#rusty quill po
raging-femur · 5 months
How I wrote my first fanfiction I guess?
So, I fairly recently finished the Magnus archives and started the Magnus protocol. And I love it, it's so incredibly well written and kind of just draws you in, I first started listening to it for some background noise while I was making a scavenger hunt for Valentine's as a gift my boyfriend, and I have been hooked on it ever since. There was an incredibly brief period of time when I planned to take a short break from the podcast after I had a rather disturbing nightmare about being stuck in an elevator with a man turning into a lump of flesh. When the episode 12 came out, I commented about my dream and a couple of people told me it sounded like a statement, and suddenly in a strange burst of inspiration I wrote a short story in the form of a statement in the comments section about my dream. It was such a freaking THRILL. It was so much fun! anyways I just thought id share it here, and say that it is important to be able to let go and do things for fun, even if it whatever the result is isn't perfect. Statement of Hannah Watson regarding a stranger in an elevator. Statement taken directly from subject on the 18th of April 2024. Statement begins. It was stupid of me to take the elevator that day, I never do. The one in my building is small, rickety, and cramped, not to mention poorly air-conditioned. Honestly, the death trap could double as an oven in the summer or a freezer in the winter. And the sound it would make… it almost sounded as if it was groaning in pain. I normally take the stairs, paranoid that if I took the lift something would break, and I would end up in a freefall that would leave me as nothing more but a splattered pile of flesh, left to rot in a metal box. But I was running late that evening, I had promised to help my sister move and figured speed was more important than indulging my fear. When I stepped inside and saw…. Him in the corner I figured he was high, his eyes were bloodshot and he seemed a bit out of it. I gave him a polite nod as the doors slid closed……we didn't move. I frowned, pushing the button for the first floor. Nothing happened.
After about ten minutes of trying to get the damn thing to in some way work, I started to panic, I tried getting the doors to open back up, I flipped the emergency switch and I pressed every button on that control panel to no avail. nothing was working, and I was frantic. Sure that at any moment I would be shooting downward to my death. An odd wet squelching sound came from the corner of the cab followed by a thud, I turned in shock, I had forgotten about the man in the corner. I will never be able to forget him now, I can picture it so clearly his face had...melted? No, it was more like his skin had loosened, hanging off his face, melding with his neck, and flopping back onto his shoulders as he flailed about trying to push the skin back into the shape it once held. He was trying to scream, but all that came out of him were pained, cut-off whimpers as the anatomy used for human speech was crushed, as what used to be his throat transformed into nothing but squishy bloated tissue that spilled out of him. His lungs wheezed out bits of air as they were oh so slowly folded into that formless mass. I screamed and screamed, as I struggled to find a way out, to distance myself from the hungry flesh that was slowly seeping out of his clothes and onto the floor. I tried not to look at him as I did so, tried to ignore the sounds that reminded me of the ice cracking when it began to thaw in early spring, somehow, I knew what that meant, the flesh was eating his bones, and when it was done it would come for mine. I knew then, knew that there was no escape, I could scream and cry and break my nails trying to get those damn metal doors to open as much as I liked but I was going to die there, in the cramped metal box I had always hated, I gave up in the end. I curled around myself in a tight ball with my eyes tightly shut and waited for what felt like days...for it to find me, to consume me, to become me. And then ... the elevator moved, and just as I felt the feverishly warm touch of firm flesh on my foot the doors slid open. There was a scream and I kicked the thing away from me scrambling toward the horrified couple and out of that horrible thing that had almost cost me my life. Away from the thing that had cost the poor man his. And so here I am. The police didn't believe me, they told me to get my brain checked. Apparently, their opinions trump those with medical degrees. I didn't even get checked before they dismissed it as a mere hallucination. I doubt you'll believe me either. I am not insane, even if sometimes I wish I was, so that I could go around with the hope that the starving flesh didn't consume all that the man once was, because it wasn't real. It couldn't have almost gotten me, because it was just in my head.. What a wonderful, lovely lie. It would be comforting in a way, if that were true. But it isn't true, it was real. That man who haunts my dreams was a real person, not a hallucination. A person with brown bloodshot eyes and crooked teeth. I AM NOT insane, I know that. Well... that's all I have to say, I wasn't going to come here at all really but, well, I figured I owed it to that man, to let someone know what became of him. Statement ends
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parsleysaauce · 7 months
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rustyelias · 10 months
Things I never thought I would hear from alex j Newall but have heard because of rusty quill gaming:
- Literally everything this man says
- that one time Alex and James flirted YES they were both in character but STILL I hated every moment of it
- American Alex…
- one to many minutes of Alex crow sounds
- Albert Einstein Alex?!?!
