#rune blackout hospital
tals-art-n-stuff · 1 year
traditional art dump for arcadekitten’s games
under the cut because theres a lot 
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sorry abt the little comments my friend writes next to my art, didnt bother removing them
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fanged-f0x · 1 year
blackout hospital spoilers//
the photos of ryo and ingram on rune’s desk in blackout hospital had me fuckin bawling...
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arcadekitten · 2 months
Hi I have a few questions 1 In crowscare when rune uses his magic does he use a staff or a wand or something else to conduct magic with 2 when we see the painting scene in inmimb are the hair that's sticking up horns I embry dad 3 do you think inmimb or crowscare could get sequels 4 does vasilis get a promotion from janitor to psychiatrist as they were able to help Mary with the illness she had
No, he just uses his hands! I'm sure he could use a wand or something if he really wanted, but he doesn't need to ---
Embry's dad has horns because he is a goat! ---
Probably not! Like, never say never and all but I have like at least 3-4 more small games planned going forward and none of them are sequels ---
I think you mean physician? Psychiatrists typically specialize in mental health! And also--no! Vasilis didn't do anything about Mary's sickness, she only recovered after Rune stepped in to help her.
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n01r-exe · 9 months
What actually happens when Rune uses 'All I Need' in Blackout Hospital-
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I made a Reginald version of the same meme-
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The text boxes were taken directly from the game because I felt too lazy to draw them ;-; all I did was add text in a different font
The game is Blackout Hospital by @arcadekitten , it's really cool! Might play it again later :P
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tealgoat · 10 months
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Blackout hospital
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These are meant as a joke, I have terrible humor.
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m4resr41lr0ad · 7 months
im so fixated on blackout hospital and other arcadekitten games,
im very fixated on Rune he’s like 1 of my favourite characters so i drew him :3
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1llithia · 1 year
small noisrevverse dump
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greenkirbkid456u · 1 year
Guys i am a way bigger rune fan then I was before. And no this os not because the countdown image makes him look like the hottest man in the world what do you mean :)
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sugary-bxnny · 1 year
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what a handsome fella, i wonder what he's thinking about
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Blackout hospital fact 8: rune and his family have been "on a camping trip" for three days now and no one has seen them since
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autistic-bunny · 1 year
so blackout hospital am i right?
i will never be normal ever again.
(except i cant beat the final boss fight)
I agree wholeheartedly.
I still can't get over Rune in the true ending-
And then of course there's Reggie-
And Vas and Mary being cute too-
This game is great
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arcadekitten · 24 days
!!SPOILERS FOR BLACKOUT HOSPITAL!! 1>In the True Ending of Black Out Hospital... where did Reginald go again???
2>Does Rune hate Reginald and does Reginald hate Rune? Like... I mean Rune is extremely nice to Reginald and I don't think Reginald seemed too friendly with Rune and especially when Rune did that little grabby to Reggie's arm...
3> You say Rune knows a-lot of stuff but he knows how to know safely... are you able to clarify or is that a signature arcadekitten Saltbae of a lore drop??/pos
4> I saw art of Reggie's and Mitzy's (is that her name) parents... do we ever get to see them? ...the mom is so pretty...
You'll have to wait and see! ---
I wouldn't say Rune is extremely nice to Reginald. Just polite and cordial, as he is with everyone. I think Reginald does not like him very much. ---
salt bae drop of lore........... I wouldn't worry too much! Rune is just very skilled! ---
Depends, I guess we'll see!
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noctilucentstorm · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Review
Episode 14: The Kings of the Insects Clash
Koushiro’s laptop stops working, but Taichi’s team push ahead through a maze of canyons.  Unfortunately, a new enemy is waiting to hunt them down.
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It’s no secret I prefer the dynamics between Sora’s team and this episode highlights their strengths over only a few minutes.  The digimon have been trading off between carrying the children and other partners so they’re covering more ground and keeping everyone well-rested.  It’s a good strategy and Jou’s insistence that Yamato gives up his lone wolf persona is really endearing.
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We finally get an update on the Human World and I’m assuming it’s still the evening on Day 1, which I’m guessing means under 12 hours has passed assuming Taichi and the others left around late morning or early afternoon (Sora must’ve had a bit of time to do some shopping).  We don’t have a great sense of how much time has passed – it feels like either we’re skipping night in the Digital World or the days are much longer than the Human World, because otherwise the kids are accomplishing a lot in a very short amount of time.  
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I like the visual of everyone’s phones gradually powering down, but also… it’s 2020.  Doesn’t anyone carry around a portable charger?  Also who uses the elevator when there are rolling blackouts of unknown origin?  I realise some people would be short-sighted enough to do that (if Covid-19 has taught us anything, it’s that people don’t always think logically during disasters), but I still think it’s a strange thing to focus on.  Are we not worried about hospitals running out of fuel for their generators? Or is that a little too scary for kids?
