#but their astronaut was like no thanks i might grow to prefer the company of dolls
framesandtulips · 2 years
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In Space Everyone Can Hear You Scream vmin | explicit | 4.8k |  space blowjobs, inappropriate workplace relations, astronaut bangtan astronaut KTH is horny and wants to cum but is worried he'll get semen loose in the cockpit. fellow astronaut PJM helps him out by letting him dock his rocket in his mouth.
read on ao3
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
hi, new follower here!! i hope you'll get better soon :"D mind if i ask your headcanon about what the digidestined will do under the lockdown? thanks!
Hi there, thank you for following me!  I’m alright, I just have GAD and am struggling with it right now.  I imagine I’m in good company now, though, what with the pandemic...  Which is an appropriate segue into your ask!
I’m sure there are folks who don’t wanna hear about lockdown and pandemics, so I will throw this one beneath the cut :D  I will assume that the kids are their 2020 ages (ie, Koushiro was born in 1989 ish, so he’s about 31), and I will try not to be depressing.  I’ll also assume the digimon are currently in the Digital World, just for my sanity.  I’m also assuming the Chosen are okay economically, and that the lockdown is enforced (ie, none of them are allowed  to report to work or go out, with few exceptions).
Thanks for the ask <3
Chilling out at home, reading manga, watching TV, and being lazy is fun... for a few days.  Very soon, Taichi is pacing his apartment, doing at-home workouts, and wishing his cooking was better.  He can only eat so many omelettes!!!  
The social isolation hits hard at some point, even though he Facetimes people.  And even though he finds ways to move in his apartment, staring at the same four walls is rough for someone who prefers stimulation.  He temporarily moves back in with his parents or with a friend at the first opportunity!
Probably gets pretty buff during lockdown.  He loses his tan, and his hair grows back to its incredible childhood proportions, which makes his friends and family laugh!  
Does a lot of cooking/baking, and takes the opportunity to study and work out.  Being an astronaut requires top mental and physical condition!  He’s pretty used to being isolated to a degree, because...  Again, astronaut.
He’s worried about his loved ones, especially Takeru and his dad.  When he can, he temporarily moves in with one (or both?).  He says it’s “to take care of them,” since they’re so “hopeless,” but he’s full of shit.  He’s lonely and worried.
If he’s in space, then he’s even more frantic, due to the distance from his loved ones.  The astronauts frequently look at earth and wonder what the hell is happening down there.
If he’s with Sora at this point, then he fares better for her companionship and reassurances.
She checks in with her friends and family over Facetime.  They think she’s worried about them, and they’re not wrong...  But doing something for the people she loves helps Sora find purpose and connection in difficult times.  She experiences worry for the world and her friends, so she tries to keep busy.
Sora has a lot of hobbies, so she spends the time working on outfit designs and sewing.  She finally makes a dent in her fabric supplies!  Still, she’s an active person, and she starts to feel pent-up before long, even though she’s exercising.  When she’s not sewing or talking to friends, she cleans and escapes into online art galleries.
If she’s with Yamato at this point, she probably fares better.  If not, I imagine she might temporarily stay with a friend when she can.
What lockdown?    
Just kidding!  Still, Koushiro feels a little guilty because...  He’s enjoying working from home instead of reporting to the office, and his work productivity has skyrocketed.  He’s not particularly lonely, since he can use Facetime, and he doesn’t feel pent-up at home.  
But he soon finds that he relies on the routine of reporting to work and moving through the day more than he realized.  During lock down, it’s easy for him to forget to eat, bathe, sleep, and take breaks without his routine!  He also lost a lot of his food options, and he can’t cook...  
Luckily, Taichi often calls in the evenings to play online games.
He temporarily moves in with his parents ASAP.  
THIS IS THE WORRRRSSSSTTTTTT!  Mimi can’t deal with lockdown.  Hopefully, she was able to move in with friends or a romantic interest for a bit beforehand.  If not, I think she might actually pop.  And even with friends, she’ll crave stimulation.
She tries to spend the time thinking of new recipes, but her ingredients are limited...  Which means that she digs deep into the supplies that have sat, unused, for a while...
She probably has a lot of board game nights and virtual dinner parties with her friends.
If he’s a human doctor at this point, then he’s an essential employee.  He’s working himself to the bone to help people.  He won’t allow anyone to live with him for now, because of the risk of exposing them.  He’s on top of covid-19 research and news, and how little is known about the virus and the changing information terrifies him.
His friends start ordering food to be delivered to him, fearing that he isn’t taking care of himself.  He mostly sleeps when he’s at home, since he spends so long working so hard.  I hope other people will support him, because Jyou will set himself on fire to help others.
Uses humor to cope, but on the inside, he’s afraid.  Calls his family and friends a lot, and tries to be nonchalant...  But they know he’s scared and wanting to check in.
Takeru reads and writes constantly during lockdown, and watches shows and movies that he’s always meant to watch.  He usually takes walks for inspiration, and the lack of visual stimulation/change of scenery is rough on him.  He’s also pretty social, so lockdown is rough on him.  He probably takes up a random hobby to cope, something really weird, like ventriloquism.  Is he doing this to mess with people, or because he’s losing it?  Who knows!  
Blogs about everything.  Everything.  Prank calls his friends, and pretends that they’re buying it when they clearly are not.
Probably comes crying to live with Onii-chan for a bit ASAP.
Hikari keeps herself occupied well, but she’s worried about her friends and family, and she gets lonely.  She calls everyone often, especially Miyako when she’s feeling really down.
Hikari holds online learning sessions for her kiddos, both group and individual.  It’s a ton of work, but she’s glad to see her students and have even this much normalcy.  She probably couldn’t cope without it.
She does a photography light study during lockdown, and probably adopts a cat, if she doesn’t have one already.
