#crink ship kid
magic-horse · 1 year
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emptyinkvials · 1 year
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some “ship” kids from Cryptverse. technically not biological to their parents though due to how cryptverse works.
left to right: Resin, Caramel, Cris, Sunshine, and Bubbles
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o4ktree · 11 months
What is your favorite underverse ship?
Also have you made any stardust ship kids?
i like the ups and downs of crink. but also stale ! frisk and muffet are a really cute pair.
i have not made any stardust ship kids! that’d be pretty fun to make concepts of..
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tris1571 · 5 years
So I have a bunch of Undertale ship kids I'd like to share
So I've been a little shy but it's 2 in the morning so why not post them all with a little bit of information on each one UwU
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Ack it turned sideways -
So this is my very first ship kid and his younger sister (paperjam x fresh)
Pix: seventeen years old, Multi-shipping fanfic writer, extreme sweet tooth, a bit antisocial (prefers to ship from afar instead of socialising), protective of fable (basically her third parent), pansexual, vitiligo baby
Fable: ten years old, Rainbow freckles allover the place, little bundle of self loathing, tini baker, don't miss her off, likes pastel colors and owls, lesbian (when she's old enough to date that is)
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Tay: (Fellswap x swap), seventeen years old, bipolar, aggressive, impulsive, soft on kids, short AF (point it out and you loose a limb, she's sensitive on the topic), wants to be just like fellswap
Onani: (fellswap x lust), eightteen years old, selfish, a bit manipulative, done with your shit, emotional walls higher than the empire state building, tends to drop people like hot potatoes when there is nothing to gain from association, dark past
Starstruck: (lust x outer) nineteen years old, seemingly a sinnamon roll but not, but also not a cinnamon roll (somewhere in between), kisses are basically on the same level with handshakes for her, shameless flirt, can sell you dirt from your own backyard
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Baransu: (error x ink), twenty two years old, is supposed to be dead, naive, is a set of conjoined twins, is cute and he knows it, impulsive, LOVES to climb, cannot speak well
Vermilion: (ink x cross), seventeen years old, emotionally muted, likes to draw food, uses exacto knives, the only emotion they feel at full force is anger, gender = skeleton
Fallow: (ink x asy) thirty years old,schizophrenic, graffiti artist, antisocial, his hands shake constantly, has many dog themed items
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Nightingale: (nightmare x ink), nineteen years old, born without arms (hides it with ink and negativity to make arm prosthetics), shy AF, permanent blush, likes birds, don't touch the scarf, TALL
Shikyo: (nightmare x reaper) nineteen years old, is a mistake and knows it, resents her parents, has power over dreams, stoic, mm Yess tea
Insidious/Sidney: (edge x papyrus), sixteen years old, mind Fuck master, seems sweet but is about to ninja slice your mind, extremely self conscious
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Sans x grillby
Twins (sixteen years old)
Kasai: older twin, shy, you can touch his flames, a bit of a geek, bi
Fireball: seems like a punk, beats up bullies, don't touch it burns, actually a big softy, yes he's named after the drink cause why not? XD
Nicecream guy x burgerpants
Nick: fifteen years old, pissy, trans male, don't touch the ears
Daisy: nineteen, eccentric, pom mom tail, has adhd
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Plague: (error x nightmare), thirty three years old, "you're a plague on my existence" -error, can alter emotions, lazy AF, snarky
Carambola/Cam: (dream x swap) twenty one years old, a bit of a chef, sweetheart, forgiving, loyal to a fault, shy to romance, strong, often mistaken for male
Strawberrykiwi/S.k.: (Watermelon x sugar) eighteen years old, literally smells like his name, kind, selectively stupid, freckles, a bit of a flirt
So yeah I'm multishipping trash, but that's alright UwU
Eighteen kids in the two years I've been in this fandom... I may need to stop but Nahhhh XD
I dunno all the links to the mentioned parents, so just know I don't own any of the parents just my kiddos
Holy cow it's three now o-o
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waterdorito13 · 3 years
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Hhhhhhhcomic :D
Finally a comic with Rubix and Quill-
[Character credits]
Rubix Cube & Quill - @ waterdorito13
Cross - @ jakei95
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onebizarrekai · 6 years
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start to finish I still have no idea what’s supposed to be happening in this picture
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oldaccountdead · 7 years
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I’ve made a new reference sheet for my nix boi~! can’t believe this boi will turn 1 in November ;w; Made him his own style cuz just most ship kids look like fusions of their parents so wanted to give nix something of his own to stand out and not be lookin like a fusion of his parents ^^
Cross by @jakei95
Ink by @myebi
Amaryllis and Nix by me~
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twilightprince101 · 4 years
So I made an SCP entry for Bugsnax...
