#rosesfromcth the middle
rosesfromcth · 5 years
The Middle/LRH/Ch.1
Sophie POV
I don't know why I came to the meet and greet. I bought the wristbands the second they were available six months ago. A bunch of my friends also bought wristbands. We thought it would be fun, we all liked 5 seconds of summer, we enjoyed listening to their music while getting ready to go out or when driving in the car. We requested their songs at clubs, but we'd never seen them live, I don't think any of us owned merchandise. I had been excited about coming and meeting 5SOS.
But the closer it got, the more anxious I became. I could barely pay attention to what my friends where saying, I was nodding along and smiling. I knew that much.
This morning started out well. Everyone got together to get ready this morning. We turned on Sounds Good Feels Good. By the time I had finished getting ready, I was a wreck. What if the pictures didn't turnout? I never look good in pictures. What if I said something weird and looked stupid? I always say something weird. I knew my makeup could've been a lot better and although I chose to wear one of my more flattering outfits, I still felt uncomfortable in my skin, this wasn't an uncommon theme in my life.
My friends knew something was off with me, so they had been blasting the music and cracking jokes all day in order to help me relax.
And now, I am here. I am standing in line and I can catch glimpses of the band every once and while. I listen to my friends talking and try to think of interesting things I can say when it's my turn.
One thing is for sure: I don't stand out.
Anything I say will either be embarrassing or boring, but it won't be remembered by the band. Which is nice, because at least I won't be remembered for some strange comment I make.
Mia, my best friend nudges me. I look at her, she's about the same height as me. With Mia's silky smooth white-blonde locks and stunning green eyes, you know she'd be someone easily remembered.
"Are you okay? You look worried." Mia quietly says. She has a smile on her face but you can tell she's concerned. She knows about my anxiety and my constant self-doubting issues. "You're being really quiet."
"Yeah, I'm okay." I tell her. She shoots me a concerned look, again. I nod my head in efforts to reassure her. I take a deep breath. I am going to be fine. I just need to relax and let loose. I should be enjoying this, it's an amazing experience with my best friends.
Tori and Cherry are laughing about something. I'm not sure what but I know I'll find out.
We are almost at the front of the line now, it'll be our turn any minute now. We are getting antsy now as we wait.
"Oh my gosh, how should we pose for the picture?" Cherry exclaims.
I remember reading in a magazine articles how meet and greets are hard on the celebrities because they often have to pick up their fans or so really strange poses. It's like they are mannequins, and other people are moving their bodies for them. It's really uncomfortable. I can only imagine how anxious I would feel going through this.
"Let's just stand in a line, or do the sorority squat" I suggest. Everyone nods in agreement. Mia grins.
"Next!" A security guard calls. "You girls are up." He ushers us in to the room with the band.
We are in the same room as 5 freaking Seconds of Summer. The same room as Ashton Irwin. Calum Hood. Luke Hemmings. And Michael Clifford. Holy Guacamole. They are smiling at us. I know I'm not the only speechless one. But the others regain their abilities to talk almost instantly.
Tori and Cherry go first, saying hi to each of the boys, with Mia and I closely behind.
Okay, here we go.
Michael is the first one. And suddenly, I'm out of words.
"Hi, you're... Michael, you're Michael. Hi, um, hi. Yeah, hi." I blurt.
Oh my god. I'm a blubbering idiot.
"Hi Michael. I'm Sophie. It's nice to meet you, I'm going to shut up now." I say quickly.
Michael laughs. "Hi Sophie, it's nice to meet you. Don't be nervous, that was better than most people's first reaction to meeting us."
He hugs me and I move next to Ashton and Calum. It's goes relatively well. Until I get to Luke. I wouldn't call myself a fan girl or anything. But I've always had a soft spot for Luke Hemmings.
I approach Luke slowly and I stand there for a second before he smiles at me.
"Hello, I'm Sophie, what's your name?" I smile. And then I realize my mistake. I feel my cheeks heat up and I'm sure they are as red as Ashton’s freshly dyed red hair. My smile drops from my face and I can't feel my legs anymore.
Michael who has now moved over towards and he bursts out laughing. I see Mia out of the corner of my eyes giggle alongside of Michael. Then I notice Tori joining them and soon so has everyone else. Including Luke. It takes everything in me not to turn around and run away.
Ashton must notice my discomfort because he promptly stops laughing. Or he tries to at least. Luke quickly follows his bandmates lead.
Luke then looks at me again. "Hi, Sophie. It's nice to meet you. I am Luke and I would like to thank you for making my day. Will you take a picture with me?"
I slowly nod. I pull out my phone and hand it to Tori as I move next to Luke. Luke wraps both arms around me and grins. Tori takes a few pictures and then presses his lips to my cheek. I feel my face flush pink, and then turn to look at Luke. Luke is still looking at me. Tori takes one last picture and then clears her throat. She holds my phone out towards me, which I grab.
"Thanks." I mumble to Luke as I untangle myself from his arms. The rest of the band and my friends are standing close by and chatting. I hear Cherry asking about a new album and possibilities of another tour.
The security guard that walked us in comes over and stands next to Ashton. He whispers something in Ashton's ear. Ashton turns to the a woman in the back of the room and announces that we should take the pictures. We all align ourself in with our arms around each other. I position between Michael and Calum. Mia is on the other side of Michael and Tori stands on the other side of Calum. Luke and Cherry are next to Tori. The woman looks over the group, and then she points at me.
"You." She demands. "Switch with the red head."
I meekly move over so I'm on the end, next to Luke. Cherry takes my place. The woman gives us a smile and then asks if there's another pose we'd like to do.
"Sorority squat?" Tori ask. We all nod our heads. The boys look a bit confused so Tori explains to them. "Sorority girls have this one pose that they always use in pictures. Where half of them are squatting in front of the second half."
"Ooh. I want to sorority squat." Michael says. The other boys look at him. "C'mon, we can pretend to be sorority girls like Miley Cyrus in So Undercover. Luke, you love that movie."
Luke turns bright red. It's his turn to be embarrassed. I snort. My friends let out a laugh along with me.
The boys agree to Michael's request and form a line and then squat as we fill in behind them. Keep in mind, these are tall boys, so we have to stand on our tiptoes. We each place a hand on the shoulder of the boys below us.
After a few pictures like this, we switch so it's my friends and I in front with the band behind us.  And then, our time is up.
The woman hands us our phones back as the security guard walks us to the door. We are just leaving the exit from the room when Michael jogs over.
"Hey, what are your twitter usernames? We like to follow fans when we get a chance." Michael hands Mia a pad of paper and a pen.
"That would be great. Thanks, we would really appreciate that." Mia speaks up. She grabs the paper and writes down hers and the paper circles through us until Cherry hands it back. We say goodbye once more and then head out the door.
What a rush.
@michael5sos is now following you.
@ashton5sos is now following you.
@calum5sos is now following you
@luke5sos is now following you
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wildflowerirwin · 4 years
Hood On Hoods - c.h.
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Summary: Calum’s a mechanic with a fantasy of fucking on the hood of a car
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, used cock and pussy a few times I guess
Have fun!
The word ‘convenient’ was all that popped into Y/N’s head as her car popped and tutted its way to a complete stop in the middle of the freeway. Lucky enough for her, though she still considered herself unlucky, it was 4 o’clock in the morning, and there wasn’t a single car in sight. She turned her hazard lights on and pulled the key from the ignition before reaching into her backpack and grabbing her phone. She scrolled through her contacts, looking for AAA, but found herself stopping on a different contact.
Calum (Ethics and Philosophy 235)
She chewed on her lip as she pressed on his name, holding the phone to her ear. “Mm, Hello?” His voice was thick with sleep and she almost hung up without saying anything.
“Hi, Calum?” She asked sheepishly, her cheeks burning red.
“Uh huh, who is this?” He asked, clearing his throat.
“Uhm, it’s Y/N. We were in a group together for the Ethics and Philosophy 235 presentation.” She explained, her teeth digging into her lip once more.
“Oh.. what do you want?” It came out ruder than he had intended, but it was 4am and he barely knew her.
“You’re a mechanic, right?” She asked and he hummed in agreement. “Well, my car broke down in the middle of the freeway. Like complete stop.”
“Y/N, it’s 4 in the morning.” Calum sighed.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you. I’m sorry.” She panicked, again almost ending the call.
“It’s fine.” Calum sighed again. “Where are you? I’ll get my truck and meet you there.” Calum ran his fingers over his buzz cut and down over his eyes.
“I’m at exit 44 off of 694, just before the ramp.” Y/N explained.
“Alright, sit tight. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” Calum said, ending the call. Y/N leaned back in her seat, her head hitting the headrest as she let out an exasperated breath. She felt like an idiot calling him, but she knew a tow truck from AAA would take hours to get there.
She let her eyes close as she waited. Just as she was about to doze off, Calum’s knuckles rapped against her window, pulling her from her sleep-like state. “Oh, hi.” She said, quickly getting out of the car.
“What were you doing driving at 4am?” Calum asked as he grabbed the hook from his truck.
“I was coming back from campus. I’ve got a 20 page paper to write on the McDonald’s hot coffee case.” Y/N sighed, hugging her cardigan tighter around herself as she watched Calum. His bicep strained as he hooked onto her car, loading it up onto the back of the truck.
“Maybe next time, you should work from home.” Calum quipped, the smallest smirk tugging at his lips.
“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.” Y/N retorted.
“Come on, get in the truck.” Calum shook his head and climbed into the cab. Y/N jogged around to the other side and slid in next to Calum.
“Thanks for doing this.” She smiled softly at him.
“No problem.” He smiled back at her and took off down the freeway. He pulled up at the shop, the neon sign that read ‘Hood Auto Repair’ was a dim navy color compared to the bright blue it was when it was lit up. Y/N got out of the car and watched Calum lower the car into the garage. “You’re welcome to stay and watch, or I can get you an Uber home.” Calum said and looked down at her.
“I’ll wait to see how long you think it’ll be, then I’ll decide.” She nodded and followed him inside. Calum nodded and pulled a chair over for her before he popped open the hood of her car. Y/N took a seat and watched Calum as he looked at each piece of the engine. “Any idea how long it’ll take?” She asked.
“Uhm, probably a few hours.” Calum said, wiping the back of his hand on his cheek, some oil coming off onto his olive skin. Y/N chewed on her lip as she watched.
“I-I’ll stay until it’s done. I-if that’s okay..” Y/N stammered, blushing lightly. Calum smirked to himself as he went back to work.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” He chuckled.
“What’s wrong with it?” Y/N asked.
“Your alternator is burnt out. I just need to replace a couple things and you’ll be good as new.” Calum explained, pulling a few parts from her car. Y/N nodded and watched as he worked.
“So, does your family own this place?” She asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
“Yeah, kinda. My uncle technically owns it, but he’s, uh, not really able to run it right now. So I’ve been in charge.”
“Oh, why’s that?” She asked.
“Mm, it’s kinda personal..” Calum sighed softly.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry.” Y/N nodded, looking down at her lap.
“It’s fine.” Calum shook his head. “My uncle’s in prison. He got wrapped up in some sketchy shit and he took the fall for shit he didn’t do.”
“Oh.. I’m so sorry..” Y/N sighed.
“It just sucks, you know? My uncle is a great guy, but his whole reputation was tarnished over this. Business has been awful lately because of it. That’s why I agreed to help you, we need the business.”
“Well, my car will always be willing to give you the business.” Y/N said, trying to lighten the mood.
“Thanks.” Calum chuckled. Y/N smiled and watched as he worked, her eyes lingering on his biceps. Little beads of sweat began to form at his hairline as he worked at reattaching the new parts.
After nearly 2 hours, Y/N could hardly stay still in her seat. She crossed her legs and clenched her thighs together, trying to ease the ache in her core as she watched the sweat drip down Calum’s toned bicep. His t-shirt was tight around the muscles and she could see the veins in his forearm become visible as he gripped the alternator tighter. “Alright, you’re all set.” Calum said, slamming the hood closed.
“A-Already?” Y/N asked, standing up.
“It’s been two hours.” Calum chuckled, wiping the oil off his hands and onto the rag, though most of it stayed.
“How much do I owe you?” She asked, looking up at him.
“Don’t worry about it.” Calum smirked. “This time is on me.”
“But, you need the business.”
“Business will be business.” Calum said, looking down at her. “I saw the way you were watching me, Y/N.” He smirked and she swallowed hard.
“Y-You noticed?” Y/N asked, her cheeks growing red.
“Oh, I noticed.” Calum chuckled, pressing his lips to hers. She melted against him, her arms snaking around his neck. His hands gripped at her ass as he lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist.
“Hard to keep my eyes off you when your biceps look like they’re going to burst through your shirt.” Y/N gasped out as Calum’s lips found the skin of her neck. Calum smirked against her skin as he set her down on the hood of her car.
“Ever since that group project, I’ve always been captivated by you, Calum.” Y/N hummed, pulling Calum down into a needy kiss. Calum kissed back, his hands squeezing her breasts. Y/N moaned softly into the kiss.
