#rottmnt!qotb future
just-another-wren · 7 months
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a somber future QotB blurb of Kadeen. inspired by this tiktok
(tumblr has done its quality downgrade thing. tap photos for better art)
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just-another-wren · 1 year
(commence spaces for people coming from the notifs! aka fake readmore lol)
"Sorry, Mrs . O'Neil. Apocalypse kid, remember? I've never had this fresh of water before, heh..."
..."Woah, slow down, hun! You're gonna make yourself sick!"
Carol couldn't help but snicker at the black-haired kid at her kitchen sink. Casey finished gulping down his 15th glass of water in a row, and set down the glass, snickering himself.
"Well that's worrying." She closed her laptop and looked at him.
"Oh nonono, Master Donatello had water filters, don't worry! They just weren't the best 'cause of limited supplies." His head snapped around to the doorway behind him, and so did Carol's a second later. Yelling.
His reaction time had always been extremely good, as had been easily recognized by the fact he felt everyone else was agonizingly slow. It'd only been maybe an hour or three since the Kraang attacked, and the resistance finally won. Kadeen, this unfamiliar, scarred face, had used mystics to heal everyone that needed it, so why did he not remember her? Especially since she seemed so close to M- no, wrong one, Leo. Master Leonardo would have at least mentioned someone like her. Maybe even Masters Michelangelo,Donatello, or Mother Maria would have mentioned her. Maybe even Master Raphael, when he was still alive, would have mentioned her! And she was... arguing with Co- shit, no- April?
"And that's how you're so competent and kind right now?! This isn't even the first time you've left, and you tried to kill not only Leo, but Donnie and Raph before! You left for weeks on end back when your scars were healing for no reason, you left for 'sOmEtHiNg ImPoRtAnT' conveniently right before ol' Shreddy Boy came back, you left right after the whole body swap thing, and then you leave the very night before the attack of what could've potentially caused the FUCKING apocalypse?!"
"...and you left. Us. Again!" April spat.
"I told you, I have a meeting today, that's why I left! I can't function unless I wake up naturally!" Kadeen tried reasoning with her.
"April, how could I have-"
"Oh don't you dare finish that sentence, you have future vision mystics!!"
"I will tell you guys why I left, I promise, but you guys aren't ready yet-"
"And Donnie was before now?! We all just saved the world from the apocalypse for the second time, I don't think your sorry ass can say that anymore!" Junior watched as they argued and argued. He remembered times when both Master Donatello and Maria had to often leave the room for a minute after an argument like this. Commander O'Neil had explained to him as a kid that, because of how their brains worked, if they didn’t leave, they would react even worse than the Kraang. Why did this version of her not know that yet? Wait a minute-
"Guys, wait, stop! Maybe this is why I can't remember Kadeen from the future, she felt cornered and couldn't pause to calm down, so she-" He called from the doorway of the kitchen. However, he wasn't heard, as April grabbed the back of Kadeen's hoodie as she tried to walk into another room. She whipped around and smacked April's hand away from her.
"I need to calm down, so for fucks sake, let me, April!"
"You're just gonna abandon us again, like you always do!"
"You really just want me to leave, then, since you keep fucking insisting I will!"
"Not gonna be any different than the other times, so if you're gonna leave, then stay! Away!"
"Alright, forget everything else I've fucking done for you all then, asshole!" With a wave of her hand, a portal opened up.
Leo quickly tried scrambling off his place on the couch. "W-wait, Kadeen, please!" But he also went unheard. She had already walked through, middle finger in the air.
..."She'll come back again, right?"
...He tried warning them.
...Donnie never thought he'd see the apocalypse.
He thought he and the others had beat the apocalypse thrice- as teens, no less! What the fuck happened?! He quickly dived into the fire escape balcony for cover with Mikey as Leo and Casey Junior fought back the inky darkness that was consuming the O'Neil apartment. He looked over the vast emptiness of a destroyed New York, almost entirely covered in ink and pitch-black demonic monsters. He heard crying from inside Mikey’s shell. "I just wanted to clean up that old animation studio for us... I didn't want this..."
