violettranslations · 1 year
Emergence of Spontaneous Explosiveness (暴発性エマージェンス)
>暗中に活はあるか? 泥中に花は咲くか? 穴だらけな僕を赦してください Dude Is there a life to be had in the dark? Do flowers truly bloom in the muck? I know I’m full of flaws, but please forgive me, Dude 午前零時 心は自虐を患った 感情の感染症 広まって 伝染病 四畳半でウダウダ惰眠を貪った 処方箋はとうに捨て去った 真面目に生きてみた 先には何も無かった 理想像とか重過ぎ 報われないぜ 夢も愛も涙も 僕を置いてく ヘラっちまうぜ 温もりを注射して フェイクプラスティックツリーズの随に 希望論とか ベタ過ぎるから ハウトゥーもノウハウも 全部 不幸症のパンデミックさ Midnight: my heart is plagued by its self-torture. It’s an infectious disease of emotion, a spreading epidemic. I idled away my time in a four-and-a-half-mat room. I’d thrown my prescription away forever ago. I tried giving an honest life a shot, but the future held nothing for me. Idealized preconceptions and all that are too heavy, they’ll never pay off. Dreams, love, tears; they’ve all left me behind. It’s super depressing. Inject me with warmth! As with Fake Plastic Trees, hopeful ideologies are just too cliched. How-tos and know-how and everything else are all a pandemic of unhappinessitis. 今 暴発性エマージェンス 罠だらけの世に ライアー ライアー 暇が無いぜ 社会に巣食う like a cancer 暴発性エマージェンス 一人じゃできない メーデー メーデー どうか声を貸してください 最低だって泣いてみたって 暗中に活は無くて レールに乗れない僕を赦して下さい Dude Right now is my emergence of spontaneous explosiveness! In this trap-ridden world, liar, liar, I’ve got no time to spare. I nest in society like a cancer Emergence of spontaneous explosiveness, I can’t do it alone! Mayday, mayday—please, lend me your voice! This is the worst, but even if I feel like crying, there’s no life to be had in the dark. I know I can’t follow everyone else’s lead, but please forgive me, Dude 四半世紀 「普通」の「幸せ」楽しんだ 文武両道だ 立身出世だ 気付いたら 心は伽藍の洞だった ありふれた人生 意味はあるの? I enjoyed a “ordinary” sort of “happiness” for a quarter of a century. I excelled in both academics and athletics, I achieved great success in life. But somehow, my heart felt like a void in the hallowed halls of my existence. Is there any point in having a normal life? テンプレに則った生涯 資本主義社会 産む功罪 朧気な不安感 招来 リリカルな上り坂 崩壊 錆び付いた悲しみの正体 縒れきった型だけの後悔 穴だらけの心 僕は無価値ですか? My whole life I’ve conformed to a template. This capitalist society yields its strengths and weaknesses. It invites a hazy sense of unease as this lyrical slope breaks down. This is the true form of my rusted sadness. My feelings of regret have gotten all twisted up. My heart is full of flaws. Does that mean I’m worthless? 今 最低態から実存の芽が萌ゆる ターニン ターニン 暇が無いぜ マインドからの驚天動地 最高なんて高望みしないんで ジーザス ジーザス 仕組まれずに自分で決めたいんで Right now, the buds of existence will sprout out of their worst possible condition. Turning, turning, I’ve got no time to spare! An earth-shattering revelation of the mind. Ugh, it’s not like I’m gonna shoot for the moon or anything, Jesus, Jesus! I want to make my own decisions, without anyone else pulling the strings. 今 暴発性エマージェンス 罠だらけの世に グッバイ グッバイ 傷付かないで 堕落も愛せ like a Hippie 暴発性エマージェンス 一人じゃできない メーデー メーデー どうか声を貸してください 滔々と尖らせるエゴ その全部 認めている レールに乗れない僕を赦して下さい Dude Right now is my emergence of spontaneous explosiveness! In this trap-ridden world, goodbye, goodbye, be sure not to get yourself hurt, and embrace even depravity like a Hippie Emergence of spontaneous explosiveness, I can’t do it alone! Mayday, mayday—please, lend me your voice! My ego sharpens fluidly, I acknowledge all of it. I know I can’t follow everyone else’s lead, but please forgive me, Dude
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vocalsynth-songs · 1 year
Neon Light Groove by rukaku ft. Kafu
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kafus · 19 days
Hi I apologize if this has been asked before but I was wondering what your favourite Kafu songs are (I personally adore Boi and Phony)? Totally not asking this because I need new recommendations (I am).
