allthingshetalia · 4 years
Hey how’re you? I hope you’re well. Can you write a scenario where Russia and his female S/O are just being soft together? Like cuddling and kissing just fluff y’know? If not, don’t worry about it! Stay safe out there:))
I’m Good thank you for asking! Hope you are as well!
The hallway lights crept into the bedroom through the cracks of the door. You pouted lightly as the lights pulled you from the verge of slumber. But the sound of the door creaking open snapped you out of your thoughts. A sleepy smile spread on your face as you silently buried your face into his pillow. You heard his footsteps near your side of the bed and his hand came up to tuck your hair behind your ear. The warmth of his hand faded causing a small frown. You heard him go to the bathroom and close the door. The sound of rushing water made its way through the door. 
Every time he came home from the airport he had to take a shower, claiming “airports are just one big plate of sickness, and I can’t get my precious sunflower sick.” 
You kicked your freshly shaven legs across the bed sheets smiling at the feeling. You waited patiently for his return, not feeling once ounce of tiredness knowing your Vanya was home. The sound of the shower halting made happiness bubble inside you. You wished you were a man sometimes. You could pee standing up and showering only took 10 minutes. The room seemed to heat up from the steam when he opened the door and he made his way to the closet and threw on a pair of boxers. You didn’t have to look at him to know that. 
You heard him sigh sadly as he finally saw your form clutching his pillow. He as gently as possible lifted your arms up so he could put his pillow back on his side of the bed, but while the warmth of the pillow faded his body heat quickly took its place.  He tucked his arm under your body and wrapped it around your waist bringing you to his side. His rather large nose immediately buried itself into your freshly shampooed hair. 
“I missed you.” You mumbled skimming your own nose against his chin. He tensed slightly at the sudden sound of your voice. His hand ran up and down your back like he was trying to get you back to sleep. 
“I missed you too.” He smiled. You brought your arms up his chest and wrapped them around his neck pulling yourself further up his body. Your lips quickly pressed against his, wanting nothing more than to be as close to him as possible, causing him to smile into the kiss.
“So soft.” He smirked when his hand skimmed your leg. You giggled and he took the opportunity to press light kisses against your neck. Your body shivered and you dug your fingers into his chest. He pressed his forehead against yours. Leaning up he kissed your forehead before guiding your head back into his neck.
“How was your meeting?” You asked once you finally calmed down. He groaned and leaned his temple against yours. His hand trailed down to your leg that was thrown over him and ran his fingers up and down it. 
“I want to retire.” He answered causing a small giggled. 
“You should. We could just stay inside and cuddle all day.” You murmured already feeling tired again. 
“You would get tired of me, my sunshine.” 
You gasped and pressed a kiss against his neck. “Never.” you assured. “You’re my favorite person on this entire planet. I would jump in front of a train for you.” 
“No.” He declared. “It’s my job to protect you, not the other way around.” He scolded. Rolling your eyes you hugged him tighter. 
“It can work both ways.” You argued. Bringing your finger up you ran your fingertip over the bridge of his nose. He grumbled and removed his hand from your leg, instead he wrapped both his arms tight around you. 
A comfortable silence filled the room until you broke it. 
“Vanya, stop staring at me.” You vocalized suddenly. You could feel his soft violet eyes peering at you even when your eyes were closed. Opening your eyes you bit your lip to suppress a smile. Your mind flashed to all the stupid fanfics you read in middle school that talked about their partners eyes holding adoration and pure love. While they made you smile you thought they were a bit over exaggerated, but the warmth of your own partners eyes seemed to prove you wrong. Pressing another soft kiss against his lips you curled yourself deeper into his safe and warm embrace. 
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
Hello! Could I request Russia and Germany with a S/O who has a really bad insomnia, like REALLY bad (me honestly😂) thank you so much! 💕
You're welcome!
Your body moved up and down. The action didn’t lull you to sleep but it was still relaxing. You could tell he was drifting in and out of sleep by the way his breathing would slow and speed up. 
“Can you not sleep.” He grumbled. Since you were laying on his chest his words caused you to shake more than the breathing had. 
You shook your head ‘no’ before pressing the top of your head under his chin. It seemed like he fell asleep again but quickly woke himself up. 
