vermofftiss · 7 months
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catsofyore · 7 months
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Round Plumpling or Plump Roundling? Mid- to late 19th century. Source.
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crevicedwelling · 6 months
taxa rankings: each order (or superfamily if you're feeling super granular) of collembola
I don’t really have very strong feelings about any springtails. they’re all very cute and unique and a joy to see, and hard to find any flaws in. I look at a springtail and say “yes”
Entomobryomorpha - fluffy! long! thank you for keeping my bugs houses clean. A
Poduromorpha - fat little nugglets. a pat on the head. A
Symphypleona - roundlings! so full of color and can leap like nobody’s business. A
Neelipleona - it’s animals! A
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sargentsblu · 1 year
funny how the camera focused on the roundle right after Tristan knocked on Nancy's door huh 👀
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lottieratworld · 1 year
in 2024 thin people are going to invent another new embarassing word for fat people. theyre gonna start calling fat people "roundles"
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chanseyirl · 2 years
eating and consuming instead of st*rving myself because its what my bf wants for me!!!! and i am a good girl so i will listen to whatever he says!!!!!!!!! and so he can call me cute names like my roundle or my roundey!!! im his im all his go cry if my chubbiness triggers you or disgusts you i have unconditional love and i do what he says to unlike you lol!!!! >:33
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libidomechanica · 8 days
Untitled (“The Lady Adeline had not yield to Homers Iliad, since”)
A sonnet sequence
No enemy but winters, admit, reject, contemned. That the raven-glossy hair, the deed off, calls the poor are moved, but he the fair, so young hart: behold. Let me go, let me stander to come hither, breathed to see her prayers, and by sweet friends remain beyond all the sailor sings. Till tyrant passion do we affection know; nor port they begin to speak give me most beautiful season gay, like specks of thy neck with green trees of frame? The mortal grief, and yet leaue your best friend, right have maternal motion make a sound aloud, imagining others look’d profound: she mighty Being is pleasant fruits of new-found Paradise for peace proclaims he is, wherewith shining field that are ever hissing me. The Lady Adeline had not yield to Homer’s Iliad, since she stripped, for like a round abysm I throw that answered not but did refrain because good will had won.
Would see your arm and a strangement, yes. And, seeming skin. Renowned for sense, she cannot grow complete the hounds, it may betrayed are ever come to silent things and also with those hands, sea-gulls, and feared offence, he showed, the unknown; I should fain be the answer’d, like a piece of silver-whisper in her courted for darting it. Translated, heart like a roundle neuer hearer. The ruby lips, your face, nor I to none as I. Belovëd, thou hast my dream, but every private widow well manned expected will we seized the running. Likeness those palisades by dames erected from Jove?
Than the hill, and not the standeth behind. Horrid, hideous notes and mee: I pyne for the sand. It does it signify? Heart’s contented, who more anxious for his Counsellor, the Wand of May, singing joy of my Sick Soul! You half-awake, and the goat lean heavily against you without thinking on the Abbey-stones where you are as gold rings to complaints adds pious libels by no means to fight, despair. Is neither sex is former ties, which here unfolded too, and why a boy can’t be better, the rack and round the Past. Poor vaunt of length, ashamed, where you are alone is worth enjoying.
And frugally resolved the chambers, wrung in silk and all the sick of the absolute, subjected, I opine: at presence made him first in the drill; but till the wind, whose like that in silence to bear the proud of hollow mountains and of the supremest kiss, or else a cherry, double should sit for men’s eyes that she dear, dear Cloe, and her soft, liquid pearl, which its cautious arm lest anybody spy the broad sun is sinking this, sad Hero, then, and neither side. As a piece of all,—what is the deed, but many woman can be missed, embrace that flaws may lurk, what care I who can reach.
Then need I not augments he used, are of beauty of May, the city cap’s a charm. That, we just sit on the marble eyelids closed at sunset, moonrise, star-shine too is this to tender passion in the vapours leave and rigged with the passion and abandon hope; but if theirs, made him furst; delight; but being with the world’s coarse bold hands of all her woe: and you of the sand. My lady’s love is better, to shun, the thing, drest, voted, shone, and a woman colours flee away, I will tell not giving their rose of Sharon, and break through the hollow groan of the world rush’d by on either can be.
Now say it Cuddie, were some ice, take some palace of fear in the hill: an hour’s perfection every turn: eyes, ears to Art, her slaves in a fit. To turn thee in private widow well manner they circle rides, stunned with that fords that maken fiers warre: and Priests in nothing but in despite, invade and trembled and obedience; i’ll deserts repay, forgot upon the Captain’s lady. Love never should sit for fact, there rose of his limbs composed her; yea, I should sit for fear such sin a certain cure is;—the Lady Adeline’s serene and plaints, the leaf, in the point at chicken noodle soup.
But, as luckless, I have gone to the purpose, and then, stoop, since her maids are here the cost, chose an ungrateful objects having sails; hoarse murmur in the beds and blackout, Madam white man not a chef come down into rhythm, you know not, and in our power to love to banquet love, for who can tell that young mind marde, whom Loue doth ambition shunne the Ring of a few great delicious flame to wand’ring eyes! My mouth is most in its breast, to feel for the poor wretch, in whom all the orange, the morning, didst tell me, and fold of you and name you bastard in snowy skin, the skies? My spouse Nancy.
His fathers a repertory of yore. He did not share it. She came on, not by degree, the swans and then his pressing and bowers of the sky; fairer still unchangeable, pillow’d my anguish, how can Bagpipe, or ioynts be well as the sun, and I can say or lost? I dream allowed. To linger’d— joy and false morn brought in plaintiue pleasure suffered wrack, since linger late perform’d to fret with Lord Augustus Fitz-Plantagenet. And the score, sad rakes too fiercest, but yet not his; to-morrow what, and the flesh to-day! Once upon an affidavit, romances I ne’er she displeased away.
With fire and black where thou hast the city found his back. Head, the lining sound to war and family like or this god enamoured out onto the delight hint, to furnish matter works its own undoing, its inner shrine, god being bold to eye that I write my latest will; since that fears renewed, the skirts of the vines: for our guest—each house’s barbed antennae trawling for all your love. As Horace; the ground, that ye stir not upon the more she brought twice! Now I could hopes beset her, that no one has succeed in the mountain stood silent horror cannot I be like to a silent be.
And sighed to the vine flourished this beside my delight, and shepheard swayne, to show false haste, my beloved the cycle’s change their thunders by. Or judged the use of the West. Some ruffled rose peeping maid; like sweet civility, and shook the branched with rod or with bosom-swell, with those brown and fault; I crave the drooping sounds, do I remonstration of thy good ointment poured forth: there was at least by me releeued. A shadows flee away, I will the world like the best, blush to fly the bouncing Bellibone, hey ho the horn of the bed to which to the ivory overlaid with theories out wrung.
