soliitudc · 5 years
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“All I heard was silence.”
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kisscflife · 5 years
Secret Santa
Ambroise had been about as lucky as his fellow lacrosse players today; everyone was on the receiving end of Coach Finstock’s shenanigans. Forced to scrawl his name on a slip of paper, the Warlock then set it into a box, only for Coach to shake said object vigorously. He zoned out momentarily, but fortunately the physical education teacher hadn’t noticed. “Guess it’s my turn?” Ambroise inhaled sharply as he reached into the box to pull the last piece of parchment that remained. Stiles Stilinski. He found himself unable to hide his surprise. “Well, this should be interesting.” The bench warmer murmured, folding and pocketing the slip of paper before taking a seat next to Stiles. “Stilinski, whose name did you get?” 
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ofnoblehunt · 5 years
you’re my wingman tonight. and considering the state of my dating life, i need a wingman, co-pilot, and a really hot flight attendant.
‘ So no pressure right? ’ A cheeky grin hid the disbelief – he didn’t actually expect her to find him someone did she? ‘ First of all, I prefer wingwoman and secondly, you need to stop wearing so much gel in your hair Stiles. ’
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     “If you touch my Porsche one more time I swear I will break every bone in your hands.”        
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trueaxpha · 5 years
Casual Scoot McCute Starter Call!  🐺
Liked by @runswithwolvesx​ - 
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“So you’re telling me you’ve done this before?”
Scott was skeptical to say the least. His eyebrows heightened, a questionable look rested upon his features. However, he took a step back letting the other continue with their ambiguous feat. Before him sat Stiles - upon Scotts dirt bike. 
“Throttle in your right hand, clutch on your left. Your kill switch is there!” Scott reliteralated quite clearly, pointing to the left side of the handle - for some reason he felt like Stiles might need it. At least they had chosen the woods to do this, plenty of leaves and grass to crash upon. There should be less in the way of broken bones and torn skin if Stiles was to plummet into the nearest tree. 
“Now dude,  are you sure about this? We can just go back home and play on the playstation instead?”
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haleontheprowl · 5 years
@runswithwolvesx liked for a starter
    Scuffed converses trailed behind combat boots like a duckling following it’s mother. When did she become one of his life lines? Cora had always sworn never to look out for liabilities, yet somehow he’d worn down her stubbornness. If anyone asked she’d tell them it was an eye for an eye - he saved her, she’s just returning the favour. In reality though, he’d gotten under her skin. 
    ‘ Stiles, you need to stop coming to me. I’m not your personal body guard, ’ she muttered, jaw clenching with every dragging moment. ‘ Can’t Scott or someone in that little teen pack of yours help instead? I’m not making a habit of sticking my neck out... ’
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oftroubledsouls · 5 years
sterek for the ship meme! (:
ship meme || accepting – @wthpep
send me a ship and i’ll tell you who: 
001: kills the spider: Derek ALWAYS does that because Stiles makes him and he also throws in some lame ass wolf joke as Derek’s doing it. Sometimes to annoy Stiles, Derek will chase him around with the spider in hand. 
002: proposed: This is a rough one cause they both would do it. It all depends on who works up the nerve to do it first.
003: kissed the other first: Stiles did it and feared for his life thinking Derek would’ve pushed him away but it worked out for them. 
004: initiates things: Stiles would totally flirt first with Derek and Derek would flirt back and that’s just how it all starts. 
005: would leave the other: They wouldn’t. Given the amount of baggage they both have and their past relationships, they’re committed to each other. Besides being Derek’s mate makes it kind of hard to leave sshhhh
006: is more jealous: They’re both equally jealous but Derek tends to show it more. 
007: is lazier: Stiles, hands down and will complain whenever Derek makes him move from his comfy positions. 
008: sends weird texts at 3 AM: Stiles, to which Derek is already used to and kind of expects them to happen. 
009: is more experienced: Derek.
010: said i love you first: Stiles. 
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starcourtscream · 5 years
runswithwolvesx said:🔮 What do you see in your muse’s future?               ♡ steph talks about lydia | accepting ! ♡
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holland   roden   actually   gave   her   headcanon   in   a   video   q&a   i   had   the   pleasure   of   talking   to   her   through   and   she   personally   headcanons   that   lydia   &   stiles   have   3   kids   together ,   live   in   the   mountains   and   establish   their   own   private   investigation   business   as   a   couple.   this   is   what   i’m   honoring.   
