aimlesswaifu · 2 years
They say that for every negative thought that you need three more to combat it.
I think that sucks but also true.
Logically, I just want to think how untrue all the negative things our brain tells us about ourselves but that isn't enough.
I hate that. I hate it for anyone that goes through that.
We aren't perfect sure, but we aren't trash either.
We should give ourselves a chance to hope and dream again.
1. You are good enough
2. You are worth it
3. You can dream if you want to
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aimlesswaifu · 2 years
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As an INFJ, I feel best when I have my own space and time to think. It doesn’t mean that I’m incapable of talking and connecting with others. I just want some time to breathe on my own sometimes.
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aimlesswaifu · 2 years
Coming to the end
It’s 4:00 A.M. I’m wondering how short life can be for humans. 
A year isn’t that long. A month is shorter. Weeks can fly by. Days can zoom by with just a blink of the eyes. Yet, we spend so much time from depression or heartache just thinking how awful, worthless, pathetic, and all other negative connotations we can bring on. Anything positive that’s thrown at us, we deflect and say those are lies. We call them fake and I wonder if there’s more truth to it than we realize.  When a friend comes in their times of need, you feel compelled to argue with them that they are in fact, great, including their flaws that make them who they are. Would you love them any differently? You are the best you that you can be because you have your flaws and that you can become better if you choose to be. Even when you beat yourself down, I can say that even if I don’t know you that you are still trying with every single breath you take despite the pain. You don’t need to be a superhero and you don’t need to be the top CEO of a million+ dollar company. 
Letting go of the negative thoughts and accepting the positive are two very different, difficult tasks. I give you the permission to give yourself a break. You deserve it even if you don’t believe you do.  If you’ve read this far then give yourself a pat. Life is hard and we never know where the bottom of the pit is but we don’t have to keep letting ourselves fall. We can climb and move up at each of our own pace. Life is short and we shouldn’t let ourselves lose to ourselves. I believe in you. Go take that chance. Go take up something you want to learn and do it now. Make it realistic. Get a running buddy. Have someone hold you accountable and thank them for it.  Time for you to kick Ass instead of time kicking yours. Go Go Go!
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