poca-staks · 7 years
Hey guys. So I’m finally finished with the trailer for the Rumbelle Movie. Yayy! Please give a BIG Thank You to @crossinginstyle . She is the brains behind the whole operation and this wouldn’t be possible without her. Another special thanks to @betsypaige22 and @gwenore for all their support and encouragement. And last but not least, @desperatemurph for putting up with my ranting and screaming about the editing process and always keeping focused. Love you guys. Enjoy.
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robertmarch82 · 7 years
Belle is fed up with waking up alone after having sex with her husband.
You should read it, it´s hilarious! :-)
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ryik-the-writer · 6 years
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Rumbelle Fic: Lipstick (Chapter 7: The Breaching)
Rating: M (rating may change)
Something’s wrong with Gideon ~ Belle begins to question her husband's truthfulness. Meanwhile, another incident at school leads Gideon to make a decision.
Geez it’s been forever since I’ve updated this. I’ve missed it *kisses fic*
Special thanks to @RoyaltyLaine who took a liking to my fic to the point of nominating it in the TEA awards back in January ^-^. It meant the world to me!
The day Gideon had revealed himself to his mother had been the happiest day of his life. For years he wanted to tell her, wanted to shop for clothes and talk about girl-related things with her.
Yet his father wouldn’t allow it.
Up until he was thirteen he kept his activities in one of the guestrooms, which he would be shooed from when Belle was on the way home, there was a strict rule never to dress up when Belle was in the house. It had pained Gideon to limit his entire being into a single room, but he did because his papa told him to. Then the single room turned into a single box when Belle decided to turn the room into an expanded library.
“It’ll be alright.” His father had promised as he hurriedly packed away Gideon’s makeup and clothes.
Yes, he let Gideon dress up when he wanted to, let him experiment with makeup colors and shoes. He would even bring him garments and accessories from the auctions and yard sales he used to stock his shop. He never shamed him for what he did, never told him what he was doing was wrong.
But he never let him tell his mother.
For years, it had been enough, the deep-seated secret between father and son.
But Gideon didn’t want to be his son anymore.
He didn’t even want to be Belle’s.
He wanted to be their daughter.
Yet the next morning he hesitated as he chose out an outfit. On the right side of his bed was a pair of fitted jeans and a freshly-ironed plaid shirt. On the left were a long brown skirt and a white suit top.
His fingers itched to take the skirt, yet his eyes never looked up from the jeans.
This all felt like a bizarre dream. He was ready to come out for the world to see, but he was hesitating to put on a damn skirt.  So long he wanted to come out, to be free of the confinements of his male-hood, and yesterday he had given himself the chance.
It was hardly the mass rejection he had received from his peers that was causing his hesitation. He had been expecting that, and would have been more shocked had they accepted him immediately. Even his parents’ reactions of finding him in the principal’s office in full-makeup had stung less than he thought it would.
Perhaps it was the way Neal had watched him all day, like he wasn’t sure what he was seeing. He hadn’t told his friend that he knew of his voyeurism when he visited him yesterday. The entire school had been watching him, and Neal’s gaze had been the kindest. It was really his reaction from when Gideon had showed him his box of feminine products that had him uncertain. It wasn’t scorn or even disgust. Just uncertainty and confusion, and a strange twinge of realization that had just then settled in.
Had Neal really never noticed that he was different? Had he not seen the way he looked at other women—with that sense of jealousy and need? At the lingerie shops or the women’s section of every store they’ve ventured into?
Had he ever noticed the side-ways glances he sent his way?
Gideon shook his head, not quite ready to delve into the attraction aspect of his transformation. He needed to deal with the physical and mental aspects first.
So skirt or jeans? Boy or girl? Happiness or numbness?
His finger grazed over the skirt, an old piece his father had bought at an estate sale and then worked on to match Gideon’s size. His father was always doing that; pushing his identity into a small space but appeasing him with little things. Clothing, makeup, jewelry. Things that would make him happy for a short time.
Gideon clutched the skirt, the fabric smooth and soft in his hand.
“There are people out there who will destroy you for being different! They’ll go after you, and they’ll go after your mother! You’ve put both you and her in danger!”
He released the skirt as it had burst into flame. His father’s word’s clung to the lining of his brain, spreading farther and deeper even months later. Gideon could handle the world hating him; he recognized a long time ago that disgust from society was part of the deal.
But towards his mother…sweet, beautiful, understanding Belle Gold who looked at him like he was her entire world, could he risk her safety? Could he decide between being who he was—and between his family’s health and happiness?
He looked down at the clothes again and his decision was finalized.
“Gideon, come on honey you’re going to be late!” Belle called upstairs as she slid back to the kitchen, her pantyhose feet nearly causing her to slip as she moved across the hardwood floor.
At the stove her husband was flipping fried eggs and placing them on toast; a quick and easy breakfast for a hectic morning.
After yesterday, the entire family needed more rest. So much so that the Gold’s had slept through their respective alarms. Luckily Belle didn’t have to open the library until 9, and likewise with Reid’s shop. Still, they had been up long after their usual bedtimes deciding on a course of action, on a plan to help their son, and they wanted to discuss their idea with him.
They were both quiet as they waited for him to descend down the stairs, unsure of who exactly would be meeting them for breakfast.
Belle was uncertain of all of this. Her son liked to dress up as a woman, that much was clear when he revealed himself to them earlier that summer. Yet there was something else to all this, something was taking root in their son. It wasn’t just a fetish or a curiosity like Belle had thought it was; it was turning into a lifestyle, a need for survival.
Belle glanced at her husband who was slicing an orange to go with their breakfast. Something was different about him too. She had felt it when she had held him in her arms last night. She felt it in the tenseness of his shoulders, and saw it in the way his eyes kept looking past hers. He knew something that he wasn’t letting her in on, and it both scared and infuriated her.
When she married Reid Gold, she knew he had a past with bits of filth thrown around. He told her about most of it, and a lot of it didn’t make her stomach hurt, but it was in his past, and she was more concerned with their present and future.
Their son was part of their present and future, and thus secrets were off-limits.
She was going to find out what he knew, even if she had to beg it out of their boy.
A round of footsteps echoed through the living room, and the moment Belle Gold had both anticipated and dreaded had arrived.
When Gideon entered the kitchen he found both his parents staring at him, their expressions mixed with relief and confusion.
Gideon was clothed in the blue jeans and plaid shirt. Gender-appropriate and constricting.
“Morning, mum.” Gideon greeted, moving stiffly past her to sit at the table, avoiding his father’s eyes.
Belle stared at her son, so clean-shaven and masculine, an unusual site after seeing him in bits of femininity that had taken over his features in the past few months.
“Morning…” Belle returned, her eyes lifting to search for her husband’s. They didn’t meet her’s, but instead stayed focused on their son’s lowered head as he chewed on his toast. It felt odd, being so out of sync with him. This whole thing with Gideon had thrown them off.
She had to clear her throat to gain his attention, and blinked back tears when she nodded and they set their discussion from the night before into motion.
“Gideon, sweetheart,” Belle began, earning just a flash of his light brown eyes before they lowered to his plate again. “Your father and I were talking, and we were curious if you might be interested in…talking to someone.”
Gideon paused, a twinge of fear and uncertainty running down his spine.
“Miss Mills gave us the information of a therapist she knew.” Gold provided. “We think talking to him might help you come to terms with all of this.”