Good housekeeper’s habit—blows eight love is less of powerful god of us verse and escapes, maud the balance: right! But with sport, to make them for the lake, all brown tea— we held each other sex is for maydens meet, when Venus’ nun, as Nature to subsist; till the pit; the genial day, preparation; a bird’s-eye view, too, of those seeme most sweet: yea, he is because his eyes have eaten my honeycomb with my sole excuse to feed it in a certain she means to fight, and used not at present pay? My mouth like a fiery meteor sunk by floundering lies. That thou art my home.
With silken lines, and makes me write me from the fingers, when, issuing on the moment since my loue should find a term is shown through life, your pypes as ruthfully to tune. Singing of it of pure ablution round earth, and heart, as a warm and could rest at noon: for which though the vapours leave forgive thy love such love sigh to know the fanning with bitter weeds and praise from a Jewell’d Cup drinking of it. You have passed. And Timour-Mammon grins on a pile of cheaper cures the bourn of sunset; O, a shout rose tree. Sometimes now and in despair. My lyre I tune, my voice I raise; but out loud!
For she ware a myrtle was done, in wore. But, as it rose, I moved by a pond of urine. Things are a bird, which Venus but leaps, and bugle and floats from the sheet. So you ready, o mount and gold, such fond fantastic basis, to build up common-place, and I refer you meane my tender-taken break of days outworn, when we talk to your tracks? What will never can be. And lime of seven together possibly useless but you are thy feet were never seen rich rubies blushing through Sestos Hero dwelt; Hero thorough Sestos Hero dwelt; Hero to herself lamentable cries.
And I sunned it without compliment, curling of the rope in a Vain Woman’s hands of rising billowing ships; over blowing loud, and there is abused when misers keep free, the more right i’ the sun, seeking refuge, slipped in a globe the Slave of Lust must strive to pre-occupy. Angel of hope and chosen so bad a line! Not that thou counsellor, the deep recesses of a cup, the festal board, with a raucous trill. Which means deals in fiction; the patents of thy love, the richest corn dies, so alike, are yet lies the green fields to cross till a farm appears; a tap at their ruin.
Whose fruit none you couldn’t get to your mutter’d by the hope remained, and leave their first good but rarely made me tie her self, nor be afraid, a rack on his own: the Future I may handle silk and grief is pass’d in death, so, sure and men, for one. But why they were a messenger that breake you rehearse. That to my cryes, when beauty to their care, herkne to my questions to the dust, not make that which made her sake, whom you of the prisoner, whether or not, wish you have gathered my mistressed. My poor excuse ye: thou dost so charily she goes, when I see your arms administered will harshly jar.
Her body shaded with her eclipse endure. My own, whose spirit a woman loves to live in the earth—and fife to the Garden of spices therein was Proteus carved, and lain in vain. Not mine own weakness being best acquaintance of love. Awake, O north wind; and cool ye all who fry in yours He did not sell thereof was to be done. Since all surprised to rave. Though she knew, and then my fair loves; but none at my call; my chosen so bad a line! With liberal acts enlarged the votive frigate, soft and desolate, from her, the weather. Ich libbe in love were entrusted in thee, fa la la.
His cheeks are dressed with a wild civility, and yet to give a good graces on mankind might, but sought; upon the garden, all the meadow under threads of the more I lie with, as danger,—her husband, husbands chaste, my beloved that testify the deadly fatal knife that pushes us ourselves, in those beds and thy base, no lute, no pipe, no incense; myrrh with banners from his country rings set with my breast, the fond believe? That acquiescence vain: there rose tree. My loue should give me a kiss, for Oh! Shall I weep if a Poland false plagues, which of its round here will inclose her win.
She, overcome me: thou, O love, and lamented and tune the cock can summoned to make you reported before thirty—say seven-and-twenty, and wits; the Heaven stood preparation; and suddenly, sweet civilisation sweete, make witnessed with awaken’d eyes? So we expecting still and up and see not wet: if it could not do t at home, in sign her the greenwood- shade he took his way, whose rich in hope, features of his birth, and tempting so and silver bow holy time so sordid and making no old to Venus’ nun, as Nature wept, thinking: last, like to a finer mood.
In the leaf, in the friend and Inarculum here before to hearts! Is one of you, letting much that folly, the happy where unhappily as after a long chase, famous, however should there is comely Youth before me: thy hair is so. But of a lightens, and bursts, and finger failed when I was holding a body carries clouds to ride. Thou that dead sage could not leaue theyr wonted for fear such sin a certain when he will fulfil. Yours be your scull? The circle their aim, and thrusts him down from those which keeps learning down into rhythm, you know, but most lov’d her that, in fact, which thy book.
That faint things right to make arranging round and half behind the bright i’ the sleepy vigour of the narrow act, fancies that divine Musaeus sung, dwelt at Abydos sooner begun, and hollow pearl they march, a blustering waue doth only aspire, world of my widow well may keep by children’s bones, is it Man or Woman, so sung he dying: kind is death; jealousy is cruel are. Would show: sorrow for love my love all beauties wear, that hole I plant with encroaching guile keeps her courted forests, castles, torchlight, and having intellectual things I never turn the sword of fame.
The salt estarnging shreds.-House, with pleasant is thy love me; he shall arrive with a ghastly dreadful hollow peels, my stinging malice with Golden Vessels all a-blaze, her matchless sins the delight: long mute he stood, and to Leander sitting infamy. Inanimate at the passed from a Jewell’d Cup drinking there, did make nothing statue in a bed of roses, almost entirely because she moved with his staff, stood ready at my breasts. Conquest gains his country comets, that with some reason why is easy to determine: although if I knew not how to please: kissing me.
Far too dangerous and unto me. Is faith to wed a foreign spouse: I have seen her, as underhand, not openly betray us. Eternal fears annulling your past impression in this is not liquor: thy beloved. When I wende and generous wines their aim, and tune your other keeps the appoint of entry. Some ne’er know, that he never being put to flight. Ye shall make you consider Now makes themselves we lose this and shield, which intentions are animals of the valiant of hue, st. Which vulgarit—’ which should know till the worldy blisse bringe: ich am in hire baundoun.
The yellow sand, the term expired, from the creatures are hush’d, and even at the truth is many women fresh desire, with words, or answered, No. I am the ruby- budded lime in the rock, in the world may stain thy youth and sweetness hardly blazon forth her grace, with the king is awake, and though the fierce, perhaps to pick out the flowers, youth sight of soil, nothing that call a bird, which credit her favour. Tortoise in his teeth, and aught sight? Nor need I tallies thy mind’s imprint will one. His trophies— not of her form at all at once that Potter’s wheel? When I was holding a baskets.
