#rumba t dog
vaspider · 2 months
Rumba update.
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nerdykeppie · 2 months
Shop Dog Life!
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nintendo-killed-atari · 5 months
‼️my username as songs I listen to on a somewhat regular basis‼️
my homie @transfloppa tagged me, so hell yeah
N - New Noise by Refused
I - I Am Who I Am by The Books
N - No Destruction by Foxygen
T - Telephone Number by Junko Ohashi
E - Eyes Without A Face by Billy Idol
N - New Body Rumba by LCD Soundsystem
D - Dubai by Surfing
O - Ocean Drive by Miami Nights 1984
K - Karaoke by Ginger Root
I - I’m Glad by Captain Beefheart
L - Love On A Real Train by Tangerine Dream
L - Lies & Promises by Kajagoogoo
E - Exit Music by Radiohead
D - Dem My Dogs by Healy
A - Alone Again Or by Love
T - Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money
A - Art & Crafts by Mag.Lo
R - Relax by Frankie Goes To Hollywood
I - I Love Rock ‘N Roll by Joan Jett
yes half of it is literally just music from Bandersnatch shush
people I'm tagging in this:
@walrusi @egot1stical @joeyclaire @paradoxespersonified @norwegianblackmetal @adaricruz @karis-nemik @pixelfont52
Feel free to join if I didn’t tag you, I’m like tired af.
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Catalan songs we all know but that are weird to explain
A while ago I saw a post on Italian songs that are weird to explain and it got me thinking about ours. So I made a list too.
The one that lists the proofs on why humans evolved from potatoes and not from monkeys
The one that says "I have a hair, I have a hair, I have a hair in my ass: a big one, a small one, and a bastard one" to the melody of jingle bells
The one about a hen 🐓 who declares a strike because she doesn't want humans to exploit her labour by taking away her eggs
The one whose first line is "Valencia's smell of rotten makes me horny"  
The one about going to heaven on a scooter 🛴 in multiple (made up) languages
The Ode to Toilet Paper
The one about a man who everyday wants to commit suicide but then everyday remembers that he's not interested in going to hell because his region (l'Empordà) is more beautiful and that nobody is waiting for him in heaven anyway so he might as well just get drunk and repeat the same the following day
The one about a cat who dies baking chestnuts when one explodes in his face
The one we sing when we arrive to the place we were going and then pretend we speak a lot of languages but we don't
The one that teaches you how to pay taxes but not even the singers understand it
The one about wanting to be a millionaire so you can hire a boy to open your christmas presents for you
The one we sing when we threaten a piece of wood to poop sweets for us or else we will hit it with sticks (~cute christmas time in catalonia~)
The one that says it's fine to have a small dick as long as it’s lively, it doesn't matter one handspan longer or one handspan shorter
That’s only including the ones that I think that everyone knows, but there are so many more like
The one telling girls to masturbate or otherwise they run the risk that their hole will close,
The one about becoming one with nature and believing that “the peace of snails is the new religion”
The one that basically consists on the singer saying “ass ass ass ass ass ass you can go fuck yourself” to politicians and the pope
The one about how eating “botifarra” sausage with beans changes your life from Doraemon’s Nobita to Superman
The one about singing to the moon, the stars, your submarine that you left parked here, an Ikea pencil, a pistaccio, a zebra crossing a traffic light, how to disassemble a bidet, etc
A lot of murder????
Update: my followers and I remembered more
The Thong Rumba! About guys wearing a thong to the beach hoping all the women will go crazy for them
The one about very detailed cannibalism (drinking someone’s blood, eating their brain, making “croquetes” with their meat…“)
The absolute classic that is the one about having a shitty life and drinking A LOT of fruit juices (seriously though did anyone ever understand what the song was even trying to say?)
The one about falling in love with a girl who plays the maracas but she’s so bad at it and plays maraca concerts for you until you can’t stand it anymore and realise that love isn’t worth it.
The bisexual anthem that was the song “Superfashion” about being the coolest kid in school in a very 2000s way.
The one about a man who works as a dog and is very depressed about his life
The one about a guy who stands under the rain and the rain waters his head and he starts growing plants on his head and goes on to explain all the four seasons of his head, and everybody envies his green head because butterflies and birds come to make a nest in it
And I hadn’t included any song from a show but la dels fesolets deserves it. It just does. So here it is, the song about getting super enthusiastic about beans! the little caramels of vitamins! the kings of the garden! the happiness of the kitchens!
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fanaticwritings · 6 years
Unspoken [part four]
Eventual Sam x Reader [AU Series]
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Catch up here: PART ONE // PART TWO // PART THREE
Summary: Sam Winchester is studying to be a lawyer and the Reader is a part time librarian. When Sam starts frequenting her library, sparks fly. Not having the guts to talk to him, she starts leaving him anonymous notes. Sam thinks it’s adorable but can’t figure out who the sender is. Soon, he unknowingly starts falling for her too. Will Sam figure out who it is before Y/N tells him?
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long but I just couldn't think of anything. But @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba is an angel and helped me out line the whole thing so I'm really excited to complete the series! It's going to be great. Also, do check out her writing because it's simply brilliant.
Y/N debates whether she should make a run for it and flee the country.
Her heart is pounding against her ribs and her stomach feels nauseously heavy. She wants to blurt it out to him that she was the one leaving the notes, yes and that she is sorry if she disrespected his boundaries. She is sick from the dread that’s slowly descending down her body, making her freeze in her place.
Sam's standing close to her and towering above her. She has to crane her neck to see his face. Every time she looks at him, it feels like she is looking at him for the very first time. And every single time he takes her breath away.
She hadn't noticed that little mole on his cheek before, it's adorable.
Y/N shakes her head and chides herself. Sam's just caught her red handed and she's still fantasizing about him? Sam’s warmth is distracting yes, but her anxiety is stronger. The bile in her stomach becomes concrete as Sam begins to speak.
"I wanted to know if you had anything on Evidence Law and Practice ? I can't seem to find it anywhere, so I was wondering if you could help me?" he asks quietly, an eyebrow quirking up. He lowers the hand that's been holding the note.
It takes a moment for Y/N to realise what he's asking. Wait, her secret is safe?
She's still too shocked to react but she mumbles a yes because she immediately recognises the title.
"Follow me," she says, still not over the fact that Sam hasn't found out, yet, that she is the one sending the notes.
Making sure that Sam's right behind her, she makes her way to the shelf that says 'Reference books'.
This shelf contains books that are as old as time and smell like vintage houses. Y/N adores this section.
She runs her finger over the backs of the bronze and worn down spines, scanning every title.
She is aware that Sam is watching her. She is aware that he's standing right next to her because the spaces between the shelves are very narrow. And she is finding it difficult to believe that she's alone with him. The tall stranger she's falling for, but doesn't know yet.
Y/N skims the third shelf but can't find the book there either. Maybe her memory isn't that good, after all.
She musters the courage to glance back at Sam. He's not looking at her anymore. He's reading the note. Her note.
His sunflower eyes dart over the words fast, lips drawn into a thin line. His mouth twitches a little when he finishes reading the note, as if amused and then breaks into a small smile. Before she can even appreciate the sight that are his lovely dimples, the smile vanishes and he looks up.
"Did you find it?" he whispers.
Not sure if he has noticed her staring at him, she nods. "Yeah. Well, it's up there," Y/N says and points at a shelf that's too high for her to reach.
"Oh, I'll get that. Thanks," he says, smiling warmly. He reaches above her and grabs the book off the shelf.
The movement pushes him even closer to Y/N and she freezes. He's so close, she can smell a mixture of vanilla and sandalwood on him and it is intoxicating.
"Can you please write my name in the register?" Sam asks, waving the book in front of her.
"Sure," she mumbles and walks back over to her desk. She brings out the giant register and enters his name.
"Thanks so much," Sam says and turns on his heel.