“I’ve been captivated by you, too. The way you bite your lip when you’re nervous, how you chew on the end of your pens when you’re concentrating.” Calum mused, bringing his hands to the button of her jeans. He smirked down at her as he unbuttoned them, pulling them down. Y/N bit her lip as she did the same to him, pulling his Calvin Klein boxers down with them. His hard cock sprung up against his stomach.
“Fuck, it’s been a while since I’ve done this.” Y/N hummed as she pushed her panties down. She kicked her shoes off and kicked her jeans and panties to the ground.
“God, fuck. You’re fucking beautiful.” Calum bit his lip and pressed his lips to hers again. A small whimper left her lips as Calum rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit.
“Please, Calum..” Y/N bucked her hips. Calum smirked down at her as he thrusted into her. She moaned and arched her back against the car.
“Oh God, that feels so good.” Y/N moaned out. Calum groaned and gripped her hips as his hips moved faster against hers. “Calum, harder.” Y/N moaned, her fingers digging into his biceps.
“You like it rough, eh?” Calum smirked as his pace quickened. His hips pounded against hers as his thumb rubbed slow circles on his clit.
“Fuck, yes. God, don’t stop.” She moaned, her nails digging into his biceps. Calum groaned lowly he felt her clenching around him. “I’m so close.” Y/N moaned, squeezing her eyes closed.
“Open those eyes, baby girl.” Calum smirked, bringing his hand to her throat. Y/N moaned louder and opened her eyes, looking up at Calum. He tightened his grip on her throat as his hips pounded against hers. “You take my cock so well.” Calum groaned.
“Oh, my God. Fuck.” Y/N moaned as her orgasm washed over her. Her eyes squeezed shut as her thighs shook.
“Shit, Y/N.” Calum grunted as his hips stilled, his cock twitching as he released inside her. “Oh God, your pussy was made for me.” Y/N moaned softly at his words, pulling him down into a slow kiss. Calum let his lips move against hers as he pulled out slowly.
“Fuck, that was incredible.” Y/N breathed slowly as she ran her fingers through her hair.
“I’ve never fucked anyone on the hood of a car before, but it has been a fantasy of mine.” Calum chuckled.
“Glad to have been of service.” Y/N giggled and pulled her panties and jeans back on.
“Well, now that we’ve fulfilled a fantasy of mine, how about we fulfil one of yours?” Calum smirked as he pulled his boxers and jeans up.
“Mm, take me to dinner first, Hood.” Y/N giggled, pressing her lips to his.  
Tags: @myloverboyash​ @i-calumhood​ @dontdoitluke​ @cthoodaf​ @rosesfromcth​ @aliencal​ @spicycal​ @bloodmoonashton​ @noshamenion​ @calum-uncrowned​ @opinionatedpisces-official​ @yessirashton​ 
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cal-puddies · 4 years
the last time || luke hemmings
this was an angst request and i was already writing this soo... @iovehemmings requested :
17 with fwb!luke who comes over unexpectedly
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
Luke’s face scrunches up as he gets out of the Uber. He’d changed his mind 100 times on the way over, but apparently not the address for the Uber. 
He shouldn’t be here. He knows at least that much. 
But you’re warm, and you’ll invite him in, despite the fact that it’ll destroy you both. 
The path to the break up was an easy one, he was never home and you couldn’t handle it anymore. You told him as much and that might as well have been the decision right there.
But he couldn’t stay away now that he was home. 
He rings a random number on the buzzer, he knows anyone would just buzz him in, but you would call down and question it. 
He takes the stairs two at a time. 
He hesitates when he lifts his hand to knock. He knows what this will mean, what it will do; how it will twist the knife embedded deep in both of your hearts. He knocks and his heart thumps in his chest, what if a guy is over? What if you aren’t home?
But he hears the locks and partially relaxes, and then he sees the sliver of your face as you look at him from the chained door. “Luke?” He hears the hurt immediately. You shut the door and unchain it, opening it back up wider to him. 
“Hey peach.” He gives you a half smile. He takes you in, one of his old t shirts and nothing else as far as he can tell. 
“Hey bear.” You greet. 
“I can’t sleep peach, can I stay here?” 
You sigh and open the door, “sure bear… you’re always welcome.” You nod, the sad smile graces your face and it doesn’t go unnoticed. 
He steps through the doorway and waits as you close this door and then immediately pulls you in. “Missed you.” He murmurs, reaching to lock the door while holding you. 
“Missed you, bear.” You mumble. 
Luke looks down at you and presses his mouth to yours, “can we go to bed, peach?” 
“Thought you came cause you’re tired?” You ask. 
“Came cause I’m tired and I miss you.” He hums, “all of you.” 
Luke easily pulls you to bed, because you’d honestly go anywhere with him. And he’s peeling his clothes off, and strips you of the t shirt, once you’re on the bed. 
“Gorgeous, peach… always are.” He whispers, briefly pushing his lips to yours and then moving his lips south, around a nipple, which you can’t resist… he knows that. 
“This what you came for, bear?” You check. 
“F’course not… just an added bonus for us both.” He gives you his sweet smile and then continues, kissing down your stomach and over your thighs, “I missed you.” He murmurs, looking up at you. 
You brush your fingers through his curls, this ‘I miss you’ is vastly different from the one at the front door, and you can’t bring yourself to say it yet. Luke will keep coming back and you know you need to cut him off eventually. 
He kisses back up your stomach, fitting himself against you, between your legs, guiding himself in. He presses tight against you. Luke takes his time because it’s been too long, and he missed you so much. 
He presses his lips to yours, “where are you?” He whispers. 
“I’m right here.” 
“Physically, yeah… doesn’t seem like it mentally.” 
“I’d beg to differ since you were able to get right in there.” You murmur, slight chuckle. 
He cracks a smile, “good point… you feel so good, peach.” His lips press to yours and you wrap your legs around him so he’ll hit deeper. If he’s here and it’s gonna hurt anyway, might as well get the most out of it.
Besides, you like feeling like Luke’s, that’s why he’s always allowed over, even if it is temporary. 
He presses his face against your neck and moans about how good you feel, how nice it is to be back with you. “Can you cum with me?” He asks.
“Mmm.” You moan, “you’re so deep… wanna cum.” You did your nails into his back, his friends will know he was here. “Please bear.” You whine. 
“Yeah peach. I’m there.” He agrees. He gives you a couple more thrusts and he’s coming undone with you. He pulls away to watch you, “so fuckin pretty when you cum.” He murmurs, leaning in to kiss you. He pulls out, but lays back on you, you wrap one arm around him and tangle your fingers in his hair. 
You’re lost in thought, thinking about how long it’s gonna last when you speak up without even realizing it, “we’ve gotta talk.” 
“What about?” He looks up at you. 
“What are we doing? This isn’t healthy. It hurts us both… I can see it when you stand at my door and call me ‘peach’, asking me for this… like you know I shouldn’t give it to you, but you know I will.” 
“This is the best I can do. You didn’t like that I was gone all the time…” 
“No… I accept that. I didn’t like that I was never at the top of your list when you were here.” You sigh, “you always come back, Luke, I know that. But… a lot of the time, it felt like this does… you just show up in the middle of the night, I put out, and then you leave again. I don’t have the capacity to just be that for you. I need more… if… if this is it, if this is all we are, then I can’t do it anymore.” 
Luke pushes up and away, laying next to you, he cups your face. “I don’t know what to say, peach.” He murmurs.
Taglist: @cocktail-calum @1dthewantedlove @september09241994 @youngblood199456 @lustingforwunder @calumsphile @neso-k @rosecoloredash @radmcqueen @justayoungandwisefangirl @itsnotmyblood @softboycal @lietoash @pushthetide21 @5sosfanficrec @therealmrshale @fallfrxmgrace @lukashemmos @justarandomgirlthatyoudontknow @5sos-microwave @madbomb @sweetheartmendes1000 @literally-anythin @lfwallscouldtalk @clemmingstylins0n @ccnicole02 @lustingfor5sos @buteverythingiscopacetic @rosesfromcth @bodaciousbonzi1996 @ashtontotheirwin @captainam-erika-trash @xxgendurvikixx @jazzyangel242 @loti18 @bluebabycal @rhiannonmichellee @iovehemmings @glitterycalum1205 @katcontreras @cashtonasfuck @ificanthaveu @kindahoping4forever @talkfastdrums @here-for-the-uproars @youngbloodchild
gc tags: @sublimehood @sugarcoated-pain @5sosnsfw @angelbabylu @aspiringwildfire @irwinkitten @lashtoncurls @myloverboyash @singt0mecalum
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
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singt0mecalum · 5 years
Hey, uh, remember that one ask that was like “overly affectionate best friend Cal” ? Could you pls pls pls expand
a continuation of this blurb
okay so like i was saying, really fucking drunk affectionate cal. y’all are probably standing around chatting, he’s behind you with his arms wrapped around your middle and his chin resting on your shoulder. he’s holding you close to him and occasionally kissing your cheek, which is what you’re used to from drunk him. what you’re not used to though, is when he starts leaving the kisses along your jaw and neck. what the hell cal? you’d ask him. and in response he’d just softly shake his head and laugh and turn back toward the conversation happening in y’alls group.
maybe he went to go get y’all both another drink and when he comes back he stands in the same position, except this time his hand that isn’t holding his drink has wandered a little lower. resting just so, fingers lightly brushing the skin above the band of your skirt. you let out a little shiver and feel him pull your body more into his. once you get used to the feeling of his hands on your skin he starts trailing kisses on your neck again. occasionally his tongue will slip out, drawing soft whimpers from your throat. their never load enough for any of your friends to hear, but you know he does because he just smirks against you.
as the night draws on your group moves to a booth. calum pulls you into his lap. again nothing new for yall. except for that he rests his hand on the upper part of your thigh. his fingers awfully close to your center, due to not only your skirt riding up when you sat down, but also do to the fact that he had slightly bunched it up when pulling you into his lap. calum, what is up with you tonight? you’d whisper, extremely curious as to what the fuck was going through his mind. i just want to love on my best friend, can’t i do that? he’d ask you and lightly suck on your next. you’d let out a shaky breath in affirmation and lean farther into his body. in response his hand would move all the way up your thigh under your skirt. his fingers would start to lightly brush over your center. is this okay babe? can i keep going? you’d nod and try to subtly push yourself more into him. as his fingers push your underwear to the side and start to work over your clit you try to keep a straight face and stay attuned to the conversation happening. not wanting to give away any indication as to what was going on under the table. you’d like to think you’re doing well at masking what’s going on as cal continues to work you up. it’s taking all of yourself control to not let out your whines and grind down into his fingers for more friction. every time you want to let out a noise you take a sip of your drink and hope that everyone assumes that your flushed cheeks are from the alcohol coursing through your system and not the hand in your pants. luke had just told a joke and you were mid laugh when he finally slid his fingers inside of you. you slightly choke/moan out the rest of your laugh and hope no one notices. he really starts to work you then, whispering in your ear about how you’re being so good for me sweetheart and that maybe when we leave here we can go back to mine yeah? i can show you how much i really love you then. you swear nothing has felt so good in your life, not knowing if it was because of the drinks or because the man you’d been harboring feelings for seemed to share the same ones. at this point you’d given up on trying to keep up with what everyone was saying. you were more focused on the way your best friend was making you feel and keeping your expression neutral. your drink sits abandoned on the table half empty. your hands had fallen under the table, one gripping his thigh and the other the edge of the seat. one particular stroke of his fingers has you clenching around him. your grip on his thigh tightening, giving him the indication that you’re getting close. that’s it babygirl. i know you’re almost there. cum for me yeah? he’d prompt. his words pushing you that much closer. his other hand that had been holding your hip moved to softly brush up and down your side under your shirt, fingernails softly dragging across your skin. the mix of his lips on your neck, his hands everywhere, and his encouraging words are what brings you to your edge. white hot bliss rolling over your body in waves. you close your eyes and turn your head into his chest in order to hide the blissed out look you know is covering your face. he slowly works you through your orgasm, soft words helping bring you down. you okay? ashton asks you, slightly concerned. I’m fine. ‘M just really tired was your semi honest reply. C’mon we can go then. You can crash at mine tonight. cal would say while simultaneously pulling his fingers out of you. you’d nod in agreement, whimpering slightly at the loss. everyone gives their quick goodbyes and yall make your way outside to wait for the uber. cal throws one arm over your shoulder and pulls you into him. meanwhile he slips his fingers into his mouth to clean you off of him, moaning slightly at the taste. god i can’t wait to get you back to mine sweetheart. can’t get enough of this taste.
okayyyy so this is probably more than you wanted but i got a liiiiitle carried away lol. hope you like it! please let me know what you think! 
you can get added to my taglist here
special tag for @dukehoods and @flannelpunkcalum because i know that they’re both going to come yell at me for this.
if you’re crossed out it’s because it wouldn’t let me tag you 😭
taglist: @angelbabylu @alloutofcashton @calumspeachy @pagesuponstpages @cxddlyash @dukesnumber1 @rip-lukes-balsamic @calumscorgi @vintagehoods @thirlyhood @cthoodaf @tequila-clifford @caffeinatedcalum @irwinkitten @babylonduke @findingliam-o @gorgeouslygrace @myloverboyash @aspiringwildfire @cal-pal-cuddles @calsangel @moonlightgodcalum @rosesfromcth @5sosbabey @babylon-corgis @asht0ns-world @boytoynamedcalum @Baloonafi @lockthisheartinchains @ohhmuke @inspirationcal @calumsmermaid @imorganedetoi @quintodosuniversos @lovableah @httpspook @calssunflower @Sheaaunique @lukesbabie @haileypotter124 @who-do-you-love-5sos @isiteasierash​ @aulxna @myemptywallets @nikkixostan @sublimehood @dammitbands
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rosegoldquintis · 5 years
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x OC!Caroline
Word count: +1.1k
Warnings: Daddy kink, Swearing?, choking, smut,  degradation, over stimulation, unprotected sex(don’t do that), mentions of drinking, spitting(like once in the beginning), shitty ending?, my grammar and spelling?
