thebookishsnake · 5 years
Intro to Scorpius
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Is that [SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY]! It’s so nice to see them back at Hogwarts! [HE] is [16 ], and a [SIXTH YEAR] [SLYTHERIN] and totally looks like the muggle [WILL TUDOR]. They are known to be [INTELLIGENT], and [EMPATHETIC] but also have a tendency to be [SELF-DEPRECATING] and [NERVOUS]. There are whispers around the castle that in the unrest that is brewing they are [NEUTRAL]. [OTHER INFO: Slytherin keeper, sixth year prefect]
Full Character Name: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
Does your character have siblings? What are their names?: Nope. He’s an only child. The Malfoy household has been and will continue to be a quiet one.
What is your characters best subject in school? Defence Against The Dark Arts
What is your characters wand? 12 and ½ inches, unicorn tail hair, Hawthorn, exactly the same as Draco’s except two and a half inches longer. It makes sense when you think about how father and son are both highly skilled wizards that are excellent at casting both healing magic and curses, but are men “with a conflicted nature, and wizards passing through a period of turmoil.”
Can your character cast a Patronus? What is it? What memory do they use?: He can cast a patronus. It’s a fox. He uses a memory of him, his mum and his dad going to pick strawberries when he was seven.
Who is your characters best friend?: Probably Dominique Weasley. They clicked on their first day at Hogwarts, and they’ve been close ever since.
Does your character look up to anyone? Who? His dad. He’s proud of Draco for making the choice to become a better man, and he gets upset when people hold his dad’s past against him, because his dad is the best man he knows and he thinks it’s incredibly brave of him to have pushed past how he was raised.
What is your characters relationship like with their family? He was closer to Astoria than to Draco, though he loves them both very much and gets very defensive if he hears people speak badly about his parents. Which happens a lot because they’re Malfoys, duh. After Astoria died in his third year, he had a rough time but it did bring him and Draco closer together. He also sees his grandparents quite often, though he can tell they disapprove of how he’s being brought up. He can tell they want to mention it, but Draco has threatened to not let them see Scorpius anymore if they do, so to preserve their weekly Malfoy Sunday Dinners (during school breaks and holidays), they keep it cordial. 
If your character has siblings, do they have a favorite? He doesn’t have any.
What is your characters go-to spell in a duel? Rictusempra. He’d much rather make someone tickle than to actually hurt them.
What spell does your character use most often? Accio. It’s practical and easy and helps him be lazy — or efficient, as he prefers to call it. What’s not to like?
Five or more facts/headcanons about your character:
He has a Siberian Forest Cat named Lyra and a Eurasian Eagle Owl named Aquila, in keeping with the family tradition of naming children after constellations.
His favourite Quidditch team is the Montrose Magpies. This causes a lot of conflict within the Malfoy home, as Draco is a Falmouth Falcons supporter. When Astoria was alive she would go visit her sister if the two teams were ever playing against each other.
Scorpius’s favourite holiday is Christmas, but it was hard for him to celebrate it after Astoria died because the holidays haven’t been the same without her. He’s trying to teach himself to love it again.
He knows the Malfoys have French ancestry, so he really wants to learn French so that he can feel more connected to his ancestors. Yeah they were kind of evil dickheads, but he wants to feel like they have *something* in common enough that he wouldn’t get totally disowned for being a gay, muggleborn-loving nerd.
When he grows up he wants to be a healer. He’s seen what incurable magical maladies did to his mother and he wants to make sure that can never happen to another person ever again. He wants to find a cure to her blood curse, and other ailments like it.
Scorpius has an addiction to candy. He’s always carrying a bag around. It’s something he picked up as a child, because his mom would always tell him that sharing sweets would help him make friends.
BIO: I loved a lot of what Cursed Child did with Scorpius. His personality was wonderful, his family backstory, I adored. His romance friendship with Albus? I LOVED. The tacked on Rose romance was cringey, but the potential for a friendship there? Wonderful. So anyways my Scorpius takes the best of CC!Scorpius and discards everything I didn’t like. 
Scorpius grew up in Malfoy Manor with his parents, who did their utmost best to raise him differently than they’d been raised themselves. The result was a boy who grew up isolated, but ultimately loving and friendly to everyone around him.