Gideon’s jaw locked. “I have come to terms with this, father.” He growled. “I know who I am.”
“Really?” Gold fought, “Then why are you dressed like that.”
Gideon’s face turned a dark purple, his nails digging into the soft wood of the kitchen table.
“Because of you, you bastard!” he screamed, jumping up and grabbing his backpack before he ran out the front door.
“Gideon!” Belle screamed after him, her desperation spiraling.
“Let him be, Belle.” Her husband soothed. “We can talk more about it when he gets home.”
Belle nodded, sinking into her husband’s loving embrace. However, she didn’t let herself become too relaxed. She still had questions for him, still had gaps of information that needed to be filled.
“Reid,” Belle began softly, turning in his arms to hesitatingly meet his eyes. “Did you and Gideon talk about any of this before?”
She watched as his pupil’s dilated and his lip twitch, his thumbs rolling in small, tight circles on her shoulders.
“Before when, dear? This morning?”
“Before he told us about his change.” Belle breathed, watching him carefully. For his credit he kept his expression passive, but the grip on her shoulders shook, his fingers fidgeting.
“I’ve known about this as long as you have.” He answered, his tone solid, unwavering.
Belle stared at him for a long moment, her heart dropping.
“Okay,” she said. “I’m going to work on a few things before I head out.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
“No, go ahead.” Belle said, keeping her tone chirpy and calm. “I’ll see you tonight.”
A moment of silence followed before he responded, and Belle didn’t move until she heard the front door open and his footsteps retreat outside of it.
Tears leaked down her cheeks as she took a shaky seat at the table, willing herself to remain calm.
For the first time during the entire duration of their marriage, Belle did not trust her husband. He knew something about their child, and it hurt her down to her core that he was keeping it from her.
Her baby was hurting, and if Belle found out her husband was part of the reason for it, there was going to be hell to pay.
“Would you stop fidgeting?” Robyn barked as she and Neal waited outside the school. “He’s going to show up, just chill.”
“He said he’d try.” Neal breathed, stretching to see the furthermost point of the street in hopes of seeing Mr. Gold’s Cadillac. “Or…she…oh my god this makes no fucking sense!”
Robyn snorted, rolling her chair back and forth. She couldn’t wait for the day when the doctor would give her the okay to use crutches, though she had been practicing walking on her own each night without her mother’s knowledge.
“Maybe it’s not supposed to make sense.” She shrugged. “Why should it? If this is who Gideon is then let’s just roll with it.”
“Sure, but what if things change too much? What if…Gideon just disappears and all that’s left is this stranger he’s turning into.”
“Okay, a quick Wikipedia search told me that if Gideon is transgender, then he’s always been that way. So nothing’s different. Gideon’s still Gideon, or whatever they decide to call themselves.”
“They?” Neal inquired.
“The site said we should refer Gideon as that until he tells us otherwise.” Robyn said. “Don’t understand it, but I’m going to give this my best.”
Neal nodded, wishing he could feel as confident about Gideon’s situation as she did.
“Oh, there he…they are!” Robyn exclaimed, rolling closer to the sidewalk. Neal followed suit, his heart pounding and nearly seizing when he saw Gideon in much more gender-appropriate clothing than he was expecting.
“Hey.” She greeted.
Neal eyed Gideon’s pale face carefully for any signs of makeup. There was none, and Neal couldn’t help but see how pale he looked without the additional color.
Gideon noticed Neal’s roaming eyes and managed a small smile.
Robyn looked between her friends, wondering what each of them were thinking, and more importantly wondering why Gideon was dressed the way he was. Did his parents make him come to school this way?
“Do you want to talk about it?” she said instead, the question opening a slew of possibilities.
Gideon turned to her, gratitude reflecting in his large brown eyes. He looked to Neal, hoping for the same acceptance, but instead found him staring at him blankly, like he was lost in thoughts of his own. Strangely, it took the courage right out of him.
“A-actually,” Gideon spoke after clearing his throat. “I rather talk about last night’s homework. I didn’t do it.”
Robyn snorted, relieved but also disappointed. “We got ten minutes, come on.”
Gideon began to follow her but paused when he saw that Neal wasn’t coming with them.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
Gideon turned to him, taking in a nervous breath.
“Neal, I…”
“Just go.” Neal said firmly, turning from him to pace the school yard.
Gideon stared at the back of Neal’s head, his chest constricting with emotion. Neal was trying to avoid him, and that hurt more than anything his parents could say.
Neal waited until he heard the doors close before he released a snarl, kicking at the dirt and grass keeping it intact. Why had he done that? Why didn’t he try to speak to Gideon, make everything okay?
He took a moment to gather himself and come up with a course of action. Gideon needed support right now, his support, even if he had no idea what to do.
He headed into the school house, pausing when he saw the small crowd gathered around the lockers. A closer inspection revealed the worst-case scenario: Gideon was being pinned to a locker by one of Storybrooke High’s infamous jocks.
“Let him go dickhead!” Robyn yelled at him as she tried to wrestle her wheelchair out of a participating jock’s grip.
“What you going to do, Mills? Roll over my big toe?” he scoffed.
“No, I’m going to break my other leg kicking your ass!”
“Leave her out of this.” Gideon warned lowly.
“What you going to do if I don’t, fag?” the jock spat in his face. “Huh?”
“Robinson!” Neal yelled as he broke through the group of onlookers. He and the jocks were on the football team together, but that was as far as their relationship went. “Let him go, now!”
“Oh it’s him today?” Robinson scoffed, his hand sliding from Gideon’s shoulder to squish his cheeks, making his lips pucker.
Neal reached out and slapped his hand off of Gideon. “Get away from him or so help me…”
“You’ll what?” Robinson sneered. “You gonna defend your girlfriend’s honor?”
Neal’s fingers curled together, and before logic and reason could kick in, he slammed his fist into the football player’s face, sending him into the crowd of onlookers.
“Shit.” Robyn gasped, jerking when she felt the jock holding her back release her wheelchair to go after Neal. With a quick twist, she turned her chair at just an angle to send him flying into the ground.
Before Neal could ask the conditions of his friends, Robinson and the other jock were back on their feet and heading Neal and Gideon’s way.
“Son of a bitch!” Neal managed to exclaim before Robinson ran into his stomach and pushed him into the lockers.
“No!” Gideon screamed, jumping onto Robinson’s back. He tried to constrict the jock’s throat, but the jock had just enough room to elbow him in the eye and fling him off.
Neal pushed himself back and found just enough space to kick Robinson just above his groin, picking himself up before he could recover.
“I don’t want to fight you!” Neal begged as he recovered.
“Then why the hell are you defending this fag!” he boomed, sending a dark glare Gideon’s way. The other jock had him pressed into the floor, his face bloody from Robinson’s impact. “He’s always been a freak! How could you not see that!”
Neal leapt for him with a snarl, grabbing him by the collar to drag him to the ground. He managed a punch to his jaw before Robinson flipped him onto his back.
Meanwhile, Gideon was trying desperately to get to Neal. Blood was pooling into his mouth and his eye was swelling shut, hindering his ability to get out from under the other jock’s shoe. He searched around for Robyn, hoping she was out of harms way.
“There are people out there who will destroy you for being different!”
“Get off me!” Gideon screamed.
“Fuck off, fag.” The other jock sneered at him. “You’re right where you belong.”
Before Gideon could retort, the fire alarm began to shrill, causing the onlookers to scurry before they were discovered in the chaos.
