the friendship the two of you soon developed. That, in the end, was the real catalyst for your relationship.
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 years
Feelings (Platonic)
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IMAGINE: You knew those feelings existed. You’d seen it for yourself. But, one thing worried you. The fact that you never had felt them.
You didn’t get it. Plain and simple. The way that certain people felt that way about one another. You never understood it. If anything, you found it uncomfortable.
So, when your sister told you about kissing Ben Solo. You weren’t entirely sure how to respond to it. Although, she also clarified that she too wasn’t sure what it was she felt.
“It was just something different as to what I feel normally.” She tried to sum it up as. You only nodded, trying be supportive to her plight.
Was it a lie? Not really, as you too were confused. In a similar way to her. Both about her situation and your own.
You never really had to think about it before. Both because being on Jakku left you with little time. Also, the war too. But mainly it was just because you never really cared much about that version of love.
Not long after there was a wedding. Two older women in the resistance. You congratulated them. Meaning your words genuinely; they thanked you for your kind words. Before one of them said something that made your smile struggle to stay on your face.
“You’ll be up there someday with someone you love like that.”
You tried not to let them see it. After all, this was their day. Who were you to ruin it with your negative emotions with that feeling.
There was an after party, watching the two dance and look at each other with pure adoration. In a way, you felt like you were missing out. Felt even more out of place than you already did.
You didn’t think that was possible, but here you were. Sitting with your family as you drank your chosen alcoholic drink to try and wash away the feeling inside of you.
To clarify, it wasn’t about the now married couple. No, you were legitimately happy for them and this moment they were sharing. No, the feeling as with yourself, with the lack of that feeling.
You never really knew why it was. You never really thought about it until recently really. Despite this being the case, however. You still recalled something Rey said to you when you had gone to her while panicking. She had done her best to calm your oncoming attack, before taking you to meditate in the forest.
“Whatever the feeling is. Let it in. It’s not something to be afraid of.” At the time, that was just for the meditation. That was just to help you feel calm and at peace. Then, you managed to learn it. To internalize it. To do that.
Now? Not so much.
You were growing up; you had lost a childhood. But, in age terms you were about to leave it. Rey was already in her twenties. Early twenties, but twenties none the less. Your turn with that whole thing was a few months away.
The war was over. Or, at least, for the moment there was peace. You knew that there would always be dark. That light couldn’t live without it. One couldn’t exist without the other.
So, if that was the case. Did that mean that their love was pure, and yours wasn’t. Was you version of love and lack of their version the dark to balance the light?
“Seems you got an admirer.” Poe commented, breaking you from your thoughts. You smiled at one of your older brother figures with faux interest at he said. The unsettling feeling in your stomach returning.
“Sorry?” You asked politely, the whole table of your other friends were involved now. All wanting to know what their mutual friend and brother meant by his words. His teasing but somewhat soft smile grew as she nudged his head. Following the direction, you found a woman at the table on the other side of the bar. She was gossiping with her friends, deep shade of red. When she met your eyes, she was quick to stop the look, red returning and growing.
She had a crush on you……Well.
It was later in the party; Rey had already retired for the evening. Finn had gone to his own room soon after. Poe was dancing with Jessica. Leaving just you and Rose. You looked at your friend as he danced with one of his best friends. Dancing as if they did feel that way about each other. Even though all of you knew that would never happen.
The girl who had eyes on you was dancing as well with some friends. Or maybe not. You had no idea. You never knew what constituted as the whole “more than friends” thing. That phrase pissed you off. There wasn’t anything more about it. Just different feelings.
Your time with Rose wasn’t an awkward silence. Not at all. It was comfortable. Two friends enjoying each other’s company, lost in their own worlds. Watching as the party was in full swing even this late.
People were celebrating. Most were celebrating the wedding. Others the victory. While some just celebrated the fact that they were still alive.
“Hey.” You looked at your friend as she looked from you to the girl, “What you gonna do about her?” She sipped from her cup as she asked. Not teasing smile in sight. Just a curious look on her face. You too looked at the girl. She seemed friendly enough. You were sure of that. She was pretty, you could say that. It just had no other meaning to it than a genuine compliment.
“I don’t know.” You admitted as you finished your drink. You were starting to get drunk at this point. Starting to fall victim to the effects of the drink. Rose finished hers, throwing it in the bin and taking yours and doing the same. Noticing that you were too busy thinking about how to proceed with this situation. With this new dilemma.
