#rottenberry ship kid
crevviii33 · 11 days
Womp Womp. Whiteboard
Made some more Whiteboard sketches. We got some Crimson (My FellDust Sans), Cranberry (RottenberryxCrimson ship kid), and like- a hint of the man himself (Rottenberry) because omg- he's so silly and tired and silly :3
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I fr am just... vibing rn lol. I dunno man.
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tris1571 · 5 years
So I have a bunch of Undertale ship kids I'd like to share
So I've been a little shy but it's 2 in the morning so why not post them all with a little bit of information on each one UwU
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Ack it turned sideways -
So this is my very first ship kid and his younger sister (paperjam x fresh)
Pix: seventeen years old, Multi-shipping fanfic writer, extreme sweet tooth, a bit antisocial (prefers to ship from afar instead of socialising), protective of fable (basically her third parent), pansexual, vitiligo baby
Fable: ten years old, Rainbow freckles allover the place, little bundle of self loathing, tini baker, don't miss her off, likes pastel colors and owls, lesbian (when she's old enough to date that is)
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Tay: (Fellswap x swap), seventeen years old, bipolar, aggressive, impulsive, soft on kids, short AF (point it out and you loose a limb, she's sensitive on the topic), wants to be just like fellswap
Onani: (fellswap x lust), eightteen years old, selfish, a bit manipulative, done with your shit, emotional walls higher than the empire state building, tends to drop people like hot potatoes when there is nothing to gain from association, dark past
Starstruck: (lust x outer) nineteen years old, seemingly a sinnamon roll but not, but also not a cinnamon roll (somewhere in between), kisses are basically on the same level with handshakes for her, shameless flirt, can sell you dirt from your own backyard
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Baransu: (error x ink), twenty two years old, is supposed to be dead, naive, is a set of conjoined twins, is cute and he knows it, impulsive, LOVES to climb, cannot speak well
Vermilion: (ink x cross), seventeen years old, emotionally muted, likes to draw food, uses exacto knives, the only emotion they feel at full force is anger, gender = skeleton
Fallow: (ink x asy) thirty years old,schizophrenic, graffiti artist, antisocial, his hands shake constantly, has many dog themed items
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Nightingale: (nightmare x ink), nineteen years old, born without arms (hides it with ink and negativity to make arm prosthetics), shy AF, permanent blush, likes birds, don't touch the scarf, TALL
Shikyo: (nightmare x reaper) nineteen years old, is a mistake and knows it, resents her parents, has power over dreams, stoic, mm Yess tea
Insidious/Sidney: (edge x papyrus), sixteen years old, mind Fuck master, seems sweet but is about to ninja slice your mind, extremely self conscious
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Sans x grillby
Twins (sixteen years old)
Kasai: older twin, shy, you can touch his flames, a bit of a geek, bi
Fireball: seems like a punk, beats up bullies, don't touch it burns, actually a big softy, yes he's named after the drink cause why not? XD
Nicecream guy x burgerpants
Nick: fifteen years old, pissy, trans male, don't touch the ears
Daisy: nineteen, eccentric, pom mom tail, has adhd
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Plague: (error x nightmare), thirty three years old, "you're a plague on my existence" -error, can alter emotions, lazy AF, snarky
Carambola/Cam: (dream x swap) twenty one years old, a bit of a chef, sweetheart, forgiving, loyal to a fault, shy to romance, strong, often mistaken for male
Strawberrykiwi/S.k.: (Watermelon x sugar) eighteen years old, literally smells like his name, kind, selectively stupid, freckles, a bit of a flirt
So yeah I'm multishipping trash, but that's alright UwU
Eighteen kids in the two years I've been in this fandom... I may need to stop but Nahhhh XD
I dunno all the links to the mentioned parents, so just know I don't own any of the parents just my kiddos
Holy cow it's three now o-o
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messedupessy · 6 years
Mmh for the art raffle, rottenberry in A1 ? Maybe ? :o have a nice day/night, hope you're alright
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“I-I’m just s-so fucking tired of it Berry…!”
Hey look another one of these, this pic have been done for like ages now but since I ended up writing so frikking much under the cut it has taken me weeks to get this posted xD still this is one of the requests i looked the most forward to do as I immediately knew exactly what it was I wanted to draw for it!