I thought with the ending and all of the disturbing stuff that this game has, it would fit perfectly with SCP stuff. Not to mention, there has to be an SCP equivalent in the Grumpus world. GCP? SGP? SCG? I dunno man, have some horror writing about muppets.
SCP-3470: Sentient Sustenance
[Heavy spoilers for Bugsnax ending]
Item #: SCP-3470 aka “Snaktooth Island”
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:  Due to its nature of being a landmass the most SCP teams can do is obscure its location to the populus. Efforts have been made to create rumors of numerous shipwrecks--akin to SCP-605 “Bermuda Triangle”--to deter the public from exploring the location. If unauthorized ships are witnessed crossing into the restricted zone, they are to be terminated immediately.           Addendum: Due to the recent insubordination of Dr. [REDACTED]. All authorized personnel that enter or exit SCP-3470 are to be subjected to a rigorous screening process to ensure that no instances of SCP-3470-A are brought out of the restricted area without B Class Permission or higher. Further precautions being considered are a 10 minute test in which personnel seeking access to SCP-3470 are to be placed into an empty room with an instance of SCP-3470-A. If SCP personnel show any signs of wishing to consume SCP-3470-A, they are to be removed from the team immediately. Permission from Professor [REDACTED].  Is awaiting approval.
Description: SCP-3470 is a large landmass off of the coast of [REDACTED].  Spanning 50 mi^2 and nearing 1.5 mi in height. Several sections of SCP-3470 are flux in weather patterns, ranging from lush forests to arid deserts in the span of 3 miles. Although similar in appearance to locations such as  [REDACTED].  And  [REDACTED]. , further research concludes that flora are substantially different in chemical composition, containing traces of [REDACTED].  Which was only recently discovered. Due to this, nearly all flora encompassing the island are inedible, as digestion induces hazardous effects ranging from intense stomach pains to spastic vomiting. 
The most significant aspect of SCP-3470 are various instances of sentient life, which are to be referred to as SCP-3470-A-[1-100]. SCP-3470-A take appearances of common food items, such as SCP-3470-A-1 [“Strabby”] taking the form of a ripe red strawberry with what appear to be dollar store googly-eyes [all instances of SCP-3470-A share the final trait]. All instances of SCP-3470-A vary in physique, behavioral patterns and similarities to their respective food item. Each instance also appears to have a “name” that it repeats ad nauseum despite not having observable mouths or vocal chords, making them easier to classify. Chemically however all are similar, containing faint traces of  [REDACTED]. . This can be witnessed upon any attempt to alter SCP-3470-A instances from their base form, dissolving into an unknown inedible fluid, losing sentience in the process. 
Due to SCP-3470’s flora being inedible, SCP-3470-A instances become the landmass’s only source of sustenance. Consumption of SCP-3470-A induces a drastic and instance side-effect of modifying the consumer’s limbs, thereby becoming SCP-3470-B. The limbs of SCP-3470-B instances vary depending on the instance of SCP-3470-A that has been consumed, alongside how many instances have been consumed prior to said event. Fundamentally however, all limbs modified take on the appearance of whatever the SCP-3470-A instance was impersonating. The more instances a subject consumes the more of their body transforms, beginning with the hands and feet and extending to the entire torso and face. The internal functions of the body remain intact along with full autonomous control, however the structure and physique of transformed limbs change drastically, such as an SCP-3470-B instance’s arm transforming into a banana after consuming an instance of SCP-3470-A-12 [“Banooper”]. These transformations subside in time [correlating to amount of SCP-3470-A instances consumed], with SCP-3470-B limbs reverting back to their original state, containing faint traces of [REDACTED]. 