Y/N doesn't know how or why she does what she does next.
"Hey?" She calls after him. He turns around, eyes narrowed in polite confusion.
"I have a friend who is studying Law and she thinks this book is quote, unquote absolute shit," she offers. She's very surprised at her own new found confidence.
Sam looks at the book he is holding and then back at her. He let's out a small chuckle, that brings back those dimples again.
"Okay then, did your friend recommend something else that I might borrow instead?" Sam asks, amusement written all over his face.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude but I just couldn't help myself," Y/N says, biting her lip. The confidence evaporates in an instant.
"Of course not! You're not being rude. I'm glad you told me. I wasn't sure about the book myself," Sam replies, running his hand through his hair. She can see that he's feeling slightly awkward and she feels embarrassed. Why did she have to say anything?
Inspite of his awkwardness, he's still trying to be polite and waits for Y/N's reply. She thinks that is a trait that not many people have and is instantly floored.
She excuses herself and brings back the book that her friend told her about and hands it to Sam.
"There you go," she says, grinning.
"Thank you!" Sam says and returns her smile. He walks back to his place, settling into his chair again.
Almost immediately, his shoulders droop and that air of tiredness returns around him.
Y/N notices that. He had acted all cheerful and polite around her, but the moment there was nobody around him, his sadness returned.
She understands him. She doesn't, of course, understand what the reason for his weariness is but she can understand why he has to pretend.
And it stings a little.
She wishes, then, that she can help him turn that awful frown into his dimpled smile.
But sadness, as she knows from experience, cannot be bottled. So she lets him be, for the rest of the day, hoping he feels better tomorrow.
Y/N is finally free from all her work. Her projects are all finished and on the respective professors' desks. Exams are a month away so she will have to start planning to study eventually but she still has time, or so she thinks.
She feels so light, as if a physical burden has been removed from her shoulders; she feels like singing at the top of her lungs.
She skips into the library, greeting Erika as she exits. The latter is in a better mood today, because Y/N is on schedule.
The library has hardly ten people today. Mrs. Henderson, as usual, is one of them. She often feels sorry for her but is glad that the library can provide some sort of comfort to the old lady.
She spots Jim, who waves at her. She waves back, smiling politely.
She also spots Madison, a college student and a regular, sitting at one far corner. She is reading "The Fault in Our Stars." Y/N almost gags at the choice.
Madison is a pretty girl, gifted with sharp features and straight brown hair. She's effortlessly beautiful. Y/N often wishes she could have her looks, even if she reprimands herself for being so stupid, later.
Y/N makes her way to the desk and opens the novel she's been waiting to start- "Behind her eyes" by Sarah Pinborough. She has received a lot of reviews about the book and can't wait to read it herself.
At last. She can delve into reading once again; her favorite thing in the world.
She begins to read and slowly, the words start spinning around her, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. The library moves in a time lapse around her as she breathes in the words, the story consuming her entirely. She is so engrossed in her book, which is an absolute page turner, that she completely loses track of time.
She only jerks up shakily when a tap sounds somewhere above her. She looks up to see that it's Jim. He is wearing a gross yellow shirt that is almost the same color as his hair.
"The book is very interesting, huh?" he asks, leaning on her desk.
Y/N groans internally. She forces a small chuckle out of her, wishing he would leave. Nothing is worse than someone who interrupts reading.
"Anyway, I was wondering what was all that stuff about yesterday?" he asks, his smile turning into a frown.
Y/N looks at him, puzzled. What is he talking about?
"The stuff with that tall guy. You know him?" he explains.
Y/N remembers then- Jim saw her leave the note for Sam.
"Oh yeah, I kinda know him," she says, flipping her book back open.
How could he have asked her such a personal question?
Y/N feels really pissed now and wants to slam her hands on the desk and ask him to leave.
"I don't think that's any of your business, Jim," she says, fiercely. She is being harsh but he is crossing the line. Sure, she talks to him twice a week but that's only because he seems so interested and she doesn't have the heart to be rude.
Jim backs away, hands up in surrender. But there's something weird about the way he's looking at her and it makes her worry a little.
She shakes her head and goes back to her reading. But now, she can't focus. Fantastic.
She shuts the book loudly and the sound echoes in the wall of the library. Some people look up. Y/N smiles guiltily at them and they resume their reading.
Sam's here today too. He's dressed in black jeans and a purple t-shirt today. It has a little dog stitched onto it. (Does he like dogs?) He could wear the most ridiculous outfits and still look good.
He's reading the book he borrowed yesterday and is clearly engrossed in it. His eyebrows are knitted in concentration and the skin of his forehead is all scrunched up in a way that makes him look cute.
It's a shame she can't just waltz up to him and ask him out. She wishes, then, that humans could be less complex creatures and stop making their own lives so difficult.
Y/N gets existential crisis on a daily basis so the spiral she falling down currently, doesn't surprise her.
Sam Winchester, however, provides the anchor she needs.
"Hey," he says. His honey thick voice breaks through her thought process and she looks up at him. His hair is even curlier today and falling in bangs.
"This," he points at the book he's holding, "is amazing." It's the book she recommended to him and she can feel her heart swell because of the compliment.
"Well," she smiles, "you're welcome."
"I think I'll do well on the test I have tomorrow," he says, one toned arm dangling over the desks front. Is that a flirty smile on his face or is she dreaming?
"I hope you do," she says, head resting on her hand. Dreamy, is the only word she can think of to describe him. The rest of he vocabulary has abandoned her.
"Please, thank your friend from my side," he says.
"I will. Also, good luck," she says and he nods and smiles at her, before turning away. She watches him walk out the library, long hands dangling at his sides.
She sighs as she stretches her arms above her. It's almost the end of her shift and the rest of the people are leaving too.
She hadn't left him a note today but she actually got to talk to him. Even if it was over a book.
But talking to him, listening to his voice had made her feel things she hadn't ever felt before. It had warmed her insides, her chest and her face.
She feels like a schoolgirl with a lame crush but she can tell it is something more than that.
She doesn't know if she can settle for only little notes now and she definitely can't wait to see him again.
Tagging: @crystallstaircase @infinitexspacex  @elliewithcellie @mystrie @prettyxlittlexwriter @chalicia @curly-haired-disaster @cleverdame @xi-i-i-whatsyouremergency @fandometsy @zombiewerewolfqueen @andtheraincamefalling @mostly-shawn
[If you no longer want to be tagged, do let me know!]
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sadbeautiful-tragic · 4 years
All Too Well
Pairing: Maria Menounos / Derek Hough
Rating: T
Word Count: 7230 
Summary: Almost a decade has passed since they met, and with it has come boundless changes. Does love conquer all? Is timing the true test?
A/N: It has been yeaaars since I last wrote menough. So much has happened in Maria and Derek’s lives. My heart still aches over its tragic rupture. And I will never, ever get over it. I learned this while writing and reengaging myself in their gradual departure (although I’m sure they still talk casually, just not as much as before). But anyway, here’s a menough fic. Even though the fandom has disappeared, writing this was a great way to release my emotions into a story and I hope even non-shippers or non-watchers appreciate it. 
For you all interested in reading even without being acquainted with menough; or for those who would like a refresher on the untouchable chemistry that was Maria Menounos and Derek Hough, I (re)introduce you to the tributes I had made years ago. I believe watching at least one or two of them before reading will make you feel more wrapped up in the story. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Finally (sorry these notes are so long), I have sort of a songfic section written into this fic. I insist with my entire being that when it comes to that part that you pull up the song and listen to it with accordance to how it is written in the fic. I recommend having the fic side by side with the song. Or if you are reading on the app, pull up spotify and click play when you’re ready. Otherwise the lyrics I had included will seem like empty words which is not the way I intended them to feel like.
Francois Klark - Please Stay
Thank youuuu and enjoy!