Really happy with how this turned out, the pose was a little hard to get right but i got there eventually, really like how Scratch’s hands turned out even though you can barely see them as they are black due for his gauntlet’s, but I sketched them darker like that so that they wouldn’t melt into Berry’s vest which I think worked out, tried to like leave some white spaces which turned out really well, Scratch’s expression is not fully how I would had liked it but still turned out good, due for his mouth not showing it doesn’t show the exact emotion which i wanted him to have which was that of a bit more despair, as he is supposed to be really upset in this, the tears turned out pretty good too I actually accidentally at first drew them on the same layer as the sketch like an idiot so had to redo them, the first tears looked better but oh well that stuff happens, maybe should had made them a tiny bit more shiny and white so they would be more visible but they still looks good yeah, so all in all real happy with this one :D
And because I can so will I now give you guys some headcanons/mini story something for this ship, as I like doing that hella lot, I do actually have a bit of a story planned based on this but knowing me i will prolly never get around to actually write it properly, so instead ya all get this instead especially since I haven’t shown/talked about my take on this ship before, and the reason for the text up above will also be explained
Also the shit down below got super, duper long like crazy long as I got so frikking carried away with the whole thing just so ya know pfft
Their first ever meeting did not go so well, Berry was excited about meeting his so called double thinking up how his double would be like etc, so when he finally meet Scratch he was a tiny bit disappointed as Scratch looked nothing like he thought he would. His disappointment didn’t last for long though as he quickly noticed how damn short Scratch is, Berry is at 5′1 aka 154 cm while Scratch is at 4′8 aka 142 cm though he is wearing a pair of  ridiculously high heeled boots but it is obvious that he is really short. 
Which Berry without thinking says out loud as a greeting which makes Scratch immediately absolutely furious as he got a  extreme height complex, so Scratch lashes out with a attack and Berry easily evades it like a boss, Berry trying to apologize as he quickly realized he hit a nerve but Scratch isn’t letting him as he is too pissed off to listen, and Berry isn’t making it better by saying his apologizes like this: “I’M SORRY OTHER ME FOR CALLING YOU SHORT BUT YOU ARE REALLY SHORT AND TINY AND I CAN’T HELP BUT FIND IT REALLY CUTE!” Berry of course can’t help but to put in some flirting as well as he is one flirty boy, waggling his brows with a flirty smile while evading a still angry but now also flustered Scratch.
Berry keeps on making stuff worse as he just can’t help himself, getting completely carried away and finding the way Scratch is flustering while also been absolutely pissed adorable. Until Stretch decides to intervene as this fight/battle has been going on long enough, grabbing hold of Scratch as he is the one attacking and also you guys are ruining the furniture like not cool while saying a pun or joke of some sort. 
Berry stops moving and chuckles at his bro’s joke and then goes oh right shit forgot we were indoors, then he makes a pun which Stretch puns back at but which Scratch just screeches at, pushing Stretch away from him with a “UNHAND ME YOU FOOL!” and then stomps away fuming af with the other two looking after him, Berry after awhile saying that that guy is just really cute when he gets all pissy like that doesn’t he which Stretch agrees with, but like bro you really should apologize to him properly because that shit you said was really hella rude, like remember when you were easily offended with people commenting on your height when you were a kid and how it made you feel.
Berry makes a face and looking a tad bit guilty, he goes like fuck you’re right I didn’t think of that, I just let my first thought slip as I hadn’t expected other me to be way shorter than I am and then I got all carried away like I always do. I guess I better go and try to fix this mess I made, think I will have to wait a bit tough for him to cool down a bit, which Stretch just nods in agreement then saying another pun which Berry puns back at.
Berry then goes to visit Scratch, knocks on the door and Scratch opens it immediately, after checking who it is, asking what the fuck does he want, Berry says he is there to apologize which just makes Scratch squint at him in disbelief. Berry then apologizes but fucks up a bit as he ends up calling Scratch short again which makes Scratch pissed and he tries to slam the door on Berry but he grabs hold off it before it slams shut completely, saying sorry again that came out wrong i’m sorry let me make it up to you. 
They fight with the door for awhile Scratch schreeching at him to fuck off and Berry shouting he just wants to make it up to him until Scratch is like fine make it up to me by leaving me the fuck alone which Berry says he can’t because that won’t make up for what he said wait I know I will let you punch me! 
Both stops fighting with the door and Scratch once again just looks at Berry in disbelief, like what kind of an idiot are you kind of way, which he also voices out loud, Berry just laughs and says since calling you sho- I mean calling you that made you angry and hurt I will let you punch me properly and not evade it at all like I did before. 