Robinson pause mid-punch to look up, glaring at the source of the alarm.
“You better run asshole!” Robyn yelled at him, flipping him off.
The brief distraction allowed Neal just enough reprieve to push Robinson off and crawl back, blood leaking in rivets down his face.
“Let’s go!” Robinson yelled to the other jock, who nodded and slammed his foot into Gideon’s back, leaving the slighter boy wheezing in pain.
“The hell is going on!” Principal Regina Mills screamed as she rounded the hall to turn off the fire alarm. With her ears still ringing, she addressed the site before her with a gaped mouth.
Her niece had rolled to the side of a bloody Neal Nolan and helping him stand. Not to far away from them was Gideon Gold, beaten and bloody, and clothed in gender-appropriate clothes that should have kept him safe.
Gold texted Belle as soon as he got the call from Regina. They met up at his shop and raced to the school.
“Sweetheart, slow down!” Gold begged as Belle swerved hazardously into the parking lot, narrowly hitting the sickeningly green car parked in the spot next to them.
“Watch it!” the driver of car yelled, jumping out and pausing when she saw the Golds.
“Oh no.” Gold groaned. “Zelena.”
“Well well well,” Zelena scoffed. “You two. Why is it every time I get a call from this school you show up right behind me.”
“Because usually our children are in kahootz.” Belle answered, stepping out of the car. “What did Regina tell you?”
“Just that there was an incident with my daughter.” She snipped. “No doubt your brood’s fault.”
“Watch it.” Gold growled as he locked up the car.
“Or what you’ll evict me?”
“Enough!” Belle exclaimed, grabbing her husband’s arm and jogging into the school (in heels no less). On any other morning she could deal with Zelena Mills spitefulness, but right now something was happening with her son and nothing else mattered.
The three adults made their way through the halls, pausing at the lockers. There were streaks of blood on the otherwise polished school floor.
“Oh gods no…” Belle muttered, wobbling on her feet. Gold held her up and pulled her the rest of the way, blinking back tears and holding his breath so that he wouldn’t start screaming.
Blessedly, they made it to the principal’s office, Zelena brushing past them to locate her daughter by the office door.
Gold’s scream came out as a weak cry of terror when he saw Gideon’s split lip and black eye.
“Oh my god’s.” Belle sobbed as she ran to him, her fingers hovering over his bruises, afraid to actually touch him.
Gideon looked away from her, knowing he’d burst if he saw the tears in her eyes.
“Who did this?” Gold snarled when Regina stepped out of her office. “I want them expelled.”
“We’re taking care of them.” Regina sighed, turning a side-ways glance to her sister and niece.
“For once I agree with him.” Zelena remarked as she obsessively looked over her daughter for injuries.
“Mom, please.” Robyn complained, pushing her mother’s hands away. “They didn’t touch me, just held me back when they attacked Gideon.”
“Attacked.” Belle gasped. “Why did they do that he’s not…” Belle stopped, feeling her son’s eyes on her then.
Muttering just outside redirected the attention from Gideon, giving him a moment to wipe a stray tear from his eye just as Neal entered the room.
“Shit dude.” Robyn gaped.
Neal’s face was swollen and purple, bandages covering his lip and eyebrows. It was amazing he was still conscious.
He quietly made his way across the room, his posture obscure and his jaw set in a vengeful line. He took a stiff seat between Robyn and Gideon, keeping his eyes straight ahead.
“You’re mom’s going to freak.” Robyn whispered to break the tension, earning no response.
“If there’s nothing else, then I’ll take my daughter home for the day.” Zelena miffed.
“No.” Robyn stated firmly, reaching down to lock the wheels of her chair. “I’m not leaving until there’s a guarantee that Gideon and Neal not going to get in trouble.”
“Why on earth would…” Zelena paused when the Nolan’s rounded the corner, entering the office with gasps.
“Sorry we’re late.” Mary Margaret apologized. “We…oh my god Neal!”
Neal winced when his mother pushed past the Golds and the principal to get to him, her hand going under his chin
“Ow, mom…” Neal cried when she pressed on a bruise on his jaw.
Mary Margaret’s eyes turned to Gideon, who pressed against the wall from the physical force of her glare.
“What did you do?” She hissed, the malice in her voice creating a cold, quiet silence in the room.
Belle pulled away from her husband’s protective hold and walked stiffly to Mary Margaret’s side, using her body to persuade her to step away from the boys.
“He didn’t do anything, Mrs. Nolan.” Robyn insisted, her voice quieter now that a fight could be underway. “It was Kyle Robinson and Stewart Mattews. They attacked him, Neal and I were just trying to help him.”
“An attack?” David’s voice rang out. “Regina, why wasn’t I called?”
“There were no weapons involved, thus by school policy the fight didn’t warrant police interference.” Regina explained.
“Didn’t warrant it? Look at my son’s face!” Mary Margaret exclaimed. “What were they fighting about that was so insignificant that you didn’t call the police?”
The room went quiet once more, the secret between the Gold’s that had been fully revealed to only three of the eight additional people in the room.
“Me.” Gideon spoke out, breaking the silence, and subsequently creating another chapter to his tragic story. “This whole thing was about me.”
Neal took in an unsteady breath, his legs itching to jump up and run away. From the corner of his eyes he saw Gideon stand, and unlike Robyn who scooted to the edge of her seat, he didn’t move at all.
“I am transgender.” Gideon stated simply, keeping his eyes forward and off of the gaping parents around him. “I’ve been like this my entire life and due to…” he glanced quickly at his father, “circumstances, I’ve kept it secret until now.”
“Alright, what the hell is this?” Zelena barked, looking around. “Is this a joke?”
Belle moved to Gideon’s side and looked into his soft, brown eyes, so full of hope and fear. She wondered if as he changed into the woman he stated he was, if they would still be there. Would Gideon exist at all?
Maybe he never had. Maybe the son she had created and raised and loved more than her entire being just never existed.
And she had never noticed.
But she was noticing now.
“No…” Belle smiled, grazing Gideon’s cheek. “She’s not joking.”
For the Nolan’s, the pieces of the puzzle their son refused to offer them had been laid before them. They looked to their bruised son. He was still looking down, his hands rubbing together in slow circles.
Something’s wrong with Gideon.
“Alright.” Zelena exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “This obviously doesn’t concern me or my daughter, so we’re going home.”
“No, this does concern me, mom.” Robyn fought.
“No it doesn’t!” Zelena shouted, causing her daughter and onlookers in the room to jump. Without another word, she reached down to lift the breaks of Robyn’s wheelchair and began wheeling her away.
“For God’s sake, mom!” Robyn argued. “Gideon, I’ll call you later!”
“No you won’t!” Zelena’s voice echoed as she rolled Robyn further away.
“Oh God.” Regina groaned. “Look, you’re all free to go. Neal and Gideon won’t be punished. I’ll email you all later.”
The parents watched the principal run after her sister and niece, leaving them all in a space of confusion and uncertainty.
“We…we should go.” Mary Margarete said, more to her husband than to the Golds. “Come on Neal.”
After a moment, Neal stood, and Gideon reached out for him but he dodged his hand, pushing past his parents. His mother followed with a half-hearted look to the Golds.
“We’ll…if you need anything…or to press charges…” David said, understandably unsure what to say after such a reveal.
“Thank you, David.” Belle smiled. “We’ll keep in touch.”