Scorpius loves to learn and spent most of his childhood devouring every single book he could get his hands on. Despite his friendliness, he is also fairly distrustful of the people around him because of the way he’s been treated his entire life due to his last name, and his striking resemblance to his father. He also gets very upset when people speak badly about his parents and it’s one of the only things that will trigger his anger. He was proud to be sorted into Slytherin, like his dad, but he also finds it overwhelming to have such a heavy legacy on his shoulders that he both wishes to uphold and revamp. He also feelings like he might not fit in — people see him on the surface and assume he was more suited to Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. 
Lately, he’s also been struggling with his sexuality as he’s come to realize it’s yet another thing that makes him different, and he’s deeply afraid of what accepting it to himself would even mean. It’s something he’s been suppressing for several years, and he’s only realized recently that he’s been repressing anything at all.
Scorpius misses his mother deeply. She’d been ill his whole life and died when he was in third year, which left an ugly wound in him. Her death had brought him and Draco closer together, but Scorpius misses his mother viscerally every day and would give anything to have her back since she was his biggest supporter. He knows his father’s past, but he’s not ashamed of it. Rather, he’s proud of who his dad has become. 
Extremely skilled in magic, Scorpius is one of the most gifted students in his year at Hogwarts. He’s also a Keeper on the Slytherin quidditch team. He’s also made it a personal mission of his to look out for the younger years and help them out in school whenever he can. If he’s not in his bed or the Slytherin common room, he can likely be found in the library. He has a tightknit group of friends who can deal with his spastic, awkward and overbearing nature, and he keeps them close. Scorpius is extremely loyal and would do anything for his friends.
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snakevalentino · 5 years
Intro to Valentino
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Is that [VALENTINO EMMANUEL DE LA CRUZ]! It’s so nice to see them back at Hogwarts! [HE] is [16], and a [SIXTH YEAR] [SLYTHERIN] and totally looks like the muggle [FROY GUTIERREZ]. They are known to be [DETERMINED], and [ASSERTIVE] but also have a tendency to be [SADISTIC] and [MANIPULATIVE]. There are whispers around the castle that in the unrest that is brewing they are [SIDING WITH THE NIGHT WALKERS]. [OTHER INFO: Slytherin beater, hitwizard for the Night Walkers]
Full Character Name: Valentino Emmanuel de la Cruz. But a lot of people just call him Val.
Does your character have siblings? What are their names?: Nope.
What is your characters best subject in school? It’s not taught at Hogwarts, but Dark Arts. If we’re picking off the actual curriculum, probably Charms.
What is your characters wand? Rougarou hair core, yew, 11 inches. Since he started school in North America, that’s where he got the wand. The wandmaker definitely looked uneasy when a rougarou core picked him. It wasn’t a wand she’d made herself, but one of many unsold ones from the American wandmaker Violetta Beauvais, who kept the fact that she used the cores secret since they are “believed to have an affinity for the Dark Arts, like vampires to blood, as the Rougarou itself is a highly dangerous beast.”
Can your character cast a Patronus? What is it? What memory do they use?: He can’t (yet??? who knows), but if he could, it would be a bull shark.
Who is your characters best friend?: He gets along decently well with his housemates — the pureblood ones at least — but if he had to pick a person, it would be Balthazar. They have the same lack of inhibitions.
Does your character look up to anyone? Who? His parents. Joaquin and Regina de la Cruz. They own an empire, and crush their opponents under their feet like they’re nothing. Val wants that for himself one day, and he wants a partnership like the one his father has with his mother too. They’ve found a common darkness within one another, and they see each other as equals and for who they really are. It’s the kind of true love that Val wants to find one day. Working together and loving each other makes them both better, stronger and he’s always idolized them as the perfect kind of couple.
What is your characters relationship like with their family? Valentino is the apple of his parents’ eye. They spoil him mercilessly and have built up quite an ego within him. The child of the union between two powerful and rich Mexican and Indigenous  (Caxcan) pureblood families in Mexico, Valentino has always felt special. Like the rules didn’t apply to him and that the world owed him everything and his parents certainly fostered that sentiment within him. They won’t hear a word against their son and they will use their power, money, influence — and let’s be real, threats — to keep him out of trouble and make sure nothing’s ever linked back to him or on his record.
If your character has siblings, do they have a favorite? No siblings.
What is your characters go-to spell in a duel? Crucio. It’s efficient. But sometimes he wants to draw things out, watch people bleed, so he’ll use something else.
What spell does your character use most often? Obliviate. Sometimes he wants the extra insurance that his victims won’t tattle, so he makes sure they forget who’d hurt them.
