lindas-chaos · 2 months
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Some pictures of the Miss Piggy cosplay from the "role play verse" in Oberhausen, Germany
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siegefault · 2 years
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These network security pylons act as automated guards for installations across Baronic space and have been customized for use by the House of Sulfur.
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nelc · 1 year
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Some modern drones, compared by size
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gijoe-forever · 7 months
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drrafaelcm · 2 years
RPVs e precatórios não retirados há mais de dois anos pelo credor podem ser requisitados de novo e não se sujeitam a prazo prescricional
RPVs e precatórios não retirados há mais de dois anos pelo credor podem ser requisitados de novo e não se sujeitam a prazo prescricional
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flamesque · 2 months
₊❏❜ ⋮ i'll chase you to the ends of the earth. ⚬𓂂
He is used to it; however, that didn't mean he accepted it.
Rafayel sighed as he let his head rest against his palm, the same thing being drilled into his mind by the endless sea of words spewing the history of Lemuria and the world on the surface repeated like a broken record from the elders. He seemed to be falling asleep and was immediately scolded for not paying attention.
Evidently, something came up that had the elders leave the vicinity for the time being and this served as an opportunity for Rafayel to escape. He had attempted in doing so a few times, but he was sure that this time he would be able to be successful. 
A blue fish swam around him and held his hand out, allowing the fish to swim over his palm. 
"Shall we head to the surface? It's a little boring right now and I'm tired of hearing the elders saying the same thing over and over again." 
The fish continued swimming over his palm before seemingly directing him toward an opening to which he was able to squeeze through. It was then he realized that he was out of the city walls of Whalefall City and was able to swim to the surface.
He thanked the fish before it disappeared back through the city walls and Rafayel didn't have to think twice as he turned away from Whalefall City to swim up to the surface; however, before he allowed himself to fully come out, he swam slowly as the damn words from the elders rang in his head. 
"The world on the surface is dangerous, even if those people worship our Sea God, there is a chance that someone will try to capture him."
"As the previous Lemurians have..." 
"Rafayel, you must never venture out to the surface world. Your people are here, that is all that should concern you." 
And the annoying part of all. "The Sea God will one day meet the Goddess of the Forest, and when that day comes, should he fall in love with her, it will be the beginning of the downfall of Lemuria."
Rafayel always thought it to be those stories to be something a parent would tell to their child to make them listen. And besides, Rafayel had always been, not only a rebellious soul, but one of sheer curiosity. 
Once he peeked out from the water, he spotted a woman by the shore. And he had seen a few other humans before, but something about her was different and he couldn't help but to swim towards the shore, closer to her. Who could she be? For some reason... he needed to know and while he doesn't know why he needs to, he simply just has to try; in a way, it felt as though there were residual feelings, feelings that weren't from him and that in itself baffled him.
So without thinking, his mouth opened to speak.
"Who might you be? You don't seem... human to me, although you do appear to be." He tilted his head briefly before letting out a laugh. "Ah, apologies. This is bold of me, I will admit."
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youonlyzingonce · 6 months
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Took four naps today trying to catch up on sleep.....so of course I dreamed of you in every single one.
Oh how I wish you were here back in my arms again. I wish that you never left. I wish you never cheated. I wish you never lied. I wish you never left me feeling completely dead inside
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redkeep82 · 11 months
Rpv Software activation codes!
Download the software from the website Developer/programmer or end user.
Install it
Register with the provided codes and e-mail addresses
SERIAL: 738675131918
SERIAL: 738675131956
Enjoy :)
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rpvremoval · 2 years
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RPV Removals is the leading removal company in Central London, offering reliable and efficient services to make your move as stress-free as possible. We are committed to providing the highest quality removal services for customers in Central London and the surrounding areas.
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siegefault · 2 years
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The House of Sulfur is not above utilizing drones or auto-turrets to hold their territory.
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reachouttouchfaith · 20 days
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i know a lot of us here have various disabilities, illnesses and intersections and so it is very important for us to be masking when we go to this tour (and everywhere)! here is a great guide (link if you don’t have twitter) as to why you should still mask. it can be expensive, but chances are you can find a local mask bloc or obtain some from a friend! (link to a mask buying guide) when i go in november i will try to bring extra masks because this is important to me but i always feel like im forcing it on people. the more people are masking, the more effective it is and the more safe the space becomes. guys! covid is not over just because we have stopped seeing the numbers on it. large events like these have the possibility to become super spreaders and even effect people who were not at the event. the sheer level of harm long covid can cause to your body is being compared to aids. our governments do not care and we must protect ourselves- this is the best and easiest way to do it! there is also the growing threat of h5n1, monkey pox, rpv etc. especially those of you who are going to many tour stops and traveling a lot- PLEASE mask! i plan to make this my prerogative the entire tour until it catches on so thanks for reading and please rb😄
edit: for those talking about taking ur mask off for m&g id honestly not recommend it bc dnp are literally gonna travel the world and inevitably be sick when they meet you or have just been sick- and also you could get them sick w something their bodies may not be prepared for! i get wanting your face to be in it but i feel the idea of masks ruining pictures kinda just sets us back a little idk i personally like the reminder i was putting the effort in. but it’s your life do whatever
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miles-deerbun · 24 days
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Srry for the long wait, anywayssss here they areee
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estellardreams · 17 days
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This was honestly a super fun challenge to do! So many styles I like. I hope ya'll enjoy! :D
Artstyles used:
and @superemeralds!
