#rumple gifset
lovepollution · 6 months
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Luke Kirby as Dr. Nathan Gamelli in Dr. Death season 2 episode 8 'Surgeons, Bachelors and Butchers'
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ace-cf-cups · 8 months
For Your Consideration
2023 year was my first year in the fandom (well, technically 2022 was my first year in the fandom and the year I made my Belle rp blog, but in terms of actually contributing something to the fandom 2023 was my first year).
I started it off with great ambitions regarding writing and gifing and editing. I ended up posting only a handful of gifsets, three ficlets, two of which I wrote for Rumbelle Showdown (shoutout to @jackabelle73 for hosting this wonderful event last year, by the way), and 0 fanvids/edits. I'm not particularly proud of it, and I really, really wanna make much more content this year. We'll see how it goes 😅
Anyway, I still decided to give participating in @the-chipped-cup-awards a try. It looked fun last year, when I was only a bystander.
So, without further rambling, I offer to your consideration what little I wrote and made in the year 2023.
Premonition - a ficlet written for the 1st Round of Rumbelle Showdown 2023, for the prompts ""; EF!Rumbelle hurt/comfort
Belle and Rumple are slowly growing closer as they spend evenings in each other's company in the Dark Castle.
Then, when one day Rumplestiltskin is called away for a deal in the middle of their conversation and doesn't return for an hour, Belle begins to worry.
Possible nominations: Best Comfort, Best One-Shot, Best Short Fic, Best Dark Castle, Best Drama, Best Trope (sickfic), Best English Language, Best Belle, Best Dark One Rumple
His ray of light - a ficlet written for the 2nd Round of Rumbelle Showdown 2023, for the prompts ""; human AU, major character injury, possible MCD
Alan Gold is in a happy, healthy relationship for the first time in what might be his whole life.
But when one day a figure from his past unexpectedly shows up at his beloved's doorstep, it might mean the end not only of his happiness, but life itself.
Possible nominations: Best Death, Best Hurts So Good, Best One Shot, Best Short Fic, Best Storybrooke, Best Drama, Best AU - Original, Best English Language, Best Mr Gold
Sacred promise - originally written as a starter for my rp partner, I also decided to post it as a ficlet; season 6 fix-it without all the breakup bullsh*t
Belle's and Rumple's baby boy has kicked for the first time.
Rumple has major feelings about it.
Possible nominations: Best Family, Best Fix-it, Best One Shot, Best Short Fic, Best Storybrooke, Best AU – Based on Once Upon A Time, Best Trope (kiss to the baby bump), Best English Language, Best Mr Gold
this "happy ending at the end of realms" set
Possible nominations: Best Fan Art, Best Graphic Art, Best Fluff Art, Best Use of Color
this "in my memory, it doesn't end..." set
Possible nominations: Best Fan Art, Best Graphic Set, Best Angsty Art, Best Fluffy Art
this silly little Woven Beauty set
Possible nominations: Best Fan Art, Best Graphic Set, Best AU in Art
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destinationtoast · 2 years
first thoughts on Ted Lasso premiere
Phoebe remains the absolute best.
Ted being all sad and rumpled and rumpled and sad 😭 he needs comforting but also antidepressants and some serious rejiggering of his parenting life lbr 😭 looking forward to the fic
love everything with Nate and Rupert and the whole West Ham sterile environment...it's so deliciously fucked up. And the panicking + spitting under the table?? FUCK. oh, Nate. i look forward to the fucked up fic
I'm not sad to have some Roy x Keeley angst... hoping with @wildwren that it goes angstier before or gets better! (WREN I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR FIC 👀👀👀👀) but also I love them and want there to be a very satisfying arc of them working their shit out and getting back together and fucking Jamie
I really don't think I followed the sewer metaphor right.. it sounded like a suggestion to form a human centipede?? 😹 i don't look forward to that fic, but god bless if that's your kink.
also was not expecting crotch shots as they descended into the sewer... looking forward to the gifsets
much good himbo-ness!
