ryoshan · 6 years
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  “what are you doing.” 
  it’s not a question so much as it’s phrased like a demand. weiss spouts it upon her sudden landing in front of the strange girl who has been poking at the rocks for the best part of a day and a half. today, she has come with supplies. weiss has no care for the worry she might have startled the girl. she isn’t here with threat, after all, and she thinks that perhaps a human would have greater shocks to worry about than intrusion on their first encounter with a vampire.
shrek vc what are u doing in my swamp / @rosescattered
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hoardofheroes-blog · 6 years
tired text !!! ( qrow )
beep beep : accepting.
Send ‘tired’ to receive a slow/sleepy text from my muse. 
[ sms — roobs ]:  hey kid. do me a solid[ sms — roobs ]:  steal that fluffy blanket off your dads bed and bring it downstairs[ sms — roobs ]:  i’m not gonna make it to the bedroom… too sleepy…   couch too comfy…
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overrcharged-blog · 6 years
|| Starter for @rosescattered​
               “ Hey rubes, finally caught you all alone.  “ 
                Nora called out, a hint uneasiness can be distinguished in her voice since her             tone was completely different to the one she usually use. It was just the two of --            them in the kitchen, the rest of their friends are already resting or asleep, since it            was already late and they need to wake up early on the next day, to head to the -            train station where their new journey awaits.
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                “ Soooo -- ... Team RWBY is back to ,                     kick some butts again , huh?  That’s                     good, that’s great-! to be exact , i’m                     really happy for the four of you - SO-                    does that mean, that team RNJR is -                    going to disband now ? “ 
                 It was unsure question, Nora had asked that not with an intention of hurting the            young girl instead she asked that for confirmation - No. Nora asked that question -             for the sake of assurance. Assurance that a part of her family ( may it be temporary)            will not leave them behind again, the loss of Pyrrha had taken a lot of toll for team             JNPR, and loosing Ruby as well will be quite hard to them. Sure ruby will be still --            there but it wouldn’t be the same as the time they were traveling together, she has             her team now as her first priority and Nora knew that team JNR has to continue --             standing despite having to loose a part of them once again.
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glyphscattered-blog · 6 years
@rosescattered / sc.
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she’s half asleep on the edge of the bed, scroll still in her hand, and yet weiss cannot help but to look at her as if she put stars in the night sky. she was the single red rose in a barren tundra, and it brought her so much more comfort. the ride north was one that made her gut sink with every mile that they passed, but her promise at the station brought her that much more peace of mind.
slowly, gently, dainty fingers extend, tracing the shape of her jaw, running smooth hair between her fingers. a smile, a soft sigh, and she suddenly feels like she can do this. her team was by her side. ruby was by her side. she could do anything.
was ruby beginning to stir? she reaches back a bit, a soft smile being offered. “sorry. i didn’t mean to wake you.”
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shieldnsword · 6 years
Jaune, showing up at @rosescattered​‘s room, Crocea Mors unsheathed: I Just Wanna Talk :)))))))))
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iridissent-m · 6 years
“There’s a place for us somewhere.”
late night starters ( a. selectively ) @rosescattered.
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          “ oh, ruby, don’t — ”  how romantic the notion — how sad that she had to go.  ilia had been on the verge of crying in the entirety of her time at the train station.  to lose both her best friend and her new love, all in one day … it was just too much.  and it isn’t until now that the tears finally unleash themselves onto poor ilia’s tired eyelids.  the train starts to shift, and it’s just like an old movie.  the rose waves at her colorful companion out the window of the train car, and a sudden pang of urgency surges throughout the chameleon’s body.  no, no, no, she’s leaving !!  you can’t let her go !  “ ruby rose, you better come back! ”  she yells, jogging alongside the train as its speed increases.  
         “ when you do … we can find that place together !! ”  its motor kicks in now, chugging forward significantly faster ( her sprint is falling behind its pace now ).  her anxiety spikes now that it’s hitting her, the absence of her second family quickly fading into the distance of the train tunnel.  you have to let her go.  to do what she was meant to do.  only then can she return to you.  ruby’s figure goes from fully visible, to just a speck of red in the distance, to completely gone.
