#roupgaruke as death
tiktaaliker · 2 years
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anywayz im not going to be ACTUALLY doing this for a while but. this is what started my oooooh oc tarot card thoughts and ideas. gazer/rasputin as the tower....
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mortallycoiled · 1 year
lmao i'm just picturing boghast all "get out of my swamp!!" a la shrek but little do they know... killing them will make them all stick around forever... hehehe
YEAH ok so. ive always pictured boghast as more animal-like in terms of motivations and such. like i havent decided for sure but ive always pictured bo as not ever speaking but i digress
in terms of 'why the hell does he do that if it doesn't solve the problem of there being Guys in his bog' is that it actually DOES solve the problem in a way. the Big Issue with the haunted cranberry bog is that there's WAY too much unwound magical energy concentrated in there (and yes i do have a draft fully explaining mortally coiled's magic system in the works its just taking 3 billion years to properly document)
so when someone is killed and revived in the bog, some of this "unwound" magic is used up (settled, more accurately- like i said, full magic system explanation coming soon). so very very very slowly all the unstable magic is being stabilized- it's not very efficient, considering the unwound magic is ABSURDLY potent, so only a teeny tiny minuscule amount is used up in this process
but also. i think that boghast might not even realize that the ghosts and revenants that pop up after he kills an interloper are The Same Guys he killed. there's almost always some sort of delay between the death and the resurrection, and a lot of the time the souls get kind of... jumbled. the vast majority of the time the person is revived as a sort of "wisp," very small and only slightly sentient because most of the stuff that made up their soul ends up getting reincorporated into The Cycle, and only a small bit that got caught in the bog's magic gets resurrected. Blacktar, Roupgaruke, and Lungfish are all very rare exceptions, all remaining relatively "whole" compared to the others due to unusual circumstances at their times of death (which ill probably elaborate on further)
but like yeah i think boghast has some concept of these being directly BECAUSE he's killed guys but the ghosts and revanants are Natural Parts of the bog and the interlopers are Bad and Unwelcome and they are completely different things and not at all made up of the same people
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tiktaaliker · 2 months
man i reallllllyyyy want to animate some shit after artfight is over but im indecisive and also have fifty billion projects i want to do so. im oursourcing my decision making. Choose for me.
extra info:
-my computer has the most work already done, but will need significant parts changed or redone completely because its a little janky + all the progess on it was done over a year ago. its also the shortest, since id only be animating the chorus, and is the least plot-driven out of these by far
-the only one other than my computer with any work done at all so far is everything is wrong, which has a storyboard partially done. Would follow Gazer being taken in by rasputin, being made a dragon, and eventually killing rasputin
-i'm going to heaven would be playing fast and loose with mortally coiled canon, and imo has the potential to be the most experimental/visually striking of these. would follow Brutus becoming a demon via the Novice and his subsequent failure to get revenge for his friend's death
-texaco would probably be the least taxing animation wise (id probably go for more limited animation), but would also require a lot more planning in terms of character design, blocking, etc than any of the other ones here. Would follow a pre-death Roupgaruke as they kill a man, take someone hostage, and then they flee into the bog that kills you (which kills them)
-out of all of these, leopard will take the most work to get done by far, and would also be the longest animation out of the bunch. the plan is for each section of the song to follow each cycle/era/plot point of mortally coiled, with each section being self-contained, so id at least be able to tackle it in chunks. would follow literally the entire plot of mortally coiled from the start of the universe to the end
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tiktaaliker · 3 months
at work i get a lottttt of time to just think about shit so. heres some new mortally coiled development
originally, the plan was to have Brutus's friend (name pending) who would become part of Sanctuary die in an accident/natural disaster; specifically building collapses on them. The same event would gravely injure Brutus hence why the Novice offers to save his life by turning Brutus into a demon. HOWEVER, ive been thinking that i want someone to be Directly Responsible for the friend's death. currently debating between having it be pre-bog Blacktar to tie him back into cycle 3 OR having it be pre-fallen Hellkite and Kakisto operating under direct orders from Judge. in the latter case H+K wouldnt be the actual ones killing them, instead it would be like. A random guy who's already a complete scumbag and murderer they manipulate into the situation to eventually result in the guy's death, but Brutus + his friend are caught in the crossfire. im kiiiinda leaning more into the latter because it links the two subgroups of cycle 3 together nicely, by having brutus + the duo's breaking points be the Same Event
but in THAT case i still have no fucking clue what i'll be doing with blacktar. His only role rn is to chill in the swamp and be the guy who kills half of roupgaruke. but like honestlyyyy maybe thats a good thing. Maybe blacktar can be like a warning to roupgaruke and lungfish that this is what they could end up being if they lose themselves entirely. Blacktar is a pile of sludge who gave himself over entirely to The Bog to the point where hes kinda dissolving into it.
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tiktaaliker · 11 months
list of my OCS with alternative designs/forms I need to design still:
-fane (stealth mode + guardian of rest-no-longer) -sar'kai (noxa krov) -nil (post-death) -null (petrified + post-unpetrification) -rasputin + gazer (pre-dragon) -doc deadly (unmodified) -sidequest (physical UI) -talos + lockjaw (post-escape) -kakisto + hellkite (full angel) -brutus (pre-demon) -blacktar + lungfish (pre-bog) -roupgaruke (pre-bog + mirage) -kakisto (mortal form) -bailey (post-undeath) -roach (full corruption) -sun (wouldn't you like to know weather boy)
ocs that don't even have a design yet:
-the archetype four -panik -tancy + mentha (rasputin's guards/direct underlings - aquuid + insectid, respectively) -the dead uglies -sanctuary (mortal + mooncat) -the construct mage + their constructs -enthalpy (sundog) -rhel (eternal) -kish (just some guy) -a whole smorgasbord of misc sundogs/mooncats
oc alternative form i will never design ever:
-novice (pre-undoing)
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