Disco, lol
what's Beard reading now, and why is he leaving it on Roy to carry all of Nate's old job?
yes thank you for sharing your bosoms with Keeley, Rebecca! please do more; Keeley is sad and deserves boobs looking forward to the fic
oh fuck, it didn't occur to me that Keeley's office would be joyless thanks to her VCs appointing the CFO, ... didn't she hire some of the people, though?? why aren't those ones at least fun and awesome?? I'm going to be bummed if she fails at running her own company or hates it... but that doesn't feel like a move the show would pull, i hope? she should have success and JOY. may need to write the fic
Sam shirtless yes thank you
Jamie's hair lol no thank you
he's okay to drive but forever changed, haf... of course Beard knows toad venom. there was no doubt in my mind.
press conference duel YES. I love Nate taking Ted down and Ted lifting Nate up. even if Ted's too distracted and depressed to have his full joke mojo, that was great.
what must Nate be thinking after he angrily closes his laptop. look forward to he fic and meta
get it, Sharon! (that's not anyone we're supposed to recognize in her bed, right?)
Ted asking sad questions and Beard not answering except to point out that they already passed his apartment 😭 Beard what is up with you rn??? looking forward to the fic
Very curious about what Trent is up to. 👀👀 looking forward to the fic
as I expected might be the case, I was vibrating with New Canon Energy the whole time and it was a bit distracting... I definitely need to watch it again soon now that I know the basics of what happens. but I liked a lot of things in this episode, and i am not angry about anything, all of which is a delight and a relief since last time I joined a fandom during a hiatus it was Sherlock, and my feelings about the following episode were Complicated
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milla984 · 1 year
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MGG + Rumple Buttercup
​​​​ @matthew-gray-gubler-lover, @reidselle, @thisiscalmanditsdoctorreid, @pretty-boys-book-club, @spookydrreid, @f-me-reid, @redwithjoon, @foxy-eva, @scorpiofangirl1109, @a-potato-wearing-plaid, @reidsbookclub, @nagemasstuff, @hotchsdharma, @reidmainbitch, @multiversefanfics, @will-grahams-eyes
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I know that OUAT tober doesn't start until, well, October. And I am trying to participate in that through next month. But, I cannot wait. I cannot get this scene out of my mind. And, I have searched and searched for an analysis of this moment and there is none so far as I can tell. So, here is my attempt to start a conversation.
Okay, so at this point, Emma has noticed something is off. She has asked Killian about it and Rumple, speaking via Killian, has dismissed her. Emma tried to connect with a kiss to see if her feeling of off-ness (yeah, I am going with off-ness) should be something she is concerned about and he pulled away and cut it short. (Perhaps because the kiss felt too much like deception and he can only control so much of this interaction when Rumple has his heart?)
Okay, so now the gifset.
Killian speaks the words that Rumple has forced him and looks away immediately. He cannot hold Emma's gaze. You can see a moment of pained disgrace when he glances away. He seems seriously disgusted that he cannot fight the control Rumple has over him.
Emma, who is very sensitive to people she loves, is stunned by the entire show that Rumple has put on through Killian. She also seems to be a bit shaken that Killian would leave her to deal with this without her when he is typically a fight alongside her type. But then, the hand on the arm. The hand that is gripping Emma like a lifeline. THIS IS THE MOMENT THAT HAUNTS ME. I have lost sleep over this moment. It has shaken me to my core. It feels like he is begging her at this moment, pleading with the universe, screaming out for someone to notice him and to save him from drowning in this control that Rumple has over him. But, then, we get that camera pan to his face. And, we see him come into his own a bit. We see him collect himself and we see him refuse to add to Emma's burden. We see him stop begging to be saved and grab enough control over himself that he can and drop her arm, before brushing by her and leaving the diner. And, we are left looking at Emma who knows something is up. She's almost looking at the space he was in like "what the actual? Someone else saw that right?" She's concerned, but she also felt brushed off - as if Killian was telling her that he didn't need her to help.
...Can you imagine how much Captain Killian Jones hates being controlled by the Crocodile? The anguish. He must feel so angry because it is the effing Crocodile. And so, annoyed at himself for allowing the Crocodile to gain this huge advantage over him and to manipulate Emma through him. He must know that Rumple will kill him soon, for his usefulness is about at an end. He just started something with Emma. And, here it is being used for the Crocodile's plan and he will likely die before it can really become something.
And, this just haunts me.
Anyway... PLEASE, please, jump in with your thoughts. (You can send me anything OUAT to discuss and I will be here for you! )
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violetfaust · 2 years
Did anyone ever make the parallel gifset between Rumple/Belle and Morpheus/Hob Gadling of Sandman:
"I think you were lonely."
(*gasp and shock* How dare!)
Because I Would Like to See It.
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heddagab · 10 months
Listen, I'm just gonna say it because I thought it went without saying but apparently not. If you like my gifsets and, more importantly, my Ouat gifsets:
DO NOT repost them. I will block you. You can use the gif feature and put them on your text all you want. Providing the text isn't...