Scratch is still just looking at him trying to figure out what Berry truly is after, saying Berry really is stupid, Berry replies with come on I can take it just punch me and then we will be even, you don’t have to tell me twice Scratch says and then punches Berry without warning making the other stagger back and start to bleed from his nose, but he just shakes his head saying that was a great punch, really glad I didn’t let you hit me when we fought earlier because then i would have gotten hurt even worse. 
Scratch fluster a bit at the praise, Berry then adds since we are now even and you have punched me so are we officially friends now grinning wide with Scratch going what before Berry grabs him and starts running off with him, saying come on let’s hang out now since we’re friends with Scratch schreeching we are not friends put me down but which Berry ignores as he is determined to get to know his angry counter part better 
After that whole thing the two of them start to hang out, mostly by Berry visiting Scratch against his will and then drag him off to do things together, from hanging out at Berry’s home to go out and prank people, Scratch starts to get less and less against hanging out with Berry as he finds himself having fun during their hang outs. 
He still fights it at times but Berry is very insistent, he fought against it for quiet some time especially when it came to the things Berry tried to make him join in with, like pranking people that’s childish and so are video games, building snowmen no that’s something for children! but Berry just had to say are you chicken/does that mean I win by default etc made him immediately change his mind and join in as he refused to be defeated in anything etc.
Though still a bit hesitantly as Scratch hates to appear childish in any way, which Berry have figured out and is trying to teach him it’s ok to be etc, as when Berry was younger he had kind of the same troubles, Berry still slips up at times with short/tiny jokes as he just can’t help it even though he tries which have made Scratch get really mad at him so many times, Berry also keeps on flustering Scratch by calling him cute etc out of the blue
Berry tries to get to know Scratch better, more personally etc but Scratch keeps on pushing him away in that regard, refusing to open up, so Berry keeps pushing and kinda pester as his feelings for the other have grown into a full blown crush and when he is in love he has a habit of getting blind to the person of his affections discomforts and when he is going too far, when he is too pushy and should leave them alone. 
So one day he and Scratch are hanging out, doing their usual thing when Scratch seems to be a bit more distant than usual, Berry tries to get Scratch to tell him what’s up but Scratch is not telling him anything. Berry then says if Scratch needs to talk about stuff then talk with him he will understand then he tries to put a comforting hand on Scratch’s shoulder but it is swatted away harshly by Scratch who just looks at him like he have just said the worst insult ever, saying as if Berry would ever understand what he is dealing with, and then Scratch just explodes into a screaming rant how there is no way that Berry would ever understand the shit he is going through.
Scratch keeps on shouting at Berry like that for awhile, just letting all of the things that troubles him out into the open. As the reason for why he had been more distant was because he had grown a bit jealous of Berry’s seemingly perfect life, as people weren’t belittling him or mocking him for his height etc, and how he had such a great relationship with his brother unlike himself, he shouts and screams himself hoarse until
“I’M-I’m just…-“, Scratch said mouth now quivering and his voice suddenly lowering to almost a whisper, his eye sockets barely holding back the tears that was risking of flooding out as he looked away from the other and instead looked down at his feet with an expression  that was just completely exhausted and defeated. “I’m just so tired, so fucking tired of it all…”  
Scratch tries to stop himself from crying with little success, as he is just so damn tired of all of it and been keeping shit inside for so long, Berry have just listened to it all without a word, actually a bit shocked at the sudden outburst, he then steps forward and pulls Scratch into a hug. 
Scratch immediately telling him to let him go schreeching and thrashing but Berry doesn’t let him go, after awhile of that Scratch just stops and slowly puts his arms around Berry and just starts crying fully, the line and the pic above happening, and Berry just holds him while he cries and just says over and over how he is just so tired. Berry saying he knows, he hadn’t thought Scratch had such problems or that people were treating him so damn bad etc, and how this explains so much about how Scratch has been behaving and how he himself should have like noticed that stuff a bit more but like always when he is crushing he gets really bad at noticing things he doesn’t want to notice about the person he is interested in.
He hugs the other a bit tighter while Scratch has become stiff in his arms, as Scratch is realizing what he have just done just letting all of his feelings and troubles out and he is terrified and horrified about it, Berry then decides to try to break the tension a bit by saying a joke, or kind of a joke which is “Well, I never thought our first embrace would be in a situation like this.” or something like it which Scratch doesn’t take well upon hearing it getting flustered and try to push Berry away which Berry lets him a tiny bit so they are now face to face at least, Berry saying sorry not the time to say that please calm down and let me say some things. 