Meanwhile, Mimi stumbles on some funhouse-like mirrors.  It’s probably the most childish we’ve seen her act and it’s a different side to how we saw her in her focus episode when she wanted to push on as soon as possible. Koushiro tries to analyse the rock, but his laptop has completely stopped working and Tentomon picks up on his distress even if he doesn’t say anything.
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Their break is cut short when a swarm of Kuwagamon attack.  Although the digimon all manage to evolve to Adult, they are prevented from evolving further by the relentless attacks by Kuwagamon.  Even running doesn’t turn out well as they stumble across Okuwamon.  Retreating again only ends with them being separated. This is the first time in a few episodes where the Chosen have been so thoroughly outmanoeuvred and does a good job of upping the tension.
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Without his laptop to help him analyse, Koushiro can’t calm down enough to think clearly.  However, Kabuterimon’s words snap him out of his fear, and Koushiro’s strategy saves them.  
AtlurKabuterimon’s evolution feels satisfying and well-earned for the episode. It is also a nice change that it happens outside of the fight.  I did find it a little funny though that Koushiro gave Taichi and Mimi a really good strategy and then said this:
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To be fair, all the other evolutions have also had head-on fights and in terms of type, AtlurKabuterimon should have the advantage.  It was just a bit funny after all the talk of strategy up until this point.  It’s a good fight scene though and I don’t feel like the above took too much away from it.  It’s definitely a cool moment for Koushiro and AtlurKabuterimon.
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Oh, now the laptop starts working again! But with an upgrade.  I imagine we’ll be finding out what that entails soon enough.
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Final Thoughts:
I really liked certain aspects of this episode: the dynamic between Jou, Sora and Yamato; Koushiro’s strategizing; and the tension from Okuwamon and Kuwagamons’ attacks.  I do feel that this episode could’ve had a better build-up though. We don’t actually see much of the trio heavily relying on Koushiro and his laptop – in fact, he was almost a hindrance in episode 12, insisting on analysing runes that added nothing to the plot (so far) and wasting time that led to Mimi getting separated.  It also didn’t really sit well with me that Koushiro had been putting all this pressure on himself and yet the rest of the group doesn’t acknowledge or address it even after the fact.  Instead, Koushiro’s laptop gets an upgrade (presumably from the Perfect level evolution), and Taichi just says how awesome he is, which almost seems to paper over the conflict of the episode.  Hopefully we’ll see Koushiro using a bit of strategy without his laptop again in future episodes, or at least being a bit more aware of his surroundings while doing so.
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I have bad habits of starting a random new project while in the middle of a project😀✋
“They don’t care, what’s right or wrong, let’s put them back where they belong-“
-Monochrome Mentality Remake by RIP
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arcadekitten · 2 months
Hi! I've been seeing people ask some lore based and future game based questions wanted to ask some myself cause I LOVE the lore of all your games and how so many tie into each other, if any aren't too spoilery I'd love to know some of these! (SPOILERS FOR A FEW GAMES AHEAD 🥹)
1. For MNE are either Allie or Enide planned on returning in future games?
2. What terms are Enide and Reginald on? Based on the vibes of Enides note it seemed like she was in love with Reginald but he obviously doesn't feel the same, and it seems like with Enide's actions she'd be willing to go pretty far (like her actions in MNE) to get with Reginald based on the note.
3. So I know you've said Rune in Crowscare and Blackout Hospital are the same, I saw the pictures in his office but I just wanted to confirm are they still his kids in Blackout Hospital?
4. Is the creature in the basement in INMIMB be revealed or show up again? Or have they maybe been revealed without us realizing maybe?
Thank you so much in advance for listening I have a silly amount of theories on your characters universe so thought I'd ask some questions! >:D
I think so! ---
I think Enide is very pushy in trying to get Reginald to give her a chance, but she also isn't going to force anything when she realizes he really just isn't interested in her. I feel like the wording "in love" is a little intense though! She just has a crush on him right now. She sees Reginald as a friend but Reginald sees her as more of an acquaintance ---
They are the same character but not exactly the same timeline. Ryo is still Rune's son and always will be wherever they appear! Rune doesn't really consider Ingram a son but does see him as a sort of extended family and cares about him very much ---
I don't think so, INMIMB was purposely designed to be a very interpretive game and I don't want to take away from that! I know some people like to share my old concept art about what the monsters would have looked like, but that is NOT CANON and only remains as part of the bones of what was once a different story.
Thanks so much for enjoying the games, it really does mean so much to me! ♡
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