#ruri miyamoto
kursed-arcana · 2 years
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gabbyp09 · 11 months
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mechadeimos · 14 days
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kyururun · 2 years
Tashiro Sumire (OCHA NORMA) - VOCE Interview
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Beauty magazine VoCE interviews Tashiro Sumire of OCHA NORMA on becoming a Hello! Project idol, her audition, and her feelings since joining. Original article found here.
── Which members would you like to exchange makeup bags with?
S: Hiromoto Ruri-chan. Ruri-chan is knowledgeable about cosmetics, and she often carries makeup from brands I've been interested in, as well as cute products from brands I haven't heard of. She's also great with her hands and is good at doing makeup and hair arrangement, so she sometimes does my braids or half twintails for me!
── What is your personality like, if you analyse yourself?
S: My weak points are shyness and negativity. With all the experiences I have every day, I tend to reflect on things with regret about "I should have done it like this". However, I'm also someone who is more passionate than most about things they love, so I'm not afraid to put a lot of effort into what I want to do. I think that's my strength.
── What made you want to become a Hello! Project idol?
S: I had admired idols ever since I was little, but I fell in love when I saw a performance of "Yume Miru 15sai" from S/mileage on a music TV show! I recorded that performance and watched it over and over, imitating their singing and dancing. I wanted to be a Hello! Project idol so much, so I took the audition.
── When you passed your audition, it's said that your reaction seemed to be "nothing" (laughs), how did you feel about it?
S: People do say I'm the type of person whose emotions don't show on their face, but really, I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't hide it, and maybe that's why I couldn't actually react. (laughs) Since Miyamoto Karin was on the jury too, I already thought "is this a dream?!", and I had no idea it was the final screening, or that I would be told I was joining the new group. I was so happy that I had passed and would become a member of Hello! Project myself, but I was also in a state of "have I seriously passed?", and I was anxious whether or not someone like me with no experience could perform well into the future, so I was full of a lot of considerations.
── Since you didn't have any prior (singing or dancing) experience, did you feel a gap or pressure from other members?
S: Tsutui Roko, who auditioned alongside me, has been dancing since she was a child, and is a great singer. I had never studied dance or singing seriously, so when we tried to learn choreography together, I was anxious of the difference between our speed in picking it up.
── It's been around a year since you debuted as an idol. Have you gotten used to performing?
S: To be honest, I'm not completely used to it yet. After each performance, I always go over the video to review, and I find that facial expressions are different to what I thought I was doing, or that I'm not really moving enough, so I'm still struggling to come closer to my "ideal self". However, from July we did a series of release events across different regions for three months for our major debut single, and I was able to work hard and improve from previous performances during that time. So I think I've matured since then.
── So what kind of person is your "ideal self" as an idol?
S: Someone who can be admired by many people. I want to be confident in my singing, dancing, and facial expressions, but when I look back at my performance videos, I notice a lot of things - like I'm really out of tune, or that I'm not moving enough, or that I'm not really expressing myself well enough, and it's easy for me to feel negative about that. I'm always thinking "if only I could do this a little better". I'd like to be able to perform with more confidence, and show more of my true self.
── With regards to expressiveness, is there a member your particularly admire?
S: Kitahara Momo-chan. She's not only good at smiling, but she's good at cool expressions, or girly and cute expressions too. She's great at expressing her own individuality. She adds her own arrangement into dances too, and it's so cool, so I really admire her!
── In reality, when you became an idol, is there anything that's different to what you imagined?
S: From the outside, it looks like it's all having fun, but there are a lot of obstacles. I've come to realise once again how amazing it is that the 8 members who were trainees have so much more experience than I do, but perform happily with smiles on their faces, without showing any of the efforts and hardship they've had to overcome.
── Who did you get along well with in OCHA NORMA at first?
S: Yonemura Kirara-chan. All the members of OCHA NORMA are the same generation*, so I was told from the beginning that it was fine not to use honourifics, but I found it difficult at first and ended up still using them. I ended up adding "-san" to both first and last names. Then at some point during it all, when we had all gotten together, Kirara-chan made a rule to once again express "no honourifics needed", and I think from there I was able to become a bit closer to all the members. She created a good atmosphere that made it easy for me to start or join in on conversation, and she has been really supportive of me ever since I joined!
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OCHA NORMA's 2nd single "Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan!" / UNMEI CHACHACHACHA~N" releases on November 30th, 2022.
*Note - even though OCHA NORMA is made of 8 trainees of varying tenures and 2 auditionees, since they all debuted in the group at the same time, they're on the same footing now.
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sotiredmostnights · 1 year
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aniwife · 2 years
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Ruri Miyamoto
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thenioky3600 · 2 years
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Ruri Miyamoto - Nisekoi
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umaruthehimouto · 3 years
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Ruri Miyamoto
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anime-end-cards · 3 years
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Nisekoi 2nd season
Episode 12 end card by Komi Naoshi
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meganegirloftheday · 4 years
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The Megane Girl of the Day is Ruri Miyamoto from Nisekoi!
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kursed-arcana · 2 years
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Shuu really is best boy. Him and ruri be the only reason things move along
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dante-heller · 4 years
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Alright, onto season 2 now. I was contemplating going onto another show and coming back later, but I didn't feel like that'd be right.
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mechadeimos · 1 month
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Ruri Miyamoto
Anime: Nisekoi
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Nisekoi Characters as Songs from Taylor Swift’s “Lover” - Pt. 6 Ruri Miyamoto
Song: Soon You’ll Get Better
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Just when Kosaki found closure in her feelings for Raku, Ruri was there to pick up the pieces. Obviously, this song delves much deeper dealing with true life-and-death situations and the strain it can have on people, but just like Taylor had to be confident for her mother, Ruri had to be strong for Kosaki. Unsure of Kosaki's future, Ruri stood by her words, saying exactly what she needed in a time of despair and heartbreak. Most Relevant Lyrics: "Ooh-ah, Soon, you'll get better, Ooh-ah, Soon, you'll get better"
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Ruri Miyamoto (Nisekoi)  » January 16
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