Which Scratch do but his whole body is still ready to fucking bolt at a moments notice, Berry then begins to talk how yes he might not understand what Scratch is going through fully, as he himself have had troubles in the past with been taken seriously thanks to his baby face and also his own shortness, even though those troubles weren’t as bad as Scratch’s though still bad but not to that extent, he also apologies how he was so damn pushy about Scratch telling him stuff and that he should had pushed less etc alongside other things which makes Scratch relax and calm down
After the whole thing the two of them gets closer, Scratch starts to open up without having to be pushed to an outburst to do so, Berry tries his best not to push Scratch to that extent, Scratch is more relaxed around Berry now and doesn’t get upset as often about things, like they become proper friends who can talk about stuff most of the time, share their experiences and stuff with one another, they still fuck up time to time but they solve it much more calmly, mostly at least, Scratch is making sure to tell Berry off when he is uncomfortable about anything which Berry might fail to notice etc.
Now finally with Scratch actually feeling comfortable and safe around Berry, his feelings starts to change into a crush as well, Berry have never hidden the fact that he has been interested in Scratch romantically, or at least he have been flirting with him allot, and even though they still end up fighting time to time and that Berry keeps on forcing him outside his comfort zone which he doesn’t always like but is kinda what he needs at times, also helps that Berry is pretty damn good looking which Berry knows fully that he is, flexing and shit which makes Scratch’s soul flutter.
And as usual when Scratch gets a crush or anything like it he goes into tsundere mode, starts to avoid Berry and stuff even though he knows Berry is interested in him that way but then doubts starts to grow in his mind, what if Berry is just interested in him so to use him and then break his heart and stuff, what if this whole friendship was a rouse to make fun of him, like Berry gets around allot in that department he have heard, what if their friendship is fake and he will lose what he have with Berry if he admits his feelings and Berry gets what he wants etc.
Berry for once actually notices that there is something bothering Scratch almost immediately this time around, and decides to confront Scratch what’s bothering him as he does not want what happened last time to happen again, and after some careful prodding Scratch ends up confessing his feelings and his fears while been real frikking flustered, Berry is overjoyed at having his feelings returned that he immediately hugs Scratch completely missing the part about Scratch’s fears, getting his mouth covered by Scratch’s hands as he tries to kiss him in his excitement which Scratch is not ready for at all.
Berry immediately apologizes for doing so he just got so damn happy and excited which is no excuse for trying to kiss him without consent, he then asks what the rest Scratch said was can he repeat it which Scratch at first refuses to do so as he is pretty flustered, embarrassed and kind of distressed but he ends up repeating himself after a bit. 
Berry immediately assures him that that kind of thing he would never ever do, he is not the kind of guy who would play with someones feelings like that at least not intentionally, he tells Scratch when it comes to Berry getting around with different partners its something he only do when fully single or if he isn’t interested in someone special, and that ever since he ended up crushing on Scratch he haven’t been with anyone at all.
After some more reassurance, some flirting on Berry’s part and some fluster on Scratch’s, the both of them decide to give a romantic relationship a try, which ends up been pretty much just like their friendship just much more hugs and eventually kisses when Scratch ends up comfortable enough for it, they both still fuck up at times in various ways. 
Berry been too pushy and missing clear signs when Scratch doesn’t want something etc, and Scratch keeps on having troubles telling Berry the things that truly bothers him etc, they still fight time to time, though mostly just about silly things like Berry totally cheating at mario kart and shit, they way too often edge each other on to do stupid shit, but all in all they end up been pretty good for one another, Scratch telling Berry off when he is too much and Berry helping Scratch been more open and be as childish as he wants to be, the fucking end
Fuck this took forever for some reason but now it’s done hurray, not completely happy with all of it there are a bunch of parts which is a bit iffy but all in all i am kind of happy with this anyhow xD the more well written text and dialogue is from my attempt at writing this as an actual fic which I decided to include, as i like how those two parts turned out and that i will prolly never end up writing it properly and shit, anyway enjoy this wall of text yo 
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odderancyart · 7 years
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, please!
11. Who is your current OTP?Uhm… I’m a huge multishipper. I can’t- Blackcherry, Rottenberry, Kustard, Errotic, DS Drink, Crightmoss, Cherryblossom and Edgepuff are huge favourites. But I cannot say a specific favourite in Undertale.