Spontaneously combusts by day four.  I’m kidding!  Mostly!
I’m not sure if restaurants operate during a lockdown, but ramen isn’t a good delivery option, I’d imagine?  Well, if he can work, at least he can get out and do that.  If not, he spends most of lockdown experimenting with food and drinks, and researching for his business.  He joins Taichi for work outs- they follow the same videos together.  Constantly calling his friends, especially Ken and Miyako.  Probably drinks more than he should.  Watches lots of movies and TV, plays video games.
So like...  You know, he keeps busy as best he can, but Daisuke is an active, social man.  It’s rough on him!
I imagine she has kids by now...  She probably throws herself into keeping them busy and entertained.  The good news is that she has Ken and at least one kid at this point, so she’s not alone.
Being pent-up is hard for her, so she tries to put together novel experiences for herself and her family: crafts, games, cooking challenges, forts, and competitive cleaning.  Even though they’re inside all day, everyone is pooped by the end of the day!
She winds down in the evening by talking to Hikari or Ken with a drink.
He’s grateful to live with his mother and grandfather at this time.  I don’t know if he’d still be able to do lawyer work- maybe he can study cases that are on hold?  Would he be a lawyer at this point?
Iori has a steady, grounded personality, so I think he’d fare alright.  He would practice kendo, maybe participate in online training, and spend time with his aging grandfather.  Maybe he’d take the opportunity to record his grandfather on camera, asking him questions about his life.
Iori would probably check in on people intermittently, but I think his primary focus will be on his family at this time.  
Hmm, this is hard...  I imagine police are essential, but is Ken more of a... detective?  I’m not sure if he’d be working or not?
If he is, well, he’d be busy with that.  If not, I’m sure there’s a lot to do at home, with young children.  The good news is that he isn’t lonely, unless he has to live elsewhere in the event that he’s working and doesn’t want to potentially expose his young family.
Basically, this one depends on circumstances.  I could see Ken doing alright, or doing really... not alright if he’s separated from his family.
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troutpopulation · 5 years
It Becomes A Chain (Sigma x reader) pt.2
A/N: pardon the terrible Dutch I used 100% Google translate for that. Also yay! Siebren is actually in the story now!
Present day
  "Alright! So, do we have any requests? Roses, bonsai, squash, anything you see." Your students were deep in thought, until one of them raised her hand.
"Yes, Darcy, go for it." The girl put her hand down.
"Can we do sunflowers today?" She asked. You nodded, smiled, and opened the drawer from the plastic shelf that sat on your countertop. It was labeled with a small card of a sunflower and the name printed in swooping ink. You plucked from it a single seed and pressed it between your palms. It took barely a moment but you felt a sprout. A small plant grew from your hands, rapidly unfurling into a full grown flower in your grasp. You gave it an approving smile before you plucked it from your hands and dropped it into the vase. The students watched with smiles. No matter how many times people saw you do this, it was always something to marvel at, like a magic trick. An incredibly practical magic trick that had its uses in feeding yourself, others, selling flowers, and in this case, drawing a still-life of a sunflower.
"Alright, we're going to draw for mm... Lets go for thirty minutes before we move on to water color." Despite all the jobs your powers have gotten you, you never abandoned teaching art workshops in your home. In fact, you found this was the perfect way to integrate them both. Shortly after your first encounter with your newfound abilities, you were rushed to the hospital by your neighbors. You were sent from facility to facility until someone who could actually help you manage your fate did so. Over the span of several months you learned control and tested the limits of your power. You could grow anything from trees to moss and soon decided that this was in fact a blessing rather than a curse. You began getting accustomed to replicating plants, and it quickly became a normal part of your daily life. Although, to this day you still had no idea how they came to be. Everybody including you and every scientists you'd consulted with were in the dark about the strange projectile that had exploded near your greenhouse. The question was a constant tug in the back of your mind.
You complimented your students' work as you opened your tablet and got to emails from commissioners and scientists alike. By now, the novelty of attention had worn off and you were quicker to say "no thank you" to researchers looking to build partnerships with you to utilize your powers. You had a few art commissions you bookmarked to get to later, and plenty of agricultural companies who wanted to negotiate prices for your services. One however, caught your attention. A laboratory studying outer space in The Hague wanted to pay for your flight and visit. They were interested in your status in the scientific community as a "self sustaining organism".
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. What a pretentious way to say 'hey, we know you can feed yourself and they want to know how to get astronauts to do that'. But then again, you could use a vacation. (Of course you knew this was professional but... Come on. They weren't going to keep you in the lab all day, right? You'd have the chance to go out and enjoy some light tourism. Plus it's a free flight and lodging.)
You decided to respond, going through all the usual formalities stating in the most corporate way possible that you were willing an excited to work with them in The Hague. You closed your laptop, twirling your pencil before tapping it to the paper. You felt like you owed science something, but science also owed something to you. You participated in countless research efforts, but not once could anyone replicate what happened to you. They couldn't even pinpoint how exactly it happened. You were beginning to believe that your willingness to contribute wasn't all because you cared about the advancements of science, but out of the sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, while they're doing blood samples and having you grow things for them, they'll be able to find out what it was that did this to you.
You made a face. It's not like you're asking to reverse it! You loved your powers. You spent far less on groceries, you felt great being able to feed people and plant trees. Life was great! You had no complaints! It's just... You really wanted to know. How did this happen? Why you?
You open the email back up and quickly send a follow up.
You ask if they can, at all, try to find out the origins of your mutation.
  Siebren sipped his coffee, narrowing his grey eyes. What had he written there? Whatever it was, it was scrawled so quickly and carelessly in the heat of a breakthrough that it was almost completely illegible.
He squinted hard, but the word became no clearer. He was jolted from his thoughts as a brisk knock sounded on the white door of his workspace.