And, as his beautiful seldom faints, and he fell. Come, my Celia, let us prove, failure; but, when that took the empty dreams are in the moors—no—yet still yearns for the house, with surprised and pure, and irked, into my heart was vacant, the mountains of pebblestone, where, between two are store of; witness hardly to be contest, death shall try my gain the same time or being said what weapons fly. ’Er the time of sleepe: let thy flocke, forth plunge within: of conquered side soon signed the mockers and Erycine, displeasures; nor will inclose her pale, because his eyes as this false and then to my touch.
And gave it alone until I fairly knock’d it up like advertisements. A sword, a horse, to the tree. Vines with a slightly: what stranger: but Juan was undone, because they are comes by the high life for ever rest; which looketh toward peace which is mine: he feedeth among their love’s best, without saying plan; for nothing more; then in love her. Well manners from his spouse; a spring hast lifted o’er its strife. Then blowe your voice, your hairs. To be for an army with those the lovely. Whispers, in its breasts. Happy you write this, she flung, strived, that you expressed, ordained the foxes, that I am old?
Elevated by touch, did she would leave to speak. As few words made of Susa braided, her very much admire; as flies. The very germ of chaste, my beloved more brain; for me, I know. Of crystal clear as then broke his great, it seems, are thy music we know it not yshend your round his country- fair. To learn to score; there is one the wanton; he’s obscene. Blue, where branched though mine own with knowledge absolute, subject lends not some hour mind thoughts which means prepared at last. It could, my love’s fruit none enough can sing or say, then hath glory when twas the thinking of it. First they begin to speak.
No surely, now it not from her self the world, her head, till peace, propose the means that love cost her world that other losing her, my spouse away. The Shah there are store which the spirit that melancholy dreadful hollow roaring fauns would helpe their fame design. It is not worn that portend no war nor princess with all trees of the comic for the first explaining a thousand, and lips, your fill, it palls—at least it did so upon my heart suggests a familiar, universal device but in despatches: and became a Tyrant insect, rove; o let me see them both, and you with me thou like I have studied lessons he bent, and to the rest, because they are, that Love, to a companions? And you trouble the king hands we wring, forth plunge within that my anguish, shame, the lurking bias, be it truth or errors up with awful wish to springs: a cheek and foes, the morning glass.
Upon a rocky shore rocking plan; for much more in subject to thy keeping? I caught the Character, in those hands, they know, my loue should have but fed on the heaven was he sits that leap in fiery rings to covert creep; the sacred priesthood makes thee loath. Mouths without think you have faculty by nature’s patient sleepless Eremite, the instep too: and when upon a tree, and lime of the world been black. False-flatt’ring hole. For thence my love her. No grasp the hell am I doing hugging the rose a little Sip of that! Whose leap, in female or male? Rose-jacynth to the rose tree.
Sound allured by our eyes are bad. With me here, in mournful winding the sweet fingers did not some hour less divine; has felt that may augment with sight of her the look, the fond believe that Perigot, what warpings past the stony bed. Lest anybody spy the blast furnace, you waste, so was he seemed to set me light, light pressure of our life was on our mine; the selfsame day before the coffee-house lover, proudly say I’m an expert in war a weak defence fro the summer of another night, that did the better than another. Stella hath refused me! Try thee all so simple.
Invade and voice: next Corinna, for his love. Shrunk away, and with him, and wide, far around the fenced, he reach’d his Dominion crumbles and errors down and once as you turned the red man dance by a whispered the French hood and Inarculum here be some from the dell, awake my head, and to sweetest stratagems sweet lips, O my love that light broke me as a hot proud of hollow peels, my stinging to my taste eternity, but mix’d with his writ, your brains beat into the rest renowne, rich in men and should the merely felt and bold and love no whit disdaineth; suns of the Captain’s lady.
Mere freed his fortune follow: a shout: the world, and only fretted when he is furious lace, and, with shells and in love sails declining page than thou wert as my hair all unmeet for courage to destroy the Grey Monk’s side, his father’s house where those that light, vpon the wide world, when we meet the envenomed dart, a tickling pain that light, and Love of the victors to the chief spices: a fountain-apple, youth I want, who am old? Thou by thy sight and maybe neither courteous light, and to this, as some little wood whose on my head have taken he so nobly had released: the cold.
Or seen that for the drreams I preferred his packet, to secure, o’ercast with many a wandering like ramping hosts of maidens, beauties, and beg his British godship’s humble pardon, if in myself almost entirely but not enough: I long to bear twins, and loathed to seek the marriage to grant as the golden scabbard on her a letter with some snow, take a much more would remove; the real, as now with grayish leaveth them. Hero thorough Sestos called Beauty fires; the labouring gate as the top of Amana, from many had lovers of Jerusalem, that can be seen glimmering seas, and waxed more blest thyself in steel to avenger, so that to his suit he moved for his foes embrace by a window and in stone, seize to-day I strove. With that eats another night, a year ago, in performance had been and fourscore concubines, and would not deem such a guide.
A piece of a streames my trickling tears, and a few friend showers be presence mad March great describe but her neck his bare arms of mine wonges waxeth wan: levedy, al for the orchard of poison foul of bubbling the rock that for his debt at once, a tremor breakfast the misery of a day. A voice by the hall is whirl the dark one, that Juan had more shorn away as we stepped o’ the subject only care, were it lies, that heedless oath? Alluring me a choice Myrrha for the moonless nights as the Grey Monk’s side, his Death fortune deal, rolled to the ivory overlaid with banners?
At length awakening, Iphigene to Cymon with please. Better, to consumest thy hand, found straight as the morning of the Candian shore, waiting the pool. Be your affair: some look’d graves will become an officer there in my yellow Autumn presses of thy neck is like diamonds and given to time young, but toys. His mouth: for their love, to love that long to the empty joys& desire on earth as t was rumour’d, took but since she fear’d the lock. Ready, o mount aloft and entertains of yore have difference of his birth I owe nobler desire is, to love to call, where meaning lies.
Me: yet I can see; by a dismal cypress that leap year, whose rich silks, and sweeping for clarification. Alike delight. The doome. Love, studious how to be dressed time had spread with love unfit, the palm tree, I will tell to early morn did shine with decent care, her body downward went, with the drreams I prefer, stay near. Who were they did each other like the head control, suppose he should perpetrate some reasons which on warm and free, then second head; ere beautiful, O my spouse Nancy. Kind is death that bare her object to remove; the palace of thy verse; but I found the chief spice.
Height; the saucers, over knew where their pleas are you, O daughters of their loves on heaps of heaven pined; that Plato I read for nought betwixt them on his bow, and stars united in than put forth the priefe there pride. Of the violence of his bow’d down to thy breathed to take such she had seen the ballad gallant too. And ranks and my bowels were through regular and forward faces not these lead thee without the Pledge, can starres such force lover with all you most rich in hope, features of his brutal sounds of rising towers of emotional importance please you cry. Lies another me? But what’s call’d their gates were alive, that I writ, your breathed to her chair, the Wand of shells, and beast deserved in the little black where it ranckleth ay more a grace of the Hall and up and see now lovely fair one, and soul at first time, for weeping. Did she wished purposes unsure, that which most solemn feast.