Addendum 3470-B: Increased Exposure
Proceeding with experimentation with SCP-3470-A instances under Prof. [REDACTED]. , extended exposure and consumption of SCP-3470-A instances results in increasing addictive tendencies and side effects. File below contains audio files of experiments with Personnel D-125.
<Begin Log 01, skip to 00:02:17>
Dr. [REDACTED].: D-Class 125, approach SCP 3470-A-45.
D-125: What is…? Ok, seriously what the grump is this??? Like, I signed up for this expecting a lot of horrifying stuff, but-did someone slap googly-eyes on a piece of corn?!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : 125, please approach SCP-3470-A-45.
D-125: Yeah, yeah, alright. So… (to A-45 after approach), what are you supposed to be then? Did Dr. [REDACTED].  Have their kid put their arts and crafts project on display or-
A-45: Cobhopper!
Dr. [REDACTED].: (whispering) so much for being the ‘toughest D-class around… ‘
<Skip to 00:08:24>
D-125: So you’re telling me I just… eat it? The eyes too?
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Correct. Do not worry, upon further testing the eyes seem to be made of a material akin to valentine’s candy hearts (lie).
D-125: Huh… alright then. Down the hatch, I guess?
Sounds of eating, cries of A-45
Dr. [REDACTED].  : D-125, describe the flavor.
D-125: It’s… good actually! I was honestly expecting the insides to be guts or poison or something, but it’s actually pretty good! Nice and buttered to, a bit of salt? Reminds me of my mom’s barbeque. 
Dr. [REDACTED].  : And the sensation of your leg transforming?
D-125: Huh? (125 looks down and notices their leg transformed into a head of corn). Oh… Well this is pretty cool I guess. 
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Any uncomfortable sensations?
D-125: Not really no. It’s weird… I can still feel my toes, but it’s like a peg leg. Actually, I think I can see a few kernels wiggling if I try. Neat!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Is… that it?
D-125: Yeah I think so, *chuckles,* this is actually pretty cool!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Hmm… (To recorder) Despite initial panic from witnessing A-45, subject D-125 has adjusted to transformation with record pace. Further research required.
<End Log-01>
<Begin Log-04>
D-125: Heya doc!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Greetings D-125. Have you adjusted to recent transformations?
D-125: Yeah it’s been going alright. The pineapple hair is a pretty nice dew all things considered, and the bacon tongue makes me look like a snake. I like it!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Pleased to hear it. Now, approach SCP-3470-A-52.
D-125: Alright, what’s on the menu today then? Who’re you little guy?
A-52: Sodi-D Sodi-D!
D-125: Huh, a drink this time. Change of pace I guess.
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Please consume A-52.
D-125: Right away ma’am. Sir. Whatever.
Sound of soda can opening and drinking, cries of A-52.
Dr. [REDACTED].  : (To recorder) Upon the first drop of A-52’s fluid, transformation has already occurred, transforming the subject's ears into what appear to be soda can tabs. No further transformations appear to occur on consecutive gulps-wha (To D-125) Sir?!
Sounds of crunching, further cries of A-52, then silence.
D-125: Not bad! I don’t usually drink soda, beer’s more my thing personally, but it was pretty sweet! Just the right amount of sugar. And hey, new accessory!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : ...D-125, why did you eat A-52’s shell?
D-125: Huh?
Dr. [REDACTED].  : The… the can. Nobody has attempted to consume the can.
D-125: Oh. Uh… 
Silence for 7 seconds 
D-125: I dunno, I guess since the eyes were edible on the other guys, I thought the can would be here? Wasn’t too hard to eat, kinda like biting into ice. Didn’t hurt.
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Very… interesting. This will be recorded for future experiments, thank you D-125.
D-125: No prob. And hey, call me Chuffee.
