#rosey x record
recordburner · 1 year
cw rarepair (rosecord)
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cringetober day 9 (rarepair/cross ship)
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pikapouhi · 8 months
umm yuo asked for ships soo. rosecord (rosey x record burner)
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the yuri cursed me because my entire computer shut down the second i finished this LMAO
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sacristuffz · 6 months
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Day 10
Rosey x Record, rosecord -📌
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cherubispunk · 10 months
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UP IN YOUR ARMS (PROLOGUE) -Noir!Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader
summary: the begining of it all tasted like whiskey and ciggeretes. But smelled of the interrogation room.
a note from Lucy: Helllooooo my lovely Joel Miller enthusiasts! i'm here again, and so are you, with yet another joel au series. this time with a historical twist. wiil it be completely historically accurate? probably not? are we here anyway because its joel fucking miller? yes. yes we are. fair warning, some dark contant will be in later chapters, so if that isnt your cup of rosey lea, feel free to scroll away. if it is, then sit back, relax, enjoy a dry martini and some blues or jazz music on vinyl, and lets have a wild time. Also, a huge thank you is due to @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin for convicting me to post this. Love you cherub! xxx
wc: 912 Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! 1940s!au, no outbreak, no use of y/n, age gap (reader is in her early 20's and Joel is in his 40s), allusions to Smut, smoking, use of pet names such as doll, cursing, being arrested, interrogation scene, references to violence, ww2 references, probably an unhealthy relationship between reader and joel, mentions of blood, let me know if ive missed any warning out that should be tagged.
series m.list | m.list
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“Okay,” Detective Granger sighs opposite you, “Let’s try this again.”
Your knee bounces rapidly under the chrome metal table. If it weren't screwed to the floor it would surely rattle with your antsy movement. Your eyes fall to your lap, the dress you wore tattered with a mix of blood, dust and the smell of Joel’s aftershave. A smell you wish you had with his physicality.
“Please state your name for the record.” He asks. Again. From the moment they put you in cuffs, shoved you in the back of a cop car, and brought you up to the station, you had not uttered a word. Maybe you were scared, or maybe it was the principle of the fact. But the idea that Joel was a few rooms over – not at arm's length – it made you yearn for his touch. To be under the rough pads of his fingertips once more. Weather it be in a grimy motel room, or even the fucking Canary Club back in the cesspool of Boston. 
But you sighed, knowing you aren't going home anytime soon without giving them something. Joel told you to spin it. Tell them the truth with the twist he promised would work. Leave you unscathed. 
So you tell them your name. And then your occupation once they ask for that too; “Singer.” 
The detective looks at his co-worker, raising his brow. He nods back at him, believing you. If only you could unleash the insults that curl and cinder at the tip of your tongue. 
“Okay,” Granger tips his head to the side in acknowledgement of the fact your answers are the truth. What leverage would you have to lie if the very thing you are about to spill is an ever so slight twisting of the truth?
You watch with unblinking eyes as he places a black and white picture upon the table, between you and his now folded hands, “Care to tell us who this is?” 
It’s Joel. You knew they knew that. They just need to confirm their suspicion for the record. For the jury. The court. Your impending trial. So you take a second to study it, hold back a smile at the very sight of his broad shoulders, his tarnishes, creased dress shirt that clings to him like a second skin you wish to ravish him off. Even in the stale air of an interrogation room, through the captured image of a blurred mugshot, he makes the fire in your loins kickstart. Memories of joyrides, money, sex, motel sheets and speakeasy rendezvous. 
You give them a nod, sitting back in your seat.
“Who is he?”
“It’s Joel Miller. ‘Says it right there.” You tap the mugshot with your index finger to prove a point, kissing your teeth with a smug smile. “Or can you pig’s not read?” Venom spills from your words like maroon wine from a shattered glass. 
Detective Granger bites his tongue, leaning forward over the table, hands grasping the lip of it as he stands up, knuckles bleached white under his own grip. 
“Don’t think I ain’t above sending you to a cell with a shiner to your pretty lil’ nose, Doll.” He glared. It didn't seep any deeper than skin though. Didn’t rattle your bones that way Joel’s voice would when he called you a pretty ditzy thing that one time. If he were here the detective's teeth would be splattered across the tile of the floor for saying that. Daring to call you what he did, turning it into something that made your lip curl in disgust. 
“Oh, I'm sorry, Mr, Detective.” You pouted, tilting your head at him, doe eyed, sarcastic innocence wrapped around your tongue’s words.
His fist descended down upon the table with a slam, making you flinch. Much to your own dismay. “Just answer the damn question!” 
“Was he your boyfriend?” 
Joel was no mere boyfriend. 
He was your lover. Your life. Your glue that mended cracks seen by no other. The man that undressed you and wrapped you up in his warmth. His Texan drawl. Unravelled you between your thighs. Made you lust for anything he did. He was air in your lungs, the smell of cedarwood and musk. Metallic blood on your collarbone and gravel under a cars worn in tires. He was the leather of your car seat. The Egyptian cotton of your sheets. 
But this was where the lie began…
“He was my jailor.” 
Detective Granger’s eyes narrowed as he looked down at you, your eyes finding him behind the wisp of your lashes. The glassy shine of a tear slipping from your waterline. He furrowed his brow, his thin lips pressing into a thin line below his bushy moustache that curled at the ends. The nostrils of his bulbous nose flared and his jaw ticked under the clenching of his teeth. Once more, you looked into your lap at your folded hands.
He sighed once more, adjusting his grey suit trousers to sit down, holding his tie to his beer belly as he did so. “Can you tell us what happened? Leading up to the crime?” His voice was softer and he winced at the sound of your sniff. How you were so timid all of a sudden like a deer in headlights. 
You nodded, swallowing your own saliva, the walls of your oesophagus grating together like coarse sandpaper. And then you spoke. “I met him when I was living in Boston.”
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trashlama · 2 years
Heyyyy-oooo it's me your guys favorite friendly pervy neighborhood consumer! Back with some more fics!
Oh yeah I can totally sense your guys' excitement.
So this idea wasn't mine. I was lurking through the ROTTMNT fandom since recently I was too busy being dragged down the Record of Ragnarok fandom pit. It's like Hetalia all over again.
Anyways— I was lurking and came across one of my favorite creators ( @yanteetle ) that got a request for a fic. And like the idea was too good not to write a one-shot for it.
Like there was already a fic for it out there but, I thought I'd try my hand.
I really enjoyed writing this, I'll probably do another part except with the second idea with young Leo being little brother blocked by Casey Jr. cause Casey knows how Leo is with his future relationship with (y/n).
And maybe another one that has a different take on the first idea. But with a ✨ Age Gap✨. Cause man do I love myself a DILF.
Like brah there is no way you can't tell me future Leo isn't a DILF.
Enjoy the fic!
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Rushing water flooded the ancient channels that you were trudging through. The bottoms of your cargo pants were drenched despite being tucked into the openings of your pleather boots. Frigid rosey digits clung to the insides of the pockets to your cobalt colored coat. A shiver shot down your spine. Not from the chill of the down pour above you but rather, the ghost that didn't seem to want to leave you alone. Even now you were quite sure. Somewhere amongst the ruins of New York's sewer system, he was lurking. Never too far behind but, still too close for comfort.
You've been here for two years and five months in a few days according to the calendar that hung in your shared quarters. However you weren't planning on staying for the anniversary.
A brown satchel that hung from your shoulders carried all that you had for the perceived future until you could wrangle up some more scraps of rations from orphaned establishments on the road.
You weren't going back to the base. You refuse.
Onwards you marched. According to the directions Casey had given you it was just a little further until you reached a small opening that you would need to crawl through to get to the connecting manhole that would lead you straight out of the safe haven of the sewers and into the fry-pan of NYC city boundries. The teen even went as far as described an outpost just a couple miles Northwest towards New Jersey. Having scrambliled together a poorly drawn map of the terrain to gift you on your journey.
You and Casey both knew of the dangers there were trying to escape this place. Mutant or not. Though it didn't mean it was going to stop them from at least trying to free you from your gilded cage.
You had thanked the boy who had felt like a kid brother during your encampment at the base. Both shedding a tear for one another as you departed ways. Wishing the other luck as the world slowly continues to crumble around them. Unsure of the others fate.
The flashback helped to revitalize your will, spurring the need to flee as your pace began to pick up. Heart beat and foot falls mirroring another.
You didn't know how much longer you had before he caught up with you....
Speaking of the Devil.
A random splash not too far off sent you rocketing forward. Feet pounded through the stream of water lapping at your ankles. Unrelenting like the hunter that was behind you.
You didn't even want to look back. You feared if you did your knees would buckle at the very sight of his domineering form lunging for you.
Tokyo Drifting the corner, you spun to the left, a skirt of water splashing your legs once again, in further indirect efforts of creating a swimming pool in your boots.
He was fucking with you. You could tell.
If Leo was really being serious he would've captured you in his hold the moment he originally found you. Most likely had woken up due to the lack of your warm presence next to him in the cot you shared.
If you knew the red eared slider, which you felt at this point you did.
You knew he had been on your tail since the minute you left. Stepping foot outside the main body of the base.
"(Y/n)....? Honey...." Leo groaned half awake. It was the middle of the night and his body had suddenly woken him from the bliss of his dreams.
Tired olive hands searched the sheets for your figure...only to find the lack of it.
Dark eyes flew open.
You. Weren't. Here.
Out of the bed he sprung, eyes stabbed through the dark. Only to find the lack of you and your belongings that had been here when the two of you had gone to bed.
His mind flew into chaos at the realization however, unlike his adolescent self he was able to control his panic. He calmed his ragging breath remembering his father's sage advice to not let his feelings get the better of him. That it was unbecoming for a ninja and a leader.
Honestly Leo should've seen it coming.
He wasn't any genuis-boy Donnie by any means but, didn't mean Leo was a fool.
He had saw the signs for a while now.
Eagerly you'd volunteer for any job if it meant being at odd schedules with him. It didn't matter if it was patrol or scavenging, if it got you away from him, even for a little while, you did it.
When approached about it, you simply claimed that you wanted to be useful for The Resistance. Reassuring Leo that your desire for work came from your feelings of being needed rather than the lumbering turtle's overbearing presence being the cause behind your disappearing acts.
Leo being ever so observant would notice how your close comrades and Casey Jr. would also actively participate in these same runs with you.
Tigers gnawed at his stomach lining and baboons pounded in his chest when he thought about what they could be discussing. What they could be doing.
In the beginning you and Leo had been soooo close.
Since teenagers. He had known you even before you knew him.
He had saved you.
He was seventeen and feeling free. The Krrang hadn't attacked yet, he still had his arm, and Ralph wasn't dead.
You had been just another girl he came upon on a nightly patrol.
Beforehand he and Raph had gotten into another disagreement. Something stupid about him not being a team player and not listening to his comrades.
Whatever. Leo didn't care.
Leo was his own one-man show— he liked to believe. Although when the going got tough, he knew he had his brothers to fall back on. They relied on one another even if they didn't like to admit it all the time. They were children after all.
Squeaky sneakers and labored breaths filled the illuminated basketball court. Within the fenced primiters was a single girl shooting hoops. And not too badly for the self-proclaimed professional's standards if he did say so himself.
She kept herself grounded but, still agile. Launching the basketball from all the points lines, even the ones that have long since been faded by eroding weather and age. (h/l) (h/c) hair pulled back into a high poney tail that whipped around with her movements.
She was like a basketball ballerina dancing a Lebron James Swan Lake. It was ethereal.
Time passed like rain droplets down car windows. Before he knew it the similarly aged female was packing up getting ready to go. Obvious signs being the (2f/c)towel around her neck and the (f/c) sports jacket she threw on over her fitted tank top.
Alas Leo didn't have the right mojo to go pursue her. Nor the right disguise.
For the next few weeks(at least how long he felt it had been emotionally. He wasn't keeping track.) Leo would return to that same basketball court, eager to see the basketball ballerina again.
Sometimes she was there, sometimes not. When she was it typically was late, at least for human standards. And always alone. Leo felt for her but, didn't particularly mind since that meant there was no one to disturb the skilled performance.
The (y/c) haired girl would show up. Shoot some hoops for a while before walking away into the night.
Her (e/c) eyes always looked absent when she shot her baskets. Emotions didn't voice themselves on her neutral complexion. The only real thing that was direct about her was that she was focused with the task at hand. Which was shooting hoops.
Leo wasn't a hundred percent sure what led her to the rundown court almost every night but, he was grateful for the occurrence.
Until one night he wasn't.
Like the last few nights, the red eared slider teen came to the court to spectate his favorite four pointer dancer. Only to find a lack of her usual performance. Instead sat the empty eroding court.