A/N: So I’m back, and this one is dedicated to my hoe friend @lukeinblue go and follow her, she’s fucking amazing.
Please note that this is my first smut so idk if it’s good, and there’s probably spelling and grammar mistakes but I’m to lazy to re-read it again. 
Also, this is +18, you probably won’t care but It would make me happy if your where +18 if you’re reading this:)
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Caroline had never really been a sub in her past relationships but boy did she love it, so here she was, his hand wrapped around her throat and the other rubbing her clit. It was friday night and they were currently out at one of their favorite clubs, Caroline was dressed in one of her favorite dresses. It was a emerald green dress, which was 90% lace and it matched with Luke's green button up. Her heels were high but she was still shorter than her boyfriend. Luke was dressed in his famous green button up, black loose pants and a leather jacket, he had a chain hanging around his neck and and Caroline had never seen anyone more gorgeous.
They had been at the club for around 40 minutes when Caroline started to get bored, so naturally she started to look for her boyfriend who had went to fetch them some drinks a while ago. As soon as she saw him she almost ran up to him and grabbed his arm, he stumbled a bit from the sudden impact,
“Hi doll.” He smiled at her, she stood on her toes so she could press a kiss to his jaw and before he could react she had left a small hickey on the left side of his jaw. The next minutes passed in a blur for Caroline and the drinks she had drunk didn’t really help and before she knew it they were outside their apartment building and Luke had a strong grip on her arm.
One they were in the elevator Luke grabbed the girls jaw and made her look up at him.
“I thought I told you to behave tonight little girl?” His voice was low and dark. “Open your mouth you little slut.” He said and of course she listened and his next move might have taken some by surprise, but not Caroline, she stood still and accepted her fate.
“Swallow.” He said once she closed her mouth which now held some of his spit, she obeyed and Luke gave a nod of approval. The elevator doors opened and Luke dragged Caroline towards their apartment and as soon as the door closed behind them she was pressed to the door and Luke had his hand wrapped around her throat.
“Why can’t you behave one night you little slut?” He gripped her throat a little tighter and continued. “Sometimes I wonder what I should do with you, maybe next time I’ll fuck you right then and there.” When he said that Caroline let out a little gasp and pressed her thighs together.
“Bedroom, now.” He growled at the small girl in front of him.
Once they reached the bedroom Luke roughly pushed Caroline onto her back on the bed and as she watched, Luke’s callous hands slowly moved up her inner thighs, making her whimper. A second later his rough fingers began rubbing her clit making her arch her back, his touch even rougher than usually and soon she was coming undone for the first time tonight.
“There we go doll.” He muttered under his breath as she came. “Only 4 more to go.” He said with a smile on his lips, knowing how much he loved watching her get over stimulated.
“Luke” She whined desperately, back arching up as he rubbed her clit, much too harshly. But Caroline was used to this, Luke using her body whenever she disobeyed.
“That’s not my name baby.” He chuckled as he continued to rub her clit, pressing a little harder.
“I’m sorry daddy.” She mumbled as he pushed his fingers into her tight pussy.
“So now you’re behaving you little slut.” He said to her as she let out small whimpers. One of his rules was no sound but the only thing on her mind tonight was to have Luke to herself. Luke brought one of his hands up to her throat and pressed down.
“What do I think about sounds little girl?” He said though his teeth.
“No sounds daddy.” She said, lost in the pleasure her boyfriends fingers were giving her. She could feel her second orgasm approaching and before she could stop herself she was cumming on his fingers.
As soon as she caught her breath Luke flipped her over so she was on all fours in the middle of the bed. When he was pleased with her position her pushed his large cock into her. She let out a loud gasp, pausing in her own movements momentarily before he started to pound into her roughly.
The air of the room was filled with sounds, the slapping of skin against skin, soft moans falling from Caroline's lips and Luke’s soft groans. One of Luke’s hands made its way towards Carolines throat and before she knew it he pulled her up towards his chest and he continued to thrust his hips into her until he could see the tears forming in her eyes.
“I’m gonna cum daddy, please let me cum.” Caroline was desperate for her release but knew that he might deny her this time since she hadn't asked before.
“Cum on my cock little girl, it’s gonna feel so good baby.” He muttered in her ear as he continued his rough abuse on her body. Soon she came for the third time tonight and he body shook a bit as Luke pulled out of her.
Soon Caroline was on her back, Luke between her legs, pushing his cock back into her for the second time tonight. She let out a whine when he pulled back and before she blinked he slammed back into her and continued fucking into her, over and over again with nothing but his groans filling the air.
“Luke, luke fuck please I c-can’t take anymore! Fuck!” You whimpered out.
“I’m almost there baby, just a little longer, you can do that for daddy, right??” You nodded obediently, moving forward to kiss him, moaning into his mouth until her fourth orgasm washed over her, he continued to pound deep into her pussy relentlessly, the whimpering increasing as Luke finally spilled his hot cum into her.
Even if Caroline already had four orgasms since he started his rough use of her body, he pushed her fingers into her tight pussy, determined to make her cum once more. His fingers were working at her clit with the clear intent of making her cum and not even a minute later she hit her fifth climax,
She collapsed bonelessly onto the bed, gasping for air and whimpering as Luke moved away from the bed she was laying on. “L-luke, please no more!” She practically begged and he let out a short chuckle, pulling the blankets over their naked bodies.
Tagging some cool people that might like this:
@lukeinblue @calsophat @futurewriter2000 @glitterprincelu @calsangel @honeyedhardy @heavenlyhemminqs @cal-pal-cuddles @singt0mecalum @blahehblah @cakestan @rosesfromcth
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Pictured with You (xi.)
A/n: I literally hate this chapter with everything I have but like okay. It had potential and then my depressed ass wrote this.
Summary: and suddenly Brian has become your middle man.
Warning: just trash writing and it's told in both POVs
Word count: 1.7k (it's really short I'm sorry!!!!)
"Dude, you literally suck at this game!" Brian exclaims as I throw the controller on the small table in front of us. "That's the fourth one in a row."
I roll my eyes, "Yeah, I know."
"Another round?" He asks, shrugging his shoulders.
I just shake my head, "I don't think I'm feeling it anymore, bud."
Brian nods and turns the TV off. "Well what are you in the mood for? You want to go to the gym? Or we could go around town and try to find different coffee shops."
I'm scrolling through my Twitter feed while he talks, not really interested in any of the suggestions that he's putting out there.
"Or we could ignore our best friend who is trying to get your mind off whatever's still going on. That's cool too." He claps my shoulder and I sigh, locking my phone.
"I'm sorry, Bri. I just can't stop thinking about that night."
"Dude, what happened there anyway? By the time I got to the dressing room, she was already yelling at you. Nobody's really talked about it after that. We're probably all just scared she'll snap at us the way she did at Andrew. So we don't ask."
I furrow my brows. She did what? "It's too long a story. I really don't want to get into all the details of it. It was bad and I fucked up immensely. It just wasn't at all what I planned."
"Well give me the gist of it. What was this thing about six months?"
I groan and hold my head in my hands, trying to figure out how much I can tell him, how much I can leave out. "Okay, so you already know that we had sex, what, two months ago now." I wait for confirmation even though I don't need to. "And I mean, things were weird for a few weeks after that. Even though they shouldn't have been. We could have been fine, but she left that morning and just stopped talking to me and I don't know - I mean, she told me why she did it, but I still don't understand. I don't understand what would be so wrong if we just started dating now. But she's adamant about not doing this on tour." I run my fingers through my hair. "But anyway, after the Boston show, I texted her and I just said that we should probably talk. So we did."
"Right, which is why you guys were finally able to sit at the same table again. Which, I'll be honest, made me happy. I missed hanging out with that girl."
"Yeah," I mumble. "Me too."
"But you guys were good for a few days. What happened?"
"Well, that night that we talked... she wasn't feeling well. So, we walked to the drugstore. Someone, somehow, caught us out and they took a picture. I don't know, I was kissing her forehead or something and it reached Andrew. He made it a big thing and told me how I can't have a girlfriend right now. Y/n tried to stand up for me, I realize that, by saying she wasn't my girlfriend. But I guess hearing her say it like that to someone other than me just flipped a switch. And I said something I shouldn't have."
"Which was?"
I grunt in frustration, throwing my head back in frustration. "She told Andrew she wasn't my girlfriend. I didn't mean for her to hear it, nor did I mean to say it. But I said something like 'yeah, you've really made sure of that, right?' And… well you caught it from there. She asked me to wait until tour was over and then we said we would try dating. But I've fucked up exceptionally. I wouldn't blame her if she never wanted to date me now."
"Shawn," he shakes his head and bites the inside of his cheek, no doubt searching for the right words. "You're right. What you did was messed up. But I don't think she's over you."
"She said she wouldn't be anything more than my photographer. She doesn't want me, Brian."
"Right now. She doesn't want the relationship right now. Give her time, man. Girls need that."
Yeah, because that's all she's asked of me and I didn't give it to her. "I hate not knowing how to fix this."
He sighs, "look, I know that these feelings have been brewing for a while, but are you sure it's not just a crush? I mean, you're a songwriter, man. You feel things intensely; this could just be a fling."
I shake my head vigorously. "No. No, it's not. I can't- Brian, I've never felt this before." I laugh despite myself. "I know it's gonna sound so crazy stupid, but she's the biggest paradox I've ever known. She's insecure about everything, but loves herself for everything she does. She's warm and comforting and there one minute, and the next acts like she doesn't care what I do. Some days we can spend hours talking about everything, and others I can't even get her to look my way. She confuses me in every goddamn possible way. But I do know this: no matter how fucked we both might be, I am incredibly, undeniably, incoherently, unfathomably in love with her. And… I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do about it now."
My best friend just sits there in silence, trying like hell to find something to say. But no words come out. Because there are no words left. Because there is nothing you can say to a person who is wholeheartedly in love with someone they can't have. You just have to let them be, and let their heart break when the time ultimately comes.
I've just finished putting all Shawn's photos onto a flash drive so I could clear my memory card when there's a knock at my door. I furrow my brows because Connor just left about twenty minutes ago, so it shouldn't be him. I just hope and pray that it isn't Shawn or Andrew while I walk to the door. The first thing I see when I look through the peep hole is red hair and I'm relieved.
"Brian, hi."
"Hey," he smiles sheepishly at me. "Can we talk for a second?"
I nod, "Sure. Come on in." I move to the side and he walks into the room, hands in his front pockets, making him appear much shorter than usual. "So, what's up?"
He clears his throat, "It's about you and Shawn."
I freeze. "Umm… o-okay."
I take a seat on the edge of the couch and Brian sits on the coffee table, hands clasped in front of him as he leans forward, elbows resting in his knees.
"I just, I want to know what's going on there. You two obviously have chemistry, it's almost laughable how good together you guys are together."
I feel my cheeks grow hot. "Thanks, I guess."
"What's keeping you away? Is it the fans? Because yeah, I know they're crazy, but you get used to it after a while. The shock of it all doesn't last that long."
"No," I shake my head, "it's not the fans. And its not Andrew, either." Even though it partially is.
"Well if it's not that then… Why aren't you with him?"
"I'd destroy him."
"He'd be into that."
I laugh, not believing that this is actually what Brian and I are talking about right now. "Brian, I'm not right for him. It doesn't matter how much I like him, We're too different."
"Are you?" He clears his throat, "Because I swear I have never seen any two people more perfect for each other. Your souls mesh together like nothing I've ever seen. You need to go for it, if it's what you want."
I shake my head, "It's too hard, Bri."
"Relationships are. But you're literally his photographer. You're always here to spend time with him. You're with him like twenty-four/seven, eight months out of the year."
"For now," I remind him.