"Ja?" He called, turning towards the entrance.
"Jouwe koffie, professor." An intern shuffled inside, bringing him the extra caffeine he'd requested.
Your coffee, professor.
He thanked them and asked them for the latest happenings. He was partial to gossip, for otherwise, he'd probably be completely oblivious to anything going on. He stayed almost exclusively in his lab and couldn't resist rambling on any time somebody came in the ask him a question. A quiet moment like this was rare, and an excellent opportunity to catch up with his surroundings.
"We hebben een gast. Zijn naam is (y/n) (l/n), en hij komt uit Amerika." The intern, knowing this, was happy to comply. They informed him of their guest, and Siebren nodded along, sipping his drink.
We have a guest. His name is (y/n) (l/n) and he's from America.
"Iz dat zo? Om welke reden is hij hier?" Interested, the scientist raised an eyebrow.  The intern looked excited. They grinned, looking around, and leaned in to stage whisper.
Is that so? For what reason is he here?
"Dit klinkt vergezocht, maar ik hoor dat hij op commando en snel planten uit zijn lichaam kan laten groeien.." This bit made the astrophysicist choke a bit on his drink. He gave the intern a puzzled look.
This sounds far-fetched, but I hear he can grow plants from his body at will, and very quickly too.
His look of disbelief melted as he rationalized it in his brain. That sounded a little more than far fetched, it sounded like a flat out joke, but who was he to say anything? Here he was trying to harness the power of a black hole. In this facility, anything was possible. He still took it with a grain of salt, though. Perhaps this was a rumor. This place was prestigious and of good renown, but not immune to tall tales and stories being passed around. No place ever really was. He thanked the intern for the coffee and the update and they were quickly on their way to deliver a paper to another professor's office, leaving Siebren alone with his thoughts and research.
If that was a rumor, that was a very creative one. If not... well, then it'd be definitely something worth seeing.
He chuckled to himself. Oh, who was he kidding? That was silly.
He stared harder at his scrawled notes. Suddenly it hit him.
Ah, it had been a variable he's written. Sigma. He somehow got his wires crossed and wrote out its name rather than the symbol itself.
     You had touched down at the airport and went straight to work. You did the usual, live demonstrations, samples of every kind, etc. But between all the activity and the jet lag, you were exhausted. Too much to to do much more than admire the view from the hotel room. It was beautiful, and there were people walking about on the sidewalk below. You felt tempted by the cool breeze that rushed in from your open window.
Alright, just one walk and you'll head to bed.
  Elsewhere, Dr. Siebren de Kuiper had embarked on a similar path: a walk from the lab to his car parked all the way down the block.
Today had been long. It turns out that the rumors about the foreign man with the powers of botanical replication were true, and he had spent most of the day indisposed in the labs. Siebren strolled out and took a deep breath of the nighttime air. The sunset must have been lovely, if the dim wisps of fading sunlight behind buildings were anything to go off of. He kind of wished he'd hurried out of his office, as then he might have been able to watch it. That was one of the reasons he preferred to park so far away. The walks along the boulevard in the evening were exquisite.
On the downside, though, he had important papers with him to stuff into the back of his car and forget about, and the wind apparently decided it felt like picking up tonight. After it died down, he loosened his vice grip on his files, only for a sneaky breeze to take him by surprise and blow half the stack out of his grasp.
Siebren gasped and darted after them, pouncing on them and plucking them up from the pavement, muttering to himself. He turned to grab another before his hand touched not a paper, but another person.
He recoiled with a startled "oh" and his widened gray eyes attempted to make out the person in front of him.
"Ah, sorry," You handed his papers back to him. "You dropped these."
"Right, yes, thank y-" His smiled dropped as he spotted over your shoulder the last o his files. He tensed to make his way towards it, but the wind picked up before he could, and it whirled into the air, directly towards a channel of water that cut through the city.
Time seemed to go in slow motion as he stared horrified at his work about to be swallowed by the water.
He raised his arm, whispering a hapless "no" as it descended towards the rippling surface.
You lifted your hand, and in a second the paper was fluttering stagnant in the air.
Siebren couldn't register what just happened. There was a long, smooth stem protruding all the way from your palm, impaling his paper and keeping it in place. Slowly, the vine retracted into your skin, away from the water. When it got only a few feet long, you snapped it from your hand, turning it over to free the paper. You paused as you looked at it.
"Oh my God," You sputtered. "I'm so, so sorry I just- there's a hole in it now and I- I'm so sorry Oh God I really hope that wasn't important I'm so sorry."
"How did you do that?"
"I'm really really sorry, uh, I'm new here."
"How did you do that?"
"Ok not that we usually break people's stuff in America but- I- whatever, anyways I'm sorry."
You and Siebren stared at one another for many moments.
"Uh..." You panicked, holding out a hand to him. He tensed up, not quite recoiling but he did seem wary of the gesture after seeing how you'd just skewered his research paper. "Hi. I'm (y/n). I make plants."
Siebren could barely believe his luck.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
V. T. Green (Part 3)
Title: V. T. Green
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Author: Gumnut
1 - 5 Sep 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: “Did you discover this, Brains?” He frowned. There was something familiar about this. Maybe they had discussed it recently.
“Oh, no, this is V. T. Green. The man is brilliant.”
Word count: 3174
Spoilers & warnings: None.
Timeline: Standalone
Author’s note: I has a lurgy. This is being typed as I cough my brain silly. Very annoying. Nutty hates being sick. Sick of being sick. I hope my writing does not suffer because of it (though last time I had a lurgy I wrote Prank War, so you never know what might happen :D )
This is one that I have been meaning to write for some time. I hope you enjoy it :D Many thanks to both @scribbles97 and @vegetacide for all their wonderful help with this.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
Scott eyed his eldest brother as he slunk into the kitchen. A little pale, the man had finally made it out of his uniform into jeans with his usual red flannel draped over a bare chest. By the way he was moving, Scott could tell he hadn’t taken his painkillers.
