#rosebud taxi
rosebudtaxi · 2 months
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Airport Taxi Service Melbourne
To ensure that passengers have a safe and secure trip, our highly skilled drivers uphold the highest standards of professionalism. Because of their extensive expertise, they know all of Mornington's major attractions and neighborhoods, enabling them to provide our guests with an amazing experience. To give customers in Melbourne a seamless and hassle-free travel experience, Airport Taxi Service Melbourne is essential. These services provide several advantages that meet the various demands of passengers, from their professionalism and safety standards to their accessibility and ease. We expedite every travel to make it worthwhile. Test out our cost-effective and convenient crewed airport transfer services. 
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morbidology · 3 months
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Sheree was a grade-one pupil at Rosebud Primary School and lived on South Road. According to her mother, Kerrie Greenhill, she was a very talkative and lively little girl; she said that she was her first born and was very special to her. While Sheree was exceptionally friendly, she still knew of stranger danger and would never speak to somebody that she didn’t know. In fact, Kerri had always told Sheree if a stranger approached her, to run to the nearest house for help.
That afternoon, Kerri handed Sheree money to pick up a litre of milk, a bottle of lemonade, meat pies and some cigarettes. She also handed her 50 cents to buy herself some sweets. As she left the home that afternoon, Sheree called out to her mother: “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes, mum. I love you.” Unbeknownst to Kerri, this was the last time she would ever speak to her daughter.
Around an hour after Sheree left the milk bar with the groceries, the alarm was raised. A local resident discovered Sheree’s abandoned bicycle and groceries in the middle of Parkmore Avenue, a dirt road located just off the Nepean Highway, around 100 metres away from the milk bar. The man who found the bicycle placed it against a nearby tree and moments later, another local woman spotted the bicycle. This woman knew Sheree and her family and recognized it immediately as Sheree’s bicycle. The woman contacted Sheree’s other, Kerri Greenhill, who in turn called police to report her daughter missing.
Investigators would launch an extensive and exhaustive air and ground search for Sheree, mobilizing all available resources including sniffer dogs, state emergency services and country fire authority crews. They stopped motorists on the Nepean Highway and near the crime scene and handed them photographs of Sheree and asking them if they had seen her. In addition, over 100 volunteers assisted in the search for Sheree. They trudged through the surrounding woodland and combed the shoreline. However, the search turned up no evidence. It was if Sheree had vanished into thin air. Investigators wasted no time in announcing that they were extremely concerned for Sheree’s safety.
The following day, Sheree’s mother, Kerri, made a tearful plea on national television for her safe return. She said: “If someone has got her, bring her home – she has been through enough trauma. She lost her little brother last year from cot death. Please bring her home. We love her too much. Don’t hurt her, she’s only six.” Kerri also revealed that around two months earlier, somebody had attempted to abduct Sheree. She said that Sheree had been taken to school by a taxi one morning and on her way home, a man approached her as she cycled home alone. Kerri said that following the terrifying ordeal, Sheree hadn’t been allowed to cycle home alone for a while.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞:
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kpforpresident · 2 years
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aka the plant /flower shop clexa au. Making it its own little post since it's gonna be a mini tumblr series. :)
Chapter 1/ the meeting
The door chimed, a cheery little note that pulled Lexa out from where she was intently reading, chin propped up in her palms. She sat up from her slouch, absentmindedly reaching out a thoughtful hand to reach for a rapidly-cooling cup of coffee as her eyes scanned the page, flicking over the words she had read dozens of times before. Lexa took a sip as she sat up straighter, pasting on her megawatt customer service smile as the shoes got closer, eyes still glued to her page. 
 Lexa’s finger pressed into the ink of her current line that her eyes were currently following as she raised her voice to be heard over the influx of noise that rushed into the shop with the door now opened- taxis honking, vendors selling their wares, the hustle of the city pouring into her cozy little shop in the downtown core of Polis–
 “Be with you in a moment,” Lexa called into dim of the shop front, finishing her page and sliding in the crumpled hardware shop receipt that was currently serving as her bookmark.
Shutting the worn red cover and pushing into the side of the desk, Lexa turned her face up expectantly, expecting to see the usual harried boyfriend rushing for a bouquet or dutiful partner coming in to buy flowers for their beloved. Instead, she was met with the bluest pair of eyes she’d ever met, and a sweet dimple placed slightly off kilter in a beautiful chin. The owner of these two wonderful features looked down on her amusedly, a slight smile touching her face as she slid a black knit cap off of golden hair into a wool coat pocket. 
“Not interrupting, am I?” the girl spoke, a wonderfully raspy voice emerging from a pair of rosebud lips as she carefully made her way through the various buckets of water that were on the shop floor, all filled to bursting with colorful sprays of flowers in every shape and size. 
Lexa floundered slightly as she shot off of her stool, the worn wooden seat creaking in betrayal as it nearly tipped over with the force of her velocity. Blushing furiously, Lexa scrabbles to find some semblance of cool in front of this beautiful woman. 
“No, it’s all great, all good-” she manages to squeak out about two octaves higher than her normal register, blushing furiously as she tries to awkwardly clear her throat. The blonde quirks an amused eyebrow as she plants a hand on the worn wooden counter, looking around interestedly as Lexa silently berates herself for being the poster child of a Worthless Lesbian that Anya always teases her about. 
“I’m Lexa, I own this shop- how can I help you today…” Lexa trails off as she flicks her eyes meaningfully to the blue ones that sparkle in front of her, hoping she’s not being too blindingly obvious in how badly she’d like to know this woman’s name. 
“Clarke,” the goddess supplies, flashing a bright smile at Lexa as she drops her arms back to her sides after running a thoughtful fingers across a nearby blushing rose. 
“Clarke,” Lexa says again, enjoying how Clarke’s eyes crinkle when she smiles. She leans a hip against the counter, enjoying the sweet honeysuckle perfume that floats through the air when Clarke moves. 
“Lexa,” Clarke echoes as she leans onto the counter again, a sheet of wavy blonde hair spilling from behind her ear as her head tilts. “I have a favor to ask, I’m afraid.” Clarke fishes a hand in her pocket as she speaks, pulling her phone out as she stares at Lexa expectantly. 
“Anything,” Lexa breathes seriously, fighting back another blush as another grin steals across Clarke’s pink cheeks. Fighting the urge to go slam her head into the workroom’s wall, Lexa rallies as she bends over the counter to peek at the glass phone screen Clarke is brandishing expectantly at her. 
Her eyebrows draw together confusedly as she focuses on the small screen in front of her, tilting her head to avoid the glare that’s shining off the fluorescent glare of the shop lights. 
“It’s a Thai Constellation Monstera, and a beautiful one,” Lexa says appreciatively as she hands the phone back, marveling at the large, white-flecked variegated plant that takes up the entirety of the phone screen, potted in a beautiful terracotta pot. “That probably cost an arm and a leg.” 
“Yes, that’s the problem,” Clarke grumbles as she stows her phone away again, expression akin to a flaxen-haired thundercloud.  Lexa quirks an eye amusedly as she moves from the other side of the counter, bending to straighten a blush rose arrangement before moving to grab some greenery arrangements she needs for a wedding bouquet she’s making for a client this week. 
Clarke blows a strand of hair out of her face as she follows Lexa around the shop, watching as Lexa collects fine clusters of white baby’s breath, swatches of Eucalyptus, and piles of shiny green leaves before heading back to the counter and dumping her spoils on the weathered surface. She snips a few lengths of twine as she methodically begins to sort through the pile to start the centerpieces, waiting patiently for Clarke to finish her thought. 
Clarke picks up a strand of twine and begins toying with it as she speaks, watching Lexa work. 