“I think she’s nice.” She threw in her two cents. You nodded, agreeing with her. She seemed it. Personality wise, that was what you meant. Did she look bad? No, not at all. God, to you, this was all confusing.
To you, this was one of the worst thing that could possibly happen to you.
“How are you and Finn?” Your question was to try and distract yourself from this dilemma for a moment. She seemed to see that, but still answered you.
“We’re still figuring out what we actually feel. Either way, we’d still be best friends. Whether that changes into something else remains to be seen.” You nodded.
“Think I should go for it?” You asked her, needing her confirmation before you dove in headfirst into anything. She thought about it for a few moments. Eyeing the girl up and down. Sure, she’d just complimented the girl, but she didn’t want this end badly for you.
“What’s the worse that can happen?”
“Psst, Poe. Poe! DAMERON!” The man clanged! His head against the arm of his X-Wing. Rose winced for her friend. Before apologizing for causing it.
“Ah, your fine. What’s up?” He rubbed his head as he asked his question, trying to numb the feeling.
“(y/n)’s seeing the girl from before –“
“Good for (him/her)!” He had his fist in the air as he let out his celebration. Rose couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his action.
“So, what do you need me for?” He asked when he finally calmed down. Bringing himself back to neutral ; back to the present conversation.
“Just, help me keep an eye on the two. I mean, it’s cute and all. But, I just wanna keep them safe, you know?” Poe nodded, although his teasing smile did tell his friend that he wasn’t going to just be silent about their actions.
She rolled her eyes. Fuck.
Speaking of the happy couple or duo or whatever the hell you were called. You were sat in the cantina, getting to know each other. Just talking.
See, this. This you could handle. This you liked. It was nice, it was calm. You liked that. You were half decent at that. You thought so anyway.
“Your sister’s nice. She’s patient.” She said, you nodded. Knowing those words to be true. The girl was the one that you had saved from Jakku when you had returned there. The girl had turned out to be force sensitive. Rey had taken her under her wing.
“She is. You ever wonder why I lived that long, just look at her and there’s your answer.” She shook her head at your attempt at humour. Still, an amused smile was on her face. Seems your slightly (and usually very) bleak humour had struck a cord with her.
That as good. You got something else in common. Apart from both being on Jakku. You both shared the wit (as just said) but also similar experiences on Jakku. The pain that followed you. The pain of abandonment. Maybe that was why she wanted to talk to you. To find someone else. Someone “normal” to talk to about the hell that was Jakku.
Or maybe your friends were right. Maybe she did feel something different for you. That was something that unsettled. No, that as the wrong way of saying it. Not, unsettled you. Just…it wasn’t the way you felt.
“How long have you known her for?” She worded her question carefully; scared that she’d maybe crossed a line. For a moment, the question hung in the air. Your silence speaking volumes. Your face stayed the same, but she could still see the gears turning in your head. The way you seemed to think about how to answer it properly.
She went to apologize, to take it back. She was stopped, however, when you answered, “She saved me. Found me on that planet and took me in as her own. Raised me, helped me, protected me. Now she gets to do all that again but with force users.”
She nodded, closing her eyes. You only watched her, but you felt it. Felt the way she started picking away at your memories, started living through them. Experiencing everything you had. Was it an invasion of privacy? Yes.
 Did you really think it was that much of a big deal? If it was anyone else, yeah. But this was someone who wanted to get to know you. Someone who wouldn’t use it for evil purposes.
You hoped, anyway.
She opened her eyes again, looking at you with a small amount of pity. You only gave her a timid smile that forgave her. That she hadn’t gone too far. That you weren’t going to just push her away and leave.
You got that fear. That constant voice in your head that people would leave; sometimes, it wouldn’t even be over any action or reason. The voice would just tell you that they would leave you. That you would be alone., again.
Yours was ugly. Everyone’s was; obviously, you only had experience with your own one. One that would turn up just when things were getting good. Things were going well. Your voice would essentially deconstruct you from the head down.
Your one spun all sorts of fun things about you. Lately, though, it had all been about what you felt inside. The lack of it. Your inner voice decided to latch onto that for the time being; to hold you to court about that.
“Listen, I know this is a little forward; but, would you maybe wanna….Do this again sometime, meet up again. Just us, go for walk or something?” You thoughts didn’t get any better at your question in response.
“Like a….date?” She blushed but nodded; the main reason you asked was because you saw your friends (Poe and Rose, for now) giving you a thumbs up and watching your interaction with seemingly great interested. As if it was the most compelling thing around at the moment.