Oh, and then there’s Cecilos, from Night Vale, of course. That’s my no 1 OTP, even if I don’t write WTNV.
12. Who is your current OT3?‘Nother hard question. Horror/Murder/Killer is a nice ship. Tripleberryparfait too. I’d say one of those, I don’t have a lot of OT3s.
13. Any NoTPs?I’m not especially fond of same-universe Fontcest, Soriel or anything with Frisk or Chara. If it’s a really good story I could read it anyway, though.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?Papyrus & Undyne, 100%. In any universe, but mainly Undertale. Second Underfell. Other BroTPs include Lust & Dance (romantic works as well), Papyrus & Monster Kid and Razz & Fell
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?I will literally ship almost anything. But DS Drueberry might count as obscure? I’m not entirely sure what does count as that.
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?See 13
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pepper-mint · 7 years
Before getting into Stage Two... (Info with badly draw pictures(?))
Before we start selecting the appearance of the new ship children, I’d like to talk a little about their personalities and powers, so you can chose the appearance that goes with their personality!
For the ErrorNight child I didn’t have to think much. He is a skeleton with two extra arms made of the same goopy thing that Nightmare has and his legs are separated from the rest of his body.
For his powers… anyone here is a Naruto fan? Well, if you are, you should know who Shikamaru is. His shadow jutsu is the perfect weapon for a child of Error and Nightmare. Also, does somebody know about Fairy Tail? If you do, well, do you know Rogue? His shadow powers are also perfect for him!
So, basically, this child will have the power of using the shadows to control somebody, to attack and also to move through tem. He will also be able to control sleepwalkers and, obviously will have regular bone attacks.
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His personality will be a little twisted, since, on his main story, he was made to help Error and Nightmare with their evil plans. Mostly to act like an innocent kid so the Star Sanses would trust him and fall into their trap. He doesn’t know that he’s doing a bad thing and only wants to make his parents proud. He will be 16-18 (like Blueprint).
Now, the RottenBerry child will have some of Death’s powers. He has the ability to see an aura around the people. This aura is always white, but can change to gray and then black and this represent their lives. Black means the person is going to die in that instant.
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Something like this!
He can make weapons like knifes and swords but he usually has a spear made of bones and with this; he can take the soul of an already dead being. He can kill people by touching them, but if he concentrates enough magic, the person will fall asleep or get sick.
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Why a spear? because I like them(?)
His personality is energetic like Blueberry, since he’s going to have like 12-14 and he’s a normal skeleton with star-shaped pinpricks/pinprick. The only part of his outfit that he likes to show is his cloak. Some people think that he’s not using anything under it(?)
I haven’t made his story yet. I had the basic story for all the fan children of the ships I did, except this. I only had cute Headcanons of him spending time with Blueprint o////v////o) andwithanotherreaperchildthatiloveandyouprobablyknowwhotheyare
And yes, Printy is older than Him. The will be like this: Rottenberry child < ErrorNight child/Blueprint
I already have some interesting stories for the three of them xD
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Now, some progress with the children.
Some sketches for the RottenBerry child outfit 
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Gotta love cloaks, mweh. 
I made the ErrorNight child too but I didn’t like his clothes ono) so I just have his basic appearance.
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lee-creates · 7 years
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I always see a lot of ship children for Afterdeath, Cherryberry, Nightkiller, Crossmare, etc.-But I never see kids for the ship Rottenberry (US!Sans x FS!Sans) and I reeeeeally love this ship so..I DECIDED TO MAKE A LOVELIE MYSELF X3 (also ignore the legs, just, please don’t look at those-)
I don’t have a name for her yet (Can ya lend a hand..?) but I do have a personality in mind. Also keep in mind that I used the original Fellswap/Swapfell Sans for this!
-She’s very bubbly and sweet like Blue, but does have the mischievous side like Jellybean (that’s my nickname for Swapfell since Blackberry and Razz are kinda overused in my opinion.)
-Tends to be a bit shy at first meeting, but once she opens up this skelie is a hyper child
-Has a liking for puzzles and traps, having a hobby for making small models to help her papa (Jellybean) trap a human.
-10 years old
May add some more later, but if you guys could help with name I would REALLY appericiate it!
That’s it for now bye-bye vee~!
Update: Her name is now Piper~! :3
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