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mcskullmun · 5 months
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[Image description: a messy digital painting of Hamid from Rusty Quill Gaming. He is a small halfling man with red claws instead of feet and hands, and dark curly hair. He is curled up with his head resting in his arms, on top of a tiled surface, crying. In the background are doodles of some wings and a dragon tail in the same red. It is raining. End ID]
“And i can still hear the sound of you crying through the night,
There in the opera house with no one else for miles”
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tma-traduzioni · 1 year
Hey there!
Il mio nome e' Giacomo e vivo all estero da diversi anni.
Volevo farvi le congratulazioni per l ottimo lavoro nel tradurre tutti gli episodi di TMA.
Sono sicuro sia stato un lavoro molto intenso e sono felice qulcuno cimentato, per permettere anche a chi non e' avvezzo alla lingua inglese di godere di questo magnifico podcast.
Nella mia esperrienza personale, ho cercato di coinvolgere alcuni ma purtroppo con scarso successo. L affrontare un podcast in inglese non e' da tutti e le vostre traduzioni, sebbene di alto livello, non possono catturare appieno l essenza del podcast che si basa sul fascino di una storia raccontata in prima persona dai suoni e personaggi che la vivono.
A questo proposito mi chiedevo se avete in programma per il futuro di ingaggiare attori (professionisti o non, Jonathan stesso non e' attore) e registrare gli episodi in italiano. Potreste contattare Rusty Quill e trovare qualche sorta di accordo, poi iniziare le registrazioni e vedere come va. Dopotutto il lavoro piu' arduo lo avete gia affrontato e ora si tratta solo di usare i testi per registrare il podcast. Il materiale e' eccellente e penso questo progetto riuscira' a darvi molte soddisfazioni (anche finanziarie ma non so esattamente come i podcast generino incassi) oltre che un po' di notorieta' (che non guasta mai), magari replicando cosa TMA e' stato per Rusty Quill e John.
Non sono qui per offrire soluzioni o fare proposte, ci tenevo soltanto a farvi i complimenti per il lavoro svolto e darvi un po di incentivo per portare avanti un progetto per ottenere il riconoscimento che meritate.
Ciao Giacomo, sono Victoria, prima di tutto grazie mille per le tue parole gentili.
Io e gli altri traduttori ci siamo dedicati a questo progetto perché tutti, in un modo o nell’altro ci siamo innamorati di The Magnus Archives. Il nostro obbiettivo era appunto permettere di seguire/seguire meglio TMA a chi è madrelingua italiano (la gran parte di noi stava cercando di convincere degli amici a seguire il podcast).
Per come l’abbiamo pensata noi, la traduzione avrebbe affiancato l’audio del podcast, anche se non è proprio comodissimo.
Apprezziamo molto l’idea che hai proposto, ma temo vada un po’ fuori dalla nostra portata. Già portare a termine la traduzione è stato impegnativo. Io personalmente non ho esperienza nel registrare podcasts, e non sarebbe facile rendere onore a The Magnus Archives con un primo progetto amatoriale. Affiancarsi a dei produttori con più esperienza sarebbe forse la strada ideale, ma per ora non abbiamo intenzione di sviluppare oltre questo progetto.