<End Log-04>
<Begin Log-09, skip to 00:09:54>
D-125: Hehey, candy corn teeth! Pretty sharp too, should make eating these things even easier!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : D-125, you’re nearing complete bodily transformation. Have you been experiencing any discomfort as of late? Any anomalies?
D-125: Nope, in fact I feel great! I used to have this crink in my back for the longest time, but now it’s gone! I’m more limber than I’ve been in ages!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Fascinating… very well then, thank you for your time.
D-125: ...wait, what? That’s it?
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Hm?
D-125: There isn’t any more left? I thought there would be a bit more.
Dr. [REDACTED].  : *sigh,* D-125, we’ve went over this last time. We cannot give you more than one instance a day due to 3470-A’s high caloric count. The instance you just ate was over twenty th-
D-125: You know you keep saying that. Didn’t you guys want to really figure out what’s with these things? When I ate that soda can you said yourself that nobody’s tried that before, so let’s go further! I’m still hungry anyways, I’m craving a burger if you got any like that.
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Sir, please exit the room. I cannot give you any more than what I am authorized.
D-125: ……..You know, it’s interesting how your window is so high up there. I can hardly see you.
Dr. [REDACTED].  : ...excuse me?
D-125: You heard me [REDACTED].  , I can barely see you from down here. You can see exactly how I change, the new stuff I get… but I can’t see yours.
Silence for 15 seconds.
<End Log-09>
<Begin Log-10, skip to 00:11:02>
D-125: I know you’re holding out on me up there [REDACTED].  .
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Sir, I’ve told you countless times already. I can’t give you any more than I’m authorized.
D-125: (Sarcasm) Oh yeah, suuure. For all I know you guys are feasting away on these things up there, while leaving me for dust! Like seriously, a single popcorn kernel?! That’s it?!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Sir, that is all I can give you today. Please exi-
Sound of a door opening
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Wh- Professor [REDACTED].  ?
Professor [REDACTED].  : Hello D-125. 
D-125: Oh great, another snob to tell me what to do. If you aren’t gonna feed me, then just shut up already! My stomach’s growling like crazy, and I’m not leaving until I get my meal!
Professor [REDACTED].  : Not to worry D-125, I’m fully prepared to grant your wish.
D-125: ...wait, really?
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Professor, what are you-
Professor [REDACTED].  : I listened to the log of your previous meal, and you raised a good point. If we at the SCP foundation wish to fully understand what these creatures are capable of, we must push the boundaries of what we believe are possible. So then…
(Sound of metal grinding, several overlapping cries of SCP-3470-A instances)
D-125: Oh, my…
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Professor, what are you doing?
Professor [REDACTED].  : Eat until you can’t eat anymore. Consider it my treat, to you.
D-125: Ooohohohohoooo yes!!! Now we’re talking!!! Come to papa little guys!!!
<Skip to 00:32:59>
Professor [REDACTED].  : Subject so far has consumed 34 instances of 3470-A. Since consuming number 21 he has shown increased signs of vigor, despite eating half of his body mass. 
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Professor, please, stop him. This is-
Professor [REDACTED].  : (continuing) Upon complete transformation of limbs to SCP 3470-B instances, any further consumption appears to override a prior one. His leg, previously resembling a head of corn has transformed now into a roll of sushi. His tongue, once a strip of bacon, now a wad of chips.
D-125: (While eating) Mmmph! Oh my god, what are you a jar of pickles! More the merrier!
Sound of sloppy gulping, glass crunching, cries of SCP-3470-A-35
D-125: Ooogh, some noodles too! Love japanese food!
Sounds of rapid slurping, rapid glass crunching and licking.
Professor [REDACTED].  : Subject appears to have increased vigor in consuming 3470-A instances, not leaving a single crumb or shard left uneaten. A query: what is the chemical makeup of instances contained in glass jars or bowls? The bowls themselves? Further research required.
<Skip to 01:42:47>
Dr. [REDACTED]. : Chuffee please, stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!
Rapid, feral sounds of crunching and slurping.
