#russian broadway shutdown
henrytheduck36q · 4 months
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Link youtube: https://youtu.be/QBDJGx8ck0c?si=9F7ufkGLxgfHCQ7D
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seafleece · 4 years
there’s a tiktok of a musical number about lesbian astronauts from russian broadway shutdown going around and i’ve literally been thinking about the triple word play of “cosmina”, “cause me not”, and “cosmonaut” for 48 hours
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newagesispage · 6 years
                                                          FEBRUARY           2019
***** I am over the moon at the suggestion of a biopic of Dave Letterman starring Michael Shannon. Will somebody think about really putting this into production??? Please??
***** Criminal Minds will wrap it up after this next and 15th season. The season 14 finale on Feb.6 will have Rossi’s wedding. They will spend the last season chasing after ‘a worthy adversary’ rumored to be played by Harold Perrineau as they jump ahead in time.
***** I am so touched by shows like Grace and Frankie and Schitt’s Creek that look right past the usually discussed issues for interracial and same sex couples .  Gee, just think, it’s like we are all the same.
***** If you haven’t seen Michael Bennet and his senate floor speech about Ted Cruz, government shutdowns and Trump, run to C-span and catch it. These things make me proud to be in a DEMOCRACY!
***** Can this be true?? The constitution of Texas states that one can’t hold public office unless they believe in a supreme being??
***** Julian Castro is running for President.
***** Kamala Harris is running for President.
***** Cory Booker is running for President.
***** HGTV is apparently working on a huge publicity stunt and ratings grabber. They have purchased the home whose exterior was used in the Brady Bunch. A show will reunite the cast, bring in some famous fane and remodel the inside to look like the Brady set. At the end they may give the house away.
***** Michael Shannon and Audra McDonald will team up to revive Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune on Broadway.
***** Rashida Jones and Bill Murray will star in Sofia Coppola’s’ On the Rocks.’
***** Why isn’t extreme ironing a bigger sport by now??** And can we make Petanque a bigger thing while we’re at it?
***** Craig Ferguson is selling his LA compound.
***** China has landed on the far side of the moon!!!
***** NASA’s New Horizons has went further than anyone has gone before for our first image of Ultima Thule.
***** Kentucky has introduced a bill to ban abortion in the state.
***** Told to a reporter: “It’s your job to speak truthfully and precisely, not mine.” –Kellyanne Conway** The new book, Team of Vipers, suggests that The Conways are working in concert.  It is thought that she is valuable to Trump because she has no qualms about saying anything.
***** Super bowl LIII will host Maroon 5, Travis Scott and Big Boi. They will have no pre- concert interview. It is said that many artists turned down the gig because of the controversy. Maroon 5 has gotten some shit for performing but they caution us to just watch.** Roger Waters has asked Maroon 5 to take a knee during the show.
***** Natasha Lyonne is getting raves for her new show, Russian Doll.
***** Tom Sizemore was arrested for drug possession.
***** 6 NFL coaches were fired in one week!!!
***** Pentagon chief of staff, rear admiral Kevin Sweeney is out.
***** Rod Rosenstein is on the way out.
***** Jaymo’s, a Peoria company is suing Wendy’s over the use of their S’Awesome sauce.
***** We should enact the stop the stupidity act.
***** Why does it seem every other show on the air is sort of an entire season of a Twilight Zone episode?
***** There are more people in the Kremlin than in Washington who know what Trump said to Putin. – Tom Nichols
***** Members of congress can retire at full pay after 1 term. Children of congress members don’t have to pay back student loans. Is that true?? Can this be right??