Grazie ancora per averci scritto, ci ha fatto molto piacere 💚
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holy shit holy shit holy shit that was so good. and how disgusting (/pos) was that. i never saw that coming, but it was right in front of me. that may be the most nauseating a piece of horror media i’ve consumed because of how used the main character is. he never had a choice. he never knew anything, despite being told he knows everything. he tried to be a good person but it didn’t matter. everyone around him told him it was his fault, but was it really? do you blame the puppet, or the puppet master? i need to go to bed it’s 1am. that was so fucking good rusty quill team i am kissing you on the mouth. goodnight
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thebabycage · 4 days
Hellooooo it's me again :) I listened to the Magnus Archives yesterday! It was really fucking creepy lol /pos
I really enjoyed it, it was very compelling :0
Yippee!!! Glad you enjoyed/are enjoying it! The boys at Rusty Quill certainly have mastered creeping you out solely through spoken words.
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passerkirbius · 2 years
Hey, I have a question wrt the general podcast community but I list admit I started thinking about it bc of the article about RQ. What's it like to unionise in the audio community? Ik have a niece who works as a stage/prop master and in the theater world there is a heavy union tradition, and some of the situations raised in the article feel like the exact spaces you'd pull in a union. It's also something that strengthens workers' positions in general, could prevent future predatory contracts, and it's a call to action that I honestly kind of missed in the article - but then again I have no idea how the landscape is in that community! Would love to hear if you have any experience with unions or unionised workplaces in your podcast jobs!
So... Unionisation is not (yet!) quite a thing in podcasting circles. I mean, it kinda is, but until recently the various associated unions haven't really done much work to engage with the podcasting sphere. The radio industry has a history with unionisation, and voiceover work has also typically been covered by the various acting unions, but my experience of emailing the union (The MEAA in Australia, BTW - they're the consolidated union for all film, television and radio workers in Australia) asking if they have podcasting award rates has generally just been for them to send me the commercial VO rate card. Which, ya know, nice to have, but not useful for other rates I might want to know about.
And in many ways this isn't too surprising, because podcasting traditionally has either functioned under radio station management, that typically already has a union covering it, or you (the talent) are also the management - because you're running your podcast on your own. Full fiction podcast production house companies like Rusty Quill are actually quite new in the scheme of things - we've always had "production houses", but those are generally more like brand names, allowing a production team to put a catchy name to the work they produce (and, perhaps, set up a company shell so they can deal with finances). Fiction Podcasting, as I have alluded to many times, is much less a space filled with professionals getting paid, and more a space of amateur creatives caught in the desperate act of trying to create with limited-to-no resources, so the lack of money going around has mostly been due to an actual lack of money, rather than a concerted effort to not pay cast and crew.
(In fact, I am very tempted to make a post specifically about how to ethically work with collaborators in such an environment, so keep an eye out for that in the next week!)
With that said, that's been changing in the last while, as Big Film Money has started to notice Fiction Podcasting as a relatively cheap way of testing potential stories (and production teams) before picking up the IP for television or film. Unsurprisingly, this has resulted in a lot of television and film writers and the like being paid a lot less than they would like (that's why it's relatively cheap!), and earlier this year the WGA in the US have been turning their attention to Fiction Podcasting, developing rate cards for writing, and from what I understand, entertainment unions around the world have been watching with interest and hoping to use their work once the industry becomes relevant in their area. This doesn't, of course, necessarily help other crew, like sound engineers and sound designers - in the US, theoretically the IATSE is their representative union, but it seems that their focus is (surprise surprise!) much more on theatre, film and live music rather than studio work. The recent trend in the US towards unionisation (that I wholeheartedly applaud) has meant that a number of non-fic podcast companies have seen unionisation pushes (like the iHeart Podcast Union), and it may well be that once enough unions start to pop up, that they'll start merging and forming larger union groups that can start to organise the space more effectively.