“….Sure.” You sounded upbeat; as said before, you liked her. Just….Just not in the way she liked you.
“Great!” She went forward and kissed you on the cheek before she got up and left.
“….Great.” You sighed once she was out of view; you sighed as you put your face in your hands. Knowing full well that you were just digging that hole deeper and deeper.
“Hey.” Poe’s voice sounded as you felt two people next to you. He put an arm around your shoulder, “You did good, pal.” The pilot took some of your drink; Rose rolled her eyes at her friend before she looked at you.
“Most dates, especially at the start, are just a way to get to know each other.”
“Oh, yeah, do they.” Rose reached over to hit Poe in the arm; even if he meant it playfully, it didn’t help you raising heartbeat, “Sorry, sorry. My bad, my bad.” He conceded as he realized the weight of what he had said.
“Look, buddy. You just be you, alright? You’ll be great.” His words helped assure you a little. You took a breath to help calm yourself.
It wouldn’t be that bad. It was just you and her getting to know each other….Just, hopefully not in the way Poe was implying.
The date wasn’t until a few days later. In that time, Rey and Finn had both returned; the siblings meeting up with the rest of your family. For now, though, you had sworn your two other siblings to secrecy; to which they agreed. Anything to help you in this situation.
You’d been able to keep it a secret from them; even if sometimes Rey would give you a look that you always hated to see. One that told you she knew something was wrong, but she wasn’t going to pressure it out of you.
From her point of view, it was probably meant to be a look of reassurance; one that told you that, if needed, you could go to her with whatever the issue was.
From your point of view, especially in this current situation, it was more like a threat; more along the lines of, “I know somethings up; and I’m going to find out what it is.”
Then the day of the date came. Oh….no….
“You looked good. What’s the occasion?” Rey asked as she leaned against your doorway; the only other time you had dressed yourself up like this was when the resistance held that celebration right after Exogol.
You finished with your smart shirt, trying to help rid your trousers of some of the creases as you finally turned to your sister. You gave her a kind of optimistic and excited smile. That only made her smile become a little confused; but it still held.
“Meeting with a friend.” That one made Rey’s smile turn; you did not like the way it looked now. It held a teasing edge to it.
“Who is this, “friend”?” You scrunched up your face as Rey fully entered your room; she helped you do up the last button, before looking at the rest of your very formal outfit. When she noticed your face, she bopped you on the nose; while it made you scrunch up your face more, it did get a laugh from you.
She felt you untense a little; that was the whole point of her last action, “Just….If it goes….” She really hated having to have this talk with you.
“Oh, force, Rey…No, we’re not doing this.” You tried to stop it from happening, she only tightened her grip on your shoulders to make you stay put. But you could see, clear as day, that she too didn’t want this either.
“I know, I know. But…” She embraced you instead of finishing off her sentence; you hugged her back in return, “Have a good time, ok? Just, be yourself.” You felt your heart drop a little at those words, but still felt the sincerity and warmth from the first sentence. You nodded against her shoulder.
When you pulled apart, she kissed your cheek in an (obvious) sisterly and platonic fashion. That was the whole reason why when the girl from before did it, if felt off and not right.
“Love you.” Were her parting words as she left you to meet up with the others in the cafeteria. Those were the only context that you had heard those words. In a platonic and familial sense, ever something else; it was the only way you wanted to hear them.
But you just had to get yourself roped into this, didn’t you?
  “Hey, almost thought you weren’t going to make it.” Your date said with a teasing tone, but you caught the slight fear that was there. You smiled softly at her.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Corny? Yes; did you mean them? Yes. But, part of you knew that those opening words wouldn’t really help settle your feelings inside. The constant dread and fear of the millions of ways this could go that your brain had “helpfully” cooked up for your enjoyment.
She took your hand; an action you were ok with. So, you just went with it.
The night she had chosen was nice, there was breeze in the air; the crickets chirping helped the peaceful mood, the two moons in the sky with the stars clear as anything; along with the other planets helped too with a nice view.
“Rey’s been asking about us.” That definitely did not help your current heavily racing heart. And, no, obviously it wasn’t for those reasons. Your thoughts went to betrayal; maybe that was why Rey came to find you at just the right moment. Why she said those words to you when she left.
Then, you remembered who you were thinking about. Rey, your best friend; the one you had known the longest. The woman who had raised you as her own (brother/sister) with no second doubts and always showed you support, kindness and warmth whenever you needed it.
So, for once, you managed to somewhat tame your wild thoughts as they were flung around your mind at a rapid pace.