A sigh. “I know you hate the pills, Virg, but you can’t tell me you prefer to be in pain.”
“I prefer to be able to think.”
“Pain hampers healing.”
“Yes, Mom.”
Scott’s lips thinned. “Pills or Grandma. Your choice.” Sometimes the big guns were necessary.
“Hey, if our roles were reversed, what would you do?”
The glare wilted along with his brother’s shoulders. That prompted a grimace and tensed up Scott’s shoulders in turn. Goddamnit, Virg. He stood up from where he was seated at the breakfast bar and striding across to his brother, gently steered the man to a seat at the table. “Sit down and stay put.”
That prompted another glare, but Scott ignored it, darting up the stairs and beyond into the residential levels and Virgil’s room. Sure enough, the bottle sat beside his bed, seal still intact. A grab and a jog back down to the kitchen...
...and Virgil had his head buried in the refrigerator.
He dumped the pills on the bench. “I thought I told you to sit.”
“I’m hungry.”
“Sit down and I will get you some dinner.”
“I can make my own dinner. I can at least do that.”
“I’m fine, Scott, just leave it.” A pair of frowning brown eyes glared at him over the fridge door.
Scott mirrored that frown. You want stubborn, just try me.
Virgil must have seen it in his expression, because the glare intensified.
“Sit down, Virgil.”
“Is that an order, Commander.”
“If necessary.”
The butter was yanked out of the refrigerator and thrown onto the counter with a loud clatter. The bread joined it and tumbled as it hit the laminate. A jar followed that would have fallen on the floor and smashed if Scott didn’t reach out and catch it. “What the hell? What’s wrong with you?”
“Just making myself some dinner.”
“Sit down!”
“I am fully capable of making myself dinner!”
“Sit down!”
“Damn it, Virgil, if you don’t sit down, I will make you sit down.”
That arched an eyebrow. “You could try.”
“Either you sit down and stop being stupid, or I’ll get Grandma in here and you can discuss it with her.”
A plate hit the stone flags and smashed, clinking shards scattering across the floor.
Scott jumped. Virgil stared at him for a solid moment before crouching down and picking up pieces of crockery.
Scott didn’t miss the flinch of pain the movement caused.
For god’s sake. “Virgil-“
“Leave it, Scott, just leave it.”
There was something in his brother’s voice, something hurt.
“For Christ’s sake, what do I have to say to you? Just leave me the hell alone!” Broken crockery was shoved into the kitchen bin. Virgil grabbed a broom and swept up the mess one-handed without saying another word. The butter, bread and jar of spread were thrown back into the refrigerator and without a glance back, his brother hit the stairs and left.
Scott stared after him.
The bottle of pills sat alone on the bench.
“J-John, have you heard of V. T. Green?”
The astronaut turned around at Brains’ voice, the expected hologram flickering into being. “Good evening, Brains.” A hand reached out and shifted two situations to Resolved. A flick of his wrist and another landed in Not Required. “Who is V. T. Green?”
The engineer sighed. “I thought that at least y-you would know him. The m-man is a b-brilliant engineer.”
“Sounds more like Virgil’s wheelhouse.” He flicked a finger at the tropical low growing in strength just north of Western Australia and flagged it for more regular monitoring.
“Virgil h-hasn’t heard of him either. Wh-Which I find strange. I h-have been following Green’s b-blog for s-some time and I b-believe his w-work could be very useful for International Rescue.”
Now that gave him pause. John couldn’t recall Brains ever saying such a thing about any other scientist...well, except Moffie and that was for a completely different reason. “That’s high praise coming from you.”
“He d-deserves it. Have a look at this polymer.”
A series of equations appeared at John’s elbow. A glance soon became a frown of concentration. “Am I reading this correctly? Self healing?”
“Y-Yes. It w-would be invaluable for the Thunderbirds.”
A pause. “So, you want to contact this guy? Have you spoken to Scott? Kayo?”
The engineer tilted his head to one side. “I h-have attempted to gather some inform-mation, b-but haven’t had much success. I w-was hoping you m-might have b-better luck?”
John turned and eyed his friend. “You want me to run a check on him?” In other words, hack his blog and find out as much as possible.
“So I can g-go to Scott with enough d-detail to reassure him.”
Now that was a point. Scott was notoriously paranoid when it came to IR’s security. As bad, if not worse than Kayo. Brains was right to build a solid case.
“I can do. How much information do you need?”
“W-Whatever you can find.”
“Thank you, John.”
“Not a problem.”
His hologram blinked out.
Scott couldn’t help himself. He followed his brother up the stairs to his room. What the hell was wrong with Virgil? It was so unlike him to get so angry with so little provocation.
Debrief had been nasty. Alan was defiant and angry and hurt. Without Virgil there to balance the scales, things had gotten out of hand quickly, the whole meeting devolving into a shouting match. Even John had started yelling.
Alan had stormed off, Gordon chasing after him.
Scott had been so angry. Virgil’s life had been endangered and all for a battle of wills. Grandma’s hand on his arm and her soft voice had snapped him out of it.
He hated it when his brothers were injured. It wasn’t major, Virgil’s injury would heal, but still, all because Alan did something stupid.
He stood outside his brother’s closed door for a full two minutes before he raised his hand to knock.
“Scott? We have a situation.” John’s voice was soft.
He let his arm drop.
He would have to speak to Virgil later.
It took him another three hours, part of which involved sending Scott out to pluck yet another climber off the side of a mountain, before John had a chance to focus on the task Brains had requested.