It takes him a while, but I see it finally register on his face. "That's why you want to wait for tour to end."
I nod, crossing my arms over my chest. "Yeah."
"He's not going anywhere, you know."
"That's what he says," I look down at my feet. "But what does that matter? He can't stay in one place for long and… I can't ask him to do it, either. He'll eventually grow tired of doing the same old thing, being with the same person for so long. He needs excitement and movement, and I can't give that to him."
"Y/n, he's crazy about you. I've never in my life seen him so smitten with a girl. He would give up anything if it meant he could be with you."
"But I don't want him to give anything up. And I can't handle being in the spotlight. I take the pictures, Brian, I'm not in them. And if I start dating him, I'll see myself plastered everywhere. That's not what I want." I play with the hem of my shirt. "I want people to know my work. Not my relationship status."
"Okay, that's fair. But close your eyes, I want to try something."
I do as told and let out a deep breath through my nose.
"You and Shawn are walking down the street, you have your camera with you and he's got his arm around you. How do you feel?"
I smile at the image in my head, his large hand holding mine over my shoulder, lips against my forehead. My arm is draped around his torso and the sun is basking us in that golden hour light. It doesn't get better than that. "I'm… happy… I feel loved."
When he doesn't say anything for a while, I open my eyes to find him smiling at me. "And if you feel it from him in just your imagination, then how do you feel about him in real life?"
"God," I shake my head. "Do you really want to hear me say that I'm in love with him?"
"Yeah," he nods. "I did."
"Well, now you've heard it, but it doesn't change anything."
"It does," he starts walking toward the door.
"What?" I follow him. "How does it change -"
"Because he loves you too." And he disappears into the hallway, leaving me there staring blankly at the dark wood separating me and reality.
Tags: @curlyshawny @anamariel2301 @shawns-badreputation @bbellbagel @turtoix @ivegotparticulartaste @tomshufflepuff @dino-16-avocado @sleepybesson
@lifeoftheparty74 @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @alinaxxshawn @rosesfromcth @5-seconds-of-mendes @sweetheartmendes @shawnwyr @strangerliaa @xoxohannahlee @thenovarose @justanotherfangurl272 @particularmila @buckwildflower @shawnmendes048
Like, reblog, a d leave feedback!! 💙💙
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highfivecalum · 5 years
Wouldn’t Miss A Chance {CH} 14
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Previous Chapters: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen
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SOPHIE PACED BACK AND FORTH throughout the kitchen with Michael and Luke sitting at the kitchen table watching her worriedly. It was the next day and Luke and Michael stayed over at the house because Sophie didn’t want to be alone. They helped her clean up the house in the morning and tried to talk to her, but she was too worried about both Ashton and Calum to focus long enough to clean or hold a conversation with the two of them.
Ashton and Calum left and hadn’t returned home and Sophie was starting to get worried. She texted Calum asking where he was, but she didn’t get a response and he didn’t answer any of her phone calls, and she didn’t even bother trying to text Ashton because she knew that he wouldn’t respond.
“Soph,” Michael spoke up timidly. “It’s going to be okay.”
“I don’t think it is,” Sophie ran a nervous hand through her hair and continued pacing. She figured Ashton went to Clara’s, but where the hell did Calum go? She had no clue. “God, Ash was so pissed.” Sophie tried to shake the memory of his betrayed look out of her head. “He’s never going to forgive us.”
“You just need to give him some time to cool down, you know?” Luke sighed. He had seen Ashton mad plenty of times, but never that mad, so he wasn’t sure if he believed his own words and he knew that Sophie didn’t believe them. “And then maybe he’ll-”
Luke was cut off by the front door slamming shut and Sophie’s head snapped up from the floor. She wasn’t sure who she was hoping it was, Ashton or Calum, but she was glad that at least one of them decided to come home. And when she saw that it was Calum, with a bruised nose a black eye, and his white shirt covered in blood, her heart broke a little bit.
“Hey,” Calum mumbled, not bothering to say anything else, and made a beeline for the stairs. Sophie huffed in annoyance and followed him upstairs. She knew they needed to talk, even if he didn’t want to, and she was going to make him.
Sophie found him in the bathroom now shirtless with a cold rag on his face. “Are you okay?”
Calum looked at Sophie through the mirror and sighed. She looked timid and shy around him, something that he didn’t ever want her to feel. He leaned against the counter and beckoned her over. Sophie did so happily and stood in front of Calum, frowning when she saw his face up close. It looked awful.
“I’m fine,” Calum tucked her hair behind her ear. “Are you okay?” Sophie nodded her head silently, although she wasn’t okay- not completely, and Calum could tell. He could sense that she wasn’t telling the truth. “Soph,” Calum sighed and pulled her body into his. “Talk to me, baby.”
“I don’t know what to say, Calum.” Sophie finally sighed. She had a lot to say, but she couldn’t put her thoughts into words because she was too nervous and anxious thinking about Ashton and what he was going to do when he finally came home and confronted the pair.
“‘M sorry I left last night without talking to you. I was just- I’m so upset with Ashton and how he reacted and I get that he’s pissed at me, he has every right to be, but then he pushed you and yelled at you! And that’s just-” Calum inhaled a sharp breath. “That’s not okay.”
“I don’t care about that, though.” Sophie shook her head. “I care about him being okay with us.”
“I care about that, too, but Ash is right,” Calum smiled sadly. “I don’t do relationships, not well at least, especially not with you.”
Sophie lifted her head off of Calum’s shoulder and furrowed her eyebrows. “Especially not with me?” She took a step back and crossed her arms over her chest. “What does that mean?”
“You’re Ashton’s little sister, Sophie.” Calum reminded her and she frowned. Was all that she was? Is that really how Calum saw her?
She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Is that all I am to you? Ashton’s little sister?”
“No, no,” Calum shook his head. “Course not. You’re more than that and you know it.” Sophie rolled her lips into her mouth and looked away from him. “But we knew how this was going to pan out, we knew Ashton was going to be pissed, and I just don’t think-”
“Don’t think what?”
“Don’t think he’s going to be okay with it,” Calum admitted and Sophie frowned. Was he not going to at least try and make it work? Was he just going to give up that easily? If he was going to give up without a fight, then he wasn’t worth it, Sophie thought.
Calum noticed the sad look on Sophie’s face and he hated it. He wanted more than anything to see her smile. He was going to tell her that it wouldn’t work, that with Ashton not being okay with it it was never going to happen, but he wanted to see her smile and he did want to be with her so bad, he really did. Calum hadn’t wanted anything so bad in his life, so fuck it, he thought.
“But I don’t care if he’s okay with it or not,” Calum whispered and Sophie finally made eye contact with him. There was hope in her eyes, Calum could see it, so he smiled widely at her even though it was painful to smile due to his nose, he didn’t care. “I don’t give a shit if he hates me because of this because I just wanna be with you, Soph.”
“Really?” Sophie mumbled, but the smile that was appearing on her face was prominent and that in turn made Calum smile. “I don’t want to come between your friendship.”
“If we’re really as good of friends as I think we are and if he really cares about me, and cares about you, he’ll get over it. And eventually, maybe not anytime soon, but eventually, he’ll be okay with it. He has to be.”
Sophie bit her lip. “But what if he’s not?”
“Hey, hey,” Calum took Sophie’s face in his hands and forced eye contact. He hated hearing her sound so defeated and he would do anything to see her smile and be sure of herself again like she always was. “You want to be with me, right?”
Sophie nodded her head. “Yeah. Of course I do.”
“Then fuck what everybody else thinks.”
Sophie smiled and wrapped her arms around Calum’s middle and he sighed in content. He loved being wrapped in her arms and he loved holding her in his, it was like they fit perfectly. They were a perfect match, Calum thought. “Where did you go last night?”
“Last night when you left. Where did you go?”
“Oh, uh, just a friends house.”
“What friend?”
Calum nervously scratched the back of his head. He didn’t want to tell Sophie where he went, he knew she would be pissed at him, but he didn’t want to keep things from her, especially not after he just told her that he wanted to make things work. He didn’t think keeping things from her would help their relationship at all. “Sarah’s.”
Sophie pulled away, her arms still wrapped around Calum’s middle, and narrowed her eyes at him. Surely Calum had friends, more friends than just Sarah, so why the hell would he go there? It made Sophie’s stomach twist with jealousy and fill with anxiety. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Sophie,” Calum sighed.
“Did you fuck her or something?”
“What? No! Of course not.” Calum shook his head frantically. He wouldn’t do that to Sophie and honestly; after having and feeling her, there was no way in hell he could sleep with another girl. He didn’t- couldn’t- think about any girl but her. “I wouldn’t do that to you.” Sophie raised an eyebrow at him. “Listen, Sarah and I were friends before her and I started… you know and last night that’s all it was. Being friends. I crashed on her couch and then I left before she even woke up.”
Sophie looked at Calum with suspicious eyes and he didn’t blame her. If she told him she stayed at Oliver’s house, or any other guys house in the world but him, he would be suspicious too, but mostly jealous. He understood why she felt the way she did.
“I really hope you’re not lying to me, Calum.”
Sophie had been lied to enough by her past boyfriends. Lied to about the smallest and the biggest things and she didn’t think she did anything to deserve being lied to and she really hoped, prayed even, that Calum wasn’t a liar just like her ex-boyfriends were. She wasn’t sure she would be able to handle Calum lying to her.
“I’m not lying, Sophie. I promise.” Calum stuck his pinky finger up and wiggled it a little, telling Sophie that he wanted to pinky promise her, and she rolled her eyes but obliged and hooked their pinkies together. Calum grinned and kissed their intertwined pinkies. “I would never lie to you, Soph. I need you to believe that.”
Sophie bit her lip. She was unsure whether or not she believed it, but with one look in Calum’s eyes, she saw the sincerity in them and she couldn’t help but smile and nod her head. She believed Calum, she really did, and she really hoped it wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass.
❋ ❋ ❋
Taglist: @wrappedaroundcal @roselukes @hereforlukescruff @plainwhiteluke @irwinkitten @irwinvalentines @catchinqcalum @astroashtonio @mistletoemichael @youmaycallmemrshemmings @musicsavedme-00 @complete-trash-101 @jupitergranger @mysteriouslycali @lex-micole @sincerelycalum @calistheloml @kaxseychill @calteahood @mermaid-merrick @verybelowaverage @forggetablle @ihatemyself21 @rexorangecouny @alotof1dlove @dionnealberts @turtlenecktgc @nipplyportman @lauwenrodriguez @uncrowned-cal @ghstofcalum @cliffordcntrl @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @it-was-a-lie @therainydays4 @booklove-2 @pattys-got-cakes @mpadge33 @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles @buddhas-princess @nostalgia-luke @tothemoonwithclifford @hopelessxcynic @dannisos @calpalbby @thebodaciouscth @blue-skies-are-alright @90s-good-vibes @sugarcoatedcalum @crystalisinfinite @toofadedtofight @girlstalkreality @rosesfromcth @parkerspicedlatte @rip-lukes-balsamic @miahelizaaabeth @wcstethenightt @mixedfeeelings @isabella-mae13 @antisocialbandmate 
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rosesfromcth · 5 years
The Middle/LRH/Prologue
Luke POV
I remember the first time I saw her, not because she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. In fact, she seemed quite average. She was about the average height if not a bit tall. She wore quite a bit of makeup and had her hair curled perfectly. The dark brown ringlets falling just above her waist. Even though, she tried to exhibit confidence. You could tell she was insecure, in the way she held her head down towards the ground just a slight bit. The way she crossed her arms to close herself off and in the way she walked. She had put a lot of effort into the way she looked, her hair, makeup and clothes.
That's what I remember about seeing her for the first time. I know she was waiting in line for our meet and greet with a group of girls. I know that her smile didn't quite meet her eyes.
I see a lot of girls everyday that are similar to her. The kind that fake a smile, and that you can tell are doubting everything they do.
So what made her special? I wasn't sure yet, but I knew I would somehow find out.
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singt0mecalum · 5 years
on the topic of frat!cal... since you don't like pda and he isn't that much if a puplic pda person either, he teases you all night long whenever y'all are at a party. Like posing in pictures with that damn middle finger and his tongue sticking out. And he's not even looking at the person taking the picture he just looks at you, silently telling you that later on you're gonna fucking GET IT. And the sitting on his thigh and him starting to move his thigh so you're slowly getting riled up
God frat!cal. Fuck me the fuck up. okay so in celebration of me officially being done with school and actually having time to write please enjoy 😘
Okay so like casual kick back for someone’s birthday. Someone’s girlfriend, or maybe it was the sweetheart who knows, painted a birthday banner (like this but birthday themed) so everyone is rotating taking pictures in front of it. A small group of y’all had gone to the local frat/srat Mexican restaurant hang out for a celebratory dinner and margs (because who the fuck doesn’t like margs?). Cal of course had ordered both of y’all jumbo margs made with the good shit. You had only been able to drink a little over half before you had got to a point of being comfortably drunk, so not only did Cal drink all of his but he also finished yours. Safe to say he was feeling it when y’all made it back to the house for the party. The minute y’all made it back he was mixing y’all up some homemade margs, just slightly stronger than the ones from dinner of course.
