wildtorres-a · 4 years
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PULLS  BACK  FROM  THE  KISS    &    WIGGLES  EYEBROWS,    smirk  is  already  playing  at  moist  lips.     ❝    as  much  as  i  would  love  to  continue  this,    ❞    and  he  truly  would.     ❝    it’s  our  first  official  day  of  summer  baby,    you  don’t  have  any  plans  or  anywhere   you  want  me  to  take  you?     ❞      /      @rosenburg-lia.
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thevmontgomery · 4 years
📲 idiots 1&2
Vanessa: Please tell me you two are with each other and not hiding out at bars?
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huntcrhollings · 4 years
Hunter didn’t really know much about @rosenburg-lia​. Sure, they talked a few different times but that’s about as far as their interactions would go. But since Hunter was part of Degrassi TV, it was his job to go around asking people about this week’s topic of their views on body image and Lia happened to be the first person he came across. “Hey, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions? It’s just for the school,” he walked up to her, camera in hand.
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beckyxbaker · 4 years
Text ✉ Lia 🎀
Becky: i know we don't really talk or anything, but eventually i'll be going to the apartment to go through Luke's things.
Becky: is there anything you want of his?
Becky: i know i want a few hoodies at least.
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rivalsinspo · 4 years
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a lia & drew (dria) playlist
01. robbers ++ the 1975 // 02. lover i don’t have to love ++ bright eyes // 03. you know i’m no good  ++ amy winehouse // 04. i gave you all ++ mumford & sons // 05. ride ++ cary brothers // 06. so he won’t break ++ the black keys // 07. true disaster ++ tove lo // 08. i feel like i’m drowning ++ two feet // 09. young god ++ halsey // 10. r u mine? ++ arctic monkeys
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goodnightjcob · 4 years
♤ ❦
“this niner girl talks a loooot of crap for somebody so tiny. i mean, hey i’m all for it. i wonder if i asked for some of those hot chips would i get some? idk, i don’t even like takis”
❦ - Something they hate about your muse.
“i dunno, i mean, the whole drew, you, tori thing isn’t my business of course. just feels like you kinda added on to the hurt i caused her.”
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lukebaker-archive · 4 years
“Get up, Princess we’re going for a drive,” Luke spoke making his way into @rosenburg-lia​ ‘s room. He tossed one his hoodies at the girl, knowing she usually just slept in a bra and headed back out. He was up now going on 30 hours and the burst of energy had finally hit him. Luke wanted to get out of the cramped house for a bit and clear his head. All this nonsense with Fiona and her family was itching at him and he needed a distraction. “Let’s gooooo. Truck leaves in five minutes and I’m not gonna stop for Taco Bell if you make me wait.”
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foulplayhq · 4 years
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FULL NAME ► Nicholas “Nick” Alexander De Los Santos AGE ► Twenty Two GRADE ► Junior MAJOR ► Business Management ROOMMATE ► Elliot Turner
A B O U T:
+ adaptable, fearless, loyal -  quick-tempered, cynical, foolhardy
►THE GENIUS BRUISER - a physically strong character who is more than capable of holding their own, who also is incredibly intelligent and knows it. their brain is one of their strongest assets, along with their ability to defend themselves.
H E A D C A N O N S:
(TW: Drugs) Born to Leticia De Los Santos and an absentee father, Nick was raised in a slum in Etobicoke (Southside Toronto). His mother is a drug addict which led to her neglecting both him and his twin sister, Remi. At the age of 10, he was providing for them (clean laundry, proper hygiene, alarm clocks for school and nickel-and-diming meals) the best that he could.
(TW: Violence) In exchange for her fixes, his mother would force him to sit with Remi inside her bedroom closet whilst she had strangers coming and going all hours of the night. When he was 11, he came running to his mother’s woeful cries when a client was too rough, resulting in his first scar (the left corner of his mouth) when a broken beer bottle was used in retaliation in his attempt to save her.
(TW: Violence) His second scar was the result of an alcohol infused fight between him and another kid from the neighborhood when he was 12, in which Nick was stabbed in the abdomen. Upon his release from the hospital, he was charged with public intoxication, underage consumption and unruliness and sentenced to 30 days in a juvenile detention center where he met a 14-year-old Kyle. 
Their bond was instant, and Kyle demanded that Nick be able to leave with him. After some convincing, Clay Middleton spoke briefly to Nick’s mother on the telephone and was allowed to sign him out. Nick had divulged some things about his home life to Kyle, and that same night, he was taken to the Middletons where he met a 10-year-old Jenna.
