rushclan · 3 months
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Moon 1
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starsofdestinyrp · 18 days
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Promo Art by Kirke
CW/TW: May Change Battles/Fighting, Injuries of varying levels, Manipulation and Coercion CONTENT RATING: May Change 🌕 🌕 🌕 🌑 🌑
A cat with a vision. A loner with warrior's blood. A cat with vengeance to wreak.
All her life, Ravenwing has felt lost, or perhaps a more accurate way of putting it is that she just hasn't found home yet. But all that is about to change once she sets her paws on the path to IvyClan and WildClan- and perhaps more importantly, towards the cats that lie outside of the clans. Meeting others who are just as lost in the world, she begins formulating the dream her father has called her to do: start RushClan anew.
However, sinister forces are at work and what lurks just beyond the clan borders not only will determine the fate of RushClan, but also the fate of those who call these lands their home.
Join us for this fun event on the Stars of Destiny Discord Server!
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dem0nsiget-clangen · 1 year
I have officially gotten the funniest random name on ClanGen I’ve ever seen. Usually I don’t keep non-Clan names, but decided to play a game on my iPad so I didn’t have to bring my laptop in my room
And I got a cat named Missile Launcher
Missile Launcher
I was literally crying laughing when I first saw his name. And now he is Missile Launcherstar
My favorite part? He has a heart on his side XD I don’t know why I find that so funny, but it is
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desnayy · 1 year
So far, all of StarClan is just, apprentices that have died from training incidents or in one case, being grabbed by a hawk as a kit then dying as an apprentice
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dawn-of-rushclan · 3 months
Moons 1–10, Part One
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It had been around an Eye since he'd fallen, and Maos was laying in the hot summer sun when be heard it.
The unmistakable barking of a Growler.
Now, this wasn't anything unordinary by itself, no. The fik'az had been a common presence at the barn that lay just on the edge of their territory. The worrying sounds, though, were the screams of a cat.
Dawnriser leaped to his paws, swiveling his ears as to find where the sound came from, and began to run in that direction. Minkear had gone out herb gathering, and Greenburn hunting, as he seemed to do more than needed these days, so Dawnriser ran after the dog alone.
As he got to the barn, he stopped in his tracks at the sight off his friend cowering in fear from a horrifying large Growler.
Without a second thought, Maos leaped onto the beast's back, digging his claws into it's thick hide and biting at it's ears.
The beast whined and barked and snapped, diverting it's attention from the now-running Greenburn, to the cat clawing desperately onto it's back.
The fik'az, with one shake of it's pelt, threw Dawnriser into the side of the barn.
Maos hissed as pain shot up through his side, watching as the Growler ran away from the barn.
Dawnriser closed his eyes.
Greenburn flew towards the barn he left Dawnriser at, Minkear running just below him.
As he got to the barn, he gasped at the sight before him.
Dawnriser was laying, bloodied by the wall of the barn, taking in shallow breaths. The walker laid in a pool of blood, just enough to be worrying.
Minkear didn't waste any time. The healer rushed to their friend's side, applying who-knows-what kinds of herbs.
Feeling sick to his stomach, the Aviline turned around, hoping to find some fresh kill for the other two.
After landing on some unsuspecting rabbits, Greenburn reckoned they would be pretty well fed for the rest of the day.
So, he flew back to the camp, where he had seen Minkear drag a staggering Dawnriser to.
Speaking of Dawnriser, he was quite an odd cat, wasn't he?
Despite having the name of a warrior, he'd often refer to himself as a 'hunter', and seemed confused when Greenburn and Minkear would jokingly refer to themselves as 'kits or 'paws or 'stars and such.
When the two had mentioned having multiple queens, that really confused the poor soul.
And then came the conversation about where Dawnriser had come from.
The walker then explained the Folk, and the Queen of Cats, and Heart names and Tail names and so many, many other confusing things.
Nowadays, Greenburn nor Minkear batted an eye when the tom greeted them with a 'Nre'fa-o', or mentioned the fla-fa'az or fik'az or m'an.