You were about half way through your second and cal was almost done with his third. You were perched on the arm of the couch talking with one of the other girlfriends, your eyes watching your boyfriend posing for pictures with all of his brothers. He looks over and catches you watching him and gives you a wink when he sees you biting your lip. He turns it up a few notches from there, sticking his tongue out and flipping off the camera any chance he gets. Occasionally throwing in a pose with his fingers in a v with his tongue in between. All the things he knows gets you riled up. He knows you’re not one for PDA but if he gets you bothered enough he knows he’ll have you begging before long. And with your begging comes lingering touches and needy pleas.
By the time he finally makes it over to the small group you’re in, you’re practically quivering in need for your boyfriend. Your marg is long gone so not only are you thirsty for more of that, you’re thirsty for him as well. A double whammy you need to quench asap. “Cal babe can you make me another drink?” You ask while playing with the loops on his jeans, an indication to him of what the rest of the night will look like. “Anything for you babe,” he replies and leans in to give you a quick peck, testing the waters as to see just how responsive you are and how much PDA you’re willing to put up with. When you hold him in place by his belt loops when he tries to pull away he knows that you’ve reached the point of not caring. And if that wasn’t telling, the whimper you let out when he finally pulled away was more than enough to tell him you’d let him take you then and there if he wanted.
He makes yalls new drinks and moves to sit in the spot next to the arm of the couch. He hands you your drink and then pulls you from the arm into his lap, situating you to where his thigh was nestled snugly between your legs. He rests his hand on your hip to hold you in place and subtly starts tapping his foot, the vibrations moving straight up his leg and to your crotch. He feels your body tense and can see you take in a deep breath in order to compose yourself. You bring your cup up to take a sip and hide your sigh of pleasure. He starts to tap his foot more aggressively as you swallow causing you to choke and start coughing from the jolt of pleasure that shoots through your body. “Everything okay darlin?” Cal asks you as everyone’s attention turns to you, his foot never stopping its motions. “Yeah yeah. I’m fine. Drink is just stronger than I was expecting,” you fib and reach your hand out to squeeze his other thigh in order to release some of the tension building in your body. At the feeling of your hand on his thigh he leans up and whispers in your ear, “don’t worry baby girl, this is just the beginning. If you’re good for me and cum on my thigh we can leave and when we make it back to mine I’ll take care of you real nice for the rest of the night.” You let out a soft whimper at his words and give him a soft nod in understanding. You don’t contribute much to the ongoing conversation, blaming your exhaustion after a long day. You lean back into cal’s chest as his foot picks up even more in order to hide just how much he’s affecting your body. It doesn’t take long before you’re reaching your end, his leg visibly shaking at this point to bring you to your orgasm and his hands are caressing your side while his lips sponge at your neck. He can feel your shallow breathing as his motions affect you. “C’mon baby girl. Show me how good you are by letting go in front of all of our friends. Let them know how good I make you feel. I know you’re almost there. Be good for me.” the words falling from his lips shooting straight to your pussy. “C‘mon just think of everything waiting for you at mine if you behave. I haven’t shaved for the past week just for you. I know how much you love the feeling of my scruff on your thighs as I work you over with my tongue. And I wore all your favorite rings tonight just in case you were a good girl. Just wait until I get you home. Fucking you into the mattress with my hand wrapped around your pretty throat, you gasping for more as I bring you to your third orgasm of the night. C’mon baby girl I know you’re there. Cum for me. Right here right now.” At his command your orgasm hits you like a wave, your body tensing up and then letting go all at once. Soft whimpers and moans fall past your lips as he works you through it, thankfully all of your friends are too drunk to notice and are barely paying y’all any mind. “C’mon baby girl let’s go home. You were so good for me,” he says and holds your hips to help stable you as you stand. “We’re gonna head out. She’s so tired she could fall asleep standing,” he tells your friends as he stands up. You all say goodbye and make your way down the street to his house, you strategically placed in front of his bulging pants. The walk to his filled with details of what’s to come the rest of the night and purposeful brushes of his straining pants to let you know just how ready for you he is.
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taglist: @irwinkitten @babylonduke @findingliam-o @gorgeouslygrace  @myloverboyash @aspiringwildfire @vintagehoods @cal-pal-cuddles @c-sainthood @daftprettyluke @moonlightgodcalum  @rosesfromcth @5sosbabey @babylon-corgis  @asht0ns-world @boytoynamedcalum  @Baloonafi  @lockthisheartinchains  @ohhmuke @inspirationcal  @calumsmermaid @thirlyhood @heavenlyhemminqs @honeyedhood @calumscorgi @rip-lukes-balsamic @dukesnumber1 @cxddlyash  @pagesuponstpages @calumspeachy @alloutofcashton @caffeinatedcalum @tequila-clifford @hellostarsdolans @angelbabylu
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rosesfromcth · 5 years
Rosesfromcth Masterlist
Calum Hood
Too Hot (frat boy!Cal x Y/N- y/n hates calum purely for the reason that he’s too hot and calum wants to change that, enemies to lovers) #collegecalum #fratboycalum #enemiestolovers
Cocktail Chats (fluff Burned before, Calum wants to show the world his love for y/n) #drunkcalum
Get Your Own Jacket (fluff-Calum warns you to bring a jacket in case it rains, but you are too stubborn to listen) #boyfriendcalum
The Breakup (angst-in which, Calum and y/n break up in order to avoid hating each other) #sadcalum
Kiss Me (fluff-it’s your wedding day and time for your first dance with calum) #groomcalum
New Years (fluff-Calum surprises y/n with a cute night in on new years) #boyfriendcalum #cutecalum #holidaycalum
Something’s Wrong (angst with some fluff?-y/n is struggling and calum begs her to open up to him) #supportivecalum
Comfy, Sleep Shirt (Calum accidentally ruins y/n favorite shirt, how does he make it up to her? mundane life w cal) #boyfriendcalum
Scratch my itch. (Fluff-Calum is clinging but y/n has an issue she needs a hand with) #clingycalum
Ashton Irwin
Play It Again (Fluff- Ashton meets y/n in a cute little bar after a concert) #meetcuteashton
New Years (fluff- date night in with ashton) #holidayashton #cuteashton #boyfriendashton
Crashing Coffee Cups- 1, 2 (fluff-y/n works at a radio station, and Ashton ruins her favorite blouse by quite literally crashing into her and her coffee.) #meetcuteashton
Luke Hemmings
The Middle- 1, (fluff-y/n is a fan and somehow stands out to luke at a meet and greet. slow burn, slow updates) #fanstoloversluke #friendstoloversluke
I Need You (angst-y/n is struggling with luke being on tour and like surprises her) #supportiveluke
My Girl (fluff-luke and y/n have been seeing each other for awhile, but he’s leaving on tour soon. what will they do?) #softluke
Valentine (Plus Sized Reader) Fluff-Luke meets y/n, a plus sized model, at a party where she doesn’t quite recognize him. make out sessions?) #meetcuteluke
Michael Clifford
Play With My Hair
Shawn Mendes
Spill Your Guts(Fluff-Famous reader X Shawn Mendes. James corden tricks Y/n into dating shawn maybe?) #softshawn
Birthday, blurbs and other random
-roselukes birthday smut
Drunk party time with Calum
Puppy Love with Calum request
Best friends to lovers with calum request
Marry Me (cth/Happy birthday Hannah!)
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gigglyirwin · 5 years
The Rockefeller Tree
Pairing: Calum x Reader
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: fluff
Prompt: Christmas with Calum
Summary: Calum takes his family and his girlfriend to New York for Christmas, where he becomes a cheesy romantic.
This is day 25 of 25 Days of Christmas. Check out the masterlist HERE!
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Calum always went home for Christmas. He loved being back in Australia and being with his parents and (most of the time) sister. It was one of his favorite things about the holidays. He’d only missed one Christmas with them, and that was the Christmas he’d spent with your family. You both agreed that after that year, Christmas with his family would be a permanent thing. His family always did a little bit more, while your family did more for other holidays that Calum would gladly spend with you and them.
Almost immediately after 5 Seconds of Summer played their last show, Calum was on a plane with you to Australia. Half the flight he spent talking your ear off about this year’s plans, the other half of the time you and him were fast asleep.
Once you had landed you couldn’t wait to spend the next few weeks with him and his family.
There was still a week left before Christmas, so you had every right to be confused when Calum sat down at the dinner table with a gift in his hands.
“I have a surprise,” he announced. “It’s for the whole family, so, unwrap it together,” he said, then set the present in the middle of the table. You and Mali reached for it, tearing the paper off of it. There was a rectangular box under the paper and Joy and David did the honors of taking the lid off, all four of you eyeing what was inside. Gasps were heard around the table when you all realized what it was. Five plane tickets. All to New York for Christmas and New Years.
“Really?” Mali asked, pulling out one of the tickets. Calum nodded, letting out a slight ‘oof’ sound when his sister crashed into him with a big hug. “This is awesome. Thank you. I can’t wait to spend the holidays in New York with everyone.”
“I hope it’s okay. We leave on the 22nd, and I figure if we want to we could do gifts when we got back. Or before we leave. Or we could take them with,” Calum threw out, his hand going to the back of his neck, a telltale sign that he was nervous.
His mum assured him there was nothing to be nervous about and that she was excited.
You arrived late on the 23rd. The flight was long and exhausting and the first thing you all did was head to your respective hotel rooms and crash.
Christmas Eve was the first day you really did things. You enjoyed the complimentary breakfast in the hotel and afterward headed to Winter Villiage to window shop and walk around. Mali had pointed out that The Nutcracker Ballet was playing and Calum was lucky enough to score some tickets for it, the five of you enjoying the well known Christmas dance. It was dark when it was over, so Calum treated you and his family to dinner and then it was back to the hotels to sleep.
Christmas morning had been very unexciting. In fact, it was spent in his parent's hotel room, opening the few presents that they had brought. You went out for lunch, then returned to the hotel for a few hours. Calum napped, you and Mali talked and Joy and David explored the hotel you were staying in.
But that night, Calum held your hand tightly as you walked the streets of New York City. Cupped in his other hand was a hot coffee. You had a cup of tea in your opposite hand, both of you taking turns pointing out lights or buildings or people or dogs. You peeked into windows of stores and buildings at the Christmas displays inside and had a really heartfelt conversation with his mother and sister while Calum was a few steps ahead, talking to his dad. You were so welcomed into his family and you got along with them so well, you knew it made Calum just as happy as it made you. They were like your second family, and you were thankful you had been able to spend so many years getting to know them.
When the Rockefeller tree came into view, you took quite a few pictures. It was one of your favorite sights. Calum stood a few steps behind you, taking pictures of you taking pictures of the tree. His favorite sight was the wonder in you with every new place you went and every new thing you saw. His camera roll was filled with candids of you taking pictures of important places; the Eiffel Tower, one of the beaches back in Australia, the O2 when they played there, now only adding to that collection with the Rockefeller tree.
Calum gave a quick nod to his parents and then came up behind you, startling you slightly when he wrapped his arm around your waist. He silently led you forward more, getting as close as he could to the tree, even with the crowd of people that had the same idea you two did. Calum stopped and turned, holding your cheek as he leaned down to kiss you, slowly albeit passionately. He placed his forehead against yours when he pulled away, holding his breath as he stepped back and reached into his coat pocket.
“Y/N,” he began, grabbing the box that had been carefully hidden. Your eyes widened and your hand flew to your mouth. “I love you, so much. I’ve been in love with you for four years now, and you have been the best part of my life for almost five. You have no idea how much you mean to me and I can’t even find the words to explain to you how much that is. You taught me what it meant to love and be loved,” Calum teared up at his own words, fiddling with the still closed box. “You’re my better half, and you have helped me grow into, well,” he chuckled, “not to use my own song, but you helped me become a better man.” You laughed at that one too, grabbing his outstretched hand. You used your free hand to brush away the tears now on your face. “I love you and I know I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. You deserve the best, and I will always try to give you the best, so tonight I want to give you the best Christmas, by asking:” For a split second, Calum let go of your hand and opened the box, pulling the ring out before shoving the container back in his pocket. He held your hand again before he scooted himself back even more and dropped down to one knee. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes, Calum,” you sniffled, nodding your head. “Yes, oh my god, of course, yes!”
His smile grew twice its size and he jumped back onto his feet, sliding the ring onto your finger. He admired how it looked, his thumb brushing over the diamond in the middle. He looked up to catch your eyes before cupping your cheek again and kissing you hard. Calum felt like he was in a movie as people cheered around him. He saw the occasional flash out of the corner of his eye, but it didn’t stop him from kissing you. He kissed you until his lungs cried for air and when he pulled away, you were both sniffling away your own tears.