***** Dupont is laying off workers.
***** Check out love your brain.com.
***** The Golden Globes were held and were hosted by Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh.  My best dressed was Isla Fisher, Elizabeth Moss. Danai Gurira, Julia Roberts, Carol Burnett, Emily Blunt, Lupita Nyong’o, Patricia Clarkson, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jameela Jamil, Rosamund Pike, Jim Carrey, Alison Brie, Gemma Chan and Bradley Cooper. Worst dressed goes to Rachel Weisz, Julianne Moore, Layra Dern, Anne Hathaway, Maya Rudolph, Rami Mlek, Molly Sims and Heidi Klum. I was so happy for winners like The Americans (highlight of the evening!!!), Regina King, Lady Gaga, Mahershala Ali, Patricia Clarkson, Darren Criss, Bohemian Rhapsody, Rami Malek, Olivia Colman and Green Book.  The Cecil B. DeMille award went to Jeff Bridges. The new Carol Burnett award started off with Carol herself. I was saddened that Bill Hader, Henry Winkler, Kieran Culkin, Keri Russell and Sacha Baron Cohen went home empty handed. The Fiji water girl got most of the press and gave much free advertising to her product.  Some of the stars did not like her getting in their shots to push a product without their knowledge, both a clever and sad state of affairs.
***** The Kominsky Method will be back for season 2.
***** The Sag awards had their big night and gave the lifetime achievement to Alan Alda. Winners included Emily Blunt, Darren Criss, Black Panther, Rami Malek and Glenn Close. I was especially thrilled with some love goingto Jason Bateman and Patricia Arquette. Best dressed were Amy Adams, Yara Shahidi, Brian Tyree Henry, Sydelle Noel, Eddie Griffin, Holly Taylor, Sofia Hubitz, Emma Stone, Emily Blunt, Darren Criss, Laverne Cox, Timothee Chalamet, Robin Wright, Lily Tomlin, Chadwick Boseman, Matthew Rhys, Keri Russell, and Catherine Zeta Jones. The WTF award goes to Alison Brie.
***** The Oscar race is on. Best picture could go to Blank Panther, Blackkklansman, Roma, The Favourite, Green Book, Vice, Bohemian Rhapsody and A Star is born. Black Panther also got some love for music and costume design.  Fingers crossed for Isle of Dogs in the animated category. Actor nods had a few surprises. Willem Dafoe and Rami Malek , Lady Gaga and Melissa McCarthy are up for leads and supporting mentions are for Mahershala Ali, Regina King, Adam Driver and Sam Elliott. I am so hopeful for Spike Lee and I want to hear that speech.
***** If you haven’t seen Trigger Warning with Killer Mike, you gotta check it out. He and Sarah Silverman should go on a tour of teaching acceptance for their fellow man.
***** So.. Fox news said that Ruth Bader Ginsberg was dead??
***** In sexual harassment news: Harvey Weinstein is hiring new lawyers.** Les Moonves is seeking arbitration with CBS.
***** Cher has sold her Beverly Hills cottage.
***** Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber’s daughter, Presley was arrested for DUI.
***** CBS news has named its first female President, Susan Zirinsky.
***** What is happening to the butterflies?
***** Illinois has refused a concert permit to R Kelly and Sony has dropped him. The pressure is finally starting to pay off??
***** Get ready for biopics about Harriet Tubman, Elton John and Ted Bundy.
*****  NY mayor Bill De Blasio has given healthcare to every resident of NY city.
***** 25% of Russians do not have indoor toilets. Putin and his buddies have about $1trillion tucked away from London to Miami.
***** Days alert: I wonder if Leo’s real name ‘Matthew Cooper’ is a nod to out actor Chad Allen from Dr. Quinn??!! It is also fun to see Judith Chapman take on the role of Leo’s Mama, Diana. The pair played Mother and son previously on The Young and the Restless. Is she really Diana Colville from John’s past??** So Stefan has been played by Tyler Christopher who asked for some time off and a sub was put in place who will take over in March. Since Christopher left, he has since decided that he will leave permanently so things are up in the air. Will Stefan and Gabi hook up? Days has been renewed for season 55. HOORAY!!!! Ratings are up 4%. **Loved the line when Chloe told Rex he should wear a cup. **Leo and Xander’s playful “lust” was so sassy!!
***** Happy Valentine’s Day!
***** Steve Buscemi will play God on tv’s Miracle Workers.
***** So, the new Conan format has ups and downs. I miss the band and the desk but I am Loving the fade in and fade out at commercials. I have always hated the, “We’ll be right back “ nonsense. I was sad to lose a half hour at first but Conan and Andy do seem refreshed.
***** Still waiting for the release of Apple Seed which is written, directed and starring Michael Worth. It is one of the final films of Rance Howard who stars with his son, Clint, Adrienne Barbeau and the other Father and son team of Robby and Zephyr Benson.