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kanima-claws · 5 years
“Help first, shame lecture later.”
「ANSWERING ASKS (ACCEPTING)」» @runswithwolvesx
Jackson doesn't know what the hell Stilinski is lugging in that black trash bag of his. For all he knows, it could very well be a dead body. Did Stilinski have the balls to kill someone? Apparently, he had enough gall to punch someone in the face if his confidence was high enough, so who knew what the bean pole was really capable of.
It definitely wasn't dragging a trash bag, since from the looks of it he was struggling. Should he help or should he leave Stilinski to his own devices and forgo the risk of becoming an accessory to a possible murder?
Ugh, trying to be a better person sucked. With a sigh, Jackson pops the trunk of his Porsche. As it's lifting, he heads over to help Stiles with the bag.
"Whatever is in here better not leak all over my car, Stilinski, or it's gonna be your ass in a trash bag next."
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incolubruma · 5 years
@runswithwolvesx​ replied to your post
I hope you feel better soon ❤️ depression is hard to live with. Take as much time as you need!
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redemptivexheroics · 5 years
runswithwolvesx replied to your post: A lot of people think Kingdom Hearts is my...
The resident evil series is amazing. I haven’t played the remastered one yet but I’m dying to!
The Resident Evil 2 remake? I’ve beaten both on Claire and Leon on three modes. I don’t know about anyone but it holds replay value for me. 
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vandbaerer · 5 years
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drinking starters / accepting !
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    ❝ I’m fwineeee! ❞ she reassured him. Small giggles bubbled from Kira’s vocal chords as Stiles aided her in getting back up on the stool. The pain that would be in her back went undetected, and she sure was having a wonderful time during happy hour. It was practically impossible to sit still on it, feeling as her own body kept swaying back and forth; threatening to make her tip over once again. Grabbing her drink, she leaned forward to allow her fingers to grab a hold of his cheek, pinching it lightly.  ❝ You know, you’re kinda cute when you’re worried     you make this pouty lip thing, it suuuuuper adorable!! ❞  she slurred, bouncing a little in her seat. Yeah, she was probably going to regret her words tomorrow. 
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kisscflife · 5 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ 💞
Thank you so much! I really needed this right now. -Hugs- დ
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ofnoblehunt · 5 years
‘i don’t like being told what to do.’
     A hefty sigh threat to escape pursed lips, her posturestraightened as she clasped her hands together – a power pose. Allison, much of the time, found herself a peacekeeper among the core four who would seldom rock the boat. That was what Stiles was infamous for, always getting under people’s skin. This time he’dfinally struck a nerve with the huntress, irises narrowed as frustration brewed in her tone. 
    ‘ Stiles, at some point you need to learn that diplomacy is thefirst tactic you should use in conflict… Not sarcasm and mockery. So for once, I’m going to do the talking and you’re going to stand behind me nodding your head in agreement. No further comment needed. ’ Arms crossed her body as if daring Stiles to continue.
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❝ don’t say that to me, scott. not you, of all people. ❞
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          fuck. scott’d been well aware that this would be difficult, but nothing had prepared him for the WOUNDED look in his best friend’s eyes. he’d seen it before; it’d just never been directed at him. the werewolf bit down  —  hard  —  on the inside of his cheek and turned away to face the blank wall, shaking a little with the effort it was taking to keep his own emotions from betraying the fact that he didn’t want to do this.   ❛   i… i need you to LEAVE, stiles. i need you to go.   ❜
meme  (not accepting)  ▶  ⸢ @runswithwolvesx​ ⸥
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badassxqueens-blog · 5 years
Allison felt her anger bubbling to the surface, coursing through her body. She was angry, especially lately, which was unusual for her because the huntress wasn’t an angry person by nature. It wasn’t that she was angry in general, it all came down to one person - Stiles Stilinski. She hated him, hated what he’d done to her, for sending the oni after her and having them kill her. The brunette knew he was evil, that he could very well decide to strike again whenever he wanted and that him being nice was only an act. He wore the face of her friend, but behind that, he was just an evil creature. She’d geared up with her trusty bow and arrow as well as her Chinese ring daggers to make sure that Stiles’ life would end tonight. Allison couldn’t let him hurt her friends - she knew that it wasn’t really Stiles, it was the nogitsune who was trying to manipulate and hurt people. It was her duty to protect the town of Beacon Hills and now, with a determined look firmly present on her face, Allison was on her way to find the man who had killed her all those years ago and make him pay - once and for all. 
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