They had certainly batted quite a few eyes after being told the story of how m'an came to be, though. Greenburn was going to have nightmares for moons.
So, anyhow, Greenburn flew back to the burrows which they called home, and after dropping the rabbits in the fresh kill pile, he nervously peeked his head into the medicine den.
"Huh– Wha– Where!?!?"
Minkear turned around to face the horrifying sight of....
It was just Greenburn.
Thank StarClan.
"My stars, Greenburn." The tom sighed and shook his head. "Come to check on O' Brave and Mighty?"
Greenburn seemed to relax for a moment, before a worried look reappeared onto his face. "Will he be alright?"
Minkear sighed, before turning back to his patient.
Dawnriser was breathing normally right now, which was always a good sign. The bleeding had seemingly stopped, as he hadn't had to put any new cobwebs on for a while. So, all in all, he seemed like he would likely make it.
"He'll be alright. No dog-fighting for a while, though."
Greenburn laughed a bit at this, though he still looked down at the cat with a worried expression.
Minkear sighed. "Get some rest, Green. He'll be here when you wake up. I promise."
The winged cat gave him a small smile before padding off to his nest.
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dawntilduskclan · 2 months
Hey! I just read through the first five chapters and I absolutely love it so far! Is there anything you can tell us about the other Clans? :eyes:
Hey thanks! Glad you're enjoying it.
Obviously there's a lot about the other clans that's spoilers but I can give you the gist.
Mapleclan, Rushclan, and Crystalclan are the other three established clans before Duskclan formed. Maple live in the forest area and mountains, Rushclan live on the lower elevation and on the coastline, and Crystalclan live up on the tops of the mountains. Most of the cats in Duskclan are from Mapleclan, some are from Rushclan, and no one is from Crystalclan. Crystal are really secluded and basically live alone for half of the year when the snow gets really bad, which is what Nightstar references here
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We'll see all of them more much later, but I am currently developing a prequel comic that'll feature them more heavily. The problem with having a clan isolated from the rest of their society means I can't show off all the work I did 😅
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joocin-thebox · 1 year
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[ prompt by @/bweirdart ]
Day 7: Personality
was originally gonna do Barley and Bailey but i literally dont want to.
So instead we're going with Stork! (Designer) A loner that lived in the barn when Adderpaw and Mousepaw fled Rushclan. She was the first one they met, and the most welcoming. Offering the barn to be a home to them for as long as they needed.
She's a sweet cat, who'd raised many litters of their own and helped raise litters from others. As well as any young cats looking for guidance. They gave advice to Adderpaw, and encouraged the other barn cats to not shun away the former clan cats, despite their, and her own, dislike of the clans to begin with.
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twitteringcrows · 1 year
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4 generations of long fangs.
(Yewfang - Lilac Pointed molly , Sentinel of Old RushClan)
(Reedfeather - Black molly with a light underbelly, Warrior of Old RushClan)
(Wolfstep - Black tom with an emblazoned sun, Moon Guardian of StarClan, deputy of Old RushClan)
(Ravenwing - Black she-cat with vibrant blue eyes, Legacy, founder of New RushClan, Deputy of New RushClan)
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k1ngl30n · 6 months
Uhhh if anyone feels like reading about some dragons lmfao
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through-the-moor · 10 months
Shimmerpaw and Copperpaw have been close friends for a while, and when a fire breaks out in their clan, RushClan, Shimmerpaw is able to escape the fire with Gorsekit, another friend of Shimmerpaw’s and who is like a little sister to him. While he’s running, he trips and falls. When he looks up, Copperpaw is there, and he is appalled. He had seen a tree fall and cut Copperpaw’s path, and though that the flames consumed her. She says she survived, and helps him by taking Gorsekit, where they run off to rebuild RushClan…
Inspired by @/fog-and-the-frost, follow Copperpaw, Shimmerpaw, and Gorsekit through their adventures as they try to rebuild RushClan, with the help of StarClan on their side…right?
ttmm for moons, ttma for Q+A, and ttml for lore!
