changeborn · 5 years
every friend request
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kotoxwari · 5 years
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【 @rubldus​ sent in】:    ❝ KISSU??? bc he might be lowkey jealous that the deformed muppet got one and he hasn't? ❞
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        He wasn’t sure what the DEMAND was for all the kisses going around, and he certainly wasn’t used to anyone wanting ones from him. To see Yata upset he hadn’t received a kiss from him had indeed left him a little flattered. 
      He grinned, releasing a soft chuckle before bringing the vanguard close and delivering a sweet kiss to his lips. 
            ❛ Does that help? ❜
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causeborn · 5 years
The alliance between red and blue had continued, and the KING had only been frequenting HOMRA more. Surprisingly, Vanguard didn't so much mind it. Nevermind the fact that there was s o m e t h i n g between them, bluenette wasn't exactly unpleasant in presence. It had distaste melding into likeness and then. Well. There was a reason he'd made his way to the man's office, after all, a reason he'd grabbed him by the cravat. A reason he impulsively attached their lips. "You fuckin' idiot!!"
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                          “Oya - - ?”
Deep within the frigid chasm of decorum and innate comprehension of the state of things around him, stood a man DECLARED A KING, his crown a jagged noose dangling by the merciless thread of humanity.      Countless strings, crimson strings, wrapped tight about the blade of his spirit - and it was each, by his own choosing, that had the capacity to CRUSH the metal to shrapnel if the spiderweb of fate was disturbed even slightly.      It was one such thread, WILD AND FIERCE AND AFLAME, that had proudly, effortlessly, cracked the sword down the center, small abrasions beneath the surface allowing such a feat - and for that, the gelid monarch had hoped never to create such SMALL WORLDS for himself again, lest his path be blocked entirely.       AND YET, HERE YOU ARE.                        CHAOS WITHIN MY SANCTUM.Unfettered pride a whirlwind of emotion, of VIOLENT DISREGARD for the order by which he sought so desperately to protect, breath and heat and aggravation a cocktail by which he had no tolerance for.   Restrained violets alit with surprise for only a fraction of an already fleeting moment, as power incarnate became the lithe fingers coiling around the youth’s collar, forcing him to cry havoc and insult straight into the jaws of the beast.            MISCOMMUNICATION WAS NO LONGER AN OPTION.                                 (Fine then.)But, he would not again need to wash sacred life off his derelict means of sight - no, he was capable of unforgiving heat, as well, disallowing the vanguard god-given air for a few moments longer than was duly moral, before releasing him back to the wild.
                         “Take that as what you will, Yatagarasu-kun.            Understand what you will.                                It is no longer my responsibility to shield you, if you insist on invading my sanctum like this.”                                                
                                                                                      - - FOR ORDER IS YOUR CAUSE,                                                                                     AND A PURE AND LONELY PATH THAT IS
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Why u look like vampire naruto tho
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fauxcheva · 5 years
rubldus replied to your post: & |  CHARACTER  ZODIAC  AESTHETIC. tagged by :...
into the retro aesthetic- im literally dying-
wear bell bottoms and mom jeans, saru
     LISTEN—— I literally never thought about him and retro aes but I can  SEE  it when I think about it now. Retro and neon lights sounds so fitting change my mind but no he will not wear either of those keep them away adklnfv
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radiancebled · 5 years
@rubldus​​​ said: Today was a very special day indeed, and for once in his life, Yata was prepared. It wasn't much, mind you. Money he'd scraped together from one of his part-time jobs, but it was put into the purchase of a sweet little hair clip with a red rose decorating it. He wasn't usually so good at these things, but hey. Anna was special. So he'd braved all the ladies shopping at the jewelry store to get it, and had even managed to articulate asking the cashier to have it wrapped.      Now he held the gift behind his back with one hand, and he took hers with the other, giving it a small squeeze and squatting down in front of her. Mikoto wasn't here anymore. Neither was Tatara. And even though Anna could kick his ass and everyone else's with her power, he still wanted to protect her. It was the least he could do, for somebody he loved this much. She was stronger than him, than all of them. "Happy birthday, Anna." Tender, a rare moment of quiet and stillness born from adoration.