From thee, O my beloved of him, who in her eyes of child. Doubted for sense, will be there is obsolete. So, one day more that I write my latest born, a goodly wild vine, entrailed when he wooed with banners? To expiation joined, but hither, come hither, come hither, come hither, come her legs. Angel of clean sheets smelling breast, which I fill with what he gave, and owlets builded ship, well rigged with whom, how often look too closed at sunset; O, a shout more by provocation great. She might hold to match where it lies, that great festival. Though younger, yet be not tyranny. Since mad March great warehouse doors open; I fill with her breast. To build a fane of pale-mouth was the soul’s sleep, as I gain the windows do display love’s blood, and what was all. Got to loan, in time to the purchast of men, much less can honour had And would not to foreign spouse to lead the main accounted nice.
Which yet with friends, those head is as bright trail’d, by a dead wood whom we called him, and then; the broad barbarian sounds of rising fair truth of Gold, dangle her Ears with his Cheapside; and a few poor humanity may be, some statutes of the roots are as they feast, and have but felt the sexiest meal of the goddess held in fetter mind their hands, they were walking them. To catch a certainties, she thoughts as the midst of the night nigheth fast, yts time his eye, a brow for men may they try, short, and unperplexed, where I am blowing, when Cloe noted her loved, and others do despise it.
Fear on the Abbey-stones. But the king off you. Changes in your mind and purling stream, to swim or sinner,—he did not say, The truths are like saucepan shadow with terror, to tell. That shame and cooking in time with my honey; I have waked her eyes on me were affied. Beneath his eternal lids apart, they would have but fed on the ghastly pit long it is me sent: from alle wommen my love; therefore cannons rattle, wreck, or his birth required, for under gore, hey ho hollidaye, when he spake, and sleet, with half their full on Cymon first invented verses yet unborn: first streak of day.
The studied Spanish to read and her to thy hand! As I’ver said—that near him. Which credit as a seal upon thy censer teeming; the vessel I resign, then second head; ere beauty shows. And the swans and took great cruel madness flushes up in Peace under what beauty’s dead fleece. Army with buds, and tempt the finger fails to make their triumphant, unawares come thither. Ladies’ care, each soules, euen vnto Stella is not in love-longinge is ylent me on. The maid whose confined. Own: the Future I may haue some defence; stout once inspired to be, the more smooth-shaven, loving and glad.
So soon to hell, that tomb already sent a bracelet richly redolent: the Powers incense to proceed, yet blush it through, doctors chart the race? It had been early to the rope in a Vain Woman’s head and both from thence, and I shall I conclude my pain, he dreaded first, in Heaven sometimes within my breast. My poor excuse; but when thou, O Solomon had a quality agreeable to the sea, playing on of hands; maintained by solemn for their friend; I told you haue for such a thankfulness in the ghastly dreadful fight, and cheerful torches vary their hospitality.
Or hath so raft vs of ours is a pitteous plight: chrome-winged herald, Jove-borne Merch and give a goodly wild vine, entrailed with rod or with a grin of bitter bark and burning back, so I could love be loved you. So were the northern winds are moved like to make a short essay, the white man not a chef come down that looked upon myself, and the treasure. We rode; it seemed, but most love or war had still they do, t will be thy widow well manner over my heart’s blood, honours to my beloved of a nobler exercise; o kisse, which all friend for the blushing through acts uncouth, toward me.
Tis Phillis, only Phillis, that is being so profound: she might healthfull caustiks, blame my younglings, and thus, as Fate decreed. Or capable as an arrow with the Nine. From chain-swung censer, put in his mind; he sought at Riverside: the term expired, from the Almighty’s bow.—But he must be told them something all the rising many, died ere he is better place. The richest mine and life no longer hover over the vines have endless ice and vitamins. Three bands are not be pride demurs when deep persuading orator. For note, when love was touch’d not, but hastening to turn addrest.
Is worth a tour to kill in his pious libels by no means to pray. And then he so nobly had release, by wine disabled, unprepared the charming now, to take a new one: she mere star-fish in his mother, but keep those like courtly nor kind soul, going the lilies of passion and chose to bedward side, perfection every one bear twins, and lean, watching here, in mournful winding sheet. To his own. Remarked the Rhodian strand, and lime of seven together possible and the bottom, whereon was the misery of at least by Time’s all- severing new. Holy time is comely.
That thou spend the girl when a child is frail; rode o’er several sexes; neither sense, nor is’t of earth so please about with equal grew. This rashness sudden heat, the grey: a whisper’d, and higher-seated praise, I fix my soul. If ’tis still panting, we shall yonder girl that many a glorious wouldst fain arrest at the Hall, maud the bold Lysimachus, oppressed with her an effort, which will show thee hast left but to her chastity hast struck one immense Colossus down, yes, and fynd no part of things are asleep I was shocked out his two eyes like two young, although I never know it not.
I remembrance dear, and our heroine. We tell by tongue tripped, for unawares come thither from him went, with riotous excess, a principal: smooth’d itself to blame, to the whole; should rest again, in vain? Why alas doth she strooken, looked like sympathy: tis also in the gross material soul believed one has succeed? When thousand death, if for her heart, as a skeleton. Have ye beheld it shine, and Cymon shall I fix you, fire you, looking onto the June that fair clime, half-lost in the lodging is, that only gleaned. We seemed to The frighted without much salt, that she dream.
Ship off the Hall! Giving up the gods in sundry shapes committ’st a sin far worse what I was an old midwife’s hat! In mournen ever yet was Love—who did not quit me when the mind with shapes and catch youth: but the king is held cravings for thy rim, skull- things to the chair were short, there took thereof was to lose, the rack and undid me. But still endured and it seems, are prepared of seeming skin. As I do not. I would hear him, here, blushing world of forests, castles, torchlight, and the Widow’s head as he withers by her purple silk, or dimity. My sheepe, and deeds? Victim when we have none!
Has not yet given her so about the citizen hissing me. Oh Angel of clean sheets smelling all blisse, hath no breast. Be not uncommon. It wasn’t only more aghast thou that hides your times a day I prize might hours; thy voice, no heat of him, I’ll love were thinks are bad. We first; boys will be discover’d in a glass and plaster are sold to Venus’ temple, where you go, heare your beauteous evening to his care unclosed in vain to turn addresses of her look; as if another Phaeton had with love likes themselves most in this or any other pleasures for the oratory fails.
Than to enjoy, and work away my hand. Seen beauty sweet music to the green mama who first day the beautiful; but did ever hunted twice? Perhaps surprise, with dearth or mourn; but innocence is the greenwood- shade he took, to see all; my music, worth—compared with a mystic diapasons; which brought, and of dreery death, as dangerous matter? But thereof of silver, too. And yet leaue to die! This feelings fully please. Thus were man but formed; the prize, and Iphigene is for myself art thou, to be surprised with his shadow and, despise the love is all defence; stout once inspired.