i listen to a LOTTT of kafu songs, so picking out my favorites is kind of hard for me and also changes depends on what's currently in my rotation. so i'll just throw you some songs that i like right now that are kinda buried/harder to find!
i am dedicating my single allotted directly embedded youtube video to my favorite extremely niche/underrated producer, "niche slang"
their work is so ethereal to me...
and here's some other songs i really like right now that aren't super well known:
パイロマニア by いめ44
裏世界 by niki
ハリボテ by namigroove
Ended Up Dead by Sheeno Mirin (also has Yuzuki Yukari)
ネオンライトグルーヴ by rukaku
春じゃないわ by メドミア
never feel bad about asking i'm always down to share music recs :]
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
hi what are your vocacolle highlights so far if you have any beacuse i have been so busy i haven't been able to keep up and you seem like someone who would have good recs
i! dont know if theyre all to ur taste but my personal playlist includes
(the only remix i'll put here) hiiragi magnetite darling dance remix. it has a similar energy to like kyuuyaku hankagai or shuuen touhikou its very obviously their style
sheeno mirin's anata ni wa narenai. again very obviously their style. kinda similar sounding to their other songs like heterodoxy or shicchatta
meddmia's yacchae! fresh young. idk what to say about it its catchy and fun. good kafu miku song.
rukaku's mea?. i like the funky little interlude part. the key press animation during its neat too.
naisho no pierce's kakumei no moment. i think this counts as vocarap. im not big on luka personally but its neat & kafu & flower in the chorus sounds really good
zeeka's fukenzen monster. zeeka's sekai songs really hit a certain vibe with me & this ones no different. catchy i think.
yurame's candy crack. twinkly kind of sound if u like that. dont remember if this one made the ranking but worth a listen
rinri's usureru. this is Much calmer & quieter than the others i've put so far but its really good. its mostly rime but hime in the chorus isnt a combination ive thought of before but it Works i really like this one
akire's HERE!. ive never particularly vibed with his songs before but this one. this ones got a very nice sound. does this count as edm idk im bad with genres. miku sounds soft in it & it works u just have to trust me-
ǢǪ's R4. this is another lighter sounding one (not as much as the rime one but more so than the others) with a chimey type of sound. i think the animation in its fun.
wataru sena's sensitive ghost. this reminds me of yowanecity's songs & i mean that in a good way. it has that type of sound. high energy type song. good.
eo's EX!T. another fun high energy sounding song.
kitto, zutto, botti's warau wa. its not super similar to it but it has a line that shares a melody with their other song amaoto to, mau so they're probably definitely related but im not invested enough to make sure. its good on its own even if u havent heard the other tho.
zensen's dance deggee. if u like. electro swing. i think thats what zensen usually does. its good. perhaps another kafu song for ur playlist
to-ya's arigatou. most underrated song i have on my playlist right now. its good edm ur honor.
a4.'s zetsubou. spring kafu song. the animation's really nice too. dont expect anything like jeep its quite different
and i'll leave u with natsuyama yotsugi's akeruE. dopam!ne helped work on it too. got a fun sound. one of those fake languages songs & its got a counterpart song being posted later today too.
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
Hi! I just wanted to thank you for the match up and ohmygod i throughout i sent it on anonymous but ohwell 😅 and thank you, i can't stop smiling since i read my request, people around me thought i just received a love letter or something 🙈😂 Also, I absolutely love your writing and I hope you have a nice day!
Hey!! :))
whjwkdjskk I hope it's still okay that you ended up not being on anon. And I'm glad the match up made you smile!! :)) Also, I mean, the people around you aren't wrong per say. All these match ups are mini love letters to you guys for supporting me dhskdksks
Thank you so much for liking my writing 😭😭 I hope your day goes well too!!