“My gallery owner gave it to me as a congratulations project for landing a huge gallery spotlight and increasing my clientele, but I didn’t know how to tell him I can barely keep myself alive, let alone a plant that costs more than a month’s groceries,” Clarke mutters, raking an aggravated hand through her hair as she moves her gaze up to fix Lexa with a pleading look. Lexa hides a smile as she meets Clarke’s gaze, neatly tying off another flower bundle with a flourish. 
“Ok, and,” Lexa prompts, at a loss. Judging by Clarke’s reaction, she thought it wise to not tell her that the particular plant she had probably cost two month’s worth of groceries.  “Would you like some tips, ownership tricks?” 
“Yes, please,” Clarke breathed, relief smoothing out her crumbled brow. “That would be fantastic.”
She and Lexa beam at each other for a moment as Clarke jams her hat back on her head, taking a hasty glance at her watch before moving towards the door. 
“I have a curator appointment in fifteen minutes, otherwise I’d love to stay,” Clarke says regretfully, one hand hovering on the door handle. “Can I drop by tomorrow to give you my address, and we can set up a date?”
It’s Lexa’s turn to look confused as she gapes at Clarke for a moment. Did she say a date?
“Your address…?” Lexa asks confusedly, reaching for her stool as she takes a hesitant seat. 
“Yeah,” Clarke says hesitantly as she takes a step back into the shop, the door closing, a gush of late-autumn air swirling through the air as it does. Lexa shivers slightly, pulling her sweater sleeves over her hands. “I was hoping you could….come over? And look at the plant, and walk me through what to do and what special plant things to buy? I have only successfully kept like two cacti alive before this, and that’s only because my best friend tells me they thrive on neglect.” 
Clarke twists her hands in front of her as she trails off, still looking hopefully at Lexa with those huge doe eyes. Lexa snaps her mouth shut as she nods once, still scrambling for words. 
“I- yeah, sure,” Lexa manages to choke out, slamming her mouth shut before she says something dopey like “please can I take you on a date, you’re gorgeous and I want to worship the ground you walk on, even if you are a self-professed plant killer.”
A smile breaks across Clarke’s face, sunshine after a heavy rainstorm. She prompts the door open again with a foot, looking apologetically across the store as Lexa shivers again. 
“It’s a date,” Clarke says with a wink, stepping so that only a slender hand props open the door. “I’ll drop off my address and number tomorrow and we can set something up. Do you have any allergies, by the way?”
“Yeah, sounds good, no allergies,” Lexa parrots back before she processes what Clarke said, the door rattling shut as Clarke walks off down the sidewalk with a smile on her face. Wait, what? Lexa vaults over the counter, barely clearing the flowers before she hits the ground running. She throws open the door, poking her head out and looking frantically in each direction before spotting a black beanie a few meters away. 
“Wait, CLARKE!” Lexa yells down the sidewalk, giving a frantic smile to the woman who dodges her with a thin lipped grimace. Lexa is hanging out of her shop’s doorway like she’s flagging down a plane, garnering more than a few weird looks as she does so. Clarke turns and walks back a few steps towards Lexa, raising her eyebrows in the universal “yes, and,” gesture.
“Sorry, I know you’re late, but, allergies?” Lexa manages to splutter out. She’s never been as thrown off by someone she just met, and that’s saying something as her brother is dating Octavia, the human version of the energizer bunny. 
“Yeah, allergies,” Clarke laughs as she pulls gloves out of her pocket and puts them on as she talks, the nip of the afternoon biting pink onto her cute sloped nose. ‘“I can’t let good looking girls fix my plant problems without wining and dining them, now can I? As long as that’s ok?” Clarke looks slightly concerned as she finishes her sentence, clearly nervous that she’s overstepped. 
“Yeah,” Lexa breathes as an involuntary smile cracks her face. “That’d be great- I’d love to.” 
Clarke ducks her head a little, a blush stealing across her cheeks before she makes eye contact with Lexa again. 
“It’s a date, then.” 
Lexa watches for a minute as Clarke breaks into a sprint down the street, giving a little wave as she heads off, clearly almost late to her meeting. Smiling to herself, Lexa turns to head back into the shop, a little extra bounce in her step. 
If the next few customers get extra roses in their bouquets, they’re certainly not complaining.
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strangetorpedos · 1 year
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[Image Description: A litstack of 10 screenshots.
1: “I am half afraid to hope for what I long for.”
2. XX. i want you to love me / fiona apple
“i’ve waited many years / every print i left upon the track, has led me here”
what it represents: nox’s desire to be loved & to be wanted. especially after leaving home, there was a lot of loneliness involved with that, and they really just want to have some sort of solid connection.
3. Travis Bickle: Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There’s no escape. I am God’s lonely man.
4. describe it to them. You find ways to say, “You don’t want any part of this mess. I’m mediocre, aging rapidly, and poor. Do yourself a favor and leave me behind.” You want to be left behind, though. That way, no one bears witness to what you’ve become.
5. (all caps) They need to be friends
simply all the pcs growing up lonely for such radically different reasons
6: Without you, I am surely the last of our kind
Without you, I am surely the last of my kind
7: A text post reply from @creacherkeeper : okay i know you reblogged this from me but “literally cosmically-defined not cut out for greatness but you simply have to save the world anyway because we need you and there’s no one else” is something that can be soooooo
8: ME: How do you feel, now that we’ve traded hands?
YOU: Oh.
[YOU looks at ME’s hands, which are now YOU’s hands, & vice versa. YOU bends the fingers, closing the hands, turning them from hands into fists & then back again.]
YOU: I guess I feel much the same.
ME: Still scared?
YOU: Yes.
ME: Me too.
9: A series of discord messages between archats and rosebudded
(archats) theo: yeah 😬😬 at least none of us. died?
(rosebudded) nox: true! could’ve been much worse
nox: glad you’re holding up okay :)
10: I did all the jobs on my list
And enjoyed them and had some time over.
I love you. I’m glad I exist.
End image description]
emily dickinson / nox playlist / taxi driver / i’m broke and mostly friendless, and i’ve wasted my whole life / @creacherkeeper / lucy dacus / @creacherkeeper / a one act play in which not all problems can be solved, & not all problems are problems, but even so, some are / @strangetorpedos and @beatricexbenedick / wendy cope
library of lensa on love, loneliness, and duty
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yanceyaaronj · 18 days
Winnie Cooper
Bomani implied self published authors have no readers Possibly We shall see Rosebud rants return Taxi typing Distracted dreaming Infinite inspiration These stories will not write themselves Hilton arriving Winnie Cooper conversing Delta departing Technically United But only she knows Goodbye Felicia Just had to be married Houston husband waiting See you later maybe Have fun…
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terrihockey · 2 years
Pica syndrome first discover
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Pica syndrome first discover series#
“It’s really common for veterinarians to find things swallowed by pets that their owners didn’t know or believe were missing - from kid toys to human medications to women’s underwear.” That is the very best way to help a veterinarian diagnose and treat the symptoms,” says Dr. “Look around the house and yard to try and figure out what your pet ate. You can help your vet properly diagnose the condition by paying attention to your dog’s habits. The general diagnosis for pica in dogs is the behavior itself. Some prescription medications that can cause pica due to an increase in appetite include: Non-behavioral medical reasons for pet pica include: “These are dogs that generally wouldn’t swallow those items if they weren’t ‘competing’ with another animal.” “Some dogs are possessive of things and will purposefully or accidentally eat and swallow a toy if they perceive that another dog or pet wants that thing,” says Dr.
Boredom (lack of mental and physical stimulation).
If the root cause of the pica is psychological, behavior modifications may offer a solution. In most cases, pica in dogs is a behavioral problem.