“So, it’s really her, huh. The brunette beauty. The woman you met through dance.”
“Absolutely, I couldn’t be more sure of it.” Derek beamed as he and his best friend looked over at their women standing and laughing on the balcony together. 
The night was almost like a peek into the rest of their lives as a foursome: the women were off chatting about their outfits for the engagement party while the men were discussing their childhoods. Derek and Mark were in their hometown in London which had brought back a lot of memories. And just three hours ago, the blond had proposed to the love of his life. 
The four of them had celebrated over dinner and now the two long term best friends were sitting at the round dining table in Derek’s hotel room.
“When we were here as kids,” Derek smiled, a glow in his eyes, “I couldn’t have imagined us being so lucky. I don’t know what I did to deserve her. But I’m so glad I do.” 
Just then, the infamous brunette beauty walked over to Derek while the other woman walked over to Mark. Derek grabbed the brunette’s hand and kissed it. “Your hand looks even more beautiful with the ring on it.” He raised an eyebrow to her and they both laughed. 
She leaned her forehead against his and giggled against his lips. 
“I love you so much, Hayley. I’ve never been happier in my entire life.”
“You mean that?”
Derek hummed with happiness against her lips. “Couldn’t mean it more.”
Mark and Derek had both decided to marry someone who shared the same lifestyle as them. Values, interests, hobbies, aspirations all matched their partners’. The two couples served to disprove the idea that opposites attract.
“Ok, ok, ok lovebirds. We need to get to sleep or we aren’t going to catch the plane in the morning.” BC Jean grabbed Mark’s hand and helped her husband up. “See you at breakfast tomorrow. 7am?” They nodded. “Awesome,” she said succinctly, grabbing her purse. “I really am stoked for your happiness, but it’s about time I got some action of my own.”
“Oh really?” Mark cocked an eyebrow,  reaching to wrap his arms around her.
“Fuck no,” she responded bluntly, slapping his arm away. “I’m exhausted. It’s an hour past my bedtime.”
Mark rolled his eyes and laughed. They had definitely been married for too long; the honeymoon phase had far ended. He took his wife’s hand and led them to the door. They said goodbye to the newly engaged couple and walked back to their suite across the hall.
“You could have said no like all the other times.”
“It isn’t that easy.”
“And that’s what makes this thing between us so hard.”
Going into the closet, her fingers traced the outline of an intricately detailed wedding dress hanging for all to see. It was on a mannequin that stood at the far wall of her closet. Surrounding it hung picture frames of the brunette modeling the dress at her wedding. A magical night indeed. 
The night when her parents’ dream had come true. 
Known for throwing some of the best parties in Hollywood, Maria knew her wedding, though intimate, needed to be the wedding of the decade. It definitely had not come short of extraordinary. The event, by requirement, took place in Greece and centered around not only her heritage but most importantly her family. Her parents, after all, had been the ones who had especially pushed her to get married. 
At the back of her mind, Maria always wondered the importance of marriage. She acknowledged some people did it for things such as insurance or tax deductions, but she knew the financial aspect of life was no issue for her. She had questioned, decades into a relationship, how important it was to have the government check mark yet another married couple. After all, what about common law marriage? Yet, her Greek heritage and her parents whom she loved more than anything else in the world thought otherwise. And for her parents, she would do anything. Besides, why not throw the biggest party of your life and look flawless doing it? As an added bonus, Maria had understood how nice it would be for the tabloids to lay off the constant pestering once the question was settled once and for all. 
Yes, annoying magazine, after 19 years, we finally tied the knot. I told you I loved him. 
That magical day, Maria had been dressed head to toe in nothing but glam. Her hair was in an updo and she had been decorated with an off the shoulder silk dress with hand-painted flowers and a veil made from silk tulle. It held a slight difference to the dress she had worn for the first ceremony that had taken place on New Year's Eve. That dress, slightly girlier, had been a Pronovias' lace "Randala" wedding dress. It had a mermaid silhouette and lace long sleeves. Each dress was now worn on separate mannequins, located beside each other.
Throughout her wedding night, attention was drawn on her, as family and friends joined her to celebrate her special day. And yet, every now and then, she had stolen glances at the venue door, waiting, wondering if the two people she was most anxious to see would eventually arrive. She remembered feeling bad because she’d be mid-conversation, mid chaste kiss with her new husband, the other end of the interaction asking if she was okay as her eyes remained searching the door for any glimmer of hope. She would respond, yes, of course, “I’m married to a man who loves me,” but the people she really wanted by her side never came. And neither did the truth in her response.
Maria knew despite all odds, she would say her vows to Keven. She knew she would live the rest of her life in the dream mansion with her dogs, her parents, and her business partner. After everything her parents had gone through, she knew stability was key. She knew she was living and helping her parents live the life they had always dreamed for her. She knew she needed Keven by her side to continue to let that happen.
Similarly, she knew the amount of joy Derek brought to her life. A kind of joy she once didn’t think existed. She knew the way a simple touch of his hand would send goosebumps rising all over her body. She knew of the taste of both his gentle and passionate kisses and how breathless both would make her feel. She knew how instant their chemistry was the second they met, how open and welcoming each of their families were of the other person, and how unbelievable it was the two of them could somehow cycle through all the vital aspects of a relationship. She knew she could be goofy and literally roll on the floor laughing with Derek; she knew how fast a simple peck on the forehead could lead to them goofily wrestling and within minutes begin fighting off the urge to tear the other’s clothes off; she knew how after a stressful night, the one person that could make her smile and put her back together with an arm around the waist and soft words of reassurance in her ear was Derek.
She also knew she shouldn’t have strung him along for years. She knew she shouldn’t have let him find out through a live interview that she had accepted another man’s proposal; however, she knew that if she had told him, she wouldn’t have been able to handle the broken heart on both ends of the… friendship.
She had broken his heart and consequently betrayed one of her best friends, his sister.
Of course the two of them didn’t go to her wedding.
Although she had tried to convince herself there could be a slight chance they may want to go, it was just a fool’s wish.
That, she knew too.
Maria smiled sadly, a breath falling out as she rummaged further into her closet. She swiped her fingers across the different sections of her capacious closet, passing through casuals, evening wear, business casual, gala wear, and then finally event costumes. She felt a lump form in her throat and she subconsciously gulped. She unzipped the black clothing protectors that had been shielding both dresses. Maria had saved two important costumes from her Dancing with the Stars days: her rumba dress and her paso outfit. The latter had been salvaged as their paso was the season’s first 30 and the dance and its theatrics had been one of her favorites. Her rumba dress, however, held a different meaning to her.
The first time we kissed.
Unlike what America and even their castmates had believed, however, that first kiss wasn’t during the live performance. No, it was actually an accident during their dress rehearsal. Derek had intended to quickly mock a kiss on her forehead, but when pulling himself down, his lips had, like a magnet, locked onto hers. When that happened, Maria, for the first time in fourteen years, felt her heart skip a beat. She felt her stomach tie in knots and her body flush red. And she knew he felt it too.
It was a mental thing. Since the moment they met, they knew what each other thought or felt and somehow managed to understand what the other needed in times of extreme stress. Maria had never felt so naturally connected with someone before. Most of the time they had been laughing or goofing off but when things got serious, the other person always knew exactly what to do to help the other person cool off. Simultaneously, they knew just the right thing to say to make the other person blush or cause a shiver to fall down their spine.
And as Maria had exited the dress rehearsal that morning and felt a hand find its way into hers to pull her in, she knew Derek was going to do it yet again.
They were in a dark corner backstage, away from cameras and other cast members. Derek’s back was against the wall and there was sweat across his forehead from the routine. 
“Hey, I’m sorry about what happened back there, I must have gotten distracted and slipped up.”
Though she had been listening, Maria realized she had been staring at his lips and forced herself to shift her gaze to his eyes. She simply chuckled in response.