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morathicain · 3 years
If you're taking prompts and you're ever inspired to write anything for Kurosawa/Adachi, please do! 🙏 I love them so much, and your writing is so beautiful! Really, anything will do, I cannot decide if I prefer protective Kurosawa or protective Adachi, hurt Kurosawa or hurt Adachi, but maybe hurt Adachi (by some jealous Kurosawa's fangirl?) *and* protective Kurosawa? Just please think about it! Thank you so much in advance!
Sorry me again... or protective adachi actually! I really need more adachi making kurosawa feeling loved! Ok I really can't decide and this is a mess so I'll leave it up to you, if you ever get inspiration for the two of them I'll happily read anything (hurt/comfort?) you write! thankyou! (2/2)
Dear Anon, thank you so much for your prompt! This does indeed fit my recent CM rewatch and the rewatch going on right now. So, I was absolutely in the mood for some Cherry Magic and your prompt and I hope you'll enjoy it.
(on AO3)
A fighter for you
It felt like a déjà-vu to Adachi.
Except that this time, he didn’t feel embarrassed and uncomfortable beyond comprehension but angry. Maybe still uncomfortable, but mostly angry.
Sitting at the business dinner, opposite of Kurosawa wasn’t something he was used to. Most business dinners Kurosawa had to go to were without Adachi. He usually wasn’t one needed in the conversation and Kurosawa surely didn’t make him go just for the fun of it.
Since he was so high up in the ranks, he could decide and lead those conversations a bit more by now, but this time, he’d been forced by their boss to go the same way Adachi had been. And it was a shared project, so it made sense.
Why Kurosawa had to sit next to the new business partner who was leering at him since the greeting, wasn’t something Adachi understood though. Or even wanted to understand.
No one in their company knew of their relationship, except Fujisaki and maybe Rukaku. Although with Rukaku it was never clear. Did he know or didn’t he? If he did, he handled it with the utmost respect. If he didn’t, Adachi didn’t know what to make of it.
Kurosawa and Adachi were discreet at work. As discreet as it was possible with Kurosawa’s winks and their daily lunches and broad grins across the office. Adachi couldn’t not smile whenever he saw his partner do ... anything, basically. Working hard, concentrating with this sharp attentive gaze as if he wanted to set something on fire. Subtle signs when he was impatient or annoyed.
The small huffs when Kurosawa was tired always made Adachi want to go over and massage his shoulders, his neck and head.
He never did though, not in the office at least. Later, at home, he would, forcing his partner to sit down after the bath and making him relax so much, Kurosawa would become melted wax between his fingers.
So no, it wasn’t only Kurosawa being obvious, but Adachi maybe even more. Especially after three years of being together and living together. Kind of. Recently.
Officially, Adachi had moved into the same living complex because an apartment had been free and Kurosawa had known he was searching for a new accommodation. Since everyone knew by now that they were good friends, this wasn’t suspicious. And also a good enough reason for them to come and leave together more often than not.
But they had only done it after finally confronting their parents with their relationship. An act that had cost almost all of Adachi’s nerves and Kurosawa’s too.
Really, Kurosawa had probably been more nervous than Adachi with the number of times he’d woken up in the middle of the night sweating and then hugging Adachi till he was calm again. Or the way he’d been running around the flat searching for the last possible dust particle in the existence.
In the end, it had been okay ... ish. Adachi’s mom had been very critical of Kurosawa while Kurosawa’s mom had taken a liking to Adachi instantly. Probably because he’d looked like a fainting deer and had awakened her motherly instincts somehow. Kurosawa’s dad was still very unsure about all of it but he at least didn’t make their lives actively harder and that was all they could hope for.
So, now they were officially living together. At least officially for their friends and family. Not for work, which was probably why their boss hadn’t had any scruple to let strange business partners leer at his employee.
Which he shouldn’t do even if Kurosawa was single.
Which made Adachi even angrier.
If this asshole would look even a tiny bit closer, he would see how uncomfortable Kurosawa was. How he was shrinking away, his smile more of a grimace than a business smile by his shoulder up at his ears.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t as obvious for other people, but if this man would have looked even a bit more behind the handsome face, he would have seen.