Professor [REDACTED].  : Subject has now eaten approximately eaten 1.5 times his body mass yet continues to feat, now with no regards for table manners whatsoever. I have already called for a janitor to wait outside.
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Chuffee stop!! You-
Laughter, slowly increasing in volume
D-125: This!! This is the best I’ve eaten in my entire life!!!
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Chuffee please-O-oh… oh my-
Professor [REDACTED].  : Subject’s left ear has disconnected itself from its host. There appear to be no signs of blood or even markings indicating he has had one at all-there goes a tooth!
D-125: Hooooh I knew you all were holding back on me!!! This stuff is delicious, amazing, spectacular!!! I’ll never go hungry again, no more rotting on the streets!!! This is all mine, you hear me?! Mine, MINE, MINE!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
Laughter continues for several seconds, sounds of objects falling to floor as volume slowly decreases, ending with a loud clatter.
Dr. [REDACTED].  : Ch-Chuffee, I- urp!
Sound of vomiting
Professor [REDACTED].  : Subject, after eating nearly twice his body mass, has had each limb separate from his core torso one by one, now fully resembling their respective food items, until his eyes transformed into SCP-3470-B instance, resembling the mixed nuts that made up his head. Soon after, his torso and head fell apart, scattering into mixed-nuts. I can not recognize Subject D-125 in the slurry.
More sounds of vomiting
Professor [REDACTED].  : These results are quite fascinating. Further research is required into these various side effects. End tape.
<End Log-10>
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sealpointselkie · 3 years
My OCs: Edit (Eddy) & Hope
I’ve had these OCs for a while now but I finally got up the courage to commission art for them (I find Hope especially hard to colour I’ve “ruined” several good (by the standards I’ve set for my own art) drawings trying to figure it out. 😫
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Thank you so much to @popato-chisps for the excellent art and your patience for the details! Hope is out front with the mallet and Edit is in the back, probably begging her to stop! Find the rest of their story under the cut:
I’ve been a bit embarrassed by my OCs; I love them, but I worry that others will think they’re uninteresting or uninspired. My idea for the genesis of these characters was inspired by Underverse where, through the actions of ‘outcodes’ or ‘demigods’ timelines and whole AUs were destroyed. I also watched a bunch of alchemical symbolism vids and thought about the collective unconscious of these timelines and how traumatized and angry they’d be that these outside entities used their AU as a battlefield ending in their destruction. I would imagine after a battle like that the power of the outcodes would permeate the space that used to contain the AU, and what if the fragmented unconscious of the sentient beings of that AU coalesced with that power to birth new life? New life that could travel the multiverse and protect other AUs from their fate? And what about the power of the outcodes that helped birth them? What opposing forces would these new being have to fight within themselves? (This was also inspired by Paper Crane’s birth) This idea also let me make “ship kids” without their “parents” having to be in a sexual relationship, which, I admit, appeals to me. I see these “fusion kids” as being in conflict with the Star Sanses and the Nightmare Crew (along with any other deities/out codes) but guilty of manipulating timelines and AUs to suit themselves in the absence of such figures.
Edit came first: I liked the Cross x Ink ship (Crink) and I thought about what a merging of their powers would be like. I decided on the idea of “Cross-out” or editing, which (in my mind) kind of balanced the forces of creation and destruction between Ink and Cross. Edit, or Eddy, is similar to Ink in that he can’t produce emotions on his own, but unlike Ink gathering his ink from the Doodlesphere, Eddy gathers ink by being in close proximity to events with highly charged emotional energy. He has three kinds of ink: white creates emotion, black drains emotion and red heightens it. So if Eddy is feeling an emotion like rage or joy he can use his red ink to increase the intensity of that feeling, which also boosts his fighting power. However, there is a catch, Eddy is very susceptible to rage and can loose control of himself easily when indulging in that emotion. So, in a way, he’s inherited Cross’s anger issues.