When only men incredulous of her heard but he were two were turn’d to insulate the gate of the last ride with a shock of goats, that terror like a song neuer heard the ship afar: tossing and loath to spring of a foolishly do call the rest wise, wealthy Sestos everywhere, issuing, were born, or durst not sit below. The snow tires, you soarer, youth I want, who am old and wrings with decent care, her bosom all think they gave you love thro’ the air, she is tholien while another nightmare, has cured its sores and legs with that for fear, perhaps of all the war begun.
The smiling Spring comes our lips to kiss on, to do her husband’s shape in mine eye and hand your fears in Gold and silver altar stood. Many waters cannot be gay let a passion, the bond—still not give much, and charity, unless presently? To the deadly cryes which limping Vulcan and chaste Diana when Actaeon spied her to display all heaven is Cupid’s myrtle wreath’d trellis of a crescent clay! Bold even her ear, flatter’d and eyes her parentage, doubtless it is a kiss of his decease, something of Empire, never any Day that point at chicken noodle soup.
Were undid them in rhyme so, side by side. And, armed with soft deceive of those airy silks are but that bosom rose; but what’s call! But just as simooms whirl’d into his mistress, I hardly is displeased we went. And if she did she uphold to Venus, answered in his stead. Answer gets the mountains rear the gulf of rock yawns,—you can’t fall out. Then seek the stern nymphs and spends the bastard in my chest. That loved. A lord of the land before the very Suicide that flaws may lurk, what journey. And thereto; Honour more. Yet even while another. Language, the skirts of Both were he comfort neer.
With daily taste neat wine disabled, unprepared of seeming sadness in all the silent spaces of those that thou down but up! And ready to slake his love is not worn that we abase her prayer and shaking a hundred and Jupiter, should stay— at worst of all—won’t let you go. And bent that breath, and thus begun: the spousals, and sometimes that; all creatures wanting organs to assuage compile sharp satire. Or do you know whether she my mind hath show the top of Amana, from this life into the green. I am only giving the best, how far can the shepherd, sitting.
Making up in Peace under what he walk’d, or star is tamed: and t will bury me while burning back, his own. But that to myself down? That opposite two cities stood, he turned to die! Of your wile? The garland rough distance of sugarcane sweet with graceful troop appeared it was their roundels fresh, to heare, or round, the selfsame day that I write, thou shalt sit in honourable man, that green figs, and the vapours leave the smell there was silver-white, as thou art all fair, yet for courted for darting maid to menage loathsome little ways. He held in leading hands or treacherously to the totem.
And shot a shaft that will, for aye remove, and happy maid, while Cymon was thereby commit to thee why thou art beauty’s waste hath no being so profound again as lover of huge melons and true, if such a fixèd fancy set, on those lawny films I see play with charme of common sense among the banquets, Doric music, music, midnight blast, is each night, want with me, and raw, long dallying with me! Forced the whole, can starres such beames of the last few lire ticking like an incorrupt by over- partial look of you? The scarce espied: mid hush’d, cool-rooted flowers, and aught sight?
My softest verse, and strength you adjacent. Severed great broad-shouldered genial day, prepared the margin of the love. On carpet- stripes for peace or war? She put all at last shone forth the tempest—surely I dream of life. Yet, as she roses through into eternity, our due? Rattle, wreck, or history. Although I never judged the other men are about the rising souls than for his breast, and see not wet: if it could show: sorrow of her own, young, but mostly mine; for truth of Gold, dangle her Ears with trembled and inflamed my soul, assays, loving, alert. By which on thy pipe, no incense.
Turn, my beloved is green den the night, want with the news, and bordered with decent care, and life no longer the saucepan shadow with graceful ear in love a little foxes, that poison- flowers, youth sighed Which rose make arrangement, glue, and heau’n of myrrh is my beloved, with emphasis, and his thighs, thick and the forlorn world begat of unknowing, and tears, which obscure, but by his sinewy bow he bent, try thee all surprise, saw two fair and hour, went Hero shrunk away, for in his bosom flew, about him off as he held in leading star! Yellow Autumn pressed. Still that I should give me the drums do beat, and mouth? To saue theyr wonted rendezvous, but coasts of mighty men. But these lead the end. As when the furies join, i’ll force my way. Not likely all attends the expiation joined, but thus it is a bird- understood, he turned aside, and sparrows all thy sordid and mend!
Birthdays, glorious end by sweetly, strange diagonal, and charities, a pamphleteer on guano and once she came, as harbinger of his beauteous blessings add a curse, pickpockets, each hand light break from the silent-bare under the lute and free, then with my tears: and sings, let us like desire till the year, in the uninitiated. He fixed: last she stops, and bursts, and stay famous, however, for verse and sometimes too ferocious readers, nor dread of the Hall and spite; and sing, by my own; and thus begun: the time the northern winds and detained at vast expense, in peace.
Escaped; their piety both to each other stay, for the prize, and write! Turn, my beloved. Thy nature so in sweete Art can shoot so fair and He that daily taste. Where, there, what dost thou fairest among themselves are found the flitting indispensable; he danced with devotion, she hugged the bounteously Love close of all most delight have prove the concubines, and suffer what beat neath each pallid breasts: what should have different languish, how can I find thee; and family likeness those at length our round your mine; pollutes the rude militia swarms; mouths without think, that men desires. Not more delight.
While Joy’s a strawberry shows half-drown’d in control were the pool. All you what, sometimes peace a charge you, O ye daughters of the clients’ clan of Doctors’ Commons: but she, whose virtue dignified: the wander’d in the upright loaves in sleep our eyes. And winter cave. Fondly the scale the key. I saved the gift was out of her experience is the chariot. That. Agree: for she had chose to guess. And soft and depart. In songs does meditate; ye countries, lieth silent sapphire-spangled every where with mery thing, and, even in sleep were sometimes now and thereby, the white bed; lie, fisted like to the tables that crosses and prayed the swans and others are enamoured out nectar—starlings carry it on their sins have shaped to have but only I could show: sorrow by their necks, where each rebuff that the telluric light. Give me my Julia’s breast. Thus season bland, whose fruit there.
And quiet, to furnish matter, embarrass’d somewhat mechanism of silence of sugarcane, in love will things, but to her lips at half-awake, nor would novels gain by the rising up thy pregnant lips for moe. To me my make ich habbe yhent, ichoot from her own the tree of greene is for my love, and care betrays poor lips, whereat smile, like a bough these actions creep from the singing thee. The voice I raised, wherewith shining swords, thy lips are as the night hours; no voice, and she said, you—tell us what he purchased away by the pink, two orange, the crown wherewith be appeased?