David nodded, sparing a look at each of the Golds. His friend Belle, who had always put a roof over his son’s head when he and Mary Margaret had to work late. His sometimes friend Gold, who’s expression was unreadable. And then Gideon, who was going through something David could never understand. His own son seemed just as unsure of what to do. This was going to be a journey for all of them.
Belle and Gold escorted Gideon from the school, heads held high but eyes filled with uncertainty.
“Mom, Dad.” Gideon said quietly as they drove home.
“Yes dear?” Belle responded cheerily, blinking back tears.
“I’ve thought about what you both said this morning, and I’ve decided that I would like to go to therapy.”
“That’s wonderful honey.” Belle agreed. “Well call him in the morning and go from there.”
Mr. Gold looked into the rearview mirror to meet Gideon’s determined gaze. Everything, from their relationship to the way the town would view Gideon, was about to change. In truth he had wanted this —he truly had—but he had selfishly wanted it to come later rather than sooner. He had wanted to hold on to the bits of his son that hadn’t slipped away yet, to keep them safe from the rest of the cruel world.
For a moment Gold couldn’t breath or think, the idea of anything happening to Gideon sucking the essence of his soul clean out. He could no longer protect his son—or really his daughter now—from the close-minded cruelty of some of Storybrooke’s residents.
Gideon was out now, and he was more danger than he could begin to realize.  
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thestraggletag · 7 years
T.E.A. Rec List Part One
These are all golden, please go read the ones you missed and nominate! Nominate like the wind!
List is divided into two posts so the damn links show up!
Woven Together by  ishtarelisheba
Fiber Frolic by  ishtarelisheba
Spinner by Woodelf68 
The Nun's Story by bookwormchocaholic
Gotta Catch 'Em All by BarPurple
Love is a Layered Cake by WorryinglyInnocent
Gaze the Lights by ThatVermilionFlyCatcher
Buttoned Up by nerdrumple 
The Nun's Story by bookwormchocaholic
Under The Lights Of The Grand Paris by ThatVermilionFlyCatcher
Reprise by Little_Inkstone 
Not Coincidence, But Fate by ThatVermilionFlyCatcher
The Tie That Binds by ishtarelisheba 
Gold in the Afternoon by nerdrumple 
A Dedicated Follower of Fashion by ifishouldvanish
The Golden Cage by Gwenore
Crocodile Tears by cannibalisticshadows
Woven Together by BarPurple
Life in Detail by ishtarelisheba 
Gold in the Afternoon by nerdrumple 
Buttoned Up by nerdrumple
Always There For You by RoyaltyLaine
A Dedicated Follower of Fashion by ifishouldvanish 
Mnyama by CrossingInStyle
Skin Deep by bookwormchocaholic
Thirty, Flirty and Thriving by bookwormchocaholic
True Nature by TheStraggletag
In The Dark by Woodelf68 
Balancing the Books by BarPurple
The Tie That Binds by ishtarelisheba 
Hurts so good
In The Right Measure by Bad-Faery
Roll in the Hay by Little_Inkstone
Best Courtship
The Tie That Binds by ishtarelisheba 
Life in Detail by ishtarelisheba 
Gold in the Afternoon by nerdrumple
Come Slowly by nerdrumple
Buttoned Up by nerdrumple
The Boston Hour by ifishouldvanish
Mnyama by CrossingInStyle
Thirty, Flirty and Thriving by bookwormchocaholic
Skin Deep by bookwormchocaholic
Always One More Time by Bad_Faery
The Question Falls by smartgirlsaremean
The Reluctant Guardian by smartgirlsaremean
A Different Fate by Robin4
Mr. Gold's Personal Assistant by cannibalisticshadows
The Shepherdess and Her Satyr by cannibalisticshadows
Clasped To Your Heart by AMidnightDreary
Catch by BarPurple
Not Another Cinderella Story by Hikari_no_Chibi
True Nature by TheStraggletag
Best First Meeting
Gold in the Afternoon by nerdrumple 
The Boston Hour by ifishouldvanish
Mnyama by CrossingInStyle
Not Another Cinderella Story by Hikari_no_Chibi
Under The Lights Of The Grand Paris by ThatVermilionFlyCatcher
Best One-Shot
Fiber Frolic by  ishtarelisheba
Wretched Summer by nerdrumple
Spinner by Woodelf68
Best Drabble
The Favour by BarPurple
Gotta Catch 'Em All by BarPurple
Save Me The Next Dance by Leni
Best Post-Ep fic
In The Dark by Woodelf68
Our Better Decisions by theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Comedy Fic:
Fiber Frolic by  ishtarelisheba
The Boston Hour by ifishouldvanish
Best Movie AU
Life in Detail by ishtarelisheba
Mnyama by CrossingInStyle
Love is a Layered Cake by WorryinglyInnocent
Best Historical AU
Mnyama by CrossingInStyle
The Nun's Story by bookwormchocaholic
Love and Marriage by bookwormchocaholic
The Reluctant Guardian by smartgirlsaremean
A Night to Remember by Tinuviel_Undomiel
Best AU
The Tie That Binds by ishtarelisheba
Gold in the Afternoon by nerdrumple
Come Slowly by nerdrumple
The Boston Hour by ifishouldvanish
Mnyama by CrossingInStyle
Skin Deep by bookwormchocaholic
The Question Falls by smartgirlsaremean
Love is a Layered Cake by WorryinglyInnocent
Not Another Cinderella Story by Hikari_no_Chibi
A Different Fate by Robin4
The Shepherdess and Her Satyr by cannibalisticshadows
Clasped To Your Heart by AMidnightDreary
Disrupted by theoneandonlylittlebird for GoldenRumbelle
Best Series
Gold On The Soles Of Her Shoes by ifishouldvanish
The Legend of Mnyama by CrossingInStyle
Have a Little Faith Series by  bookwormchocaholic
Best Holiday Fic
A Merry Mnyama Christmas by CrossingInStyle
Valentine's Day by bookwormchocaholic
A Very Carny Thanksgiving by Bad_Faery
Hawaii!Rumbelle Halloween by Bad_Faery
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ao3feed-rumbelle · 7 years
A Heaven for Two
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nfotGj
by RoyaltyLaine
After being in a car accident, Gold copes with the fact that he's going to lose his wife and mother of their son.
Words: 3303, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle & Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
Additional Tags: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, mention of some really rough shit
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nfotGj
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mariequitecontrarie · 8 years
TEA with Marie - Fic Recommendations
Some recommendations of authors and stories as you nominate. This is by NO MEANS a complete list of all the wonderful things this fandom has to offer—merely a sampling of what I enjoyed. I’m going to do a separate art post tomorrow because this got long.