Trashing the characters or the ship depicted and that goes especially hard for Rumple, Regina and Golden Queen. Same goes for tags under the gifsets or comments. I will block you.
Tag or talk about ships that have nothing to do with the gifset if you don't know how I feel about them and doubly if you know I hate them. I will block you.
I already have people who are very respectful in the tags or use my gifs through the gif feature to answer asks. I don't care if you thirst over a character or an actor, write sheets about it. Write mini metas, I don't mind at all. If you follow me or read my comments anyway, you'll get a gist on what I like, ship etc. So if you disregard the above, I'll just think you're being an asshole. Cheers 🍻
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emmaswanned · 1 year
btw in that gifset i just posted i just want to note that the apple rumple is eating is very clearly red delicious, right? well at the beginning of the episode regina gave one of those apples to emma and told her it was a honeycrisp which is up there on the list of evil things that woman does over the course of the show
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lochrannn · 3 years
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David behind the scenes in a new project with Matt Law.
(video and photos taken from @mattthomp, @robwatt, @lovelondun, @grasiemercedes instagram stories)
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thepirateandhisson · 3 years
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— Once Upon a Time, 6x06 “Dark Waters”
AKA the one where the writers test how many times they can have others perceive Killian & Henry as father/son in a 44 minute time span.
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lizardthelizard · 3 years
August in ‘The Return’
I always find it funny that some Rumple fans will go out of their way to complain about August’s character specifically when it comes to this episode and to Rumple. Not because I don’t understand where they’re coming from. I do, of course, and I fully appreciate that it was a heartbreaking moment for Rumple.
But those same people never once think to consider matters from August’s pov. From the other side of the coin.
Because, desperation and August’s reasoning for doing what he did cast aside for a moment, isn’t it just fascinating that the apology Rumple gave him was very close to the kind of apology he needed to hear from Marco. All the talk about not letting him go, about ‘crossing the barriers of time and space’, about searching for him and asking for forgiveness... They’re all sentiments and regrets that Marco also shares with Rumple and it’s absolutely an apology that August deserved and never really got
And also! Also!!! I find it so interesting that August can’t even look at Rumple for about 90% of his speech. His head completely, purposefully turns away from him the second Rumple starts the apology. And I just have to wonder...How much of that can you chalk down to him acting, trying to play the part of Baelfire, and how much of that can you argue is genuine emotion? (I would personally argue it’s a reasonable mix of the two, just for clarification) Because actually YEAH August looks genuinely upset when he’s looking away from Rumple during the speech. The hug? Total bullshit, sure. But I do wholeheartedly believe that there was a part of him that was genuinely upset when Rumple spoke those words...because they just hit a bit too close to home.
Not to mention, the idea that August somehow ‘stole’ Rumple’s apology to Bae is an absolutely ludicrous one. Rumple had his opportunity later on to say sorry to his son and he messed it up “I can turn you back into a 14 year old :)” because his son was (justifiably) angry at having been abandoned by him, and he didn’t want to hear the apology. The apology he falsely gave to August partly sounded so much better because August was deliberately playing into it, allowing Rumple a far more sincere and heartfelt apology, compared to the frantic knee-jerk response he gave Neal because Neal snapped at him before the apology had even begun.
Plus, it’s also worth mentioning that...nothing August ever did was out of malice. He didn’t go out of his way to hurt Rumple on purpose. It was a last resort (a very risky, very stupid last resort) that he only took because he had no other options.
TL;DR: August also deserves sympathy in ‘The Return’ and no, he didn’t ‘steal’ anyone’s apology.
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personinthepalace · 3 years
Is that where Hook and / or Belle gets hit by car from the mysterious visitor
Yup! Hook got hit. Belle got ninja rolled out of the way by Rumple haha
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golden-rumbelle · 4 years
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RUMBELLE FAMILY + name etymology (insp.)
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kissofgallifrey · 6 years
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Favourite Rumple Scenes [2/?] ⤑ A Tale of Two Sisters (4x01)
Rumple visits Neal’s grave.
Bonus: Rumple’s pledge to Bae
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sieben9 · 6 years
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“I’ll come back for you, if... if I can.”
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heddagab · 2 years
The fastest way to get blocked: Write something against Rumple or Regina or Golden Queen under my posts
The second fastest way to get blocked: Tag my character gifsets as your ship or about your ship that I DEFINITELY DO NOT SHIP
The fastest way to be friendly: Write relevant things under my posts. That simple.
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