Adachi curled his hands into fists as Kurosawa smiled reassuringly at him as if he wanted to tell him to calm down. Because even while being leered at and harassed he cared about how Adachi was feeling and was trying to make him comfortable.
Of course.
For a very, very short moment, Adachi thought about standing up to shout. Tell this guy to leave his boyfriend alone. Tell him to leave people alone who obviously didn’t want to flirt with him. To make his claim clear and drag Kurosawa out, like the hero he wanted to be.
But he didn’t, because it would make everything worse.
So, Adachi let out a deep sigh and tried to uncurl his fists, but there he was again, leaning even closer to Kurosawa, asking him to drink another glass, ignoring that he was almost falling off his chair because he was leaning away so much.
“I have a question about the selling numbers last year.”
The sound of his own voice came as a surprise, even to Adachi, his mind reeling with what the question could even be, the second he’d asked.
But it also came as a surprise to the rest of the table. To the stupid guy and to Kurosawa, frozen in their position of leaning close and leaning back.
“How did you manage to get such good numbers despite every other company crashing in March? I mean, it’s amazing, really.”
He knew why. Connections were always the answer and he’d read the reports but damn he needed a topic.
Blinking, the man leaned back and stared at Adachi as if he was seeing him for the first time.
“I have my highest respect for you”, he said with barely a tremble in his voice, “So that’s why I’m curious.”
He had stroked his ego somehow and Kurosawa was forgotten for a moment as the idiot started talking about the business he was proud of, the achievements he had managed.
It wouldn’t be enough to save Kurosawa, Adachi knew, but it was a start.
He felt a touch at his foot and guessed it was Kurosawa who was trying to say thank you. But Adachi didn’t even dare to avert his gaze away from this guy yet, so he couldn’t check, but he hoped it was his partner. Desperately.
Although, with the way he looked and with someone like Kurosawa next to them, the idiot wouldn’t make a move on Adachi. Never.
But he had to make one. Not a move on the guy, but a move to keep him away from Kurosawa for the rest of the night and maybe get them both out of here soon and this idiot was already slowing down with his monologue and looking at Kurosawa again and...
In a spur of genius or idiocy, he took Kurosawa’s glass of wine and pulled it over.
“I’m thirsty”, he lied as he downed half of it, “And you look as if you shouldn’t drink so much more. Don’t you have an important meeting tomorrow?”
Everyone around them stared, more or less surprised or suspicious, and Kurosawa nodded, slowly catching on but still very much concerned.
A look of conflicted disappointment crossed the man’s face. If he’d now try to openly make Kurosawa drunk, while knowing all this, it would be different than before.
No matter how much of an asshole move it had been before as well.
He turned to Adachi.
“So, that means you’re going to drink with me?”
Adachi almost choked on the wine he was trying to down right now.
“You can’t all be lightweights, can you?”
Adachi stared, his cheeks heating up as he realised the challenge he was seeing. Did he know? Or guess? Or was that his way of revenge for making Kurosawa officially off-limits?
“One more?”, he asked and hoped, knowing he’d regret this later.
But if it kept this idiot from making horrible advances at his partner, it was worth the headache. And maybe he could then just stay in bed tomorrow. Although that would definitely be embarrassing, as everyone would know why. Still ... for the sake of keeping Kurosawa safe ...
“One more”, the idiot said with a grin.
It had all been his plan, he reminded himself as his head sank lower and his sight started twisting. He’d wanted to keep Kurosawa from drinking and if he, Adachi, would be too drunk to stay, Kurosawa would have a good reason to leave as well, being the supportive co-worker and boss he was.
“Another one?”, came the teasing voice across from him, which he’d probably hear in his worst nightmares from now on.
“Noooo”, Adachi had no idea how to stop himself from dragging the word, “Toilet first.”
It wasn’t easy to get up with such shaky legs, but he did. He probably looked very pitiful and less respectful than he felt, but he tried his best. If his boss could get drunk as fuck in front of his co-workers, he definitely couldn’t blame Adachi, could he?