“What – What’d she ask?” You gulped slightly; she gave your hand a small squeeze as if she could understand your nerves. The tragic thing was it was for the wrong reasons. You were still giving off the wrong impression.
“Just wanted to know how we met, if we were getting along; all that stuff.” She gave you a smile that sold her words as the truth; but really, there was something else. Rey had come across as a little defensive, but the elder Jedi quickly caught herself in her act, apologised for it; she even gave the lesson a shorter run time as an apology.
She accepted the apology, of course; knowing that it was just Rey caring about you. It did make her a small bit jealous though; about having someone who had your back the way Rey had yours. Still, she accepted the apology.
That was why, her next move, to her was a no brainier.
She locked her lips with yours.
For her, it was nice; borderline euphoric. For you….It was…fine. But it lasted for way too long.
She pulled away, and instantly saw the look in your eyes, “….Sorry.”
Fuck, you were on the verge of sending the right message; just in the wrong way. Her eyes started to fill with guilt, then it started to become glossy.
Oh, you were really sending this message the wrong way. Your silence wasn’t helping either.
“Don’t be, I –”
“No, it’s my fault. I’m sorry….I’m – I’m just gonna go.” You tried to find your voice to call out to her, to stop her; but it failed you in this moment.
  As said before, the others were in the cafeteria; there was no occasion on, it was just them spending time together. For the most part, it was quiet. So, the footsteps of your would-be date made them all look up and frown a little as they saw the red rims around her eyes; how there were a few tear streaks of makeup that were still there.
Poe and Rose exchanged a look, however. They knew what it likely meant; what had likely happened.
“I got (him/her)” Rose said, leaving no room for discussion as she left the company of her friends to find you.
  When she found you, it wasn’t really how she expected. She would’ve expected either two things to be happening: Either you trashing your room or pacing in it and cursing to yourself.
Instead, she found you laying on the side of your bed, legs hanging off the edge; just staring at the ceiling in silence.
Entering the room, she checked to make sure that you weren’t sleeping and that she wasn’t going to interrupt anything; you weren’t, and she wasn’t. So, she laid herself next to you, joining you in staring at the ceiling.
She let the silence hang, knowing that you would open up when you were ready to. You like that about all your friends, but Rose most of all; how she would let you get your thoughts together as best you could to then try and help you work through them in anyway that she could.
“I….” You let out a sigh as you tried again, “I screwed that one up. It wasn’t her, before you think about it that way; it was all me. I was the one who got myself into this mess. Whatever comes after, comes after. I can’t really change that fact.”
The silence held for a moment longer before Rose said her piece, “She came in crying. Whatever happened, must’ve been rough; for both of you.” Rose was always sympathetic; empathetic too. You nodded at her look on things; like you regularly had done before.
“Wasn’t good.” Was the vague answer you gave; Rose, however, didn’t press for more. She knew that now wasn’t the time.
“Just….I’m an idiot….Still feels….wrong, though…” Rose could tell you weren’t quite sure on how to phrase those words. But still decided to question you on one part of them though.
“Wrong?” You closed your eyes and exhaled, knowing that it was the wrong way to phrase it.
“Feelings are messy.” Rose nodded in agreement, “But, I don’t feel the way most people do feel about each other….I guess – with her, she wanted it. Guess I thought, if I went along with it, I would too.”
Rose couldn’t help the slight wince she had at your description; you clocked it and sighed again. Her effort to conceal it for your sake just helped you realise how shit the plan was.
To be fair, it wasn’t really much of a plan to begin with. The simple idea was: Don’t tell anyone about it.
In hindsight, it was never really going to work.
That was what led to where you were now. Laying on a bed in your own self-induced angst. This had happened a few times before: your internal problem having external complications and reproductions. Only now, it was on a much lesser; but more personal level.
That was new. At least, it wasn’t the norm.
Just like how you felt about those feelings.
“You know it’s ok, right?” Rose seemed to be able to read what your mind was telling you. She was quick to explain herself further, “Your feelings; not this whole thing.”
You couldn’t help but agree with her synopsis. Internally, she let out a sigh of relief at the fact you were agreeing with her. You were finally understanding it.
“I should’ve just told her at the start….Should’ve told you guys too.” Rose nodded at your first comment but decided to interject at your second one.
“It’s up to you if you wanted to. I’m just sorry if we made you uncomfortable at all. I know it’s sometimes hard to believe, or see in hindsight; but, we’re your friends. We won’t judge you because you feel differently about anything. Well, unless if it’s something extreme.” Your lips tugged up a little at her humour with the last part. She found herself growing one in response.
