moths-wc-aus · 5 years
a basic (beginning) idea of what WindClan AU is
I have an idea of what WC AU will become farther down the line, but those are all spoilers, so I won’t be talking about those here.  This is just a basic idea of the first few changes within the AU.
1. Jake decided to live in WindClan with Tallstar.
Obviously, it took a while before he was a trusted member (and some cats are still less than happy about there being a kittypet in their midst), but he eventually earned his warrior name, Russetstep.  He’s admitted to Tallstar that he misses his old twoleg sometimes, but he can’t imagine going back.
2. Deadfoot isn’t deputy.
In fact, Deadfoot is in StarClan.  I have nothing against Deadfoot personally, I just really wanted Jake/Russet to become deputy, and I felt that Tallstar would choose Deadfoot first.  So, Deadfoot did become deputy (for a short while, at least), but ended up catching greencough (a few months after Firepaw and his siblings came to the Clan) and passed away.  The deputy position was passed on to Russetstep, and despite the initial grumblings from some Clan members, he’s done well so far.
3. Firepaw, Kindlepaw, and Coalpaw.
Firepaw (Firestar), Kindlepaw (Princess), and Coalpaw (I just like the number 3, okay???) were found along the border during the dead of winter.  It was actually Jake/Russet who found them on patrol, and, noticing that they were nine-week-old kits, he brought them back to WindClan and convinced Tallstar to let him keep them.  Russet and Tall actually ended up becoming their adopted dads.
4. Adoptive moms??
Fire, Kindle, and Coal don’t actually have any adoptive moms... sort of.  See, since they were nine weeks upon being found, they no longer needed any milk, and could eat solid foods.  This meant there was no need for a queen to nurse them or baby them.  There was, however, a need for someone to keep an eye on them, so that duty was taken up by all the queens in the nursery (plus some warriors; Spottedhare probably came the closest to being called "mom").  Fire, Kindle, and Coal just sort of... hopped nests.  They picked who they wanted to sleep next to that night, then curled up in the nest and slept.
5. A ThunderClan change!
I decided that instead of Bluefur giving her kits away to become deputy, she would tell Sunstar of her fears about Thistleclaw.  He was a bit resistant to it at first, but trusted Bluefur, and so kept a close eye on Thistleclaw.  He came to the same conclusion as her; Thistleclaw would not make a good deputy.  Instead, he made Bluefur deputy in spite of the fact she had kits, and Mistykit, Stonekit, and Mosskit stayed ThunderClan and became warriors (Mistycloud, Stoneskip, and Mossflower).  They still don’t know about their father, though ;)
That’s pretty much all I can share for now without spoiling a bunch of stuff!  I’ll see when I can next update...
side note; it’s 2am, i’ve got school tomorrow, and i’m so ridiculously nauseous from eating swedish fish :/
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juzt-muchie · 5 years
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All the animals in the BG wasted only the ugly Butterfly left 😭😂
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caterva · 3 years
// my characters in the warriors universe:
Bezi; a shapeshifting rogue, most likely still an alien but this time he’s an alien cat instead of an alien humanoid. default form is a huge, cream colored maine coon looking cat. possibly still named bezi. enjoys the company of clans, even if many cats dislike outsiders. very social. probably becomes attached to some clan cat and attempts to join their clan Bill; clan cat, possibly half-clan or from an illicit affair. Russetstep. possibly a deputy in the future Griffin; a rogue. parents were killed by dogs while defending him, he still doesn’t know how he escaped. dark dark tabby. would be fun and nice if he joined a clan while he was young; rogue name is TM(Tiny Man), clan name is... currently unknown. possibly becomes a deputy. Klaus; can’t decide on origin, raised as a clan cat. medicine cat; Spidersight. sees ghosts and communes with StarClan Jamie; clan cat, had trouble growing up but settled with age. Brightoak. 
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moths-wc-aus · 5 years
Russetstep reference
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Name: Russetstep
Past Names: Jake
Gender: male
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Deputy
Age: 39 moons
Siblings: Ferris (brother, littermate) and Whiskers (brother, littermate).
Mother: Crystal
Father: unknown
Mate: Tallstar
Adoptive Kits: Firepaw, Kindlepaw, and Coalpaw.