FLUFF Family Labor Day by @magnoliatattoo Belle’s Chipped Leaves by Kindleheartzyou/ @beliza-fryler
Reunion Until Last I See You by @magnoliatattoo
SMUT Kink A Dedicated Follower of Fashion by @ifishouldvanish Confessions of a Chocoholic by @bookwormchocaholic
Romance Head Games by @im2old4this The Queen’s Masquerade by @charlotteashmore13 Spinner’s Helper by @ishtarelisheba
Comedy Gnomeland Security by @the1ultimatefan
Threesome We Are Both by @magnoliatattoo PWP Midnight Rides by @maplesyrupao3 A First for Everything by @magnoliatattoo Between the Lines @rowofstars ANGST Death Never Leave You Alone by @leni-ba You’ll Be in My Heart by Briar_Rose7/ @sarashouldbestudying
Oops A Slip of the Heart by @rowofstars The Call by @bellegold
Hurts So Good Learn to Let You Go by @annieVH Best Served Cold by @rosexknight The Course of True Love by @emospritelet
ROMANCE Best Date Absolute Beginners by @witchnova221
Best Courtship Skin Deep by @bookwormchocaholic
Best Bed Sharing Always There for You by RoyaltyLaine/ @poca-staks Upon Reflection by @rowofstars
Best First Meeting Meeting Your Future by @wizzygold
Best One-Shot Stutterer by @b-does-the-write-thing Why Not? By @betweenpaperpages
Best Drabble 31 Days of Dark Castle Rumbelle by @charlotteashmore13
Best Comedy Fic Thirty Flirty and Thriving by @bookwormchocaholic Twue Love by @wizzygold How to Build a Better Bookshelf by @missielynne The Date that Will Live in Infamy by @missielynne
Best Movie AU Avonlea Books by nerin28/ @smartgirlsaremean  The Retiree by @ssirius-blackk
Best Historical AU Hold Tight to the Future by @rumpledspinster Correspondence by @sfiddy Better to Face the Bullets by @ishtarelisheba
Best AU Working Out by @rowofstars The Great Composer by @wizzygold
Best Season Rewrite Homecoming by @puddlejumper38
Best Crossover In The Arms of an Angel by @witchnova221
Best Golden Lace Command Me to Be Well by @magnoliatattoo Come Clean by @rowofstars
Best Drama Painting Layers of Love by @still-searching47
Best Supernatural Dark Sight by @maplesyrupao3 Avonlea Castle by @scribbles-by-kate Rock and Roll Dreams by @barpurplewrites
Best Prompter @ashadeofpemberley @ifishouldvanish
EVENTS Rumbelle Secret Santa I Must Be Warmer Now by @ifishouldvanish New Beginnings by @judymulder A Dragon’s Heart by @worryinglyinnocent
Rumbelle Christmas in July Dark Sight by maplesyrupa03 Sky!Blue by @evilsnowswan Blushes and Brushes by @rowofstars
Rumbelle Revelry Into the Depths by @applejackcat
Great Rumbelle Blow Off Spinner’s Helper by @ishtarelisheba Head Games by @im2old4this
Rumbelle is Hope Driving Lesson by @wierdogal
A Monthly Rumbelling The Date that Will Live in Infamy by @missielynne How to Build a Better Bookshelf by @missielynne
CHARACTER AWARDS Best Belle Tempted by @scribbles-by-kate
Best Lacey On the Line by @ifishouldvanish
Best Dark One!Belle Beauty within the Beast by @of-princes-and-savages
Best Barely!Legal Belle Something that Matters by kindleheartzyou / @beliza-fryler
Best Spinner!Rumple Slings and Arrows by @rowofstars Best OC Clerk from Dark Sight by @maplesyrupao3
Best Rumbelle Child Lily Rose from Clandestine Tryst series by @erikstrueangel Rose Gold from Marital Bliss series by @magnoliatattoo
BEST AUTHOR @rufeepeach @rowofstars
BEST ANYELLE FIC Unwind Me by @lotus0kid Turn!Turn!Turn! by @sfiddy
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evilsnowswan · 8 years
Tumblr media
Here are my TEA recommendations. The list is still under construction - I’ll be adding to it for a bit until it’s time to make a final nominations list. I just thought sharing it early would be helpful to others who are struggling through their likes, tags and bookmarks right now. 
If you are on this list and don’t want to be, shoot me a message.
My own stuff isn’t on here at all, because I don’t believe in nominating/voting for your own work as artist/author (it’s fine, but makes me uncomfortable personally). If you are looking for my humble plea for nominations - my TEA Promo Post is here.
Proud by @annievh
Winter Traditions by @witchnova221
The Heat of the Moment by @thescholarlystrumpet
The Nanny by @thatravenclawbitch​
Always There For You by RoyaltyLaine/@poca-staks
Belle’s Chipped Leaves by Kindleheartzyou/ @beliza-fryler
Magnificently Improper by @theplasticview
Tesselate by @ak-vintage
Hope is a Thing With Feathers by @endangeredslug
Finding Home by Thefreedictionary (Showdown)
Just a Dream by @woodelf68
Until Last I See You by @magnoliatattoo
Hope is a Thing With Feathers by @endangeredslug​
Cherry by @ladybookwormwithteeth
Right Here, With You by @handwithquill
Indulgenceby @thescholarlystrumpet
Snapshot by @worryinglyinnocent
A Woman On Film @worryinglyinnocent
A Dedicated Follower of Fashion by @ifishouldvanish
In Heat by @prissyhalliwell
The Gold Dress by @onceupona—ohyouknowtherest
Red Lights by @rufeepeach
Neverland by @emospritelet
A Dozen Roses by @ladybookwormwithteeth
Through the Storm by @thescholarlystrumpet
Painting Faces by @we-aim-to-misbehave
Caught in the Act by @onceupona—ohyouknowtherest
Dutch Courage by @rufeepeach
Playing Doctor by @maplesyrupao3​
Thirty Flirty and Thriving by @bookwormchocaholic
Three that Testifyby @thescholarlystrumpet
Hot and Cold by @woodelf68
Aesthetic by @endangeredslug
Hellfire by @ladybookwormwithteeth
The Lesson  by @woodelf68
Best BDSM:
Right Here, With You by @handwithquill
Cherry by @ladybookwormwithteeth
Cleanliness by @ladybookwormwithteeth
Penance by @emospritelet
The Monster by @beauty-in-gold
The Monster by @beauty-in-gold
A Slip of the Heart by @rowofstars
Hurts so good:
Best Served Cold by @breaktimewritings
Best Date:
Tesselate by @ak-vintage
The Passive-Aggressive Floral Arrangement by @of-princes-and-savages
Closer by Daydreaming Doll (Showdown)
Best Courtship:
Always late to the Party by @alsywalsy
Skin Deep by @bookwormchocaholic
The Passive-Aggressive Floral Arrangement by @of-princes-and-savages
Painting Faces by @we-aim-to-misbehave
Best Bed Sharing:
Overlooked by @worryinglyinnocent
Conspiracy Afloat by @still-searching47
Best First Meeting:
Weak Ankles by Glass Slipper (Showdown)
In Time by @thenaughtyscandalousscorpio
Sexual Therapy by @breaktimewritings (RosexKnight)
Hope is a Thing With Feathers by @endageredslug
Girls on Film by @woodelf68
Candy Girl by @mariequitecontraire
Chance Encounter by Purple Polka Dots (Showdown)
Best One-Shot:
“Belle has nightmares” prompt by @rufeepeach​
Chance Encounter by Purple Polka Dots (Showdown)
Arrows by Cinderbee (Showdown)
Third Time Lucky by Riddled (Showdown)
Best Drabble:
Tortoise!Rumbelle by @bad-faery
Best Post-Ep fic:
Just Swim Down by @rufeepeach​
The Future’s So Bright by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Comedy:
The Nanny by @thatravenclawbitch​
Out of Control by @annievh
Best Movie AU:
Catch a Falling Star by @charmedrumbelle