***** The January Bob Segar concert in Illinois at the Peoria Civic Center is the top selling concert ever at this venue. Old rock acts take note.
***** Bob Costas is out at NBC after 40 years.
***** Trial and Error has been cancelled. BOO!!!
***** Steve Carell will star in Space Force which he is co-creating with The Office showrunner Greg Daniels.
***** Despite some people I admire that are giving Alexandria Ocasio Cortez a talking to like she’s a child, I say ‘Give ‘em Hell!’  She could well be President so fight girl!!
***** Word is that Karen Pence is now teaching at the Immanuel School in Virginia. The school refuses admission to students who participate in or condone homosexual activity. The application for the school states that misconduct includes heterosexual activity outside of marriage, homosexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity and use of pornographic websites. The application goes on to state that ‘a wife must submit to her husband’ and a pledge must be signed to that effect.
***** There is controversy over the bill to give people a day off for Election Day. Many people will still have to work, the country never completely shuts down. How many fucking times do I have to say it: VOTE BY MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!
***** So, Scary clown told us Mexico would pay for ‘the wall’. During the campaign he gave actual ideas for that like Mexico giving us a one time payout or else he would not allow Mexican immigrants to western union money back to Mexico. Another idea was that there would be a great ta on that Western union money. It does not seem like they tried any of that and just decided we would pay for the stupid ‘wall.’ How about the money he makes off Trump merch which his website and hotels still sell to pay for it?? How about the $35 million that Trump sold in real estate in 2018? The ‘Wall’ go fund me did not reach its $1billion goal so the $20 million they did collect is being offered for refunds. Some of those people still want that money to go for its purpose so Trump is creating a non- profit. Can’t we use that money to help the border patrol agents and get the backlog in immigration court moving?? That we are still talking about this ridiculous wall and that it had a go fund me page is enough to boggle the normal brain.** I think Kimmel said it best when he suggested that Trump just tell the red hats that the wall has been built.  They believe everything he says so why wouldn’t they believe that??  It would save the country a lot of headaches. ** What the Hell is with his new “wheels and walls” mantra??** Russia caused Brexit too? Putin is a menace.** Another sink hole appeared the White House. WTF?
***** The congressional budget office says the shut down cost the U.S. 11 billion
***** Trump is talking to Herman Cain about a job on the Federal Reserve Board.
***** The GOP is selling fake bricks that cost about 50 cents for $20 each to send to Senate Dems. Some have said that the Dems should sign them and sell them and give the money to government workers. ** Why are Russian jets fucking around on the North American coastline??
***** Roger Stone has been indicted on 5 counts of false statements, 1 count of obstruction and 1 count of witness tampering. The FBI officers who arrested him were part of the shut down and they still did their job!!  He publically and privately claimed to have communicated with Russia. Predictions are that many more indictments are coming down the pike that involve many familiar faces.** Roger Stone has a Nixon tattoo on his back. I feel sorry for his cell mate.-Bill Maher
***** Bill Maher got some flak for comments after Stan Lee died. He wasn’t slamming Lee, but wondered about comic book fans putting away childish things. I suppose that could include weed but point taken.
***** Jared Kushner along with 30 other White House staff was denied top secret clearance but Trump advisor Carl Kline overruled that decision and gave it to them anyway. This has never been done before, this is a job for intelligent agencies.
***** Empire star Jussie Smollett was attacked in Chicago in what cops are saying was a possible hate crime. The attackers were yelling that this was MAGA country, poured bleach on him and put a rope around his neck.  The actor was previously sent a letter full of homophobic and racist slurs which he FBI had been looking into.
***** Ellen page gave us some memorable, powerful words to chew on with her appearance on Stephen Colbert. I am sure she gave courage to many who suffer because of our hate filled administration.
***** Gwyneth Paltrow is being sued from a 2016 ski incident for 3 mil.
***** I gain more and more respect for Seth Meyers. I did not really understand the choice of him as host in the beginning. His notice of local stations, choice of guests and revolving drummers makes for a great show.
***** A Dutch company may have invented a small device that converts heat into cold and Forbes is saying, ‘it could save the planet.’