It was two in the morning and his brothers would start wondering where he is soon.(Not that they weren't already curious where their blue bandana brother was going.) A light sprinkle had started to pick up overhead that pushed the olive turtle to call it night.
Standing up from the ledge the turtle was about to leap from his position but, only froze upon hearing laughter. Down below underneath the iridescent fluorescent lamps was you.
The obvious lack of your usual athletic attire suggested you weren't here to play basketball. Instead of a tank top with a pair of shorts; dark jeans hugged your hips complimented by a (2f/c) Lou Jitsu t-shirt and (f/c) sport jacket.
With said jacket you shielded yourself from the drizzle. The lighting made you look like you were glowing, the uncharacteristic smile on your face added to the image.
What broke the breath-taking view was by whom he assumed were your friends. The two of them ran after you into the court with their own grins plastered on their complexions.
The scene of the trio caused the red eared slider's stomach to bumble with jealousy. He wanted to be down there with you. The sound of your guys' conjoined laughter would make together would simply be the best. Leo didn't have a doubt about it.
If only.
For the next two hours the three humans ran through the city streets. Asphalt turned into water slides as they slid and skid. None of them aware of the mutant turtle following them from the rooftops.
By four, the other two humans who he learned names were Jonathan and Melissa(I know so unique) departed for the night.
(Y/n), as he overheard from your comrades, left to go your own way home.
Leo knew he shouldn't continue being out this late by himself. Especially without telling his brothers where. But, Leo couldn't pass up the chance to see where you lived.
By the time you got back to your apartment complex it was pushing five in the morning. Leo could make out from his spot hidden in the fire escape that you were an only child.
Apparent by the lack of anything in the unit. The only things that pointed towards any form of life were the pictures that hung on the plain beige walls.
Inside the cramped dingy apartment you procured yourself some top ramen before sitting on the old futon in the main room to watch some TV. Switching to a channel that played older movies.
Zapped onto the screen was an old Lou Jitsu film. The sight of the movie excited the red eared slider, hopeful thoughts of having similar interests made the monkey in his rib cage pound harder.
Before Leo knew it you were passed out with the remote in hand with the sun peeking out over the Manhattan bay.
Giving one last look towards you before retreating back into the sewers.
The following weeks passed by and Leo grew to like you more. Even if it's from a distance. Always excited when you appear whether it's on the court or in his dreams.
His heart was always so elated when he watched you perform. And the one time he's late of course some dumb delinquents want to mess up his usual date.
Upon arrival he could tell something was wrong right away. Your (f/c) bag sat on alone on the bench left halfway unzipped and abandoned. The ball you brought with you every time you came to the court was flattened and punctured.
Something was very wrong.
"Back off Creeps!"
It was your voice.
Leo not giving a moment's thought to the possibility of being seen by the public eye. Leapt from his perch down to the court.
Hidden off in the alleyway was you and a pair of petty thieves. One a mutant rooster the other just a normal ass-hat both dressed in stereotypical black attire.
"Shadap! If you'd just given us yer stupid wallet and phone from the start then we would've been gone already!" The rooster barked. His beak set in a displeased frown that matched his human accomplice's equally displeased sner.
Both were armed.
The human with a baseball bat, and the rooster with a small pocket knife.
Observing the scene, Leo quickly determined this would be a rather easy take down as long as he did it right.
"Stop the stallin' and give us yer cash!"
The rooster's feathers acting like fingers reached out for you. Instantly the rooster's right wing received a sudden shave.
"WTF!?" The avian mutant screeched using his left wing to clutch his clipped one to his chest.
Quick to defend from the unforeseen attack the human whipped around to swing his bat; .... only to find an empty space.
"What in the name of..."
"Aaghkk!" Straight in the face you had punched the rooster.
Leo swore his chest grew warmer at the action.
While Leo was temporarily distracted by your fists of fury, the ass-hat had swung at the olive-green turtle. Quickly the red eared slider dodged the attack to only return with his own. Easily slicing the bat into small unusable chunks.
Whilst Leo dealt with the ass-hat you fought the retaliating mutant chicken.
It was a somewhat fair fight considering the difference in DNA and physical capabilities.
You would've won too, had you not underestimated how strong a mutant chicken's punches were.
Next thing you knew you were K.O.ed. Your (H/c) head in a tizzy from bouncing your brain around in your cranium.
The blue bandana wearing turtle was not pleased by this.
The rooster gulped at the obvious displeasure emanating off the red eared slider. Not even having a chance to escape Leo swiftly knocked the chicken out before tying him up with his accomplice.
"Oh (Y/n).... I'm sorry I was late for the performance.." Leo apologized under his tired breath. Adoration gleamed in dark pools as he stared down at the object that plauged his dreams for last month.
Even with three digits per hand the sturdy turtle held you against his plastron securely as he returned you to your apartment.
The cold air whipped around the two of you as he sprinted across rooftops of Manhattan.
He was the happiest turtle alive having you in his arms. He never wanted to let you go.
But he did.
And how Leo missed you so dearly for the years that followed.
Not until he was pushing forty did he find you again.
New recruits weren't too much of an uncommon occurrence. However as leader it was his job to familiarize himself with his team to the best of his ability.
And when it came time to welcome in the greenhorns, there you were.
Despite the years that have added on your complexion you were still that beautiful basketball ballerina he found all those years ago.
His heart swelled.
Leo did his best to protect you better this time.
Even if, it meant keeping you here with him against your wishes.
Very quickly it was known amongst The Resistance how much you meant to the Commander.
Within six months he had you transferred under his supervision despite your skills aligning with General April's or even General Donnie's precincts.
It didn't matter.
Leo wanted you. And that was that.
There was no room to argue when it came to the leader's order.
Within the year, you were sharing quarters with the adult red eared slider and in the following months, his cot.
The few freedoms you found away from Leo were doing patrols or hanging with deceased General Cassandra's son.
Even then the interactions were limited.
It's hard to say no when the world around you is dying and you have no other choice in survival.
Which brings us back to the current present.
Racing like a bat out of hell you fleed your pursuer who was hot on your trail.
The basketball bunny runing from the hunter with a shell.
Oh God please! Please let me make this!
It was right in front of you.
Approximately two turns up ahead laid a small tunnel. It was a tight squeeze even for your stature but, if you could crawl far enough into there before Leo reached you. You'd make it.
You threw yourself into the stone wall. The rough texture scraped your palms but you didn't care. You kept running.
"(Y/n) please come back!" Leo hollered.
His voice was not far behind. He had to be literally on your tail.
This would be a miracle if you made this.
"(Y/n) wait! You can't leave!" Anger could be heard in his deep voice. The same tone he used when displeased with your behavior when socializing amongst your fellow comrades.
There it was!
Right there!
Not even thinking about it—
You dove for the small tunnel. Knees instantly bowed to the floor as you began crawling into the opening. The hole was disgusting but, you didn't mind that as you shuffled your body forwards.
" NO! " Leo growled.
A yelp escaped your throat. Clawing hands clasping around your ankle before attempting pull you back. Despite scraping at the edges of the rusted entrance. All it took was a single tug from the adult red eared slider to dragged you out of the small hideaway. Sadness and anger quick to take over his desperate senses.
"Why!? Why did you try to leave me!?" The mutant demanded.
You didn't know what to do. You were frozen. He caught you. You didn't plan for this. You hadn't really thought—
You really had hoped—
"(Y/n)! Answer me!"
"Is everything I do for you and your kind not enough? Why can't I have you?" Leo cried.
His aged but charming features stared you down with so much hurt. He loves you so much. Too much. So why would you go?
"I've always been there for you (Y/n)... my basketball ballerina...don't I...deserve you?" Leo reasoned. His voice displayed the hurt he felt as he reasoned with you.
Well more like manipulated.
"I love you so much.... I just can't lose you again."
Muscular arms pressed you against his plastron. Underneath it you could hear the bird fluttering in his ribs.
Your mind was running a mile a minute, terrified, flustered, unsure what comes next.
" I love you (y/n)...". Was the last thing your brain registered before feeling a pinch to the bundle of nerves in your neck. Falling limp like a ragdoll in the Commander's arms.
Releasing a sigh the tired adult red eared slider held you in the one-sided embrace for just a little longer. Relishing in the warmth from your body that wasn't accompanied by the small trembles from you.
The hug didn't last long before the mutant readjusted his hold on you so that you laid in his arms. Leo didn't mind doing this every once in awhile when the anniversary of your arrival came up. As long as you don't do it again for another year.
He would have to disperse that support group of yours....
Once back in the safe confinements of Resistance HQ; Leo made a B-line to your guys shared room. There he stripped you of your drenched coat and boots before tucking you back into the shared bed. In your spot next to him.
The blue bandana wearing turtle let out a tired yawn as he closed the door before crawling inside the sheets to lay besides you.
Leo was aware he was being selfish but, he just couldn't live without you. Not again. And certainly not in this cruel world that just wants to take away everything he holds dear.
Dark pools stared down at your resting face. His prosthetic hand lovingly caressed the soft skin of your face. Soothing both you and himself in the process.
Slipping away into the land of rest. Even while dreaming the Resistance Commander held on dearly to you.
Not allowing you the same chance to escape his embrace twice.
¶¶ Creator's Notes¶¶
Thank you for reading!
If you liked this part please enjoy part 2!
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acaiasahi · 2 years
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✶ colors and clouds ; hwang intak.
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synopsis. under a full sky of clouds, you and intak express which color the other would be.
info. fluff. hwang intak x gn!reader. 694 words.
warnings. mentions of kissing, cuddling, physical touch. proofread-ish, lmk if there's anything else!
[ ★ . . . dm by fromis_9.
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the soft music playing from the car's speaker further immerse you as the soft breeze whips your clothes around.
"if i were a color, which one would i be?" intak randomly asks. the question catches you off guard but you happily respond nonetheless. your eyes never leave the puffy white balls of fluff as they sway within the sapphire sky.
you hum to indicate that you're in thought before replying, "probably yellow, but not like a goofy, crayola yellow. more like a sunflower yellow?" the way your voice goes up an octave towards the end tells intak that you have more beans to spill.
he laughs lightheartedly, "okay... and why that specific color?" he asks, voice warmer than a cup of chamomile tea. you shrug with a giggle, small smile gracing your face as your eyes trail over to him.
there he lays comfortably, hand resting behind his head whilst the other lays flat on his chest. his zip-up hoodie and beanie combo making him look cozy, so much so that you can't help but lay down next to him in search for his warmth. he happily takes you in his arms, smiling at the way your head snuggles into his chest.
"you're so bright, takie. so mellow and homey, you just radiate so much love and warmth. kinda like the sun," you say with a chuckle. you feel his chest rumble as he chuckles in acknowledgment to your heart-fluttering explanation.
you wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him in closer as he rubs your forearm lovingly. "y'know how sunflowers always face the sun?" you ask, this time you catch him off guard with your own question.
deciding to not wait for his answer, you beat him to speaking. "i guess you could say i'm the sunflower, while you're the sun. i can't help but be drawn to you."
your words hit him right in the chest, that warm, fuzzy feeling you just described him as beginning to spread throughout his body as he smiles shamelessly up at the clouds.
"what about me, what color would i be?" your tone light and full of fun. you raise your head off his chest, detangling yourself and keeping your body up by your elbow, wide grin on display as you excitedly await his answer.
intak taps his index finger on his chin, eyes looking everywhere but you as he pretends to think. "kind of specific but a rosey pink, like a blush pink..." he trails off. his eyes are drawn back to, "y-you're just so... pr-pretty," he stutters over his own words just by making eye contact with you.
you smirk at his sudden confession, "why thank you, intak!" tone practically dripping with mischief. "for the record, i think you're pretty too."
the same pink he described you as dusts itself onto the apples of your cheeks as you lay your head on his chest once more. you feel intak's hand reach for yours before interweaving your fingers. he brings up your interlocked hands to his lips before leaving a soft kiss on the back of it. he brings your conjoined hands back down to rest them on his chest comfortably.
without the need of any other words, you lift your head off his chest, turning it and coming face to face with the constant soft rise and fall of his sternum. you place a loving kiss right where his heart should be before laying back down on the exact spot your lips once lay. he's like your own personal pillow, and a very cuddly one at that
you hear how his heartbeat quickens upon the sickeningly sweet action, bubbles of laughter seeping past his lips as he gives the top of your head a soft peck.
"don't be nervous," you whisper out. the wind carries your sweet tone into his ears, "you have no clue what you do to me," he says breathlessly. "your heart's such a dead giveaway."