(TW: Rape) Nick was 14 when he boosted his first car. It was then that he lost his virginity, too. He had gone along with Remi’s idea to visit their mother against his better judgement, eventually succumbing to what he thought was sleep, coming to without memory of what had happened the previous night. The course of the next few days would lead him back to Leticia after he realized that he had been raped, Nick’s anger getting the best of him. He had blacked out, advancing on the woman that had given birth to him, hands squeezing her throat and Remi pleading for him to stop. His twin sister saved their mother’s life that day. Nick hasn’t looked back since then.
On their 15th birthday, Remi introduced him to Tori Santamaria. The girls had become fast friends after they had been enrolled at Degrassi. Nick had never had to think twice about anything in his life ─ but he couldn’t even remember his name to give to the exquisite beauty. He had never believed in love at first sight, but Tori flipped his world upside-down. She was the first person other than his family who he trusted. There wasn’t anything that he felt was on a need-to-know basis with her. He gave her everything ─ including his virginity, once he had accepted that what had happened with his mother’s friend didn’t count.
(TW: Violence) Graduating was one of the hardest things that Nick has ever done. He’s smart but impulsive. His short fuse is notorious for landing him in bad spots. High school was no exception. He was regularly in detention and detained once after a fight that escalated because another student told Jenna that he was a charity case. Nick broke their wrist.
He’s fluent in Spanish.
His birthday is May 4th.
Nick isn’t Clay’s son, but his wife checks in with him as often as he permits her to. At 22, he’s business partners with Audrey. She owns half of his nightclub ─ Club NV. Her only stipulation was that he attend Crestmont.
C O N N E C T I O N S:
► Jenna Middleton (adoptive-sibling) — He’s her protector. It was signed, sealed and delivered the moment that she flung herself into his arms when they were little. He’s been with her through every heartbreak, giving up Tyson, the death of her father and the birth of their sister. Jenna never shone hesitation since the day that Kyle brought him home 10 years ago, embracing him fully, and they love each other fiercely.
► Tori Santamaria (wife) — He remembered how snowflakes clung delicately to her rebel curls and melted against her sun-kissed skin. The Christmas lights that surrounded the ice rink danced brightly in her chocolaty orbs, and Nick asked her to marry him, promising to love her and take care of her for however long he had left of his life. He carries around the regret of their failed marriage, and he’s determined to win back her heart. 
► Amelia Rosenburg (twin flame) — Twin flames are two people who were split into different bodies but share the same soul. Nick and Lia’s friendship give it definition. They know eachother inside and out, and he can’t remember a time when she hasn’t been an absolute constant in his life; a confidant; his keeper; and on rare occasions his backbone. She’s Bonnie to his Clyde. 
► Drew Torres (close friends) — Drew is Nick’s best friend despite their demanding schedules. They met in high school, hanging with the same crowds and sometimes falling apart, but friendships are real bro shit to Nick. Anytime Drew needs him, he’s there, never asking for explanations as to why X-amount time has come and gone since they last spoke, and when they’re together, they don’t miss a beat. Their only conflict ( unknowing to Nick ) is Jenna. She’s off limits to all of her brother’s friends, and he made it law from the get-go. Sometimes matters of the heart ( or in Drew and Jenna’s case ─ matters of desire and neediness ) trump the trust of your best friend. Could this cause a permanent rift between them?
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degrassirivalsrp · 5 years
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To help raise money for student council Degrassi is throwing it’s very first annual date auction. Ten students will be auctioned off to their fellow classmates for the chance to take them out on a date. You are also welcome to nominate a student that you’d like to see auctioned off. So be sure to join us for a night of food, fellowship, and fun!
Saturday, February 29th, at 8 p.m. EST. This will be a DISCORD event. All members are encouraged to plot ahead of time!
1. Lia Rosenburg
2. Declan Coyne
3. Aurora Lancaster
4. Maya Matlin
5. Drew Torres
6. Anya Macpherson
7. Imogen Moreno
8. Tori Santamaria
9. Clare Edwards
10. Zig Novak
11. Luke Baker
✖ Like this post to RSVP and feel free to message the main page with any further questions.
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llcooldvz · 5 years
hottest girls at degrassi?
lia, holly j, anya, vanessa, marisol, esme
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@rosenburg-lia @littlesinclair @sincerely-anya @thevmontgomery @marisollewis @esmesong
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wildtorres-a · 4 years
◟    ┈ ´     ›    𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆  𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭  𝐭𝐨  :  𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚 💍❤️.
drew: i'm sorry.
drew: i was stupid and i shouldn't have left.
drew: and i definitely shouldn't have lied.