“I love you, Calum Hood,” you whispered, squeezing his hand tightly.
“I love you, Y/N Hood.” The name made you giggle, but it sounded so perfect coming from him. You couldn’t wait to officially take his last name.
Tags: @irwinkitten @buckinghamshire-girl @you-of-ghost @outerspacecth  @tommyswolves @hopelessxcynic @softboycal @sincerelycalum @darthrogers @cal-pal-cuddles @naivelystan @elliejdavis @norawashere @rachaeljayne15 @satan-i-guess @jane-ofalltrades @prwciousporter @melliandme @moonlightxdancing @astrosashton @bigdirtycliffo @lonelyclownclub @too-many-lanes @violentvents @cashton-queen @hemmomfg @whydoistilllovethisband @itjustkindahappenedreally @canterburyfiction @amxngmen @abitloudforanaccousticset @drummerboy794 @geek-gurl24 @chubawupwub @asht0ns-world @hugs2forever @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @antiguini5sos @blue-skies-are-alright @mymanz @saintcalums @disasterhood @calumsgirlcrush @smrttrtl @lashtonchesthair @cocktail-calum @Vimme11 @britnicole11 @cuddlycutecalum @zuzuismyname @cal-puddies @fallin-all-in-mendes @nothingliketheraintimestwo @crownedbycalum @abitmorepersonall @stone-cold-nerd97 @5saucewho @kaxseychill @agusdoti @kend-of-a-big-deal @calumpshile @loserlowlife @kieranotkira @empty--wallets @5-sos-babe @jpgluke @cambvd @lovely-melissaaa @littlebear1353 @squidney-c @calumspeachy @tequila-clifford @cashtonsicetea @Ngl_stfu @ohhmuke @calistheloml @therainydays4 @rosaliechen @mysticalhood @calumamongmen @gloss-glass-ash  @kenopsia-falcon @dancingonanemptywallet @lukescherrypie @rosesfromcth @balsamichood @rosesforash @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @vipclifford @calumismyprince @dukesnumber1 @dannisos @mycollectionofnuts @calthesensation @mysteriouslycali @softcxlum @5sosobsessedgryffindor @4evrfandom @moonlightgodcalum  @sassy-asht0n @5sosdoges2018 @larryologymajor @90sbabylon  @voidmegan @hella-messy @valentinelrh @missingyoucth @bbyhoneyharru @astroashtonio @boytoynamedcalum @lovey-doveycth @calumsbabydolll @horse-crazed-fangirl @rosecoloredash @marvelfan8 @burnxcrash @colourfulcal @honestlylosingcontrol @meet-you-here @calum-calcal-hood @valntyne-lies @lowkeytiddy @rewritethestcrs @caswinchester2000 @xxlietomexx @cakeassx-blog 
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gigglyirwin · 6 years
Broken Pieces
Pairing: Calum x Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: angst
Prompt: I’ll be home for Christmas
Summary: The band is asked to play a show the day before Christmas Eve, which completely messes up their flight plans. Calum’s left waiting for a plane that’s never going to bring him home to you in time.
This is day 15 of 25 Days of Christmas. Check out the masterlist HERE!
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Every time Calum left for tour, it was hard. You’d stay up way too late, your night beginning with him making love to you slowly, wanting to be as close to you as possible and was less about pleasure and more about connection. After, you’d shower together and brush your teeth side by side still standing in your towels. He’d steal minty kisses from you every so often after that, crawling into bed beside you that night.
The night was filled with deep talks. Calum talked about his excitement yet nervousness for tour and you talked about how proud you were of him, but also how much you were going to miss him. You shared kisses between I love you’s, laughed when comparing hand sizes and teased him by putting your cold feet on his legs.
“I’m gonna miss this,” he whispered when you had tucked up under his arm for the night. Your fingers traced the tattoos on his arm, one of your favorite things to do. It calmed you down, and him too and helped you both sleep.
The mornings were spent cuddling in bed until the last minute possible. It’d be quiet at breakfast, and the drives to the airport were for your thoughts. Calum would hold your hand the whole way there, music softly filling the car as he stroked the back of your hand. “I love you.” were the first words out of his mouth that morning. He pulled you in for a hug, holding you tightly and hardly minding the flashing of cameras and cell phones he could see. You walked him to the gates until you had to finally leave. He always told you not to cry, and yet you always did. Calum wouldn’t depart until he saw you smile again, telling you once more that he loved you.
It never got any easier.
Two months had passed since you last saw Calum face to face. It was hard on both of you. Every day was a new challenge and as things on tour grew more and more hectic your talks grew few and far between. Calum still called every day, but what used to be 3 or 4 hours of talking had turned into not even hour-long conversations. It was slowly causing a tear to form in your relationship.
The tear grew straight down the middle when Calum announced he may not make it back for Christmas.
“What do you mean, might not make it back for the holidays?”
“We got asked to play a show on the 23rd in London.”
You took Calum off speaker phone then, pressing the phone against your ear. Maybe you weren’t hearing this right. He further explained the situation. You knew the tour dates were all close together come Christmas time, but they were supposed to have the whole week of Christmas off. They were supposed to be home on the 22nd and leaving again on the 28th. You were flying out with them, spending New Years in New York with Calum.
Calum was set to leave London on the 22nd, but now you knew this would interfere with his travel plans. “What about other flights?” You asked.
“Everything is full because of the holidays. I got a bystander ticket for the morning of the 24th, but I’m not guaranteed a spot.” You sniffled on the other end, using the sleeves of the hoodie you were wearing to dry your tears. “Please don’t cry,” Calum begged, feeling his own heart sink when he heard you.
“I’m trying not to,” you sighed.
“This is my job,” Calum began.
You snapped. “I know.”
Calum tried not to let the tone of your voice get to him. He tried not to think that maybe your relationship was teetering on the edge of disaster. All his past relationships had ended roughly the same way. No matter how much time Calum gave, it just wasn’t enough. “You know I’m going to try everything in my power to be home for Christmas. I promise you I will try.”
“I know. I’m sorry, Cal. I know you are trying. I just haven’t seen you in two months straight and I’ve been counting down the days until you return.”
“Baby, I’m still going to come home,” he reminded you. “They have a flight on the 26th that I have a ticket for whether I get a bystander seat or not.”
Calum had spent that whole day talking to you. He had bystander passes for four different flights and he just hoped he’d get onto one of them. The airports were packed. He couldn’t believe how many people were flying out on Christmas Eve. He just knew he wasn’t getting on the very first flight, not with how many people were in the terminal. It was overflowing. Every chair was taken and people were waiting in line to use the charging stations. His chest grew tight at the thought of not making it back in time.
“I’m still waiting, but I don’t think I’m getting on this flight” Calum texted, watching the three dots appear and disappear a few times before your reply came through.
“It’s okay”
He already felt in his heart that he wasn’t going to be home for Christmas.
As soon as the flight was fully boarded, Calum approached the attendant who sadly shook her head. It was then a race against the clock to get to the other terminal. He made it in time for boarding, but this one was equally as full.
Calum stopped texting you at 5 o’clock that night. You hoped for the positives, that maybe he had gotten on a flight and wasn’t able to text you before takeoff or that his phone died and he was waiting for it to fully charge before telling you he had been boarded, but nothing came in.
Not until midnight when his contact picture popped up with a call waiting to be answered.
“I’m really sorry,” was the first thing he said.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “It’s okay, Calum. This is not your fault. I know you tried.” It wasn’t hard to tell that you were still upset. You had planned to do so much with him on Christmas and now it had all been ripped away.
“There's a few more flights tomorrow that I’ll try to get on, but I wouldn’t see you until late on Christmas day if that’s the case.”
“Calum, it’s fine,” you repeated. “If I don’t see you until the day after Christmas than I don���t see you until then and I’m going to have to be okay with it.”
“I really wanted to be there sooner.”
“Can we please stop talking about it?” You pleaded.
“Yeah. Sure o-of course. What do you want to talk about?”
“Actually, I just want to go to bed.”
Calum swore his heart shattered. He choked out an ‘I love you’ before the line went dead. It took him a second to comprehend everything, but then he knew how badly this had been broken. Calum’s head filled with memories of you, he thought of things he could’ve done better or how much extra time he could’ve given you. But he knew you were upset. He knew this was hurting you as much as it was hurting him. But it didn’t stop the tightness in his chest or the feeling of his heart constricting and the pain that came with it all. How on earth was he supposed to fix this?
Tags: @irwinkitten @buckinghamshire-girl @you-of-ghost @outerspacecth  @tommyswolves @hopelessxcynic @softboycal @sincerelycalum @darthrogers @cal-pal-cuddles @naivelystan @elliejdavis @norawashere @rachaeljayne15 @satan-i-guess @jane-ofalltrades @prwciousporter @melliandme @moonlightxdancing @astrosashton @bigdirtycliffo @lonelyclownclub @too-many-lanes @violentvents @cashton-queen @hemmomfg @whydoistilllovethisband @itjustkindahappenedreally @canterburyfiction @amxngmen @abitloudforanaccousticset @drummerboy794 @geek-gurl24 @chubawupwub @asht0ns-world @hugs2forever @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @antiguini5sos @blue-skies-are-alright @mymanz @saintcalums @disasterhood @calumsgirlcrush @smrttrtl @lashtonchesthair @cocktail-calum @Vimme11 @britnicole11 @cuddlycutecalum @zuzuismyname @cal-puddies @fallin-all-in-mendes @nothingliketheraintimestwo @crownedbycalum @abitmorepersonall @stone-cold-nerd97 @5saucewho @kaxseychill @agusdoti @kend-of-a-big-deal @calumpshile @loserlowlife @kieranotkira @empty--wallets @5-sos-babe @jpgluke @cambvd @lovely-melissaaa @littlebear1353 @squidney-c @calumspeachy @yngbldss @tequila-clifford @cashtonsicetea @Ngl_stfu @ohhmuke @calistheloml @therainydays4 @rosaliechen @mysticalhood @calumamongmen @gloss-glass-ash @nostalgia-luke @calumvertigo @kenopsia-falcon @dancingonanemptywallet @lukescherrypie @rosesfromcth @balsamichood @rosesforash @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @vipclifford @calumismyprince @dukesnumber1 @dannisos @mycollectionofnuts @calthesensation @mysteriouslycali @softcxlum @5sosobsessedgryffindor @4evrfandom @moonlightgodcalum  @sassy-asht0n @5sosdoges2018 @larryologymajor @90sbabylon @irwinsbambi @voidmegan @hella-messy @valentinelrh
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gigglyirwin · 6 years
Coffee and Christmas Gifts
Pairing: Luke x Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: fluff, some swearing probably,
Prompt: Christmas With Luke
Summary: You spend the night at Luke’s house for the first time ever, and wake up to a Christmas celebration, complete with coffee, movies, and a way too expensive gift.
This is day 22 of 25 Days of Christmas. Check out the masterlist HERE!
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You took a deep breath, knocking on the red door that separated you from Luke. You fixed your bag over your shoulder, looking down at your feet nervously. You had never spent the night at his house, let alone spent the night with him in general. Sure he’d stay over at your place until the wee hours of the morning, or you’d accidentally fall asleep on his couch during a movie night, but you never stayed the entire time. It was nerve-wracking, wondering how this night was going to go, but it was Christmas Eve, and Luke wasn’t able to go home to see his family this year and you had agreed to spend Christmas together since your family wasn’t going to be around either.
Your relationship began slow. Both you and Luke had just gotten out of relationships when you met. Luke was the more cautious of you two, though. It took 9 months of friendship before he asked you out, and three weeks worth of dates before he kissed you. Then it took a month and a half after that before you ended up naked in his bed.
Luke greeted you with a kiss when he opened the door. “Happy Christmas Eve,” he chuckled, pulling you into a hug once you had gotten inside. You buried your head against his chest, closing your eyes and reveling in the sound of his steady heartbeat.
He settled your nerves as he held you. You weren’t sure why sleeping over at his house was that scary of an idea to you, it just seemed like this huge jump in your relationship, like the next step of commitment. You didn’t want to feel like you were rushing into things or getting too close too fast. You wondered if Luke shared the same worries. You wanted to allow yourself to fall in love with him, but you were afraid of getting hurt. (And you knew for certain that Luke was too.)
“I bought pizza for dinner, I hope that’s okay,” Luke said, slipping his hand into yours as he led you through the hallway. “You can put your bag in my room if you want.” Luke followed you up the stairs and you threw your bag at the end of his bed, flipping off the light switch and heading back to the living room.
You settled on some movies to watch, eating pizza and sharing kisses between bites. You were comfortably full, arms wrapped around Luke as he kept his head on your shoulder, your focus mostly on Elf as it played.
You could tell Luke was growing bored towards the end of the movie, and his focus had shifted to your neck where he was leaving tiny love bites that would disappear by morning. His hand gripped your thigh and you were gone, shifting to meet his gaze.
“Want to?” he asked, nodding at the staircase.