So, in short, podcasting has been such a small area of the general audio industry, has been so new, and has generally not been a place where people have worked in a company context, so the union structures that exist have sorta let the whole thing fall through the cracks. As the industry is growing, Unions have started to take notice, but I suspect that it will be quite some time more before all the components of the podcast industry have representative bodies that are paying direct attention to them.
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Gosh I love characters that like. Are the Absolute Shittiest Human Beings but also that was the writer’s INTENTION, so me hating them is actually proof that they’re a good character, writing wise.
Yes, this is about Bertie from Rusty Quill. I hate him with my whole being, as I am supposed to do! The creators want me to hate him! And they succeeded! I’m so glad I get to be a part of that! My disgust is proof that they did what they meant to!!!
If a writer makes a fictional asshole who I am supposed to despise, and I do in fact despise them, it immediately endears the media to me. And the opposite is true, loving a character meant to be loved, but I feel like that’s a little easier than specifically making someone who is meant to be hated.
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spiralling-stranger · 3 years
I really thought I'd escaped the Rusty Quill curse with Stellar Firma. Surely they couldn't have named any of their characters after real life employees? Not with names like Trexel and Hartro?? Surely???
And then I hear the announcement preceeding episode 34 and learn that the editor has been called David all along. I almost broke a plate.
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morphokal · 4 years
Oh absolute DREAD, absolute drEAD for Grizzop’s safety.
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lucky-numberme · 3 years
I am obsessed with them and now they live in my phone case. Azu lives on my tablet and this postcard lives in my heart (and journal). Thank for the beautiful art, my friend!
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[ID 1: a photo of a pen and marker drawing depicting Sasha Rackett of Rusty Quill Gaming and Diggory Graves of Hello from the Hallowoods looking at each other in surprise. Sasha is an androgynous light-skinned person with burn scarring on the right side of her face and short, spiky hair. Diggory is an androgynous revenant with patched-together skin of various shades and long, tangled hair. Both of them are wearing leather jackets with spiked shoulders and have surprised markings near their faces. /End ID 1]
[ID 2: a photo of the drawing from ID 1, a sticker of Azu of RQG, and a postcard all laid out on a table. Azu is a dark-skinned orc woman grinning widely and making a heart shape with her fingers. She is wearing a suit of pink filigreed armor and gold earrings. The postcard is an interior scene containing all the RQG Erasing the Line player characters (as well as Wilde and Skraak) /End ID 2]
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rustyelias · 8 months
Alright I finished Rusty quill gaming a month ago so!!! More out of context quotes I wrote down!!! very out of context spoilers maybe
- I speak gang signs -Lydia
- California fell into the sea :D -Jonny
- The scariest tree is no tree -Bryn
- hashtag quill gate -Alex
- Nice podcast you have here :) it would be a shame if it was derailed >:) -ben
- 🎶my milkshake brings all the blokes to the bar🎶 -ben maybe?? I forgot
- Jason babe, darling, sugar plum my delicious rose!! -Ben
- I’m too busy smoking cigarettes and kissing girls to prep dnd -Bryn? -Ben?
- this is like fricking Eurovision-Ben
- Shhhh! Shut up it’s still Ben time -Ben
- I ate a frog Hamid :( -Alex (I think this was ed)
- I’m like a cleric of being cool 😎 -Ben
- Gotta recommend locking your furrbie up for 2 to 3 years! ITS AMAZING :D -Alex
- Magnus Fans and rusty quill gaming fans FIGHT! -Bryn
- Your going to be taking penalty on your sneak checks because you dummy thick -Alex
- ‘to late Zolfs head is already in there.’ He’s got AirPods in!!! We cant save him :( -Helen
- Are you the Torys?? -Lydia
- Don’t kink shame the tunnel (i didnt note down who said this one :( )
- Hamid is a independent women! -Bryn
(I note these down by voice actor not character i dont know why i did that but I did BUT it’s fun to guess if it’s in character or not :D )
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areyouokaypanda · 3 years
hey so I found your blog and I absolutely love your art specifically the grizzop(?) goblin dude so so much and I thought he was an OC at first but apparently he’s from some fandom but I can’t interpret your tags so where the hell is he from where can I get more content about the precious idiot please I love him and want into the fandom now, let me in, leT ME INNNNN /pos
... You have no idea how long I sat reading this and doing happy wiggles at the idea of Grizzop being my OC. XD
But yes! That goblin is Grizzop drik acht Amsterdam and he's from Rusty Quill Gaming! It's an actual play podcast that's been running a Pathfinder campaign since 2015. There are over 200 episodes now, but each is only about an hour long, so if you're looking to dive in it's not too intimidating. I'm pretty sure you can find it just about anywhere that hosts podcasts, but the official site is here.