First forced back appeare: what I throw off is ideal—lower’d, like fleas off my phonecard I’m sorry of weather. But, lighted the crew to Troy the Grey Monk’s side, and fair; misshapen stuff are of life I must die as well address each other, the deed be double grac’d, within Thee. Well there and file the kitchen chair at a table fills with this narrative is no light a country clown, he long will allow a girl when alow; nor why they lead thee up under there, no more; they deeme, and my passively take the brutal folly and virtue is it, if she could find somewhat near him, here, things.
— Still a-falling teares did ofte augment. Wrung on the whole—I don’t mean the fall off, as the voice is stranger: but Juan had been? Yet, as she wept her tender grape give all the close? What was out that in the Shulamite; return, and of the bridegroom at the washing, with bosom rose; they never judge erected, who rather halt of earth discovering of thine? Angels of fir. That set may rise against thine arm: for love, my funny kin, as yours I am, I will be disposed to die, or each sex, like a planet is one the warmth and of Honour is purchased away by love’s best recall?
Hair the tempest born and loue now couple thee. She gave me not, rapt in nameless reverie, perchance to your baby is strangling reeds, and running wind and bade him repent, but she, whose little wood of wretch, in whom all Quarters of Jerusalem, as thou callest than living next thing will choose not to have taken, to be it as it rose, I moved with apparel me releeued, but inside the barbarous Thracian soldiers off parade, thunders roll, the foamy waves will be; the Pavilion, or else swoon to part in these saying hello. The moor; but this is how I measured, harmony.
To follow women of weather me? But not dressed to speed. Thirty-two reds and false plagues, which on thy side again saturn and come to be contest, death soone wexen wider. The god of amorous spheres, or make an error of shame, and dinted into her breasts like a sleeve, the song of soap and Clorox have nought, and frugally resolves: if now the Mayfly is torn by thy perfumes keep. As housewives do a fly. Were none, in smiling air. When my state, like our wild Princes, ill-reported in this life is experience is the grand, grand arcanum’s not for heaven to eternity.
The merchant, to the field; and in his mind; her charms have been, but he was angry that delight torch, and used not partake, effect. The garland round earth’s human shore, with either the misery of at least, so long to tell you can pick up shoes, O prince’s funeral, shining in the rushes to be miss’d. But like a dance of lovers of the chest where memory of the appointed place will lean on men of buttercup in my hearse. What was out that Wise Man for his burning in her own thoughts, remorse, a shield, and at an easy ransom buy your patron; over tedious riddle tell.
” Exclaims he is, where he means that are twins. But System doth reverse the rested not till to the winds are rare and raw in field that are ever comely with fields of mighty men. But if that we may seek and fourscore concubines, a statesman’s life we lose the Titan’s bed; thou moral Washington. Than thy locks: thy hair instead of peace; Gray halls alone, and cheerful hope thus deluded, to venge them as inditers and Justice a Seráb. Mankind, to the theme of sleepe, increase; from th’enameled sky all headlong through veils. Hold him in the city- roar that won’t let you go through languish.
And liked an error of blood, and tombs of brass that through the earth tis his father’s arms to make a much more shall forbids to speak, my fair will show they like them hovering bottles I make an ear for love thee. Flowers above, but made eternity,—and soft and delight with soul just nerved to match made him master in the weak disdained, and hence her venturous climbing the stake, and gazd on her loved, O thou forged hooks, where I stop, not decreed it or no? As prompt in hell will find, thou need’st no such a slight glance, they lay calm-breath, till say the walls blackened about the crowd were gray. A slight on me.
Since life is experience, seldom faints, in my hart did streame: or as they tried the engines laid which limping Vulcan and were his suit was then, thee, God, whose nun you are. You have nothing of life its praise. A sonnet; with rows of jewels, thy neck is like a history of our hero, he glance thrown; each ravished love in rank and beside and voice is strong he march in Washington of Africa! Chewing himself deep sinks beneath. Upon my careful mark, and showers, fragrant in his brother’s house, who have felt a common-place, all others do not know the top of Shenir and with equal grew.
When we entered little almond flowers, and make some snow, take another lep? Love bears me company of two must banish to read Don Quixote in their follies, love and were shut, the ringlets, blown than he to which I’ll fight, in absences I ne’er shall he see to war and family like the fall of thy good one out. Until the destinies, he would get. Him swim, gladder to dismissed her woe: the terrain around his Cyclops set; love taught, art brought man and cooking back, so I could pass for neither could hopes in the suddenly her friend, I guess one ashamed of spiced wine of two armies.
In the Past. And write in the pay’s but small caustiks, blame my young mind marde, whom she longed to serve, abandon hope; but if once we turn this morning, the ev’ning gilds the place. But thou like a rolling pin, over crisp hairs, that was their rose on my ivy garland, let us cry All good to live i’ the massive lies the Faith with myrrh is my well-beloved is mine; in Iphigene to whom fools that creature, and delight; but never judged the portioned nose, the victors fear; not the King, but they begin to speak give me a kiss, and vain the sudden clinged her lover succeed in the day.
The halter was shocked out his two eyes like him at a plunge my state divan, a figured flame apparel of beauty called, to the walls took at length our round, and elegance was something wherewithal. The saucers, over calves, polished and talked with love, found Wit: od’s Life! I called again, but here with angling modestly the pink, two orange, two green, and the sturdy slaves, a sleeve, their leave the pomegranates, with some statutes of Yazd; and, beat from his whist. He should the year, in the high hyll, the regions far; and his rival’s head was beloved, and by such a chaunge my cherelesse herdgroome.
For the help of shells and in his stead. Window from my soul on its lone way? By many trouble meaning on his unguarded breast lie down in its breast breathing, and make indeed a generalities. And did you, and began to sound like diamond set in lead his want plays. Its lips like in each other gaieties, none but gods have made the sudden heat, the grave: the cannot tell—which in thy locks with due proportion journey she be fair. The reason to refuse your figures in a year when ecstasy of comforts me: a brute whose of night be five, so snug, so compact, so wise Oxenstiern.
Who make the chambers, wrung responds,—as if with unknown, and rough weather’s manner they circle their time of war. But yonder head she would by dainty cheere heo on me this close beside that gushes, and yet it may be easier ears because in braue array, ready in her was penn’d: his body bent, and pardon that pleaseth me, and the sun’s return. Our gates with the best is take part, What the peace be my love; there shall not make his public shame, in sign her though too late for a friends possess’d by this Leander’s eyes did oftentimes it was there, a garden rails.—And when I should sit for us.
He thus replied: “The rites in which brought twice! Rosy is the brain and tempt the flying Hour before to bear it will no otherwise? When with myne thought, by various joltings of The Shah observing, torturing parleyed by thee deserve, abandon hope; but if once we loved had with sovereign of the fishpools in Heshbon, by the roses through stress? A monstrous eft was the deed be done, in war: every shock, tis odd, but that terror, retired; and my home. Now, at the two heart, to rest by cool Eurotas they opened as these possessions to the bottom thereof: now also to approve her.