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★ piwon taglist. @kflixnet ... @k-labels ... @enhacolor ... @seung-scrittore ... @existnesia ... @i-luvsang ... @chelle ... @luvyoonbot ... @17milktea ... @imhuh
[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. being completely silly goosey goose, i don't like this but what i do like is intak so u can't blame me. i literally wrote this while waiting for my game to download on my ps n i still have 40 mins left to go 😭
© acaiasahi 2023 all rights reserved. copying, translating, and reposting is prohibited.
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gyusfavlibra · 2 years
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Pairings: Kim Taehyung x gn reader!
Warnings: Language, fluff
Word Count: 1.2K
The dull sun reflected around the boxed room. The light hitting perfectly onto the scenery through the white curtains that did the opposite of keeping it from being too bright.
Soft snores and breaths had filled the room like a home-made vinyl record. The only thing you could hear besides the sprinkling rain drops that had began moments ago. Slapping onto the glass. Which caused such a tedious vibe in the whole house.
You had just awoken, squinting your eyes at the light entering through the window just feet away. Through the thin strip of opened curtain, you could see just a glimpse of greyish clouds. The sky was a mixture of navy blue and somewhat lighter sea blue. You could tell by how the outside still had a shadow to it, the time couldn't have been any later than 6.
It shocked you to know you had awoken at all this early considering how late you went to bed the night before.
You shut your sore orbs as you held a hand over them to rub the fuzziness away. Your system began to adjust as you actually woke up once you stared at the ceiling, groaning internally to yourself that you had to even leave the bed.
Just as you were about to do so, you felt a weight on your stomach practically pulling your body back down onto the mattress.
"Hm, don't go."
You sighed at the male figure beside you. The groggy tact tone in his voice sounding the same as it did every morning. "Taehyung, I have to use the bathroom."
"Hold it."
You removed his arm from your body and rolled off the fluffy California King bed. All the space you both had for yourselves and you still slept so close together. Such a comforting touch to your bond.
Your business didn't take long. The whole time you were so distracted by your sleepy boyfriend making groans in the next room. Not loud, but for the time of day, it was as loud as a 100 volumed television.
You washed your hands, drying them with a purple hand towel and exiting the bathroom. You looked over at Taehyung, taking note of his new position. He now laid on his back rather than his side. An arm over his eyes so an elbow was pointed in the air.
Your spot was still wide open. Ready to be filled back with your warmth once again. "Y/n, hurry up. I'm feeling lonely and empty."
"You're like a big baby," you argued while grabbing a hoodie near by. Taehyung's sweater to be specific, placing it on your body. The coolness now hitting your body when moving around.
"I'll be even more of a baby if you don't hurry the hell up and come lay with me."
You groaned. "I'm coming. I'm coming."
Turning on the heat of the house, you shuffled back to the bed. Getting the sudden urge to check the alarm next to your side of the mattress once you returned. You gained a hint of self confidence once you realized you had guessed the time correctly.
Bright green numbers flashed on the little black technology. Only reading 6:13.
You turned to face Taehyung's drowsy body. Rubbing your index finger over his lips, then his chin, and all the way to his neck. Dotting at all his moles and beauty marks you loved the most. Now, just letting your pointer sit there softly. Taehyung enjoyed the graze. Feeling a great comfort in your minor yet soothing touch.
You did every morning. Even now feeling so lucky he'll get his special treatment twice in one day since you had awoken early.
"That feels nice."
You passed a smile even though he wasn't particularly looking at you. You gave a pout at the fact and then used your finger to push his face to look at you. His eyes were still shut.
The sudden feeling of your lips touching his getting a recieve of eye contact in return.
He glanced down at your beautiful but bare face. Admiring your shiny eyes, gorgeous smile, cute rosey cheeks he loved to kiss so much. He flashed the toothy smile millions of people would kill to see on a regular basis like you did.
But Taehyung was glad people didn't. Because to him, you were too special.
So special he felt only you deserved to see his bright adorable smile every single day. At least in the type of state.
Newly awoken, tired, but lovable. You traced his pinky lips with your thumb. Taehyung taking your digit in between his teeth. You giggled softly. The laughter coming out more so at a sigh because of the raspy like tone.
"My finger," you fake pout. Taehyung kisses it in replacement.
"I'm sorry, princess."
You peck the corner of his mouth. Causing that exact corner to lift. Part of his pearly teeth peeking between his lips.
"Can I have your smile?" you asks softly.
"Only if I can have your heart."
You giggled, quietly, you were still pretty dozed. "You already own that."
"I own it?"
"You own it."
Hearing those words made his whole chest tighten with excitement. He wanted to test the waters and go further. "In twenty years from now?"
"You'd still own it-"
"I'd still fucking own it!"
He punched a weak fist into the air like he just began celebrating an world wide accomplishment. You laughed at this and huddled closer to his figure. Taehyung wasted no time tangling your legs together under the large sage comforter.
The cool sheets resting your skin.
Your boyfriend wrapped an arm around you, using his fingers to rub a line up and down your back. You relaxed at this, doing the same to his inner forearm. The touches were pleasing to each other. Enough to make to both of you get to the fast need to fall back asleep.
"I love you, Y/n."
You blushed at this sentence. No matter how times a day he said it, you couldn't help but fluster. It made you feel homey. Belonged.
In Taehyung's arm is where you belonged. Where you'll always wanna be. Now and forever.
You looked into his dark orbs, passing your own sighting back and forth from his eyes to lips. Taehyung noticed this and made the move. He placed him soft lips onto yours. Taking them away for just a second to give another. And another.
You loved the continuous center of joy and affection you always got from Taehyung. It was what made you so close and comfortable. Because you were so open.
You pecked the corner of his lips for the second time since you returned to the bed. Resting your head into his neck. His cheek laying against yours because of such close proximity.
"I love you, Taehyung."
As if the words were a spell, the couple fell back to sleep into each other's arms. Enjoying the airwaves of love that kept you together.
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playdoh-burner · 5 months
What ships should I draw (can be anything)
My own ships (as a rareshipper and a multishipper I draw any ship tho)
Playdoh x Limey
Peanut + Hanger (I just learned Hanger is aroace so I HC them as queer platonic)
Spraypaint x Kit
Pilly x his PHD /HJ
Polaroid x Roomy (Saw it on tiktok)
Tissues x Record
Record x Rosey
Rosey x Playdoh
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bfdifan26 · 1 year
wait ship requests..,rosey x record maaybe
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the only reason they’ve never interacted yet is because itd simply be too powerful
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kenmas-consoles · 3 years
Hello honey! I hope you don't mind me requesting something with this topic but my father told me today that I should kill myself just because I bleached my hair and then that I should care about other's opinion and not my own so can I request how would William react to his s/o saying this to him? If you don't feel comfortable writing this it's fully okay, I understand 🤍 Thank you in advance though 🤍
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Pairing: William Moriarty x Reader
Summary: You bleach your hair and your father disapproves and says harsh words that lead you crying and William is there to console you.
Word Count: 1,878
Warning: Mentions of death/ act of suicide
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It was never a secret to anyone that being born into a prestigious lineage meant that you had watchful eyes on lock with your every move. Every action you made was like a public statement and it was quite restricting, never being able to act out in the open in fear of public judgement. It has been that way since you were young, (y/n) (l/n) the eldest daughter to a famous business tycoon in England.
Though upon meeting William a few years back right after a business transaction made by your father and William’s eldest brother Albert you had become close friends, and maybe something even more. The time you’ve spent with him made you feel free, free enough to express yourself because you knew he wasn’t one to judge. It was a breath of fresh air, you never had to worry about the public eye whenever you were with him. These days you have a little skip in your step, after gaining the confidence to just be yourself.
You had made a big decision of getting your hair dyed and you were quite jittery upon entering your estate with your newly done hair. The little adrenaline rush of somewhat planned impulsivity of getting it dyed thrilled you though you know that others may have mixed feelings about your new hair. It hadn't mattered to you much since you were sick of playing the perfect daughter role. You knew your parents would have to find out one way or another you just hoped they would be accepting. Besides, it was just hair and it wasn’t that bad. If anything you thought you looked 10x better a blonde.
Still, you made an effort into hiding it for the day and probably dropping the gun and talking about it tomorrow since you were still pretty tired.
Closing the doors silently you enter your room and just as you set out a sigh of relief you hear a clatter and a piercing shriek.
Maggie, your personal maid, was in your room with tea now stained on the carpet floor as she looked at you with wide eyes. Upon realizing it was just you, her young mistress, she had calmed down and rushed towards you. Holding you by the shoulders she inspected you in amazement.
“You- you’re hair!” she exclaimed in excitement, “You’re blonde! How-”
You giggled lightly at her amazement and loss of words and babbling as she held a few locks of your hair in her fingers.
“I’ve had it done earlier,” you said, giving a little spin. “How does it look?”
“Absolutely stunning dear!”
Her response brings a smile to your face.
“What in the heavens?!” A deep male voice exclaimed from behind the door and your smile had grown shaky as you realized that the voice belonged to your father.
You mustered up a smile and took a deep breath before facing him.
“Do you like it?” you asked. “It’s preposterous! outrageous! What were you thinking?! Or did you even think at all?!” “Please calm down it’s just- “Hair?” Pinching the bridge of his nose he turned away from you with a shake of his head. “ You’re being selfish again, why can’t you just listen?”
In a much quieter tone he says “why can't you just get it through your head that your actions greatly affect the family! your brother is months away from getting married and you-
why can't you just think about what others might think and stop with this nonsense.”
Each word brings a pang in your heart as your eyes sting with tears. You couldn’t bring yourself to face him either as you grew small in his presence, self conscious even.
A silence passed and neither of you spoke. The tension in the room was suffocating, your father looked as though he had more to say but he just clicked his tongue before moving towards the door.
“Maggie, please clean up this mess,” your father said without turning back to look at the now scampering maid.
Sparing one last look he sighs and says, “I’m done with this conversation, with you, you can go jump out the balcony for all I care.”
Once the door clicks shut, you fall on your knees. Never before had your father said anything so harsh nor has he raised his voice towards you before. The tears threatening to spill had already made its way down your cheeks and you choked up a sob. All the confidence you had built over the past years felt like it was deteriorating and the only feeling that ate you up was guilt and shame.
Maggie comes back in and rushes towards your side as she sees you crying. “He doesn’t mean that sweetie,” she says all while cooing consoling words and holding your crumpled form.
You couldn’t fall asleep that night, your fathers words replaying like a broken record. Were you selfish? Was it your fault? You couldn’t help but think that and once again the ugly feeling of shame was boiling up within the pits of your stomach.
Watching from your balcony, your father who was talking to the coachman below. Downcast, he hadn’t spoken to you all day. Thinking back to last night where he couldn’t even look at you during family dinner nor even say a word to you during breakfast.
As though you were drilling holes into his head from above he had turned to face your balcony. You stepped back to avoid being seen but you saw him shake his head and then you felt the shame creep up again.
You were frustrated. At your father’s silence, his words, at yourself for letting it get to you so much. It was so really unlike you and you felt tears start to sting at your eyes. You knew your schedule was free today so you had decided to head for the Moriarty manor, your safe haven.
You made your way there without delay, gripping at your skirt as you sped through the streets of London, ignoring the weird stares and whispers of those who had recognised you. Nothing was more important now than getting there, since you were minutes away from breaking down once more.
Upon reaching the manor you were greeted by the familiar face of Louis who was tending to the gardens by the gate. Delighted you made your way towards him. “Louis!” He turned his head and stood with a shocked and bewildered expression as he blinked twice almost as if checking if what he saw was correct. “(y/n)?” he asked and you happily nodded.
“What happened to you, you look like you have been crying?” he asks.
You scratch your head a bit and mention how it was a long story not even denying the fact that he found out you were crying. Louis offers you another understanding smile as he walks with you to the manor telling you he’d go fetch William for you.
“I forgot to mention,” he says as he led you through the long hallways of the manor, “You look beautiful by the way, I’m sure my brother would think so too.”
You in turn blushed in response to his words.
“You can stay in the living room (y/n), I’ll go inform William of your presence now,” he says with a curt nod and a smile.
“Thanks Lou,” you say as you both exchange another set of smiles before he takes his leave.
A few minutes pass and you hear the sound of quick steps, the door of the living room bursting open to reveal none other than William Moriarty with the most agitated expression ever.
His agitation morphed to shock as he took one long look at you and he slowly moved towards the couch you had been sitting on.
One of his rare small smiles grace his face as he takes your hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand tenderly.
“You look different,” he jests, then takes a lock of your hair between his fingers and rubs them. You both sit in comfortable silence and he takes this time to inspect your face, he notices the little circles around your eyes and how puffy they look not to mention your slightly rosey tipped nose. It wouldn’t take a detective to know you had been crying.