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          the train disappears into the blackness of the tunnel, the start of their trip to atlas.  ilia watches that tunnel’s entrance with a newfound emptiness, like ruby is still there, waving at her with that goofy smile.  she refuses to stop watching until another train pulls in to board passengers.  it’s only then that amitola can acknowledge that ruby is gone.  defeated, she turns her back to the boarding station, and starts to walk away, slowly, blue eyes staring at the ground.  she notices that the scales on her arm have turned the same red as ruby’s cloak, without even thinking about it.  she already misses her.  
         ‘ there’s a place for us somewhere. ’  but … what if i lose her before we find it?
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canefought-a · 6 years
@rosescattered | quote s.c.
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“ that’s the trouble with hope; it’s hard to resist. “
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ryoshan · 6 years
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Perched on the edge of Blake’s bed, Weiss watches Ruby’s hands fuss, crossed over her knees and itching to stretch. She knows Ruby wants nothing more to rub at her irritated feet, and part of Weiss considers letting her suffer. The other part, the part that both remembers how many years it took her feet to be used to heels and the mess that such training left her feet in has a better, kinder idea. 
“Just take them off if they’re bothering you that much, Ruby.” Weiss says, gesturing to her own shoes and unstrapping them in demonstration. “I have a trick to teach you, too.” 
love me love me say that you love me | @rosescattered
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hoardofheroes-blog · 6 years
rosescattered replied to your post: gcrdens replied to your post: ...
i cant believe blakes dad just called my dad a broulmate
listen ruby, when you know.  you know
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glyphscattered-blog · 6 years
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“ruby rose,”
there’s a sigh, and arms fold over her chest, weight resting on on leg as she cocks her hip to the side. “i had first met you and thought you were so... immature. out of place. you didn’t belong at a combat academy made for those being trained to hunt, and kill. you were brash. you were ignorant. you ran headlong into trouble and it was so. annoying.
... then i spent more time with you. you... cared about us. about the team. there was no you, or me, or yang or blake. it was always us. you cared for us, kept us together. you were there for us. and... i guess, some of that rubbed off on me.”
she thought of when blake was troubled, when ruby needed help, and even realized how much she missed the dolt when she was trapped in her own home. a smile finally appears on her face, and she looks up, right into those beautiful, special silver eyes.
“... and, throughout all of that, i realized how much i cared for you. how you’ve been there for me. how you’ve given me a family. i... still think you can be a dolt sometimes. you can still be silly, immature, and headstrong. but... those are little things that i love about you. even when i can’t help but shake my head at you, you can still make me laugh.
so... happy birthday. the past few months have been hard without you. but i’m glad i’m here for your birthday now.
happy birthday, ruby rose. i love you.”
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wileds · 6 years
☼ he's just...... so good to look at
☼ How does your character usually dress in daily life?
(he is. usually in stuff that lets him train and move around easily. but let’s talk about everything else.)
what to say other than he looks good ..... it changes so much in daily life, he is both cursed and blessed by shade academy not having a uniform because it lets him do whatever & continue to dress as nicely and finely as he did at home, living that rich life.  love is definitely someone who will not go out in public wearing sweatpants or loungewear or anything sloppy unless it’s tastefully sloppy.  jeans, slim / cigarette pants, wide leg pants, he likes a high waist or paperbag waist.  just things cinched at the waist is great (even his combat outfit is belted. a belt with gold HA) ... long dresses like this is also a favorite!  t-shirts, button ups, tunics, qamis, blazers, long cardigans to go over things.  he’s nb and will slide all over with how feminine, masculine, or androgynous a look will be.  but high femme fashion isn’t his cup of tea unless it’s like, lingerie.  in which case give him everything.  his sleepwear would totally be slips but he’s not fully comfortable wearing those in mixed company.
for jewelry he likes wearing gold and silver, delicate and minimal or chunky and bold.  would wear every single thing from sof.ia za.kia just look at this collection.
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veiliisms · 6 years
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soft voice from parted lips - she felt like it was still new to see ruby again. she had been away from her for so long, only recently reconnecting after protecting haven. she heard from her brother - ruby rose’s birthday is today. she smiles, stepping forward, offering flowers that are a soft evergreen in color.