“Do you need something to drink? We can put on the TV.” He didn’t wait for an answer, as he stretched his arm to grab the TV remote. He sleepily turned the TV on and put on your favorite movie that he had recorded. “Water?” He asked again. He shifted to get up slightly before you wrapped your arms around his shoulder. 
“I’m fine Vanya.” You murmured placing a kiss on his cheek. He kissed your temple and fully relaxed into the bed again. You both know it would be stupid for him to stay up since it seemed nothing could really put you to sleep and you were waiting for your sleeping pill to kick in. He would wake up every hour or so and check up on you, Rubbing your back until he fell asleep again. 
“I still think you should start taking those pills.” He grumbled. His large hands massaged your shoulders before moving to your waist. 
“I told you they mess me up for the rest of the day.” You replied. Your eyelids drooped heavily giving you the false idea of slumber. “Go to sleep Lulu.” You murmured running a hand through his hair and scratching at his scalp. 
“I don’t understand. You’ve been sleeping so good. We finally got a good system down and then all of a sudden you can’t sleep again.” He continued. He watched the ceiling fan whirl as he racked his brain for an answer to improve your sleeping condition. A good nights sleep could be a difference between a good day and a bad day after all. And he needed you to be fully aware for the activities he had scheduled for tomorrow. ‘well actually today.’ He thought to himself as he looked over at the clock that read 12:17
“It’s okay Lulu. I’m sure I’ll be back to normal tomorrow night. These things come and go. And It’ll be good maybe the lack of sleep will help me sleep better.” You hummed. “You need to sleep however.” 
He sighed like a child after his mother just told him he needed to stop playing and take a nap. 
“I can’t sleep when you can’t. I feel bad.” He grumbled burying his face into your hair. 
“Don’t feel bad. I don’t mind seriously.” You assured turning your head to look at him. 
“I’m going to stay awake anyways.” He decided not taking into account anything you said. Knowing your probably couldn’t change his mind you just rolled your eyes and closed your eyes trying to finally get some sleep.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Ask for Russia, Germany and America: What would they do if another country kidnapped their s/o to use as leverage against the hetalian and when their s/o returns, they were turtured
You would have to be a special kind of stupid to take America’s precious girl- let alone harm a hair on your perfect little head. He would get you back a quickly as humanly possible, but the thing that was shocking is that he wouldn’t react in punishing the country just yet.
You are his first priority. He put all of his energy into taking care of you. Would sign you up for therapy, physical therapy, regular doctors appointments, cuddles in bed, make sure you are eating enough- the whole nine yards.
Then when the country that caused you so much pain started to get comfortable- started to think maybe the American wouldn’t go after them- he would.
Not only would the country have to pay deeply themselves but there people would too. He realized that him being a superpower wasn’t a warning enough, so he would have to show the whole world what would happen if they hurt you.
Once again you would have to be a special kind of stupid to even think about hurting Russia s/o.
Where he differs from America though is he wants instant gratification. He is going to make that nation pay immediately and they wil pay in great lengths.
He would of course make sure you are okay, but he won’t be able to rest knowing that bastard is still waking the earth without a care in the world.
After the deed is done though he would reflect all of his attention onto you making sure you were back to your health as much as you could.
While technically Germany isn’t the most powerful out of the trio- he is still feared.
He can send glares that make Russia shutter.
Much like America he plans out how he would get you back. I really honestly highly doubt that that country would be able to hurt you seriously before he got to you. But in the off chance they did they would have hell to pay. You would be his first priority of course but he is very good at multitasking.
He would knock the legs out of that country economically. He wouldn’t want to start an actual war because his name is already tainted enough and he’s past that faze in his life. For example he could very easily make treaties with other countries that would put high taxes on that countries goods.
He would hold his head up high as he watched that country crumble.
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
☠ and 🌙 for Russia?
When he starts to get angry his body begins to twitch. Especially his shoulders and fingers. 
He only sleeps with boxers on- if its super cold he’ll wear socks too. 
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
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Russia x reader
The fire illuminated the room, painting the walls and furniture a light orange color. The only sound that could be heard was the rustling of your pets in the corner and the soft breathing of you and your lover.
“Vanya I’m cold.” You murmured burying yourself deeper into his chest. His arms tightened around you promising you warmth and safety.