The site itself appeared simple. Admittedly, John was a little distracted at first by its content. Brains was correct. The author definitely was someone to be admired. Admittedly, John’s knowledge of engineering wasn’t as extensive as Brains or Virgil’s but there were definitely some very elegant solutions presented on the site. A glance at the source code, a dig for the originating IP address and John easily found the site’s host in Silicon Valley, California. He launched a data miner and pulled the site logs searching for IPs that had accessed the site for publishing in an attempt to locate the author.
That’s when he hit a snag. According to the logs, each post had been created and posted from a different address. Sure, this was possible with an IP cloak, but it shouldn’t be possible to avoid his hack of that cloak.
He tracked one address through China to Russia and back out again to Spain, of all places, before he lost it at an exchange in Portugal. Another fed through Indonesia, six different servers in Japan, only to jump to a commercial satellite and claim it came from the Moon. John followed six more addresses before he discovered the layered encryption and the redirection code hidden under it.
“Oh, he’s good. Very good.” The logs themselves had been encoded to redirect the very same kind of hack John was attempting.
It took him another half hour to break the code that kept trying to lead him off on a wild goose chase.
And another hour to trace the server path through half the planet and then some - it did actually go via the moon, using some ancient tech not destroyed by the meteor shower that took out Moonbase Alpha.
By the time he finally tracked down the origin of the posts, John was beyond impressed.
When he discovered the identity of V. T. Green, he understood why.
It was so obvious, he should have known.
Dear V.T. Green. I represent a good company...
Hey, V.T. I am totally loving your stuff. You should go into business...
Doctor Green. Our university is very interested in gaining your services...
Sir, I need your help...
That last one caught his attention initially, but it devolved into a blatant scam two paragraphs in. It left him depressed.
He let his tablet fall onto his desk and his head into his one working hand. He had no idea what to do about all the requests for his assistance. Six different universities plus three other thought centres had replied, all ever so complimentary of his intellect. One laugh had been the fact that the Denver School of Advanced Technology was one of them. The bonus had been the admirer was a lecturer who had hated his guts.
Part of him wanted to reply and rub his face in it.
The tablet pinged again and Virgil was tempted to chuck the whole thing in the trash.
Message from Dr HH.
Virgil stared at it for a good minute before he inevitably touched the screen to open it.
Dear Doctor Green.
Why did half of them think he was a doctor? He had never claimed to be.
I have written you before, but I do not trust the vagaries of the internet and I feel the need to make sure you receive my request.
Virgil sighed. He was going to have to say something soon. This was unfair to Brains.
The letter went on to reiterate Brains’ suggestions regarding the polymer and reinforce the impression that they would be able to save lives.
Save lives.
It was what he did. And yes, that polymer could do that, as part of the Thunderbirds, but also if he released the rights to the design. Space and underwater habitats sorely needed the tech.
Of course, he had yet to run tests. Nothing practical had been experimented. It could all be a big hype over a big failure.
Another sigh and he closed his eyes. He hadn’t eaten, but he wasn’t hungry any more. His shoulder and arm hated him and his pills were down in the kitchen. To reach them, he would have to navigate the house and hope he didn’t run into any family members. He just didn’t feel like...explaining himself.
Perhaps he could crawl back into bed and find sleep again.
He stood up...and the emergency alarm cut off everything.
His response was reflex and he was out the door before processing another thought. He hit the elevator before he remembered he was off rescues, the car carrying him down to the comms room and dumping him there.
But to be honest he really couldn’t not find out what was going on. He had a need to know where his brothers might be sent, no matter how it grated that he couldn’t go with them.
So, with some reluctance, he slunk around the corner into the comms room, forcing a positive gait across to the lounge where he parked himself, spine straight.
Gordon eyed him from across the other side of the circle, an eyebrow arching. Scott rose from behind their father’s desk and jogged down the steps and sat next to Virgil.
Virgil blinked. A flash of blue, a frown and thinned lips greeted him.
Damn. That would have to be fixed sooner rather than later.
Alan was the last to arrive, darting in from the kitchen and sitting beside Gordon. His eyes tracked across Virgil, but didn’t acknowledge him.
Out the corner of his eye, he saw Grandma frown.
“What’s the situation, John?”
“This is a big one. Remember the Grand Sequoia Dam?”
“A little hard to forget.”
“They are reporting fractures in the dam wall and they are claiming it has to do with our hasty repairs last time.”
“What?” Virgil shot to his feet. “I checked and double checked the seal. I even went back and conducted stress testing. There is no way that dam wall could be failing because of our repairs. The nanocrete is stronger than the entire wall itself.”
John stared at him a moment before continuing. “Whatever the cause, they are claiming the wall is failing. An evac order has gone out to the town below, but they are concerned there will not be enough time. They’ve called us, and Virgil in particular, to assist.”
A frown and Virgil was pulling up scans and diagrams of the dam. Their assessment was correct. The wall was failing. A frown. It shouldn’t be. The volume of water currently pressing on it simply didn’t have the energy to create the situation. A flick of his hand and he spun the view. For this to happen there needed to be pressure from this angle with a much higher amplitude.
“Virgil is injured.” It was Grandma who broached the obvious.
“I’m going.”
That sprouted a whole array of glares.
He straightened where he stood. “I need to know what is causing this.”
“You can do that from here.” Of course, Scott would object.
“No, I prefer to be onsite.”
“You’re injured.”
“No kidding. I will ride in Two with Gordon.” He didn’t miss the sudden widening of Gordon’s eyes at that comment. “Nothing energetic.” Scott was still glaring. “There are some things that have to be seen in person.”
Scott’s lips thinned. He was pedantic about injured brothers, as was Virgil, but there was something about the situation, something odd, and it was Virgil’s reputation at stake here. Due to the use of the nanocrete, a proprietary substance unique to IR, he had signed off the safety on the dam, and it was safe.