Their refs: (From top left, middle, and top right) Copperpaw, Gorsekit, Shimmerpaw
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murkshade · 5 years
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time for a nap!
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rushclan · 3 months
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Designs are a work in progress...
Welcome to RushClan!
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dem0nsiget-clangen · 1 year
Oh my god no I can’t change names this is a problem
I have two cats named Brocolli in my clan
Also I love how Tumblr is how I just realized Brocolli is misspelled XD
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desnayy · 1 year
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The founders of RushClan
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dawn-of-rushclan · 4 months
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Maos Dawnriser woke, his heading pounding as if it were trying to break out of his skull. He painfully blinked sleep out of his eyes, scanning his surroundings to see what was about.
The first thing he noticed was side. All he could see of his left shoulder and ribs were covered by what seemed to be... cobwebs?
However, this sight was not nearly as odd as what was in front of the hunter. Infront of him, two toms seemed to be arguing, and the one on the left was raising his wings to seemingly appear bigger. Raising his wings.
Shaking off the initial shock, Dawnriser staggered to his feet, hissing at the pain from his wound.
To this, the non-winged, brown tom dashed over to his side with a stern expression.
"Sit back down, mouse-brain! You'll reopen the wound!"
The cat, his stern look disappearing as Maos lay back down, let out a sigh before sitting down and properly addressing Dawnriser.
"Hello, um- I'm Minkear, and this is Greenburn." He gestured to the winged tom. "We found you after you, uh..." The cat paused as he searched for words.
"You fell out of the sky."
The two cats proved to be fine company over the next few days. They apparently had been both banished from their Clan, and were seeking a new home. Maos had nothing to judge at that.
Dawnriser, after getting it through the two's heads that, no, he had no idea where he was, and no, he did not hit his head too hard, had quickly become friendly with the two.
He quickly inferred from the structure of the two's names that they were hunters as well, but this inference was quickly disproven as they talked of their "leaders", "queens", and "medicine cats".
The wound on his side still stung and ached, but it seemed to be getting better by the day, likely from Minkear's sufficient knowledge in healing.
The more prominent thing that still bothered him, though, was the wings of the black and white tom, Greenburn.
He hadn't found the courage to ask about such an... anomaly. The wings resembled those of the fla-fa'az, much larger but still with the same structure and just as feathery.
Too curious to resist, Maos padded up to the rambunctious tom. "Greenburn?"
The tom regarded him from the poorly-built den he'd made after they decided to stay with Dawnriser as he recovered. "Yeah, how's it going, Dawnriser?"
"I, um. I wanted to ask about your wings, if that's alright with you?"
Greenburn gave an amused laugh. "Yeah, sure, go ahead. Never seen an Aviline before?"
"Never even heard of them, actually. I must not be anywhere near my Folk, huh?"
"Okay, hold it–" Minkear, who had been gathering up more herbs and such for Maos, interrupted. "I think we need to have quite a few conversations."
Okay, first things first; Maos Dawnriser was not anywhere near where he had came from.
Second, he was in a place with winged cats.
Third, the Visl apparently did not show the same understanding of the common tongue as the Visl of his homeland did. Nor did any of the other creatures here, apparently.
With this information, he had then learnt what a 'clan' was. Apparently, Greenburn and Minkear had both been thrown out of the nearby Pondclan, for reasons unshared, and they seeked to start a clan of their own. Maos had gladly joined in at their offer to help them, as he hadn't anywhere else to go, nor anything else to do.
After this, Minkear had suddenly come across a small system of tunnels, which the odd cat deemed as a perfect camp. The camp wasn't ideal, in Dawnriser's opinion, but the territory, a wide and open moor, certainly was.
Minkear had been quickly named medicine cat, for his knowledge of herbs, but the other two stayed warriors for the time being.
With that, the trio settled in to their new camp, full bellies from the bountiful prey of spring, and good dreaming for the adventures to come.
Mri'fa-o, my new friends.
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bearflowerr · 5 years
slaps hands on the table Stonecloud and Stumpyfeather hypokit time
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they can’t stop saying sorry for being sorry @unwantedgifts
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