Best Historical AU:
Better to Face the Bullets by @ishtarelisheba
Persuasion by @handwithquill
Any Port in a Storm by @rufeepeach​
The Reluctant Guardian by @smartgirlsaremean
Best AU: 
For the Love of a Daughter by @bellegold
Dark Sight by @maplesyrupao3
Painting Layers of Love by @still-searching47​
The Story Teller by @b-does-the-write-thing​
Gentle Souls by @hedwighood
Freeze on the Stones by @toseehowthestoryends
Best Series: 
Reckless Abandon by @rufeepeach
The House Guest by @b-does-the-write-thing
Chocaholic Series by @bookwormchocaholic
Fourteen Days by @mariequitecontraire
House of Strays by @lady-therion
Best Crossover:
Gold Rush by @annievh​
The Magic of Family by Scales and Arpeggios (Showdown)
Warmth and Desire by Desperation and Gin (Showdown)
Best Holiday Fic:
Seven Days of Christmas by @mariequitecontraire
Skating Lessons by @bellegold
Six Degrees of Separation by @worryinglyinnocent​
Christmas Day by @magnoliatattoo​
Best Remix:
Pixie Dust by @emospritelet
The Fairy Gardener Remix by @prissyhalliwell
Best Golden Lace:
Reckless Abandon by @rufeepeach
Best Crack!Fic:
Best Drama:
Best Supernatural:
A Dragon's Heart by @worryinglyinnocent
Dark Sight by @maplesyrupao3
With a Word by @b-does-the-write-thing
Best Season Rewrite:
Come Hell or High Water by @standbyyourmantis
Best Trend:
The Lesson by @woodelf68
Best Prompter:
(All fics in this category are limited to 2016 events)
Rumbelle Secret Santa
A Pleasure to Burn by @of-princes-and-savages
Painting Faces by @we-aim-to-misbehave
New beginnings by @judymulder
I Must Be Warmer Now by @ifishouldvanish
Brandy, Apples and Spice by @rufeepeach
A Dragon's Heart by @worryinglyinnocent
Rumbelle Christmas in July:
Dark Sight by @maplesyrupao3
Blushes and Brushes by @rowofstars
The Nanny by @thatravenclawbitch
Rumbelle Revelry:
The Mysterious Incident of Shadowhearst Manor by @of-princes-and-savages
Ladies Of The Night by @thenaughtyscandalousscorpio​
Woods Lovely, Dark and Deep  by @b-does-the-write-thing​
Mantis’ Menagerie (will be known as May Day Menagerie from 2017 on):
The Gods of Our Shores by @lady-therion 
Adrift by @thestraggletag
Seal of Love by @endangeredslug 
Water Logged by @we-aim-to-misbehave
Harborside by @minticetea​
Finding Home by @thecompletebookworm
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut):
Seven Days of Christmas by @mariequitecontrarie 
Six Degrees of Separation by @worryinglyinnocent
Let’s go Back to December and Stay by @handwithquill
A Fresh Start by @woodelf68
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut):
Reflections by @woodelf68
Once Upon a Lifetime by @still-searching47
Return to Cave of Wonders by @worryinglyinnocent 
An Education by @worryinglyinnocent 
Great Rumbelle Blow Off:
Never Have I Ever by @breaktimewritings
Spinner's Helper by @ishtarelisheba
Look Back in Anger by @emospritelet
Fall on Your Knees by @thescholarlystrumpet
Rumbelle is Hope:
Baby of Mine by @sarashouldbestudying (Rumbelle Revolution)
Driving Lesson by @wierdogal
Hope is a Thing With Feathers by @endageredslug
Best Belle:
Belle from Inheritance by @rufeepeach
Chubby!Belle from All of Me by @mariequitecontraire
Best Dark One!Belle:
Best Lacey:
Reckless Abandon Lacey by @rufeepeach
Buried Treasure Lacey by @emospritelet
Best Barely Legal!Belle:
Belle from Penance by @emospritelet
Belle from Heat of the Moment by @thescholarlystrumpet
Best Dark One:
The House Guest DO by @b-does-the-write-thing​
The Story Teller by @b-does-the-write-thing​
Best Mr. Gold:
With a Word by @b-does-the-write-thing
Disrupted by @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Spinner!Rumple:
Harmless by @rufeepeach​
The Queen’s Request by @b-does-the-write-thing​
Best Woobie!Rum:
Red Lights by @rufeepeach
The Birth of a Fairy by @annievh
The Ice Queen by @charmedrumbelle
Best OC:
Clerk from Dark Sight by @maplesyrupao3
Best Rumbelle Child:
Bae from Inheritance by @rufeepeach
Best Villain:
Cora Mills from  Freeze on the Stones by @toseehowthestoryends
Nurse Mills from  Better to Face the Bullets by @ishtarelisheba
Best Cover Art:
“Choker of Lace” by @licieoic
“Real Inside” by @dekujin
“Find Me Tomorrow” by @angelqueen13art
“Heart of the Ship” by @qtarts
“Any Port in a Storm” by @midstorm
Isabella’s Baby by @rumpledspinster​
Best Graphic Art: Gif sets, photosets, etc.:
[X] by @rumpledspinster
Pirate Belle by @midstorm
Pieces by @rumbelleluv
All of Me by @rowofstars
Feet In the Air, Head On the Ground by @rowofstars
Blushes and Brushes by @rowofstars​
Gideon’s conception by @nirvigedearie​
Best Fan Art:
[Selkie!Rumbelle] by @nia-nita
[Secret Santa] by @angelqueen13
“You’re Still Here” by @licieoic
“Hold Me and Love Me” by @licieoic
[Dorks] by @cocoadrops
C’mon Rumple… it’s tradition by @nia-nita
[Green Dress] by @erel89
[“The Cure”] by @erel89
[Sad DO!Rumple] by @enveniya
“Deeper, Dearie” by @suchadearie
[BATB Dress] by @captainpinsel
DarkOne!Belle by @goldesque
Flower picking by @nia-nita
Surprise kiss by @cocoadrops
Waiting by @licieoic
Rainy day in Storybrooke by @erel89
Lacey and Mr. Gold by @nynaeve88illustration
sea wizard Rumple and librarian Belle by @nia-nita
“Mermaid Belle” by @licieoic​
[Animated Spinner!Rum] by @nia-nita​
Fairy!Belle (In Heat) by @nia-nita​
Best Comic/Graphic Novel:
[Things Belle scolds me for] by @doodlinglina
“Shipwrecked on a Mystical Island” by @delintthedarkone
“A Rumbelle birthday party” by @foxmurphy
“I want my Bell back” by @mercisnm
The Fairy and the Librarian by @nia-nita
[Belle doesn’t know how to make a compliment] by @cocoadrops
Light Switch by @kamdensl
Incredible by @kamdensl
Best Artist:
Tiger Lilies by @emospritelet
Look Back in Anger by @emospritelet
No Light Over London by @lotus0kid
A Pleasure to Burn by @of-princes-and-savages
Adrift by @thestraggletag
The Third Wheel by @junoinferno
Penance by @emospritelet
Inheritance by @rufeepeach
Dark Sight by @maplesyrupao3
All of Me by @mariequitecontraire
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement award:
Newbie Spotlight:
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ao3feed-snamione · 8 years
His Little Angels
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nMRPM3
by RoyaltyLaine
Snape adds a special ingredient in the goblets of all the girls in his potions class. Just a dabble two-shoter, for my waifu.
Words: 1720, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Teacher-Student Relationship, Shameless Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Magic, Potions, Potions Masters
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nMRPM3
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ao3feed-snape · 8 years
His Little Angels
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nMRPM3
by RoyaltyLaine
Snape adds a special ingredient in the goblets of all the girls in his potions class. Just a dabble two-shoter, for my waifu.