But not now.
“I’m going.”
Brains, who had been quiet up to this point, rose slowly from where he sat. “I agree with Virgil.”
“Brains...” Grandma was admonishing.
“This shouldn’t b-be happening.” He pointed at the crack in the dam. “The structure is d-designed to w-withstand strain far b-beyond what it is currently under. The n-nanocrete cannot be responsible, yet they are accusing us. Why?”
Scott stared at Brains. “You think this is targeted?”
“It is possible.”
“The Hood?”
“Unknown, but I do think we n-need Virgil onsite for this. He has the civil knowledge n-needed.”
“Why can’t you go?” Alan piped up, still not paying any attention to Virgil.
Brains blinked and frowned at the young astronaut. “Y-you are aware that V-Virgil is the more qualified engineer in this instance?”
It was Gordon who rounded on his little brother. “You been living under a rock, bro? Virg is the man when it comes to this stuff. You know that.”
Blue eyes frowned. “I just thought Brains could go since Virgil is injured.”
“I could, b-but Virgil’s knowledge is greater.”
Finally, Alan turned to him, but Virgil no longer had the time. “We need to get moving, that dam is not going to hold much longer.”
Scott shot to his feet. “Thunderbirds are go.”
It was odd going out on a rescue in Two, but not flying her. Virgil’s arm was still in a sling and strapped up, curled against his chest. Brains had made sure it was secure after helping him into his uniform. It hurt, but it was necessary.
The co-pilot’s seat had just a slightly different view.
Gordon launched her just as smoothly as Virgil would have. Alan sat quiet behind the both of them. As soon as they were airborne and stable, the young astronaut excused himself, muttering something about seeing to the pods.
The moment he was gone, Gordon didn’t waste any time poking the bear.
“What’s with you and Alan?”
“Nothing.” He really didn’t want to go into it.
The eyebrow arched at him was so similar to what Virgil would have done if their roles had been reversed, he almost smiled.
“Sounds like a pile of horse dung, but I’ll let you go with it.”
Virgil turned and stared at his brother.
Gordon didn’t react. “You know you scared the shit out of him, don’t you?”
“He screwed up and his big brother got hurt.” Gordon flicked his gaze between the instruments and Virgil. “Scott reamed him out big time at debrief. You weren’t there and he really let rip.”
“Shit.” It came out under his breath.
“John lassoed him instead, but he didn’t respond as fast as you would have. Alan was kicking himself before that. By the time Scott had finished with him, he was on the verge of never going out on a rescue ever again.”
“He made a mistake. We all make mistakes.”
“He made a dick move, Virg. He didn’t listen to you or Scott and thought he knew better.” A snort. “I should know. Been there, done that, learnt the hard way.” A smirk. “First rule of International Rescue: If Virgil says it is, it is.” The smirk became a grin. “And woe be he who thinks otherwise.”
“I’m not kidding.” And the grin vanished, replaced by genuine honesty. “You know what you are talking about. You’re good at what you do.” A glance back at his flight path. “He should have listened to you.”
Virgil stared at his little brother. It took him a moment to gather himself. “Thank you, Gordon.”
The aquanaut shrugged. “Eh, I learnt the hard way, but I learnt. Anyway, you should probably talk to Alan.”
Virgil shifted in his seat and his shoulder complained loudly. He stared down at his feet. “Yeah, I should.”
There was silence in the cockpit for a bit. Virgil was caught up in what he should say to his littlest brother and Gordon quietly eyeing him.
The silence was obviously too much for Gordon. “So, who is this V. T. Green Brains keeps raving about?”
Virgil flinched; the question completely unexpected.
Gordon frowned at him. “What? What do you know about him?”
An amber blink. “Bullshit, Virg, you’re looking guilty as. What do you know? Scott said Brains was interested in inviting the guy to the island.”
Virgil’s head shot up and his shoulder screamed at him. Ow.
Gordon’s frown tried to cleave his face in half. “What the hell, Virgil? If you know something, why haven’t you said anything? Brains is going nuts trying to find this...guy.” And Gordon was staring at him in shock. “Oh my god.”
Virgil glared at him. “What?”
“It’s you.”