He looks at you expectantly and you take it as a sign to start spilling the beans. You tell him of how you had dyed your hair the other day to sneaking into the family manor that night uptil how your father had scolded you for your actions.
William just sat there with his hand in yours, staring at you lovingly as you replayed the story. Squeezing your hands ever so lightly when you had told him that your father had told you to kill yourself. He was appalled with your father to say the least, you the most brilliant person he had met and someone had the audacity to say such hurtful things to.
As you move your arms around animatedly to show your frustrations he found them rather cute and amusing, another smile moves up to his face. You were too caught up in retelling the story to notice him bring his hands to your chin. He moves your chin to face him and this action silences you.
Smiling at you once more he moves the hand holding your chin to caress your face. “Listen,it's true you have to consider others' opinions but that's just the tip of the iceberg, think about it... do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own? self-care is never a selfish act.”
You sigh, taking his hand that was on your face in your own, “It’s different when those people are your family. I don’t know how I could go back and face th-” “You don’t have to go back,” he grumbles under his breath but enough for you to hear.
“...then where would I go?”
“Simple,” he says with a compelling dangerous glint in his crimson eyes. “You are of age now, stay with me. I will marry you.”
Your eyes widened in surprise and awkwardly laughed it off thinking it was another one of Williams jokes but the look in his eye told you that he was dead serious. Your cheeks then set aflame as numerous butterflies crashed around your stomach and chest.
“I know it is much too early for a proposal but I promise to love and cherish you for as long as my heart keeps beating,” He then stands and extends a hand for you to take, almost a silent sign of asking you to accept. And once you do slip your hand in his he holds you by the waist for an embrace and whispers in your ear.
“Besides, I think you look lovely as a blonde.”
This comment leaves you in a fit of giggles. William James Moriarty will always continue to be your safe haven, a pillar of support.
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Hey there angel I hope you’re feeling alright please remember that you cant let others decide your self worth for you so try not to let huetful comments let you down. I’m pretty sure you look amazing and hopefully your father will come around with getting used to seeing your hair that way. I hope this story was to your liking as well have some moriarty love!
Also I pretty much crammed this cause I only saw the request today and aaaaaaa im sorry anywayz hope you like it again sweetie!!
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shokobuns · 4 years
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→ post work routine
kento comes home from work.
PAIRING: nanami kento x reader
GENRE: smut, fluff
WARNINGS: nsfw, smut, vanilla sex, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, mentions of edging, breathplay (choking), implied dacryphilia, implied dumbification, oral (m receiving)
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At the sound of a clicking lock, you race to the front door clad in a nightgown, bare feet pattering through the hallways. You don’t stop in your tracks once you see him. Instead, you press your body flush on his chest with force, wrapping your arms around his neck, breathing in the faint scent of cologne. It’s familiar, comforting, and the start of his favorite part of the day.
“You were gone so late, Ken,” you mutter into his ear, “I missed you.”
“I had overtime,” he replies, pressing a kiss on the top of your head, “I missed you, too.”
“Yeah? Then prove it. You gotta finish what you started this morning.”
He pauses to think, carding his fingers through your hair. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Come on, Kento. Don’t act stupid.” You giggle, hand trailing down to his belt buckle, making quick work to undo it. “Been thinking about you all day.”
Of course he knows what he’s done and he knows what to expect.
Kento thinks you’re gorgeous, especially when you’re on your knees, looking at him through your lashes, your eyes almost glazed over when you gaze at his cock hungrily. You waste no time, taking him into your mouth, feeling him hit the back of your throat, hollowing your cheeks, bobbing your head up and down his shaft with rhythm.
He groans, admiring the drool gathering at the corners of your mouth, dribbling down your chin, your eyelids half open. It’s too easy to get lost in the feeling of him in your mouth, swirling your tongue when you can because you want to make him feel good. You want to relieve him of his overtime stress by letting him fill your throat with every drop of cum he has to offer. Kento deserves it.
And you never fail to deliver. But he’d much rather be in you instead.
You’re confused at first when he pulls your hair back, emptying your mouth. A string of drool connects to the tip, an erotic sight he’ll make sure to record next time. He pulls you up and on the counter, stuffing the entirety of his cock in your warm cunt right away. “All wet, just from sucking me off, huh?”
“Y-Yeah, Kento, just for you.”
“Good girl.”
One thing about Kento is that he’s long, always hitting your cervix even when there’s an inch or two left. Being fucked is more than just a stretch for your little hole, it’s also the relentless pounding of all of the right spots, reaching deep into your guts. It’s almost as if he can see them himself with how accurate he is, how precise he is, how he has you crying into his shoulder every single time.
Your legs wrap around his waist, desperately attempting to bring him closer and closer to cunt. It’s almost embarrassing how quickly he can have you whining, begging for more of him, already creaming around his cock in such a short amount of time. Whilst he drives into your hole with brute force, you grab his tie, bringing his face close for a sloppy kiss. It’s accompanied by a particularly sharp thrust, making you gasp. In this moment of vulnerability, he takes it as an opportunity to squeeze the sides of your throat, watching your eyes roll back.
It’s almost as if your mind is completely blank with the exception of your impending orgasm, the rest of your body entering a state of floating relaxation. There’s too much to process when you’re in your own little world to the point where you’re unable to speak, only replying to Kento’s little praises with babbles and whines, holding him close to feel safe.
Shockwaves travel through your spine and to your core, walls pulsating erratically, your cunny sucking in his cock, desperately trying to keep him close. The exact constricted feeling is what he needs and it’s not long until he’s spilling into you, making a mess in your womb like he does every single night.
Both of you pant exhaustedly before looking around, your arms still loosely wrapped around his neck. “We didn’t even make it to the bedroom.” He murmurs, inhaling your sweet scent.
“Did you really expect to after edging me this morning?”
He chuckles against your neck, pressing a soft kiss on the skin. “Makes you needier. It’s something to look forward to after work.”
You giggle, but the lighthearted moment doesn’t last long when he pulls out and cum trickles down your thigh. Kento disappears for a second and you hear the sound of running water, quickly walking towards the bathroom and finding the mud mask you bought earlier that week. “What is that?”
“Face masks!” You respond excitedly, grabbing a brush and scooping it on, “Get in the bath!”
He obeys, ridding himself the rest of his clothing and you soon join him, applying the rosey smelling substance to his face before doing the same to  your own. Once you’re done, you close the lid, setting the container on the side and enjoying being engulfed in the warm water.
Kento wraps his arms around your body, caging you in and resting his chin on your shoulder. He finally closes his eyes and exhales soft breaths. While work was dangerous, constantly demanding physical effort, making him stay overtime, he knew there was always something to come home to. He knew that even if a cursed spirit annoyed him then, you’d still be his safe haven and purpose for living.
He melts at the very sight of you, the flowery smell from your baths, the intimacy of being close together, touching your bare skin, it’s all he would ever think about when he wasn’t home. And you would melt, too, letting your head back, exposing more of your neck for him to press wet kisses against, reaching behind you to play with his wet hair. You take this opportunity to grab a bottle of shampoo and squeeze enough of it on your hands. It’s his favorite part of bath time.
Your fingers card through silky blonde strands, massaging his scalp and he groans at the feeling, his eyes squeezed shut. His head is lathered in bubbles and while he’s distracted, you place a chaste kiss on his lips like usual. For Kento, this was pure bliss and he was sure he would never get enough of it.
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© this is a work of @babierin, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my work on other platforms. all characters are aged up!
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Lightning in a Bottle | Edmund Pevensie x Reader
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Warnings: None :)
Time/Era: Modern AU
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Music is Edmund’s love language, apparently. 
Request: Hey! Could you possibly do a cute high school au with Edmund? Maybe they’re both crushing on each other and everyone knows except themselves, anything you wanna do really haha 😂 thanksss :)
A/N: Thanks for the request!!  God, I love Edmund so much. And here, we have indie boi Ed. This oneshot is inspired by  Electric Love by Børns. (Specifically, the video linked) This is one of my favorite songs, and I thought it fit the indie-main-character-high-school vibe :) I didn’t really nail the “everyone knows but them” thing, but still crushes! Enjoy ~
masterlist | here is a playlist of the songs in the mixtape mentioned | read on ao3
Edmund Pevensie was obsessed with listening to music, particularly with old musical technology. While it wasn’t uncommon to have a fascination with cassette tapes or vinyl records, it hit a special chord within Edmund’s heart. Something about listening to music, old and new, on the outdated tech made the music sound better, hit harder, and stick in his mind better. He was the type of guy who took the AUX on long car rides to play one of his thousand Spotify playlists. 
Another notable thing about Edmund was that he was very intelligent with very high standards for himself. He was a natural at academics, having been in advanced classes since he was young, and he was the guy everyone hated in math class. After dozing off in class, and mouthing off to the teacher every now and again, he still came out as the teacher’s favorite and a straight-A student. 
The majority of the time, though, he tended to keep to himself. While he was genuinely liked by his peers and was rather charming, he didn’t really consider anyone his friend. Unlike his older brother, Peter, he liked to remain closer to the shadows with earbuds in his ears. He knew he could never fill his brother’s shoes; Peter had basically come into Cair Paravel High School to be captain of the soccer team. He was so good that even though his grades were subpar at best, he received a full-ride scholarship to Archenland University to study sports medicine and play on their soccer team. 
Then there was his older sister, Susan, who won her Student Body President campaign by a landslide. Everyone liked Susan; she was patient, gentle, and got along with pretty much everyone. She too got a pretty large scholarship to Beruna State College and is double majoring in child education and European history. 
Finally, there was Edmund’s little sister, Lucy. She was only a freshman at Cair Paravel, and very into student council. Edmund thought she was practically made to be an ASB kid; she was excited, friendly, and much too kind. Lucy made the switch to high school seamlessly and had a big group of friends by the time the final bell rang on the first day. 
Edmund was a senior now and he couldn’t wait to get out of high school. The people were unintelligent, he was constantly compared to his siblings and he was ready to start his life. Edmund had high ambitions to become a lawyer, specifically criminal law. He didn’t really have much to leave behind at this school, so he was just trying to get through it as soon as possible.
One thing he would miss was the quiet girl that sat behind him in his music appreciation class. Edmund didn’t really want to take the class, but at the last minute, he discovered he needed to fulfill an arts credit to graduate. He appreciated music and liked easy classes, so he chose this one. Little did he know it was mostly analyzing classical pieces. 
Y/N was super cute in Edmund’s eyes. She always mumbled sarcastic comments whenever their easily excitable teacher, Mr. Tumnus, would stretch when over-analyzing a stanza of music. By the time October passed, Edmund had grown quite fond of the girl. She almost always was reading a comic book of some sort instead of paying attention in class. Y/N even ended up lending Edmund a few for his viewing pleasures; he always made sure to return them in the exact condition he received them. Batman seemed to Y/N’s favorite. 
Y/N loved watching Edmund write. He held his pencil wrong and always had ink smudged all over his hand. Maybe it was because he was a leftie, or maybe it was because he wrote too fast. Probably a little bit of both. His handwriting was also weirdly slanted to the right, which didn’t make any sense to Y/N. He was left-handed but his letters slanted to the right? Not the mention how half of it was in cursive and half of it was in print. It was definitely messy but, oddly enough, still intelligible. 
“What are you listening to?” Y/N asked Edmund. “Better not be Christmas music. Christmas was last month.”
Edmund pulled an earbud out of his left ear and turned so he was sitting horizontally in his chair. He leaned an arm on the top of her desk and grinned. “Currently, I’m listening to Can I Call You Tonight? By Dayglow. What are you reading?” 
“Currently, I’m reading Volume 1 of The New Teen Titans,” Y/N copied Edmund. “I’ve never heard of Dayglow, are they good?” 
Edmund smiled, offering her his earbuds. “Listen and see for yourself.” 
As she listened Edmund searched her face for any clue to what she’s thinking. Her face housed a small smile so he concluded that she enjoyed it. Once the song ended, she took out one of his earbuds and placed it on her desk. 
“I like it,” She concluded, listening to the next song. 
“Good, so do I. It fits my mood for today.”
“What’s got you so happy today? You have a great way of showing happiness, by the way.” Edmund was dressed in all black with his hood up. Edmund rolled his eyes. 
“What I can’t be in a good mood?” 
“I never said that, Pevensie. You just look very Edmund-y today.” Y/N pulled the other earbud out of her head and held them out to him.
“No, keep listening. I’ll play some music for you throughout class and maybe you can tell me what you think at the end?” He pulled his hood off of his head and smoothed out his hair. “And what do you mean Edmund-y?”
“I don’t know, all black, hood up, dead look in your eyes.” 