“Mmh hmm,” you answered, letting him drag you back up the stairs once more, this time in much more of a hurry.
You woke up to Lukes face nuzzled into the back of your neck. His nose was pressed right against it and you could feel the hot puff of his breath every time he exhaled. It was clear he was still asleep. You moved a quarter of an inch forward when you realized his arm was slung tightly around your middle, keeping you against his bare chest.
You closed your eyes tightly, slowly easing his arm off of you so you could get up. You quietly crept to his bathroom, breathing a sigh of relief when you had successfully made it in there without waking him, or so you thought.
When you came out of his bathroom after doing your business and fixing your hair, Luke was no longer in bed. You collected the t-shirt he had worn yesterday off his bed, throwing it on and making your way down the stairs, to find Luke setting out a few presents under his tree.
He turned around, letting out a low whistle. “Holy shit I could get used to this sight,” he commented, voice deep and laced with sleep. He set down the last present that was in his arms before making his way over to you and throwing his arms around your waist once again.
“Did I wake you?” You asked, brushing a few of his curls out of his face.
“Yes. But it’s okay. It’s almost 10; we slept in really late.” Luke bent down and nuzzled his face against your neck, leaving gentle kisses along the skin there. He smirked as he came across the purple mark he left last night, pressing his lips over the bruise and making you squirm.
“Quit it,” you said, pushing at his chest. He lifted his head up, only to kiss your lips.
Luke pulled away first, hands bunched in the back of your—his t-shirt as he spoke. “You hungry? I can make breakfast for us.”
“Starving. I’ll meet you in the kitchen in just a minute.”
“Okay,” Luke hummed and kissed your cheek before letting you go.
You headed back up the stairs, unzipping your duffle bag that you hadn’t even touched since you put it down in his room. You pulled out the gifts you had gotten for Luke, stacking them in a neat little pile. You looked to your clothes at the bottom of your bag and then down at Luke’s shirt you had stolen and decided against getting dressed, only pulling on a pair of panties and pulling on a bra before jogging back downstairs with his gifts in your hands. You set them under the tree neatly then met Luke in the kitchen.
You moved into the living room after breakfast, sitting with your backs against the couch, sipping coffee and simply enjoying each others company. You curled into Luke’s chest when he threw his arm around you, admiring the Christmas tree with the sounds of A Christmas Story playing in the background.
After kissing your temple, Luke set his coffee cup down and leaned forward to grab the presents. He put yours in your pile and his in his own. You were panicked because you had a lot more gifts than Luke did, but Luke insisted the only reason was because his family had sent some over for you. Your parents had gotten Luke a gift too, but as you read the tags on your gifts, you realized Luke’s mom had sent you quite a bit. “I told her not to, but she insisted,” he claimed, hands raised in defense. You shook your head, folding your legs and tearing into the first present in your pile.
When Luke had finished opening his gifts, he settled on just watching you open yours. You only had two more, both from Luke and they were small. You still felt bad, seeing as he didn’t get nearly as many as you did. “It’s not about quantity it’s about quality, babe,” he reminded, to which you rolled your eyes.
You tore open your last gift and popped the top off the box it had come in. You stared wide-eyed at the gold bracelet inside. The bracelet had three small diamonds in a row in the middle and you just knew by looking at it it had to have cost him a fortune.
“Luke,” you began before he cut you off.
“I know. I know we said no big gifts, but it just screamed you and I couldn’t not get it.”
You were silent as you watched the diamonds sparkle in the light, turning the box so they’d catch the lights of the Christmas tree.
“Do you like it?” Luke asked hesitantly, causing you to look up and meet his eyes.
“Yes, Luke. It’s beautiful, I love it.” He breathed out a sigh of relief, only to hold his breath again when you continued talking. “But it had to have been a pretty penny.”
Luke shrugged. “You deserve it.”
You sighed. You weren’t winning this. So instead, you took the bracelet out and had Luke help you put it on. His smile lit up the whole room when you accepted the gift. “I’ll just have to make it up to you,” you commented, eyes trained again on the bracelet now around your wrist.
“Are you kidding me? You already have. Y/N, I don’t care about how much something costs, I care that you’re here with me and we get to celebrate Christmas together and that I got to wake up this morning to you walking down the stairs in just my t-shirt, that’s what I really care about. Those things are better than anything money could buy.” You cracked your own smile at his words, letting the weight fall off your shoulders and no longer worrying as much about the money he spent on the bracelet. “And you’re dating a rock star, you’re just going to have to get used to the fact that I’m going to spend money on you.”
You rolled your eyes with a laugh before pulling him into a long kiss. “Merry Christmas, Luke.”
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
Tags: @irwinkitten @buckinghamshire-girl @calumspeachy @calumspeachy @you-of-ghost @tommyswolves @softboycal @sincerelycalum @cal-pal-cuddles @naivelystan @elliejdavis @zuni181336 @rachaeljayne15 @satan-i-guess @jane-ofalltrades @prwciousporter @melliandme @moonlightxdancing @bigdirtycliffo @lonelyclownclub @cashton-queen @hemmomfg @whydoistilllovethisband @itjustkindahappenedreally @canterburyfiction @abitloudforanaccousticset @drummerboy794 @geek-gurl24 @chubawupwub  @asht0ns-world @hugs2forever @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @blue-skies-are-alright @saintcalums @disasterhood @calumsgirlcrush @smrttrtl @lashtonchesthair @cocktail-calum @sgfgclifford @britnicole11 @cuddlycutecalum @zuzuismyname @cal-puddies @fallin-all-in-mendes @nothingliketheraintimestwo @crownedbycalum @abitmorepersonall @stone-cold-nerd97 @5saucewho @kaxseychill @kend-of-a-big-deal @katiaw2 @loserlowlife @kieranotkira @empty--wallets @lilacsos @5-sos-babe @jpgluke  @cambvd @lovely-melissaaa @littlebear1353 @squidney-c @mysticalhood @calumamongmen @tequila-clifford @cashtonsicetea @Ngl_stfu @ohhmuke @calistheloml @lukesbellas @hoe4hemmo @therainydays4 @rosaliechen @gloss-glass-ash @kenopsia-falcon @dancingonanemptywallet @lukescherrypie @rosesfromcth @balsamichood @rosesforash @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @vipclifford @calumismyprince @5sosreject @dukesnumber1 @dannisos @mycollectionofnuts @calthesensation @mysteriouslycali @softcxlum @5sosobsessedgryffindor @4evrfandom @sassy-asht0n @5sosdoges2018 @larryologymajor @voidmegan @hella-messy @valentinelrh @missingyoucth @bbyhoneyharru @astroashtonio @boytoynamedcalum @horse-crazed-fangirl @littlesinnersins @rosecoloredash @marvelfan8 @colourfulcal @honestlylosingcontrol @meet-you-here @calum-calcal-hood
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gigglyirwin · 6 years
Inappropriate Christmas Sweaters
Pairing: Ashton x Reader
Word Count: ~800
Warnings: fluff, some sadness, swearing
Prompt: Ugly Sweaters
Summary: Y/N’s had a bad day, so Ashton decides to grab a special surprise with dinner.
A/N: sorry, this is going up so late. today’s been rough. p.s. shoutout to @cashton-queen for the idea. love you the most cindy <3
This is day 12 of 25 Days of Christmas. Check out the masterlist HERE!
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You slammed the door to your flat with a frustrated huff, trying to hold back the new round of tears you just knew were coming. You didn’t notice the figure on your couch until you were already in your room, setting your bag down. Your heart raced when you started replaying what you had seen out of the corner of your eye and you grabbed a pillow, swinging the bedroom door open and quietly making your way to the staircase.
At the bottom stood Ashton, a worried look plastered all over his face, which then turned to confusion when he saw the pillow. “A pillow, Y/N? Who was that going to stop?” You chucked it at him anyway, him easily dodging the useless weapon. “What’s wrong?”
You sat on the top of steps, curling your knees into your chest. “I’m stupid.”
Ashton rushed up the stairs, coming to sit beside you. “You are not. What makes you say that?”
“Because I am! I’m gonna fail this semester and it’s my own fault.”
“Don’t think like that. You’re gonna be fine. You are the smartest person I know,” he comforted, throwing an arm around your shoulders and kissing your forehead. You leaned into him and soon the anger turned to tears. He held you tight as you sobbed, shushing softly and whispering sweet little phrases to you about how much he loved you and how he knew you were going to do just fine. You cried until you physically couldn’t anymore, letting Ashton carry you to your bedroom and get you tucked under the covers.
“Get some rest. I’m gonna go get us some dinner and then I’ll be right back.” He kissed your forehead, turning the light off on his way out.
He tried not to make too much noise when he came back, but his quick run for dinner turned into a detour to a clothing shop and now he was trying to carry everything inside in one trip and not drop the takeout he had bought you both.
“Ash?” you asked and rounded the corner, rubbing the tiredness from your eyes.
“Oh shit. You were sleeping huh?” He frowned, setting the styrofoam boxes down on the kitchen table.
You shrugged and pulled him into a quick hug. “It’s okay.”
“How you feelin’?”
“Alright, I guess.” You eyed the bags he had now set down on the kitchen floor. “Where else did you go?”
“You’ll see. Hungry?” You nodded and sat down at the table, opening the takeout box. When he sat down across from you you dug in, thanking him for picking up dinner for you. He told you about his day, catching you up on the things you missed while you were at school and doing everything to keep your mind off of your bad day.
“So what else did you get?” you asked, eyes drifting back to the giant bags still on the floor.
“Oh yeah! Wait here.” Ashton grabbed both bags and ran up the stairs, closing the bedroom door harder than he needed to. “Close your eyes,” he yelled down the stairs and you did, hearing the floorboards creak as he came down the steps. “Okay, open.” He was right in front of you now and when you opened your eyes, you were met with a giant felt carrot nose in your line of sight.
“What the hell are you wearing?” You looked him up and down, eyes widening at the ridiculous sweater he was wearing. An upside-down snowman on top of a red Christmas sweater. The nose stuck straight out and the hat was made of a pom-pom with two blue ornaments on the top, forming a very inappropriate image.
Ashton giggled and spun around. “Like it?”
“I got you one too!” He said, pulling another one out of the bag and holding it up for you to read. On the chest area were two stuffed gloves, definitely cupping where your boobs would be and read “feel the joy” across the front. You laughed, pulling the sweater from his hands.
“These are so bad!”
“I know! That’s why they’re awesome. I was thinking we could wear them to the Christmas party next week.”
“These are never leaving our house, Ashton. There is no way,” you argued, laughing still at how bad they were.
“See, I knew you were going to say that, so,” he began and pulled one more sweater from his bag. This one was like two sweaters sewn directly down the middle, one side reading “I’ve been Naughty” and the other “I’ve been Nice”. Your jaw dropped.
“I’d rather wear the inappropriate ones.”
Tags: @irwinkitten @buckinghamshire-girl @you-of-ghost @tommyswolves @hopelessxcynic @softboycal @sincerelycalum @darthrogers @cal-pal-cuddles @naivelystan @elliejdavis @skinnyanxxiety @norawashere @zuni181336 @rachaeljayne15 @satan-i-guess @jane-ofalltrades @prwciousporter @melliandme @moonlightxdancing @astrosashton @bigdirtycliffo @lonelyclownclub @too-many-lanes @violentvents @elle-28 @cashton-queen @hemmomfg @whydoistilllovethisband @itjustkindahappenedreally @ashxirwinn @sillyoldbear29 @canterburyfiction @amxngmen @abitloudforanaccousticset @drummerboy794 @geek-gurl24 @chubawupwub @asht0ns-world @hugs2forever @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @antiguini5sos @nine-butterflies @blue-skies-are-alright @mymanz @saintcalums @disasterhood @calumsgirlcrush @smrttrtl @lashtonchesthair @cocktail-calum @Vimme11 @britnicole11 @mulberybabe @cuddlycutecalum @zuzuismyname @cal-puddies @soniasalvatore1 @fallin-all-in-mendes @nothingliketheraintimestwo @crownedbycalum @kendalleliz @abitmorepersonall @stone-cold-nerd97 @5saucewho @kaxseychill @agusdoti @kend-of-a-big-deal @katiaw2 @calumpshile @loserlowlife @kieranotkira @empty--wallets @lilacsos @5-sos-babe @jpgluke @cambvd @lovely-melissaaa @littlebear1353 @squidney-c @calumspeachy @yngbldss @tequila-clifford @cashtonsicetea @Ngl_stfu @ohhmuke @calistheloml @calumamongmen @mysticalhood @dukesnumber1 @therainydays4 @lazyranchheroflower @rosaliechen @gloss-glass-ash @nostalgia-luke @calumvertigo @dancingonanemptywallet @lukescherrypie @rosesfromcth @balsamichood @rosesforash @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @vipclifford @calumismyprince @5sosreject @dannisos @mycollectionofnuts @calthesensation @mysteriouslycali @softcxlum @5sosdoges2018 ​ @afirwin-94 @4evrfandom @sassy-asht0n
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gigglyirwin · 6 years
A Merry Little Christmas
Pairing: Ashton x Laura (aka @irwinkitten)
Word Count: ~1.4k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: I participated in @plainwhiteluke , @flannelpunkcalum , and @dukehoods  5 seconds of swapping christmas challenge and this is my fic for @irwinkitten with love from your secret santa <3
A/N: flashbacks are in italics 
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Ashton had woken up long before Laura had. For a while, he laid in bed, his arm still around her waist, propped up on his other arm so he could watch her sleep. She looked so peaceful. He always fell more in love with her, watching her sleep and being able to pinpoint all the freckles and dots on her cheeks. He pulled her hair away from her face, leaving a soft kiss on her cheek before getting up.
