#rover is here!
fukiana · 27 days
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WUTHERING WAVES (2024) dev. Kuro Games
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dianagj-art · 1 year
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Context? I don't know her
cast and crew 👇
Trainee/TD Leo @s0fti3w1tch
Red/RR Leo @red-rover-au
BB Leo @trubblegumm
Green/TN Leo @y0unginhumans
LM Leo @daedelweiss
One/1D/EMD Leo @teaableu @3lectricinsomnia
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prettyvixenavenue · 2 years
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new obsession: baby pink cars
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courfeyrec · 3 days
i shouldn't be 'sja is totally relevant' truthing bc i'll probably be disappointed but. trickster namedrop. and bonus person in black cloak who points dramatically at something. big bad was first (and last) seen when sarah jane was the doctor's companion AND they were shown stopping mars rovers from finding the pyramids in sja. curse of clyde langer/73 yards parallels ofc. not totally a link but children being a part of the alien fight? sounds familar. a time window? yeah the one in sja was totally different but i was waiting for the shopkeeper to turn up and click his fingers.
rtd i am on my knees here pLEASE
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roses-fallen · 22 days
it's the voices telling me to draw them not me
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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ascanio and louis xii
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Milan Undone, Contested Sovereignties in the Italian Wars, John Gagné
extremely bold of louis xii to assume that ascanio, who has a reputation for conspiracy, wouldn't turn around and say 'fuck you,' after all of that™
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it IS funny how men in power keep thinking they can put him on a leash like, pal. the odds are NOT in your favor
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gyroidroves · 8 months
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Deep Cut watching a scary movie for a "draw this in your style" challenge I'm hosting over on twitter! However if you all want to praticipate here I'm not complaining... LOL
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red-rover-au · 1 year
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shiftdrawwing · 1 year
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He does
(This Dee belongs to @red-rover-au go read Red Rover Red Rover Send My Brothers On Over uvu)
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lunaetis · 5 days
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─「银月」─  " you're hurt. let me have a look. "
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verdemoth · 9 months
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i’ve posted this set of guys together in a lineup but i never got around to sharing more about them individually, so i’m gonna do that!
Tune here is an original member of the EEG, one of the first researchers approached by Sojourner and Pathfinder, the founders, back when the whole operation was just some barely funded passion project, and the properties of the Otherworld were poorly understood. She was a team leader for decades up until he met a tragic demise on what should have been a routine mission. He’s since been declared M.I.A. (in truth she Stayed Alive Wrong)
-> Tune and Odyssey were queerplatonic partners. They met each other in their school years and hit it off quickly. They signed on with the project as a package deal and for years they were a team of two and both set out for field research and exploration, but following an Incident that injured them both, Odyssey left the field for a different role and the various teams were consolidated into one unit for safety reasons. As a precaution, future expeditions would need at least three active participants.
-> Tune was very confident and self-assured, and naturally fell into a leadership role within the new system. He had a knack for assessing and utilizing the strengths of her teammates and encouraging teamwork and communication.
-> In the early days they were quite cocky and perhaps a bit too reckless, but the decades of her employment with the EEG mellowed her out somewhat. What really drew her to the initial job offer was the thrill of adventuring in uncharted lands full of unknown dangers.
-> In general, Opportunity tended to prioritize the pursuit of knowledge above his own safety, though being in charge of a team who depended on her for their own well-being helped to balance out this impulse.
-> In that early incident, Tune received a concussion that had lasting effects in the form of frequent migraines and insomnia. She wasn’t very vocal about her struggles, and he was more inclined to push through the pain than slow down and wait for it to pass.
-> Age didn’t temper her active lifestyle, either. As she neared her 50s they were still up to shit like free climbing vertical cliffs to get a good vantage point (and for the fun of it).