Five or more facts/headcanons about your character:
He *hates* being in Defense Against the Dark Arts. It’s a stupid, pointless class filled with propaganda. The Dark Arts are a beautiful thing and he’s been trained in them since he was a child. It’s just one more kind of magic, censoring it won’t achieve anything.
Val is actually sharp as a whip. Along with excelling in most of his classes, he can speak English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. He picked up French and Portuguese during his brief time at Ilvermorny. If he applied himself to literally anything good, he’d probably make the world a better place, but alas, he’s a sadistic little shithead.
He has an owl named Luci — short for Lucifer. He doesn’t *love* it, but he’s certainly fond of it.
Because his mother is Caxcan, she knows magic that isn’t known or understood outside of Mexico’s Indigenous wizarding community. They’re tightly kept secrets, only meant to stay within the tribe, and Valentino knows those spells and cherishes them, holding them close to his chest. They’re a secret between he and his mother — Joaquin knows they know these spells of course, but he understands it’s not his place to try and learn them. Sometimes Val thinks about teaching them to his own children one day, and keeping the magic going.
Val knicks books from the Restricted Section all the time. It’s not like security at Hogwarts is particularly good. Besides if they really didn’t want students reading those books about the Dark Arts, they wouldn’t have them in the library, would they?
Valentino is an asshole and he’s not afraid to admit it. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth and two parents that constantly reminded him that he was better than the people around him and could do everything and anything, he never really learned the meaning of consequences. 
The de la Cruzes run a secret, underground operation where they’re working to figure out the secret immortality. They’re not foolish. They’re not going after it in the absolutely irresponsible, ridiculous way that Tom Riddle did it. Instead, they have a lab, full of creative, and equally bigoted wizards, happy to test out different things on a variety of muggles that were nicked from places they’d never be noticed. What’s one homeless person off the streets of London? It’s just a drop in a bucket. Once they figure it out, then they’ll do it on themselves, but they’re not going to start hacking at their own souls or become shells of themselves to do it. On the surface though, they run several powerful wizarding businesses. It’s all kosher. Nothing to see here. What’s not to love about Joaquin and Regina? They’re such lovely company, and the pride of wizarding high society.
When Val was five, his babysitter fell asleep while she was meant to be watching him. He covered her in a blanket, and then ventured out of his room to go find his parents. Once he’d located them in his father’s office, he stumbled into an unexpected scene: his father torturing two men and their families, including children, because the men had broken a deal with them. Joaquin decided that now that he had seen what they did, it was time he step into the family business. Joaquin talked him through his actions, Regina making sure her son was listening carefully to his father, and in the end, Joaquin made sure Valentino was holding onto his wand when he cast a killing curse, so that he’d know what it felt like. He also made sure Valentino watched as he killed the rest, including a child his age. Regina killed the babysitter after — Margarita had been sleeping on the job after all, and that’s not what she was paid to do. The saga was what awakened something in Val, and it sparked his continuous desire to be better, stronger more powerful as well as his fascination with the Dark Arts.
He started school at Ilvermorny when he was 11, and was sorted into Wampus. He didn’t enjoy his time there and found the school’s overwhelming focus on harmony and stamping out the dark arts to be insufferable. He often skipped Defense Against The Dark Arts class and used that time to teach himself the Dark Arts instead. When he was in third year he hexed a classmate so badly he permanently disfigured him — and was lucky the student didn’t die because of the attack — and that was the last straw for the administrators at Ilvermorny. They expelled him but a large donation from his parents kept the truth from coming to light. Instead, the public story as it stands is that his parents moved the entire family to England so he could attend Hogwarts as it’s a more prestigious institution. He hasn’t had any explosions quite as violent as the one that got him kicked out of Ilvermorny quite yet, but with his activity with the Night Walkers, it’s safe to say that may not stand anymore.
He doesn’t necessarily believe in the Night Walkers’ cause but he’s always up for some mayhem and causing pain. But really he’s after glory, admiration and prestige for himself, not whatever the Night Walkers are working towards. But it’s a means to an end. He plays to the beat of his own drum, but for now, the Night Walkers are useful for him to be in.
Despite his foul temper, he’s also *very* popular and has a bit of a reputation within school as a playboy as he’ll fall into bed with nearly any guy who wants him. Like everything else, his parents keep his “indiscretions” on lock-down too — he’s gay, and they support that fully, they just don’t want tabloids smearing his name just because he likes to hit it and quit it. He can be incredibly charming when he wants to be and is a truly believable liar, and that keeps the normally sharp Hogwarts administration on his side.
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