#russia tried to send sex dolls to space
framesandtulips · 2 years
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In Space Everyone Can Hear You Scream vmin | explicit | 4.8k |  space blowjobs, inappropriate workplace relations, astronaut bangtan astronaut KTH is horny and wants to cum but is worried he'll get semen loose in the cockpit. fellow astronaut PJM helps him out by letting him dock his rocket in his mouth.
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Hey, guys...This is the first fic that I’ve written I’m so sorry if it sucks...hehehe. btw my request is open if you have any fic request for marvel... request 
I write fluff,smut, basically everything....
Word count: 1,807
“I don’t know Tony, I just don’t get it... what’s his problem really? Does he really hate me that bad? What did I even do?” I said while sitting on one of Tony’s table in his lab. He’s working on some updates for his suit on his holographic table, putting in some formulas and muttering words that I don’t understand.
“Lighten up sweet cheeks, Capcicle’s probably just having a life crisis right now. He’s like 100ish you know? Or maybe he’s just not getting enough of “it”. He said while making quotation mark gestures with his hand. “My best guess is that 100-year old virgin is just sexually frustrated.”
“He is definitely not a virgin, I mean... look at him. Yes, he can be annoying sometimes like...” I stood up, put my hand on my hips trying to imitate him. “Y/n do this. Y/n DON’T BE RECKLESS. Y/n YOU ARE NOT GOING. Y/n blah blah blah blah blah... it’s annoying but it’s kinda turning me on for some reason when he goes all cap like that.” I looked over at Tony and he’s rolling his eyes. Typical.
“And those bulging muscles and like those uniform, UH the stealth suit. I mean damn...” I sighed closing my eyes picturing Steve in that stealth uniform.
“Don’t drool on my lab. I’m warning you,” he said. Tony is surprisingly quiet during this whole conversation and it is very uncharacteristic for him to do.
“Shush Tony, and that ass though... That is America’s ass right there.”
“Y/n I’m kind of worried that you are having an episode of some kind. You walked in here ranting about how much you hate him and a couple seconds later you are drooling and daydreaming about his ass. Do you hate him or bang him? it’s really confusing. Don’t get me wrong, hate sex is awesome and all that bu- or maybe you are the one who’s actually sexually frustrated. When was the last time you get some?” and with that comment, I found a small piece of random metal and threw it at his head which he deflected. “TONY NO! My sexual life doesn’t have any effect what so ever in this conversation.”
“Hey! Don’t destroy anything in my lab!” he said rolling his eyes while picking up the metal that I threw. “Maybe you should just talk to him? Tell him about how you feel, cause that old grandpa still doesn’t know how to read a woman.”
“NO! Are you insane? Every time I walked up to him to talk about something that isn’t regarding work, he just walked away. And you know what frustrated me, even more, is that when we are in the same room he glances at me like he wanna say something, but when I caught him he just looked away.”
Tony was silent for a moment and said: “ You can do it right now?”
“Right now?” I asked.
Tony looked up and meet my eyes. “Yeah... He is standing right there, and he looks like he’s kinda stuck...Steve wait for a moment I’m gonna buzz you in.” I turned around, petrified. He was standing between the lab doors and the door to the hallway. A small space that Tony created to contain anything inside the lab in case something happens. He stood there holding a file that I guess was about the mission tomorrow with an unreadable expression on his face. As soon as Tony opens the door he just walked toward the hallway without even saying a word. 
I looked over at Tony while getting off the table “ Thanks a lot, Tones” and ran after him. While I was running a thought made me stopped dead in my track. If I found him and had a chance to talk about what just happened, what am I even gonna say? Am I ready for that super awkward and embarrassing conversation? will I be able to accept the fact that I just ruined the relationship between me and Steve? I decided to just ignore this and retreat straight back to my room and get some rest before the mission tomorrow.
*the next day*
I woke up around 7 am which gives me 3 hours before the team and I leave for the mission. We are going to a small town in Russia where a HYDRA lab has been detected. From what we heard and know the lab has got its hand on some Chitauri technology.
I walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast and saw Steve, Bucky, and Thor already munching on their breakfast. Thor was the first one to notice me walking inside the kitchen. “Good Morning Lady Y/n.” Steve’s head spun around at the sound of my name. “Morning guys.” I tried to be cool and act like nothing happen. I make myself a cup of coffee and put a toast in the toaster. “So... you guys all set for the mission?” I asked while taking a sip of my coffee. “Yeah, I guess,” Bucky replied. Steve acted like I wasn’t even there. I moved over to sit next to Thor. “Y/n that stool is broken, don’t sit on it,” Bucky warned me. I groaned. I’m not sitting next to Steve like no. ABSOLUTELY NO. And I’m also too lazy to walk over to the other side, “Thor scoot over your chair a little.” Thor looked at me and did as I ask him to do. I placed my breakfast on the table and sat on his lap. Thor and I are pretty close like he’s actually my best friend so this type of stuff is normal between us. 
Steve for the first time spoke up. “Are you gu- Are you two-fondueing?” he asked with his eyes still glued to his plate. 
“Ohh, pal...” Bucky chuckled.  
I decided to ignore his question and keep eating my breakfast, while Thor was to busy playing and doing weird shit to my hair. “You know lady Y/n some of the women in Asgard braid their hair this way,” he said while doing braids on my hair. “Do you think my hair would look good with it?” I asked him, clearly trying to get a reaction out of Steve. “You will look good in anything, even bald.” Steve suddenly stood up and left. “What’s up with grumpy grandpa?”