You knew what you needed to do now.
  A few days had gone by; your friends, thankfully, let the main elephant in the room go for now. They knew that you’d deal with it, that you’d be able to handle it. Still, it was nice to have the knowledge that, if it didn’t go well, they’d have your back in this situation.
You hadn’t seen the girl since. You just hoped nothing had happened to her during this time. The resistance wasn’t flawless; there were definitely some bad amongst the overwhelming amount of good when it came to members. Some who didn’t do what the rest of you had chosen to do. To not be your past and do better.
You looked to Rey; now words passed between you, but you didn’t need them. She knew what you were silently asking just with your look. She nodded at your question, giving you a timid smile to try and boost your highly shaky confidence in what was to come.
She closed her eyes the next moment, reaching out with the force. It only took her a few moments to find her target; she quickly reopened her eyes before her new student and friend could realize what she was doing.
“She’s outside, sitting on the steps.” That was all you needed to know as you silently got up and passed your friends, hearing them offer you their individual versions of, “Good luck” as you went.
  She wasn’t sad, but it was probably bottled up. You understood that, you got why she did that. You had experience of bottling things up. Part of that was the reason you were here in the first place.
“Hey.” You greeted, so she would know it was you who was approaching; she gave you a fleeting look before she looked back out at the starry sky. It was nice; then again, it was before.
You approached her, gesturing to the space next to her, she looked from it to you before she shrugged; indifferent to your decision.
So, you took your place on the steps next to her. Both taking a moment to appreciate the calmness of the world around you. It somewhat helped calm the storm raging internally; but it only helped a little.
“I know this won’t make up for what happened. But….I’m sorry for what I’ve done. The way I acted, what I did.” She did small nod to show that she got your message. The silence still hung; you only waited with somewhat bated breath to her response.
You knew that, if she didn’t forgive you, that would be ok. You had done something wrong in kind of stringing her along. But, at the same time, you were terrified of the reactions and of your own feelings; part of you hoped for her to understand that.
“I get why you didn’t tell me.” Her words came out slow, but they held weight to them. Internally, you relaxed a little.
“Still hurt though.” You nodded in understanding; you both finally met each other’s gaze as you said your piece.
“I know I can never fully make it up to you for kind of stringing you along like that. I’m thankful you understand, but still sorry for any hurt I caused you.” She shook her head.
“I’ll move on. We both can….Feelings are weird.” You couldn’t help but laugh a little at her words. She joined in too for a second before you both went to timid smiles.
“I’m glad you found some peace with your feelings.” Your smile grew a little at her praise.
“Will it help if I buy you some food?” She chuckled but nodded.
  Feelings were weird and complicated. Sometimes they’d change; that would be fine, as long as you felt ok with it. As long as you accepted it. You felt what you felt; and, for the most part, those feelings were valid. You didn’t have to apologize to anyone for them.
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Preference: Star Wars (The Sequels)
— how they react falling in love with you, a royal  
Characters: Finn, Poe Dameron, Rey, Rose Tico
Warnings: —
Requester: anonymous
Request: “Hi 😃♥️ Hope you’re safe and having an awesome day. I’m the person who requested the royal!reader preference. I was hoping Finn, Rey, Rose and Poe. Sorry, I’m just a little tired Hope you’re safe from the virus”
A/N: hi love!! no need to apologise, i hope you like it and i hope you’re also staying safe!!
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Finn would be in complete and utter awe of you. He doesn’t have much experience with people who are members of royal families, and he would find himself unsure of how to act around you. He’d feel as though he can’t stop himself from falling in love with you, no matter the differences in status between the two of you. Finn would also adore how much you respect him, and loves the attention you shower him in. You’re equally in awe of Finn as he is of you, and you love hearing stories about his journey and how he defied the First Order.
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Poe would flirt with you even more knowing you’re a member of a royal family, loving the fact that he can make someone like you smile and laugh and get you flustered. He’d show off to you, do anything to get your attention, and he’d love being around you. On the outside, he’d act confident, but deep down, he’d be terrified of his feelings, knowing that he’s nowhere near your royal status, leaving him unsure if you could ever love someone like him, a rebellious Resistance pilot who never backs down from a fight. 