Words: 1712, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Teacher-Student Relationship, Shameless Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Magic, Potions, Potions Masters
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nMRPM3
0 notes
Who to vote for?
If you have no idea of who to indicate for our awards we have a list of previous nominees from TEA under the cut, but know they are not the only one you can vote for! The RULES & CATERGORIES CAN BE FOUND IN HERE.
Dear authors and artists, please reblog our posts to spread the news and make “for your consideration” lists!
Good luck everybody!
0 notes
ao3feed-petyrsansa · 8 years
For The North
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iL2MtK
by RoyaltyLaine
Set in the Game of Thrones universe. After Belle is taken from her home at Castle Cerwyn by the bastard Ramsay, she learns that Sansa Stark is returning to Winterfell, but as the bride of her kidnapper. It's left up to Belle, with the help of a scared spinner named Rumple, to save Lady Sansa from a terrible fate.
Words: 3215, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV), Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Sansa Stark, Petyr Baelish, Ramsay Bolton, Jon Snow
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Petyr Baelish/Sansa Stark
Additional Tags: this is dark, but it has an happy ending, Ramsay is an asshole, Rape/Non-con Elements, Woobie Rumple, fearless Belle, they both are heroes in this story, Alternate Universe - Game of Thrones Fusion, Angst with a Happy Ending, I know things look bleak at first, but I promise it has a happy ending
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iL2MtK
0 notes
poca-staks · 7 years
     By RoyaltyLaine
Summary: While figuring out a way to break up with her current guy friend without disappointing her father, Belle happens across a compromise that can either destroy her or provide her with the answer she's been seeking.
Rating: Mature for nudity. Words: 2038 Tags: Epistolary, Nudity, Sorry Wrong Number A/n: Yup Another RomCom. I blame this on my Tumblr mom @standbyyourmantis , Thanks to her and her amazing fics and @gwenore , I found my niche. lol read on (Ao3)
Belle's new guy friend was proving to be a pain in her ass. His constant requests for sex were pathetic, an annoying attempt to solidify his claim over her. For the past month his pleas were becoming more frequent and their dates, fewer. She considered breaking up with him sooner, and the only reason she hadn't was because of her father. He loved Gaston like a son and would boast proudly of their relationship to everyone he knew. Belle loved her father, and the thought of letting him down broke her heart, but the idea of having sex with Gaston and his chauvinistic sentiments made her stomach churn. She hoped that her distaste for him would evaporate after a few weeks, but it only grew. Especially when he began pressuring her into sex. What Belle needed was an equal ground. A compromise. A way where she wouldn't have to sleep with him, but also satisfying his need for her body until she could break up with him. She sighed when the newest text message from Gaston appeared on her phone.
How 'bout some sexy nudes babe.
That text alone made Belle groan and roll her eyes. It basically shouted at her that he had no sense of respect for her or their deteriorating relationship. After turning on the cap lock, she thumbed the letter N, then O. For a moment, as her finger hovered over the send button, she had an interesting thought. A nude picture of her could be the answer she was looking for. It would stop the pestering requests for sex, at least for a while. Then she can take this brevity of time to figure out a way to break it off with Gaston without disappointing her father. This could work.
Belle leapt from her bed, crossing her room in a nightie under a housecoat until she reached the vanity mirror in her bathroom. Keying out of the text message section of her phone, she turned on her camera. She's never taken any erotic picture, let alone a nude one. Without knowing the first thing to do, she began peeling off some of her clothing. First her robe, then, one by one she pulled down the spaghetti straps of her silk nightie, letting it fall and gather around her waist. Now, what about the bra, she reflected. Knowing Gaston, he would probably say that it wasn't a real nude, and would ask her to take her bra off too. So to keep herself from having to take another uncomfortable picture, she slid the straps off her shoulders and reached around and unhooked her bra removing it as well as a bit of her dignity.
She stared at herself in the mirror. Men thought this was sexy. They were just breasts, two sacks of fat that didn't serve any purpose unless a woman had just given birth. Overthinking helped some, she wasn't as nervous about snapping a photo of her breasts and then sending it to him. She held her phone up to the mirror, unsure about how to go about this. Should she pose? Should her hair be up or down? Was the light in her bathroom bright enough? Should she point her camera at an angle, selfie style, or just straight on like a portrait.
All in all, Belle took a total of fifteen pictures. She had no idea trying to take sexy pictures would turn her into such a shutterbug. She posed with her hair up and a few with it down, some blowing a kiss. A couple of vogue ones, aiming the camera at different angles. Puppy eyes and duck lips. But she always made sure that the primary focus was her breasts. Arching her back and puffing up her chest, helping to turn her perky B's into voluptuous D's. It kind of empowered her. All the photos she took were tasteful, and a bit artsy, even choosing to add a simple gold chain necklace. The hint of color made her photos look more elegant and her body more sophisticated.
After, she scrolled through the photos until she decided on one picture that was worthy enough to be shown. Her head was slightly tilted up. It made her neck look longer and her shoulders even. Her face was playfully sexy, biting her bottom lip and smiling wantonly while her blue eyes held her innocence in their soft gaze. The picture screamed come and get me. But as it would happen, her apprehension was back, so she decided to send it quickly, without thinking about it, like ripping a band-aid off. She hit the share button on the photo, scroll through her contact list to the G's, closed her eyes, and tapped his name. In a millisecond her phone notified her that her message had been sent. She breathed a sigh of relief and went back to her photo gallery to delete those pictures from her phone and her memory. All except for two, keeping those safe for her own personal and private viewing. She had to admit it. She liked doing her little intimate photo shoot. It was just too bad she couldn't show the photos to someone who could fully appreciate them. She made a promised to herself that she would never do something like that again, at least not for Gaston. But unfortunately, she had this gnawing feeling that his little monster wasn't so easily sated. In any case, she would have to work quickly and figure out a way to put an end to their relationship
Ten minutes went by and no response. Belle giggled to herself. Boys -because Gaston was nowhere near being a man- were so easy to preoccupy. She pictured him drooling over her photo like a wolf salivating over its prey, touching himself and pretending his hand was her. She hoped his hand was giving him all the pleasure he needed because the photo was all he was getting from her.
The night was getting later, and Belle was getting antsy. She was sure he would have sent something back. Something simple like Hot or Sexy. Gaston wasn't a man capable of writing sonnets by any means, but she would have at least thought he'd have sent something back by now. Anything. Just great, now she was feeling a little self-conscious. Was she not even good enough for the likes of someone as shallow as Gaston? She opened her contact list and scrolled to the G's. In her blind fury about Gaston, she mistakenly hit the name of her landlord, Mr. Gold, whose name was just under Gaston's. She quickly hung up just after the first ring. That was a close one. What would she and Mr. Gold even talk about on the phone at this late hour? Rent? Maybe calling Gaston right away was a bad idea. He would text her eventually. It was best not to think about it, so she turned off her phone and rolled over in bed.
A what if thought enter her mind. What if instead of Gaston, she accidentally sent Mr. Gold the nude picture. He would probably assume she was trying to get out of paying him and raise her rent substantially for trying to solicit him with her nude photographs. Belle chuckled. It was impossible, she knew. She was sure she sent the picture to the correct person.