Suddenly, right as he tried to stumble away, large hands were at his back and shoulder, steadying him.
Of course.
Adachi leaned closer instinctively, embarking in the familiar warmth.
“I think he’s done for the night.”
Adachi smiled at the voice, probably looking double the drunk he was. Or thrice. Fource maybe. He giggled. Maybe.
“What a pity.”
As if! Adachi hiccuped but didn’t protest.
“Please excuse me, I will make sure he gets home in one piece. We can’t lose an important member in the project, can we?”
Murmur was to be heard and maybe those were actual words, but Adachi had no energy to properly listen. It wouldn’t matter anyway, because he definitely wasn’t able to continue or go anywhere else.
And so, with the calming presence of Kurosawa right next to him the whole time, Adachi got home, only feeling a little sick but very tired.
They didn’t talk on the way as if they both needed the silence after all the conversation during dinner. As if they needed to be in their safe space before they could talk about what had happened.
If Adachi could word words about it properly at all.
But he leaned into Kurosawa’s touch, concentrated on those strong, gentle hands holding him up and thanked every god or ghost that he’d managed to turn the tides. No matter how pitiful he might seem right now.
When they entered the apartment, the atmosphere changed.
Suddenly, Adachi was deeper in Kurosawa’s arms who gently lead him around, pulled off his shoes and let him lie on the sofa for a moment.
“Just till the bath is ready.”
Adachi sighed, the buzz now a constant throb, his vision upside down and a whirling mess.
Then, Kurosawa was back, down at Adachi’s feet, looking up at him with so much concern and love, it was like a punch to the chest, a grip on his heart, a kiss to his soul.
And he must be really drunk to get so sappy, but he couldn’t look away, his hand instantly going for Kurosawa’s chin and cheek and eyebrow.
“You’re beautiful”, he mumbled, hoping his boyfriend knew he meant more than his face.
“But your face is also very beautiful.”
Kurosawa let out a chuckle and proceeded to pull off Adachi’s socks.
“Thank you.”
“And a beautiful nose and when you laugh you’re so beautiful. Those crinkles at your eyes and your mouth. Oh, your mouth!”
All while he was rambling, his fingertips searched and found what he was talking about, stroking Kurosawa’s face with feather-like touches.
Adachi leaned closer, basking in his personal wonder named Kurosawa.
What he was usually too shy to tell, came now tumbling out of him in a rush.
“Your throat is beautiful as well, such a long neck, but so strong and elegant and magnetic.”
“Shhhh”, one hand kept Kurosawa’s laughing mouth shut, while Adachi continued after another hiccup, “And then your hands. Your hands drive me crazy.”
Okay, now he was embarrassed, despite the alcohol, but he couldn’t stop. Wouldn’t stop.
“But you know what’s your most beautiful part?”
Kurosawa, with a twinkle in his eyes and a hand across his lips, shook his head.
Adachi pulled back his hand and pointed at his boyfriend’s heart.
Adachi was used to all this amazing love for him in Kurosawa’s eyes, the adoration and happiness he could barely suppress. What he was rarely seeing though was the helpless wonder, the overwhelmed wave of feelings Kurosawa seemed unable to handle, to manage or articulate right now.
His partner stared at him from below, his mouth still covered by Adachi’s hand, the tremble of his lips palpable, almost a tickle.
Adachi knew him well enough to recognize the urge to kiss him fighting against the urge to hug him, to tell him of his newest poem called ‘My boyfriend - 63547’.
He could see all of that and despite his own embarrassment at his words, the dizziness in his head, it made him brave enough to pull his hand off Kurosawa’s mouth and plant a kiss on his lover’s lips.
It wasn’t just a kiss but a welcome, a thank you, a confession, a tease.
Adachi kept his fingers at Kurosawa’s neck, brushing against the short hair with care and tender purpose.
And there he was, Kurosawa Yuichi, his lover and partner, finally moving to kiss Adachi back, one of his hands cupping Adachi’s face the way he’d come to yearn for.
They kissed slowly, calmly even, because they had all the time of the world to themselves. There was nowhere they had to go, nowhere they had to be and it was just them and the sensation of being with each other.