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Rey doesn’t think much about your royal status, since she’s never met anyone like you and focuses more on your personality and not so much about where you’re from. She’d think you’re the most wonderful person she’s ever met, and you love how being with her is like a breath of fresh air, where you can abandon all your royal duties and just truly be yourself. Rey wouldn’t understand her feelings at first, especially love, since it’s something she’s never really experienced before, but all she knows is that you make her unbelievably happy.
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Rose would be so incredibly nervous and flustered around you, unsure of how to act, and she would also feel rather insecure. She’d feel as though she’d need to put on a different version of herself to impress you, not knowing that you’re already so smitten by her. She would find herself rambling on about things, sometimes catching herself just staring at you with a lovestruck look in her eyes, and she would probably gush about you to whoever will listen. She’d feel so incredibly lucky to have crossed paths with someone as spectacular as you.
tag list: @proudchocolateaddict​ / @myfriendmagislit​ / @dragon4123​ / @fire--pheonix​ / @gofandomsandotherstuff​ / @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov / @fairytalesforever​ / @emmacata​ / @hauntedpocdreamer / @fangirlsarah16​ / @adaleya / @floup-doodles​ / @batfam16​ / @girlofiron​ 
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dalekofchaos · 10 months
Eternal Emperor Vader au
Imagine that Darth Vader and Luke worked together to kill Palpatine like Rey and Kylo did.
Vader cements himself in the dark side by killing his master. Luke and Vader declares a peace that would last as long as one did not attack the other. The Empire regrouped and retreated into the Unknown Regions under Vader's leadership, while The New Republic is born.
The New Republic was born and began to heal the galaxy. Luke's new Jedi Order was founded. Mon Mothma as the Chancellor with Leia as Vice Chair. Han and Lando are the Ministers of Defense and Chewbacca is Ambassador to Kashyyyk. The New Republic did not demilitarize their fleet. They instead build and improve their fleet and build Star Defenders to combat the Star Destroyers. To defend their systems, fight the criminal syndicates and prepare for the eventual upcoming war with Emperor Vader.
The Empire is rebuilding it's strength after the defeat at Endor. Thrawn, Gideon, General Veers and Sloane are Vader's inner circle. Vader killed Rax the moment he learned of Palpatine's contingency plans. Vader found Galen Marek and turned him into his apprentice, his Starkiller, the final Inquisitor. Eventually Vader found Exegol. Killed Palpatine and took the Final Order's Sith Fleet for himself. Anyone and everyone loyal to Palpatine is dead. The Empire has become The New Sith Empire. On Exegol, the SIth Temple was reopened, similar to how The First Order abducted children for the new Sith Order.
The Sith have begun to infiltrate the New Republic which begins a cold war between the Sith and the New Republic. Then one day, the day that destroys everything Leia has built. The revelation that Darth Vader is Leia's father. Leia is shunned from The New Republic and this very event is what tips the balance to making this cold war hot.
Ben Solo's betrayal. Ben feels betrayed. All his life he was told the good man that his grandfather was. Hero of the Republic and Jedi Knight of the Jedi Council and that he died sacrificing his life to save the Jedi from The Emperor. He was lied to and he was consumed by rage and betrayal. Luke attempts to stop Ben's anger, but Ben attacks him and leaves him for dead. He gathers his 6 best friends and together they kill the New Jedi Order and venture to find Emperor Vader.
Ben Solo and his fellow Jedi become Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren and Vader's Elite Sith Warriors.
Luke flees to Ach-To. He has failed. The war that he was dreading is here and he has himself to blame for not telling Ben the truth.
Out of guilt and shame for failing his son. Han leaves to be a smuggler again. Hoping one day he can make things right with Leia and bring their son home.
Leia lost her son, her father has returned to wage war on her and destroy everything she has worked so hard to build, her brother went into hiding and Han left. Leia has no choice but to lead The Resistance.
Same things that happen in canon happens, but differently
Finn is abducted by The Sith Empire, but not by Phasma. By Iden Versio. Because Operation Cinder never happened, Iden never defects. Iden becomes what Phasma became, only she's a die hard believer and Finn and his squadron is the next generation of Inferno Squad
Poe Dameron is the son of Rebel heroes and is NOT a drug smuggler(fuck you JJ) he is taught by his father.
Rey is left on Jakku, but not because it was done to protect her by junk traders. It was done because her parents were scum. Her father was rejected by Palpatine and left to die and marooned on Jakku. They had Rey, but had nothing. They saw no value in Rey and sold her so they can get off of Jakku. Rey in a fit of rage kills them with the dark side. The trauma of it cuts Rey off from the force and represses the memory.