Coughing or sneezing (if the item blocks their respiratory tract).
But if you don’t catch him in the act, your dog can exhibit the following signs after ingesting a foreign object: The most obvious symptom of pica is observing your dog consuming non-food items. The first step to solving your dog’s pica problem is identifying if he has one in the first place. Dennis Chmiel, DVM, MBA, founder of ClueJay, says. “Depending on the item the dog consumes, really bad things can happen, like multiple areas of intestinal lacerations from balloon string or floss throat area punctures caused by wood fragments from sticks or poisoning if the substance is toxic, like batteries or cleaning products,” Dr. Related: What Your Dog’s Poop Says About His Health Ingesting non-food objects can lead to poisoning, blockages, choking, and other problems. Whatever the culprit is behind your pup’s strange snacking obsession, pica can pose a serious health risk to your dog. Pica is generally a psychological issue for dogs, but it can also be caused by poor nutrition or underlying medical conditions. Pica is a compulsive condition that compels our dog to eat non-food items, including dirt, fabrics, metal, plastic, paper, rocks, and even poop. Starring: Serena, Aubrey Nichols, John Holmes, Jamie Gillis, Seka, Johnnie Keyes, Eileen Wells, Mike Rangerġ979 / 172 min (combined) / 1.Have you ever caught your dog dining on dirt, chewing on carpet or gnawing on socks? While you might find your pooch’s consumption choices weird or disgusting, this behavior can be downright dangerous. When Mary-Lou (Seka) and Rosebud (Serena), two working girls in the Old West, are accidentally shot to death during a duel, they’re revived from the dead by The Devil (Johnnie Keyes) and given an opportunity to be admitted into hooker heaven (aka, Hell) if they’re able to corrupt a group of virginal sorority girls who have taken up residence in a former brothel! A completely wild sex comedy which co-stars Jamie Gillis, Eileen Wells, and Mike Ranger, HEAVENLY DESIRE is presented in a new restoration of its 35mm original negative. But as their ridership exponentially grows, a group of chauvinistic hacks begin to plot a dastardly revenge… Starring Nancy Suiter and featuring supporting performances from Serena, Aubrey Nichols, John Holmes, and Jamie Gillis, TAXI GIRLS has been newly restored from its 35mm original negative. When a group of Los Angeles street prostitutes decide that they’ve had enough hassles with the law, they come up with an ingenious plan to increase business while reducing busts: open a sex themed taxi service. But beyond their infamous marketing, Jaacovi proved himself to be adept at crafting slick, clever, and effortlessly entertaining films, the two best of which are offered here in their fully uncensored versions.
Pica syndrome first discover series#
Israeli immigrant Jaacov Jaacovi rose to fame in the late 70s through a series of ambitious hardcore comedies, which capitalized on the ‘similarity’ of their lead actresses with those of popular Hollywood starlets. This special limited edition embossed slipcover (designed by Earl Kessler Jr.) is limited to 2,000 units and is only available here at !
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simblrinterests · 5 years
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Aurora: I said I wasn’t going to do this.
Chant: Do what?
Aurora: Fall for the first berry who told me I was pretty.
Chant: I highly doubt I’m the first berry to say that to you.
Aurora: All I wanted to do tonight was get a few people to look at my screenplay and to survive this evening.  Chant, you’re making that very hard.
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rvmmm21 · 3 years
[ V V S her diamonds ] – ch 03.
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[4:15 p.m.] Disappointment tweaks at Seungwan’s heart when she peers through the huge glass window of their study cafe and sees no Bae Joohyun. 
. . . . .
A group of students are huddled in the back, bent over open textbooks, laptops and scattered stationary. 
Yerimie, Saeron, Seul, wow, there’s Jennie sunbaenim. And she spies Sooyoung sunbaenim balancing a tray of various caffeine-injected drinks back to the table.
A sad sigh escapes her lips. Perhaps she’s l–
Oh my g– what the–?! Seungwan screams, whipping around in shock at the fingers gently resting on the back of her shoulder. She’s met with a slightly surprised Joohyun, standing there wearing a cream Jute blouse tucked into denim jeans, twinkling eyes and endless amusement etched into rosebud lips. 
“S-Sunbae!” She exclaims, grasping her chest to calm her rapid-fire heart. “Y-You’re here, I was just–”
What, peering through the glass, looking for you like a creep? 
“It’s fine,” Joohyun chuckles, adjusting her hold on the stack of thick notebooks cradled in her arm and motioning for the younger girl to lead the way. “Let’s go. This is heavy.”
Thursdays might’ve found an unexpected favour with Son Seungwan.
Busy eyes move from annotating to the two girls urgently making their way over, the students lifting their heads at Seungwan’s warm greeting. 
“Sorry we’re late,” she sincerely apologises. 
Jennie knowingly eyes her friend. “Not surprised.” 
Joohyun raises her a playfully challenging brow before slipping into the free seat next to Sooyoung at the end of the table, right across her partner.
“You ordering anything, Wan?” Seulgi asks between highlighting her page, offering her and Joohyun biscuits in individually wrapped aluminium packets.
Joohyun takes one and Seungwan nibbles on the edge of her biscuit, deep in thought. The group soon slips into the robotic rhythm of monochromatic scribbling, greyscale note-taking, typing, and intermittent snacking. Jennie slips away to order small desserts for everyone at the table. They thank her with shocked bows and hungry stares, unable to settle on one in the garland of appetising coloured treats on the tiny table.
“Sunbae, you’re like Santa Claus,” Seulgi happily attacks the New York baked cheesecake. “When did you order this? It’s like we were asleep and we just woke up to presents!”
Her bearish enthusiasm has an observant Sooyoung unconsciously smiling around her fork.
As the group tucks in, Seungwan thinks a group study date is the safest she can be in terms of being on the receiving end of any more of her senior’s teasing mannerisms.
Fortunately, Joohyun always surprises her.
A little later on, they’re discussing the historical impact of contemporary Korean literature. Right in the middle of a sentence, Seungwan’s concentration is shattered by a deep blush of raspberry when she feels a feather-light graze against her right Adidas sweatpant leg. She chokes, almond eyes shooting up from messy essay notes, silently begging for mercy. But of course, Joohyun’s serene, unbothered expression gives nothing away as she continues to ask for her opinion as though Seungwan is crazy for looking like a flustered mess. 
The frazzled junior doesn’t know what makes her head spin more; the fact that Joohyun, composed as ever, initiated a game of footsie right under both their friends’ noses in public… or that she secretly enjoys it.
Not that she’ll ever admit to the latter.
Small fists corkscrew the sleeves of her sky-blue Chrome Hearts hoodie as the desperation to hide the cherry-blossom tint in her cheeks builds.
. . . . .
It’s past midnight by the time they’re done, and everyone bids goodbye with ‘Z’s coming out of their ears. Much to everyone’s surprise, Sooyoung and Seulgi got along pretty well this evening and the taller girl had hastily agreed when Seulgi suggested they visit her favourite boba place. Yerim and Saeron were late for their movie, and Jennie was spending the weekend at her girlfriends’.
“Wait, are we dumb? Why did we book this now,” Saeron asks incredulously, “aren’t you gonna get wrecked by grumpy ajumma? Curfew ended like ten minutes ago.”
“Ah who cares, she’s always like that,” Yerim retorts with a dismissive wave. “I could fill a prison wall with how many strikes she’s given me and Seungwan and Seulgi unnie.” She slings an arm over Saeron’s shoulder, urging them to hurry. “C’mon, ads don’t take forever.”
“Wan-ah,” Seulgi calls back as she’s being dragged away by an eager Sooyoung, “if you order pizza can you leave some out for me!”