“I don’t have a dead look in my eyes!” Y/N giggled at her own joke. “Just for that, I’m going to take this.” He snatched the open comic book that laid open on her desk. 
For the remainder of the class, Edmund dictated what Y/N listened to from his phone. He played everything from The Beatles, to The 1975, to COIN, to Duran Duran. Every now and then, Edmund would peek his head back to see her eyes glued to the back of his head. Her body swayed to the music almost lazily, and a smile graced her features. For some reason that made his stomach feel fuzzy. 
She returned his earbuds at the end of class, and he returned her comic. 
“That was fun,” Y/N complimented, shoving her materials into her bag. “I like the get better song you played.”
“I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers,” Edmund corrected her as they left the classroom. Music Appreciation was the class of the day for them, seeing as they were seniors who left at lunch, so the two started making their way towards the parking lot. 
“You have to meet your sister right?” Y/N asks, pulling out her I.D. so she could leave campus. “The really sweet freshman girl? Honestly, you two are so different I wouldn’t have guessed you were siblings.” 
“Oh, Lucy, yeah. We grab lunch every Thursday before I drop her back off for the remainder of her classes.” The two showed their I.D.’s to the campus aid and walked into the parking lot. 
“That’s sweet. We should grab lunch sometime, or something. It could be fun! We could do our analysis questions about Bach.” Y/N started to walk in the opposite direction and Edmund felt his cheeks warm. Luckily, Y/N’s back was now towards him. 
“Yeah, sure. Don Giovanni, right?” 
Y/N’s laughter could be heard as she grew further away. “That’s Motzart, Pevensie!”
Edmund shook his head and met Lucy. She was leaning against his car looking bored. 
“Who was that? Is that your girlfriend?” Lucy asks, opening the door once Edmund unlocks the car. This made his cheeks flush more. 
“No, she’s just the girl that sits behind me in Tumnus,” Edmund puts the key in the ignition and starts the engine. 
“Then why are you blushing?”
“I’m not, Lucy. It’s just hot in the car, it’s been sitting out here for ages.”
 One day in the middle of March when Y/N walked into Music Appreciation, she noticed a small rectangle box on her desk. Upon opening it, she found a cassette and a note. The note looked as if it was typed using a typewriter. 
I’m not very good when it comes to words, but I’m good when it comes to music. Hopefully, this says it all. Enjoy, my love. 
Side A //
Electric Love / Børns
I Love You So / The Walters
Fallingforyou / The 1975
Your Song /  Elton John
Someone To You / BANNERS
Side B //
Babe, Can I Call? / The Hunna
Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy) / The 1975
Luv, Hold Me Down / Drowners
love somebody like you / joan
TV Dream / Larkins
Y/N didn’t recognize most of the songs, but just reading the titles made her blush. 
“Mr. Tumnus? Did you happen to see who left this on my desk?” She held up the cassette so he could see. He shook his head. 
“No, sorry.”
Other students started to trickle in and soon the bell rang, no trace of Edmund. It wasn’t uncommon for him to skip this class, it was basically pointless, but it made Y/N sad every time he wasn’t there. 
The door swings open and a drenched Edmund steps into the classroom. Without even looking up, Mr. Tumnus addresses him. 
“You’re late again, Mr. Pevensie.”
“Sorry, I got stuck behind a group of Sophmore girls who wouldn’t move.”
“In the rain?” Mr. Tumnus raised an eyebrow.
“No, if it was in the rain I would be wet right now, sir.”
He plopped into his seat and started raking his hands through his wet hair. His cheeks were slightly rosey, as were his nose. His lips were pinker than usual and they stayed slightly parted. Hair stuck to his forehead as he ran his fingers ran through it and the hair on the nape of his neck dripped down his back. Y/N had to stop herself from staring at him with her jaw unhinged. 
“What’s that?” He whispered, noticing the open present on Y/N’s desk. He had taken up sitting horizontal in his chair at all times so he could more easily talk to Y/N. 
“It’s a mixtape. It was left on my desk when I got here,” Y/N responded and handed him the note. Edmund took it and began to read; his eyes scanned the paper and his lips moved slightly as he read. Y/N couldn’t help her this time, so she allowed herself to stare. His lips were always so pink and so puffy. She fantasized about how soft they must be. 
“Wow, looks like someone really likes you,” He comments, placing the paper back on her desk. “Do you have a cassette player?”
Y/N didn’t even consider that. Who the hell has a cassette player in the year 2020? Apparently, her answer was evident on her face, and Edmund chuckles. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a walkman and a pair of earbuds. 
“Here, you can have mine. I got a new one last month and I don’t really use this one as much.”
Oh, Edmund has a cassette player in the year 2020. 
Y/N smiled, taking the player from his hand. “Thanks, Ed.”
“Wouldn’t want you to miss out on those songs. Whoever made that has good taste, you’re lucky.” 
When Y/N got home tonight, she took out her walkman. It sat easily in her palm, just big enough for the cassette to fit inside. On the bottom, “E.P.” was scratched into the plastic. She smiled and put her mixtape inside. 
As she listened, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander to Edmund. They had grown much closer in the past few months, even going lengths to hang out outside of school. Y/N learned that not only was Edmund extremely intelligent, but he was the funniest person Y/N had ever met. He always had a sarcastic comeback or joke to offer her, no matter the subject. He had also let many of his walls down, letting Y/N get to know him better. It all felt so comfortable and natural. No longer was he just the cute guy from Music Appreciation, but he was the pain in the ass that Y/N had fallen for. And Y/N had fallen hard. 
Against her first impression of the mixtape, Y/N had actually heard all of these songs. After the first day in January, Edmund had lent her his earbuds near-daily and she would listen to whatever he played for her. Her eyes widened. 
Why would Edmund carry around a cassette player he didn’t use? And to school for that matter? And the note; it was typed because Edmund had such distinct handwriting! Y/N rewound the cassette and listened to it again. Why didn’t she realize in the moment?
“Hello, Y/N,” Edmund greeted in the parking lot the morning, he happened to park next to Y/N. He gripped the coffee in his hand and got his backpack in the trunk. “How are you on this fine morning?”
“Tired, I stayed up, like, half the night listening to that cassette I got yesterday.” Y/N slung her own backpack over her shoulder. He closed his trunk and locked his car. 
“Yeah? And what did you think?” The two started walking towards the building. 
“I thought that the songs all sounded oddly familiar.”
Edmund took a long sip of his coffee. “Like you’ve heard them before?” 
“Mmhm,” Y/N hummed and walked onto campus. She held one of the straps of her backpack as she walked. “Almost as if this dumbass guy I know played them for me a while back,” Y/N’s voice was teasing and light. 
“Yeah? Who is this guy?” Y/N stopped walking and looked up at Edmund. 
“Thanks for the mixtape, Ed.” 
“Whaaaat...just because this guy has great taste in love songs doesn’t mean it was me. I’m flattered though, really,” Edmund took another long sip of his coffee. 
“Oh, what a pity. I actually got excited when I figured out it was you. Considering normal people don’t just carry cassette players in their backpacks. Especially not ones they don’t use anymore.” Y/N’s voice was thick with sarcasm. 
“Yeah. I’ve kinda liked that Edmund guy for a while, but he doesn’t like me back so…”  
“You like me back?” Edmund was grinning from ear to ear. 
“Yes, babe, I like you back. I have since October since I started letting you borrow my comics,”
Edmund placed his coffee on a bench and pulled Y/N closer to him by the hips. 
“October, huh?” Y/N smiled bashfully at Edmund’s tone but nodded. 
“What? You’re cute, I couldn’t help myself. Plus, now you make me cute mixtapes.”
Edmund leans down and places his lips against hers. They were just as soft as she had imagined. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers quickly finding the hairs at the nape of his neck. He pulls away and leans his forehead against hers. 
“Be my girlfriend, then?”
“You nerd,” Y/N took a small step forwards and pecked his lips again. “I would love to.”
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sacristuffz · 6 months
Hello! I made this account on a whim and an impulsive thought so this exists now. This is owned by one person! 📌 (who uses they/it). i will be drawing SacriStuff requests we get and what we decide to draw. There will be a handful of drawings already since I want to post what I have already made to this account. If you recognize me from Twitter/X or the Sacri discord.. hi!
Edit: There is only one admin, due to difficulties.
I will draw anything that is SFW and not suggestive. I don’t feel comfortable drawing anything suggestive about anything that Sacri has made, since she only just turned eighteen a few months ago in November. I will be drawing anything from her shows, her humanoid ocs, her object ocs, anything that she has made! (Except Animatic Battle)
A request should be like this, “Can you draw [Enter a character] from [Show/thing]?” So we know exactly what you are talking about.
We have the right to decline/not make a request if we don’t like it. Also, please try to respect Sacri’s boundaries herself!
PS. Any ship is allowed if it doesn't go by Sacri's boundaries. For example, Spraypaint x Rosey or Tissues x Record are not allowed. However, if you aren't sure if they are allowed, I can go ask myself.
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zankivich · 5 years
The Assistant: Shawn Mendes x Personal Assistant: A One-shot
a/n: this is just me seeing if I could even still write for this man tbh. I’ve been getting very good at separating my emotions about the pr stunt, and I think that’s because I literally have blocked it from my social media in every way, shape, or form. Honestly when I wrote this I envisioned a black woman because that’s just where I’m at in life, but I never specified so....do with it what you will. K bye. 
WARNINGS: mutual pining, fluff, love.
“Stop it, jackass.”
“No Shawn, seriously. Stop!”
“Stop! We’re going to be late, and if I have to hear Andrew complain one more time about it, I’m kicking your ass, do you hear me?!”
Being the personal assistant to Shawn Mendes is basically the best job in the world. You got to travel all the time. You got to learn more about the music industry than your internship at a record label had ever taught you. And he just happened to be the sweetest, most wholesome person on the planet. Except for when he was getting on your goddamn nerves. This just happened to be his favorite past time.
You’d been his PA for four years and no one knew him better. You knew his coffee order, what size underwear he wore, and the brand of cough medicine he trusted most. You knew what made him scared in life, what one sigh meant from another when it came past his lips, and when he was hungry or tired or emotional. What you hadn’t been prepared for was for Shawn to learn these things about you. And what you should have prepared yourself for was the trouble that this would bring.
Shawn had spent the last twenty minutes playing with some nerf gun that Brian had bought. He thought it would be a wonderful idea to see if he could hit you with it from multiple points around his hotel room. Shawn was usually business all the time, and so you loved any opportunity for him to get to relax and be a twenty-one year old. He had taken advantage of this and was more excited for a nerf battle than the business meeting he needed to be at in forty-five minutes.
“You have goooooot to relax a little bit.” He sighed rolling his eyes and dropping the gun.
He made his way over to you and slid his oversized palms onto your shoulders. Screw him. He was so warm and tall and chiseled. Dumb. So dumb.
“I could relax a lot more if you just let me do my job.” You pouted.
He snorted softly and let his thumb touch your chin.
“Is this you pouting now? You’re gonna try and guilt trip me with a pout?”
“That depends....Is it working?”
He licked his lip and you honestly could have swung on him. There was no need for him to behavior is such a sensual matter. Damn him.
“I’ll get my shoes on.” He hummed in defeat. “Just don’t be sad.”
You smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
He paused for a second, his hands still poised on your shoulders. There’s a moment of silence where it’s just the two of you looking at each other. You up at the mammoth you called a boss, and him down at you with those honey brown eyes. You hated when he looked at you this way, like he might wanna try something, like he might actually care about you the way that you cared about him. All it did was cause you unnecessary hurt, and very vivid daydreams.
See there’s a running joke in the Shawn Mendes team. If you want Shawn to do anything, then you simply just call y/n. The two of you were closer than closer, and he seemed to trust you with his life. Eventually you had become friends. Close friends. And so it suddenly became less “go buy me a juice” and more “can I lay my head in your lap until my migraine passes”. When the road was cold and lonely and he had no one, it was you he cuddled up to. For Shawn it was the convenience of it. You were there and you could provide him with what he needed. But for you? God touching him was like lightning. And you hated every second where it wasn’t real, where it didn’t mean the same thing to him. More than anything you hated the way that you loved it, because it meant being in his orbit.
“Go get your shoes on. Please?” You whispered.
He nodded slowly and pulled away finally giving you a moment to breathe.
The ride to this meeting was a quiet one. You struggled with Shawn’s affectionate touches and the ridiculously soft glances. Every now and again it got to be too much, and you had to preserve yourself if you were going to stay afloat. Working for Shawn was a joy, but that didn’t stop it from hurting sometimes.
The car pulled up to the destination and Shawn went to open his door only to stop when you didn’t follow him.