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bonicexehog · 14 days
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amy roses and aimé rose that belongs to @nova-rpv
anti amy is just some random au concept idea thingy i came up with on the spot, not an original idea, there's already plenty of evil/anti/dark amy etc, but still it's fun to play with ideas and story telling
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flamesque · 2 months
The wind whisks past me, ruffling the layers of my clothes and tousling my hair. I keep my hands on the railing of the deck as I gaze out at the sea—or what I can see of it when everything beyond the ship is shrouded in darkness. At least the stars appear brighter out on the water.
The sun has long since set along with the rush from dinner. Only those who are partying to celebrate the first day out at sea are awake, and even then, they mostly reside inside where there are plenty of beverages for commemorating. I snuck away when the men headed off to drink and play cards, and my mother and her company went to bed.
Anything for a little peace and quiet away from them.
Rafayel walked towards the railing of the ship, the night sky dripping with many stars as the sea breeze brushed through his hair. He brought the cigarette to his lips and covered the end to light it up as he took a few puffs before letting it out. 
He hadn’t noticed another individual by the railings, but he didn’t mind it. Although, judging by their clothes and where they were on the deck, this didn’t seem like the correct area for someone of their esteem. 
“Fancy such is the night for commoners on this side of the ship.” He mumbled, gazing down into the waters as she took a longer drag to let out the smoke slowly as he peered at them with nothing but curiosity in his eyes. “...so what brings you here? You're not lost, are you?”
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deutsche-bahn · 4 months
Ich bekam Donnerstag nachts einen Anruf, wurde gefragt ob ich mit auf die RPV möchte und gurkte einen Tag später in's tiefste Ruhrgebiet.
Die RPV ist eine Rollenspiel-Messe. Wie Comic Con, nur noch unzugänglicher für die general public. Die Stimmung ist dadurch ganz faszinierend, dass alle Hauptzielgruppen (TTRPG-Spieler, Comic fans, Cosplayer und LARPer) allesamt fest davon überzeugt sind, die jeweils einzigen vernünftigen Leute dort zu sein. Alle anderen Untergruppen sind der wahre gesellschaftliche Bodensatz, wir hingegen sind die guten Nerds. Wir belächelten uns alle fröhlich gegenseitig. Wie endlos bürgerlich.
Faszinierend war alleine schon die Gliederung der Messehallen. In Themenbereiche aufgetrennt- leider waren alle Bereiche mit irgendwelchen references und Neologismen betitelt worden, die höchstens zufällig auf die dort angesiedelten Stände hindeuteten. Wir gingen so ca drei Mal am "Asia-Verse" vorbei (keiner von uns konnte sich für Animes begeistern) bevor irgendwer raffte dass dort ausschließlich Star Wars merchandise ausgestellt wurde. Asien als ferne Galaxie zu verkaufen ist doch bestimmt auch irgendwie politisch unkorrekt, da könnte man doch bestimmt nen Skandal rausklopfen.
Gut, to be fair: wenn man die Star Wars Asia Halle durchquerte und die Hintertür in's Freie nahm stolperte man über einen einzigen Bubble Tea Verkäufer, um den sich ein paar Rudel Cosplayer gescharrt hatten. Ich war mir sicher, das tatsächliche Asia Verse gefunden zu haben.
Auf der Suche nach dem Ausgang aus der Star Wars Ecke marschierte einer von uns auf eine Tür zu, öffnete sie und drehte dann mit einem Gesichtsausdruck ab den ich sonst nur von mor in extremen Stresssituationen kenne. "Cosplayer-Umkleide" war ihr einziger Kommentar.
Zwischendurch standen wir auf einem der Gänge im 2. Stock an's Geländer gelehnt da und sahen uns Leute in der Halle unter uns an. "Menschen gucken" ist auch so' deutscher Instinkt, oder? So oder so, ich sah einen meiner LARP-Bekannten unter uns vorbeilaufen. Oh, sweet! Ich zeigte ganz begeistert auf ihn, freute mir 'nen Ast und wollte eigentlich nach ihm rufen. Dann fiehlen mir zwei Dinge ein: 1. Ich kenne seinen echten Vornamen nicht, und 2. sein in-game Name ist "Bastard". Ich kann mich beim besten Willen nicht, selbst auf ner gottverdammten Rollenspielmesse, über's Geländer lehnen und "BASTARD!??" in die Menge brüllen. Nein, dann kann ich einpacken. Meine Mimik macht kurz Ausdruckstanz bei der Vorstellung. Der Kollege neben mir folgt meinem Blick: "Mögen wir den nicht?". Nein, doch, wir mögen den, wir sind nur sehr conflicted was seinen Namen angeht. Egal. Unter uns verschwand der Bastard in der Menge.
Zwischendurch wurden wir am Süßwarenstand angeschwemmt. Hier wird's kurz relevant dass wir zwar nicht in Vollmontur unterwegs waren, dafür aber die hyperrealistische Orang Utan-Babypuppe umhertrugen. Ich weiß auch nicht warum. Das Teil ist gruselig, leider aber auch ein Erbstück. Anyways. Wir standen mit Orang Utan auf der Schulter am Süßigkeitenstand, als eine der thailändischen Verkäuferinnen auf uns zugeschossen kam. Ihre abartig offensive Verkaufsstrategie bestand daraus, uns wahllose Kostproben in die Hand zu drücken. Sie wollte meinem Freund mit Affe auf Schulter gerade eine getrocknete Kiwi zuschieben als ihr dann der Menschenaffe auffiehl. Sie riss die Kiwi zurück und machte einen Satz in die andere Richtung, machte dabei ein Geräusch in einer Frequenz die nur Fledermäuse und Kinder hören können. Fair, sie dachte halt das Vieh wäre echt (und dementsprechend potenziell bissig).
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