“Yeah, yeah. Enjoy. Don’t wake me up.”
“Hyun-ah, you sure you’re not coming?” Jennie’s sleek midnight-black Vetements cardigan blends with the hues of the night sky, giving away how late it is. She swipes into her messages. “Chaeng said she doesn’t mind.” 
Joohyun laughs with mock disgust. “Thanks Jen, but I’m not crashing your date-nights anymore, thank you very much. I saw enough the last time, my eyes can’t take that kind of stuff.”
Waving goodbye, Jennie and Chaeyoung speed off, leaving Seungwan wondering what ‘kind of stuff’ Joohyun could be referring to.
The pair are drawn to the horribly lit bus stop and just about the only source of light for miles. 
Seungwan yawns silently, but she doesn’t mind waiting with Joohyun. It’s late and although her apartment is in the opposite direction, she’d be at ease knowing her friend got home safely.
The darkness is engulfing, allowing an overhead street lamp to bathe them in its flicking spotlight like stars in a West End Production. 
“We were pretty productive today, sunbae,” the younger tries to make conversation to fill the space between them. “Do you wanna come for next week’s session too?”
“Sure,” comes the reply. “Thanks for waiting with me. When’s your ride getting here? We should’ve booked at the same time.”
Seungwan nervously scratches the back of her neck, crinkling her worksheets in her grip. “Uh, I’m just walking home tonight actually.”
“Oh? Do you live closeby?” she asks in surprise, assuming they were both waiting for taxis.
“Ah, yes, I’m just– it’s just down there.”
Joohyun narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Down there… where.”
“Just a quick walk, past… past the duck pond,” the girl mumbles, staring down at her shoes.
“Q-Quick? Quick?” Joohyun stutters, malfunctioning at their severely clashing definitions of ‘close’. A delicate fist draws back and Seungwan flinches, Bae Joohyun looking closer and closer to doing what she did to Lucas to her poor, startled junior. “The duck pond near uni? Yah, Son Seungwan, that’s almost a twenty minute walk from here.” 
“Fifteen if I have my speed walking playlist on,” Seungwan tries, but she isn’t listening.
“A lot of dangerous things can happen in twenty minutes, you know.” She hurriedly unlocks her phone and clicks into the KakaoTaxi app, altering the destination to add a stop and shoving it into reluctant hands. “Hurry, put your address in.” 
Seungwan so badly wants to politely decline, not confident in her ability to sit in a moving vehicle with such a pretty person without hurling herself out the window at top speeds. But the latter’s glare dares her to try.
With shaky fingers, she successfully types in her address after three tries and hands it back. Joohyun checks it and confirms the change. Seungwan wants to comment on how her frantic nature is actually really endearing, but she resists, thinking she’s still cooling off from it.
“Thank you, sunbae,” she bows instead. She even tries to insist she pay her share of the ride, but Joohyun refuses, saying it’s what she gets for thinking it was a good idea to walk home alone.
Finally, a black Sedan pulls up to the curb and the driver winds down his window. “KakaoBlack for Bae Joohyun?” He checks, looking as ready as both girls are to go home and crash for the night. 
The girl nods, opening the door for Seungwan to get into the backseat and climbing in after her.
Grand streaks of neon dance across the car windows, falling behind as quickly as they appear. Seungwan tears her gaze from the rapid city lights when she hears her name. 
An almost child-like excitement masks Joohyun’s usually steely features when Seungwan hums questioningly, not having heard what she’d said. “I said unnie,” she repeats, “you should call me unnie now that we’re closer. Honestly, I wanted to correct you this evening, but I never got the chance to. Aish, everyone was so noisy.”
The topic of noise has Joohyun distracted, suddenly popping off on a tangent about how sound-proof couple study rooms should be integrated in cafes and student-dense areas alike. But Seungwan finds it hard to focus on anything other than those glowing eyes and that tiny, lopsided smile.
For the rest of the journey, the two exchange stories of their university life experiences, life outside classrooms and even a few laughs; mostly on Joohyun’s part at how Seungwan seems to have the most prankish roommates slash best friends in the world. She loses it at ‘carbonara shampoo’, finding the idea wickedly genius and hilariously absurd altogether. Uncontrollable cackling booms in the backseat and Seungwan can’t help but giggle too, ears saturated with Joohyun’s chimerical laughter.
Eventually, the street lights and the houses start looking familiar and they’re pulled into a student apartment lobby before either of them knows where the time went. Joohyun can see the grumpy ajumma at reception wearing a frown, but she doesn't know it’s because someone’s gone over curfew. Again.
“Goodnight Seungwan.”
“Goodnight… unnie.” Seungwan wishes, ignoring the way their new closeness unfolds her heart like a secretly passed note. “Stay safe, and message me when you get back!”
Making to get out of the car, she flinches when she’s unable to fully stand up. Gulping, she glances over her shoulder to see Joohyun holding her back by her bag straps. In her sleepy state, the younger can’t tell if that intently searching gaze is serious or not.
“By the way, when you were looking into the cafe from outside this evening, you weren’t checking Jennie or Sooyoung out, were you?”
Seungwan shakes her head truthfully. “Why?”
“Good.” A cat-like smirk graces her lips and Seungwan’s stomach drops. “Just making sure.”
. . . . .
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Movie Quotes for Thread Titles 1.0
Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. GONE WITH THE WIND
I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. GODFATHER, THE
Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. WIZARD OF OZ, THE 1939
Here's looking at you, kid. CASABLANCA 1942
Go ahead, make my day. SUDDEN IMPACT 1983
May the Force be with you. STAR WARS
You talking to me? TAXI DRIVER
What we've got here is failure to communicate. COOL HAND LUKE
Love means never having to say you're sorry. LOVE STORY
The stuff that dreams are made of. MALTESE FALCON, THE
Made it, Ma! Top of the world! WHITE HEAT
I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! NETWORK
Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. CASABLANCA
There's no place like home. WIZARD OF OZ, THE
Show me the money! JERRY MAGUIRE
Why don't you come up sometime and see me? SHE DONE HIM WRONG
I'm walking here! I'm walking here! MIDNIGHT COWBOY
You can't handle the truth! FEW GOOD MEN, A
I want to be alone. GRAND HOTEL
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clatteriing · 5 years
Savage the rain falling on this orchid shop in mongkok. On great stone blocks, bound & staked, Arcs of blushing indigo & red-veined Tangerine. My mouth throbs. Metallic harbor steam rises off our skin, Fogging up humid & cold January windows. We stick to everything. There’s no more space between. There’s no price I’ll understand For the little tiger orchid Fanning Long flaxen petals From magenta-striped buds Behind padlocked glass, Potted in terra cotta Upon golden dais. My mouth throbs When you ask how much I think how much Could it be. We came from eight thousand miles away & sixteen Hours without sleep. Taxied straightaway, Your mother scrubbing the red stain From my lips. Dark woolen dress pricking my skin. Welts. Thorns. Turbulence Tossing us around A wasp-waist stall on the plane. You wiped our faces with inadvisable water from its sink. I jammed mascara in my eye & tried best to hide The tears in my drugstore nylons Between the choir’s funerary hymns, As we rounded the glass casket, Your uncle’s face Open & blushing Beneath the fog within The glass, his lips slightly parted His eyes open His eyes open Couldn’t sleep We wandered the streets All evening All morning The streets a gyre of grey fluorescence & viridescent heat There’s no more space between us How much you ask how much do I think Oh to put a price on what is rare & native only to here Behind lock & key No export No selling No touching― But this was not your uncle’s thinking. You say you lost track of the times He rounded north the taiga, Loved All its unwelcoming, Its polar twilight & shifting ice. How life is drawn from water. How nature gets rid of the strong & the weak. How long would he stand here Staring into the glass Whispering Of permafrost & arctic foxes, what shadows Lie beneath the amaranthine levels of sea.
from What Hangs on the Side of the Mouth by Rosebud Ben-Oni
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rosebudtaxi · 3 months
Corporate Taxi Melbourne
Rosebud Taxi is aware of how important it is to have flawless business trip plans. We want to improve your business travels with professionalism, timeliness, and comfort by providing our devoted corporate taxi services in Melbourne. Rosebud Taxi guarantees affordable and dependable taxi services in Rosebud, Victoria. Our first goal is passenger safety, and thats the reason we take pride in providing our clients with top-notch service by following industry best practices and with the help of our knowledgeable crew. In every phase of our business taxi service, we are committed to placing a high value on professionalism and timeliness. Our drivers are experienced in meeting deadlines, so you can be sure you'll get to your destination on time. We guarantee to be there for you whenever you need us, thanks to our sophisticated booking choices and real-time tracking.