Derek smiled at her laugh. “What’s so funny?
For a moment, Maria didn’t say anything as she looked back down at his lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck, she pressed her body against his. “You’re cute when you do that.”
“Do what?” Derek questioned again, relishing in the feeling that Maria’s touch brought him.
“Excuse what happened by saying that you ‘slipped up.’”
Derek looked like he wanted to refute her response but couldn’t find a justifiable answer.
“You were caught up in the moment.” Maria said matter-of-factly as she began stroking circles on the back of his neck; a few seconds later, she felt as Derek gulped down nerves. She smiled brighter, noticing the effect she was having on him. Maria then moved her hand to run her thumb against the corner of his lip, rubbing off remnants of her lipstick. “It’s okay,” she responded when Derek had remained silent. By this point both of their faces had faded red. “I was too.”
Derek smiled slightly, his eyes subconsciously falling down to her lips and then back into her eyes. “Let’s, uh, let's just do it how we rehearsed, alright?”
Maria noticed the shakiness in his voice and she smiled. Derek sensed a sort of mischief behind it but blamed the suspicion on the sudden acceleration of his heartbeat.
Maria had done the dance just as they had rehearsed – dress rehearsal version. An act which had led America to wonder for the rest of the season if they’d ever be together. During the live dance, she had intensified her movements, nudging Derek even more to “unintentionally” kiss Maria during the reenactment. Why not? She had simply followed the directions of her dance instructor.
Julianne was sitting on the balcony alone, sipping red wine from her glass every now and then. After saying her hellos to the other party guests and watching the surprise first dance between the newly engaged couple, she had escaped to the balcony. A lot had been running through her mind since she had received the news. Recently, she had been having marital issues with her husband. Though she knew she’d always love him, recently she had been questioning the meaning of love. She used to be a hopeless romantic and had once believed in soulmates but for the past few months she had been reexamining the significance behind marriage. Maybe, just maybe, it was just a social construct forcing two people to commit to each other. 
Suddenly, Julianne heard a knock on the sliding door, bringing her out of her thoughts. 
“Hey hun,” she heard a voice. Instantly, she realized it was her soon-to-be sister in law. 
“Hey Hayley,” Julianne smiled softly at the younger woman. 
“What are you doing out here alone?”
A question Julianne had been hearing a lot lately.
“I just wanted to get away from the noise for a moment.”
A half-lie.
While Julianne always found herself searching for solitude, especially in recent times, the party had reminded her of back when she and Brooks were at their own engagement party, the time in which they were their happiest. The constant reminder and endless display of love had caused her to need a break from the restlessness.
“Brooks couldn’t make it, huh?” Hayley asked as she sat down in front of Julianne.
“Yeah, he’s out of town for the weekend.” 
A full lie. 
Truth was, Julianne hadn’t even invited him. They had remained in touch and contacted each other on a daily basis, but they’d been living separately for the past few months. It was only for the time-being so they could work on their relationship. Of course, she had updated him on the engagement news, but she hadn’t even thought of asking him if he’d like to go to the party with her. She already knew the answer.
Hayley adjusted herself in her seat as she looked down at her glass, nervously swirling her champagne around. She had examined Julianne for a moment, knowing something was off. But she didn’t know what it was. 
“Are you okay?” Hayley asked, concern clear in her voice. 
Surprised by the sudden question, Julianne finally gave Hayley her full attention.
“I mean, I know things have been hard on you recently. You know you can tell me anything or vent to me. Or, you can let me in on something embarrassing from Derek’s childhood,” Hayley joked with a small smile. They both recognized she was trying to ease the tension in the room.
Hayley’s last sentence caused a genuine smile to rise on Julianne’s face. “I’m sure I’ve told you the best stories already, but it’s nice that I now have the rest of our lives to tell you everything.” They shared a laugh. After a moment, Julianne finally admitted, “It’s been tough recently, but Brooks and I… we’re working through things. At the end of the day, we know we love each other. Sometimes that’s all that really matters, yknow?” Julianne smiled softly at her words, meaning them wholeheartedly.
Julianne wanted to add in how much she missed her dogs – the true loves of her life – but everyone already knew that. Plus, mentioning or even thinking about her loss shattered her to pieces. Losing them truly broke her world more than she could have ever imagined. She wished she had her old best friend with her to mourn with her; the one person who loved dogs just as much as she, if not more. Her former friend constantly crossed her mind, especially recently, and Julianne wondered if the woman missed her as much as she did. 
Hayley reached over and patted Julianne’s hand. “Y’know what, Jules?” She looked up from their hands and back at the blonde. “I’m fortunate to soon be able to really call you my sister.”
Julianne grinned at that. “Ditto,” she winked back.
They sat in silence for a moment – a happier, more peaceful silence. Julianne sipped on her glass of red wine as they stared off into the night sky. It was 10pm and the only light that hit the sky was from the glow of the stars.
Eventually, Hayley looked over at Julianne again. She hesitated, Julianne noticed, before she admitted, “You know… I used to think you weren’t a huge fan of me.” 
Julianne laughed softly, seemingly forced. She was caught off guard by the accusation and turned her full body back to the brunette. “What do you mean?” 
“I don’t know… You just, you used to seem so distant.”
Julianne winced at her words. She squinted, at a loss for her own. She scrambled her mind for a response to propitiate her but couldn’t find one.
“When we were on tour, everything seemed fine. We were all friends. But then the second the news hit that we were dating and we told everyone… something about you, about our friendship, it just sort of changed.”
Julianne closed her eyes for a second before looking back at the sky. She took her glass in hand and downed a big shot of it. She immediately missed the sense of peace they had shared just minutes earlier.
“I’m just overprotective.”
Hayley shot her a look.
Wrong, try again.
“I just didn’t want to see him hurt again.”
Not quite, try again.
Julianne looked over at Hayley and let out a deep breath. Her eyes found those of the newly engaged woman and she found solace. “Truth is,” Julianne paused, mulling her words over for a moment, “Derek has entered certain relationships and there have been times I think, ‘oh wow, this woman really is the one.’ I befriend her, we get along, she fits in the family, and then Derek gets left in the dust. It’s hard, seeing him get his hopes all tied up in a knot only to be left for someone else.” 
Hayley gave her a look of complete empathy, not only for Julianne but for her fiancé. She didn’t mind hearing about Derek’s past. She was just happy to know she was finally receiving the truth.
Julianne eyed Hayley for assurance that she could continue. “And when that bond is broken and they don’t speak at all anymore, it’s a bit selfish on my part I guess, but I for one am not only losing the ability to see my brother happy but I lose a best friend too.” Julianne returned Hayley’s earlier gesture and patted her hand in return. “I do give him credit, though. Each new girl he became serious with was always better than the last. Of course, that only made me more curious about the new girl and whether she would meet the level that his prior relationship had.” Julianne smiled reassuringly at Hayley. “I didn’t want to see your friendship with him break, and I didn’t want to lose a friend. But after a year or two and seeing you guys in love and engaged, I truly am happy for you guys. You’re everything he ever needed.”
Hayley grinned at Julianne as a thank you for her honesty. She found relief from her words; the happiness she felt from what she had just said was radiating off of her. She then looked past the sliding door, the two of them suddenly remembering the rest of the party. An even brighter smile came onto Hayley’s face just then. Julianne felt a small one rise on hers as she watched her friend meet the eyes of her brother; the brunette winked and her fiancé smiled. Somehow, Julianne thought, even years later, there was still a slight tint of red that had fallen on her tan cheeks. 
Once the engagement party was over, Hayley and Derek began getting ready for bed. It had been nice to see their closest family and friends gathered together to celebrate them and they were excited knowing it was only a preview for their wedding. They planned to have the ceremony within a few years, but they were in no rush to jump into things. Both valued the excitement of each day and acknowledged that the small moments mattered just as the big. 