When Eddy was “young” he was guilty of creating the events that allowed him to gather ink: his “drained” state, like Ink when he runs out of ink and emotions, interfered with any empathy he would have had for the people of the AU he was currently living in. The fragmented unconscious within him “told” him that he should feel, that he wasn’t whole, so he chased ink like an addict. It’s why he’s attached himself to Hope, since being around her passively generates ink for him. Since joining up with her he’s been able to have a steady supply of ink, and therefore emotion, which allows him to empathize with other people and makes him hesitate to create the same mayhem he did before when he was more often “drained”. He tries to mitigate Hope’s crazier and extreme plans to hurt or damage as few people as is necessary.
Now he enjoys helping creators and encouraging them to edit, prune or streamline their creations – there is such a thing as over designing! But he truly believes in their own vision and won’t force a creator to follow his suggestions
His magic takes form or white circles and red X’s, symbolizing ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ his red X’s can nullify attacks while his circles can enhance the power of his own or other’s attacks. I see him as a support character, standing in the back and buffing his allies while debuffing his enemies. In a pinch he can use his pen as a weapon. He also has access to a Sans skeleton’s typical attacks of bones and Gaster Blasters, shooting red energy.
And then there is Hope; Hope is a fusion of Dream and Error which fashioned her into an avatar of her namesake. Hope can create and destroy, lift you up and cast you down, and Hope lives in between these two extremes. Meeting in the middle is never an option. Hope, like most skeletons, considers herself physically gender neutral but the identity she constructed for herself revolves on being a “Magical Girl”, defender of hopes and dreams!, and therefore uses she/her pronouns.
Hope sees herself as a traveling Magical Girl who spreads hope where ever she travels and gives the people she touches the opportunity to achieve their dreams! In reality what happens is that Hope chooses someone with ambition, or an aspiration, and manipulates events to give that person to prove the “strength” of their dream and propel them forward. No matter the cost. This most often creates an extreme or dangerous event with permanent consequences moving onwards. If they “succeed” (in her mind) then she has created a world where their dreams coming true is more likely than before! If they “fail”, well, they just didn’t want it enough and she’ll abandon them immediately. It’s rare for her to give someone a “second chance”, or continue meddling in the life of someone who passes her “test”. She usually introduces herself as a traveling performer and Eddy as her bodyguard, she often performs on the street singing top 100 pop songs where the lighting effects and sound quality is oddly good for someone with her equipment… But hey, she’s a monster so “magic”.
When it comes to her magical equipment it comes from her necklace mimicking Dream’s bauble, which transforms into multiple forms:
1. Her mallet, her go to weapon: she has ridiculous strength, like a cartoon character
2. Her microphone with stand: part of her persona is an idol/pop star. She knows the top 100 by heart and is an excellent dancer, it also creates a spotlight on her, no matter the circumstances of lighting or atmosphere.
3. Her Wand: Portable microphone, can use it to enchant others.
Hope’s glitches tend to be diamond shaped and some can be soft, it gives her the appearance of shojo sparkles rather than Error’s computer-like graphic errors.
She has a limited ability to “enchant” or control others which she uses to create her scenarios: a villain to vanquish for someone who wants to be a hero, make a talent scout more likely to pay attention to a certain young dancer, etc.
Hope thinks Eddy’s become a stick-in-the-mud since he’s had enough ink, however, and she’d never admit this, she feels rather lonely wandering from AU to AU and Eddy is the closest thing to a real friend she’s ever had. He’s also someone she’d like to have watching her back when the time comes to teach those out-codes a painful lesson. She’s definitely a character that prefers to be on the front lines and the center of attention in a fight.
Her theme and Inspiration is: Oh No! by Marina and The Diamonds
(Sorry the editing is funky, I copied and pasted from email and the mobile app won’t let me correct any more than this.)