He kept the music on the radio low as he worked on breakfast, hoping to surprise her in bed. He glanced towards his living room at the presents that filled the bottom of their tree. There weren’t many but there didn’t need to be. They both had given each other gifs every year, even the first year they had been together when they had only been officially dating for a month and a half.
“I know we never talked about gifts, but I wanted to get you something,” Laura said, handing Ashton the small wrapped box.
Ashton let out a relieved sigh, pulling a box out from his coat pocket. They both laughed. “I know we haven’t been together for long, but I saw this and immediately thought of you,” Ashton admitted shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Ashton opened his gift first, seeing a few different rings. He had been wearing a bunch of them lately so she found two that she thought he’d like.
“These are awesome, Laura,” he said, looking up at her with a smile. He pulled one out and put it on his middle finger, then put the second one on his pointer finger. “Wow. I love these, they look so cool!”
He decided to wear them for the rest of the day, turning the one around his middle finger every so often. She opened her gift, gasping. The box held a gold necklace; it was like three necklaces in one. The first one was somewhat of a choker that had diamonds spaced evenly apart on the whole chain. The second hung down a little farther, with a rose in the center. The third would hang down her chest and was a simple gold block. “Thank you, Ashton. I love it.”
He offered to help her put it on, coming around behind her chair and pushing her hair off to one side as he clipped the necklace in place. She fixed her hair again, looking down at the necklace with a wide smile. “I love it,” she repeated.
Ashton plated breakfast, putting the leftovers in the fridge. He knew they were going to have friends and some family coming over throughout the day, so he figured if anyone got hungry he’d warm up what he had made.
Laura was still asleep when he entered the room. He set both plates on the nightstand, leaning on the bed and pressing kisses to the side of her face. “Wake up, love,” he hummed, cuddling up against her back and shaking her slightly. “Wakey wakey eggs and bakey,” Ashton cooed.
Laura let out a quiet yawn, followed by a giggle. “Morning, Ash,” she whispered and Ashton responded by plastering more kisses along her face.
“I made breakfast.”
She hummed, “Smells good,” and turned around to bury her head in his chest.
“I think Santa Clause came too,” Ashton joked, brushing back her bright pink hair. “I saw a whole bunch of presents under our tree.”
Laura laughed, kissing his neck and collarbone. “You sure it wasn’t you up late wrapping all those gifts?” she teased.
“No way. It was for sure Santa.”
Laura sat up in bed, followed by Ashton. He leaned over her when she was sitting up, kissing her gently, yet he let it linger. His hand came up to cup her cheek, only pulling away when his lungs were begging for air. “Merry Christmas, darling.”
They ate in bed and talked about that day's plans. It was still pretty early, not even 9 o’clock yet, and while they didn’t have anywhere to be until later that night, they knew they were going to have people in and out of the house so right after breakfast, they shared a warm shower and brushed their teeth together while standing in front of the giant mirror of their master bathroom.
Ashton went back to the bedroom to get dressed, then returned to the bathroom to finish drying his hair and fix it so it looked good. Any other day he had off, he wouldn’t bother taming the mane and would just deal with the bed head, or the freshly showered hair look, but today he put product in it and slicked it back in its usual way, leaving one little curl on the front of his forehead.
After getting herself ready, Laura headed to the bedroom to get dressed. She found a box on the bed, paired with a huge bow and a note that said: “to Laura, love Ashton.”
“Ash!” She called, picking up the piece of paper. Ashton came into the bedroom with a shy smile on his face.
“It’s just something for you to wear today.” Ashton leaned against the doorframe and waited until she opened it, his own smile growing when he saw hers form too. Inside was a red flowing skirt with a bow tied on the waist and a long sleeve white shirt that closely resembled a knitted sweater but was much more lightweight.
She shooed him out of the room as she changed, listening to him mumble about how unfair it was just because of how many times he’d seen her naked. But she wanted it to be a surprise when she walked out in it. After fixing the outfit in the mirror, she opened the door to him leaning on the wall now.
“Absolutely gorgeous,” he gushed, pulling her in by the waist for a much more heated kiss that was very unfortunately interrupted by the doorbell.  
Ashton’s bandmates at all joined him at his house. After trading gifts with them, they hung around. Laura had cooked them a light lunch knowing that each of them were doing their own extravagant dinner for Christmas evening. The band loved Luara just as much as Ashton loved her and were always happy to be around her. All of them joked that if Ashton didn’t put a ring on her eventually, they were going to shoot their shots. The truth was that neither of them were in a rush to get engaged or married, but Ashton had everything planned out, he was just waiting for the date to come around.
As a Christmas present to Ashton, Laura had fixed the strings on his guitar and Ash was eager to play. Luke was the one who suggested they go live on Instagram. They were sure that not many people would show up but decided to anyway. It turned into an impromptu acoustic set, with Ashton playing guitar and then taking suggested songs that came through the comments.
“What about this one,” Ashton began, playing a new chord on the guitar. He began to sing: “have yourself a merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light.”
“From now on, our troubles will be out of,” Luke joined, and the four of them harmonized perfectly to the word ‘sight’. Luke picked up on the second part of the verse and the boys did the same thing with the word ‘away’. Laura snuck pictures and short videos of the little live show, her smile never fading as she listened to them sing.
“Got one more gift for you,” Ashton mentioned as he and Laura had crawled into bed together that night.
“Ashton, you’ve spoiled me enough already,” she laughed, situating herself in bed when Ashton handed her his phone. Pulled up on it was flight information, a flight to New York that left on the 29th and returned on the 4th. “Really?” She gasped.
Ashton nodded. “I know we’ve been before, but we’ve never been on New Year’s and it’s beautiful during that holiday.” But truth be told, Ashton had a surprise for her on that day. He was planning on proposing to her at midnight, right in front of the ball drop. He had been keeping it a secret for nearly a year now, hiding the ring in his sock drawer or in his bag when he was touring. He looked at it every so often, sometimes carried it around in his coat pocket when they went out, just in case a far more perfect moment arose, but he knew for sure that he was going to ask her to marry him on New Year’s Day and he was so excited to start this new chapter of their lives together.
Tags: @irwinkitten @buckinghamshire-girl @you-of-ghost @tommyswolves @hopelessxcynic @softboycal @sincerelycalum @darthrogers @cal-pal-cuddles @naivelystan @elliejdavis @skinnyanxxiety @norawashere @zuni181336 @rachaeljayne15 @satan-i-guess @jane-ofalltrades @prwciousporter @melliandme @moonlightxdancing @astrosashton @bigdirtycliffo @lonelyclownclub @too-many-lanes @violentvents @elle-28 @cashton-queen @hemmomfg @whydoistilllovethisband @itjustkindahappenedreally @ashxirwinn @sillyoldbear29 @canterburyfiction @amxngmen @abitloudforanaccousticset @drummerboy794 @geek-gurl24 @chubawupwub @asht0ns-world @hugs2forever @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @antiguini5sos @nine-butterflies @blue-skies-are-alright @mymanz @saintcalums @disasterhood @calumsgirlcrush @smrttrtl @lashtonchesthair @cocktail-calum @Vimme11 @britnicole11 @mulberybabe @cuddlycutecalum @zuzuismyname @cal-puddies @soniasalvatore1 @fallin-all-in-mendes @nothingliketheraintimestwo @crownedbycalum @kendalleliz @abitmorepersonall @stone-cold-nerd97 @5saucewho @kaxseychill @agusdoti @kend-of-a-big-deal @katiaw2 @calumpshile @loserlowlife @kieranotkira @empty--wallets @lilacsos @5-sos-babe @jpgluke @cambvd @lovely-melissaaa @littlebear1353 @squidney-c @calumspeachy @yngbldss @tequila-clifford @cashtonsicetea @Ngl_stfu @ohhmuke @calistheloml @calumamongmen @mysticalhood @dukesnumber1 @therainydays4 @lazyranchheroflower @rosaliechen @gloss-glass-ash @dancingonanemptywallet @lukescherrypie @rosesfromcth @balsamichood @rosesforash @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @vipclifford @calumismyprince @5sosreject @dannisos @mycollectionofnuts @calthesensation @mysteriouslycali @softcxlum @5sosdoges2018 @afirwin-94 @4evrfandom @sassy-asht0n @larryologymajor @irwinsbambi @voidmegan @hella-messy @valentinelrh @missingyoucth @bbyhoneyharru
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wildflowerirwin · 5 years
Fight For You - vi - c.h.
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Summary: Cassie has never gotten along with her boss, not unless their clothes are off OR CEO!Calum who does some questionable things
Tag List: @calumculture @kinglycalum @rosesfromcth  @novacanecalum  @lfwallscouldtalk 
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Calum arrived at the warehouse an hour later, but it didn't look like anyone was there. He parked his car and looked around. He bit his lip when he spotted Cassie's car parked a little farther down. He got out of his car and walked to hers, opening the door. He looked around for anything that could give him a clue about what happened to her. He picked up her phone from the console and pressed the home button, but it was dead. He sighed and walked up to the warehouse doors. He opened the smaller door and walked in, keeping his hand on his gun just in case. "Ah, Calum Hood. So nice of you to join us." Richard smirked as he stood in the middle of the room.
"Where is she?" Calum demanded, pulling out his gun and aiming it at Richard.
"Is that any way to greet an old friend?" Richard chuckled. Calum furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why he was so calm with a gun pointed at him. And, then he realized. Richard doesn't work alone. Calum sighed and tucked his gun back in his pants.
"Tell me where she is, Richard." Calum glared at him.
"I don't know what on earth you're talking about." Richard laughed darkly.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Where is Cassie?!" Calum yelled, stepping closer to him.
"Sven, be a dear and bring out our guest." Richard nodded to the man standing behind Calum. Sven walked to the other room, closing the door behind him.
"What do you want with her? She's not part of this." Calum crossed his arms.
"She's not part of this?" Richard raised an eyebrow. "Then, tell me, why did she make this delivery? Or, a better question, why did you let her make this delivery?"
"I wasn't supposed to be delivering to you." Calum growled. His rage soon turned to fear as Sven came out of the room, dragging Cassie behind him. Her hands and feet were bound and her mouth was covered with duct tape.
"Put her in the chair." Richard instructed. Sven nodded and placed Cassie on a wooden chair and tied her arms to the chair.
"Let her go." Calum demanded.
"How can you make demands when you're in the same position as her?" Richard smirked as another man grabbed Calum's arms, forcing him into a chair.
"Stop, what are you doing?" Calum asked, trying to squirm out of the ropes. "Please, she doesn't deserve this. Let her go." Calum looked at Richard, trying to reason with him.
"I didn't think you'd be so protective of her." Richard chuckled and walked over to Cassie. He rubbed his hand against her cheek gently. "She does make great company, though." He smirked, letting his hands drift down.
"Don't touch her." Calum growled, trying to break out of the ropes.
"She has such a pretty face." Richard smirked at Calum. "It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it." He brought his hand back to her cheek.
"Richard, please. Kill me instead. Don't hurt her." Calum begged. "She's not part of this." Cassie looked at Calum, confusion written across her face.
"This could be good." Richard chuckled. He grabbed the back of Cassie's chair and pushed her forward until her knees were touching Calum's. "I'll let you two have some time alone. You know, before she dies." He laughed and walked out of the room with Sven and the other man. As soon as they were gone, Calum looked at Cassie.
"Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" Calum asked, looking into her eyes. Cassie looked at him as tears welled up in her eyes. "Lean down. I'm gonna take the tape off your mouth." Cassie nodded and leaned down as far as she could with the ropes constricting her. Calum pulled the tape off her mouth and threw it aside.
"Calum, what's going on?" Cassie asked, a tear falling down her cheek.
"Don't worry, princess." Calum whispered. "I'm not going to let them hurt you."
"No, Calum. Tell me what the hell is going on." Cassie demanded, looking at him.
"It's nothing you need to know about." Calum shook his head.
"Calum Hood, I deserve an explanation." Cassie looked into his eyes. "I thought we were an investment company, why are you making deliveries? What could you possibly be giving people?"
"I told you, you don't need to know. Cassie, I need you to trust me." Calum pleaded with her. "Do you trust me?"
"I trust you." Cassie whispered, looking down at her lap.
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