Adachi could feel the smile against his lips as his own consciousness seemed to slip and the tiredness took over, his movements growing sloppy and slow.
Gently, Kurosawa leaned back, his hands holding Adachi up more than Adachi held himself, probably.
“Come on”, the words were whispered and Adachi leaned towards them instinctively.
“The bath”, Kurosawa murmured, “And then to bed.”
As he was being collected in strong arms, his face against the familiar crook of Kurosawa’s neck, Adachi didn’t protest but held on.
A kiss was pressed to his forehead and he wished he could stay like this. Exactly like this.
“Come on, my hero, let’s go to sleep.”
Adachi smiled and mashed his face even closer to Kurosawa’s heart.
He was Kurosawa’s hero.
As Kurosawa was his.
Forever and always.
the End
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cinnbar-bun · 5 years
Answer 20 questions, Tag 20 people
Tagged by: @random-b-l-o-g (thank you so much! I love these things!)
Nickname: Not telling~ 
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5′4
Last Movie I Saw: Captain Marvel! I literally say it on Saturday lol
Last Thing I Googled: Bts Singularity Lyrics
Favorite Musician: AmaLee and Bts
Song Stuck in my Head: Boss by NCT U
Other Blogs: None! 
Followers: 178 (thank you guys so much!!!)
Following: 162 
Amount of Sleep: I’m a horrible sleeper so like 4-6 hours lol
Lucky Numbers: 14 and maybe 7
Dream Job: Mangaka or Webcomin artist- I just wanna draw
What am I wearing: Black PJ’s
Favorite Food: I’m a dumpster, I’ll eat anything, but preferably chicken or pasta. 
Language: English and some Arabic. I’m also trying to learn some Italian but heh, I’m horrible at languages
Can I play an Instrument?: I mean I basically played violin/viola for two-three years. Does the recorder count too lol. 
Favorite Song: *whispers* Cannibal by Kesha...
Random Fact: I have some dolls and plushies that were given to me on special occasions by my best friends, including, but not limited to, Monokuma and Ciel in his book of circus outfit. I also love Sanrio.
Describe yourself in aesthetic things: Sitting outside on a cold, snowy winter day with a blanket and hot cocoa. Everything��s quiet and peaceful. 
Tagging (mostly randomly tagged, ignore if you would like):
@junjoushoujo @pokemagines @yumixue @shadepelt4673 @seleneduciel @rukaku @cursedbygacha @emblem-imagines @silent-taco @marilovesdragons @kaizaaurien @koifuu @sunlight-avenue @you-michan @crypticintrigue @hiyori-chama @raechelpapaya @it-is-i-rv @thehistorynut19 @candypopmagicx
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vanneshie · 2 years
Tumblr media
Rukaku (at Birchenough Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdBIiT9s6uG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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candy-crackpot · 6 years
rukaku replied to your post: Quick notice As you have noticed, I am sort of on...
Sok sikert a vizsgákhoz 😊 sajnos tudom milyen a vizsgaidőszak, átérzem 😅
Kösz tesó ToT
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societyresource · 7 years
Real Madrid beat Manchester United to win European Super Cup
Real Madrid beat Manchester United to win European Super Cup
Real Madrid have beaten Manchester United 2:1 in the annual European curtain-raiser the UEFA Super Cup.
The winners of the Champions League took on the Europa League winners in soaring temperatures in Skopje.
Brazilian midfielder Casemiro struck the opening goal with a left foot volley for Real midway through the first half. Spain international Isco then slotted home goal number 2 in the 52nd…
View On WordPress
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peachypoops · 5 years
You're doodles are soo cute and it's always refreshing to see them! And I love the way you draw Cu ^^ (Sorry for my English😅)
Your English is just fine my dude and thank you for saying that being supportive. If my day goes as planned I'll be drawing Cu tonight ^^
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ashenchevalier · 9 years
thanks for the advice! i do listen to music before exams, and it helps a lot. boss battle themes from videogames are the most effective for me. i think they’re supposed to get you hyped up during boss fights but i just sink into this really calm and super concentrated mode.
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