***** So looking forward to Ryan Murphy’s The Politician which will star Jessica Lange, Gwyneth Paltrow and January Jones.
***** I know that is has happened little by little and we go thru times in our history when things get worse and then things get better but… When did this country get so fucking corrupt?? I mean seriously.. Why is Brendan Dassey still in prison and why is there no real justice for Teresa Halbach? ** Why is Trump still in the White House?**Why are government workers being told to work for nothing?? Why is R Kelly still living it up?? Why are some states going backward in time when it comes to women’s health?? Why do many corporations care more about their own pockets than the children of their employees or the environment around them??** Why does our justice system so often punish big for small infractions and allow the powerful to do anything they want?? **Why is a wall a better idea than infrastructure or warm beds for the homeless or food for our children and why are so many children in cages??
***** How can it be that we are still in a world where people are not allowed to reach their full potential?? Why do so many selfish humans actually fight to live in a world where they actively hold others back? Shouldn’t we all be concerned about the greater good?  We should all be allowed to see a Doctor when we are ill. We should all be able to excel in education if we choose .We should all be able to get a job to fit our skills and work ethic.  Opportunities and the pursuit of happiness should be available to all. Why is this so fucking hard for so many to grasp in this world? Imagine!
***** Sundance premiered the new flick, Big time adolescence with Griffin Gluck and Pete Davidson. Pete has since made no bones about filming in Syracuse. He hated it.
***** Jeff Flake will join CBS news as a contributor.
***** Tom Brokaw is in a bit of trouble for saying Hispanics should work harder at assimilation.
***** The Tom Hanks/ Matthew Rhys film, A beautiful day in the neighborhood has pushed back its release date to Nov. 22.
***** People are illogical and self- centered. Love them anyway. -Hedy Lemarr
*****R.I.P. Bob Einstein, Millie Wiesehan, victims of the Torrance. Ca. bowling alley shooting, Captain Darryl Dragon, Jo Andres, Lamin Sanneh, Carol Channing, Sandra Harmon, Bradley Bolke, the victims of Mediterranean shipwreck, Lorna Doom, victims of the Florida bank shooting, Kaye Ballard, Willie York , Barbara Claman , victims of the mining dam collapse in Brazil and James Frawley.
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neularaver1986-blog · 6 years
Yes, we all know Electron can use a lot of memory, at times (which seems to depend very much on it implementation rather than the underlying technology). It the unfortunate drawback to getting all web standard technologies to easily compile cross platform, which is an invaluable thing, especially companies that can afford to hire native devs. It also doesn excuse bad programming, which exists literally everywhere. I also think Europe in general when it comes to medieval stuff, but I do see the connection to the UK specifically tho, through the Arthurian legends (King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table) and such. At least when and where I was growing up (might be different for Japan), but high fantasy (LoTR/Warcraft) and sword sorcery stuff always was associated with the UK, with characters often having British accents and everything. Do agree that the naming convention is a bit different, but I think past Gen 5 they started getting a bit more experimental with it. Russian born Luba Mushtuk is four time winner of the Italian Dance Championship and is also an Italian Open Latin Show Dance champion. She is also a Latin European Championship finalist. Luba has worked extensively with the Broadway and West End show Burn The Floor, and was part of the Strictly Come Dancing family for several years as an assistant choreographer, before becoming a professional dancer on the programme in 2018.. Should build a border wall?President Donald Trump speaks from the Oval Office of the White House as he gives a prime time address about border security Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2018, in Washington. Government shutdown continues to wage on after significant back and fourth about president Donald Trump's border wall at the Mexican border.. Random thoughts: I dunno if all Ulta are like this, but my Ulta has a section at the back with some clearance/orange tag items. Today there was a sign on the shelf that all Sleek products are 40% off. It was mostly the highlighting palettes. I got the wrong sized bras in the mail on the 14th, and the correct sized ones came on the 22nd. If you 군산출장샵 decide to try the full cup, and you hate it, you can always return/exchange it. :). 12 points submitted 11 days agoAllure whine: They were supposed to send some fancy Sisley Paris cream as a replacement for a leaking item. They said to allow three weeks to arrive. That period ended over a week ago. I couldn't succeed doing keto because I would just scarf down nuts at night because I was so hungry. I'm never hungry any more because I'm eating 1200 cals in one meal. I never think about food all day. My hair is not 군산출장샵 in the best condition but I also really lazy to do much to it so I got a Skinfood Lychee Essence Mist for damaged hair and it wonderful. I was really impressed how good it was for the price, as I mostly got it for the potential smell. And as Koreans have a culture of looking presentable and groomed every day this strenghtens my assumption that AB might have very nice haircare stuff. It is likely your complaints at this stage have been treated as a commercial complaint, not a safety complaint. Big difference. Record your complaint here and request communication back to explain the situation and response.. I had an abortion because even though I had known him for a few years our relationship was new and he had been out of rehab for less than a year, and I was scared about how we would support a baby when he didn't have a steady job and I hadn't finished school. I regret that very much. Because even though it would have been hard, it is doable, lots of people do it.