 Still, Hayley was eager to start planning and had actually begun the night Derek had proposed. A romantic at heart, she wanted to have the fairytale wedding she had dreamed of since she was a little girl. 
“Hey Derek,” Hayley started, looking through their desk. “Have you seen my journal?”
Derek was in their master bathroom, shaving. Shaving cream covered the lower part of his face as he turned to look at Hayley. “Can’t find it?”
She looked at him and shook his head before continuing to search.
“Uh, hey Der,” Hayley began again, but a bit more hesitantly. Her fingers slid down a 24” silver pendant. “What‘s this key for?” she asked, referring to the diamond encrusted key dangling from the chain.
Derek stopped in his tracks when he saw what she was talking about. He became silent. Hayley had access to just about everything Derek owned, so it was out of the ordinary for Hayley to find something she didn’t know about. “It’s just an old thing, it doesn’t really have a use anymore,” he shrugged off. 
Hayley studied Derek knowing something was off about him. She thought she knew him better than anyone else did which also meant she knew he wouldn’t be giving her any answers right at that moment. She would simply have to ask him later. She then went back to examining the necklace, knowing it didn’t belong to Derek. “Well, it’s beautiful,” she murmured under her breath. 
After her talk with Hayley, Julianne realized she needed to do more than just think things through. And she knew just where to start. 
A few days after the party, Julianne was sitting in her bedroom, alone as usual, no dogs, no husband. She was staring at her wall, trying to build the courage to go through with her plan. After a moment, she grabbed her phone and searched through her contact list. She hesitated, but with the help of two glasses of wine, she had been able to finally call Maria. 
A week later, Julianne and Maria met up. It was 9pm and after having dinner, they decided to take a walk. For dinner, they chose to grab burgers and beer: Maria’s favorite. When Julianne brought up the idea, Maria had initially turned it down, insisting that Julianne pick as she knew she was the one who had the making up to do. Julianne still persisted, and Maria decided to even the deal by volunteering to pay for both of their meals. 
It was dark outside and they were being guided by the streetlights. They had been walking for ten minutes, talking about anything and everything. They loved being able to finally catch up on each other’s lives. 
Eventually there was a short silence and Julianne looked over at her friend. Spending quality time with the journalist for the first time in years gave her a sense of comfort she hadn’t felt in weeks. 
“Maria?” Julianne murmured softly. 
“Thank you for agreeing to spend time with me.” 
Maria smiled. “No, thank you for inviting me.” Maria teasingly nudged Julianne’s shoulder with her own. “It’s been nice to get out of the house. I really missed you.” 
Julianne grinned in response. “I missed you too.” Part of her wanted to admit that she wished she had reached out to her sooner, but she decided otherwise. 
All night they had managed to avoid talking about the falling-out between Maria and Derek. Maria was surprised Julianne hadn’t brought it up; thinking that was why she had invited her, she had even gone through a few lines in her head to prepare for the conversation. She had been on edge all night, expecting one of them to bring up the subject—but nothing. 
While they continued walking, Maria's eyes eventually landed on Julianne’s finger. Since the moment she saw her that night, Maria had sensed something may have happened, but the sight of a missing ring confirmed it. “I can tell you don’t want to talk about it,” Julianne looked at her, first confused and then stunned, “but I’m always here if you ever need me.
Maria could always tell what was on Julianne’s mind. She understood what to say and when without pushing it too far too early. Julianne realized that even with Maria and Derek not being on the best terms, Maria was still going to be there for her, always. Their friendship wasn’t and had never been conditional on Maria and Derek’s relationship. She then affirmed that maybe it was possible Maria could continue to be the honorary Hough.
Maria grabbed Julianne’s hand in comfort. “Also, my babies do miss you. The pups could use some Aunt Jules time.”
Julianne couldn’t help but smile. “Well, they are cute,” she giggled with Maria. 
When Maria began looking around her again, a sudden sense of familiarity hit her. 
“Jules… isn’t this—”
She was so distracted taking in her surroundings, she hadn’t noticed that Julianne had left her side and was now in front of her, against what looked like a hidden wall. 
Julianne smiled. “Derek’s old apartment?” She pointed to her right, and nodded. Before Derek and Hayley became serious and moved in together, Derek had lived in the apartment and it hadn’t taken long for Maria to learn the code to it. They used to sneak inside for extended alone time, during and after their season ended. “But this, this is something separate.” 
She pushed past branches just then and opened what had actually been a door. 
Maria raised her eyebrows, surprised by the reveal. Julianne motioned her to go inside and she complied.
“Wow,” Maria said under her breath. The moment she entered the room, a chill crawled down her spine. Whoever said that weddings were the most beautiful settings were terribly mistaken. 
This place was by far the most magical thing she had seen in her entire life. 
This felt like home.
Maria had only taken a few steps in before becoming frozen in place. She was absolutely mesmerized. Maria’s eyes wandered the expansive space and quickly she could feel tears welling up in her eyes. The room was currently dark with string lights providing the only true light source. On the left and right walls lined all of her Dancing with the Stars costumes. There were speakers in the left and right corners of the wall closest to the corner door. In between, at the back wall, blue and pink, separated by purple, paint splatters were found. The mirror wall was on the far wall; above the mirror was a large neon light spelling the words “menough said.” In the left corner between the mirror and the barre were mannequins with the shirts Maria and Derek had designed that had the same phrase written on them. There was slight dust in the room, she had noticed. But it definitely didn’t distract from the captivating space. 
Last but not least, behind the costumes hung framed pictures. Maria could feel a lump build in her throat as she realized that her wedding photos she had framed in her closet had never elicited this much emotion from her. There was a range of pictures of her and Derek goofing off in rehearsal, dancing on stage, from their trip to Las Vegas, and even from them just goofing off post-season at one of their houses. 
“Julianne, you did all of this?” Maria’s voice cracked. She had walked to the right wall and was eyeing the picture of her and Derek eating burgers in New York. Pain struck through her heart from the simple memory of how perfect things had been during that trip. When they were able to be in their own little world, even for just a little bit. 
“Still giving the other Hough all the credit, are you?” 
Maria’s eyes widened. She froze again, her eyes glued to the frame. Part of her was terrified, anxious, to turn around, while the other part of her felt as if her heart had just jumped out of her chest and she was physically incapable of moving. 
The voice was deeper. The scent, familiar. 
 She felt hands push her hair to her left shoulder before tying around her neck what felt like a necklace. The touch had caused her heart to skip a beat and chills to rise up her arms. The soul-stirring sensation couldn’t be mistaken. 
 “Derek…” she murmured more to herself than to the voice. 
Maria closed her eyes for a moment and tried to catch her breath before turning around. 
“Do you like your new dance studio?” Derek asked once his eyes met hers. He caught himself smiling at Maria; just like all those times before, it was helpless. Simply seeing her lifted his spirits. 
Maria, still speechless, turned to look from Derek to his sister. 
The night of the engagement party, Julianne had stayed the night in the guest room. As she went to grab a glass of water, she heard Derek and Hayley discussing the key and she had pulled Derek aside to talk about it. He had mentioned the idea to Julianne years ago but she hadn’t known he would go through with it. 
Julianne realized this was the last time she could play matchmaker.
Julianne looked at Maria; she grinned and shrugged in response. “Coffee date, Monday, 8am. Don’t forget.” She winked at her friend, pressed play on the remote, and closed the door behind her. 
Derek chuckled, looking down shyly before looking back at the beauty in front of him. 
“I got this studio for you a few months after our season ended. I was thrilled that you were so passionate about dance and I wanted to think I was a part of that.” 
Maria gazed deeply into his blue eyes, her own eyes glowing. She nodded slightly at his last words before he continued.