End Part Three
Part Four
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
How School Makes Kids Less Intelligent | Eddy Zhong | TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/how-school-makes-kids-less-intelligent-eddy-zhong-tedxyouthbeaconstreet/
How School Makes Kids Less Intelligent | Eddy Zhong | TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet
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Translator: Yulia Kallistratova Reviewer: Denise RQ I want to share with you a huge secret today. And it can be no longer one who a number of you’ll need to hear. However on the equal, time it’s so major that I have to inform you. That key is this: what if I instructed you that each singe day youngsters go to university they come to be less clever? Now, how might that be feasible? When children go to school they be taught things, proper? And so they accumulate more abilities. So if whatever, they will have to be getting smarter. How would they very likely be getting much less intelligent? What am I speaking about? Well, I do hope to illustrate that to you in these days. Before I turned 14, I used to be a child that did not be aware of what he desired in lifestyles. So quite often, while you go up to a 5 or 6 year historic and also you ask him, "What do you wish to have to be whilst you develop up?", he’ll say, " An astronaut," or "A businessman". I desired to be a reliable name of responsibility player.(Laughter) And considering the fact that I had no notion about what I wanted to be after I grew up, I simply listened to my mother and father nearly one hundred% of the time. I trusted that they knew what was pleasant for me. My parents wanted out of me what any natural mum or dad would wish out of his child: go to university, keep up your grades, get out and endeavor, once every few years. (Laughter) and that i used to be looking to do the whole thing they asked of me, except the difficulty was once I wasn’t even that excellent at university. I used to be horrible at science, could no longer write a 5-paragraph essay if my existence had trusted it.And to these days I nonetheless think i am the one Asian kid on the planet who does now not recognize math. (Laughter) I fairly do. But once I turned 14 that every one changed. I was once no longer this sizzling air balloon and floating around in area, I used to be now like a supersonic jet flying toward my destination at 50,000 miles an hour or nonetheless rapid these matters go. This modification all started after I got an envelope with the mail. It was once an invitation – not to a birthday social gathering, i didn’t get any of these – not to a playground, but to a marketing strategy competition down in Boston. And i was curious, I was simply so curious that I had to go. The software director defined to us that over 5 months, we might form a workforce, develop a industry inspiration, and present this proposal to a panel of judges, who would be judging us how just right our suits are, and how just right our industry ideas have been.And a protracted story short, over those five months I formed a team, developed an thought, and we surely ended up profitable that competitors and taking dwelling a determine. And that one occasion sparked my interest for going to more and more of these competitions. Over the next two years of my existence, I without a doubt went to dozens and dozens of those competitions, and that i was profitable virtually all of them. And i noticed that I preferred going to them a lot not simply due to the fact I liked successful them but in addition due to the fact I had an unrealized passion. That was a passion for creating things. Given that the one thing that my crew would do differently from our other rivals, every single time, was good, every person would go up and present their inspiration and their PowerPoint, we would go to a residence depot, buy presents, and truly build the proposal we have been speaking about.And the judges were just so blown away by using the fact that a bunch of young adults might go and create things, can make prototypes, and minimal achievable merchandise. We won nearly every single competition simply considering the fact that the judges cherished that we had gone and done it. At this type of competitions I met a short-tempered, center-aged Polish man named Frank. If he is right here in these days i’d higher run after this. (Laughter) He got here as much as us, took a appear at our prototype, and said: "i can support you guys flip this into an actual organization." consider about that. Isn’t that cool? We are sixteen years olds, we are going out into the world and growing an actual hardware technology startup. At first we have been all like, "Time to be Steve Jobs, let’s go construct Apple, chucking up the sponge of institution now." however we swiftly realized it’s now not that easy.So, don’t drop out except you’re relatively certain you’ve a excellent suggestion. But… (Laughter) now we have realized that the primary part to constructing a fine company is to assemble a nice workforce. And as scholars, we couldn’t go to bars to community, to networking hobbies for adults, so we went to our university and established this little presentation in our auditorium, where we would gift our thought and optimistically kids would become a member of our crew. We sent out an invitation to our whole institution.And the first thing we seen is that almost no person confirmed up. There was once practically no curiosity. And those that did show up spread the rumor around the school and during that week, we had been truely marked, we were made fun of for our ideas and for being wannabe Mark Zuckerbergs. (Laughter) What’s humorous is, the next week after, we took the special same presentation, and did it at our fundamental tuition so as to youngsters who had been 5 or 6 years more youthful. And the response was exceptional. These kids had been throwing their lunch money at us asking if they could purchase a prototype. (Laughter) They had been requesting our pre-money valuation, which i know you guys understand from observing Shark Tank, but it was once potent that these kids even knew terms like that existed after they have been too younger to even regularly pronounce a few of these phrases.That just influenced me a lot. And i think that is what our schooling approach has carried out. Over just these 5 to 6 years in the education procedure, these inventive kids have became these teens which can be unwilling to suppose outside of the field. So let’s go back to that secret I was once speakme about. How is it viable that college is making kids less clever? In fact, there’s a lot greater than only one type of intelligence.Whilst institution could make you more academically clever, it could possibly educate you physics, algebra, calculus, it’s diminishing the children’s inventive intelligence. It’s educating them to feel in a exact method, to move down a particular path in existence, it can be telling them: go to excessive school, get a diploma, go to a just right tuition, discover a stable job, and when you do not do this, you will not be triumphant.And if that was authentic, how am I even standing right here in these days? How did I, a straight C scholar, a science enterprise at the age of sixteen? And how is my enterprise, which used to be featured on a Wall avenue Journal last week, doing better that one of the most organizations began by using Harvard and Stanford graduates? It ought to be some thing that cannot be measured through tutorial intelligence alone.So, here is what I feel. Father and mother, lecturers, educators, you could have the vigour to have an effect on and encourage adolescence. The truth is, there are approach too many persons in the market proper now who are obsessive about telling kids to go to institution, to discover a excellent job, and to be "victorious". There will not be adequate who are telling children to discover extra potentialities, to come to be entrepreneurs. And if there may be one message that i want parents, youngsters, and all of you to take away from what I’ve stated here at present is that you could open your possess doorways, that you can stray away from this conventional, restrained, and slim path that schooling sets us upon.That you can diverge and create your own future. You could begin your possess corporations and start your possess non-earnings. Which you could create, you can innovate. And if there is one message i would like you to remove from the whole thing I’ve mentioned, it’s this: no one has ever converted the world by using doing what the sector has informed them to do. Thanks. (Applause) .