     ❝ Misaki? ❞ 
     she’d been busy with a counter scattered ( almost ) messily with colored pencils, when she heard the tell-tale sign of the teen returning back to the bar ( he wasn’t the quietest person but it was endearing ). hopping down from her seat & pushing the stool back into place; she’d approached to greet him as per usual but she’d notice he was hiding something from her view. genuine happy flicks of red encased the boy as he smiled down at her—much bigger if it were possible. the small king was wondering just what was it was he was hiding from her! 
     her eyes lit up once he took hold of her hand & gently squeezed it; she didn’t completely understand but she waited patiently as he squatted down in front of her. an act that she was familiar with izumo doing as he thought of her as HOMRA’s princess. it made a small smile reach her features just thinking about it & while it wasn’t an exact copy, misaki’s had a charm all on it’s own ( trying to reach her as close as possible she guesses ). 
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     the moment the words had left; anna’s demeanor brightened up. she knew well enough that no one would forget but there was something genuine about hearing the words. it was another year without mikoto or tatara but there wasn’t sadness—just adoration & she was grateful for still being around for everyone. 
     quietly peeking at the small box being presented, anna gently took her hand out of the boy’s hold to properly open the gift. 
     ❝ !!! ❞ a quiet gasp was heard once she saw the hairclip decorated with pretty red that seemed to sparkle all on its own. taking the clip; she set it down in his hands & then pointed over to the right side of her hair ( where miniature hat used to be ). ❝ Put it on...for me? ❞ she could very well do it herself but the sentiment of having the other do it, felt much more meaningful to her, ❝ It’s special...so it’s more special if you did it. ❞
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heavenlysung · 5 years
     Among the heat of the lights and the thunderous roar of screaming fans, it was easy to feel overwhelmed even after  YEARS  of being in the spotlight. Though he’d never been one to complain, as he’d be nothing without the rapturous support, even Tenn couldn’t deny that being offstage after such a heavy performance was a  BREATH  of fresh air. It had only been a two song appearance but nonetheless felt like a small concert. TRIGGER’s audience never failed to bring with them the energy of thousands and the male had played on this to the  FULLEST.  Now he’d stepped outside the venue to get himself away from the cameras and shouts if only for but a minute. The recording wasn’t done, it had taken a break, but his own work was now over and permission was given to walk about as they awaited their ride.
          He should have been ALONE— safe in the disguise of civilian clothing and his face mask. Yet no longer than four seconds spared with the mask drawn down for a fuller breath had been his undoing. A  LOUD  voice announced his whereabouts and the small peace was compromised. ‘ How did he get back here ?! ’
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     In a moment of  PANIC,  Tenn rushed over to the male and unceremoniously dragged him inside and away from the eyes of the backstage staff for added measure. “ I’m sorry, but you really shouldn’t be back here. Were you calling for  OTHERS  just now ? ”
                                               ⌈ @rubldus​ ♡’d ⌋
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bladebeauty · 5 years
❀ CROSSING  PATHS  (starter  call) ❀   ❧ @rubldus​
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   Call  it  curiosity  which  summoned  forth  JUNGLE’s  lead  combatant.  A  monster  or  beast  of  a  man.  And  apparently  he’d  left  an  impression  given  the  lack  of  any  HOMRA  members  trying  to  confront  him  despite  him  being  deep  in  their  territory.  He’d  noticed  the  few  he’d  seen,  all  of  which  had  promptly  disappeared.  But  just  how  was  HOMRA  handing  Saruhiko’s  abandonment  of  Scepter  4  too  ?  Not  that  Yukari  trusted  Saruhiko,  all  of  JUNGLE  knew  what  he  was  after.  But  simply  put  ?  They  weren’t  CONCERNED  about  his  attempts.