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thevmontgomery · 5 years
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NAME: lili 🌼RINGTONE: city girls act upLAST TEXT RECEIVED: it’s $3 admission.LAST TEXT SENT: who has that kind of money?
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rcggiedenvers · 5 years
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“Thanks for hanging out, its been a shit day.” Reggie said offering Lia a smile. Shit had been out of whack with her life as of late but she was glad she had good friends, people that cared about her because if she hadn’t she wasn’t sure she even would have made it. She reached into her pocket producing a baggie that contained multiple pre-rolled joints and grabbing one from it, as well as a lighter from her other pocket. The two of them had come back to Reggie’s place after school and were currently situated inside of the pool house, Reggie’s go to smoke spot when she was at home.  “You’re far too good to me.” She put the joint into her mouth, raising the lighter to it and taking a long drag from it, she held the smoke in for a few seconds before blowing it out. “Here. Wanna hit?” she said holding the joint out to Lia. “This shit is so nice, I just got it in a few days ago.” ( @rosenburg-lia​ )
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grayestscale · 4 years
coolest people here?
Alright, so this is obviously my opinion. Hate my answers or love ‘em, whatever you want to do.
Representing the guys: Kai, Adam, Ollie
Representing the ladies: Lia, Clare, Imogen
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@montgomery-malachai, @adamtorress, @ollicsparks, @rosenburg-lia, @clareedwardswrites, @imogenmorens
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rosenburg-lia · 4 years
Task #3: Clique Switch
Amelia Rosenburg, Prep Plastic Prospect
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Life was easy for Amelia, never worrying about anything going on. Knowing she could either talk or pay herself out of most situations. Both of her parents being high profile case lawyers, they were in and out of the province a lot, leaving generous amounts in their children's bank accounts as compensation of sorts. Never coming home for birthdays, only stopping back for christmas and the new year. The childhood memories most children have were exempt from her brain, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it all. Most of her life it seemed she was raised by her older sister, and you could tell. The habits Lia had were that of a 20 year old taking leadership in the house. It didn't help that their brother was a mess all on his own without anyone else's help. 
Going to private school for her elementary and middle school life, she lived with a closed mind. But also becoming more honest and vocal since most shared her views, and or pushed them onto her. She began looking down on those less fortunate than her, not caring about the way she had treated them. Along with private school came the hobbies she had acquired, and some weren't the best habits. Shopping, one of the biggest, was a mainstay in her life. Coming home with bags upon bags of stuff almost every other day if not every day. The biggest hobby in her life was competitive cheer, putting every ounce of her freetime into the sport. If she wasn't at school, or sleeping then she could be found on the mat. Practicing her tumbling and getting friends to stunt with her. Her life would never be the same if she didn't have the sport, it was almost therapeutic for her. 
During the summer before her freshman year, she had decided she wanted to go to public school. She wanted to see how the people below her lived, how they were taught and treated. Her parents accepted it, not whole heartedly, and not without a very long battle. But Amelia was used to getting what she wanted, even if she couldnt technically have it. And so she was enrolled in Degrassi Community School, her parents making her brother drive her everyday so she didn't have to worry about being seen on the bus. However, he never would drop her at the door, making her walk from The Dot to the school everyday. She didn't mind, taking the walk to clear her thoughts of anything that could affect how the kids viewed her. 
By her sophomore year she had found her people, the place she knew she belonged. It wasn't with the athletes despite the major part of her life that she would never give up. Nor was it with the lower cliques who cared more about the party culture and not the outfits they wore. It was with the malevolent natured ones, the people who wanted nothing more than to see the world burn at their feet if it meant getting their ways. Given her experience in cheer and the skills she brought to the table she had been brought to the cheer team her freshman year, beginning the bonds with the girls. The plastics on the squad taking a liking to the girl and her blunt statements. Not caring what she said and how it would affect people, they took her under their wing. Deeming her a plastic prospect, Lia was set in the walls of Degrassi. She was almost at the top of the food chain where she thought she belonged. In her eyes it was only a matter of time before she became a member and eventually the leader of the clique.
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goodnightjcob · 5 years
Name: Lia
Ringtone: You Don’t Own Me by Grace ft. G-Eazy
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Last Text Received: yo lumberjack! skip english and come get poutine with me and cuz!
Last Text Sent: wait tori likes poutine? news to me..
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