“... they’re primroses,” she offers them forward, a small, square red-and-pink box in her other hands. “i... thought they were beautiful. like... like you. and... because our names, they-” 
this was hard. feelings were hard. cheeks tint a deep red, and she holds her other hand out, offering the cookies... right on time for junichi to approach her flank, giving a few happy licks to the birthday girl’s hands.
“... happy birthday, ruby.”
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soulspyre-blog · 6 years
never bc ur really bad at killing people >w
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i’ll show u bad at killing people!!  shoots arrow at
➷ answered ‒ @rosescattered
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ryoshan · 6 years
“Hey, little ladybug.” 
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KNUCKLES RAPPED AGAINST the door as it opened into the room, and Taiyang peeked his head around its edge, a little quirk to his brow and the slightest of smiles on his face. His body stayed hidden behind the wooden panes. 
“It’s almost noon. You wanna get up and help me make some cookies?”
who needs self care when you have dad care @rosescattered
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hoardofheroes-blog · 6 years
qrow / bart >:3
send me a ship and i’ll tell you : very selectively accepting.
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who hogs the duvet
its probably a constant game of tug o war until one of them gives in and just scoots a lot closer
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
i’m not gonna lie, they probably go days without talking until finally qrow sends oobleck one of those pictures like ‘i lived bitch’ but with a heart emoji
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
i bet bart’s gifts are kinda weird but strangely thoughtful and qrow teases him but. actually really loves the gifts!
who gets up first in the morning
bart’s a professor its probaBLY him....... qrow drags himself out of bed with about twenty minutes to spare
who suggests new things in bed
i feel like there’s a decent give and take, though i think earlier on it was probably qrow until bart felt more comfortable doing so
who cries at movies
side eyes the both of them
who gives unprompted massages
this is probably 50/50
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
i feel like maybe not so much sick, but qrow has come back injured on several occasions and i’m sure that would upset bart a fair amount
who gets jealous easiest
qrow oh my god this guy cannot contain himself and even if he pretends otherwise, he’s insanely jealous -- within reason. he doesn’t fly off the handles over every encounter but if someone seems like they’re flirting with bart? qrow is NOT PLEASED
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
qrow listens to exclusively old rock like the old bastard he is so maybe oobleck?
who collects something unusual
fuckin oobleck and we all know it. he probably has so many weird plants or tech pieces or old artifacts just. lining the walls of his office
who takes the longest to get ready
qrow bc of hiS STUPID HAIR
who is the most tidy and organised
oh my god its probably qrow.  i feel like oobleck is the definition of organized chaos
who gets most excited about the holidays
i feel like its a fairly even split??? qrow loves spoiling his nieces and bart is high energy over everything so its a joyous affair 
who is the big spoon/little spoon
qrow tends to be the big spoon unless bart is feeling some Kinda way
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
THEY BOTH DO????? dear god i imagine these two playing any game is bound to get messy
who starts the most arguments
qrow unfortunately bc he’s defensive n scrappy and tends to argue first, ask questions later
who suggests that they buy a pet
oob and qrow just. Shakes his head bc he’s not gonna be the one to clean up after it
what couple traditions they have
strip poker
what tv shows they watch together
nature documentaries and stuff like csi maybe
what other couple they hang out with
idk about couples but they definitely hang w/ tai n peter a lot
how they spend time together as a couple
i feel like..... they do a lot of dumb shit together, playing stupid games or going to really weird shops.  or qrow will sit and watch bart mark papers while he does his own catch up on mission data. u kno
who made the first move
qrow didn’t stop making moves until bart finally returned it sO 
who brings flowers home
i wanna say bart bc i think that’s rlly cute and qrow would die
who is the best cook
i think oobleck by default juST BC QROW IS A DISASTER in the kitchen
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copyhare-a-blog · 6 years
@rosescattered / ❤︎
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          “ i just get so scared i don’t know how to help myself. ”  faunus frowns, recalling the pain of rough hands pulling on her ears.  luckily, someone noticed this time, and rwby and jnpr’s combined efforts forced cardin to halt his bullying.  “ i didn't ask to have these, but he never leaves me alone. ”  bunny ears droop low, shame coiling into her expression.
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