“Aren’t you coming?” He asked.
You shook your head. “I’m gonna go pick up your suit for your party.”
“Oh...Well you’re still coming to the party right?”
“Of course. I’m on duty, Shawn.”
He frowned. “No you’re not. I invited you as a friend.”
“Yea well Andrew knows better than to let you go to an open party with alcohol without me, so...I’ll be there regardless.”
“Okay well...I’m sorry you have to put up with me for the night.” He mumbled closing the door.
You sighed and let your head fall back against the headrest. Now you were both in a bad mood. Ugh.
New Year’s Eve was testing your patience. Here you were looking good as hell, ass all poised and waiting to be grabbed. What did you get instead? Nothing. Not a look, not a squeeze. You took another sip out of your vodka soda and went to stand up only to figure out that the previous two drinks before it, were a little stronger than you remembered. Shit.
“Woops! I’m sorry!” You gasped knocking into someone behind you.
“Sorry I--Oh, hey.”
You bit you lip and peered up at Shawn. The suit looked even better on him now then it did when he first stepped into it. And then there were his rosey cheeks and the heat of the room getting to his curls by the moment. He was absolutely stunning, and you couldn't believe you were about to enter another year of being practically suffocated by the weight of him.
“Hi.” You murmured reaching one of his arms to stabilize yourself. “How are you doing?”
He shrugged. “I’ve been alright. It’s been kinda hard to have fun though. My best friend’s been MIA.”
You snorted. “Is that so?”
“Yep. She got mad at me earlier, and I’m not really quite sure why. Perhaps you could tell me. I hear men are pretty dumb.”
You let your body weight lean into him, and sighed happily when his hands fell to your waist. Usually you’d do anything to stay away from this kind of contact, but vodka is a hell of a thing.
“It’s fine. I’m over it.” You assured him.
His eyebrows scrunched together at your words. That sort of Canadian pout of his. It was extremely effective.
“See, but I don’t even understand why you do that. Sometimes it’s like you're pissed at me, and then maybe you decide to get over it all without ever telling me what I’ve done in the first place.”
“Look let’s just enjoy the night, huh? It’s New Year’s Eve. All your friends and family are here. Let’s not make it more complicated.”
“Fine. But only if you promise to stop sulking in a corner and come have fun with me.” He mumbled. “I’ve like missed you all day.”
It was moments like that that you just wanted to shake him and yell. How could he not see what he was putting you through? How was it not incredibly obvious how in love you were with him? But you could tell just by the look on his face that he was being as sincere as ever. Shawn was just too kind for his own good, and for yours apparently.
“Yea, okay. Let’s have fun.”
*two hours later*
You are drunk. And the only reason you know how drunk you are is because you’ve lost your ability to measure other people’s drunkness. As far as your ass is concerned, everyone is living their best life and no one is any drunker than one another. Dumb. You should have known Shawn was drunk off his ass the minute he started hugging strangers. But alas, if Andrew’s expectation was that you were meant to keep him out of trouble then...you just might be fired tomorrow.
“You smell amazing.” Shawn whispered in your ear as he threw himself onto your back, arms wrapping tightly around you. “Where have you been all my life?”
You giggled. “I’ve been here, kiddo. You know, controlling your day to day life, keeping you afloat?”
“Not like that. I mean...I mean like...where have you been ya know?” He mumbled taking a sip out of a champagne bottle.
Sober you would’ve gotten him straight to bed at this point. Drunk you was a little dumber.
“No I don’t!”
“You just...God you’re so beautiful ya know?” He huffed bringing your foreheads together. “It drives me crazy.”
“What? What did you say?”
“Y/n I--”
And just like that, one minute the boy you like is hovering over you with heart eyes and the next his friends are practically picking him up. Jon, Brian, and Connor descended like wolves, quickly rushing Shawn away from you.
“We’ll be right back!” Bryan called over his shoulder.
You were left to your own devices and the only thing you could think to do in your drunken state was...to go complain to Aalyiah about how dumb her brother was. You know, like a crazy person.
“Hey what’s wrong?” She asked softly, not nearly as drunk as you. It must have been the whole underage thing.
You shook your head. “Your brother is an idiot.”
“Oh I’m aware. But why in particular is he an idiot this time?”
“He just can’t communicate jackshit unless it’s in a song. Can’t tell anyone how he feels. Just likes to stick his dumb, big head everywhere with his dumb big eyes and his dumb smile. I’m sick of it, ya know?”
Aaliyah smiled softly at you and squeezed your shoulder.
“Oh you poor thing. You want me to talk to him?”
You eyes widened. “No. Oh no, ‘Lyiah, not at all. I was just blowing off steam.”
“Uh huh…”
“No seriously. Promise me you won’t say anything.”
She rolled her eyes. “But y/n--”
“No promise me!”
“Alright, alright, Jeez. I promise.” She groaned. “But for the record if this is how complicated adults liking each other is, I want no part in it.”
“‘Liking’? Who said anything about liking?”
“Oh y/n...Please.”
“I liked you better when you were younger and shyer.”
*meanwhile in the corner on the opposite side of the party*
“What the hell guys!” Shawn muttered still trying to peer over the heads of people to see y/n.
Jon clicked his fingers in front of his face. “Excuse me? You told us not to let you get carried away with y/n tonight, remember?”
“...No. not really. And I retract my statement, now if you’ll excuse me...Goddamit, guys!”
They weren’t budging. And Shawn was pretty sure he was thinking clearer than he had in years. Save for the bottle of champagne in his hand.
“Bro, stop being an idiot, you’re blowing my high here!” Brian yelled at him. “You don’t want to fuck things up with y/n remember? You don’t want to mix business with pleasure! These are your words.”
“But...But...she’s so pretty.” He whined closing his eyes in despair. “So pretty.”
Jon snorted. “Oh to be young and in love. What a travesty.”
“Look we’ve got ten minutes until the ball drops. Let’s get you a fresh bottle of champagne and try to relax, aye?”
Shawn couldn’t quite do anything but pout.
“Fine. Let me go dammit.”
And thus the two were separate as the party began to re-hype for the ball drop. Brian got Shawn a bottle of champagne, his friends surrounding him on all sides so that he didn’t make any mistakes. Y/n was left to chill back in her corner. Without Shawn to hang out with, and his friends--which used to be her friends--being assholes, it was a lost cause.
At some point you were just waiting for the night to end. You wanted to go back to your hotel and sleep and forget all about Shawn’s dumb face when he told you how beautiful you were. What a joke. This whole night was a joke. Usually Jon and you would’ve spent the whole night making fun of all the white people, Connor would have hung on your hip like he always tended to do. Even Brian was a cocky son of a bitch who let you give it right back to him. But Shawn didn’t want to be near you for some reason. Friends. Yea right.
It wasn’t until everyone begin counting that you realized you weren’t in the mood at all. The excitement. The joy. It just wasn’t there. So you decided to leave. Meanwhile, at the clock struck midnight, Shawn busted open a bottle of champagne to spray his friends with. It’d been a hell of a year and he knew he deserved to celebrate a little bit. So the hugs go all the way around and he squeezes them tight enough that he hopes they know how much he loves them. He’s drunk and he’s happy and when those two things happen there’s typically on one person he wants to share that with. But it only takes one look around the room to see you’re not there. And that’s the opposite of what he wanted.
“Hey! Hey! Have you seen y/n?” He asked Jon who had quickly discovered his girlfriend’s throat after the ball drop.
“No man. And you shouldn’t either.” He huffed.
But Shawn had no time for his friend’s bullshit. This was the woman of his dream they were talking about here.
Brian was practically tripping balls and extremely ineffective. Connor was sympathetic but hadn’t seen her. His next best guess was Aaliyah, who was looking a little wobbily like maybe she’s stolen a drink or two. (He was too drunk and too fixated on y/n to remember that he’d been the one to give them to her).
“Sis, have you seen y/n? I can’t find her anywhere!”
She rolled her eyes. “No! But she probably got tired of the games and went back to her room.”
“What games? What are you talking about?”
“She’s tired of you acting like you want her until it gets too serious and then backing away and pretending you’re just friends. It’s bullshit and it hurts and she probably got fed up. Let me guess tonight’s plan was to have the guys keep you away from her?”
Having a sixteen year old sister who’s smarter than you is truly terrible.
He stared at her dumbfounded. “I…”
“Yea, that’s what I thought. Look if you don’t want to be with her just leave her alone. She’s not some play toy, alright?”
“I’m not--that’s not even remotely what’s going on!” He muttered at her.
“Well that’s what it looks like! Women aren’t stupid and you’re not clever, dumbass. Stop messing with her. It’s driving her crazy.”
He rubbed his hands over his face thankful when the music finally cut down as people took the time to huge and squeeze their loved ones for the new year. His little sister had never been one to let him off the hook, and it was nice to know some things weren't going to change in 2020.
“I’m in love with her!” He bursted. “I’ve been in love with her since the moment I saw her, and I didn’t want to let her go, okay? She’s amazing at her job and she’s my best friend. And I need her in my life. So, I thought I’d rather have a part of her forever than ever face the possibility of losing her. She’s not some plaything alright...she’s--she’s everything.”
And just like that the anger on her face twisted to happiness and she quickly reached to pat him on the shoulder. Teenage girls were practically navy seals mixed with ninjas or some shit.
“See, now was that so hard?”
“Look don’t take this the wrong way but I think you might be a sociopath.”
Aaliyah rolled her eyes again and pointed over his shoulder. He turned to see y/n standing there with her jacket in hand looking about as shocked as he felt. Suddenly the room was much warmer than he remembered, and his hair felt sweaty against eh back of his next. The cat was out of the bag.
“H--How much of that did you hear?” He asked you, walking slowly in your direction.
You bit your lip. “I showed up around the ‘love’ part.”
“Oh...okay. Do you wanna--can we maybe go somewhere and talk?”
“I don’t know. I’m drunk. You’re drunk. I’d probably just go to sleep thinking I made the shit up.”
He shook his head. “That couldn’t be y/n. I meant it. Every word.”
“Yea? Then prove it.”
“Prove it? How?”
“I don’t know! I’m drunk, shit.” You whined.
He rolled his eyes up at the ceiling and stalked closer to you until you had to peer up in order to see him. His warmth was intoxicating, the smell of campagne still fresh on his lips. This is dangerous territory. There are witnesses. No room for him to go back when he changes his mind in the morning. His fingers cup your cheek.
“Shawn.” You warned jaw going slack in his grip.
“You drive me absolutely crazy, you know that?” He whispered, breath fanning your face.
“Yea, the feeling is mutual...Don’t play with me right now.”
“I’m not. I swear to you. We can figure the rest out tomorrow, but for now, I love you.”
“Don’t say that unless you mean it.”
There were tears in your eyes threatening to fall, and your body as lose as it was from the alcohol was still struggling to let go. You’d dreamt about these words long enough that reality has begun to blur. Who knows what’s real and what isn’t.
“I mean it.” He hummed so softly against your lips. “I mean it, I mean it, I mean it. I love you. Let me show you.”
Leave it to your New Year’s kiss to come fifteen minutes late. But there’s not a care in the world when his lips are on yours. Your toes dig into the carpet as you lean up to kiss him something soft and chaste turning more dominant by the second. If this was a dream, let them never wake you up. Because it felt so real. So right. So soft.
“Happy New Year sweetheart.” He whispered against your ear.
And a happy new year it was.
The End.
@liliane106 @wokeupinjapanisabop @sinplisticshawn @lifeoftheparty74 @xeuphorically-moonstruck @euphoric05 @daijanicole @bruhh-whateven @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @decewill @goldiean @bitchacho25 @bruhh-whateven @justbeingoceana @loveylangdon @iloveshawnieboi @september-lace @disaster-rose @dimestorebieber22 @sinplisticshawn@MixerMani  @justbeingoceana @qcoachcartier @simpledomain @kamahriii @lifeoftheparty74 @valedictorian65
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youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 30!
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Recap: After discussing everyone’s desires, it is revealed that some members had started to get physical with y/n. They each feel the tension and want to take the relationship further but no one knows how to approach the subject. A group shower session leads to more and they each get to explore their wants and needs together. A stir of new emotions ignites small sparks between some of the boys. They each spend the night cuddling and watching movies until they fall asleep.
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, Taegi (Taehyung x Yoongi)
Rating: Mature Themes.
Warnings: Smut (not really anything intense), hand job, voyeurism, exhibitionism.
Length: 3k words
Announcement: Chapter 30!!!! I can’t believe how far this story has come, I never keep stories this long a record. THANK YOU everyone reading I hope you enjoy. I know sometimes my writing gets a little rocky especially when I write at night.