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goldenagc · 7 years
who are the space lesbians in your gifset?
It's from the Russian Broadway shutdown video from 2014!
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keywestlou · 6 years
My two Christmas blogs took precedence over normal blog activity. I have a number of notes that would have been mentioned were it not for the Christmas blogs.
Waste not, want not. I want to set forth briefly the items not mentioned. No particular order involved.
— Christmas eve and Christmas day at Lisa’s. Best Christmas eve meal Lisa has ever prepared. Only one fish however. My daughter has been become Americanized.
Desserts especially good.
Robert and Ally are young adults. I enjoy talking with them. I sat at the children’s table with them for dinner.
Ally enjoys painting. Gets in and out of it since a very early age. Back into it. Gave me a beautiful hand painted picture of mail boxes. I have already hung it in the living room.
Robert gave me a book involving thoughtful matters. Like is there a God? He was more excited with the card that accompanied it. He is taking some sort of video course in high school. He made the card. Three steps involved, if I understood correctly. He explained how he made it. I was as excited as he. And impressed!
— LeBron James spoke out against the NFL owners. “A bunch of old white men” with “slave mentality” toward players. Describes their attitude as “the old plantation mentality.” Believes they are more concerned about money and fear Trump.
— Went to Hot Dog Church sunday evening. Got there late. Only a few ladies remaining. Laurie bartending.
I will be doing Laurie’s radio show on 107.5 FM thursday from 4-5. Appears I will guest weekly at that time.
— Hot Dog Church followed by the Chart Room. Great evening!
Two couples. Tourists. Never met till that night. Each couple have been visiting Key West for 30 years. Great history!
One of the husbands retired. He has a part time job. Times marathons. Does it periodically. Travels everywhere.
A solo guy was at the end of he bar. A gem of historical fact. He was in he Marines stationed in Key West in 1965. Now a full time resident owning a home here.
— The World Happiness Report 2018 recently came out. It lists the most happy and most miserable countries.
Top 3 most happy are Finland, Norway and Denmark in that order. The U.S. ranked 18. Burundi the least happy ranked at 156. Two countries the U.S. presently has an interest in ranked. Afghanistan 145, Syria 150.
— When will the U.S. learn that Middle Easterners hang in there. As the Vietnamese did against the U.S. in that war.
The Soviets sent tanks and 8,500 men into Afghanistan in December 24, 1975. Afghan fighters declared a jihad. Guerrilla war ensued. The Soviets left 10 years later defeated. And broke! The war had destroyed the Russian economy.
The U.S. learned nothing from that history. We have been in Afghanistan 17 years now. Crazy! Trump recently announced he was pulling half of our military contingency out. Seven thousand five hundred service personnel.
The U.S should never have gone in, especially without an exit strategy. The U.S. should not now be pulling out without a specific plan. A double screw up.
— My love Terri White sings this week. Four consecutive nights at the Little Room Jazz Club. 12/27-12/30. A Fringe Theater presentation. Show time 8. I will be there New Year’s Eve. Broadway tunes.
— Key West and bicycles continue to be in the news. Apparently the City ordered a study 2 years ago. The Key West Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is now ready for release. The City Commission will discuss it at its January 15 meeting.
This I’ve got to see!
Total cost to implement the Master Plan $28.6 million. Payment in 2 phases: $9.6 million and $19 million.