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Experience traveling for business in Melbourne with Rosebud Taxi. Try our customized Corporate Taxi Melbourne to see the difference, and allow us to become your reliable transportation partner. Get in touch with us right now by contacting us at 0401 802 191 to schedule your upcoming business trip. with the help of our highly skilled drivers who uphold the highest standards of professionalism, we provide safe and secure travel for passengers, with their extensive knowledge, they know all of Mornington's major attractions and neighbourhoods, enabling them to provide our guests with an amazing experience. We provide cab services all day and all night. Our goal is to always be of assistance to you. We offer the most trustworthy, effective, and immaculate corporate taxi service in Melbourne City. Savour our business-class service, which includes comfortable cars, more legroom, and knowledgeable, professional drivers.
Our reliable and affordable services
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2. We recognize that business travel frequently takes place after regular work hours. Because of this, Corporate Taxi Melbourne committed customer service team is here to help you with any questions or unique requests you may have, whenever you need them. whether you're going to corporate events, conferences, or business meetings. We recognize that managing a business's rigorous schedule and accounting constraints might be challenging, but fear not! We'll make sure you can easily handle them.
3. Business travel doesn't have to be a hassle. Savour the luxury and convenience you are entitled to with Rosebud Taxi. We have a variety of cars in our fleet, from sedans to SUVs, all with contemporary conveniences for a comfortable ride. While we handle the rest, you can unwind, concentrate on your business, and sit back. In a short amount of time, professional drivers will guarantee a trouble-free and seamless trip for you.
4. Transparency is essential at Rosebud Taxi. For our business taxi services, we think it's important to offer clear, affordable prices up front. You can rely on us to provide honest pricing that is within your company's budget, free from any surprises or hidden costs. Our vast array of regular, premium, SUV, and Maxi Van services allows us to accommodate a wide spectrum of people.
5. We promise top-notch customer support in addition to a transport service in immaculate vehicles. Our divers can find the shortest route to your destination because they are familiar with every route in the city, which will save you money on transportation.
The best corporate taxi service
Our firm has a wide variety of taxis and automobile models in store so that we may provide Corporate Taxi Mornington clients with what they deserve, not simply what they need. Our large fleet of vehicles allows us to accommodate the transportation needs of any number of passengers. With taxi in mornington core principles of integrity, promptness, and customer satisfaction, experience the difference with our customized business solutions and allow us to become your reliable transportation partner. To schedule your next business trip, get in touch with us right now. We can assist you with any last-minute schedule changes or unique lodging needs to make sure your business trip is hassle-free.
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viviennescircle · 5 years
ASOUE Final Thoughts
1) Disappointed we never saw Jacquelyn/”R”/Duchess of Winnipeg. I always liked the illustration in the Grim Grotto with her swimming away with the sugar bowl... having Quigley recover it was fine, I guess, but a bit disappointing. We don’t know what happened to Jacquelyn, right? Or am I missing something
2) Missed the ambiguity of the “Great Unknown” swallowing up everybody from Hotel Denouement. The show basically confirmed Carmelita, Nero, Esme, Jerome, Babs, and Mr. Poe all die in the fire, and I did like the whole message of not listening to children/general adult lunacy having consequences, but reading the book I just got this image of the radar showing the question mark swallowing up an icon for the hotel or an escape vehicle and I missed that. I wish the Great Unknown was at least brought back some way.
3) Who is running the city? With all the house fires, is there not a literal fire department outside of VFD? What kind of government is this? Also, who’ll clean up the wreckage of apocalyptic proportions? Who/what is left? What is waiting for the Baudelaires when they return to the mainland?
4) The taxi driver’s name is Ishmael but he’s not THE Ishmael? Didn’t like that.
5) The Slippery Slope was excellent, and there were parts of The Grim Grotto and The Penultimate Peril I liked.
6) Like the book, The End is just so bizarre. It ends so optimistic and vibrant, where at least the book left you feeling like the world is never black and white, and no one truly has a happy ending. The book made me think of this quote by Juliana Baggott, “The sky is like a bruise. Only a storm will heal it.” The book was weird, but it didn’t feel so aesthetically different because I was imagining grayish sand, a mildly cloudy sky, no bright sun, no island sunsets... I was imagining a beach from the east coast of the US or UK, not something super tropical, I guess. The bright oranges and blues of the last episode of the show were so jarring and clashed with the aesthetic the show established. I felt a little bit like this during scenes of TPP, namely on the roof and in the sterile laundry room, since they didn’t match the colors of the sumptuous hotel lobby. Season 2 did such an amazing job (especially The Austere Academy, The Vile Village, The Hostile Hospital, and The Carnivorous Carnival) with the colorization and setting, so the end of Season 3 was a bit of a letdown.
7) I’m sorry, but the only romance I bought in this show was Kit and Dewey. Kit and Olaf were already weird in the book (though they were ok in the flashback scenes), any romance involving the kids feels forced, and I can’t get behind Lemony and Beatrice because Patrick Warburton is Kronk and his eyebrows looked whack. Also, really awkward in the excess sincerity of his lines. 
8) Not gonna lie, the trial scene was a bit of a letdown, but mainly because I could see the evil plan set up with the Woman with No Beard and Man with No Hair from a mile away (instead of being surprised like the Baudelaires), the colors and lighting were giving me a weird vibe, and it seemed a little disorganized. I was bothered that Justice Strauss wasn’t with the other judges, that was an odd setup and it made me uncomfortable? Just me?
9) The “rosebud” line had me dying. Hands down one of the best in the entire series.
10) Fernald has an amazing redemption arc, but I wish they didn’t explicitly show us he and Fiona survived. Same with the Quagmires. That being said, Usman Ally was great and I loved his scenes with Sunny.
11) Presley Smith is such a little diva, her facial expressions were ADORABLE, and she’s easily the best character in the show (though Carmelita is fantastic in the Slippery Slope).
12) I love Kitana Turnbull, and she was a great pick for Carmelita, but she got more annoying once she joined with Esme, and was kind of grating in TPP when her lines stopped being funny? Maybe? Or when she stopped wearing solid pink? Not a fan of the outfit with the yellow.
13) I loved the scene with Mrs. Bass in TSS, but where was she in TPP? And Mr. Remora? And Charles and Sir? (To be fair, Sir was likely mentioned by Jerome and Mrs. Bass by Babs.) 
14) The sugar bowl was a bit disappointing, since I like snicketsleuth’s theory of a recording device with incriminating evidence being inside so much. 
15) I wish they actually named the Incredibly Deadly Viper “Ink”, I liked that.