“I know, little one.” He replied. His usual gruff tone was replaced by sleep and adoration for the little human curled against him in such a vulnerable state. He pulled the blanket up further around your head to make sure the cold air couldn’t sneak in. “The part for the heater should be here soon.” He soothed, planting a small kiss against the top of your head that was exposed.
It was winter and conveniently the heater broke. Ivan checked up on it every month to make sure it would work when you needed it- and he luckily caught a small problem before it turned into a big one, so he ordered the part but then a massive snow storm came in shutting down most of the small roads and even a few big ones. That was probably one of the only downsides of living far away from a big city.
He dragged the mattress downstairs and set it up next to the fireplace so you wouldn’t get frostbite.
Bringing his hand under the blanket he gently dug his thumb into the soft skin of your hip. You moaned quietly and leaned into his touch. Massaging the area carefully, he moved his hand up to your lower back and rubbed large circles.
“I love you.” You whispered planting a small kiss just below his ear. The coldness of your nose and warmth of your breath made a small shudder run down his spin. He turned his head so he could look down at you. His large nose skimming against your smaller one causing a giggle to fall off your lips. His light violet eyes melted into a darker purple.
“Beautiful.” He murmured softly. Bringing up his hand he ran the back of his index finger against your soft cheek. A warm fire spread across your cheek as he stared at you so lovingly. Kissing his finger quickly you buried yourself back into his neck and breathed in his scent.
Warm tingles ran up and down your body. And his hands went back down under the covers and held you tight against him.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Can we please get cute fluff of a s/o comforting Russia after he wakes up from a nightmare?
You groaned as you felt a large hand grip your hip before shaking you lightly.
“Nooo. It can’t be morning.” You murmured. Reaching your hand out you felt the scarred skin of your boyfriend/husband. You could tell he was halfway sitting up and at the time you didn’t care why. Leaning forward you buried yourself into his bare chest, enjoying the warmth flooding into your body.
His arms clasped around you cradling you to his chest. “Sorry for waking you up, my flower.”
Your head lifted away from his chest when you heard a soft voice crack. The light from the fireplace made the tears on his cheeks sparkle and you quickly sat up so you were straddling him. Bringing your hands down to his face you wiped the tears away and leaned forward planting a hard kiss on his forehead.
“What happened Vanya?” You asked, as he pressed you against him. You didn’t fight him as he placed a hand on the back of your head softly pressing it into his neck.
“Nothing for you to worry about. It was just a bad dream.” He murmured planting a soft kiss against your hair line. You ran your hand up and down his chest, making him sigh in content.
“Wanna talk about it.” You asked pressing a kiss against his jaw.
He shook his head.
“Just know that if anything ever happens I will always protect you.” He replied, not giving any more details.
“Did something happen to me in your dream?” You asked nuzzling closer to him. You felt his muscles tense but he didn’t verbally answer your question. “How about tomorrow I make your favorite and we can watch all those old movies you like!” You suggested. “And maybe we could do other stuff.” You whispered into his ear nipping as it softly.
Before you knew it you were on your back with your practically naked boyfriend/husband on top of you.
“How about we get to that other stuff now?” He asked making you giggle.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Accidentally grabbing their crushes boob and they just go "ya could have just asked ya know?;)" with whatever countries you want to,thx hon love you
He stared at you in shock.
He had accidentally almost tripped and tried to grab onto for support but he ended up grabbing something that wasn’t your shoulder.
“It was a-an accident.” He stuttered removing his hand realizing it was still in place.
You shrugged and leaned up closer to his face planting a soft kiss against his bright red cheek. He watched you with wide eyes as you pulled away softly.
Your eyes bore into his as your faces inches closer and closer until he could feel the light brushing of your bottom lip against his. But before he could slam into you, you pulled away abruptly, flipping your hair and walking away.
Watching you retreating figure he quickly snapped out of his trance and ran after you mumbling curse words.
“Mein Gott Y/N, I didn’t mean too! I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” A bright red Ludwig asked quickly removing his hand.
“You know if you wanted to touch them you could have just asked, Ludwig.” You giggled bitting your lip. He flinched when he felt all the blood from his head rush to another part of his body. He heard Gilbert wolf whistle from some other part of the bar but couldn’t care less.
“Y/N, are you okay? Maybe I should drive you home.” He said taking his jacket off the seat and wrapping it around you so you wouldn’t get cold.