Ink by @/comyet
Error by @/loverofpiggies
Cross and Underverse by @/jakei95
Dream by @/jokublog
Paper Crane by @/little-noko
Art by @popato-chisps, commissioned by me, @sealpointselkie
Edit Sans and Hope by @sealpointselkie
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evaundertale · 3 years
The ages of my ship kids/cousins and some friends who aren't really involved in their ship kids as much as I was xD
Be warned I have alot of ship kids I just don't draw them much or mainly use them as friends of ship kids I focus a backstory on-
Fellgsans kid 16-17
Outersci kid (I love the boy but don't know what to do with him)  15-16
Dreamhorror kid (might put for adoption i love him but also to lazy to do anything with him) 13-14
Dreamlust kid (still for adoption) 18-21
Nyxlime kid 11-12 (fun fact I made Clyde a kid off of two sans I made for an au I made him for fun)
Bloodywine kid 5-6 (she's a year and half behind Volt so whenever he ages she ages)
Fellgsans kid 17-18
Afterdeath kid 12-14
Nightkiller kid 17-19
Acel and Aria
Lust sansby these two are twins and 9-10
Kustard kid 14-17
Lustdyne and Lustalph kid 14-18
Phantom, Mace and Raze
Papyton kids Phantom 12-16, Mace 13-17(fell Payton kid) and Raze 13-18 (lustpapyton kid)
Afterswap and Red kid 11-15
Daniel (Diana)
Fatalberry kid 16-18
Afterberry kid 11-15
Tempmare kid (template x swap nightmare) 14-17
Crink kid 16-19
Errormare kid 10-15
Killerlust kid 14-18
Lustberry kid 17-19 (sometimes older in other aus though, he's three in half years older than Rue)
Reapercross now fusion not ship kid anymore 15-18
Fataldream kid 13-17
Inkgeno kid 11-16
Errink kid 13 (he's just 13 when Abstract 16)
Outerkiller kid 7 (he's 8 years behind Rue)
Funkylust kid 11-19
Shouter kid 12-15
Coudink kid 15-19
Kustard kid 16-19 (she outlives June but she's younger than June)
Dancefell kid 12-17
Outermare kid 8-14
Dustink kid 6-12
Scifresh kid 13-18
DreamBerry kid 6-11
Reapouter kid 7-13
Dustmare kid 8-12
The ship kids kids
(I only made like 4 and a half cause Maryl was adopted)
Valful kid 8
Bo x Dex kid 9
Sova kid 11
Crem kid
Jays kids
Afterdeath kid 17-20
Cloudberry kid 11-16
Dancedream kid 14-18
Killerberry kid 12-15
Outerpale kid 14-17
Outerfell kid 16-19
Ravenprint kid 10-14
Kids shared or friends own kids
(not ship kid but adopted kid by Rue and Sept) (shared with Mehinside) 12-15
Cream kid friend A's kid (I choose A, B and C instead of friends names for this cause I don't think they want their names here) 13-18
Danceink kid friend B's kid 11-18
Bloodywine kid Friend B's (though we technically share him) 13-17
Nightfresh kid (shared with friend B's kid though we share her) 16-19
Errorberry kid Friend C's kid 13-15
Lustberry kid Friend C's kid 8-14
Kikis kids
Insomnia kid 9-13
Inkfell kid 15-17
Killercolor kid 12-18
Cinomare kid 12-15
Dustdeath kid 13-17
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lythecreatorart · 5 years
Ly and her “Sans” sons
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TK ( @perfectshadow06 ) and Blueprint ( @pepper-mint ) are the first two sons I secretly adopted with I first got into the fandom.
Goth ( @nekophy ) is the third I found, even I was unsure of their parents, but he was Geno’s sons (my #1 favorite at the time and #3 now) along with the kid’s personality. I ADOPTED HIM IN A HEARTBEAT🤣🤣 then I found Palette that I just double both of them at once😂😂
Gradient ( @askcomboclub ) is one of the sons I found along with PJ ( @7goodangel ) when I was on my Ink reaseach obsession phase (as well as found Error in the progress).
Template ( @unu-nunium ) found after marathon of Glitch&Squid blog and listening to the Vade’s dub for thousands times🤣🤣 I went on research who is the both artists for the blog and found Template&Pale.
Domino... one word... @lollzida , no need to explain. lollz’s art and Crink ship is what I crave for so, yes. I adopt this weeby little guy in a heartbeat.