16) So, did Esme and Olaf see that Beatrice was actually the one to shoot Olaf’s dad? Was Olaf’s dad like, the leader of VFD? Did Beatrice intend to kill Esme with that dart? If Esme and Olaf knew it was Beatrice who killed Olaf’s dad, that would make sense why they both had it out for the Baudelaires, but why didn’t they tell people it was Beatrice’s dart instead of letting Lemony take the blame? 
17) What happened to the fire at Winnipeg? Did Beatrice die there? Or just Jacquelyn? If Beatrice wasn’t there and didn’t die there, why do we hear about it in the book? What’s its significance? Like, I’m fine with Quigley being the person Jacques mentioned on the Snicket File, but I need some elaboration there, and the show just cut that whole plot line out. 
I’m sure I’ll add more thoughts later... to be continued...
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kpforpresident · 2 years
Clarke inherits expensive plants. Clarke does not know how to care for plants. Lexa, local nursery owner, proceeds to short circuit.
The door chimed, a cheery little note that pulled Lexa out from where she was intently reading, chin propped up in her palms. She sat up from her slouch, absentmindedly reaching out a thoughtful hand to reach for a rapidly-cooling cup of coffee as her eyes scanned the page, flicking over the words she had read dozens of times before. Lexa took a sip as she sat up straighter, pasting on her megawatt customer service smile as the shoes got closer, eyes still glued to her page. 
 Lexa’s finger pressed into the ink of her current line that her eyes were currently following as she raised her voice to be heard over the influx of noise that rushed into the shop with the door now opened- taxis honking, vendors selling their wares, the hustle of the city pouring into her cozy little shop in the downtown core of Polis–
 “Be with you in a moment,” Lexa called into dim of the shop front, finishing her page and sliding in the crumpled hardware shop receipt that was currently serving as her bookmark.
Shutting the worn red cover and pushing into the side of the desk, Lexa turned her face up expectantly, expecting to see the usual harried boyfriend rushing for a bouquet or dutiful partner coming in to buy flowers for their beloved. Instead, she was met with the bluest pair of eyes she’d ever met, and a sweet dimple placed slightly off kilter in a beautiful chin. The owner of these two wonderful features looked down on her amusedly, a slight smile touching her face as she slid a black knit cap off of golden hair into a wool coat pocket. 
“Not interrupting, am I?” the girl spoke, a wonderfully raspy voice emerging from a pair of rosebud lips as she carefully made her way through the various buckets of water that were on the shop floor, all filled to bursting with colorful sprays of flowers in every shape and size. 
Lexa floundered slightly as she shot off of her stool, the worn wooden seat creaking in betrayal as it nearly tipped over with the force of her velocity. Blushing furiously, Lexa scrabbles to find some semblance of cool in front of this beautiful woman. 
“No, it’s all great, all good-” she manages to squeak out about two octaves higher than her normal register, blushing furiously as she tries to awkwardly clear her throat. The blonde quirks an amused eyebrow as she plants a hand on the worn wooden counter, looking around interestedly as Lexa silently berates herself for being the poster child of a Worthless Lesbian that Anya always teases her about. 
“I’m Lexa, I own this shop- how can I help you today…” Lexa trails off as she flicks her eyes meaningfully to the blue ones that sparkle in front of her, hoping she’s not being too blindingly obvious in how badly she’d like to know this woman’s name. 
“Clarke,” the goddess supplies, flashing a bright smile at Lexa as she drops her arms back to her sides after running a thoughtful fingers across a nearby blushing rose. 
“Clarke,” Lexa says again, enjoying how Clarke’s eyes crinkle when she smiles. She leans a hip against the counter, enjoying the sweet honeysuckle perfume that floats through the air when Clarke moves. 
“Lexa,” Clarke echoes as she leans onto the counter again, a sheet of wavy blonde hair spilling from behind her ear as her head tilts. “I have a favor to ask, I’m afraid.” Clarke fishes a hand in her pocket as she speaks, pulling her phone out as she stares at Lexa expectantly. 
“Anything,” Lexa breathes seriously, fighting back another blush as another grin steals across Clarke’s pink cheeks. Fighting the urge to go slam her head into the workroom’s wall, Lexa rallies as she bends over the counter to peek at the glass phone screen Clarke is brandishing expectantly at her. 
Her eyebrows draw together confusedly as she focuses on the small screen in front of her, tilting her head to avoid the glare that’s shining off the fluorescent glare of the shop lights. 
“It’s a Thai Constellation Monstera, and a beautiful one,” Lexa says appreciatively as she hands the phone back, marveling at the large, white-flecked variegated plant that takes up the entirety of the phone screen, potted in a beautiful terracotta pot. “That probably cost an arm and a leg.” 
“Yes, that’s the problem,” Clarke grumbles as she stowes her phone away again, expression akin to a flaxen-haired thundercloud.  Lexa quirks an eye amusedly as she moves from the other side of the counter, bending to straighten a blush rose arrangement before moving to grab some greenery arrangements she needs for a wedding bouquet she’s making for a client this week. 
Clarke blows a strand of hair out of her face as she follows Lexa around the shop, watching as Lexa collects fine clusters of white baby’s breath, swatches of Eucalyptus, and piles of shiny green leaves before heading back to the counter and dumping her spoils on the weathered surface. She snips a few lengths of twine as she methodically begins to sort through the pile to start the centerpieces, waiting patiently for Clarke to finish her thought. 
Clarke picks up a strand of twine and begins toying with it as she speaks, watching Lexa work. 
“My gallery owner gave it to me as a congratulations project for landing a huge gallery spotlight and increasing my clientele, but I didn’t know how to tell him I can barely keep myself alive, let alone a plant that costs more than a month’s groceries,” Clarke mutters, raking an aggravated hand through her hair as she moves her gaze up to fix Lexa with a pleading look. Lexa hides a smile as she meets Clarke’s gaze, neatly tying off another flower bundle with a flourish. 
“Ok, and,” Lexa prompts, at a loss. Judging by Clarke’s reaction, she thought it wise to not tell her that the particular plant she had probably cost two month’s worth of groceries.  “Would you like some tips, ownership tricks?” 
“Yes, please,” Clarke breathed, relief smoothing out her crumbled brow. “That would be fantastic.”
She and Lexa beam at each other for a moment as Clarke jams her hat back on her head, taking a hasty glance at her watch before moving towards the door. 
“I have a curator appointment in fifteen minutes, otherwise I’d love to stay,” Clarke says regretfully, one hand hovering on the door handle. “Can I drop by tomorrow to give you my address, and we can set up a date?”
It’s Lexa’s turn to look confused as she gapes at Clarke for a moment. Did she say a date?
“Your address…?” Lexa asks confusedly, reaching for her stool as she takes a hesitant seat. 
“Yeah,” Clarke says hesitantly as she takes a step back into the shop, the door closing, a gush of late-autumn air swirling through the air as it does. Lexa shivers slightly, pulling her sweater sleeves over her hands. “I was hoping you could….come over? And look at the plant, and walk me through what to do and what special plant things to buy? I have only successfully kept like two cacti alive before this, and that’s only because my best friend tells me they thrive on neglect.” 
Clarke twists her hands in front of her as she trails off, still looking hopefully at Lexa with those huge doe eyes. Lexa snaps her mouth shut as she nods once, still scrambling for words. 
“I- yeah, sure,” Lexa manages to choke out, slamming her mouth shut before she says something dopey like “please can I take you on a date, you’re gorgeous and I want to worship the ground you walk on, even if you are a self-professed plant killer.”
 A smile breaks across Clarke’s face, sunshine after a heavy rainstorm. She prompts the door open again with a foot, looking apologetically across the store as Lexa shivers again. 
“It’s a date,” Clarke says with a wink, stepping so that only a slender hand props open the door. “I’ll drop off my address and number tomorrow and we can set something up. Do you have any allergies, by the way?”
