#rotomart spltn
rotomartsblog · 8 days
Thank you Splatoon 3!!
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I was on Team Present but congratulations to Team Past!!
Splatoon 3 was my first Splatoon game so it’s very special to me!! I am excited for what lies ahead for this series
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rotomartsblog · 2 years
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I love sappholopods
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rotomartsblog · 2 years
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We know basically nothing about Deep Cut’s families, so I get to do what I want. Anyways look at Frye’s little brother
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rotomartsblog · 1 year
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My idea for a Cuttleling. I think there’s a very low chance we’ll ever get them but I’m holding onto hope. Cuttlefish are my favourite cephalopods
And lore I started to come up with after thinking about them too much
-Smaller suction cups than inklings & octolings
-Look very similar to inklings (same amount of tentacles and similar hands) with some differences such as;
-Markings down from eve mask
-Fins on their 'ears'
-Some Cuttlelings have W shaped pupils
-Their teeth are similar to Inklings but flipped with two points at the bottom and one at the top
-Stripey pattern on tentacles
-In Cuttleling culture it is much more common for them to cut their tentacles and style them compared to inklings and octolings
-Cuttlelings are minorities in many areas and most citizens in regions such as Inkadia and Splatlands don't know they exist.
The area with the highest Cuttleling population is Cuttlean, which is unsurprisingly considered the Cuttleling homeland
-Turf Wars are not a major part of Cuttleling culture, where academics is considered much more important.
-Some 'Inklings' are actually more closely related to Cuttlelings, such as Bobtail Inklings
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rotomartsblog · 2 years
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Continuing from my Frye’s Little Brother post; Frenzy, Shiver’s little brother!
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rotomartsblog · 2 years
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Idk concepts for the Splatoon 3 idols in a “what if Team Order won” scenario
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rotomartsblog · 2 years
I love the headcanon of Frye being a Vampire squid so I raise you another
Shiver is a flapjack octopus
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rotomartsblog · 2 years
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Crossover I just came up with
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rotomartsblog · 2 years
So in Splatoon 2 they introduced Marina, who is an idol that isn’t an inkling but an octoling, and then in the dlc you could play as an octoling
And now in Splatoon 3 they’ve introduced Big Man, who is an idol that isn’t an inkling or octoling but is a ray, so I think in the dlc we should be able to play as a ray please
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rotomartsblog · 2 years
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Cephalopods concepts
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