So... I have 2 characters as #1,
PaperJam and Template😂
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PJ is a one weird choice to part of my sons, heck the #1 along with Template. Because, like I was with Error, not very interesting on the boy during the time but developed more I learn. Since I found him in Rouge’s art and I was like “so Ink and Error have a son, neat *ignore*”🤣😂.
But then I found a comic/shortstory that Angel post in the deviantart of PJ point out how Error fu*king suck at doing his job and he is the one have to clean up all their mess that making me VERY want to know more about the boy. Know that he is very different from how most people write to his relationship with his Ink, to his new love and family with Omni, I feel like see the boy grow as I learn about him. I can say that how I feel about PJ is similar to how miya-sheep’s Error feel about PJ later on (don’t deal as a child but as themselves), with hint of protectiveness from that version of Ink too. PJ is like a son that you are proud of see how much they grown. Along afraid of not writing him in SSS AU because fear of not doing him justice even how much I want to add him in.
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No surprised to no one, Template is my default son🤣🤣 He is the first son to put in Star Sanses Studio AU before anyone else out side the main 6 and ask to adopt him every chance I get sorry, Unu for might annoy ya at times😂😂
Template is another interesting one for me, even know he is an Error, unlike his counterparts, I interest and adopt him in a heartbeat 🤣😂❤️❤️ The more I read the more I want to know about the lil guy, especially his trauma of being a glitch and his “friendship” with Pale. With now new found more love of his “I know I’m not fine but it doesn’t mean I can be better” mentally, too close to home Unu.. I have more respect for the lil guy and my power of protective mother shine with in me, he rise to number one even more. I just very want to see more of his potential, with SomewhereElse comic now that he meet the bastard glitch himself 🤣😂. I can’t wait to see how he grow and deal with his stuff, I still consider him as #1 son with different reasons to PJ.
So PJ and Template are both my #1 in different way.
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For people on Tumblr know very well of how I adopt this lil weeb protag skels name Domino the moment I see him🤣😂.
With Ink and Cross are my top favorite Sans since beginning, it no surprise that I will take him in. Now with little know info but know his love of anime like his moms and Bruncle, I just love to draw and write the little guy, as well as drag him in as the first ship child in Star Sanses Studio AU with zero hesitation 😂😂. So why is he’s #2, I want to see more about this lil guy and part of found him very late that he have to climb his way to #1 if want to 🤣🤣❤️❤️.
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zu-is-here · 4 years
Thoughts on Ink x Cross or Ink x Dream? (I adore the fan kids from the ships but also don't ship it much in my opinion)
I love both of them (๑>◡<๑)
Crink does make sense for me in many ways (their Domino is so cool! >3<). And Drink with their Palette warm my heart <3
Although I feel sorry for both Dream and Cross cause their feelings won't be completely mutual.
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Woah— "sharing is caring" doesn't work here I guess xd
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michimiart-blog · 5 years
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Now that I finished my shipkids for the Driller Family, I was planning on making some for CrInk and NightError/ErrorNight family!
Meet Skyer, she is an ErrorNight child!
Formerly, I planned for her to have the same ability as her cousins (Blenia/Celia) and/or her half-sibling (StringSun) of using magic hair to differentiate her gender instead of ecto-body like sometimes Blenia uses when not using her hair. But I thought that they were too many shipkids that I created (female ones) with magic hair, therefor Skyer is not able to create it, like Rohay and Dreirror.
She, however, can use her negative viscosity to create false eyelashes. Intelligent, isn't it?
Anyways, I will try to make three more shipkids (one more for ErrorNight ship and two for CrInk ship), so wait for more kids owo
Skyer: Me / @michimi-maidenvelekblog
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waterdorito13 · 3 years
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2nd family pic, Crink time!
With Quill and Rubix!
And Ink and Cross.
This is a weird family.
[Character credits]
Ink- myebi
Cross - jakei95
Rubix and Quill - WaterDorito13
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jd-arts319 · 5 years
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Xander a crossberry ship kid
My oldest ship kid
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Blankgaze my crink ship kid
My second oldest ship kid-
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Novella Miscalculation
Ship kid of error & sin
These kids belongs to meh-
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onebizarrekai · 7 years
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