“Yeah, sounds good, no allergies,” Lexa parrots back before she processes what Clarke said, the door rattling shut as Clarke walks off down the sidewalk with a smile on her face. Wait, what? Lexa vaults over the counter, barely clearing the flowers before she hits the ground running. She throws open the door, poking her head out and looking frantically in each direction before spotting a black beanie a few meters away. 
“Wait, CLARKE!” Lexa yells down the sidewalk, giving a frantic smile to the woman who dodges her with a thin lipped grimace. Lexa is hanging out of her shop’s doorway like she’s flagging down a plane, garnering more than a few weird looks as she does so. Clarke turns and walks back a few steps towards Lexa, raising her eyebrows in the universal “yes, and,” gesture.
“Sorry, I know you’re late, but, allergies?” Lexa manages to splutter out. She’s never been as thrown off by someone she just met, and that’s saying something as her brother is dating Octavia, the human version of the energizer bunny. 
“Yeah, allergies,” Clarke laughs as she pulls gloves out of her pocket and puts them on as she talks, the nip of the afternoon biting pink onto her cute sloped nose. ‘“I can’t let good looking girls fix my plant problems without wining and dining them, now can I? As long as that’s ok?” Clarke looks slightly concerned as she finishes her sentence, clearly nervous that she’s overstepped. 
“Yeah,” Lexa breathes as an involuntary smile cracks her face. “That’d be great- I’d love to.” 
Clarke ducks her head a little, a blush stealing across her cheeks before she makes eye contact with Lexa again. 
“It’s a date, then.” 
Lexa watches for a minute as Clarke breaks into a sprint down the street, giving a little wave as she heads off, clearly almost late to her meeting. Smiling to herself, Lexa turns to head back into the shop, a little extra bounce in her step. 
If the next few customers get extra roses in their bouquets, they’re certainly not complaining.
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jefferyryanlong · 3 years
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FEEL with DJ Jeff Long - May 12, 2021
i haven’t seen a crocus or a rosebud
Walking in Space - Quincy Jones Bird Song - The Jones Boys (Quincy, Thad, Jimmy, Jo Eddie, Elvin) Soul Brothers - Milt Jackson and Ray Charles You Win Again - Ray Charles Agitation* - Miles Davis Bongili Work Song - Girls’ Chorus Lil’ Brother - Herbie Hancock Resolution - Mahavishnu Orchestra Salon Winds - Carlos Nino and Friends Premonition - Robert Tamaro It Might as Well Be Spring (live) - Ahmad Jamal It Might as Well Be Spring - Astrud Gilberto Don’t Stop the Carnival - Sonny Rollins Waters of March* - Sergio Mendes Three Is a Magic Number - Bob Dorough Memphis Soul Stew - King Curtis It’s Gonna Rain - Gentleman June Gardner Sally Go Round the Roses - The Jaynetts Gator Bait - The Gaturs Brown-Baggin - 24 Carat Black The Beat Goes On (live) - Gabor Szabo No Exit (live) - Pentangle Black Mountain Side - Led Zeppelin V. - Mimi and Richard Farina  She’s as Beautiful as a Foot - William Tyler Long Tailed Winter Bird - Paul McCartney Momma Miss America - Paul McCartney Ride Into the Sun - The Velvet Underground Think - Curtis Mayfield Blues in Elf - Don Ellis Theme in Search of a Movie - Eddie Harris Skeleton Tree - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Flight for Freedom - Oliver Nelson Angela (Them from Taxi) - Bob James You’ve Got to Learn to Let It Go - Sam Waymon
KTUH - 90.1 FM Honolulu, 91.1 FM North Shore, ktuh.org
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frankstoncabs · 4 years
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fabioferreiraroc · 4 years
Os 100 melhores filmes da história do cinema
A Bula reuniu em um ranking os 100 melhores filmes da história, listados pelo British Film Institute, organização filantrópica de incentivo às artes cinematográficas no Reino Unido. Descrita como “a maior pesquisa crítica de cinema de todos os tempos”, a seleção se diferencia por incluir clássicos de diferentes nacionalidades.
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O British Film Institute, organização filantrópica de incentivo às artes cinematográficas no Reino Unido, organizou em um ranking os 100 melhores filmes de toda a história. Descrita como “a maior pesquisa crítica de cinema de todos os tempos”, a seleção se diferencia por incluir clássicos de diferentes nacionalidades, com especial atenção aos longas europeus e asiáticos. Ao longo da lista, repetem-se grandes cineastas, como Orson Welles, Federico Fellini, Jean-Luc Godard, Fritz Lang, Andrei Tarkovski e Akira Kurosawa. No topo do ranking, estão filmes como “Era uma Vez em Tóquio” (1953), de Yasujiro Ozu; e “2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço” (1968), de Stanley Kubrick.
1 — Um Corpo Que Cai (1958), Alfred Hitchcock
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John Scottie, detetive aposentado de São Francisco, sofre de um apavorante medo de altura. Certo dia, um amigo pede a John que vigie sua esposa, Madeleine. Ele aceita a tarefa e começa a seguir a mulher por toda parte. Ela demonstra uma estranha atração por lugares altos, levando o detetive a enfrentar seus piores medos. John começa a acreditar que Madeleine possui problemas psicológicos e tendências suicidas. Aos poucos, ele se apaixona por ela.
2 — Cidadão Kane (1941), Orson Welles
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Supostamente baseado na vida do magnata da imprensa William Randolph Hearst, “Cidadão Kane” conta a história de Charles Foster Kane, um menino pobre que acaba se tornando um dos homens mais ricos do mundo. Antes de morrer, Kane pronuncia uma palavra desconhecida: “Rosebud”. Após semanas de sensacionalismo com a notícia da morte, o jornalista Jerry Thompson é encarregado de descobrir o significado da palavra, entrevistando as pessoas que conviviam com o empresário.
3 — Era uma Vez em Tóquio (1953), Yasujiro Ozu
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Shukichi e Tomi, um casal de idosos aposentados, deixam a caçula no interior para visitar os outros filhos em Tóquio, cidade que eles ainda não conhecem. Mas, os filhos trabalham muito, são ocupados e não dão atenção para os pais. A única que se preocupa com eles é a nora, Noriko, viúva de um dos filhos do casal. Mesmo gratos a Noriko, eles decidem ir embora antes da hora. Na volta para casa, Tomi fica gravemente doente.
4 — A Regra do Jogo (1939), de Jean Renoir
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Christine é uma austríaca que vive em Paris, casada com Robert há três anos. Antes de se casar, ela teve um caso com o famoso aviador André Jurieux, que ainda a ama. Secretamente, Robert tem uma amante, Geneviève. Ele deseja deixá-la, mas antes pede que ela compareça a uma festa que ele dará em sua residência no interior. Ao mesmo tempo, um amigo convence Robert a convidar André. Durante o fim de semana, várias tramas românticas se desenvolvem na casa de campo.
5 — Aurora (1927), F. W. Murnau
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Um fazendeiro decide matar sua mulher para fugir com a amante para a cidade. Ao descobrir as intenções cruéis do marido, a mulher fica aterrorizada e foge. Ele começa a persegui-la, mas acaba sentindo pena e desiste do assassinato. Os dois voltam para casa juntos e, ao sofrerem um acidente de barco, ele vislumbra como seria doloroso perdê-la, percebendo que ainda a ama.
6 — 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço (1968), Stanley Kubrick
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Desde a pré-história uma misteriosa estrutura negra parece emitir sinais de outra civilização, interferindo no planeta. Milhões de anos depois, no século 21, uma equipe de astronautas é enviada à Júpiter para investigar o enigma. Eles viajam na nave Discovery One, controlada pelo computador HAL 9000. No meio da viagem, HAL se volta contra os tripulantes e tenta matá-los.