History: Jake met Talltail when he was a kittypet, and accompanied Talltail on his journey to find his father’s “killer.”  When Talltail’s journey was over, he begged Jake to return to WindClan with him.  Jake initially refused and went back to his housefolk, but found himself staring out the windows and thinking of Talltail.  Eventually, he decided enough was enough, and he at least had to see Talltail once more.  So Jake traveled to the edge WindClan territory and confessed his love to Talltail.  The two kept meeting just outside WindClan territory for several moons before Talltail and Jake decided they couldn’t continue meeting in secret, and Talltail led Jake to WindClan camp and asked Heatherstar if Jake could join the Clan.  It took a while before Jake earned his warrior name (Russetstep), and some of the Clan still aren’t overjoyed at having an ex-kittypet in their midst, but both Russetstep and Tallstar are happy.
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moths-wc-aus · 5 years
I have a few questions? I hope this isn't too much! For Mod Sunset; If there's three kits, why are only two shown in your profile? If Firestar isn't in ThunderClan, who will be leader? Will it be Sandstorm? Will Firestar still bring SkyClan to the gorge? For Deadfoot/Tallstar/Russetstep; What was their first though on seeing the kits? What do they think happened to their mother? I hope this isn't too overwhelming! I love the AU so far!
hey there!  wowowow, that’s a lot!!  i’m glad you’ve taken so much interest in my au, and i’ll do my best to answer these questions!
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“If there’s three kits, why are only two shown in your profile?”
the simple answer for that is that a) i haven’t figured out what coalpaw looks like yet, aside from i want him to have dark colours, and b) i really didn’t have the energy to draw three cats in one small image.
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“If Firestar isn’t in ThunderClan, who will be leader?  Will it be Sandstorm?”
i do have a plan for thunderclan’s next leader, as well as its next deputy.  i won’t say who for now, but i can say with certainty that sandstar isn’t planned in what i have worked out so far, despite how much i love her.
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“Will Firestar still bring SkyClan to the gorge?”
i absolutely adore skyclan, so for right now, firestar’s quest will go mostly unchanged (a few things will have to be changed, such as sandstorm not being there).  this might change in the future, though??  i haven’t 100% planned out this whole au, so far just into the forest and fire and ice, as well as a few pieces from the darkest hour.
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“What was [Tallstar, Russetstep, and Deadfoot’s] first thought on seeing the kits?”
Tallstar: I thought I was going to step on them.  They were so active when I first stopped by the nursery to meet them!
Russetstep: I couldn’t believe how small they were!  They were so tiny and cute!  I was so worried that they were going to freeze out there.
Deadfoot: My first thought?  “Sweet StarClan,” preceded by a feeling of complete and utter disbelief.
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“What do [Tallstar, Russetstep, and Deadfoot] think happened to their mother?”
Tallstar:  I’m not sure.  Perhaps she went off to hunt and they wandered off and got lost?  I can’t possibly imagine that a she-cat would abandon her kits.
Russetstep:  I… don’t know.  I hope she’s still okay, but honestly?  She’s most likely died somehow.  I feel awful for saying it, but it might be the best option.  I don’t… I don’t want to picture someone leaving those kits.. my kits… alone in the cold.
Deadfoot: Nothing good.  No queen would willingly leave their kit alone, not that young and definitely not in that cold.
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moths-wc-aus · 5 years
WC AU; Prologue
i said that this was gonna be posted around 3:30 est but that failed bc my dad forgot he had a third child he needed to pick up so
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23130670/chapters/55354048
Four cats padded through the snow, ears flattened against the wind.  One of them, an orange tom, froze in his spot, his ears twitching.  The rest of the patrol continued, the lead of which only seemed to notice the tom’s sudden disappearance when a flash of orange fur caught his eye.
“Russetstep!”  He called, halting the rest of the patrol.  “Where are you going?”
“Probably back across the border to his twolegs,” a young golden tom snarked under his breath.  The spotted she-cat beside him swatted at his head, letting out a low hiss, and the patrol lead shot him a cold stare.
Russetstep, oblivious to the conversation going on behind him, bounded over a hill and vanished for a moment before reappearing with a small orange shape dangling from his jaws.  The lead of the patrol’s eyes narrowed at the sight for a moment before flying open.
“Oh, sweet StarClan,” he whispered before running towards Russetstep as fast as his twisted paw would allow, the rest of the patrol following.
“Kits?!” The spotted she-cat exclaimed, pacing around Russetstep as he gently placed the one he was carrying on the ground.
“Young ones, too,” the patrol lead meowed.  “Where’s their mother?”
“I don’t know,” Russetstep frowned.  “There’s no scent of anyone but these three around.”  The spotted she-cat sniffed the brown kit, who squeaked and ducked behind Russetstep.
“What do we do with them?”  The golden tom asked the patrol lead.
“We obviously have to bring them back to camp,” Russetstep said, his fur bristling.  “They won’t last out here; it’s the dead of leaf-bare!”