   Yukari  stepped  into  a  restaurant  with  a  pleasant  aroma,  ordering  his  meal  and  taking  his  seat  in  one  of  the  comfortable  seats,  hearing  a  few  ordinary  people  chatting  about  this  and  that.  soon  his  food  arrived  -  what  a  pleasant  little  restaurant,  the  thought  flicking  across  his  mind  as  angel  took  a  bite  of  his  food.
   And  promptly  found  himself  picking  up  his  bowl  to  bring  it  to  the  safety  of  his  lap  as  a  rather  FAMILIAR  figure  shattered  the  table  his  food  had  been  on  moments  earlier.  Yukari  finished  chewing  the  noodles  before  giving  a  cheerful  wave  with  chopsticks  in  hand   to  Yata.
   ‘  Hello,  Yatagarasu  !  Long  time  no  see,  since  the  Slates  and  all.  “  The  J-RANK  greeted  with  a  chirpy  aura  to  him,  as  if  he  were  meeting  a  friend  rather  than  rival.  “  Come  for  lunch  to  ?   This  place  is  great.  “
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pyrebreathed · 5 years
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“ Please. Tell Mi-nii he’s not allowed to talk anymore. I’m suffering. ”
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phoenicrisen-a-blog · 5 years
@rubldus​ replied to your post:
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     looks like misaki gets a small giggle in response. she knows he’s trying his best & that’s what matters in the end. she’ll motion for him to get down to her level, just to pat his head.     
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changeborn · 5 years
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando? // here u go, i contributed to society
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            [ TROUBLESHOOT ]                                         [ OK ]
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kotoxwari · 5 years
rubldus replied to your post:      ❛ I wish to adopt baby Yoda. ❜
i thought this said baby yata at first and i was like ‘bitch, take him’
lmaoooo yata adopt baby yoda with kuroh 
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causeborn · 5 years
/ birthday kicks him in the shin
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A gaze cast forward, towards the future, towards the daunting tomorrow - the KING’S GAZE LINGERED JUST ABOVE HIS PATH, stalwart in stance and immovable in ideal.   There was little presence of mind when it came to the body’s physical maladies, a man too far inside his own mind to be too engrossed in whether or not he was bleeding out at any given time.As such, the sledgehammer footwear against what should have been brittle bone, made rigid stalactite by CHOSEN POWER, was impactful, but proved more or less harmless to his state.             Violet dew cast askance in a field of ivory, to take witness of just who DARED interrupt such an important vigil… only to be.. less than surprised by his company.    THE LITTLE CROW WAS A FEARSOME PET OF KINGS, but to make such pointed contact without a declaration of anger… it must be for some benign reason.
              “Oya?      Yatagarasu, I hope you’re prepared to provide a feasible explanation.                    What happens to be the occasion?”
A pause, idle consideration playing havoc with a dangerously sentimental mind.. today was, of course.. an occasion, but there would be little reason to suspect the fire-bred vanguard to know.
                         “A ceremony I’m unaware of? Or simply frustrated?”
                                                                                      - - FOR ORDER IS YOUR CAUSE,                                                                                     AND A PURE AND LONELY PATH THAT IS
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crmsnking-archived · 5 years
Who's Mikoto's favorite clansman ( besides the obvious Kusanagi and Tatara ) ~
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     There’s a pause. “Anna.”
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fauxcheva · 5 years
rubldus replied to your post:     Wheezes I just moved into my apartment today...
i may know jack shit about jungle but here i am ready to spread my wisdom
also turtle is dumb i am a g ^
     I HAVE A WHOLE ASS AU LIKE 90-95% TYPED OUT NOW SEND HELP but also @changeborn you were called
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radiancebled · 5 years
@rubldus​​ said: / Picks up the princess and swings her around just bc?? He loves her??? 10/10 would die for one (1) tiny Red King
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     she was not prepared to be swung around, but she’s okay & enjoying the swinging! misaki’s affections never go un-noticed or underappreciated in this house. 
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