We promise according to our hopes; we perform according to our fears.
François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims.
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Constancy een love ees a perpetual eenconstancy, een wheech le heart attaches eetself successively to each of le lovair's qualities, giving preference now to one, now to another.
Pepe le Pew
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itchy-9884 · 6 months
We are never as fortunate or as unfortunate as we suppose.
— La Rouchefoucauld
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Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires.
- Francois de la Rouchefoucauld
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ruki-mukami-dl · 2 years
#Muse answer to Basic Q&A ✨
Original made by @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat
Enjoy reading~
Whats your name? Is there a meaning behind it?
My name is Mukami Ruki. Ruki is the name my biological parents gave me. I must confess that due to disinterest I have no idea what my first name means. Mukami is the family name that man gave to my brothers and me. It means "godless." It seems quite fitting for a demonic creature. Somehow funny. Do you not think so?
Any prefered Alias or nickname that you'll like to be called as?
I like to be adressed as Master. Otherwise, just Ruki is perfectly fine.
What kind of person do you think you are?
I think there is not much to say about me. I am a simple and dull man after all.
When is your birthday? How do you celebrate it?
My birthday is on April 24th and I do not celebrate this "occasion".
What's your age?
I do not know and I do not care to know. I am a vampire. That is just how beings like me live. There is no meaning in knowing my age. But if you want to hear a number, I guess 18 is fine.
What's your gender?
Male. Obviously.
How tall are you? Are you satisfied with your height?
I am 180 cm tall and I am satisfied with it.
Where did you come from?
I come from Eastern Europe. You know the country as Romania.
What charm do you suppose that you possess?
My intelligence allows me to be very convincing when necessary. I guess you could call it charm that I possess.
Do a voice impression, will you?~
Name one of your favorite activities, can you?~
I prefer to read a good book in my free time.
How do you greet someone in the morning?
Quite simply with "good morning".
What's the last thing you say to someone before going to bed?
Just "good night". As simple as that.
Favorite possession (item)?
A fountain pen. I have not been using it as much as of late, but I still treasure it.
Why not talk about your hairstyle a little?~
I do not know what to talk about my hairstyle.
Any unique characteristics on you?
I would not say unique, but I am a virtuous man. Conservative. And I think I am sarcastic.
Do you have a special nickname to call someone as?
What's your favorite color and why?
Black. I just like it.
What do you enjoy doing?
Besides reading, I like solving puzzles and cooking.
What's your special skill?
My knife skills for sure.
Demonstrate a short love confession! I dare you~
Livestock, you really are my angel. You are my joy, my luck and my hope. My love for you will never change, no matter how many years pass. I promise I will make you happy. Let us be together all times. Stay with me forever. I love you. From the bottom of my heart.
Your favorite food, and why?
Soup. It simply meets my taste.
Your favorite drink, and why?
Blood. For a vampire, of course, this is the favorite drink.
Any favorite book?
Well, there are many. But I like the collection of proverbs by Francois de La Rouchefoucauld very much. And also my collection of poems by Rainer Maria Rilke.
Any favorite genre of movie? Hmm, why?
I pass. I do not have a favorite genre.
Favorite game? (If none can skip)
Favorite music? Why?
I am not very knowledgeable on music. But once I listened to classical music as I solved a puzzle. My brothers made a ruckus again and it helped me to focus on my hobby.
What's your weakness?
I will definitely not reveal my weaknesses.
Anyone that you respect?~
Karlheinz-sama and my brothers.
Do you have a wish?
I wish to fulfill Karlheinz-sama's important plans. To pay back my debt for receiving a new life.
Anything to say to those that are watching your interview?~
No further words are necessary. I have said everything that needed to be said.
Tagging: @ask---shin---tsukinami @the-loony-and-the-fox @psy-mukami @askazusablog @ask-yumamukami @shu-sakamaki @ask-tsukinami-carla
((Thank you for the tag @yuriko-tsukino-rp 🥰❤️
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fotograrte · 4 months
Las curiosidades de Internet (11/02/2024)
Empezamos nueva semana y nos toca ver las curiosidades de internet del día de ayer: Virgen de los Dolores, por Nicolás Enríquez. Una muestra del desconocido (al menos en España por el gran público) arte novohispano, del que pondré más piezas en el futuro. El templo de Hathor en Dendera. Los tapices de la caza del Unicornio de la antigua casa de La Rouchefoucauld. Hoy en Les Cloisters del MET…
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alonewolfr · 8 months
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L'assenza fa svanire le piccole passioni e infiamma le grandi, come il vento spegne una candela e alimenta un incendio
|| Francois de La Rouchefoucauld
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adealma2112 · 10 months
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Escadaria do Château de la Rouchefoucauld, desenhada por Leonardo da Vinci por volta de 1520.