Paige Tico is the Y-Wing Bomber in Poe's Squadron and Rose Tico is the Intelligence Officer in The New Republic
Kylo Ren, Julian Veers(Veers' son replacing Hux) and Iden Versio are this version of the First Order's Triumvirate
Kylo Ren and Starkiller are at war with each other, each covet the throne from Vader and all they are waiting for is one sign of weakness and they will kill each other for to become Vader's heir.
However there is one thing that could turn the Empire against Vader. A cult of Palpatine loyalists lead by Snoke escaped Exegol and have one mission. Find the true Emperor's granddaughter. Train her and help her become the Empress and destroy the Skywalkers and bring a new age of darkness to the galaxy.
Or can the heirs of Vader and Palpatine come together and bring balance to the force and end this war and the eternal struggle between light and darkness?
I'd say Episode VII is about Vader's return and the beginnings of the war, bringing Han and Leia together, Han's death at the hands of his son, Rey/Finn vs Kylo, but ending with Finn finding Luke. What about Rey? After defeating Kylo Ren. She heard a voice. "Come find me Rey and find your belonging and your rightful place in this galaxy" Rey went to Snoke, while Chewey saved
Episode VIII. Allout war. After the destruction of Hosnian Prime, The New Republic joined forces with The Resistance and declared war on The Sith Empire. The connection between Rey and Ben is formed. But this gains the attentions of Starkiller. Starkiller saw the weakness in Kylo after his defeat at the hands of the scavenger, but now his sentiment just gives him the need to kill Kylo Ren once and for all. Poe and Paige are on the frontlines. Rose works with Leia to discover a way to disable the Xyston Class Star Destroyer lasers in order to prevent as much destruction as possible. Finn is able to pull Luke out of his exile. How? You see, Finn is Luke's son. The Sith Eternal abducted Finn before Luke and Mara could act. The abduction of Finn and the revelation of Vader being Anakin being revealed galaxy wide is what left Luke open to Ben's betrayal. Now that Finn is here, Luke knows he has to make this right. He spends the rest of the movie training Finn. Rey finds her way to Snoke. Snoke reveals the truth to Rey and this shakes her to her very core. One thing that Leia did not count on. Vader has arrived. He boards her ship like he did so long ago. She allows Rose to escape, while she confronts her father. Vader gives her a chance to surrender and join the dark side, it's the only way she can see her son. Leia takes her Lightsaber "I'm a Jedi, like my father once was" "So be it. Jedi" and so we get Vader vs Leia, while Rose enacts the plan to destroy the Xyston-Class fleet. Think the Mass Shadow Generator from KOTOR II, that is EXACTLY what Rose does. Kylo Ren and Starkiller fights in Fortress Vader. while Rey fights Snoke. Kylo Ren kills Starkiller to assume his place at Vader's side. Rey kills Snoke to free herself, she thought she was free until she hears a sinister voice. "You done well, my granddaughter." Meanwhile In the fight between Vader and Leia. Leia proclaims that she knew he was a good man, that her mother loved him, but that man is dead and all that's left is Vader. Vader aims to kill her and Leia gives herself to the force like Obi-Wan. Luke and Finn comes to the rescue and the New Republic rallies behind them. Vader and Luke have a staredown. Finn meets Rose, Rose is in awe of Finn, but Finn is just as in awe in Rose after Poe told her what she did, they congratulate each other and shook hands, a sure sign of friendship and something more. Finn feels distraught. They saved everyone, but they lost Leia and Rey is still missing. Luke tells his son "we have everything we need"
Episode IX. The battle of Coruscant. Stormtrooper Rebellion and the fate of the galaxy. Luke vs Vader. Rey vs Kylo vs Finn. Finn, Poe and Rose work together to stir up a Stormtrooper Rebellion. Finn faces Iden. When Iden has Finn down where she wants, Rose shoots her and Finn cuts her down with the lightsaber. Together Finn and Rose free his brothers and sisters. Ben has conflict. Despite everything he's done, his mother's death changed everything. She lied to him, but he still loved her. He thought his true place was by Vader's side, but this bond with Rey helped show that it's not too late that he can still come back. But Rey changed, she shut him out completely. Ben goes to Finn. Finn is defensive, but senses this is not the same man he fought on Starkiller Base. The final battle between the New Republic and the Sith Empire takes place over and on Coruscant. Luke faces Vader, while Rey and Ben face Empress Rey. Killing Leia changed Vader. a light he never thought possible was there. Luke tells his father it's not too late. No one's ever really gone. For once in his life. Vader shows remorse. Then suddenly force lightning. Empress Rey seeks to finish off Luke and Vader. Ben and Finn are there to try and reach the real Rey. For a brief moment, Anakin Skywalker returns. He takes the essence of Palpatine within him and tells everyone to end it once and for all. Rey, Finn and Ben kill Vader and Palpatine, ending the war once and for all. The movie ends with Lando as Chancellor and signing a peace treaty with Thrawn and Sloane. Finn and Rose get married, Luke rebuilds the Jedi Order. While both Ben and Rey go on a path of atonement to right their wrongs and a ends on a kiss in the Falcon.