You got up from your stool and pressed up against him, making him grab your hips and push you away lightly so you didn’t feel everything.
“Ya maybe you should.” You replied in the most sultry voice you could muster. Before he could say that wasn’t what he meant you leaned up and bit the side of his neck making a small groan escape his lips before he clamped them shut. Grinning at him widely you grabbed his hand and tried to drag the massive German out of the bar.
“Oh Sunflower! I am so sorry! Did you hurt you?” Ivan asked putting a hand on your shoulder, like he was checking for a injury that would just randomly pop up.
“You know Vanya, if you wanted to grab one you could’ve just asked.” You chuckled leaning your chin against his chest so you were looking directly up at him.
“Sunflower, that is crazy talk. Maybe you should go get some more sleep, Da. I know when I don’t sleep I get loopy too. Come on I’ll carry you.” He stated picking you up bridal style.
“Yes please take me to bed.” You purred, leaning up in his arms planting a long kiss against the corner of his mouth. The action almost made him drop you.
“Oh God, help me.” He murmured looking up at the sky while he carried you back to his mansion.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Can you continue the love rivals post with Russia and America but like, if one or the other were let down pretty hard. Like they see their crush dancing or kissing their rival and then later the rival kinda rubs it into their face and salts their wounds?
If America saw Russia making more progress with you he would kick things up a notch
He would get you things you love and literally do everything he can to sabotage Russia
Even going as far as to steal you away and delete Russia’s contact from your phone
If Russia saw America making more progress he would just laugh
There’s no way you could love the childish loser more than him
Even when America rubbed it in his face he just gave one of his infamous smirks
Deep down he would be a little worried
Russia is very good at analyzing situations and he has run through this situation a million times in his head
He pays attention to everything you do
Weither it be your body language or your favorite color
And this may seem to give him an advantage
But it of course depends on you
America is very strategic as well not as much as in a methodical way
But hey, it gets the job done
He plans things out in a slightly unorganized/unorthodox manner
His plans usually include how to make you see that he can make you happy
And how to get rid Russia
Russia plans things out step by step and writes them down unlike America you plans every detail out in his head
Russia wants to show you that he can protect you and of course make you happy
He doesn’t want to get rid of America because he wants America to live with the fact that he lost one of the most precious things on earth to his rival
When I say get rid of I don’t mean kill because there nations they can’t die but I mean wipe them off the map for a little
So if you ever walk into a meeting and see that Russia has suddenly disappeared then you know what happened
In their eyes you only deserve the best and they feel they are the only ones that can give you that
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Russia headcons
Everyday life
Literally a teddy bear
That can kill you tho
He doesn’t have anger issues he just has a hard time communicating his feelings so the frustration often results in fighting
Protective of his family
VERY lonely
But yet doesn’t like people
Doesn’t trust a lot of people
Or really anyone TBH
Wishes he was short
Loves space and astronomy
Has many vinyls
Classical music is always playing around his house
Collects vodka bottles from around the world
Gets his paperwork done unhumanly fast
Has guns in every room of his house
Is a really good cook
Rarely gets drunk
Hates the cold
But he also doesn’t do good in the heat
Has never really liked any of his rulers
Not a fan of communism
Well in the beginning he was but then he changes his mind
Grows a beard during the winter
Has never been late or missed a meeting
Never been in love before
Like the idea of it tho
Will take a long time for him to open up with you
It’s not because he doesn’t trust you, its because he’s paranoid
Is super-Uber protective
Always keeps an eye on you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself
If you are meeting someone new he will shake their hand first and talk to them a little before even introducing you
Just wants to make sure they don’t seem bad
After all you are his everything so he isn’t gonna let anyone that he sees unworthy touch you
We’ll get along with your family and friend’s great!
He can be surprisingly charismatic at random times
Will buy you cute stuff
You have to go to a lot of galas and formal gatherings so most of the stuff he does buy is fancy
Wants you to dress classy as much as you can
If you are someone who only likes to wear sweatpants and sweatshirt when you go out you may get in a few fights over it
He doesn’t mind if you do it every once in a while though
Always puts your needs before his
Added a room onto his office so when he has to work late you guys can be together
He probably started out as your sugar daddy
But then you fell in love!
Likes to keep an arm around you in public
Lots of fireplace cuddles
Lots of cuddling and kisses in general
You will always be safe and well loved with him
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