“You know what doll,” Bucky said.
While I was getting ready for the mission I ran into Steve. “Steve lo-” he cuts me off. “ I can’t talk right now Y/n we’re leaving in 30 minutes.” he continues doing stuff and trying to find little random things. “STEVE!” I stood in front of him blocking his way. “About the thing the other day. I just wanna say that I don’t hate you or anything an-”
“You know what, Tony was right. You are confusing. Yesterday you say all those things about me and this morning you did that with Thor. I don’t get you.” Steve said. 
“Well, I’m not the one who acts like the other person is not in the room. You’ve been avoiding me always and all this time you acted like you hate me. And NOW YOU ARE MAD BECAUSE WHAT I DID? JUST SO YOU KNOW ME AND THOR ARE BEST FRIEND AND NOTHING IS GOING ON BETWEEN US.” I said and stormed out of the room.
The ride in the quinjet was awkward, to say the least. Steve sat on the farthest opposite side of where I was sitting. Natasha was talking to Bruce about the Lullaby and Thor well... Thor was asleep. Bucky was talking to Clint about a show that they both just discovered. Tony was doing something on his tablet. “Y/n you better not lose it again this time,” Tony said referring to the last mission where I lost control of my powers and cause a massive power outage because my power accidentally crushed one of the city power plants. “I know Tones,” I replied shortly. 
When the plane landed, Steve tried to talk to me. “Y/n I-”
“Can’t talk now Steve, I’m busy.”
The fight was intense. Little did we know someone tipped them off that we are coming. After what felt like 30 minutes of consistent fights I heard Tony’s voice through the com. ”I’m in!” followed by cap’s voice. “Tony and Nat focus on taking and destroying whatever tech they have. The rest of us fight out here, keep them out of the facility.” I was fighting side by side Thor when I saw a huge tank coming towards him. I used my powers to crushed the tank and it exploded.
After Tony and Nat blew the lab we can finally breathe. I was finally able to relax for a bit. 
But no one saw what happened a couple seconds later coming, a sound of a gunshot rang behind me and I felt pain on my stomach, it was a blur after that. I heard Thor screaming and electrocuting something behind me, and I fell to the snow. In seconds Thor was crouching next to me.
“We need to go Lady Y/N is hit.” He carried me and spin Mjolnir sending us flying towards the quinjet. Everyone was already there. Everything was blurry and I can only hear muffled panic voices. “Stay awake for me doll, please.” I can feel someone holding my hand and after that, I fell into the void of darkness.
Steve was sitting outside of the operating room, his suit still stained with blood. “Buck, I can’t lose her. I’m an idiot.” Bucky stood next to him silently. “I was so scared Buck, I feel like I’m the reason for all this. The reasons she’s bleeding to death in my arms while I carry her. Maybe she was distracted because of our problems. I can’t accept it if the last thing I did with her was fight Buck, I can’t.” Bucky puts a hand on his shoulder. “She’s strong, she’ll pull through Steve. Words of advice though, when she wakes up tell her straight away.”
*5 days later*
The first thing I saw when I woke up was a blinding white light, “damn am I dead?” I thought to myself. And then I heard a familiar voice, “Hey, doll. How are you feeling?” I turned to my left and saw Steve staring at me. “Hey...” I replied. “How long was I out for?” I asked him. I remember vaguely of what happened. I remember being shot and Thor carrying me to the quinjet. “5 days, you got shot in the abdomen sweetheart,” he said. “I was so worried. I thought I lost you.” 
“it takes more than a shot to the abdomen to get rid of me cap.” I smiled at him.
“Listen Y/n I’m so Sorry I couldn’t say this earlier. I care about you. I’m sorry that I’ve been hard on you... I did that to avoid any of this from happening. I’m sorry I ran out of the lab. I was just in shock. I’m sorry.” he’s holding my hand and his eyes are watery. 
He moved closer to me, leaned in closing the gap between us. I brace myself for the kiss that I’ve been waiting for soo long. His lips were grazing over mine and I closed my eyes when “Code Blue. She’s flatlining. Rogers that’s not how you give CPR.” I heard Tony’s voice and groan. Steve retreat back to his original position which is on the chair. The whole team walked in and asked me how I was while Bruce is checking my vitals.
“Well Y/n you need a little more rest, I can discharge you from the med wing and you can go back to your room. But no mission for a month alright? No hard physical ability, well you can be the guy in the chair.” He looked at me and smiled. 
“Thank you, Bruce.” The team stayed in the room for probably about ten minutes asking me how I am and telling me stories of what had happened the last 5 days I was out until Steve subtly asking them to leave us alone.
“Guys, I think Y/n needs some rest.” He said.
“Right, guys we should go. What he meant was Y/n and he needs some time alone to finish the kiss they were about to have and maybe some...” Tony made a thrusting motion.
“Tony I just got shot.” I chuckled. When the rest of the team finally cleared the room Steve immediately hovered on top of me and gave me a kiss I’ve been dying to have. His lips were a little chapped but still soft, our lips moved together in sync until we heard cheering from outside the room. “Cap you are needed in the meeting room.” I heard Tony called out. “Give me a minute.” We laughed and continued kissing each other until we heard Tony. Again. “CAP!”
“Alright...Alright...” Steve sighed. “I’m gonna be back.” he gave me one last peck. And walked towards the door. 
“That is America’s ass...” I sighed earning a chuckle from Steve.
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