He hugged his brother close. "Of course you didn't, Mikey. Nobody would have wanted this. Well... except the Foot Clan, maybe, if they were still alive, but still. You only had the best intentions." His head popped slightly out of his shell, to give him a small smile. He looked over the landscape as well.
"...I don't think we can survive this."
"Wh- hey, what happened to Optimistic Mikey?"
"I know, I know, but... it's gotten so far and done so much, and it's only been an hour. We were able to seal the Kraang back the first time, but we could barely do it the second time. And we had to lose Raph for it... And with how fast it's spreading...I don't know if we can even last a month."
He looked around. The animation studio had been halfway across the state from here, and heck even Big Mama did next to nothing against it. They definitely needed help if they were to have even the smallest chance of surviving this. And the studio itself was basically from a... a video game. God fucking damnit. He groaned.
He sighed. "No, it- Goddamn it... It's not that fact that I'm upset about. It's about the fact that I know exactly who to call to help us get past this shit." He took out his phone, and scrolled through his blocked contacts. He shook his head, and pressed call.
"...it really isn't just me overthinking, is it?"
...Her phone started ringing. Oh my- right in the middle of a meeting. Seriously?! Everyone that would call her knew she would be in a meeting, what was up with them?! She awkwardly took her phone out of her bag, and looked at who was calling. Stranger. Great, probably another Irinel emergency. She stood up from her seat. "I'm sorry, I've got to take this call." Obsidian nodded at her politely.
"It's no trouble at all, you take your time." Avi nodded back, and stepped outside of the room. She sighed and pressed accept call, putting on her most cheery tone.
"Hello, Avi speaking?"
"Hey." Wh...what? Was- was that?... "We've got an apocalypse situation over here, can you come fix it?"
"I... E-excuse me, but can I ask who's calling and what universe you're calling from?"
"You really don't recognize my voice?"
"Well- ...maybe, but I don't like to assume..."
They sighed on the other end of the line. "It's Donnie, Kadeen. Just come get this shit out of New York, for fucks sake." Kadeen couldn't help but snicker slightly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~POV change~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"'Yall are lucky I've got my powers under control more than I did back then. Imma be there in two seconds~" The call ended. Donnie sighed and put his phone back right as Leo slipped onto the fire escape next to him.
"Needed a rest. And 'Angelo pointed out that we can't beat this thing on our own, so I called for help."
"Why didn't you two run?!"
"What? Who did you-" Gonna fuck up your live, like John Tucker must die, like Gone- "...you're fucking kidding me."
"...Unfortunately not, 'Nardo." Mikey popped up out of his shell as he heard the familiar song playing in his mind, and beamed as he scrambled to look into the window. The disaster twins also looked into the room.
"GUESS WHO'S BACK, BI-ohhh holy shit, Don wasn't exaggerating." Casey whipped around at the sound of her voice.
The ink creature took this as a time to attack, and just as it did, it exploded violently. 'Didn't touch Casey, though, as a forcefield had been formed in front of him. "Heya, Junior! It's certainly been a long while!~ Imma go bleach this place, B-R-B!" The shield fully formed into a ball and phased through Casey as it whizzed around the room, collecting ink along the way. He shuddered as Kadeen headed straight for the window, the brothers ducking to dodge her. She backflipped over them and onto the edge of the fire escape, spinning and sitting on the railing before winking and giving a salute. "Hiya boys~" She fell backwards and they scrambled to catch her, only for her to rise above them- blue-jay wings outstretched. She spun and trilled at them, the ink bubble zipping past their heads and growing large enough to cover a huge portion of the city, as she flew away. It was a strange, yet beautiful sight- watching the bubble zoom around and out into the distance as the little blue speck followed. The brothers looked at eachother as they caught their breath.