“I realized you could just add a studio to your house, but I thought it’d be nice for us to continue dancing together here, just for our own enjoyment.” He paused. “I mean, it’s been years and I know things didn’t quite go like how I had hoped and now we don’t really have a reason for privacy and you have your own personal instructor and…” He stopped, noticing he was rambling and upsetting himself with his own words.
Maria took a step forward. “Derek, this is—” Maria began, but her voice got interrupted by the music. She instantly recognized Julianne had chosen the song, Please Stay, by Francois Klark. 
These four walls became a home
Since the day you walked in
She was ready to express how much the gift had meant to her. How it was genuinely the most beautiful thing she had ever seen — far surpassing any party she could ever throw, including her own wedding. How she could see how much time and thought he put into each little detail, details that not only meant everything to her, but for him as well. 
But as they saw a matching twinkle in the other’s eyes, they knew that conversation could be saved for later. 
My heart ceased to be alone
“Would you like to dance?” Derek asked, reaching out his hand. 
Since the moment that you took my hand and 
Maria could feel her heartbeat quicken, a flash of red hitting her cheeks. Her eyes were still wet with tears and she sniffed. 
She took hold of his hand. 
pulled me closer
Derek pulled Maria in close to him, his arms naturally falling around her waist, her arms around his neck.
He pressed his lips against her forehead, causing Maria to blush redder.
Kissed me unexpectedly
And told me it’s ‘cause you want me to know what I'd be missing
If I didn't call you back 
They held each other and swayed to the music, cherishing the moment between them.
I picked up the phone,
How could I have known that one day I would be the one to say 
Please stay, don’t go
Please stay, don’t go
Please stay, don’t go 
I can't live inside these walls if it ain't you that I came home to
“This is nice,” Maria said softly.
“The studio?”
“Yes, but also…” Maria pulled back slightly so her eyes could meet his. “Just being here with you. I never thought I could miss someone as much as I missed you.”
“We still talk sometimes,” Derek replied, though perplexed by his own words. 
Maria raised her eyebrows at him in disbelief and they both smirked. They both understood he was alluding to the very few social media interactions and how minimal meaning they held. Especially recently.
Maria lay her head on Derek’s shoulder. In his ear, she murmured, “You were my best friend, Derek.”
I don't think we will survive
“I know,” Derek whispered, reversing his earlier statement.
on just hello every now and then on a small screen
“I really missed my Greek Goddess.” 
Hearing Derek call her by the nickname he had once coined caused Maria to smile softly.
I say goodnight when by you the morning rise
and another day will pass by
Derek dipped Maria and as she came back up, he found himself pressing his forehead against hers. “You always did bring a different light to my life.” 
That I can't kiss you quietly
Like I used to when you came to bed,
Laid your head upon my chest
Instead I lie here on my own
Trying to forget that you already left
as my words echo in this empty bed
Please stay, don’t go 
For the last few beats of the song, Derek decided to lead Maria through different moves from their Viennese Waltz. He was pleasantly surprised that she had remembered a lot of it. As they listened to the remainder of the song, they could feel their heartbeats rising with awe of its relevance. 
I can't fall asleep without the shape of you that I fit into
Julianne knew just how to get to them. 
I wish I met you at a different time
When neither one of us would have to go
Is it wrong of me to hope that someday we might meet again
And that our stars would realign
As the song came to a close, they remained in a tight embrace. Neither of them wanted the moment to end. Eventually, Derek kissed her cheek before pulling away and smiling softly at her. It was his turn to turn a bit red. He bit his lip; Maria looked as gorgeous as ever. 
“Mar…” Derek breathed, looking down before looking back at Maria. 
Please stay, don’t go. 
Maria looked back at him expectantly.
Please stay, don’t go. 
He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked and the eruption of feelings that had returned to him; but instead he shook his head at the thought. “I’m really glad you like the studio and that I could be your first dance.”
Please stay, don’t go. 
Maria let out a nervous giggle; the same one that Derek had fallen in love with all those years back. “Somehow you were a lot of my firsts,” she joked back, which caused him to turn redder. She smiled at that. 
I can’t fall asleep without the shape of you that I fit into
Derek looked at her peacefully until his brain and the end of the song brought him back to reality. “I do have to go though,” he declared regretfully. “But let me know if you ever want a dance lesson or someone to grab a bite to eat with. I’m—” Derek stopped himself from casually saying the words “I’m your guy,” and instead revised it to, “I’m always a call away.”
Maria smiled and nodded, though sad their time had to be cut so quickly. She murmured a thank you and Derek turned and made his way for the door.
Maria watched as her former dance instructor walked one foot after the other to the door. Her fingers reached to the key dangling on her necklace. It took a moment but she worked up the courage to speak.
“And Derek?”
Derek stopped walking, a foot away from the door.
“I’ll be sure to be there.” 
There was a short silence before Derek finally turned to look at Maria. He wore a look of absolute puzzlement.
“At your wedding. You know, if you decide to invite me.” Maria forced a small smile. Derek hadn’t told her he had gotten engaged. No one had. She just knew. Maria did know him better than anyone. No one would change that, at least. Not even his fiancée.
“That’s why you’re here, right?” she continued as she took a step forward and looked at the professional dancer. “You wanted to do the one last thing so you could move on.” Maria traced the edges of the key. She walked over to Derek. She looked into his eyes, hesitating before pressing her lips against his cheek. “Thank you. Not only for the dance studio. But for everything.” 
Derek looked down and found his hand gravitating to hers. He couldn’t stop it even if he wanted to. There was a small silence where their eyes locked and they got lost in each other. It reminded them of when they were in the Dancing with the Stars studio, when everything was simpler yet not so simple; when they’d take a break from rehearsal, their hands interlaced together, when just gazing into each other’s eyes and grinning cheek to cheek had said more than words ever could.
“I… I have to go, she’s waiting in the car.” Derek shook his head at his inability to say Hayley’s name. He was too choked up.
Maria smiled. “I know.” She knew Derek wouldn’t have just snuck around with her. Of course he’d tell his true love everything. She rubbed her thumb against his. “I really am happy for you, Derek. You deserve someone who can love you with their entire being. Someone who would never leave you or have you guessing their next move or force you to lie to the universe about your love for her.” Maria released her hand from his. “You know… like I had you do.”
Derek closed the distance between them again. He felt tears well up in his eyes, a feat hard to accomplish. His lips curled into a small but sad smile as he pressed his lips to her forehead. 
Without realizing it, Maria felt her hands clasp back behind Derek’s neck as she wrapped her arms around him, the same feeling of home returning to them both. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, as Derek kept his forehead pressed against hers, his hands finding the small of her back.
Maria and Derek felt like they were taken back to 2012. They could feel their hearts beating in synchronization. Their hearts were throbbing, aching for more. Maria bit her lip as she found her eyes looking down at his lips.  
Just like all those times before, Maria could feel the two of them moving, inch by inch, their stomachs twisting in knots as they felt their lips gravitating to each other. 
Whatever it was, it felt right, Derek had once said about their rumba kiss. 
Maria sighed against his lips and Derek felt his lips go dry. 
Flashbacks of their rumba, salsa, rehearsals, argentine tango, trips to Vegas and NYC, and several moments outside of the show flashed through both of their minds. The oh-very-familiar tension between them was very present and they could feel their bodies preparing themselves for what was coming next. 
However. Something happened that had never happened before. 
Derek brushed his lips against Maria’s before decidedly forcing himself away. He kept his arms around Maria’s waist, not wanting to let go; Maria kept her head on his shoulder, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to escape. A few minutes passed between them as they took in what had just transpired. 
Not once since they met had he turned Maria down. 
Derek shut his eyes, trying to sort through the thoughts jumbling through his mind. He wanted to kiss her. After all these years, he still wanted to kiss her. Even when he was truly, deeply, happily, in love with his fiancée, he wanted nothing more than to kiss her. 
But he couldn’t. 
