#rowan ramblss
I'm taking all of this as canon btw I hope you don't mind
Dhjdjdkdkdkdksksnbsjaososodps I DONT HAVE ENOUGH WORDS
To describe how I'm feeling right now I'm so dhdjdjdkdkdkso aaa???
There was so much in that real short little video my brain is exploding
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So Thomas posted on Instagram (the only reason I have Instagram lmao) that he got his ears peirced
Now I'm thinking: the sides with earrings?
What kind of earrings would the sides wear? Any ideas?
Aaand I've just gotten myself Something else to draw to procrastinate the thing that I need to draw...
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for the Titanic AU, because that picture broke my heart: does Virgil eventually come back in some way or another? or if he doesn't, does Roman ever move on someday far in the future?
Virgil does get to come back :)
It's very complicated, but Roman ends up in love with Janus though he's never quite moved on, and after touching the paintings Roman has done of Virgil, Virgil's ghost ends up possessing Janus and sharing his body so that they can all be together :3 we're not even talking about the entire curse arc and Remus and everything else that's happened xP
Glad to hear it broke your heart tho, it broke mine too :)))
I'm also in the midst of writing a spin off au-of-the-au fic where Virgil lives through the titanic and they both get to date Janus later >:) it's called the Virgil Lives AU AU.
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Hello! I like your art and your sides and i was wondering if your sides has specific color associations, and if so, why?
Aaah ok I kept forgetting about this and meaning to answer it dndjsks hi ok (tysm for the ask people asking me about my sides makes me dbsjsksksk EEE)
Anyway, yes they are colour co-ordinated! Most of them are the same as Thomas' honestly because I was going very heavy on the symbolism and a lot of Thomas' side colours were accurate for me too
Major differences being Hazel (anxiety) who is orange, because orange in my head is a warning colour, like traffic cones or signs! And anxiety is kinda like a warning system, so... Orange!
And Juniper (empathy) is pink, because I associate pink with love which I associate very strongly with empathy, (I also use love as a term very loosely). They represent all my strong feelings about people, things, the world, etc and pink feels soft and warm and safe!
Otherwise they're all pretty much the same reasoning as Thomas' sides haha.
Willow (Deceit) is yellow because yellow is symbolically a deceitful colour and also with my colourblindess half the time I think it's green so yellow is always tricking me (lol), Wisteria (creativity) is red because creativity is the thing I'm most passionate about (and as an aro person she also encompasses romance because it's all in stories and fantasies for me ;-;).
Elma ('logic') is dark blue, because it's a very serene and thoughtful and mysterious colour, like the bottom of the ocean. I'm not actually sure why Aspen is green it was just one of the two colours left and fit much better than purple lol. Green is a weird colour for me because it can both be very peaceful and also very bright and in your face, so... Yea, it fits haha
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Little announcement
Hey guys :/
So I haven't finished writing the next chapter of Crown Princes and Butterfly Wings, I'm not sure when exactly I will finish it. I've kinda lost motivation a little bit and my writing for it is just getting worse and worse with every chapter, so I'm going to take a (hopefully short) break.
I'm hoping to instead post something else every Sunday just to try and keep myself writing. It'll be random oneshots or stuff for my other aus :)
Saying that, I have got something else to post later today and anyone is welcome to send me prompts too!
On top of all that, if anyone wants to be tagged for my writing when I post it, please let me know! In replies/reblogs on this post or in my ask box.
Tysm to anyone who reads this <3
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I shouldn't be allowed on this website after like 1am because my brain kicks me into emotional overdrive when I get to a certain point of being tired and my capacity for saying stupid shit goes way up and my capacity for self control goes way down
The likelihood of my having a meltdown over a silly post about my favourite character goes up to like 90%
Someone yell at me if you see me up too late kay?
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My cat is basicallly pushing my off of my own bed I can't believe this.
There's all this space you could be in yet you choose the space I'm currently occupying??
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Wow I am going to fuckin die in school tomorrow.
-me posting this at 3am.
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Anyone got any SaSi doodle requests? I need something to keep me occupied
Feel free to give me anything for any of my AUs (or go ask something on my ask blog @ask-the-rowanverse )
Or just the normal sides?
Or Cat!Virgil I will very gladly draw Cat!Virgil rn if anyone wants it
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My brain is spinning in circles around mermaid bullshit
I am being shaken violently by the shoulders with this ideas for
And there's so few mer fics in this Fandom I need moreeee
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Just used the schedule feature for the first time in like ever so let's hope that works I guess
Anyway probably won't be on much for the next few days, doubt anyone would miss me but I thought I'd let y'all know anyway, have fun with the two fics I scheduled to post whilst I'm gone :)
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Anyone got any good book recs for me?
The only genres I specifically don't like are horror/thriller genres, my favourite is fantasy.
And I'd prefer it if there was a little alphabet mafia spice if you get my meaning
But yea I'm gonna ask for some books for my birthday need ideas lol
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How did you come up with names for your sides? I like them all but Wisteria is such a pretty name
Same with colors. Although I know you based colors off Sanders Sides sides, why orange for Hazel? Or pink for Juniper for example?
The names are all trees! Did this mainly because I'm Rowan, which is also a tree. Some were easier than others haha
Wisteria was named that way because A: romantic tree, and I associate creativity wth romance mostly because I'm aro but love romance in stories n stuff.
Hazel trees are associated with protection, willows with flexibility (and to me reflection and serenity and idk, it vibes), juniper symbolises healing and happiness.
I can't remember why I chose Elma and Aspen, but those two were the hardest to find trees for, lol.
Originally I was going off of colour symbolism and then realised that Thomas must have done something like that too because it mostly ended up being the same, haha.
Hazel is orange because orange is 'the warning colour' in my opinion, warning signs are orange, the cones they use to mark dangerous areas are orange etc, to me orange reads as "stay away, this is dangerous," and that's also what anxiety does, so boom, orange. Empathy is pink because pink is the colour of love and passion and feelingsy stuff, lol.
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I just realized I need to post something today, I forgot it was Sunday lol
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Is there a reason to the different hair styles you gave to each side?
Also Hazel reminds me of the orange M&M-
Kind of but also kind of not?
Hazel, Juniper and Elma have basically the same hairstyle as me (the subtle differences between them are Just Vibes)
Wisteria's hair is curly and a little longer because I like to curl my hair when I cosplay and I think I look nicer wth curled hair, it's also just fun and she's very fun.
Willow's hair is in my head very typically white girl feminine, long and straight, it still has an aspect of 'me' in the bangs, but she's the part of me that wants to be 'girly' and have long hair. She wears it in different fun hairstyles frequently.
Aspen's hair is in a spikey ponytail, it has way less meaning than the others honestly I just thought it was fun and fit her vibe lol.
Also lmao??? Is that a good thing? She's my lovely little orange m&m <3
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