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Waking in Taehyung’s arms you noticed the lack of warmth against your back and absence of the choir of breathing. Opening your eyes you feel light as a feather the endorphins from last night’s activities were doing wonders. Rolling over to face your deep voiced lover his face looking stunning, lips parted. It was mid way through your roll that you felt the ache in your hips and back, you let out a hum like moan and Taehyung’s eyes opened and settled on your face.
“Morning, my baby bear” he pulled you onto his chest and you whined, he noticed the discomfort on your face, “What is wrong?”
“I am sore from last night, remember I am very tender papa bear everything aches” you buried your face into his chest and he gently rolled you underneath him and pulled a face at you. You laughed at how adorable he looked crossing his eyes, he sat up straddling your waist and wiggled down your body.
His hands were warm and strong and his fingers pressed against your hips and thighs rubbing slow circles into the aching muscles. Looking down at you wearing one of Jin’s big shirts, he peeked underneath and bit his lip pulling the shirt back down and continuing his sensual massage. He loved the sound of your voice and the way you looked he pulled out his phone from the couch and snapped a picture sending it to the boys group chat after sending a warning NSFW message.
Your skin was so smooth and soft he wanted to squeeze you tightly. He felt the strain in his boxer briefs and he bit his lip trying to suppress it. Your muscles were sensitive from the nights activities and he wouldn’t push you. His hands continued to work the stress and aches from your body, you were quite vocal at his skilled hands. He made a slight whine and you looked over your shoulder to see his cheeks heated, you glanced up and down as best you could over your shoulder and saw the hardness pressing against his underwear.
You snorted burying your face back into the pillow’s giggling away, not wanting to move but a small part of you wanted him to fill you once more. You brought up the idea of sumata with Taehyung and he told you know, you were sore and he wouldn’t abuse your body any more. “But Tae I want to help you, not because I have to but because it makes me happy and feel loved to be able to do something with you. Trust me I am turned on too, I am just sated from last night’s activities and don’t need to.”
“If you are sated, I am sated” he smiled picking you up, Jin’s shirt riding up and he turned his head away growling as he carried you to the bathroom. Placing you onto the counter you let out a squeal and a shiver the bench was cold. “A warm bath for my baby bear?”
He added scented bubbles and undressed you both, he made a hiss and physically stopped himself from reaching out to your swollen breasts. You were covered in love bites and most of them were in fact from him, to which he gently traced them and smiled proud. He raced out his bare bottom looking absolutely adorable as he left. He came back with his proper camera and started taking pictures and you covered your face, his heart swelling you were rosey pink and shy and looking absolutely stunning. 
“You are the prettiest model, I have ever had” The tap was turned off and reluctantly the camera was put down, he placed you both in the water. He laid you back on his chest and sang to you his deep voice relaxed you. You were starting to feel so much better the scent, warmth and expert hands seemed to knead your flesh.
Taehyung’s pastel yellow and pink hair was slicked back and you looked reaching your hands back to hold his cheeks and smiling. “I love you” you said in English and then froze and he blinked tilting his head trying to process what you had said. It’s not like you didn’t show them, you said it to everyone on the phone, including your friend Kwon Jiyong. And you mean it you love them all but this time it was different. 
This was a realization that you loved him. That you loved them all. An Intense wave of emotion hit you, you couldn’t live without them. You had previously thought and sympathized with your boss Moon Inshik who lost his wife and partners, but that was just pity for his misfortune. This however, was Empathy, you could understand how he was feeling on a personal level and the crippling, heavy weight sank into your chest. 
You leaned out of the tub and sent a text that it was you and everyone should answer as it was important. You made a video call off Taehyung’s phone and they all answered, their face’s appearing.
“Is everything okay?” Namjoon said and they all were talking and asking questions, Seokjin and Jungkook looked really busy. You started to cry a little scared but happy to see their faces and they began panicking and asking you what was wrong. Speaking all at once you, felt a little annoyed that you hadn’t even gotten to say the words.
“Shut up and let me talk!” they froze and you licked your lips, You had so much to say your brain refused to translate and Namjoon listened the words sinking in and tears filling his eyes and he tried hard to keep them in. “I love you, like I actually am in love with you and I don’t know what to do. I mean I loved you all but I only realized now that this whole time I had fallen in love with you all” 
“Baby I love you too, I have been in love with you since the day I was teaching you Korean and you fell asleep on my desk” Namjoon smiled and took the time to translate everything you had said to the boys and Jimin, Hoseok, and Seokjin started crying and Taehyung wrapped his arms around your waist eyes watering as he pressed shaking lips against your shoulder. Seokjin scolded you for making his face puffy at work and shouted about how much he loves you from the staff room.
Yoongi had hung up his connection and slammed open the bathroom door and it bounced off its stopper. He didn’t flinch as he strode over a determined look in his glassy eyes. Cupping your cheek in one hand of his hands he crouched down running his thumb along your lips and leaning in kissing you slowly his eyes had spilled over. 
“Get back to work, you can see her when you get home” Yoongi scolded
“But you get to see her hyung?” Jungkook whined
“That’s because I was smart and decided to work from home” He took the phone hanging it up and throwing it onto the towels on the sink. Yoongi carried the floral fabric love-seat to the bath and snatched Taehyung’s camera on the way snapping photos of the two of you in the tub, making sure the light of the window came in behind you for a sweet silhouette with the rays traveling across your body. The three of you talked about life and love and yoongi and Taehyung agreed they didn’t care about race or gender or anything, if they liked someone’s personality and company that’s all that matters. You saw the way that the two interacted especially last night when you fell asleep they had connected hands around you.
“Hyung do you want to join?” Taehyung asked Yoongi lowered the camera weighing his options before shaking his head and running his hand over his face.
“I should get back to work” he sighed standing placing his hands on either side of the tub and for a second you believe he is going to get in and his eyes seriously contemplating scraping the idea of working in the home studio to lay with you in the warmth of the tub.
He leaned in and kissed your lips tasting like coffee and smelling like the electronics and leather from his studio. He pulled away your lip caught between his teeth and he gently released it with a small moan. Your eyes sparked with a little bit of fire, your gaze held a challenge as you smiled.
“Don’t forget to give Taehyungie his kiss, Yoongi” you said with a coy smile. Taehyung loved to show affection he and Jimin were the two that would always seek out hugs and hands to hold not only from you but from all the boys. Not shying away he playfully leaned forward and looked up at Yoongi.
“Hyung let me give you a good luck kiss” He smiled and Yoongi swooped in and kissed Taehyung’s lips. It was small he took Taehyung’s bottom lip between his lips, a simple neat kiss. Turning away and leaving the bathroom he called from the door. 
“Don’t stay in the bath too long you will wrinkle”
Taehyung was frozen, eyes wide and you could feel his heart racing in his chest. Giggling you two spoke about Yoongi among other things before begrudgingly exiting the tub. He answered a  call from his family, you headed to your room, filming another video, you make one every Friday but you had some free time and you grinned.
You got a message from an american talk show, that wanted you and the boys to appear on the show. With a bright smile, you forward the email to Namjoon with a message asking if it was possible. You were thinking of making lunch for the boys and went to find them, Yoongi’s studio door was open and it was quiet. Stepping into the doorway you felt your jaw drop.
You walked in on a beautiful scene Taehyung bent over Yoongi’s table. Trying to grip the smooth glass surface of the desk, a deep rumble pulling from his chest. Yoongi’s arm fell over Taehyung’s hip and his hand was a blur between the younger man’s legs. The mint haired young man smiled at you and whispered in Taehyung’s ear and he looked at you and cried out. 
White liquid spotted the top of the table. You smiled walking in and asked if they were hungry and they shook their heads exhausted. You all sat around for a while the boys catching their breaths. The conversation steered to music and soon you three took turns singing and recording Christmas songs, until Taehyung got a call from his family once more and seemed to be upset that he couldn’t go back.
You did some research it was almost 12pm and it took just under 2 hours to get to Daegu on the train. You could definitely do it and part of you wanted to go. The idea of seeing where he grew up was intriguing. Leaning over Yoongi’s shoulder you showed him the train, he looked at you and you pulled a cute face.
“Oppa, I want to go to Daegu and meet your families and see where you grew up please” he looked at Taehyung and spoke quickly in Korean and his eyes lit up and he nodded. Yoongi saved his work, shutting down the computer.
“You better pack a small bag just encase” he stood up stretching.
Bag packed and now dressed in Jeans, shirt, sweater and beanie, you were toasty warm.
“Jagiyaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Myeong Myeong” Hoseok poked his head around the corner. Looking you up and down, taking in your cute winter outfit that went well with your black velvet collar. “You look cute let’s go on a date?”
“Um, well actually Tae, Yoongi and I are going to Daegu, you can come with if you want, but you have to pack a bag we are leaving now and will be back late tonight”
“Oh that’s okay, I have rehearsal tonight and Jimin and I are going Christmas shopping for everyone. And um we were wondering if you know, you weren’t busy and were interested in seeing us perform our New Year's concert, I can buy the tickets and you can come see”
“Of course Honey, I want to see you boys dance, I like watching you dance, practice hard and I will cheer for you two at the concert” He scooped you up and kissed you. With his small side bag and camera Taehyung and Yoongi lead you out, the three of you got onto the train after the hassle of obtaining a card to be eligible to ride.
The train ride was fun. The two boys spoke about their families and you all swapped your fondest memories you had of your families. Promising that one day you would take all the boys to visit your old home. 
“And I am allergic to ants did you know, their venom causes my body to edema, I mean swell,  where the bite is inflicted” You smiled and looked at them. They both looked at you a little weird, which made you laugh. You asked them to teach you some of their satoori and they happily obliged, Yoongi teaching you many rude things to say and made you three laugh wholeheartedly.
You were met at the train station by V’s parents and two younger siblings, you blushed hiding behind Yoongi. Taehyung introduced you to his family and everyone headed over to Apsan park, where Yoongi’s parents and older brother planning to meet them there. They were adamant to take you around Daegu and show you the sights.
Taehyung’s sister Eunjin was quite pretty, she had many qualities that reminded you of Taehyung and she had that bracelet on her arm that labeled her a child of the femme project. She seemed to be so excited to see you. She studied your foreign features and told you how pretty you were, blushing only brought more compliments about you being cute and shy. Arriving at Apsan you turned to the boys and whispered. “I need to use the bathroom”
Yoongi nodded his mouth pressed with a lack of emotion that was his way of saying go on then I will wait, you looked around and Eunjin took your hand. “I will take her Oppa, you can all head up we will take the next car” He nodded again expressionless and kissed your cheek and Taehyung did the same. “So how is my brother?”
“Ah Taehyung is sweet” you said flashes of his cuddly personality was quickly snuffed out by  memories of the dark look in his eyes.
You stepped into the cabin of the cable car with a group and you heard them talking, they were fussing over the older gentleman, trying to make him look good despite his whines. “You have to look good you are meeting your younger brothers Femme. We don’t want her to think bad of us”
“What is her name again?” The father said and the son sighed heavily before stating ‘y/n’
“I know we didn’t exactly support him when he said he wanted to join the Femme Project but he seems so happy and I couldn’t be more proud of him” She said smoothing out her blouse. “Do you think she will like my dress?”
“Definitely, it is a beautiful dress” You smiled at her “It compliments your skin tone and makes your eyes brighter. You look very stylish”
“Ah thank you” She blushed and you bowed as best you could in your seat.
“My name is Y/N. Yoongi has told me so much about you” The trip up the mountain was accompanied by childhood stories a good view and a surprise photo album of Yoongi growing up. “Oh how cute” 
You reached the restaurant at the top of the mountain mid way through your story about singing Christmas songs in the home studio. Having told them about how he worked hard and even rescued you from some bad people. She loved hearing about her son and you were happy to tell her everything. “I make the boys bento boxes and leaving embarrassing love notes in them, and he is a big cuddler”
Walking through the restaurant to the table you pulled out your phone where you had copied the photo of baby Yoongi. “Yoongi we should have a baby, look how cute you were” you showed him the picture and his mouth was parted and dry seeing you with his family and realizing you had seen his embarrassing childhood photos. “My favorite was your evil villain pose, it was so cute”
“Eomma!” he whined as his mum hugged him and the two families sat at the table striking conversations with one another over their meals. After the meal you all went to a museum and the markets. They all spoiled you but you snuck off and bought them each a little something with both Yoongi and Taehyung’s approval. Just to show your thanks and presented them at the end of the day.
“We should head back to Seoul so we get there before it gets too dark” Yoongi said looking at Taehyung’s puppy dog eyes and your pout.