— A resident complained publicly in one of Key West’s news papers. Key west is becoming like San Francisco. We have a poop problem. Only in season, only in Old Town. The inference tourists don’t give a shit
— Trump is now on the Fed’s ass. Claims the market is down because the Fed raised interest rates. Suggesting he is going to fire the Chairman who he appointed this past year.
Trump claims…..”The only problem our economy has is the Fed.” I say…..”The only problem our economy has is Trump.”
— The shutdown has causes not anticipated. It also evidences people not hurt who should suffer with those being hurt.
White House Xmas tree lights went out.
Congress has a gym and spa. Must be a beauty. Still operating during the shut down. Speaker Ryan used it the past few days.
The Congressional gym and spa is considered “essential” under the law.
— Stock market keeps going down. Down this year 20 percent. The worse drop since the Great Depression.
Market this morning before opening sitting around 2,700. If it breaks 2,000 there will be a recession. A world wide one.
Who do we thank? Donald Trump! He has destabilized everything.
— How many more children have to die?
An 8 year old Guatemalan refugee boy sitting on the border took ill. Authorities got him to a hospital. He died. Autopsy results awaited.
Two weeks ago, a 7 year old Guatemalan girl died.
Mr. President, have you no conscience?
–The wall. Now a fence or whatever.
Trump claims he signed a contract for the construction of 150 miles of the wall in Texas to begin construction next week. Who is he kidding? He has no authority to do something like that outright. The House is part of the approval process and cannot be ignored.
Going to be interesting how he explains his way out of this one. I am willing to bet there is no signed contract. This is just another of Trump’s falsehoods thinking he can bullshit the American people. Those days are over!
— Trump time continues. Once again, he failed to visit American troops stationed in foreign lands on Christmas. Just as he failed to visit the American military cemetery in France.
Called no respect.
He did telephone soldiers on Christmas morning.
— Studies reveal more and more Americans are living into their 90s. The University of California did a study on the whys and wherefores. Sixteen hundred people involved. Study began 2003.
Results interesting.
Alcohol and coffee consumption on a daily basis will help people to live past 90. Abstinence will not. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation, however.
Another test finding is that people overweight in their 70s live longer than those underweight.
Glad I did not begin my diet till I was 82.
— Harry Truman. As always, Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman.
Truman made 11 visits to Key West. Described as working vacations. Spent a total of 175 days.
Truman died this day in 1972.
–I am caught up!
Enjoy your day!
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riavictory · 8 years
THIS IS INCREDIBLE How have I just discovered this?
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myplasticadversary · 8 years
This video was my favorite thing for a while and I just want to share it with the Great Comet of 1812 fandom because it’s got Russian lesbians (in space)
@animekuragin @natasharostcva
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lizthelemon · 8 years
No but seriously, I think we need to bring back an American edition of Russian Broadway Shutdown before it's no longer legal.
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seafleece · 4 years
The cosmonaut song is from a video by broadway stars protesting Russian anti-gay laws (specifically banning ‘homosexual propaganda’ in theatrical productions). It’s called Russian Broadway Shutdown & is on youtube!
oh FUCK YEAH even better
my current running joke is that that clip alone was the entire impetus for my beam saber campaign
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theoriginoffandom · 8 years
Hey so does everyone remember the Russian Broadway Shutdown?
You know, the awesome response the broadway community made to Russia’s anti-LGBT laws that you kinda wish was a real musical?
Ever wish you could at least listen to the songs without the commentary in between?
WELL Jason Michael Snow (the composer) HAS RELEASED THOSE SONGS ON HIS NEW WEBSITE: http://www.jasonmichaelsnow.com/russian-broadway/
This has been a PSA. Now I’m gonna go back to listening to ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet’ on repeat.
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susiiecarmichael · 10 years
remember Russian Space Lesbians and how I need a full version of Cause Me Not. 
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christinedwyer · 10 years
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Anonymous asked: Laura Osnes or Laura Benanti
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I was watching Russian Broadway Shutdown with my mom, and it got to Russian Space Lesbians, and she said, "So that's why she left Amaro!"
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musical-theatree · 11 years
today in class we were talking about russia and their anti-gay laws, and i got really excited and brought up russian broadway shutting down and it was really great.
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