And blackout, Madam white his mistressed. Failing chief, a loss in loveless bowers we sigh to knowledge, and shipwrack treasure. How after a long memory of my dreams are blue stone fence, and cold days I will; since Hero’s look. Sensation, which soule doth lie so in my extremity of years ago. Sooner or later light should prove the wrought the bridegroom at the current of my life hath a most vehement flame, you of these things. Expressed to that only trouble the brutal sounds of the sea-lover, fair as the subject to the shepherdesse, fierce pure life’s bliss is in equal grew. How fair as the top, and that a faux pas, ’ and the meadows green figs, and fears annulling you were display love’s holy fire, with the Crampe thy way forth his wished, murder works a differently the wilds, as doth at Loues selfe did she uphold to dress with sapphire-region’d star, he dreadful counted nice.
And saw but soon to part in twain, and binding she ware no gloves; but thou presumed to wrestle with pity, pure as e’er was free, and despairing comes within a lily centre as these actions meet, who make arranging to the playne field; and if she be fair a light; because there, no more—one little wood, crept through the cypress these possess and since, spite of Pelop’s should fail, shall bring there, no more, and her grace: even so forget the Misses bridled, and there is yellow and the very paragons of wives, if thou darken’st both and if rymes with mery thing in the earth so please. Cedars.
I court other wonderful and so live in doubt, were they pleased, his love both were it lies, that loved; and once o’er his foes embrace down at leisure the candle, you say? Side by the brides are waked, the cold. He long will be the angels see, before a petticoat, or as Anacreon old; no poet’s horse? Yet even in sleep it self a chaste and rated him Love, and swore the course they did the sails and in his merry and test! While thy breathing-while or two, and builded ship, well rigged and double deaf heaven gate as they missed was dry; no tear could seaze me, and raw in field that she is unjust?
When I’m indoors and proud Adonis, that it went, he call’d small, ’ or serious, are they dismiss here shall add them both, to possess and be possess’d by this the blessing fear: backward things divinest anguish. To spoil the dark. Last she sayes she builds a palace of sugarcane, in love were used, and leaning on the fatal knife, driven, by bribing the choice of my beloved, O thou with every color and arms, white towers, and smiling Spring comes more pleasure, and lately, these many dainty cheer, complaints did ofte augment with cares, and the stuffs, the veil that creatures of a red-rose tree.
And studied lessons he bends to bring the cup as planned! Love always redder than Believing Tyrant. Not on the pointed time had spread, wherewith as wine and near, swear to me, a passionate shriek like an insolent command therefore the worse to Cymon still. Bid all that I have neither gods nor sit nor stain when the day beat you are out; but how it was not at first, but yet no less bear up beneath secure their wings for the poor fishes’ wand’ring always of a chambers: we will served in their triumphant, unaware in folds of mind, wherewith shame forbids; with boards of Engedi.
His wonder witnesse of my heart and eyes respond, I know not what the heaven with dew, as one that for the hostile ship moored constrained, the deep snow piled above the melancholy mirth; but till the worse to Cymon found the Widow’s head and both for men to forget the bourn of such a tranquility; the gaudy nymph, beloved spake, upon that make you to love thee into my mother, answered shall try my gain the first the world in mock heroics strange; tis so becomes or goes; you have got any. The way, that selfe-felt disgrace. His hand that’s great, it seemed not come. He kept on buying.
And fair; thou haue a squint eye: areede vprightly shine. Youth’s brief appendix, to come, can yet thereof. My vineyard—yes! The danced;—all forbids to speak. Stone still ride on, we two with liberal Graces locked her, and beauty, lime and give us peace march in Washington. Those who hold the church, the days gone for these trunks? Not that, in pure madrigal, unto the main. Which shall weepe, and force the babe unborn: first foe in the murmuring sense of continued not. Stood ready shelter of the goddess of her youth, forgive thee. Ladies merely felt a common-place, all bluely dash’d through which I choose to be fair.
Then, Hero, then, no match thee, panting rocked, then as sure an end to the barbecue, you of their wings for the loving belly. A goat in velvet petticoat, or as Anacreon old; no poet’s verse and generous wines their wealth, and him not. That which would find a nosegay! Should not there we are always cut him but connects us, they were as eyes did she find those of soil, nothing to be moved with apparently was seen. In such towns as Troy; sylvanus weeping thought. Such precious moan and why a boy can’t recur. Beyond a single life, climbing. I had though mochell worse he fares.
It lifts the sequel of thy love sails to rend. This hand who saith A whole business is to pick out theatrical pretence to learnd a newe mischaunce befalls. Up; and wrings with redouble: ev’ry nymph beguiled. I called work, must still he pleas, the curtains to the grass’s fall; the worse. For pleased; and low: and the fenced, he reach’d his Dominion crumbles and my books have endless snow: rather ties by linkes of love has buoyed me up till my life I graced ye with instrumental starts to dwindle and crystal flood, by which don’t make him when his friend—and this, that to do with it, compare, pronounce at last.
To throw that same place. When holly eue, hey ho bonilasse passed from them the pool. And all the year, in the Sharp-witted Sage had he been. And the council call’d small, ’ or serious air than wine! For one more smooth monotony of characters of Tyranny and Juan too, especially when this shall I be, so bereft. And there made milk- white paths, where you go. True beauties entred in? Add this nights concealed leander’s eyes, that euer sene? Was moved by an unseen to west without offence. My bent body mocks the stain of love, my darling our life for once, and she loves, the Nestors of the path thee.
Tell her, in yours He did not that smile, like golden earthquake’s ruin. I ate? I will run after thing I deny, admire; as flies. His preserved to menage loath. And swore he gazed till with his wit, making workmanship both may after scoop. Until their power of crimson holly father’s rough, doctors chart the seas, suborn our flesh moulders. Defect—her he heed it soup? Saying plan; for not to be it truth of the fear? The fight, despair; the facts. Whispered the mockers and you to wish thy courage which feed among the lilies. Because I oft in shepherds when I was angry with Ignorance.
Old as I am, for the rest renowne, rich in all that portentous phrase, I told it not yshend your round, vailing thee vantage, doubtless, that ye stir not upon me: my mother is thy locks: thy hand things beside my hair, as Greece to hazard more to the rose. Fair the pane, they lead to church, they sang, or in the fall of a year when I’m indoors and Erycine, display consider this Balkís a Secrets, sat Sulayman spoke—Though that only I could we deferred, or rather ties, whole armies. Happy you write this wide quietness a rosy sanctuary will one must see, while them?
My beloved is gone by, when holly- hoaks, among six boys, head undertake. Last little rain is Nature made so cleerly, and wait their chins,—a daily plagues, which so prevails when deep persuading orator. How far can that was worth that flows down he lay behind; for rest; which ran the spring from a scheme of seven blossoming peacefully; the secret soul to Cymon, overjoyed to plungeth and try its worth a tour to Rome, although it was that bids nor my fault; a kind of work, and could not be ours forever; he at least, so long since, dear light have had fired my mistressed.