“I agree with Russetstep,” the spotted she-cat nodded.  “We can’t just leave kits alone in the wild to die.  It’s cruel!  And besides, it’s against the warrior code.  Deadfoot?”
The patrol lead was quiet for a moment as he considered.  “Spottedhare and Russetstep are right, Ryetail.  We cannot just leave kits to suffer the cold alone.  We will take them back to camp, and speak to Tallstar about this.”
Ryetail scoffed, but didn’t argue.  Deadfoot picked up the black kit, Spottedhare the brown one, and Russetstep the orange.  Ryetail’s tail lashed, and he padded a few tail-lengths behind the rest of the patrol.
Now that they had kits with them, the patrol moved faster, whispering the occasional words of encouragement to the kits whenever one of them started to get antsy.  It wasn’t long before they were back at the camp, Spottedhare whisking the kits off to the nursery to fawn over them.  Deadfoot and Russetstep padded over to a black and white tom, settling down next to him.
“Tallstar?” Deadfoot meowed.  The tom turned to look at him.  “Russetstep found three abandoned kits while on patrol with no sign of their mother.  What should we do with them?”  Tallstar paused, turning to look at Russetstep.
“We can’t leave them out there to die, Tall!” Russetstep hissed, his fur spiking up.  “They’re kits!  Barely nine weeks old!”
“We can’t keep them in WindClan forever, either,” Deadfoot reminded him.  “Even if their mother didn’t seem to be anywhere nearby, it doesn’t mean that she’s not looking for them.”
“I was kept in WindClan, and I’m not from here,” Russetstep reminded him.
“You were allowed to stay and given your warrior name with a lot of backlash.  Even now, many cats within the Clan are still bitter about it,” Deadfoot pointed out.  Russetstep looked away.
Tallstar, who had been quiet up until this point, finally spoke.  “Having listened to you both, I think I’ve come to a decision.”  The two toms quieted, turning their attention to their leader.  “We’ll keep the kits, and we’ll care for them.”  Russetstep perked up, and Tallstar raised his tail to silence him.  “But if their mother comes looking for them, we will give her kits back.”
Both Deadfoot and Russetstep seemed satisfied by this.  Tallstar opened his mouth to continue, but was interrupted by Deadfoot’s hacking cough.  The other two toms waited for Deadfoot’s body to stop heaving from the effort of his coughs, worry clouding their eyes.
“Perhaps you should go see Barkface,” Tallstar suggested, his tail flicking anxiously.  “Your cough only seems to have gotten worse.”  Deadfoot started to argue, but broke off with a sigh, shaking his head as he stood and walked off to the medicine den.
Russetfoot watched the deputy go before shaking off his worry, turning to Tallstar with a spark of excitement in his eyes.  “Our very own kits, Tallstar!”  He murmured, nuzzling his mate’s cheek.  “Can you believe it?”
Tallstar’s eyes softened as he curled around Russetfoot, and he gazed at the nursery.  “They’ll become strong warriors, Russetfoot.  I’m sure of it.”
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moths-wc-aus · 5 years
Kindlepaw reference
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Name: Kindlepaw Past Names: ?, Kindlekit Gender: female Clan: WindClan Rank: Apprentice Age: 6 moons Siblings: Firepaw (brother, littermate) and Coalpaw (brother, littermate) Mother: unknown Father: unknown, adoptive fathers are Russetstep and Tallstar Mentor: Sheepleaf History: Kindlepaw was found in the dead of winter with her brothers Firepaw and Coalpaw.  Russetstep (aka Jake) found the three while on patrol, and brought them back to the WindClan camp.  After dropping them off at the nursery and pleading with his mate (”They’ll freeze to death out there, Tall!  Besides, I always wanted kits!!”), the kits were accepted into WindClan.
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moths-wc-aus · 5 years
Firepaw Reference
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Name: Firepaw Past Names: ?, Firekit Gender: male Clan: WindClan Rank: Apprentice Age: 6 moons Siblings: Kindlepaw (sister, littermate) and Coalpaw (brother, littermate) Mother: unknown Father: unknown, adoptive fathers are Russetstep and Tallstar Mentor: Ryetail (i had to make up a cat bc all existing warriors were either a) appretices in this au or b) already had apprentices :/) History: Firepaw was found in the dead of winter with his two siblings, Kindlepaw and Coalpaw.  Russetstep (aka Jake) found them while on patrol, and brought them back to the WindClan camp.  After dropping them off in the nursery and pleading with his mate (”They’ll freeze to death out there, Tall!  Besides, I always wanted kits!!”), the three were accepted into WindClan.
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