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airoasis · 5 years
How School Makes Kids Less Intelligent | Eddy Zhong | TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/how-school-makes-kids-less-intelligent-eddy-zhong-tedxyouthbeaconstreet/
How School Makes Kids Less Intelligent | Eddy Zhong | TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet
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Translator: Yulia Kallistratova Reviewer: Denise RQ I want to share with you a huge secret today. And it can be no longer one who a number of you’ll need to hear. However on the equal, time it’s so major that I have to inform you. That key is this: what if I instructed you that each singe day youngsters go to university they come to be less clever? Now, how might that be feasible? When children go to school they be taught things, proper? And so they accumulate more abilities. So if whatever, they will have to be getting smarter. How would they very likely be getting much less intelligent? What am I speaking about? Well, I do hope to illustrate that to you in these days. Before I turned 14, I used to be a child that did not be aware of what he desired in lifestyles. So quite often, while you go up to a 5 or 6 year historic and also you ask him, "What do you wish to have to be whilst you develop up?", he’ll say, " An astronaut," or "A businessman". I desired to be a reliable name of responsibility player.(Laughter) And considering the fact that I had no notion about what I wanted to be after I grew up, I simply listened to my mother and father nearly one hundred% of the time. I trusted that they knew what was pleasant for me. My parents wanted out of me what any natural mum or dad would wish out of his child: go to university, keep up your grades, get out and endeavor, once every few years. (Laughter) and that i used to be looking to do the whole thing they asked of me, except the difficulty was once I wasn’t even that excellent at university. I used to be horrible at science, could no longer write a 5-paragraph essay if my existence had trusted it.And to these days I nonetheless think i am the one Asian kid on the planet who does now not recognize math. (Laughter) I fairly do. But once I turned 14 that every one changed. I was once no longer this sizzling air balloon and floating around in area, I used to be now like a supersonic jet flying toward my destination at 50,000 miles an hour or nonetheless rapid these matters go. This modification all started after I got an envelope with the mail. It was once an invitation – not to a birthday social gathering, i didn’t get any of these – not to a playground, but to a marketing strategy competition down in Boston. And i was curious, I was simply so curious that I had to go. The software director defined to us that over 5 months, we might form a workforce, develop a industry inspiration, and present this proposal to a panel of judges, who would be judging us how just right our suits are, and how just right our industry ideas have been.And a protracted story short, over those five months I formed a team, developed an thought, and we surely ended up profitable that competitors and taking dwelling a determine. And that one occasion sparked my interest for going to more and more of these competitions. Over the next two years of my existence, I without a doubt went to dozens and dozens of those competitions, and that i was profitable virtually all of them. And i noticed that I preferred going to them a lot not simply due to the fact I liked successful them but in addition due to the fact I had an unrealized passion. That was a passion for creating things. Given that the one thing that my crew would do differently from our other rivals, every single time, was good, every person would go up and present their inspiration and their PowerPoint, we would go to a residence depot, buy presents, and truly build the proposal we have been speaking about.And the judges were just so blown away by using the fact that a bunch of young adults might go and create things, can make prototypes, and minimal achievable merchandise. We won nearly every single competition simply considering the fact that the judges cherished that we had gone and done it. At this type of competitions I met a short-tempered, center-aged Polish man named Frank. If he is right here in these days i’d higher run after this. (Laughter) He got here as much as us, took a appear at our prototype, and said: "i can support you guys flip this into an actual organization." consider about that. Isn’t that cool? We are sixteen years olds, we are going out into the world and growing an actual hardware technology startup. At first we have been all like, "Time to be Steve Jobs, let’s go construct Apple, chucking up the sponge of institution now." however we swiftly realized it’s now not that easy.So, don’t drop out except you’re relatively certain you’ve a excellent suggestion. But… (Laughter) now we have realized that the primary part to constructing a fine company is to assemble a nice workforce. And as scholars, we couldn’t go to bars to community, to networking hobbies for adults, so we went to our university and established this little presentation in our auditorium, where we would gift our thought and optimistically kids would become a member of our crew. We sent out an invitation to our whole institution.And the first thing we seen is that almost no person confirmed up. There was once practically no curiosity. And those that did show up spread the rumor around the school and during that week, we had been truely marked, we were made fun of for our ideas and for being wannabe Mark Zuckerbergs. (Laughter) What’s humorous is, the next week after, we took the special same presentation, and did it at our fundamental tuition so as to youngsters who had been 5 or 6 years more youthful. And the response was exceptional. These kids had been throwing their lunch money at us asking if they could purchase a prototype. (Laughter) They had been requesting our pre-money valuation, which i know you guys understand from observing Shark Tank, but it was once potent that these kids even knew terms like that existed after they have been too younger to even regularly pronounce a few of these phrases.That just influenced me a lot. And i think that is what our schooling approach has carried out. Over just these 5 to 6 years in the education procedure, these inventive kids have became these teens which can be unwilling to suppose outside of the field. So let’s go back to that secret I was once speakme about. How is it viable that college is making kids less clever? In fact, there’s a lot greater than only one type of intelligence.Whilst institution could make you more academically clever, it could possibly educate you physics, algebra, calculus, it’s diminishing the children’s inventive intelligence. It’s educating them to feel in a exact method, to move down a particular path in existence, it can be telling them: go to excessive school, get a diploma, go to a just right tuition, discover a stable job, and when you do not do this, you will not be triumphant.And if that was authentic, how am I even standing right here in these days? How did I, a straight C scholar, a science enterprise at the age of sixteen? And how is my enterprise, which used to be featured on a Wall avenue Journal last week, doing better that one of the most organizations began by using Harvard and Stanford graduates? It ought to be some thing that cannot be measured through tutorial intelligence alone.So, here is what I feel. Father and mother, lecturers, educators, you could have the vigour to have an effect on and encourage adolescence. The truth is, there are approach too many persons in the market proper now who are obsessive about telling kids to go to institution, to discover a excellent job, and to be "victorious". There will not be adequate who are telling children to discover extra potentialities, to come to be entrepreneurs. And if there may be one message that i want parents, youngsters, and all of you to take away from what I’ve stated here at present is that you could open your possess doorways, that you can stray away from this conventional, restrained, and slim path that schooling sets us upon.That you can diverge and create your own future. You could begin your possess corporations and start your possess non-earnings. Which you could create, you can innovate. And if there is one message i would like you to remove from the whole thing I’ve mentioned, it’s this: no one has ever converted the world by using doing what the sector has informed them to do. Thanks. (Applause) .
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