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girl-among-mts · 1 year
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Part Twelve
Thalia, the young Twi'lek woman who served as Rose’s secretary, popped her head around the open office door.
“Sorry to bother, but the General is calling again.”
Rose looked up from her datapad, catching the woman’s grin.
“You don’t sound very sorry,” Rose muttered, unable to hide the flush in her cheeks as she set the tablet down. The report from Finn and Poe could wait. Ever since they’d finalized the normalized trade agreement, the Grand Marshal had become more and more comfortable ringing her up out of the blue. Sometimes he had business to discuss, trifling matters that any number of underlings could sort out themselves, but more often than not his holocalls were casual in nature. Half the time, Rose wondered if he was simply bored and had no one else to talk to.
“What’s he like in person?” Thalia pressed as Rose reached for her holocom.
She gave the Twi’lek a look. “He’s a dangerous military mastermind. A killer, /and/ a criminal,” she said matter-of-factly. Even if he was fine to look at...
Thalia shrugged a shoulder. “He’s had the Order share a lot of their new farm tech. Been a big help on my brother’s farm. So, can’t be all bad.”
Fantastic, Rose thought sourly. Already winning hearts and minds. Hux was turning out to be quite a capable politician.
“Yeah, he’s a true altruist,” she drolled. “Now can I get some privacy maybe?”
Rose rolled her eyes at the suggestive waggle of Thalia’s eyebrows as the pneumatic door swished closed. Rose depressed the answer button on her coms. There, Hux’s face came into focus. A pleased, catlike smile spread across his lips. Rose tried to tamp down the pleased little flip-flop in the pit of her stomach but utterly failed. Dangerous military mastermind, she reminded herself. Killer, criminal, and *really good* at pushing all her buttons in ways she couldn't help but enjoy, deep down.
“Ah, Commander,” he purred. “How good it is to see you.”
“Armitage,” she quipped in greeting, trying to sound professional when in reality she’d put down all her work once again to take his call. “How can I help you?”
“I simply wanted to inform you that my personal shuttle will be passing through Syris space tomorrow evening. We will be resupplying overnight before continuing on our journey”
“You don’t need to let me know every time you fly through my sector,” she reminded him, feeling a bit hot in her normally very comfortable office.
“Ah, perhaps not.” Was she imagining it, or did he seem a bit nervous just then? "However," he continued, “I am not merely calling to inform you. I was hoping you might join me. For drinks. A brief reunion of sorts. I’ve just come from the Senate, as you know. I’m sure we'll find important matters of state to discuss.”
Rose swallowed. What was he proposing? Not some kind of candlelight dinner, surely. Say ‘no’, the rational part of her brain warned immediately. You can’t just go galavanting off to have drinks with General Hux, Grand Marshal of the First Order; killer, criminal, and dangerous military mastermind. Even if he does have a massive crush on you.
Then again… she’d been approving reports and missives and signing legislation and wrangling politics for /weeks/ now without so much as an afternoon off.
A drink sounded so, so tempting…
“You better have brought that expensive, Core World... whiskey with you,” she said before she could stop herself. Hux’s sly expression turned smug.
“Of course. I'll see you tomorrow then, Miss Tico."
"Uh-huh, bye." Rose rushed to cut the comms call before her heart could leap out of her chest.
Stars, what was she doing?
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
Their-I Mean, My Special Day
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XxD0LQe
by Gonnaleavemywoesbehind
When Rey thinks of her upcoming wedding, she imagines a small, simple affair only consisting of her, Ben, his parents , and her three closest friends. After two conversations regarding said wedding, she worries her dream might not be enough.
Words: 1862, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron, Finn (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Leia Organa
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Wedding Planning, Established Relationship, Ben Solo Loves Rey, Rey Loves Ben Solo, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, slight angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XxD0LQe
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ao3--gingerrose · 1 year
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