“Why don’t you come back when the weather gets warm, you can stay on the farm, pick some strawberries and have a nice little vacation, you can bring all the boys. The more the merrier” Taehyung’s father gave a soft smile at you patting his son’s back in farewell and you headed into the station.
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Conjecture |4|
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Yoongi x Reader
Idol Reader Au, Enemies to Lovers AU
Summary: Your management refused to renew your contract unless you collaborated, so you ending up working with Min Yoongi. A guy you’d disliked from before both of your debuts. There is more to their past than meets the eye.
Links to other parts in my masterlist
if you want to be tagged let me know :)
@msunnsstuff @rosey-roseu @eyelessmin
Warnings: Swearing Suggested smut. (Smut in next chapter YAY :)
(Mention’s on Monsta X’s Wonho)
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//Yoongi had to consciously stop his mouth falling open when you came onto the set. He had to retain the same control over his gaze stopping them from constantly soaking up the view. When he was directed to grip at your hip, his heart forgot to function for a few beats. He wasn’t surprised by your irritated reaction given how you’d been acting and made himself empathise with you even though his less than innocent thoughts were permeating through.//
 You jolted awake
“Fuck” was all you heard muffled through your door accompanied by the sound of glass shattering. You rushed out of bed to the source of the noise. A section of the floor was blurred with a pool of orange juice with glass shards floating as debris. What was more alarming was the droplets of red falling and causing a red orange ripple throughout the pool. Yoongi was hissing through pursed lips and gripping his left hand with his right nursing it with a tea towel.
“What happened? Sit down” you ordered. He looked at you through his fringe which overshadowed his eyes.
“I just turned with the glass in my hand which wasn’t high enough and just smashed into the worktop. I’m fine, sorry I woke you”
“You’re obviously not, sit the fuck down and let me have a look” Your tone drew his eyes wide and he submitted, taking big steps to avoid any more glass took a drooped himself on the sofa.
“Please tell me you have something that resembles a first aid box or something” you pleaded.
“Under the bathroom sink”. You washed your hands and brought the box as well as some tweezers and sat on the coffee table facing him.
“Give me your hand” he did as he was told and gave you his hand.
“I don’t know how I feel about you bossing me around” Yoongi quipped a pained smile directed your way. This is nothing you thought.
“No? Why’s that?” You slowly pulled away the towel, there were several small cuts and a couple of large but thankfully not too deep gashes. You removed all his bracelets quickly erasing any blood which had invaded them.
“Because I normally hate being told what to do” he exhaled forcefully as you picked a couple of glass fragments from his hand.
“And what? With me you like it? Brace yourself” You wiped his palm over with a disinfectant wipe.
“Shit!” his other hand retracted into a fist, his knuckles washing over with white. “That stings, and yeah something like that” he chuckled with a light heartedness you’d not seen before, a light heartedness that was acting as a decoy to disguise the confession of something less innocent and playful than the reality of what he meant. You found the confession amusing yet curious but you hid any reaction, you cheeks on the other hand let you down and tinted a shallow shade of red. A quick smirk peeked out on his lips noticing this before his pained expression returned.
“What was you rushing around for anyway?” you asked completely steering away from any more teasing remarks.
“I was trying to make you breakfast before you woke up” You paused wrapping the bandage around his hand and stared at it for a moment, why was this guy so god damn sweet!
“And why was you doing that?”
“I could see you were pissed yesterday, and just thought it might make you feel better” you resumed your final wrap around with the bandage and pinned it.
“And I know you don’t particularly like me for some reason and I’d like to try and change that” he added as sincere as you’ve ever heard him but it was also laced with sadness that loaded you with slight guilt. You heart sank down feebly to the bottom of your stomach, you felt kind of bad that he’d picked up on it but then you acknowledged how much of a bitch you’d actually been to him at times. You wasn’t by any means going to enter into a discussion about the details but you told yourself from now on you’ll try and be more amenable. The guy you started working with a few days ago had been nothing but professional, kind and thoughtful.
“There, all done” you stood and gathered the rubbish and ignored his previous comment and went to go and make a start on the kitchen.
“I’m more than capable of cleaning up my own mess and thank you for this” he stood after you and waved his injured limb.
“Consider it my apology for being difficult and my thanks for making me breakfast. It has made me feel a bit better” You smile and words were resolute; he went to protest further
“Don’t make me boss you around” you teased. He raised his hands up in surrender and waited while cleaned the chaos and finished serving up the omelettes he’d prepared. They were amazing. He wasn’t sure on the toppings you’d want so he’d gathered a few bowls of a few different options.
“What’s the plan for today?” you enquired
“Well we’ve more or less smashed out the lyrics so let’s get those finished and polished off and then we can get started on the music, I’ve took some ideas from your singing the other day and made some demo’s we can trial. I reckon we can be in the studio by the end of the week  and make a start on recording” he ended brightly
“Sounds good, I’d like to have some solo studio time if that’s okay while I just work out the sections I’ll be rapping and singing. If you trust me in your set up that is”
“I’m sure I can cope. What time you want the guys to come pick you up later?”
“Probably about 20:45 if that’s okay? My hairdresser will be here around half seven. You should really come it will be good exposure for the single if we go together” You omitted the part that you’d actually just like to spend some more casual time with him, you wasn’t keen on accepting it yourself let alone speaking it aloud.
“I’m sure that will be fine, and nope, nothing will change my mind I’m staying in my cave”
“Fine suit yourself” you carried the dishes cleared them and loaded up the dishwasher, the mechanical hum merged into the background.
“Will Wonho be there?” he asked hoping he wasn’t coming across too curious.
“Yeah, but my manager bit my ear off yesterday about the whole dispatch thing. I’m not to go near him all evening” you sulked. There was a slight brightening of Yoongi’s demeanour, he felt slightly guilty for being pleased by this revelation.
“But they’ll be no press inside surely?”
“There’s always a couple who will have been given exclusive access, so means best behaviour for me”
“Is that even a thing with you?” he bounced back at you quickly.
“Very funny, I’m going to grab a quick shower and I’ll meet you in the studio”
A better attitude even if it was a slightly forced one at times made the days session fly by, you’d both completely finished and agreed with the lyrics and were soaring through the music. You ended up being so engrained into your work you were shocked when the bell rang at half seven.
“Oh shit, please can you let her in and tell her I’ll be like 15 minutes, I need to get dressed properly” you were staring into a face clearly amused by your panic and stared right back at you void of motion to wind you up.
“Fine, fine, I’ll go”
You rushed to your room, launched your clothes to scatter behind you and unzipped the dress bag hung over the wardrobe door. The Alexander McQueen dress staring back at you made you happy you’d changed your mind last minute. It was a black mini dress with a deep V-neck line, the v-line was filled with tonal floral lace inserts. The same style of lace also covered the arms leaving scalloped edges at your hands. The neck line was too deep to have a normal bra so you’d have to rely on the lift tape to keep you in place and secure for the night. The dress was on the thinner side but the material was thick on quality, it sat nicely on your figure and gave you a smooth silhouette. You secured the thigh choker your assistant had dropped off tightly around your thigh. It was a simple black leather strap with rounded studs on it and connected to a metal heart. You slung your behind on your unmade bed and slipped on your long black ankle boots, also Alexander McQueen. The foot section was adorned with hammered silver studs, the leather that crept up your calf has a strip of nappa leather buttons going down the outside. The silver needle heel was sturdier than you thought it would be as you cat walked yourself up and down in front of the full length body mirror. Grateful you checked, your bruises needed a quick touch up of concealer.
Now just the hair and makeup left
Yoongi nearly floored you coming out of his room in an unnecessary rush.
“Sorry…” the other words got lost as his eyes scanned you intently
“Seeing as you’re there would you mind?” you turned and scooped your hair up exposing most of your upper back. He gripped the zip which sat at the small of your back and made every effort to pull it outwards slightly as too avoid contact as he pulled the zip up.
“Thanks, sure you still don’t want to come with a date looking like this?” you twirled in a joyous motion, enjoying the awkwardness of watching his eyes not know where to settle.
“With you looking as magnificent as that I’d be near enough invisible, I’ll leave Wonho to deal with all the admirers”
Why did he even bring him up? Was he implying he wouldn’t be able to deal with other people looking at me in a certain way?
“Your loss, and he’ll just have to look and not touch with all the others tonight” you affirmed seemingly pleased you’ll be teasing him.
“I don’t envy him this evening” The penny dropped Sadie was still waiting patiently in the living room and you hastily made your way to the woman capable of performing miracles.
“Sadie I’m so sorry, I was too absorbed in this new record” You grabbed a bar stool and placed it in front on the mirror on the wall next to the window. Her stack of boxes piled up on the coffee table.
“Don’t sweat it girl, now sit down and let’s finish this look off”
The boys arrived early to get introductions out of the way and to have a few pre drinks, Yoongi had resigned himself to being a solemn bartender. They repeated trying to convince him to make an appearance but he was as stubborn as he was talented.
“Cars here guys” RM announced. J-Hope bounced up, his face already a little flushed from alcohol.
The party was an exclusive event, anyone who was anyone in the industry gets invited, it’s more of a showcase with new or up and coming artists performing throughout the evening and general atmosphere to network. The car stopped outside the venue and the chauffer opened the door and the guys climbed out to a blinding screen of flashes and excited demanding noises. RM offered his hand and assisted you out of the car. Only a couple of media networks were allowed inside to take official photos and interviews; this only made the frenzy of media into the venue more ravenous. You stood and posed for the camera’s when directed, when you were freed you spent the remainder of the carpet time by the fans, taking selfies, signing autographs and generally giving them as much of your time as you could before you were ushered inside.
The buzz of the room when you entered was electric, crowds of people fluttering around reconnecting and mingling. Everyone had a drink in their hand and looked stunning, J-Hope and RM managed to find you amongst the chaos and showed you to your reserved booth for the evening at the side of the room. At the end of the room was a small elevated stage with equipment stacked neatly at the side, including some brilliant speakers. The room was decorated with mostly a royal red with silver vines twisting around features of the room; it was similar to the décor you’d expect at a theatre.
“You can order your drinks on this, we don’t even have to get up and go to the bar” J-Hope beamed as he slid you a small phone like device and you immediately went to the gin section and ordered a few pink gin cocktails. You’d sweetly smile when your eyes caught someone you were familiar with; your eyes fritted around for people you actually wanted to speak to. You and Wonho finally spotted each other pulling your lips into a grin, moments later your phone buzzed.
- You expect me to stay away from you all night looking like that?-[20:59]
You knew instantly it was going to be a long frustrating night
- well we’re just both going to have to do as we’re told, doesn’t mean we can’t have fun, you know I like to tease – [21:02]
You watched his expression diffuse into manic anticipation as he read your reply. When your drinks arrived you drifted from the boys and mingled with your friends, who imposed more than a few shots on you. Your manager managed to come out from backstage preparing a newbie to your label for his performance and casually checked in on your progress, you’d always loved his relaxed approach and how he just mostly left you to work, he didn’t even have to learn the hard way.
You slumped yourself back into the booth out of breath from owing the dancefloor, downing the last of one of your drinks including the ice cubes.
-That dress belongs on my bedroom floor, with me bound and gagged under you and my chest all marked up because I misbehaved-[22:39]
RM was looking at you amused with your intoxication or your wry smile as you read your message.
You almost choked on your drink, seemingly forgetting how to swallow as your body was too preoccupied controlling its arousal levels. He knew how to get you. You made a conscious effort to divert from being drawn in to Wonho’s gaze which you knew would be more than you could tolerate without dragging him somewhere private.
“What?” you questioned with a challenge.
“Nothing, nothing” he lied unapologetically. J-Hope returned reuniting the three of you at the table.
“Performances start in fifteen minutes” he announced. You were sat perfectly content until your eyes fell on the reason you’re mainstream career struggled to take off and the reason you’d vowed to never work with a male artists again. When his gaze melded with yours the bastard winked. Your eyes widened and mouth dropped slightly open with disgust. Anger swelled in your chest, raising your heart rate, adrenaline flooding your system preparing your for battle. You jumped up and made a b-line straight for him with everyone else in the room becoming a blur into the background.
“Hey, watch it!” you complained as you’d crashed into a figure. He grabbed your wrist and refused to move out of your line of fire.
“Let’s go get some air before you ruin your career” a voice spoke sternly yet quiet enough to keep the demand just between the two of you. You looked up
“Yoongi… What the fuck, I’m not…”
“You’re telling me you’re not on your way over there to attack that asshole?”
“He deserves it” you spat
“I’m not disputing that, outside now and cool down” he applied more pressure to your wrist, the way he was glaring at you, you knew he wasn’t backing down on his. Your rage hit a wall and sat simmering on hold. You rolled your eyes as he essentially escorted you out of the building.
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