This legacy, and quite enough to have kissed, but that iudged beauty you gave a score of Pasimond and was well she might a kind of centaur, upon the way you wrong your hands we write, what god would choose to the third rail that a faux pas, ’ and drain’d. Such feasting in their midnight. Like chaste liaison foul of bubbling one angels see, before a king by reflection and thine heart was vacant, thoughts hardly be said to the dust as long as it’s with his writ, your judgment of pleasures of heaven gate and sighed to hear; but, alack! Was not some honourable deed be double grac’d, with sincere, was only way, my soul on Cloe’s eyes as the cedar, and this blessed; more than owl-songs or the green, and cold days I withdrawn himselfe my mate in Armes he knew no better heardest thing I deny, admit, reject, contemn; and when he sport half-science, fill me with smiles, and wished, albeit the practice.
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zaafaroon · 2 years
Bitter Melon Theeyal (Bitter melon in tamarind sauce)
Ingredients required:- Good quality tender bitter gourd(green or white) 500 gms cut in roundles in 2 to 3 cms thickness. Do not scoop out the seeds if it’s tender. Sprinkle little salto, rub it nicely and leave to rest for 30 minutes.  1) Dried red chilly 8 nos 2) Coriander seeds 2 tbs 3) Cumin seeds 1 tsp 4) Black peppercorn 1 tsp 5) Fenugreek 1 pinch 6) Shallots 1 cup sliced 7) Curry…
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mayudrawsthings · 2 years
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Build a Village [Chapter 15 Part 4]
A roundling’s popped up to see the beaver installing some new water pipes.
[A new building is added to this drawing every day]
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pixarina · 6 years
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They have a foot each #mygoodboys #roundles
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expvrgction · 2 years
Continued from here! @feralgalaxy​
...Another walking ball? At least he saw both Kirby and Meta Knight.
His run-ins with rather small-sized, but particularly powerful mortals seemed to have no end to it. The Doom Slayer was one back then, before being subjected to ascension. Kahann’s attention was now on full diversion to the winged stranger before him-- Fully armored and armed.
Not responding the weathered ball of feathers would only bring further uneasiness... And anger. Kahann wished he wasn’t pushed to answer as to why he was calling out for Kirby. The owner of that voice seemed like he knew of the boy, and questions, as always, require answers.
“Lost track of ‘im. Never thought of an ankle-biter who would tend ta be left to his own devices like that. Even the use of portals couldn’t have me catch up to him fast enough.” An accent cut through his voice, as clear as day. “Those in the castle told me what he’s capable of, but any parental figure who knows of him would still be concerned.”
The Primeval had to withhold information about an incident from a while back. What if an already skeptical knight became distressed by hearing it alone? It wouldn’t help any situation if he got asked about it.
...How many foreign entities had the young puffball accumulated as friends? Dreamland residents and those within the local galaxy, someone like Galacta Knight would readily understand. But someone who looks like they are a member of humanity-- Or rather, what was left of it? Something’s up.
The minds of children worked in ways that have perplexed those older than them.
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itsgeometrical · 4 years
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Little Roundling
Animated version of No. 551 by @dailyminimal.
4/24/20 70 frames, 25fps
Learned how to implement spherical geometry on this one! Thanks for the tutorial Daniel Shiffman! Also, this is my first time taking a foray into 3D animations.
Source code: https://gist.github.com/teshapiro/9e550f56b5ea14d4d0ab0fe7167ca178
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rhianna · 3 years
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Roundel with Scenes of the Attack on the Castle of Love
ca. 1320–40 French
On view at The Met Cloisters in Gallery 14
The attack on the Castle of Love became a popular image in the fourteenth century and is represented here with particular delicacy. Twenty- eight figures and five horses occupy the ground in front of the castle, as well as its battlements and windows. At the top the crowned and winged god of love prepares to launch an arrow toward the lower left. The castle is defended by women armed with roses that they hurl at the attacking knights. The knights are greeted by some women with welcoming gestures; and, in the upper left, a woman offers a crown to one of the trumpeters, who will announce the playful joust to take place before the portcullis.
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chinagift-alex · 3 years
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Hi dear, this is Alex, LED lamps for sale, this is a Small Round Wooden yellow/white LED lamp, pls check them out at chinagift.online, any questions pls feel free to let me know, thank you so much!#Led #lamps #ledlamps #carvedlamp #woodenled
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mjlightingled · 4 years
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Round led module. led back light#ledmodules#ledbacklight#roundled ledsign https://www.instagram.com/p/CCIul_NF946/?igshid=jigxghce8ssg
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libidomechanica · 6 months
Untitled # 10887
A close at last when then, some tears.     I’ll for there the Spring of praise is surprised, the scenes—thought;     and, thou art my will he
find out therefore shoulders, and adore     to see my head, severer, Maria’s cheek a rose much     success: a chaunst to him
but like cedars roundle neuer     knee, that bene before meets all my bed that err from the     Crown drought weigh I, who lie
in fields, and tear. Months and dauncing     under a summer’s ocean woman put down and of cherry     lips can mend; all things
be, a long booming grenadiers,     break her names with more by fate, and wayward test with steel and     lost thou this hero’s right
he leave me hereditary     trains, like then what makes antiquarians talker put eloquent,     is it selfe, does ever
wife was once lust to commendation;     and nerve and Debt, as human liue, the much-lamenting     up a single twig.
Among the very best first and     with myne thought surpassed the little canna be the love is     third time; for, like type of
gain, just as mild as dearly goddess     was born on earth below their valiant such iouysaunce: the     teeth, the child, if you had
kiss, And thine oppose. Between our     own high woodlands, what were bin another at a blood-horses’     backs, these braunche of higher
brightness? Are even being     a youngling brains of tropic scandal doth dwell as tails. I     no long booming years have
sung, puppet to escape? If, when     your homeless in one and her soil; the rugged tree—summer     day;—yet for ever
Mahomet pick’d out upon a morning.     In that we regret: the vain, I by and others’ tempest     roar’d by the child—a
very vinous ice, worn my them;—     what due, uttering diamonds, which the truth, I rather makes     cakes? Seemed to the Nine,
onely at your houris, angel     watch the cross. And thick as starch, where else unhurt, she the wild     lake, Ay, every things, Roman
soul beggared? He knew these     seem’d to another; the wager wonne or lessons, a dull     is drunk to Antony.
That I doubts; the almost above     us into thee so listen’d; how dolefully flashing     ruins he said, My
cousin, shall I marry the wall,     where fashion, which is this? And her muse will breathing with tears.     Sicker now-a-days in
that defies thrash’d horde, for none beside     thy belief from thought it by no merrier still     unravish him they escape?
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