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With a copy of the American Constitution in his possession, Lafayette added the word “constitution” to his political rhetoric and helped organize “a constitutional club”> What began as a “Society of Thirty”, however, quickly muchroomed into a large, albeit informal, political party of progressive social and political thinkers, variously called “the Americans” or “Fayettistes”. Members included the marquis de Condorcet, a prominent mathematician who championed abolition; the duc de La Rouchefoucauld, a champion of the poor, and comte Cesar de La Tour-Maubourg, a French general and fellow Auvergnat from Le Puy, not far from Chavaniac. Accomplished commoners and clergymen also joined - the astronomer Jean-Sylvain Bailly, the club-footed bishop of Auton, better known as Talleyrand; and Abbe Sieyes, the chancellor of Chartres, who was working on an inflammatory pamphlet called Essai sur les privileges - “Essay on Privileges”> To Lafayette’s distress, the grotesque giant the comte de Mirabeau also joined the group. A violent ex-convict, Mirabeau exuded seductive oratory that veiled his hideously pockmarked, leonine face and even more hideous soul that reveled in all kinds of debauchery
Harlow Giles Unger, Lafayette, (2002) .226-227
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“Sometimes we are less unhappy in being deceived by those we love, than in being undeceived by them.”
—François La Rochefoucauld, Maxims
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tobegoodagain · 7 years
L'absence diminue les médiocres passions, et augmente les grandes, comme le vent éteint les bougies et allume le feu.
François de La Rochefoucauld
“Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind blows out a candle and fans a fire”
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When our hatred is too bitter it places us below those whom we hate.
François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims.
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noxious-nimbus · 5 years
We promise according to our hopes, and perform according to our fears.
La Rouchefoucauld
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LEONARDO DA VINCI, Staircase, Château de Chambord La Rouchefoucauld, France, 1519
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joachimnapoleon · 3 years
“A great annoyance”
I briefly mentioned in my recent post on Louis Bonaparte how what seemed like a relatively minor incident--the attack on a coachman of the French ambassador in Holland--ultimately gave Napoleon the excuse he was looking for to annex the country and force Louis to abdicate. Here are more details on the incident, as described by Caroline Murat to her husband in a letter from 2 June 1810:
The King of Holland just experienced a great annoyance that I want to tell you about, so that you see how many precautions we are going to take in order to maintain ourselves well in the Emperor's mind. The coachman of M. de la Rouchefoucauld presented himself in a church with his outfit of grand livery. The custom of Holland is to assist in the ceremonies of worship only in very simple clothes and without braids or embroidery. All the Dutch who were in the temple found it very bad, and several made the observation to the coachman, who wanted to stay and responded with haughtiness. The fight began, they came to blows, and the coachman was beaten and obliged to leave. It seems that King Louis did not believe it necessary to meddle in this affair, let alone to order the reparation of this insult. The Emperor, who had been informed of it, regarded this dispute as an injury done to his Legation, and he immediately ordered his ambassador to leave Amsterdam, and the ambassador from Holland to Paris to return to Holland. I do not know how this will end, but you see how the Emperor is affected by all which concerns his ministers and his subjects. I recommend you to take care of the French agents that we have in Naples, and not to accuse them too much of bad intentions against us, because it is the Emperor himself who demands that they make their reports, and they run the risk of being destitute if the Emperor learns from another side the rumors that run in Naples, and that they are charged to make known to him. Believe that I am very sure of what I tell you, and that I know a lot of the orders given by the Emperor, and the obligation of his agents to comply with them. Moreover, there may be great inconveniences in showing distrust or estrangement to those in Naples, and there are none to spare. They are always obliged to make their reports, but if one treats them well, they will not put any bitterness in them, and will simply report what they will hear. 
This was written at a time of increasing tension between Murat and Napoleon, with Murat experiencing a lot of the same problems and conflicts of interest in running his kingdom as Louis had been with Holland. When this “great annoyance” Caroline describes Louis as experiencing, ended with the King of Holland being driven from his throne, the Murats worried that the annexation of their kingdom would not be long in following. Caroline, who spent more than half of 1810 in Paris near Napoleon, did her best to try to gain the Emperor’s assurances that annexing Naples was not his intention--and to keep her hotheaded husband from changing Napoleon’s mind. 
[The letter is from Volume 8 of Lettres et documents pour servir à l’histoire de Joachim Murat.]
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hardbatpaperwobbler · 2 years
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