7 — Rastros de Ódio (1956), John Ford
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Em 1868, o veterano Ethan Edwards retorna da Guerra Civil e vai para o rancho de sua família, na zona rural do Texas. Após sua chegada, nativos invadem a propriedade, matando seu irmão, sua cunhada e sequestrando suas duas sobrinhas. Com a ajuda do filho adotivo de seu irmão, o índio mestiço Martin, Ethan parte para resgatar as crianças. Obcecados, eles caminham no deserto por mais de cinco anos.
8 — O Homem da Câmera de Filmar (1929), Dziga Vertov
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O filme documenta a vida dos habitantes de uma cidade através do olho de uma câmera. Seus atores são as máquinas e os habitantes locais, fotografados em todos os tipos de situações, com a câmera seguindo todos os seus movimentos. É considerado por muitos como o precursor dos documentários, já que o gênero foi fortemente influenciado por Vertov.
9 — A Paixão de Joana D’arc (1928), Carl Theodor Dreyer
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Primeiro filme sobre a heroína francesa Joana D’arc, acompanha a trajetória da camponesa que foi condenada à morte por liderar o povo contra o exército invasor inglês, alegando ter sido inspirada por Jesus e São Miguel, durante a Guerra dos Cem Anos. Em suas últimas horas de vida, foi capturada e torturada pelos ingleses. O roteiro foi baseado nos documentos históricos do julgamento de Joana.
10 — Oito e Meio (1963), Federico Fellini
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Guido Anselmi, um famoso diretor de cinema, está na data limite para produzir seu próximo filme. Mas, ele está sem ideias e enfrenta um bloqueio criativo. Pressionado pela família e pelos amigos, ele decide se internar numa estância termal para buscar inspiração. Assombrado, começa a perder a noção da realidade. Conta-se que o filme é metalinguístico, baseado numa dificuldade que o próprio Fellini estaria vivendo.
11 — O Encouraçado Potemkin (1925), Serguei Eisenstein
12 — O Atalante (1934), Jean Vigo
13 — Acossado (1960), Jean-Luc Godard
14 — Apocalypse Now (1979), Francis Ford Coppola
15 — Primavera Tardia (1949), Yasujiro Ozu
16 — A Grande Testemunha (1966), Robert Bresson
17 — Os Sete Samurais (1954), Akira Kurosawa
18 — Quando Duas Mulheres Pecam (1966), Ingmar Bergman
19 — O Espelho (1975), Andrei Tarkovski
20 — Cantando na Chuva (1952), Gene Kelly e Stanley Donen
21 — A Aventura (1960), Michelangelo Antonioni
22 — O Desprezo (1963), Jean-Luc Godard
23 — O Poderoso Chefão (1972), Francis Ford Coppola
24 — A Palavra (1955), Carl Theodor Dreyer
25 — Amor à Flor da Pele (2000), Wong Kar-Wai
26 — Rashomon: Às Portas do Inferno (1950), Akira Kurosawa
27 — Andrei Rublev (1966), Andrei Tarkovski
28 — Cidade dos Sonhos (2002), David Lynch
29 — Stalker (1979), Andrei Tarkovski
30 — Shoah (1985), Claude Lanzmann
31 — O Poderoso Chefão Parte II (1975), Francis Ford Coppola
32 — Taxi Driver: Motorista de Táxi (1976), Martin Scorsese
33 — Ladrões de Bicicleta (1948), Vittorio De Sica
34 — A General (1926), Buster Keaton e Clyde Bruckman
35 — Metropolis (1927), Fritz Lang
36 — Psicose (1960), Alfred Hitchcock
37 — Jeanne Dielman (1975), Chantal Akerman
38 — Sátántangó (1994), Béla Tarr
39 — Os Incompreendidos (1959), François Truffaut
40 — A Doce Vida (1960), Federico Fellini
41 — Viagem à Itália (1954), Roberto Rossellini
42 — A Canção da Estrada (1955), Satyajit Ray
43 — Quanto Mais Quente Melhor (1959), Billy Wilder
44 — Gertrud (1964), Carl Theodor Dreyer
45 — O Demônio das Onze Horas (1975), Jean-Luc Godard
46 — Playtime: Tempo de Diversão (1967), Jacques Tati
48 — Close-Up (1990), Abbas Kiarostami
49 — A Batalha de Argel (1966), Gillo Pontecorvo
50 — Histoire(s) du Cinema (1998), Jean-Luc Godard
51 — Luzes da Cidade (1931), Charlie Chaplin
52 — Contos da Lua Vaga (1953), Kenji Mizoguchi
53 — La Jetée (1962), Chris Marker
54 — Intriga Internacional (1959), Alfred Hitchcock
55 — Janela Indiscreta (1955), Alfred Hitchcock
56 — Touro Indomável (1980), Martin Scorsese
57 — M (1931), Fritz Lang
58 — O Leopardo (1963), Luchino Visconti
59 — A Marca da Maldade (1958), Orson Welles
60 —Sherlock Jr. (1924), Buster Keaton
61 — Barry Lyndon (1975), Stanley Kubrick
62 — A Mãe e a Puta (1973), Jean Eustache
63 — O Intendente Sansho (1954), Kenji Mizoguchi
64 — Morangos Silvestres (1957), Ingmar Bergman
65 — Tempos Modernos (1936), Charlie Chaplin
66 — O Mensageiro do Diabo (1955), Charles Laughton
67 — O Batedor de Carteiras (1959), Robert Bresson
68 — Onde Começa o Inferno (1959), Howard Hanks
69 — Blade Runner, o Caçador de Androides (1982), Ridley Scott
70 — Veludo Azul (1986), David Lynch
71 — Sem Sol (1983), Chris Marker
72 — A Man Escaped (1956), Robert Bresson
73 — O Terceiro Homem (1949), Carol Reed
74 — O Eclipse (1962), Michelangelo Antonioni
75 — O Boulevard do Crime (1945), Marcel Carné
76 — A Grande Ilusão (1937), Jean Renoir
77 — Nashville (1975), Robert Altman
78 — Chinatown (1974), Roman Polanski
79 — Beau Travail (1999), Claire Denis
80 — Era Uma Vez no Oeste (1968), Sergio Leone
81 — Soberba (1942), Orson Welles
82 — Lawrence da Arábia (1962), David Lean
83 — O Espírito da Colmeia (1973), Victor Erice
84 — Fanny e Alexander (1982), Ingmar Bergman
85 — Casablanca (1942), Michael Curtiz
86 — A Cor da Romã (1968), Sergei Parajanov
87 — Ouro e Maldição (1925), Erich von Stroheim
88 — Um Dia Quente de Verão (1991), Edward Yang
89 — Meu Ódio Será Tua Herança (1969), Sam Peckinpah
90 —Um dia no Campo (1936), Jean Renoir
91 — Aguirre, o Aventureiro (1972), Werner Herzog
92 — Neste Mundo e no Outro (1942), Michael Powell e Emeric Pressburger
93 — O Sétimo Selo (1959), Ingmar Bergman
94 — Um Cão Andaluz (1928), Luis Buñuel
95 — Intolerância (1916), D. W. Griffith
96 — As Coisas Simples da Vida (2001), Edward Yang
97 — Coronel Blimp: Vida e Morte (1943), Michael Powell e Emeric Pressburger
98 — Touki Bouki (1973), Djibril Diop Mambéty
99 — O Medo Consome a Alma (1974), Rainer Werner Fassbinder
100 — Imitação da Vida (1959), Douglas Sirk
Os 100 melhores filmes da história do cinema Publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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