After a moment, Derek could feel Maria’s body shake slightly, followed by a small whimper. And then a sniff. 
Derek raked his fingers through Maria’s hair in comfort. He rubbed circles across the small of her back as he whispered in her ear, “I love you, Maria. I always will.” 
Maria stayed silent for a moment and Derek could swear he felt a tear drop onto his back. 
He continued running his hand through her hair as he laid a gentle kiss on her shoulder. 
“I’m always going to be in love with you, Derek Hough.”
It was at that moment that Maria realized for the first time why she had allowed herself to fall for Derek. She wasn’t in love with Keven. She had never been in love with Keven. She never wanted to be around or let her walls down or be as intimate with someone as much as she wanted to with Derek. All those years, Maria had been physically attached to Keven but her heart had always been elsewhere. The feelings and connection she had with Derek were irreplaceable, untouchable, unimaginable, unseeable with anyone else. 
But Derek? Maria knew the one thing in the entire universe that stopped Derek from kissing her was the woman whom he had given the engagement ring to. He was truly and completely in love with Hayley Erbert. And once Derek hugged Maria long enough for her to stop weeping, he slowly let go of her, inch by inch: first the forehead, then the arm around the waist, and finally the hand she had long lost privilege to.
Please stay, don't go.
The lyric echoed, achingly, in her ear as if Julianne had pressed play again. 
Maria watched it all fade away. The foreseeable future she had once dreamed of was now nothing but an unachievable dream. She didn’t know it until just then, but once Derek left and she was all alone in her own personal studio, she realized that she may have fulfilled the dreams her parents had long aspired for her, but her own personal dream, the one she valued the most, was now lost forever. 
I can't live inside these walls if it ain't you that I came home to.
And she knew. She knew the only thing at fault was herself. 
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prodweek · 5 years
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¿Por qué no vamos a bailar esta noche, mi cielo?
Some (more) work with Antonio for MLMay2021! 
Feel free to interact! I love people enjoying my work. (I will be using my name in the text)
Antonio smiled, running his hands along my hips as I fiddled with the controller, lying on his lap as I played the game.
“Fernando and I were never able to get that stupid box, I remember him spending hours trying to get past it, and then Papa figured out you needed to use golden feathers.” he laughed, “Got back from work one day to Mama shaking her head, ‘Los chicos están en ello de nuevo’, she always said.” 
Leaning back into his chest I smiled as he rambled, happy just to hear his voice.
“We couldn’t get Nintendo Power over in Cuba, but once Papa went on a bushiness trip and brought us back a copy, I’m pretty sure Fernando still owns it to this day.” 
As the little jingle of Banjo collecting the Jiggy played he smiled as he ran his ringers through my hair, before finally resting his fingers on my neck. 
“Do you want a go?” I said, lifting up the controller, he shook his head.
“I like watching you play, you being happy makes me happy.” 
Shrugging I turned back to the screen, “Hm, Gobi’s Valley next? That was my favourite world when I was younger, the one where you fly through the Ancient Ones rings was the best jiggy in the whole world.”
“Good, good.” he responded, wrapping his hands around my hips.
After a few moments of only listening to the music from the game our mastiff, Carlos, stood up and began growling at the window as a car door was closed.
“Carlos, silencio,” said my husband, lifting me up and placing me back down on the couch, standing up he wrapped a shawl around his chest to cover up slightly, “I’ll get it, sweetheart, money’s on the desk - right?”
“Good, “ he said, closing the door behind him, leaving Carlos to fall back down and paw at the door, waiting for his return.
I couldn’t hear their conversation over the music of the game, and the whimpers of Carlos, I smiled, standing up I put the controller down and sat down in the middle of the floor, patting my side, Carlos quickly perked up and lay down beside me, leaning on his paws. 
“Good boy!” I smiled, stroking the fur along his neck I heard herd the door being closed and the rustling of keys. 
“Indian, just as requested, free bottle of coke too!” he laughed, “I’ll put it on the table, then I’ll be back.” he said, throwing the shawl off his shoulders and back over the couch. 
Standing up I quietly followed Antonio into the kitchen where he was unpacking, only to have my cover blown by Carlos’s big paws slapping against the hardwood floor and loudly lying down next to Antonio’s feet, looking up towards the food.
“Heh, perro estúpido.” he said, throwing him a cube of crispy paneer from the dhal coconut curry. 
As he continued to unpack and Carlos played with his food I thought back to a term Rohan had taught me when I told him I was engaged.
मैं तुम्हें मेरे दिल, आत्मा और शरीर सौंप दिया है, और तुम मेरे हो तुम आशाओं को रहता है, मेरे प्यारे पति...
A term he always heard in his youth, his mother would say it every morning when his father joined them for breakfast.
“God, this methi thepla looks delicious, you made a good choice in ordering this, sweetheart.” 
“...main tumhen mere dil, aatmaa aur shrir saunp diyaa hai, aur tum mere ho tum aashaaon ko rhtaa hai, mere pyaare pti.” I said softly, wrapping my arms around his waist, leaning into the back of his shoulders.
“¿Qué?” he said, not recognizing the language I was speaking.
“Rohan taught me it, says his Maa always used to say it.” I responded, tightening my grip around his waist, pulling him closer, turning his nead he placed a hand on my shoulder.
“What does it mean?” 
“I have handed you my heart, soul and body, and you are mine. You've lived up to the hopes, my dear husband.” 
He chuckled softly, “Ah, mi cielo, when did you learn that?” 
“When I went for a meal with over at Padraig’s, Saoirse and Rohan where there, and I told him.” 
“...” he was silent before grabbing my hands, pulling them away from his body and turning himself around to face me, “Do you remember our wedding?” 
“Of course! How could I forget?”  I responded nervously. 
“Do you remember what I said, after we ate?”
“...I remember you standing up and extending your hand, and I remember Saorise nudging me, but I can’t remember what you said, far too loud.” 
“I said, ¿Por qué no vamos a bailar esta noche, mi cielo?, you took my hand and you immediately knew what to do.” 
“Aye...aye, I remember now.” 
He placed his hands on my hips and smirked, but not before quickly throwing another bit of paneer across the room, causing Carlos to chase after it. 
“Why don’t you take me up on that offer, again?” 
“Antonio,” I smiled, leaning into his shoulder, “I’d love to.” 
“Té amo, amor de mi vida.” he said, smiling, lifting my hand above his head and pullng my other hand beside his waist.
“Y té amo también, cariño.” 
Pulling my hand to his waist he pushed forward, following in his footsteps I mirrored his actions, following him in dance as if it were the Rasa Leela - the emotion of love in human form, expressed in the beauty of dance.
Antonio laughed, picking me up and spinning me around, his strong frame allowed him to do so - I spent my free time typing essays, while he spent it playing rugby or hurling with Ferdia and his other co-workers - a gentle giant.
“Back home in Cuba, they call this informal dance a Rumba, dancing to the beat of the music, replace the beat of the music with the beat of our hearts and you’ve got it down to a T!”
“Gah! I know that was cheesy, you knew that when you married me, sweetheart.” 
I pulled myself into his chest, wrapping my arms around his back and stopping in my tracks, I smiled against him, “Fernando did warn me of your corniness.” 
“You love me for it.” he smirked, petting my hair.
“I do, I really do, Antonio.”
“I love you too, Max.” 
The moment was silent, almost angelic, only to have the mood broken by having a metal tray fall to the floor.
“JESUS!” yelped Antonio, quickly letting go of his grip and turning around, only to see Carlos jumping up at the counter to eat some more paneer. 
“He’s just being a scrounge, you encouraged it!” 
“Whisht!” he laughed, walking over to push Carlos down, as he bent on his knees to get to the dogs level Carlos sat down, allowing himself to be pet. 
“... I wish we would dance more often.”
“Ask me, whenever, and I’ll dance with you, I’ll drop everything to make you happy, sweetheart.” 