-> She was up to just that, on a mission with her sibling Spirit and friend Curiosity when a terrible, unnatural storm hit without warning. The Otherworld had always been a turbulent place, the landscape and climate always changing, but the team’s experience and technology should have been enough to sense the shift coming, but it caught them unawares.
-> Tune and his two teammates lost contact with mission control and each other for more than an hour. When the storm cleared, Curiosity and Spirit and the two constructs accompanying them were all recovered, but no trace of Opportunity could be found. Reluctantly, the team came to the decision to abandon the search.
-> Opportunity still exists, in some form. They haven’t had a run in with her old team in the few years since her disappearance. Mentally she’s not all there, retaining only their instincts and basic desires. He’s generally passive, but whatever the storm did to him left them with a connection to the shifting terrain of the Otherworld, which responds to their presence and volatile feelings. She’s usually surrounded by a storm like the one that changed her. He wants to be found, but… if she encountered and recognized her team, it’s likely he would seek to drive them out with force in a misguided attempt to protect them from the Otherworld’s many hazards.
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lizardzap · 3 months
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40 billion hours of suffering later i figured out how to draw their arms
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thinkin about how clever that parentheses placing is in So Much (For) Stardust. at first i thought it was random and just a cheesy gag about how they use parentheses in song titles. and then it hit me after listening a few times... yeahno the placing was intentional.
so these definitions of stardust make it all make sense
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essentially just. as we know, with the thematic elements of the album being very depressing but with flashy instrumentals. there is this shimmer in existentialism, in nihilism. to me at least, it gives the vibe of trying your hardest to make the most of it all and get yourself out of the hardest times of your life. its you having one foot out the door but still struggling to hang on, trying so hard to not fall back apart. things are better now, but there is still so much shit you're dealing with, and all you can do is try to keep things that way. so much for stardust. so much for that wonderful feeling of getting better and being in a good headspace, because you feel yourself crashing back down at times.
but that for isn't just there in a solid, bleak way. its in parentheses. its an add-on, an aside. its something that you can skip over, that isn't always the case. and when you do skip that word, what do you get?
So Much Stardust.
there is so much love, so much joy, so much happiness in this life that is left to befall you. there are things in this life that make it worth living. and you are actually in a better place, no matter how hard things can be sometimes.
additionally, in the context of FOB specifically, its a double entendre because it also is about who they are and who they used to be and how the world treats/perceives them as the stars that they are. there's a lot of bittersweetness about being in that position, because you're changing people's lives, but also breaking people's hearts and making them angry with you.
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gabbingwaves · 10 days
Spoilers under the cut but GUYS. GUYS. Do NOT skip through the "Wait for Godo" quest! This is for your own good!
This quest is so creepy and for WHAT
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This is a two second overworld quest! Run into a random NPC who asks you to go see about the missing guard literally one building over! Standard open world stuff! Easy peasy!
Oh, and also just go ahead and say hi to the random eldritch shadow being while you're at it. NO BIG DEAL??? (I missed capturing the first two text boxes where you casually notice a 'massive looming shadow' over the beach demanding your 'attention and submission' and this doesn't concern you at all. You get your memories back but you can't actually remember what you're remembering as you remember it. Just that of course you know these shadows. You remember how they'd dance at your command.)
And then you fight some super easy mobs and the quest just ends. There's no turn-in - the quest giver won't even talk to you. It's like it never happened in the first place.
Kuro, what the hell.
I love it.
(Also the implications of the 'I still have work to do' line. I picked '...I should wake up.' because I thought it was a better wham line if this were a book or movie or something but the implications of the second one are ruining me. That's a 'But I have miles to go before I sleep' kind of line line. That's the kind of thing you say to keep from going toward the bright light. WHAT was HAPPENING here.)
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ceoofakimizuairi · 21 days
NSFW JOKES ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Group chat likes to joke about Scar being cucked... fun shit
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Thank you wuthering waves 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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godofthestupid · 26 days
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she's going to destroy the world in the most cutesy and sparkly way possible and I'm all here for it
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