She had known Mr. Gold since she was a young girl. Before he became her landlord, Mr. Gold was her father's. She had a schoolgirl crush on him when she became old enough to know what a crush was. Whenever he was collecting rent from her father, Mr. Gold always made it a task to talk to her. He asked mostly about school, how were her grades and were there any new school projects she was working. Reminding her that his shop was always open and free to her if she ever needed an artifact for a school project or report.
Her favorite thing about his monthly visits to her father's shop was the books he loaned her from the collection in his pawnshop. Most of them were fantasy, fearless knights fighting off a variety of beasts to win the heart and hand of the princesses. But there was one book that he'd let her borrow. It was her favorite. Instead of falling for the insipid prince who was only saving the fair maiden for glory, the princess fell in love with the beast, who loved her fiercely. When she told Mr. Gold how much she loved that particular book, he smiled and told her to keep it. Scribing the inside cover with her name and a note: May her light brighten, and shine on others as it has shined on me. Even to this day, she still had that book. Nestled safely between two other alphabetized books on her bookshelf. She still read it from time to time. Sometimes only what Mr. Gold wrote on the back of the cover.
But as it did, time didn't wait for either them, and the years went on one by one. Belle's crush on her father's landlord faded as she matured, and Mr. Gold became reclusive and jaded. When she reached adulthood, Mr. Gold had managed to be feared by the whole town from his cynical demeanor. Choosing only to be seen in expensive suits, or scarcely seen at all, holding himself up in his pawnshop or his big pink house on the edge of town; other than when the first of the month rolled around.
Belle was one of the few people in town who didn't cross the street or shield their eyes just to avoid Mr. Gold. In fact, she loved holding conversations with him. Even though he seemed more interested in the welfare of the library he was leasing to her, like if the heating was adequate in the winter and other such things, but Belle could tell there were hidden layers under his snide remarks and impertinent reproaches. Once, while speaking to him about the types of genre Storybrooke's residents like to check-out, she saw him smile. It was crooked, only one corner of his mouth raised into a thin grin. But there was a softness in his eyes, and for a moment it felt like they were just two normal friends sharing a conversation. It was the first smile she had seen since she was a child, and it made her smile in turn. They stood there in the moment together, Her smiling and enjoying his company. Him staring at her like she was heaven's light. Then, all of a sudden, it was like he realized what he was doing and left abruptly, vowing to see her for next month's rent on the way out of the library.
The ten o'clock news was beginning its nightly newscast and still nothing from Gaston. What was he doing with that picture of her that was taking almost an hour for him to respond back? Was he showing it to his buddies, posting it online, seriously what? Belle rolled over in bed and reached for her phone. Maybe she was just overreacting. The phone services were sometimes sketchy on this side of Storybrooke; perhaps he didn't even receive the message at all. Belle gave another big sigh and checked her phone.
She had a new message, but she bypassed it and went straight for Gaston's text thread. To her bewilderment, there wasn't any picture of her attached to the thread, just his last message asking for nudes. But she was sure she sent it. Was there a picture of her breasts floating around on someone else's phone?
After contemplating leaving town, there was a ding from her phone and a text notification, reminding her that she still had an unopened text message. More to her surprise, it was from Mr. Gold. Splayed on his empty thread, were her and her bare breasts. The gold necklace wrapping around the delicate curves of her neck while the slack of the chain rested between her cleavage. Under her naughty photo was a reply.
They're quite lovely, Ms French. Could I trouble you for another one?
She had heard Florida was nice this time of year.
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ao3feed-petyrxsansa · 8 years
For The North
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iL2MtK
by RoyaltyLaine
Set in the Game of Thrones universe. After Belle is taken from her home at Castle Cerwyn by the bastard Ramsay, she learns that Sansa Stark is returning to Winterfell, but as the bride of her kidnapper. It's left up to Belle, with the help of a scared spinner named Rumple, to save Lady Sansa from a terrible fate.
Words: 3215, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV), Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Sansa Stark, Petyr Baelish, Ramsay Bolton, Jon Snow
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Petyr Baelish/Sansa Stark
Additional Tags: this is dark, but it has an happy ending, Ramsay is an asshole, Rape/Non-con Elements, Woobie Rumple, fearless Belle, they both are heroes in this story, Alternate Universe - Game of Thrones Fusion, Angst with a Happy Ending, I know things look bleak at first, but I promise it has a happy ending
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iL2MtK
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thestraggletag · 8 years
TEA Nomination List, Part One
For anyone looking for a suggestion as to who to nominate in a certain category. Please help me get some of these fics and their writers the recognition they deserve! Also please forgive me for the many I’m likely to forget. This is also one heck of a rec list for anyone looking for something to read.
Under a cut for length. Also broken into two because otherwise the links don’t work.
Dog Days by bookwormchocaholic
Nine Lives by KillerKueen 
The Set-Up by Nerin28
Irish Twins by KillerKueen (aka @winterswanderlust​)
Always There For You by RoyaltyLaine
Story time by AngelofDarkness1605
Safety first by AngelofDarkness1605
Forgiveness by the Firelight by belleyonce 
The Stuff of Nightmares by TheStraggletag
Between Present and Past by whitesheepcbd 
A Step Forward by Evelyn6 
Necessity by Evelyn6
Come Back to Me by Evelyn6
Chocolate Sex Room by bookwormchocaholic 
In the Blood by Megara Bee (Megara_Bee)
A Dedicated Follower of Fashion by ifishouldvanish
Skin Deep by bookwormchocaholic
Thirty, Flirty and Thriving by bookwormchocaholic
Friends and Benefits by Megara Bee (Megara_Bee)
Sweet Tooth by KillerKueen
Always One More Time by Bad_Faery
Disrupted by theoneandonlylittlebird
Thirty, Flirty and Thriving by bookwormchocaholic
Accidental Lechery by Megara Bee (Megara_Bee)
The Others by applejackcat
The Lesson by @woodelf68​
A Fair Affair by Little_Inkstone
The Lesson by @woodelf68​
But Not Yet by KillerKueen 
Forgiven by Evelyn6
But Not Yet by KillerKueen 
Best Date
Love at first kiss by AngelofDarkness1605
Best Courtship:
Beneath the Skin. by Gwenore
Dark Night of the Soul by bookwormchocaholic
Snip by Endangered_Slug
Hidden Treasures by TheStraggletag
Friends and Benefits by Megara Bee (Megara_Bee)
Closing Time by Bad_Faery
Observations by AngelofDarkness1605
The Set-Up by Nerin28
Best Bed Sharing
The Flood by Endangered_Slug
Best First Meeting
Sacred Energy by Bad_Faery
Observations by AngelofDarkness1605
Love at first kiss by AngelofDarkness1605
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ao3feed-rumbelle · 7 years
Safe in My Arms
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2waNS4m
by RoyaltyLaine
Soon to be married and happily engaged, Belle and her fiance Gold deal with the pressure of what to do with an unexpected child. Unprepared for the arrival of a 3-year-old, Belle and her soon to be husband do what is necessary and find out just how much it takes to raise a child
Loosely based on the 1999 movie Big Daddy.
Words: 4562, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Queen of Hearts | Cora, Milah (Once Upon a Time), Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Ariel (Once Upon a Time), Prince Charming | David Nolan, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle & Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, mention of depression, mention of mental abuse, Adoption, Foster Care, mention of disabilites, mention of mentally challenged or impaired, Happy Ending, Family Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2waNS4m
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poca-staks · 7 years
OMG!!! Look what I finally posted!!
For my awesome special friend @crossinginstyle
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