“...I love you.”
“Té amo también, Max.” 
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iamangiiexxi · 7 years
+Samba, Rumba, Cha-Cha, Roo'ra, Sabah, sabah, shake your tails, Funny with my money? Homie pay me like you owe me, Do you know the taste of dogs? What bullsh*t is this?+ . . . . . . #REPOST #BigBang #PMO #peaceminusonedotcom #momentoftruththeend #kwonleader #jiyong #jiyongie #PeaceMinusOne #권지용 #權志龍 #motte @xxxibgdrgn #GDRAGON #지드래곤 #GD #지디 #KWONJIYONG #MiddleFingersUp #개소리 #BULLSHIT #SUPERSTAR #무제 #無題 #Untitled2014 #신곡 #神曲 #DivinaCommedia #MOTTEINLOSANGELES (at The Forum)
0 notes
brisbanemusic · 8 years
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There are too many gigs this week, we have to split the Guide in two! This is part two:
This week we've got The Mountain Goat Valley Crawl happening on Saturday! It's a huge night of free live music over five venues in Fortitude Valley! Featuring the official return of Brisbane favourites Butterfingers and SO many more bands! I won't be there, but half the team will be, we hope to see you there!
Don’t forget you can get the whole Guide a day early and a sweet Spotify playlist of bands playing this week if you support us on PATREON! We’re powered by coffee and your encouragement on Facebook, twitter and instagram. And you can submit gigs through any of those places or though our FORM or via email! Hit us up at [email protected]
Friday 10
Nonsemble at QPAC Green Jam Stage: Free, ALL AGES, from 5:30pm. More info on FB
Lachy Doley Group and The Dagwood Dogs at the Boundary Hotel: Free entry, from 7pm. More info on FB
[JAZZ] Tyler Cooney Quartet at JMI Live: $10 entry, jams from 6pm, band from 8pm. More info on FB
Son of Fallan and Captain Cake at Rics Bar: Free entry, from 8pm. More info on FB
Jack T Wotton, Greenwave Beth and Cloud Tangle at The Foundry: Free entry, from 9pm. More info on FB
Dangerpenny, Electric Suede, Fight Ibis and Die for Mushies at the Empire Hotel: Free entry, from 8pm. More info on FB
HITS, The Stress Of Leisure and Spook Hill at the Stones Corner Hotel: $15 entry, from 8pm. More info on FB
Faleepo FrancisCo, Belrose and Port Royal at the Woolly Mammoth: Tickets $18.40, doors at 8:30pm. More info on FB
Sione Mohenoa at Collective Kitchen: Free entry, from 5pm. More info on FB
Breaker at Johnny Ringo’s: From 9pm, more info on FB
The Wrong Man, Girlsuck, Piss Pain and Bin Licker at The Bearded Lady: $10 entry, from 8pm. More info on FB  
5 Bands 5 Bucks: KB Theory, Evacuation Plan, Those Vices, The Tiny Divides and Bamford Cook at the Zoo: $5 entry, from 8pm. More info on FB
Inkaza at Lock’n’Load: Free entry, from 10pm. More info on FB
Nathan Newcastle at the Milk Factory: Free entry, from 8:30pm. More info on FB
Josh Setterfield at Milanos: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 4:30pm. More info on E
Toby Robinson at the Queen St Mall: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 5pm. More info at E
Saturday 11
The Mountain Goat Valley Crawl: Butterfingers, Moses Gunn Collective, Polish Club (NSW), WAAX, I Know Leopard (NSW), Mallrat, Gill Bates, The Ocean Party (VIC), Pearls (VIC),  Alice Ivy (VIC), These New South Whales (NSW) and HEAPS more at the Zoo, Woolly Mammoth, Brightside, The Foundry and Black Bear Lodge: Free entry, from 5pm. Full lineup, timetable and more on FB
Broken Leg, Toxic Bears, Goatzilla and Punktilious at the Grand Central Hotel: $10 entry, from 6pm. More info on FB
Loveless Union/Big Iron, Songs of Tom Smith and Evan Clarry & Guy Mansfield at The Bearded Lady: Free entry, from 2pm. More info on FB
Debacle (VIC), Shackles, Unbound, Shitgrinder and Crawling Bastard at the Jubilee Hotel: $10 entry, from 7pm. More info on FB
Sans Visage (JPN), Blind Girls, Lumens and HRUAN at Fat Louie’s: Free entry, from 8pm. More info on FB
In Need Of Sleep and James Feagai at the opening of The Stable: From 4pm, more info on FB
[JAZZ] JMI Musicians at Newstead House: Free, ALL AGES, from 4pm. More info on FB
Hanny J and Steve Reed at Crowbar: Free entry, from 7pm. More info on FB
The Francis Wolves and Soul Mechanics at the Boundary Hotel: Free entry, from 7pm. More info on FB
Stina Tester & Cinta Masters with Pleasure Symbols and Orlando Furious at The Bearded Lady: From 8pm, more info on FB
Fun With Explosives, Eat City, Drop Ins, Seas of Valoria, The Six O’clock Knock, Sleaze Bag, Two Pot Screamer, Fuzzy Sloth, Secondhand Toothbrush, JD Gibb, Millie Ivaschenko (NSW) and Jared Van de Leeuw at the Back Room: $8 entry, from 4pm. Set times and more on FB
Tia Gostelo and Shag Rock at the Milk Factory: Tickets $15.30, from 7:30pm. More info on FB
The Grin at Rics Bar: Free entry, from 9pm. More info on FB  
Age Champion at Lock’n’Load: Free entry, from 10pm. More info on FB
[JAZZ] Steamboat at City Sounds: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 12pm. More info at E
The Famous Jimmies at City Sounds: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 5pm. More info at E
Camaron de la Vega at the Queen St Mall: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 12:30pm. More info at E
Sissybones at the Queen St Mall: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 5pm. More info at E
Sunday 12
Snake Oil Sundays: Mexico City, The Loveless Union and Conor Macdonald (The Gin Club) at The Haunt: $5 entry (free if you’re a 4zZz subscriber), from 1pm. More info on FB
Kendall Layt and Merino at the Milk Factory: From 4pm, more info on FB
[JAM] CHURCH at The Bearded Lady: From 3pm, lineups and more info on FB
[JAZZ] Rumba Trio at the Sangria Bar: Free, from 5:30pm.
The Delta Crows, Andrew Kennedy and Paul Bonetti at the New Globe Theatre: $10 entry, from 2pm. Set times and more on FB
S.S. Sebastian and Nikolaine Martin at The Henderson: Free, from 3pm.> More info on FB
The Double Happiness and Billie Star at the Junk Bar: Tickets $11.75, doors at 6pm. More info on FB
Van Larkins at the Queen St Mall: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 12pm. More info at E
Norskiosk at the Queen St Mall: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 12:30pm. More info at E
My Nightingale at the Queen St Mall: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 5pm. More info at E
Julia Rose at Milanos: Free, ALL AGES, three hourly sets from 4:30pm. More info on E
Monday 13
Brendan the Bard at Rics Bar: Free entry, from 8pm. More info on FB
Tuesday 14
[JAZZ] Brad McCarthy Trio at the Black Bear Lodge: Free entry, from 8pm. More info on FB
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vaspider · 3 months
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Rumba and I had a little negotiation. If he doesn't try to lick my face, he can have ear pets and sleep with his head on my chest.
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nerdykeppie · 5 months
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We decided that this picture that Emet took earlier of Rumba looks like the headshot which accompanies a local political write-in campaign.
So: what's Rumba running for?
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vaspider · 9 days
The ambulance on the TV confused Rumba.
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vaspider · 6 months
Sound on and turned up.
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vaspider · 2 months
Rumba update!
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vaspider · 4 months
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I love that my phone's camera can take pictures in almost total darkness, bc it means I can get pictures like this.
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