They couldn't even say a word, as moments later the bubble reappeared and lifted into the air- filled with the ink. It got smaller and smaller, until it disappeared. Then, pink sparks erupted from the spot, scattering all over New York. A couple landed on them, their injuries closing up- leaving scars, but painless ones. Casey zoomed out to the window, saying what they were all thinking.
"What the fuck did she do while she was gone?!"
She flew back and hovered, resting her head on her arms on the fire escape railing. "Did'y'all miss me?~ ...By those faces, I'm gonna assume no."
"What. The. Fuck. Was THAT?! You just- left for fifteen years, come back with GODLIKE POWERS, and the first thing you say after that, is just- 'DID YOU MISS ME?!'" Casey shouted from the window.
"Yyyeah, not what I was expecting." Donnie gave her a look. "...Okay YEAH, maybe I did expect it a little..."
"A li- you left, knowing full well this- inky demon summoning bullshit was going to happen?!"
"Wh- hey, anything can happen, I didn't know-know! I'm not leaving 'till I can confidently say you guys'll be okay on your own, though." She hopped onto the railing and swung around to land in the fire escape. It lurched at the added weight before glowing pink and staying in a stable, upright position. "Also, I apologize for the delay, I had to figure out how good of a training dummy those ink demons were before destroying them."
"A training dummy. You're serious?! You get back, and all you can think about is wether or not our literal APOCALYPSE is a worthy TRAINING DUMMY?!"
"I think you've said that already, Case. Now can y'all get off the fire escape so it doesn't collapse?" The turtles nodded and scrambled back into the apartment. "I'm helping y'all rebuild."
"We don't need your help, asshole. You don't even actually care anyways, do you?" She tensed up and stopped from where she sat on the windowsill. She took a deep breath.
"...I get over grief quickly, any problems with y'all are old news to me. I need to care less about things, anyways. But, no matter what you say, I ain't leaving." She walked into the kitchen and tried getting herself a cup of water, having to search a little to remember where the cups were, but the tap didn't work. "If you don't want my help, then I won't help. But ya can't get rid of me now, be aware of that. Ya interrupt me in the middle of a meeting, ya get the punishment, which is me being an ass."
"Oh, fuck off..."
..."Kadeen, why the hell are you just lazing around, come help me with this, they're heavy as shit!" April snapped at her, carrying another bunch of debris. Kadeen just sat, floating, scrolling on her phone.
"And why the fuck not?" She put it down again, dusting off her hands.
"Junior said no."
"Junior said no?"
"That's what I just said." April sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Just teleport the debris to the destruction site, please."
"Now we're talking." She pointed at the pile of debris that April was carrying before and it popped away.
"...I meant all of it."
"Sucks to be you."
"I- Hey, why are you being such an ass? You, Leo, and Mikey were talking like ya never left earlier, and now you're being a brat. The fucks up with that?" Kadeen looked away from her, and put her phone down, sighing.
"...Look, I'm not doing this out of spite. I didn't leave out of spite, either."
"Wh- The fuck you mean, you didn't leave out of spite?! What else would you be doing this shit out of?"
...Don't fuck up. Don't care, you'll outlive her anyways. You know this has to be fake, or you'll get attached and get fucked up when she dies.
What the fuck was?!- Did... oh. She was mindsharing on accident again?... At least some things never change? "...I was doing it out of love." April's eyes went wide.
"...When people...tell me to stay away, it typically is for the better that we never see eachother after that, for their good... and mine. ...First time it was my best friend and brother, and... then, you guys. I mean... it would've been nice to have someone who I could ask if you guys needed me, but I don't think you guys would appreciate that." Calm, don't cry. You're okay, Avi. She's not real. Wait, what? She took a deep breath and put her phone back up, scrolling.
"...Oh." ...She really hit her hard, didn't she?
"...Thank you."
"The...rest of the debris will be easier to carry, by the way."
"Not a problem."
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