Gotta warn you, though, you probably found my blog because the finale to this six-year-long campaign is airing... about eight hours from the time I'm answering this, and we're all collectively losing our minds in anticipation. If you wanna get into things and you're worried about spoilers I'd tread carefully around here. XD Also if you're in it for the Zop, he doesn't get introduced until episode 66 (yes, I know that off the top of my head because I have a problem), but I promise the rest of the show is just as amazing and absolutely worth listening to!
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bondsmagii · 3 years
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the magnus archives is a podcast distributed by rusty quill dot com and licensed under a Creative Commons attribution non commercial four po
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zalia · 5 years
The Tundra Project
Thank you so so much for the amazing response! I’m so happy that so many people are interested in sending Alasdair Stuart some love for his role as Peter Lukas in The Magnus Archives. As a reminder, you can find the original post here
So here are guidelines and instructions for how this will be handled and what to send! Please make sure to read all of the post as it should clarify details. If you have any other questions, message me and i will try to clarify!
Vital Details
Closing date: January 27th (this gives me time to load everything on the memory stick and pack up any physical items!
Where should I send items: tmatundraproject [@] gmail.com
What to send: Nice messages thanking Alasdair for his work! Fanfic! Fanart! Cool fanmixes! A photo of that cool boat you saw that reminded you of the Tundra! Please send fics in .doc format for ease of opening.
Information to include: Your name and social media handle if you *wish*. I am not opposed to adding anonymous submissions if you prefer.
Is there a rating limit?
Yes! While I love all ratings of fic and art, please keep them around the same rating as The Magnus Archives series itself - around PG-13. While a brief kiss is fine, anything more than that is not something I’m comfortable passing on.
Can we send any content? Are ships okay?
Yes, within reason. Content should focus on Peter Lukas. As I mentioned above, please keep content canon-appropriate. I am happy to pass on a shippy LonelyEyes fic with canon-typical ominousness. I’m not comfortable passing on anything with, say, sexual violence and really abusive relationships. CANON-TYPICAL is the guideline here.
I'm going to stress that I don’t have a problem with works like that in fandom! Go wild! I just don’t want to hand works like that over to one of the actors.
Does the art/fic have to be new?
Nope! If you have something already drawn or written or made up, send it along! That is great!
Can I send physical items?
I am still working out the logistics for this. For obvious reasons, I’m not comfortable just posting my home postal address, or giving it out to random people I do not know, even though the majority of people I’m sure are delightful.
1. If you are attending (or know someone who is attending) the Magnus Archives live show on November 30th, the Rusty Quill Livestream on December 7th, or the Mechanisms concert on January 18th, you can give them to me there.
2. If none of that works, get in touch and let me know. I *may* be able to set up a PO Box to accept deliveries, but it’s a bit pricey so I want to figure out if there is a large demand for it first.
Even if I end up not being able to accept physical items, you should absolutely send photos of the cool stuff you’ve made so I can include that!
When will this be given to him?
All being well, February 1st
Is this an official Rusty Quill thing?
Nope! I am just a fan. Alasdair is basically the nicest person in the world and has really loved playing Peter Lukas and I just think it would be cool to show our appreciation!
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